
1. an AI approach toweb gaming in the cloud Vittorio Amos Ziparo @OWF 2011 2. Cloud-TM co-financed by the European Commission through the contract no. 257784. 3. Web Games Gameforge > 300M reg users! Zynga has 50% of facebook users! Flash Games Browser Games 5. Outlook

    • an AI design pattern 6. scaling in the Cloud

7. an AIdesign pattern 8. MAS: an AI patternEnvironment Agent Action Percept more agents 9.

    • Benefits of a cmd pattern
    • Guarantees on correctness 10. Easy to plug in AI and MAS code

Why MAS? 11. MadMass open source ruby lib (server) js lib ( client) 12. scaling inthe Cloud 13. The price of scaling 15. A DSTM data layer Distributed Software Transactional Memory ... imagine a memory that elastically scales , that transparently persists data,and that deals for you with concurrency issues 16. A Red Hat Backbone 17. Autonomic Self-Optimization 18. Want to know more? 19. Thanks!

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