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Oliver Afabuike:

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The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of

this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that

the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing of the internet.

Websites and references mentioned in this guide are all valid as at the time of producing

this report. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are


This product is for informational purposes only and while all attempts have been made to

verify information provided in this publication, the publisher and its affiliates assumes no

responsibility for any errors, omissions, liabilities, damages, real or perceived, resulting from

the use of this information, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial

advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal,

business, accounting and finance fields.

None of the strategies in this report will work unless an action is been taking by you.

Knowledge means nothing without action. Reading these pages alone will bear the same

fruit that not reading it at all will bear, if you take no action.

Do not pass this page if you don't agree and accept all these said above.

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3 Basic Components Of Making Money Online………………………..12

Payment Account “Quick Setup”………………………………………...13

How To “Pick Hot Products” For Fast Cash……………………………15

How To “Cash In”….……………………………………………………...26

Finding And Identifying Good Publishers………………………………29

My Second Secret ATM (Automated Transaction Machine)….……...35

Your Simple Action Plan To Be Successful Online…………………...44


Congratulations, am glad you are among the beneficial of this great success secret

revelation. Folks, you may share this report with your friends/list but you do not have right to

edit it in any way.

72Hours Cash Machine is geared to help all online entrepreneurs, Internet Marketers,

Network Marketers, business opportunity folks, etc, even those who are still new on “online

money making”, to be making lots of cash on demand, from doing even what they love, at

the comfortable place of their home or place of their choices.

If you can only adhere to what I will be telling you here and do as I showed you step-by-

step, you will have no problem making lots of cash on internet.

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But Before I showed you my simple machine that am using to be making lots of money

online, let me take few seconds to tell you who I am, because I believe that there are some

who do not know me.

My name is Oliver Afabuike. I have been on online marketing space for a couple of years

now. I have made a lot of money online and still doing it today, but I will never forget that,

like others, I have a starting point too.

Before I got started on this online space back in 2009, I was doing Phone Repairing

(specifically Unlocking and Flashing of Phones), and I tried to become one of the best in

that field then, which I became, but I could not get near to my financial goal at that time. It

frustrate me for been unable to make my dream comes through.

At a time then, my work of Repairing Phones was not moving and life became miserable to


There was a time I do not have $5 in my name to pay for transport fee to send my mother a

bag of Rice I Received from our “friends social club” (at that time, am a member of one

friends social club like that and we do share bags of rice during our annual end year party).

I received my own bag of rice, but the money to pay for “t-fee” to send it to the first woman

in my life (my mother) was not there.

The world seems not been in existed to me then. And I begin to ask myself, Oliver,will you

live the rest of your life like this? The answer I gave to myself was “CAPITAL NO”! But

how to get out from that frustrated life seems to me like a great mountain that cannot be


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Then I saw these people that are making it big online and living their life styles, driving

costliest cars and living in multi-million mansions, and I wanted to get to that level and live

my own life style.

But all my effort at that initial time seems aborted because I did not know anything about

online marketing (i.e how to make money online).

I had to borrow $5,000 to start and because I do not know anything when it comes to how to

make money online then, I spend all the money without making a dime in profit. Then life

seems harder for me, no profit made and no way to pay back the money I borrowed from

my friend.

But one thing is certain then, I have made up my mind that am not going back, that I must

pursue my dream. Then I decided that I will make it or I will die trying. I stepped into the

online marketing with my two feet, and by then and then only, that my breakthrough came.

It all started when I found myself a mentor, a guy that was making about $100,000 monthly

online at that time and he said to me, Oliver, “making money online is not as hard as it

seems to be, that I should only focus on few things that matters and master them”.

I listen to this guy because he actually doing what he is preaching, and when I pay close

attention to him and start learning and practicing what he has been teaching me, my life

changed and I started making money online like the pros and living the life style of my


Am not here to brag or being prideful, but these pictures below are the screenshots of few

(among many success results) that “Mastering and Implementing” this, which am about

to show you was able to deliver and still delivering!

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Daily Earnings!

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Weekly Earnings

As I said, these success screenshots shown above are just few among many. I wouldn’t

show you all because I don’t like showing up numbers, to avoid pride.

One thing I know for sure is that, “is good for the bank account”.

During my early time on online marketing, one phenomenal thing happened. When I got my

first financial breakthrough I looked back and found out that almost all these gurus that are

making noise all over internet that they are making big money online are liars.

These four screenshot statics of a recent survey below will prove to you that what am

saying is true!

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If you look at the first and second screenshots above you will find out that 92.69%

population of the online entrepreneurs are making less than $1,000 monthly, Wawoooo!!!

So all these so called gurus that are making noise on internet and selling you courses on

how to make money online are liars? Well answer yourself that after seeing the statics


And from the third and fourth screenshots you will see that the reason 98.79% of them are

not making it is because they do not know how to get quality traffic online and how to

convert the traffic into sales. 46.03% of the populations were not making it because the so

called gurus were overloading them with information that cannot help them to be making

money rather for them to be buying their other courses. You might be one of those that are

been loaded with “none relevant online money making half-baked informations”.

Well, they might have deceived you before (as they had done to even me while I was new

on “online money making field”), but…….

…….Not Any More!!!!!!!

That is why I stepped in and decided from my heart to de-mystify the basic machine of

making money online that they have mystified for you. Yea, they might have mystified it

because they always want to be making money from you with their half-baked informations

that they were selling to you.

Am going to show you what it takes me from making $0 to upto $50, 000 monthly online like

clockwork and you can model it too, but make sure you follow me step-by-step (especially if

you are still new on “online money making program”) and do what I showed you to do. You

may read this report about five times or more till you understand what it takes to be making

money online if you are still newbie, and more importantly, practice what you learn here.

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Am about to introduce you to this machine that am using to be making lots of money “on

demand, anytime I want” like magic. And I will show you everything for 100% free because,

my mission is to help you to be making money online and live the life style you deserve.

Though I paid a premium amount of money to my mentor to learn this, but I am giving it to

you 100% free here so that nothing will hold you from making lots of cash online.

Inshort, this machine is the;

Very simple system that am using to be making lots of money online!

It works in any Niche!

It delivers quick Results!

So if you have not been paying attention, starting from now, pay close attention, or I should

say, Do yourself a favor and do the next;

Turn off all distractions.

Lock the door if you have to.

Off your cell phone.

Off your email.

Off your Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, BBM etc.

And pay very close attention, and more importantly, “follow the steps Exactly”!

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Whether you believe it or not, there are only “3 Basic Components” to be making money

online so don’t let anyone confuse you on that.

3 Basic Components are;

Having the “Right Product/Offer”

Having the “Right Message”

Having the “Right people/buyers”

Believe it or not, that is it in a nutshell!

So don’t let anyone confuse you, for what it takes to be making money online is simple as,

“getting the right offer, to the right people, in a right way”, and when you do this, higher

percentage of those right people will buy and you make money, simple!

I know that what will be going on on your mind now is, “what if I do not have a product of my

own and I do not know how to create a product”?

Don’t worry; I got you covered, because you mustn’t need a product of your own, if you do

not have to. You can promote other people’s products as an “affiliate” and be making lots of

cash online, in fact, that is where almost everybody got started, and are still doing it today,

even the big name gurus.

So what I will be showing you now, step-by-step, is how you can find “hot products” to

promote as an affiliate, how you can get “right messages” for the products (if you do not

know how to write compelling messages), the manual way of “getting qualified traffics” to

the products/offers that you are promoting and also show you “My Secret ATM (automated

transaction machine)” which I personal use that eliminate all the hard work and time that

am wasting while finding the qualified traffics manually.

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So let’s go…..

Now first thing first is to have a product to promote (obviously, you can’t make any money

without a product to sell) and because many of us do not know how to create products, I will

go through the route that I know that have been working well, where everybody started and

still doing today which is “affiliate promotion”.

It simple mean, promoting other people’s products and make commission per sale you


Now there are many “Affiliate Networks” where we can go and pick hot products to promote,

but for this training, we are going to choose one of the best of them (at the time of writing

this report), which is => . Yea!, that is the link.

Clickbank have two side of it which are vendors and affiliates. Vendors are the product

creators (those that create products and showcased them on clickbank for the affiliates to

promote and made commissions), while affiliates are guys like me and you, who have no

products of their own but can promote products that vendors have created and showcased

on clickbank for a commission.

Now the reason I want us to use clickbank for picking up the products we will promote is

because of their outstanding customer services;

They have been around for many years now.

They have never missed a check to their affiliates.

As an affiliate, you can earn up to 75% commission on some products there.

They have tens of thousands of products to promote (huge selection).

Reliable Tracking and Payment system.

Global reach (you can promote your affiliate offers to any part of the world).

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Now to get yourself registered and obtain your own login details that you will be using to be

picking products to promote, and receiving your revenues with, you need to head to clicbank

home page here => and click on “CREATE ACCOUNT” link, fill

the forms and get yourself an account.

The only four things that I want to clear you on are; (1), your “nickname” should be unique

and can never be changed, so make sure you come up with a cool name you will like, (2),

the “payee name” is the name of the person (being you), or the name of the company you

will be receiving your check with (this can be changed at any time you want), (3), the “email

format” you want to be receiving email with is up to you, for me I choose “plain text”, (4),

though that clickbank allows you to be selling the affiliate offers that you pick from their

networks to the global populations, they restrict some countries from been their affiliates, in-

order word, some countries are restricted that they cannot promote their affiliate products.

But there are always ways for anybody from those restricted countries to be promoting their

affiliate offers and receiving his/her revenues peacefully. If you do not see your country

there why filling the registration form, know that your country were among the restricted

country, but don’t panic, I will show you how you can do it later, just read on and focus on

the strategy of the machine of how to be banking it big online as am laying down for you


Once you have got yourself registered and have gotten your account details, the next thing

we are going to do is picking hot products to promote……

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All I have to do is to give you for 100% free the exact steps that I follow while picking

products to promote. The reason am showing you this in step-by-step is because, in as

much as there are good converting products online, there are also many junk products that

cannot make you money online, and I don’t want you to fall a prey!

The first thing first, is to find “hot targeted Niche/market”. By the way, a lot of people

might be confused by the word Niche/Market/Category (as they are used to be called

sometimes), but folks, you don’t need to be. Those words are similar and you might have

been seeing it in the market places or in tutorials, it simple means the kind of business you

are into.

In offline world, if somebody is selling television, radio, generators etc, we can say s/he is

into “electronics business” likewise in online world if somebody is selling like anything

related to “weight loss” products, we say s/he is into “weight loss Niche” or “weight loss

Market” or “weight loss Category”, hope you’re clear now (if you are a newbie)?

And an apology for wasting your seconds if you have known what it means before, I just did

the little explanation for the newbies to join us. Hope am forgiven and you will not stone me?

Ok let’s continue….

So the first thing first as I said above is to find yourself “hot targeted Market”, in other

word, “find a group of people who are passionate about something and can spend

money on what they are passionate for”. You don’t need to be wasting your time with

Market that seems to be dull (not converting).

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Let me clear you more on what I mean with these two topics; “politics” and “football”.

In politics, many people are passionate about it, especially during elections, but the

masses are not spending money on the topic, is only those who are seeking for post and

their political parties are spending their money within themselves. So believe me, there is no

business for us there.

…But talking of football, many people are passionate about it too and a lot of people

(masses) spend their hard earned money on “betting” about which team will win. So if there

are networks or products that reveals how to be successful on “betting”, don’t you think we

can promote that and earn money easily.

Though am not into any of them but just used them to clear you on what I mean above.

Now the right question is, how can we “find a group of people who are passionate about

something and can spend money on what they are passionate for”, and the right answer

can be found by asking ourselves these right questions below;

1) What kind of stuffs is the market buying now?

2) What kind of stuff do other marketers spend money to advertise now?

Wawoo!, two powerful questions that seems hard to get the answer, believe me, is powerful

though but not hard to get their answers.

The only reason why I want to know the first question is because, I don’t want to be wasting

my time on a market that seems not to be converting, I want to be in a market that people

are buying because I don’t want to re-invent the wheel! And for the second question, if I

found its answer it means I have found the answer to the first question too, because if I

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could know what other marketers are spending money to promote at a particular time that is

the market that is selling at that time. My believe is that, if they are spending money

promoting that, it means is converting.

(Do not be afraid of competition because the method am about to show you in this

“72hours cash machine” will eliminate all the competition and earn you a lot of cash).

Now another big question is, how then can we find the answer to the two questions above?

Well, there are many ways to find the answer, for example, we can go to search engines

such as Google and search our main keyword and look at the “ad places” to see if there are

people advertising on such topics and if there are, then we check how many people were

doing that, and if they are many, it means that that market is converting and we should go

with it if we want to be in that market. This picture below shows proves that many people

are advertising on “make money online” Niche.

But the truth of the matter is that, when it comes to picking product from, I do

not use the above method to determine the “hot targeted market” because clickbank have

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“a mile long formula” that they use to determine the performance of their products and any

Niche that have a greater results of this formula in its products is where I stick with.

This formula is called “Gravity”. Gravity is the formula that calculates and gives results of

their products’ performance monthly (like, how many people are promoting it, the conversion

rate, the refund rate, etc in monthly recycle) and the higher the gravity the better the

product, but you must not go with the product that have highest gravity. Once is up to 100,

is good, and the reason is because there are other criteria I consider when it comes to

picking products to promote. I will still clear you more.

Any Niche/Category/Market that has good number of products with gravity of 100 and above

is a good Niche to go with.

Without wasting your time, let me show you how I do it practical with screenshots. After you

got yourself registered, click on “MARKETPLACE” link as shown below;

And it will get you to a place similar as shown below and you have to click on any

“category” you wish to pick products from, for your “market and product” research.

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Now let’s go to something like “E-BUSINESS & E-MARKETING” category (that is their

“making money online” Niche/Market/category). And by the way, the only reason why am

using these three words at once (i.e Niche/Market/category) is to help the newbie to

understand that they are similar words, so from now I will be using any one of them if there

is need, so be aware.

When we click on that link and it open, we have to sort their products via “gravity” as

shown below;

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When you clicked on a category, by default the “Sort result by” text box will have

Popularity and all you have to do is change it to gravity as shown above, that means you

have sort the products via gravity, so simple!

Then if at least the first three products in that Niche has gravity of 100 and above, it means

that the market is converting and if is a Niche that I resonate with, then I can now focus on

“product research” on that market because I have found that the market is good market.

Do not get confuse when am using terms like “market research” and “product research”.

“Market research” is simple researching for a good market to go with (i.e high converting

market) while “product research” is researching for good products to promote in that market.

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I have explained this with offline terminology on page 15 above, check it if you miss it.

With that explanation, if somebody is into “electronics”, then “electronics business” is his/her

market while “television, radio, generators etc” are the products he/she is selling.

So coming on online now, “E-BUSINESS & E-MARKETING” Niche (i.e making money

online type of market) is what we select because we found out that the market is converting.

We know this by sorting the products of the market via gravity and found out that its first

three products has gravity above 100, and our rule of term is that we have to go with any

niche which its first three products have a gravity of 100 and above and which we resonate


After finding a good niche to go with, what we have to do next is to identify a good product

to promote from the market. But before I showed you my criteria of choosing products, let

me show you one of the bad niches on this clickbank, (at the time of written this report), it is


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Now what I did is that I went back to the “categories” and clicked on POLITICS/CURRENT

EVENTS category (as shown on this first picture above) then I sort the products via gravity

and as you can see with me (on the second picture above), the product with the highest

gravity on that category has a gravity of “1.56” and pays out $1.80. Very poor!

Men!, whomever that is on this niche is wasting his/her time on internet and chances of

making money online is rare for him/her, period!

I showed you this just to make a point and help you make money online fast and not

wasting time on internet, grinding and trying to make it work. There is no need for you to

re-invent the wheel. Start with what is working and you will make money online fast and

always, and have a lasting business online!

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Now these are my criteria on choosing products to promote on clickbank;

Gravity has to be 100 and above.

Average $ per sale has to be at least $20 (the higher the better).

Is there residual commission? (If there is, is a plus).

Believe it or not, that is it! So the number one thing is to know the performance of the

product. Like; how many people are promoting it? Is the conversion rate high? Is the refund

rate low? And I will know all these by the number of its gravity.

One thing I want to remind you again is that I love competition, yes I do! If there is

competition on a product, that tells me that the product is converting, otherwise nobody will

be competing on a product that is not converting. And if a product has no competition, it tells

me that there is something wrong with the product, either that is not converting or the

product is still brand new and I will not use my hard earned money to promote a product that

I didn’t know whether It will convert or not.

Now once I have found out that competition is there and the product is converting what I will

do is to strategically position my promotion on that product that am promoting.

But before I pick a product, I will check also to know how much I will be earning per sale and

the higher this, the better. I can also check if there are good products that came with

“residual commission” where I will promote the products once and be earning money from

their other products without have to promote to that buyer over and over again.

Now once you have found any product to promote, what you have to do next is to get the

affiliate link that you will use to promote that offer and to do that, you have to click on the

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button written “PROMOTE” as shown below. For example, let’s choose the second product

as shown below (i.e Google Sniper).

When clicked on that link as shown above, it will take you to where you will enter your

clickbank “Account Nickname”. You remember the “Account Nickname” you used to register

for clickbank, put it there and click on button with “CREATE” written on it as shown below

to get your “product affiliate promotional link”.

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Once you click on “CREATE” button after filling only your “Account Nickname” (no need of

“Tracking ID”), you will see your “product affiliate promotional link” for that product as shown

below and that is what you have to promote to be earning commissions from that product.

The link marked in “Red” above is your “product affiliate promotional link” for that product,

copy it to notepad and keep it in a safe place, but if you ever lost it, simple go through the

steps of obtain your “product affiliate promotional link” by clicking on “PROMOTE” and



We got ourselves registered on clickbank and obtain our “Account Logins”.

We did “market” and “product” research and identify one of the best product.

We got “product affiliate promotional link” to promote the offer with.

Now what is left for us is to actually start promoting the offer with our “affiliate promotional

link” and if somebody buys through our link, we earn commission.

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And that is what I have to show you how to do properly step-by-step from now. Pay close

attention because this is the time to make our bank account to fill up so that we and our

families can be happy too.

Now is the time for us to show our “hot products” to the “laser targeted hungry buyers”.

Have it in mind that not everybody in the whole world might have a need of what we have at

that particular time. So there is no need of showing our product to everybody but only to the

group of people that needs it so that our conversion rate will be high.

More targeted our prospects are, more chances of making more sales and because our

product is the right product to the targeted audience there will be low or even no refund and

that means more money in our bank account.

There are many ways to send traffic to our “affiliate promotional link” e.g,


…But we are not going to use any of the above because;

They are very expensive and some takes very too long to begin to see results.

We want fast result without going broke.

…We are going to use “Email Marketing” and this is because;

We can start seeing results almost instantly.

It works every time.

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It works in every Niche.

Very simple and very easy to implement.

Direct email = Quick results

Works even if you do not have a list before.

Fastest way to build list of your own if you wants to.

In a second, am going to explain to you how that works, but hear me out, we are not going

to use any other type of email marketing that will waste our time, we are going to use

specifically a method called “solo ad buying”. You can call it O.P.L too. (i.e other people’s


That is that, we are going to tap into other people’s targeted list genuinely and get traffic our

way at very dead cheap price (at times with $30 to be in front of about 80,000 laser

targeted audience with your email alone ), and another cool part of it is, we can scale it up

if we want. And to do this, we are going to deploy “e-zine marketing” specifically “solo ad

buying” (more on that later, just read on).

Am a visual type, let me show you how it works in diagram and then I will explain it to you.

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In offline world, you remember how people subscribe to different magazines to be getting

information about their different topic of interest and have the magazines dropped in their

mail box when a new edition is out, in the same way there are a lot of publishers online that

publishes about different topic of interest and people subscribe on their websites to be

getting information about their different topic of interest, now not on their mail box but on

their e-mail box and whenever there is a new information about the topic they subscribed

for, the publisher sends email to them.

If you look at the image above, you will see how it all worked.

People subscribed on publisher’s websites to be getting information on their topic of interest

(it could be for example “weight loss publishers, etc” and people interested on “weight

loss, etc” subscribed to their “weight loss” website to be getting free information about how

to lose weight etc), and they will be getting free emails about the topic of their interest from

the publisher.

The publisher is doing this to be gaining their trust and bond with them. Now what we do is

to buy something called “solo ad” (by the way, “solo ad” is a standalone email

advertisement with your link alone). So we buy solo ad with them, in other word, we pay

them a little bit of money and have them send our email alone with our link on it to their

entire data base of their subscribers (sometime $30 to send our ad email to about a list of

80,000 subscribers).

And by deploying this, we are getting fast traffic almost instantly to our offer/landing pages

and we build our list and redirect those list to our offer and make our $$$ fast, and when we

make money, gaze what we do next, we buy more “solo ad” and make more money.

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So as I told you in the middle of page 26, we are not going to show our “hot targeted

offers” to everyone but to the “laser targeted audience” who are interested on whatever

we have to sell.

Don’t freak out about how to get laser targeted publishers who are publishing about the

topic of the product you are promoting, there are many of them. What am going to show you

now is how to get good ones who have already list and are publishing about whatever Niche

you are into and show you how you can genuinely tap into their list to get traffic your way.

Though this is not how am doing it now but I started with this method until when I

discovered the easiest way to do it and cut a lot of time that I have been wasting on finding

the e-zine publisher manually. Am showing this manual searching of e-zine publishers to

you to increase your understanding of how the whole thing works, and after then I will show

you my “secret automated transaction machine” that enabled me to eliminate all the

hard stress, and pump cash into my bank by working only four hours a week.

These are what we should do to find publishers manually;

Go to search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, etc).

Search based on our main “keyword” + newsletter or ezine.

Create a list of upto 30 to 40 publishers (using excel or any text document).

Contact them via email and ask them some questions that I will show you


Wait for 72hours for responses and any one that did not answer among the 30

to 40 publishers, cancel it.

Create a list of good publishers who answered, for your offer.

Buy ad with them and submit your ad (your email).

And get laser targeted traffic and make money ($$$) and be happy.

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So what I will do now is to show you how to do this manually first, step-by-step so that you

will not screw up.

Now let’s use Google, and if you look up you will see that the product we selected above is

a product on “how to make money online”, so what we will do is to go to Google and search

with “how to make money online + newsletter or ezine”.

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Looking at this image above you will find out that I went to Google and search based on this

keyword “how to make money online ezine” and got that result above. Then the next

thing I have to do is to open the organic results of the search and contact the e-zine

publishers of relevant publications to the offer I have. Let me open the first one so that we

may see little bit of it.

Even if I see how to send my ad on their pages as you have seen on this one above, I still

need to ask them the questions that I will show you soon, because I don’t know when

he/she updated his website last.

I will have to make a list of about 30 to 40 publishers from the organic search results shown

at the first page of any search engine I used to search (preferable Google). You can use

other related keywords in your niche to do more search because most search engines have

only 10 organic results per search at the first page.

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Using “make money online niche” as an example, I will use keywords like; “make money

online ezine”, “how to make money online ezine”, “business opportunity ezine”,

“online marketing ezine”, “home business ezine”, “internet marketing ezine”, etc,

hope you get the point, just use keywords related to your niche + ezine, and you will see

bunch of ezine publishers that are ready to sell you solo ad to your offer.

Now after you have created list of 30 to 40 publishers, you have to contact all of them via

email and ask them these questions below;

Do you run solo ads to your list?

How much will I pay you for a solo ad?

How will I pay you, (your payment details)?

When is your next available solo ad?

How can I submit my solo ad with you?

How many active subscribers do you have?

How often do you mail out to your subscribers?

What is your email open rate?

And that is that, very simple! My actual email that I will send them will look like this one

below, but you have to modify it to how you talk, don’t copy it word to word, please.



SUBJECT: Paying you...


Hey (publisher's name),

I came across your site (site URL), and I must say, I'm very impressed! I would guess you have a lot of active royal subscribers:-)

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My name is (your name) and I’m an online marketer.

Hey wanted to ask you....

Would it be possible to send an “email Solo ad” to your list of subscribers

on your site in exchange for some $$$?

Please I will like to know some certain things from you if you can do that...

-How much will I pay you for a solo ad?

-How will I pay you, (your payment details)?

-When is your next available solo ad?

-How can I submit my solo ad with you?

-How many active subscribers do you have?

-How often do you mail out to your subscribers?

-What is your email open rate?

...Will be expecting your reply soon and if it work out with us I will run one solo ad for a test,

if it turned out profitable, I will focus on you alone for solo ad...


(your name).


And that is it! Now what you will do is to wait about 72hours and any of the publishers that

did not reply and answer you, gaze what, you will delete the publisher from the list and will

not do business with them.

After those that answered you have answered, you will submit your solo ads (i.e your

advertisement email containing your “product affiliate promotional link” alone) with the ones

you resonate most and then with other ones and you will be having bunch of laser targeted

traffic of those who really have the need of what you have to offer, to your offer and a good

number of them will buy and you will be making your money fast.

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We got ourselves registered on clickbank and obtain our “Account Logins”.

We did “market” and “product” research and identify one of the best product.

We got “product affiliate promotional link” to promote the offer with.

We have known how to buy “solo ad” laser targeted traffic to our “product

affiliate promotional link” to start making $$$.

Now do one thing for me, “Congratulate yourself” because you have done a lot!

Believe me, with this manual method alone, you will be making lots of cash, but there is a

way that am doing it now which eliminates all the longtime of research for finding good

publishers, and men oh! Men!, this method have been pumping money into my bank

account with no stress, letting me working only 4 hours a week.

Imaging if you had this secret that am about to reveal to you now, I believe your life might

have changed since and you might have been living the life style you deserve.

But nothing spoils since you can still lay your hands on it even now and let your life change

for better. Yea I promised myself that I will give you that, that I will never hold anything back

for you especially something that will help your life for better because you are my royal

friend (though you do not know me but I knew you) and am here to help you out in any way I


So I have decided to show you my greatest secret when it comes to using this particular

type of marketing (solo ad) to be making money online and which has helped me a lot and

still doing today, eliminates all stress, letting me working only 4 hours a week and pumping

money to my bank account like crazy. The secret am talking about is right HERE below.

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Prepare to be blown away! Yea and that is the actual statement that I will use to qualify

what am about to show you now. This will be your time of Aha! Am not doing this from the

decision of my head but from the “decision of my heart” and believe me, if you can adhere

to my advice and follow this secret that am about to show you now, step-by-step, I have no

doubt that your life will change for better, soon. The secret is right here below;


Yea, that is exactly how I do it now by using my “secret ATM” and if you are interested and

want to be supper successful with this method of marketing, I recommend you to check it

out yourself by clicking on this their link here => and you can get

everything going.

You remember I told you that when I was using this “solo ad” method manually, I was

making money then, but I have to be working like crazy on researching for the publishers

that I will be buying solo ad from and most of the time I will spend my hard earned money

on publishers that are selling junks and none profitable solo ad.

Well, life changed for me when I accidentally discovered the guru’s way of doing it by

utilizing this “guru’s secret way of e-zine marketing” using the best directory ever existed

in this world when it comes to e-zines called directory of e-zines. Since then my income

increased times ten than what I use to earn before, while using the manual way.

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It saves you days of publishers research (it eliminate them 100%).

It gives you the best and most reliable publishers ever on the internet.

You get hundreds of e-zine publishers in “Any Niche” you can think of.

You get hundreds of “Highest Quality” e-zine instantly.

Saves you lots of money on solo ad buying (instant discount for been a member).

It saves you Tons of “headaches” and “frustration”.

My secret weapon to be working only 4hours/week or less and cashing in BIG.

Now what I will do is to show you the “back office” of directory of e-zines, what you will see

when you log in and show you how you will be using it to your greatest benefits.

Now as you can see above, I logged in to my back office of the directory of e-zines, and

from the menus we go straight to the one named “Ezine” and from there we go to any

Niche we are into and pick any publisher that we want to buy solo ad from (because of the

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space, I didn’t show all Niches available there but you can see that it has publishers in every

Niche ever, when you log in at your own back office).

After gone to “Ezine menu” and selected “Business Opportunity” I get to the page as

shown below.

(Please to obey the “terms of service” of the directory of e-zines, I will be covering some

certain things here, if you get your own d.o.e, you will see them in complete at your back

office and again for the sake of space, I will not be showing the pages in complete).

From the above image, I showed only three publishers that are among the best when it

comes to “Business Opportunity publication” in the entire world and who sales “solo ad” and

as you can see they have list of 353,000 / 130,000 and 74,000 respectively (you can see

more of them when you login into your d.o.e back office and go to menu named “E-zine”).

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Now I clicked on one of the publisher that has the lowest list on that category (Business

Opportunity) and below is the most four important information that I want to know before I

buy solo ad from anybody.

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If you look at the image above you will find out that this publisher has a list of 60,000 laser

targeted subscribers who need exactly the type of offer am selling, and he mails out two

times in a week (i.e tuesdays and fridays) which is good for us and his “solo ad” cost only

$50 on average, but for being a member of directory of e-zines, I will be paying only $37.5

(yea that is because of 25% discount that he gives me for being a member of doe) to have

only “my offer promotional email and link” send to his entire list of subscribers.

Try to get in front of 60,000 people with PPC and it will cost you a fortune, but you can get in

front of them here with a very dead cheap price of $37.5 only.

Now let’s assume that the email open rate of this publisher is 20% and his click through rate

is 20% and let’s assume that my landing pages converts at 10% and the product am

promoting is converting at 10% and as you can see above at “page 24” that with the product

we select we earn $170.01 per sale, now let’s know how much we can make by buying solo

ad from this publisher for this our offer (and have it in mind that the numbers stated above is

lower than expected because it converts more than that from what I have been seeing).


Those opened the email = 60,000 x 0.20 = 12,000 people!

Those visited the website = 12,000 x 0.20 = 2400 people!

Cost per visit = $37.5 / 2400 = $0.02 (approximately)!

Those entered their email = 2400 x 0.10 = 240 people!

Cost per lead = $37.5 / 240 = $0.20 (approximately)!

Those that buy from me = 240 x 0.10 = 24 people!

Amount earned = 24 x $170.01 = $4080.24

Pure profit = $4080.24 - $37.5 = $4042.74

Waawoooo! Have you seen the power of this? The conversion rates I gave above is very

low because from what I have been seeing across the board, is converting higher than that,

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but even if we stick with that it mean that we spent only $37.5 and profit $4042.74, and the

good news is, you can do this all the time, buying “solo ads” from other publishers and

increasing your bank account any time you want.

You can also promote other products that you resonate with from the market place, even

those that you can earn higher commissions than this one we select, and you might also

purchase “solo ads” from publishers that have bigger volume of subscribers than this one

we select above and you know what that mean, “more money” if they can convert better.

Now I believe you have seen clearly, that what it takes to be making money online is simple,

“getting the right offer, to the right people, in a right way”, and by doing this, believe me,

higher percentage of those “right people” will buy and you make money, Period!

Now having shown you all these, I believe that the only question on your mind now is, how

then will you advance (as in your action plan), well I will show that to you now but before I

do that though let me show you how to create/get the “right emails” (i.e the “right

messages”) that you will use as your promotional emails (the one you will give the publisher

you are buying solo ad from to send to his/her subscribers).

All I have to say here is, if you know how to create a good compelling promotional emails,

do that, and make sure you create the short version, use catchy subject line, direct and

blind email body copy and strong call to action, so that you will have a good email open rate

and a high click through rate which will affect your promotion positively and bring good

commission into your bank account!

But if you do not know how to create emails for your promotions, there is also good news for

you, 99% of the time, those vendors (product creators on click-bank) do have promotional

tools (like emails, banners etc) for their affiliates so that you can get whatever you will use to

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promote their products effortlessly from them and in order to get that, follow the images

below to see where you will get them.

Now looking at the product we had selected at the image above, you will see the link to their

affiliate promotional tools. Have it in mind that some vendors will require you to opt-in to

their opt-in page before you can access their affiliate promotional tools pages (as this one

did as shown in this image below), while some vendors will give you the promotional tools

right away without requiring for an opt-in.

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So upon clicking on the “get instant access” button above you will see the opt-in form as

shown below.

All you have to do is to opt-in with your details as required (Full name, email and your click-

bank user name), and after that, booom!, you will be taken to their affiliates promotional

tools as shown below, once you clicked on “instant access” button.

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Remember our criteria for creating promotional emails as shown on second to last

paragraph on page 40 above, you have to create/choose “the short version” that has

“catchy subject line” with “direct and blind email body copy” and “strong call to action”, so

that you will have a good email open rate and a high click through rate which will affect your

promotion positively and bring good commission into your bank account!

So from the above image, we can get such from “swipe1 and we have to use the first

subject line”. That doesn’t mean that other swipes can’t work, no, it can work well too and

you can check them too.

You can also marvel at them and create your own if you are creative, which you are

expected to be.

The reason while I showed you where to get promotional emails, is not that you must use it

but is only for those who do not know how to create compelling promotional emails to see

where they can get relevant ones.

You can also learn from there, how to create those powerful promotional emails.

Remember to change where ever there is link, with your own “click-bank product affiliate

promotional link” that you got as shown from the last paragraph on page 23 to page 25

above, so that whenever somebody buys from your link, you earn a commission (failure to

do this you will never earn the commission from the sales).

With this email we choose above, you can put your “click-bank product affiliate promotional

link” (the one you got as shown from the last paragraph on page 23 to page 25 above) in

where it says "This might be it" and "Watch it and see for yourself" respectively @ page

42 above, and if anybody buys the product from your link in the solo ad promotion you did,

you earn a commission.

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I believe you have understood how to get your promotional emails ready and now let’s talk

about your action plan (i.e how to Advance).

…Remember that, none of the strategies in this report will work unless an action is been

taking by you. Knowledge means nothing without action. Reading this guide alone will bear

the same fruit as not reading it at all, if you take no action.

Believe me, many are still struggling to make money online because of lack of successful

plans. And plan is simple, “your step-by-step actions for achieving your goals “in written” or

“in drawing” and not just only in ‘your mind’”.

Your mind is for having/receiving ideas and not for holding them. So once you have/receive

ideas on how to excel in your business, write them down or draw them down on something,

do not procrastinate on doing that, and immediately make a plan on how to genuinely

execute the idea.

Now what I will do is to out lay for you the plan that helped me to excel online, when I was

starting new and even now, especially when it comes to this style of marketing called e-zine


1. Create an account with now: (go through this guide about 5

times if you are still new on “online marketing space” to understand it well before

creating a clickbank account or create account while reading it).

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2. Choose your best niche: (They say that, “Jack of all trades always become master

of none”, what makes people gurus is not knowing many things but been a master of

one or few particular things. So after reading this report, go back and read from page

15 to page 25 very well to know how to choose the best niches and products and

when you have understood that, go with best niches ever in order to make money

easy and fast. I will suggest you go with ever green niches, that is, anything related

to “how to make money”, “how to lose weight”, and “relationship”, because these

niches convert most and people are always in need of them, and always promote

best products on any niche you go with).

3. Get Directory Of E-zine For Easy Going: (Once you have choose your niche to go

with, do not struggle as I did in my beginning and wasted a lot of time and money. If I

had known what I know now, I mean the directory of e-zine, I wouldn’t have wasted

that time of mine in manual researching of e-zine publishers then, so you have the

better opportunity to act smarter now and deploy the usage of the best e-zine

directory called the directory of e-zines).

4. Have A Laser Focus, Learn And Do Stuffs: (And this is the best plan you will ever

deploy. You will not know all things at a time and if so, you have to have laser focus

on any niche you are into and be learning how to choose and move the best

products there fast and actually start promoting it. If you found any product that

converts well, go as fast as you can and as big as you can. In order word, buy more

and more solo ads and get much traffic that will result in many sales for you).

5. Make sure you give us your own testimony soon. (Yea, make sure you give us your own testimonies when you have make money using these strategies that I gave above in our Facebook fan page below and you might check out our bonus for you at the very bottom of this report).

"If you can't fly then run..." - Martin Luther King Jr. said.

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Now that you've known the truth, what is still holding you from being set free from poverty?

"For yee shall know the truth and the truth shall set yee free"

Who are you waiting for, to start making “cash on demand” from online like others? Make

sure you do not wait up to 2 weeks to give us your own success stories on our Fan Page.

You can also ask your questions in our Fan Page or in our Telegram Group if you have any.

Serving you alone is not our main goal, but serving you best for you to make a lot of cash

and be happy!

Hoping to see you shine soon!

Oliver Afabuike.

Like our page: | Youtube Channel | Personal Blog

Join Our Groups: | Telegram

You can contact us on our Fan Page, Telegram or through my Blog!

For those from the country restricted by clickbank from promoting their products, if you want

to know how to go about it and still promote their offers genuinely as I promised on page 12,

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get this product below and you will see the tutorial on how to do it step-by-step inside it and

also you will get your hands on other ways of making lots of money online inside!

=> Get The Best Offer Of The Year!

The golden truth about making money online are;

(1), The Amount Of Money You Will Make Is Directly Proportional To How Much Stuff

You Can Sell!


(2), How Much Stuff You Can Sell Is Directly Proportional To How Much Traffic You

Can Get To That Stuff And Your Ability To Convert Those Traffic Into Sales!

And that is that. Period!

So the whole idea is that if you want to make a lot of money on internet, you need to master

traffic generation and conversion.

When it comes to traffic, you need to know the types of traffics, the sources, the strategies

and psychologies, and there is only one place I know you can get that now starting for 100%


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Imagine knowing many things about some of these traffic types and sources below and also

knowing how to be getting loads of “free lesser targeted traffics on auto pilot” that converts

easily and fast, how do you think your life would be like? I guess it will be more than


Well if you want to know about some of these traffic strategies below and change your life

like the gurus do, click the link below it and join the billionaires starting for 100% Free for

Now, Hurry!

=> Join The Billionaires Here And Now!

Thanks for your time!

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