
Olympics at Adelaide River?

Douglas Daly Students showing great sportsmanship and talent

Junction Journal — August, 2016 2

© COPYRIGHT 2016 Articles and photographs that are the property of the ‘Junction Journal’

may be reproduced, provided the ‘Junction Journal’ and sources are acknowledged.

The year is now just flying as it usually does

this time of the year. School is back and the

school children have spent a busy couple of

days away at the sports/cultural carnival in

Adelaide River. A full report in next month’s


The population of Douglas Daly has increased

by one with the birth of Samuel. Congratula-

tions to Rachel and Rooster.

There is SO much happening over the next

few weeks that require people to rsvp. Why do

we have to rsvp? Firstly it is a sign of respect

if someone has asked for it and secondly it is

usually needing to know how many are turning

up for catering purposes. This is extremely

important when it comes to the annual cricket

match. This is a catered event and the com-

munity could be charged more if the numbers

are not there. Also remember you can prepay

and save yourself some dollars.

September 3, 4, 5 &

6th all have important

events happening.

Cricket first, then

Fathers Day followed

by a free financial

seminar and concluding with the nbn road-

show. Remember, please rsvp for these

events. Maybe not Father’s Day — just take

Dad fishing or cook him a nice breakfast!!!!

TDDCDA Cricket Sept 3rd—please rsvp…. 3

nbn Roadshow Sept 6th………………………………… 4

Samuel Kompenhans Birth Notice……………….. 5

Free Succession Planning seminar Sept 5th 6

Douglas Daly Playgroup Roundup & Raffle…. 8

NT Election information………………………………. 9

Barramundi secrets uncovered ………………….. 10

Pine Creek Police visit—24 Aug…………………… 12

Douglas Daly Farm Social Club news………….. 12

Live Export Prices Jump Up Again……………. 13

What can a blog do for me & my business… 16

Footy Tipping Results…………………………………… 18

Meaning of the Olympic Flag………………………. 18

Community Notice Board……………………………… 19

Douglas Daly Weather………………………………….. 20

TDDCDA Cleaning Roster……………………………… 21

August is Seniors Month ……………………………… 21

The Junction Journal is a

monthly not for profit

publication servicing the

residents of the Douglas

Daly Community.

It is produced solely on a

100% volunteer basis

with the first edition being circulated

May 20th 1992.


Editor & Publisher

Sue Shotton

PMB 105, Winnellie, NT 0822

Ph: 08 8978 2705

E: [email protected]




On the Cover Douglas

Daly Students

competing on Day 1 of

the Adelaide Sports



Junction Journal — August, 2016 3

The Douglas Daly Cricket Challenge countdown is on…………

Have you registered to attend this event? Well there are a few reasons to rsvp that are really important.

1. Entry Fee if prepaid is at a discounted rate. Contact Suzanne on [email protected] or Treasurer, Peter, on [email protected] to get the bank details so you can prepay. Remember TDDCDA have a new bank account.

2. Catering numbers are important as TDDCDA have employed the services of a caterer for this event and will have to pay for a minimum number attending if some indication of attendance is not forthcoming. It would be awful if funds had to be paid for a service not given just because people do not rsvp. SO RSVP now.

3. Sponsors who have entry as part of their sponsorship could you also let Suzanne know who is coming and how many.

4. If you would like your child to participate in the coaching clinic with the celebrity cricket guest please rsvp to Suzanne so she has an idea of numbers.

5. If you would like to play cricket you also need to rsvp to Suzanne so your name could be put on a list. Remember the teams will more than likely be already selected before the day so just don’t rock up on the day and expect to play.

So the final message here is RSVP now, prepay entry to receive the discount and don’t forget to bring cash for the bar and auction afterwards. It WILL be another great day and the Junction Journal will see you all there.

Junction Journal — August, 2016 4

Ground Patrol shows off SkyMuster™ Nbn’s broadband vehicle — a touring wifi hotspot—is on it’s way

A highly sophisticated purpose-built truck will be touring the NT in the week beginning Sep 5 to demonstrate the full capabilities of nbn’s Sky Muster satellite and fixed wireless services. Road Muster is a converted 4WD drive vehicle that features a carbon-fibre satellite dish capable of find-ing and transmitting broadband from a Sky Muster signal anywhere in Australia. It is equipped with two large touch-screen television/computers, carries its own power source and is designed to reach the most remotes parts of the country in the most rugged terrain. “If they can’t come to us – we’ll go to them,” said Jill Bottrall, nbn State Corporate Affairs manager for SA & NT. “Now that the Sky Muster satellite is switched on and is taking orders, the best way we can demonstrate its speed and effectiveness as a fast, reliable broadband service is to bring it to the people. The truck itself is a wifi hotspot for up to 60 devices, so if people want to bring their laptops or tablets they can join in the fun.” Ms Bottrall says there are thousands of people living in regional and remote areas that have either very bad or no internet services at all. “Sky Muster is about to bridge the digital divide and transform the lives and business practices of remote Australians, so the Road Muster truck is an important tool that allows us to show exactly what online experience people can get from a satellite connection.” Ms Bottrall says nbn is well aware that while only 3% of all premises in Australia will have a Sky Muster connection, that nonetheless represents more than 11,000 homes and businesses in the NT. “We under-stand that everyone needs fast, reliable telecommunications to stay ahead of the game and compete at the national and international level – and especially so in regional and remote areas. Whether people work remotely in education, health, tourism, agriculture, transport or fisheries, the introduction of fast reliable phone and internet services is going to have a transformative impact to the way they do business. The Sky Muster is the most sophisticated and fastest broadband satellite in the world – and will provide greater speeds and data allowances than any other satellite in orbit. Road Muster is capable of setting up in the middle of nowhere and live-streaming television or skyping someone from across the world while checking emails and uploading photos to the cloud, simultaneously. A second satellite, Sky Muster II, is due to launch on October 4 this year.

Junction Journal — August, 2016 5


Rachel and Rooster

On the safe arrival of

Samuel Edward Kompenhans

Born: 7th August 2016

At 2.51 am

Weight: 3.455 kg

Length: 51 cm

Sorry Rooster — not quite a legal size but you can keep

him anyway…

Junction Journal — August, 2016 6

Junction Journal — August, 2016 7

Junction Journal — August, 2016 8

Playgroup News On Sunday the 7th of August, playgroup had its second ever Ladies Day Fundraiser. We had 15 stalls set up around the perimeter of the Community Hall (mostly from Darwin), and the ladies of the district shopped and got pampered.

Three of the 15 stalls were local ladies so it was wonderful seeing locals supporting each other.

Although it was a smaller crowd than last year, it was no less fun. It was a lovely day, thank you so much to those that came along and showed your support.

Playgroup are still selling raffle tickets, just $2 each, and you can purchase your ticket from the Tourist Park or from any of the Playgroup Mums. Raffle will be drawn on the 1st of November 2016, and the prize is a basket full of Ladies Day donations from all the stalls.

Playgroup Meetings are held weekly on Thursdays from 9am-11am at the Community Hall, any new members are welcome to come along.

Junction Journal — August, 2016 9

Elections Again — This time the NT election

Unlike the Federal Election it appears that there will be no mobile polling booth within the

Douglas Daly next week before the NT Election on Saturday, 27th August. The Douglas

Daly falls within the Daly Electorate and there are currently 8 candidates; Anthony Venes

(Australian Labor Party), Joan Growden (1 Territory Party), Ian Barry (Citizens Electoral

Council), Gary Higgins (Country Liberals) and Independents—Kevin Wanganeen, Thong Sun

Lee, Regina McCarthy and Allan McKay.

Early voting can be done now in Darwin, Casuarina, Coolalinga (Bendigo Bank),

Palmerston and Katherine.

Nearest mobile polling booth will be at :

Adelaide River School 22/8 from 9.45 to 12.45

Pine Creek 23/8 from 8.15—12.15

Or you can quickly apply for a postal vote if you are not already enrolled on the postal

voting list.

Go to to fill

in the online form.

Junction Journal — August, 2016 10

Researchers uncover the secrets of barramundi in Kakadu National Park

Courtney Fowler, NT Country Hour, 19 August, 2016

Top End anglers have long been attracted to Kakadu National Park, its waterways popular for the abundance of thriving barramundi populations.

But what is sustaining the large numbers of these fish and how can science help us unlock the secrets behind Territorians' favourite catch?

Researcher David Crook has spent the past three years trying to understand the habits of barramundi and other large bodied species.

"What we're looking at is to see if they go out to the floodplains in the wet season and use that energy that's created on those flood plains and bring that back to the river channel," he said.

"The idea being that might then drive things like commercial and recreational fisheries that makes it pro-ductive and a good place to catch lots of fish."

Tracking fish movements

The study, being conducted by Charles Darwin University since October 2013, has placed radio tracking devices on barramundi, catfish and mullet in the South Alligator River system.

"We used two different methods, we use one that's active radio telemetry where we implant the tags inside the fish and then we can track them actively and find their location down to about a metre," he said.

"The other type of technology we're using is passive acoustic technology, that's where you set up these logging system along the river system and if a fish swims within 300 m of the logger, it will detect the tags identity and log the time and date.

"For this project we radio tracked 45 barramundi, 25 catfish and 25 mullet and we also did the same with the acoustic telemetry, so it was well over 100 fish that we were tracking."

Tagging the fish

Professor Crook said the fish were caught and tagged using an electrofishing boat, which shocks the fish with an anode before the fish are netted up, tagged and immediately released.

"We catch the fish with an electo fishing boat and then we put the fish in an anaesthetic bath, putting it on a table and surgically implanting the transmitter," he said. "I've done over 700 of these now so we can get them in really good condition and get the fish back in the water. We have really good success rates of survival."

Surprising results

As the study comes to an end, Professor Crook said he was surprised by just how far the transmitters were tracking the fish through the waterways.

Professors David Crook & Tim Berra

(Courtney Fowler)

Junction Journal — August, 2016 11

"We've had some fish moved more than 100km downstream from Yellow Water all the way to the estuary mouth; we've even had one of the mullet leaving the estuary.

"So they are moving big distances but what was really surprising was that during the wet season they move very quickly out onto the flood plain, it was a big job trying to track them.

Homing instincts

Professor Crook said the most surprising finding of the study was that some barramundi had very strong homing responses, returning downstream to where they were tagged in the dry season.

"We had one fish that moved 80km downstream within three or four days and then over the next couple of weeks it turned around and came all the way back to Yellow Water," he said.

"So that sort of homing idea that they leave their home range in the wet season and then as the water recedes coming back to the same location was really interesting.

"They clearly understand where they are in the landscape and definitely have the capability of coming all the way back to not only to the same general area but the same water hole. "

Unusual spawning patterns

Professor Crook said the data they collected also showed for the first time that Barramundi were capable of turning into females without first spawning as males.

"Barramundi spawn in saltwater, and they go from male to female as they get older," he said.

"Their standard life history model is that they'll migrate into fresh water up in these flood plain areas and grow for three to four years then they'll turn into males and migrate down to the estuary to spawn and maybe after one or two years turn into a female.

"What we've found recently is some of the fish are skipping the whole spawning as a male aspect of their life history and are staying in fresh water for up to 10 or 11 years and turning into females without having spawned as males.

"Then eventually when they do migrate downstream to the salt water, they're going to be a metre plus fish, they're going to have possibly 20 million eggs or more and when they do spawn they're really going to contribute in a big way."

Benefits to commercial and recreational fisheries

Professor Crook said the more his research uncovered about barramundi and other large-bodied species, the better position commercial and recreational fisheries would be to manage the populations in Kakadu.

"We think there's a lot of variability in the population in how they're behaving and we think that their environment affects that," he said.

"If you keep a healthy floodplain and keep all the connections between the channel and the floodplain going in a more natural way, then that's going to have benefits for things like commercial and recreational fishers because you're going to have really productive systems that are capable of supporting really big populations.

"If we know those sorts of things, it allows us to predict what sort of management responses would be appropriate."

Junction Journal — August, 2016 12

Pine Creek Police

Are hoping to visit the Douglas Daly for regos and any other

police business on


24th August

Ring them to confirm

The Douglas Daly Farm Social Club wishes to advise its customers

that they now have an EFTPOS machine


Junction Journal — August, 2016 13

Kimberley cattle producers cash in as live export prices jump again

ABC Rural, Matt Bran, 19 August 2016

The price for live export cattle to Indonesia has jumped again, with feeder steers shipped from Darwin now fetching up to $3.60 a kilogram. Prices are also improving across the border in Western Australia, with some Kimberley pastoralists cashing in this week, via a shipment that left Wyndham Port with almost 3,000 head on board. The Devon Express was filled with quality cattle sourced from around the East Kimberley region, including stock from Carlton Hill, Flora Valley and Legune Station. Steve Forrest from the Wyndham Port said it was good to see local cattle setting sail, in what has been a pretty quiet year for live exports out of Wyndham. "We've had a few disappointing years and we've had just seven cattle ships so far this calendar year," he said. "So that's about 20,000 head [exported from Wyndham in 2016] and we'd prefer to be about double that." Mr Forrest said there were no cattle ships currently on the board for Wyndham Port, but hopefully that would change, with reasonable numbers of cattle still in the region and prices continuing to climb. The live export price started the year hitting a record high of $3.90/kg (ex-Darwin), before slipping back and spending a few months around the $3.30 a kilogram mark.

With the price now rising again, margins for exporters and importers will be tested.

Kimberley Cattle in Yards (Matt Brann)

Junction Journal — August, 2016 14

Another wait for Indonesian import permits

The live cattle industry is once again waiting to find out how many import permits will be issued by Indonesia for the upcoming third trimester (T3). With less than two weeks before the start of T3, the industry has received no indication on when or how many permits will be issued. Indonesia has so far issued 450,000 permits for Australian cattle in 2016, with 200,000 issued for trimester 1 and 250,000 issued for the current second trimester.

It is expected Indonesia will issue around 150,000 permits for T3, but as one contact told ABC Rural "don't bet on it".

Exporters have told ABC Rural the supply of cattle in northern Australia is tightening quickly, hence the climb in price, and sourcing enough stock to fill 150,000 permits would be chal-lenging.

Given delays to obtaining permits in both the previous trimesters this year, exporters are not expecting confirmation on T3 permits until at least the end of the first week of September. Visit NT Country Hour for more stories.

Junction Journal — August, 2016 15

Junction Journal — August, 2016 16

What is a Blog?

How can it benefit my business, community organisation or me?

Blogging is another social media tool that a business or community organisation can use in order to

generate awareness of whatever they are trying to promote. Other social media tools, like facebook,

require constant entries to engage your followers, whereas, a blog can be as often as you want or might

only happen in the lead up to an event. There is no requirement to be continually updating a blog.

When coupled with a social media outlet such as facebook it can generate a viral effect. For example,

RNT Business Solutions has created a blog for use within the Douglas Daly and it can be found at This was created the afternoon of the recent Ladies Day Out.

Once the blog was created it was posted on both the Douglas-Daly, NT and Junction Journal facebook

pages which have a combined following of less than 200. Within 2 hours of the blog going live it had had

over 1000 visits. That an increase of exposure by 500%. The power of the blog.

So why would I want a blog?

Many people utilise blogs and it is not just a business tool but it is also a tool to express yourself and share

your passions and network with like minded people. The following link explains why people blog and the

benefits and I will summaries just some of the points here.

dekmezian/why-do-people-blog-the-be_b_8178624.html (Gary Dekmeszian 23/9/2015)

Share your passions and your knowledge

Whatever your passion is, blogging gives you the opportunity to connect and network with like-

minded individuals who share the same passion. This is a great way to network with other photog-

raphers, quilters, horticulturalist, farmers, business and the list is endless.

You can educate others on issues that you have knowledge in and as the blog builds and your

resources build on your blog you may have developed an educational product or service that may

start to produce an income.

Build your professional network

Blogging is community-based and networking is one reason people engage in it as it does have a

communication tool attached for reviews and comments. Whether you blog for you as an individual

or to market your business, building relationships will help your blog grow.

Earn more exposure

Businesses and individuals create blogs in the first instance to expand their online presence,

connect with potential customers, promote their product or knowledge in a positive conversation,

and even generate online revenue.

Market your business

Gaining online visibility is one of the best ways to grow subscribers and ultimately revenue. Unfortu-

nately this can’t be achieved through a website alone as a website is usually static and customers

only visit if looking for a particular item. Very rarely it generates new clients, unless the website is

continually evolving creating an interactive look.

The effective way to grow your website’s online presence is by creating blogs that are helpful and/

Junction Journal — August, 2016 17

or entertaining and that the information supplied is accurate.

Become an authority in your industry

Your knowledge and expertise can be showcased and if posts are published in a timely, relevant and

informative manner with accuracy then this may get the attention of industry insiders and earn you

recognition as an authoritive source. The classic example of this is the BIRRR blog which has helped

many rural and remote people with communication issues.

Build an online portfolio

Blogging is a great way for authors and freelance writers to build-up an online portfolio. It is also a

great place for photographers and graphic designers to promote their work and the list is endless.

If you have a talent and you don’t have a portfolio then having an online presence is a fantastic way

to create a much needed portfolio.

Ok so a blog is great but how do I create one?

There are many ways that a blog can be created. If you already have a commercial website then this can

be incorporated into your website so the blog appears within your website. This will help if it is an

interactive blog and people can “follow” and comment.

Another way is to create your own. One website, that I use and have found user friendly, is https:// You can also create a website here. Best part is the lowest plans on this website are

free and there is plenty of plug-ins and features you can use at no cost to you or your business. Plenty of

theme designs to pick from also. If you are interested in creating a blog but would like someone else to

design it then email RNT Business Solutions for a quote.

Having a website and blog is not going to generate online exposure if it isn’t combined with other social

media forms such as facebook and twitter. You need to get the information out that a new blog has been

posted. If people haven’t hit on the “follow” button on the blog then no-one will know what is new. But

if you post the blog link to a facebook page or twitter then your online exposure is increased.

Remember unless you have a private blog that is only accessed by invite only and viewers have to log

on then everything you place on a blog is

PUBLIC for the world to see. This is why

you are doing it to get exposure for you,

your community project or your business.

Junction Journal — August, 2016 18

Douglas Daly Footy Tipping

Overall Leaders 19 July

Reedy 347

Lucia Philip 345

Craig Watts 344

Nelson Nunn 334

Daniel Reed 331

Mary-Jane Nunn 327

Murray Johnson 325

Alix Reed 308

Kevin Philip 305

Ben Thomson 234

Annabelle Thomson 218

Beth McGrath 217

Nigel McGrath 205

AFL Round 22 + 1 game

Lucia 131

Craig Watts 129

Nelson Nunn 128

Daniel Reed 126

Sean Reed 126

Alix Reed 124

Mary-Jane Nunn 120

Murray Johnson 118

Kevin 112

Ben Thomson 83

Annabelle 78

NRL Round 24 + 2 games

Reedy 122

Beth McGrath 118

Daniel Reed 118

Nigel McGrath 114

Craig 113

Murray Johnson 112

Mary-Jane 112

Lucia 110

Alix Reed 109

Kevin 106

Nelson 106

Ben Thomson 87

Annabelle 80

Super Rugby

Lucia 104

Craig 102

Nelson 100

Reedy 99

Beth McGrath 99

Murray Johnson 95

Mary-Jane 95

Nigel McGrath 91

Daniel Reed 87

Kevin 87

Alix Reed 75

Ben Thomson 64

Annabelle 60

The five interlocking rings (blue, yellow, black, green, and red respectively) of the emblem was originally designed in 1913 by Pierre de Coubertin. He did this to symbolize the five continents of the world taking part in the Olympic Games. The Americas are viewed as a single continent, and Antarctica is excluded. According to Coubertin, the ring colors with the white back-ground also stand for those colors that appeared on all the national flags that competed in the Olympic games at that time. “The Olympic flag has a white back-ground, with five interlaced rings in the center: blue, yellow, black, green and red. This design is symbolic, it represents the five inhabited continents of the world, united by Olympism, while the six colors (including white) are those that appear on all the national flags of the world at the present time.” said Pierre de Couber-tin.

Written in 2014 for the Winter Olympics by Thomas D (Grade6/7)

Junction Journal — August, 2016 19

Community Notice Board

Aug 24 — Police Visit

Aug 26 — Farmer of the Year

nominations close

Aug 26 — NT Farmers—

Katherine Members Brief-

ing and bbq event

Aug 27 — NT Election day

Sept 3 — TDDCDA Annual

Cricket Match

Sept 4 — Father’s Day

Sept 5 — Free Succession

Planning Seminar

Sept 6 — nbn Roadshow

Sept 12 — NT Natural


Management Award

Nomination closes



If you would like anything posted on

this community notice board, please

email details to the

Junction Journal


[email protected]

Adelaide River Health Clinic

9am to 12 am & 1pm to 4pm Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri

9am to 12 am — Wednesday only

Doctor Days

Tuesday and Thursday all day by appointment

After Hours — emergency only

89 767 027

Note: Dr Fonda is on extended leave for the rest of the year


Justice of the Peace



Email:[email protected]

In a Medical Emergency you must ring the District Medical Officer at Royal Darwin

Hospital on 8922 8888 and state clearly that it is a


DD Community Hall Events

Sept 3 — TDDCDA Cricket

Sept 5 — Succession Planning

Sept 6 — nbn Roadshow

Every Thursday — Playgroup

Junction Journal — August, 2016 20

Douglas Daly Weather Report

It certainly feels like the dry has gone and the build up wants to sneak in. The minimum range

this month has been 5.3—18.7 with the maximums ranging between 27.8—36.1 being consist-

ently more in the 35-36 range. A sprinkle of rain on the 19th which didn’t actually register here.

July August (up to 21st)

Max Temp: 35.7 o C (22nd) Max Temp: 36.1

o C (20th)

Min Temp: 7.0 o C (18th) Min Temp: 5.3

o C (6th)

Mean Temp Range: 13.5—32.3 o C Mean Temp Range: 13.1—33.7

o C

Max Wind Run: 50 km/hr ESE (22nd) Max Wind Run: 57 km/hr ENE (12th)

Rainfall: 2.8 mm Rainfall: Trace

Mean Rainfall: 2.5 mm Mean Rainfall: 1.3 mm

Lowest Rainfall: Nil Lowest Rainfall: nil

Highest Rainfall: 47.7 mm (1969) Highest Rainfall: 21.4 mm (2007)

Highest Daily Rain: 2.8 mm (13th) Highest Daily Rain: Trace (19th)

Highest recorded daily rain: Highest recorded daily rain:

41.8 mm (26/07/1986) 13.4 mm (18/08/2007)

Raindays: 1 Raindays: 1

Rainfall for season 16/17: 2.8 mm Rainfall for season 15/16: 1291.4 mm

Rainfall for 2016 calendar year: 407.2 mm

Rainfall for 2015 calendar year: 1459.8 mm

Rainfall for 2014 calendar year: 1374.4 mm

Mean rainfall per calendar year: 1248.0 mm

Highest rainfall per calendar year: 1939 mm (2011) (manual recording)

Lowest rainfall per calendar year: 640.5 mm (1970)
































2013-2016 Rainfall--Douglas River





Junction Journal — August, 2016 21

EcoEnergy …………………. 5

Outback Batteries…………. 9

Tyrepower…………….…….. 12

Freedom Motors…………... 14

GRC Plantation Services… 15

RNT Business Solutions …. 17

Medical Emergency……….. 19

Advertiser’s Index

Cleaning Roster

August — Mike & Margot Black, Dan Walker,

Phil & Annette Howie

September — Chris & Amanda Howie, Kevin & Lucia

Philip, Justin Pitt & Laurita Dennien


Clean toilets/showers

Clean kitchen & Bar area & fridges

Sweep or hose concrete area / Wipe tables and chairs

Mow lawns around hall and also bushfires compound

Check generator – fuel, oil, water

Clean tennis courts – check all equipment is stored away,

sweep surface

Lock all door including toilets, tennis courts, generator

shed and front gate.

If you are unable to commit to your rostered month,

please swap with someone and advise the committee

secretary Laurita at [email protected] as soon as


August is Seniors Month

Are you 60 or over?

Do you have a NT Seniors Card?

If not NOW is the time to apply for it.

It is free and you only have to apply for it once.

The criteria is that you are a permanent NT resident and 60 years or older.

A seniors card provides access to savings on a range of goods and services at participating

business AND you can get a $50 annual concession on your private vehicle registration.

Visit to apply for a card.

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