




620.5 TH V.G7-68










October 1951

A n other page for


i ^ ^ It's a cinch for a winch

Ji'!^'^?r on TIMKEN bearings

"r'^^^^k. ^"l^^^L. Flcavv loads ami wear arc the prohltms engineers have to

jg^ ^^i^^r^^^ ~^^ '"' when thev design earth moving ec|uipment like this. To

^B ^1^^^^^^^ ^ earrv the load on the winch, ten Timken' bearings are used. l|^' ^^^^^^C^^^k.^L# I hirteen more on the differential, pinion shafts, jackshaft

^^^^ drive wheels and rear wheels assure long life and trouble- free performance. Timken tapered roller bearings fake any combination of radial and thrust loads, reduce friction, (lermit tighter closures. And they normally last the life of ihe equipment.

How to mount winch drums '^ ui-s^^^i^i fr&.k:? on TIMKEN bearings H ^J^^~^3f

To provide rigidity tor both the single and double '- )*

drums, the Timken bearings are mounted cone- /~?~j ///'/T^ adjusted. The adjustment is obtained through the-ri-Il-fnT | Y) . use of shims between the members carrying the V \ \ .-sja ^-^ '

Timken bearing cones and the units bolted to \ H-3-f|\\! -j.- - . - .jiinn ,

these members. A cup-adjusted mounting is used r '~rrlj^ '^\__Ji:- f n^ *"'NiV' pC--*3 '

in the units carrving the clutch housing. In this case, the adjustment of the Timken bearings is

obtained with shims between the cup carrier and [ ' ":-;-'. ^'j '..' i'^" ^s ' f^^ 1C7 Q " chousing. ^4^ .J . j't' _ V ,7 ^ J^ '



How you can learn more about bearings

Some of the engineering problems you'll face after graduation will involve bearing applications. If you'd like to learn more about this phase of engi- neering, we'll he glad to help. lor additional infor- mation about Timken bearings and how engineers use them write today to The Timken Roller Bearing Company, Canton 6, Ohio. And don't forget to clip this page for future reference.


Do you fit in the Boeing picture?

Boeing's world-wide reputation for sound engineering achievement is founded on men. Boeing engineers and physicists are graduates of many universities and technical schools. They come from every state in the Union. Under inspiring leadership they have been welded into one of the most potent forces in any field of scientific advance.

If you can measure up to Boeing standards, there is an attractive future for vou in this renowned group. In addition to the prestige which attaches to being a member of the

Boeing engineering team, there are

other definite advantages:

1 The challenfie of working on such vital programs as the B-47 and 852 jet bombers, guided missiles and otlier revolutionary development.s.

2 Stability of career opportunity with an en- gineering division that is still growing stead- ily after 35 years.

3 The invigorating atmosphere of the Pacific Northwest hunting, fishing, sailing, sibling, temperate climate all year around.

4 Good salaries. And they grow with you.

5 Moving and travel expense allowance.

6 If you prefer the Midwest, similar open- ings are available at the Boeing Wichita, Kansas, plant. Inquiries indicating a prefer- ence for WMchita. Kansas, will be referred to the Wichita Division.

Boeing's immediate needs caJl for experienced and /unior aeronautical, mechanical, eJecfrical, electronics, civil, acoustical and weights engi- neers for design and research; for servo-mechanism designers and anaivsts; and for ph)sicists and math- ematicians with advanced degrees.

Write today to:

JOHN C. SANDERS. SlaH Engineer-Personnel

Boeing Airplane Company, Seattle 14, Wash.

skiiiiiiiiii!! iiidiislriiil ImiWm

edited bv Bob Hardin, e.e. '54

visual screens for aircraft

I'ilots ot tutiirf supiTsonic aircriitt may watch a screni like the one pic- tiirt'il to know what is ahead ot tlu-ni aiiil their relation to the horizon. This screen, with an optical s\steni to pro- ject an inia>:e from ahead ot the plane on it, was installed in a L niversitv oi Illinois aircraft by Dr. Stanley N. Ros coe, L'niversity psychologist, for tests of how well pilots could fly with such a screen. He fouiul thev could fiv verv well.

The information will allow future hi^h-speed craft to provide such a pic- ture through television or a periscope from the front of the airplane, and to eliminate the friction-producing project- ing wirulshielil. Dr. Roscoe made tests with screens ranging from the H-in. square shown, down to a 2-in. square. Shown on the .screen are rvmways of the L'niversity of Illinois Airport as the airplane approaches it.

improved mine detector

An improved mine detector ileveloped by the Corps of Kngincers which will operate on land and under water should prove more effective in locating mined areas and expcilite the movement ot ground troops.

The new detectors will locate burieil mines in any kind of soil, according to the .Army. Older types are useless where magnetite or black earth is prevalent. The Army says the new detector, also able to operate under water, should prove more effective in clearing beach areas. It has been a practice to lay land mines in shallow water near beaches to intercept laniling craft and troops.

The presence of a buried nufie is indi- cated to the operator of the new and improved device by a combination of visual and auditory means. The visual meter indicates the presence of a mine, and, sinuiltancously, its presence is fur- ther revealed by a distinct sound in the headset xMirn by the operator.

new optics

One of the most difficult jobs in the history of optical manufacture has been completed by Hausch & Lomb Optical Company for the Vatican ( )bscrvator> .

The task involveil prorms polymer into filaments.

Sand for your copy of "Tho Du Pont Company and The College Graduate." Describes oppor- Ijniliss for men and women wttti mony types of training. Explains how individual ability is recog- nized and reworded under Du PonI plan of orgonizolion. Address: 2521 Nemours Building, Wilmington, Delaware.


Inloini.itivc Lislcn lo 'Cavjicade ol Tuesday Nifhts, NBC Coast lo Coast




A firavc liiKKcr. iibsorhcil in lli^ tliou(ilus. (liit; the )ir;i\c so ilccp lie couldn't get out.

Came nightfall and the evening chill, his predicament became more and more uncomfortable. He shouted for help and It last attracted the attention of a drunk.

"(let me out of hei-e," lie shouted. "I'm cold."

I he drunk looked into the grave, and finally distinguished the form of the uncomfortable grave digger.

"No wonder you're cold," he said. "\()u haven't anv dirt on vou."

Lawyer: "What if a man IS on his hands and knees in the middle of the road? That doesn't prove he's drunk!"

Policeman: "No, sir, it doesn't. Hut this one was trying to roll up the yel- low traffic stripe."

1 had twelve bottles of whiske\ in the cellar and my wife told me to empty the contents of each bottle down the sink or else. I proceeded to do the un- pleasant task.

I withiirew the cork from the first bottle and poured the contents down the sink, with the e.xception of one glass which I drank. I extracted the cork from the second bottle and did like- wise, with the exception of one which 1 drank. I withdrew the cork from the third bottle and poured the contents down the sink with exception of the glass which I drank.

I pulled the cork from the fourth sink and povned the bottle down the glass which I drank. I pulled the bottle from the cork of the next and drank one sink of it out, and threw the rest down the glass. I pulled the sink out of the next glass and poured the cork from the bottle. Then I corked the sink with the glass, bottled the drink and drank the pour. When I had every- thing emptied, 1 steadied the house with one hand, counted the bottles, corks, glasses and sinks with the other one, which were twenty-nine and as the house came by I counted them again, I fin- ally had all the houses and one bottle M"hich 1 drank.

I'm not under the alcofluence of in- cohol, but some thinkle peep I am. I'm not half as thunk as you might drink. But I fool so feelish I don't know who is me and the drunker I stand here the longer I get.

Student: "Could you help me with this problem ?"

Professor: "I could, but I don't think it would be quite right. "

Student: "Well, take a shot at it anyway."

Tom Harris: "What's the matter with your fingers?"

Tony Habykin: "Oh, I was down- town getting some cigarettes yesterday and some clumsy fool stepped on my hand."

# * *

"Porter, get me another glass of ice water."

"Sorry suh, hut if I takes any mo' ice, dat corpse in de baggage car ain't gonna keep. "

Little Audrey, mad as hell, Pushed her sister in the well. Said her mother drawing water, "Gee, it's hard to raise a daughter.'

Customer: "Rarber, have you got

another razor?"

Rarber: "Sure I have. Why?" Customer: "I'd like to defend mv-


* *

All those who think that "e\'em'ng" means the same thing as "night " shoidd note the effect that it has on a gown.

Waiter: Why are \(iu washing \'our spoon in the fingerbowl ?

Customer: So I won't get egg all over my pocket.

* * *

"Who was that lady I saw \()u with last night?"

"That was m\ brother; he just walks that wav."

A drunk in the Empire State Ruild- ing stepped into an elevator shaft and dropped thirty stories to the basement. When he landed, he shook his fist and remarked, "I shaid up, not down!"

The ME instructor held the chisel against the rusted bolt. He looked at the ME student and said, "When I

nod my head you hit it."

'Lhey're hui\ing him at noon today.

"Waiter," said a test\ patron. "I must say I don't like all the flies in this dining room."

"Tell me which ones you don't like, " said the conciliatory waiter, "and I'll chase them out for vou."

She: "Don't you wish you were a barefoot boy again?"

He: "Not me, lady, I work on a turkev farm."

"Say, do you know an easy way to find out the horsepower of a car?" "No. How?" "Lift the hood and count the plugs."

As he felt his wa\ around the l.inip post, the overloaded senior niutteied, "S'no use. I'm walled in."

Pat: "How did Rrother Jones die?' Mike: "He fell through a scaffold-

Pat: "What was he doing up there?" Mike: "Being hanged."




The complete Roebling line meets every transmission, distribution and service need

ROEBLIXC is the bcst-know-n name in the whole field of wire and wire products . . . and from their copper conductors to their protective jackets, Roebling electrical wires and cables arc produced entirely in Roebling plants. There's a complete line, too . . . more than sixty standard types representing the best that is known today in materials and con- struction . . . assuring maximum dependability and utmost economy on the job.

And here's another important fact: many Roebling electrical wires and cables afford special ads'antages to users. One tj'pe of cable, for example, brings sub- stantial sa\ings in installation costs. Another type, due to extras built into it, lasts longer and saves re- placement dollars . . . Outstanding today, the staff of Rocbling's research laboratory works continually to assure even better products tomorrow. John A. Roebling's Sons Company, Trenton 2, N'ew Jersey.

mill ! -




Roebling ROEPRENE Mine Locomotive Cables hove outer jackets vulcanized under lead to give added working ;, life and dollar savings.


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At/onto, 934 A. on Avr * Soiron, SI Sleeper Si * Chicago. 2S2S W Rooi>v>lt Rd * Cfncinnoll, 3253 Fredoolo Ayr * CIcvrtond, 701 Si. Cloif Ave, N E Oenvor, 4801 JocVion Si Detroit, 915 F,,hrt Bolld.rj Houtton, 6J16 NavKjol.on Bld toi Angelsi, 216 S Alomcdo St Nw rork, 19 Rector Si Odsito, Tcxaj, 1920 E 2nd Si * Philodaiphio, 230 Vine St Son Froncisco, 1740 17lh St itoiWt, 900 111 V ^^iiW Ave, S Tu/io, 321 N. Ct>eycnnc bl C.porl Solei OfTice, Trenton, N. 1.




Only STEEL can do so many jobs

CAVE OF THE WINDS. This largest "supersonic" wind tunnel ii,j the world at the National Advisory Committee for Aeroj nautics, Lewis Laboratory, Cleveland is capable of providinj! air velocities up to twice the speed of sound for aeronautica research. The tunnel's testing chamber measures 8 by 6 feet and has flexible walls of highly-polished U'S-S Stainless Stee plates, specially made by U.S. Steel for this vital defense project

NEW WAY TO GATHER GOOBERS. This new peanut combintud\ of low temperature piie- nomena has a comparatively short his- tory. In 1714, Gabriel P'ahrenheit, a (ierman scientist, achieved with a mix- ture of ice and salt what he thought was the lowest possible temperature. He called this point zero aiul used it as a basis for a temperature scale the Fahr- enheit scale.

Obviously, IVIr. Fahrenheit didn't get around much, for it was soon discov- ered that Nature herself produced tem- peratures lower than the so-called zero point. Consequently, he had to intro- duce minus signs into his newly formed temperature scale. It wasn't until 1848 that a really suitable temperature scale for low temperature study was devel- oped. In that year. Lord Kelvin, an English scientist, proposed his "abso- lute" scale. This scale has the same di- visions as the Centigrade scale except that it starts with absolute zero as the lowest point, and works its way up.

The initial interest in very low tem- peratures was created chiefly by the de- sire to liquefy the so-called permanent gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydro- gen, and helium. Helium, the last to yield, was liquefied in 1908 by a Dutch scientist at a temperature of -270C. Attninintj Loic Teinpcrnturcs .Methods and apparatus for securing refrigeration at very low temperatures have received a large fraction of the scientific effort expendesical principles used in the production of low- temperatures: (1) the dependance ot the internal energy of a system upon its temperature and its volume; (2) per- formance of external work during an expansion, when the system exerts pres- sure upon a moving boundary; and (3) performance of external work during demagnetization, when the system re- turns energy to the magnetizing agent. When a body of gas is compressed adiabatically, that is, without exchange


(if with the surroundings it be- comes hot. This is so mostly because of the work expended upon it, but also by \irtue of the fact that the specif i'c in- ternal energy of a dense gas is less than that of the same gas in expanded form. Likewise, when a flask of compressed air is opened to the atmosphere and the pressure allowed to equalize, the air re- maining in the flask will be quite cold. Those readers who are familiar with carbon dioxide cartridges will quickly verify this fact. The gas becomes cold principally because of the external work performed in pushing back the atmos- phere and in accelerating the fraction of the air which was ejected.

If one wishes to supply refrigeration continuously, a cyclic process must be substituted for the intermittent charge and discharge of the free-expan^on method of cooling.

The free-expansion method of cool- ing worked fine down to abovit one de- gree above absolute zero. At this point, however, this method became highly im- practical. Scientists were puzzled for a long time as to how they could reduce the temperature of a substance below I'A (absolute). Finally, a scientist by the name of Giauque solved the puzzle. He postulated that since external work is done upon a substance when it is magnetized, there should be a rise of temperature when the process is carried out adiabatically, and a corresponding fall in temperature on demagnetization.

The basic idea was simple : magnetize the proper chemical, and while keep- ing it magnetized cool it down to the lowest temperature obtainable. Then, de- magnetize it. Cooling by adiabatic de- magnetization has thus opened up a temperature range not attainable by older methods. The chief deficiency of this method is the fact that the low tem- perature reached is a transient condi- tion. The cold salt begins to grow warmer immediately.

The method of demagnetizing the atoms of a substance (usually a para- magnetic salt) works fine to about .002A. At this point, scientists use the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei. When certain materials (such as lith- ium fluoride) are placed in a strong magnetic field, the nuclei of their atoms line up. This method promises to yield a temperature only one-millionth of a degree above absolute zero.

To understand how difficult it is to set up some of these very low tempera- ture experiments, one has only to look at a report of one of Giauque's recent ordeals. He and his assistants started one experiment at 7 o'clock Saturday morning and ended at 6 o'clock on the following Monday afternoon. They did not sleep or even stop to eat.

Mvasuritig Loiv 'J'oiipirtiturii

The preparation of suitable tempera- ture-measuring devices for use at low ((Jonlhnictl on Page 34)

Creeping film appears as a tiny luminous drop on the curved bottom of a vessel filled with liquid helium.



/eCffOn yCf6^ iv/M a m//rf^rY m/hc/

With the rapid advance of airplanes, tanks, fast ships, and mechanized weapons of war, a swift, sure means of communication and detection is as important as are the new weapons themselves. It is provided hy electron tubes and electronics.

So important is this area of military intelligence tliat RCA Ser\ice field engi- neers have lifted their efforts to new peaks. Working with our .^rmed Forces, they install and maintain snch comniinti- cations aystcms as shcirtwaxc radio and

porfahle radiotelephones. They work with systems of (Ictcrtion. such as radar. They help ships and planes navigate with loran and shoran. These engineers are the link hetween research dexelopments made at RC.\ Lahoratories and .America's mili- t.irv strength.

The number of IIC.'.V field engineers lias tripled since World War II. .\nd lliey .ser\c where needed, wherever an electron lube's "military mind" can be of military use.

Sit tlif Inlnl tiont/rrt nl rnrfio. IrlirMim. mid rtrilnmiii at HC A Exhihition Hall. .16 Vrt -tQlh Street, iV. y. Atlminsion u frt'r. Radio CorjMration of AmrHca, RCA Building. Radio City. N. Y. 20. N. Y.

Continue your education with pay at RCA

Graduate Electrical Engineers: KC.\ \ of thf world's foremost nianii- factiirers of radio iiiul fit'clronic pnxtuct^ olffni you op|iortunity to pain vuliintilc. well-rniindfd training and fxjM'hcuLX* iit a pood salarv witti op|Mtr(unitii-s for ad- vano'incnl. It.-ri' iir.- only fivr of llir many projrfls wliicli ttfltT untisnnl pnimij

n.\n)adcasl, sliort wave and FM circuits, tidcvisiiin, and pllono- praph cnml>inntians).

Advanced ctcvclopmont and dritipn of ANt and FM lm>adcast Iransmiltrrs. R-F ind\Ktion liialuip. moliilc I'luumunicatiom ripiipint-nt, rclji) systems.

IVsipn of ct>ni|Minenl parts suctl lu coils. Iouds|M'aken, capacitors.

IX'Velopment and desipn of new rc- c*rdinp and producinp meltiods.

IX'sipn of receivinp, jMiwer. cathode ray. pas and photo lutwj.

H ri(r Imlnij In f'ol/ipr Rclalinns Dii'f- wn. RC.\ \'irri'r. rnmdin. S'ru- Irr^rii. Also many opportunities for Mechanical nd Chemical Engineers and Physicists.

nMDMO Onr0/iJiTtOM erf JiMMfiCJi

iVor/c:/ Leader /n 7^ac//o F/rsf- in Te/e^^/s/'on




( ('.Dntiniiid fioiii I'di^f It)

of a inati-rial not ilctcctabk- b\ any otlu-r means.

The essential detail.s In fan\in); out such a spectrof;iaphic analysis are so much less complex than the convention- al chemical one that standaiil produc- tion and material receivin;; analysis can be ettected without costh' delay.

The average camerist would not ha\e sufficient equipment to perform a spec- trographic analysis of the type described, but his necessary knowledge of light and optical principles would serve as an excellent background for the use of this technique. The special emulsions avail- able for this field of photography are many and complex, rendering the usual camera almost useless except for ex- tremely simple and rough methods of analysis.

Photomicrography has become one of the metallurgist's most useful tools. The grain structure of metals, for example, is an indication of the uses to which these metals can be put. Machinabilit\ , hardness, strength, and even the approx- imately chemical composition of the sam- ple are all rexealed by a photomicro- graph.

Man\ di\erse industries use pliotonii- crography as a basic tool in their manu- facturing and research departments. The molding of plastics, the durability and weather-resistance of paints and varn- ishes, the strength of building materials, and the usefulness of a wide variety of other products have been and are b^ing improved by including photomicrogra- phy with other basic methods. This func- tion of photography should not be re- garded as a research tool only. It is equally valuable in the production, de- sign, and inspection of a great variety of products.

The engineer who owns one ot tlic many miniature cameras that will ac- cept extension tubes and microscope adapters can use it very effectively on many occasions for the close scrutiny of engineering materials. The main differ- ence that he will have to consider is that the exposures in this phase of pho- tography are measured in minutes in- stead of seconds. With a little time and patience, however, good photomicro- graphs can be made with this t\pe of miniature camera.

What the microscope has done to aid in the examination of objects too small for the unaided eye, high speed motion pictures are doing to slow down action time of objects whose motion is too fast for investigation. It has become a val- uable tool in the fields of thermody- namics, mechanics, and other studies in the research which precedes the develop- ment or improvement of a product or process. For example, high speed motion

pictures have proved cvtifiiiclv \,du;ihli- in investigations on the flow and mixing of fluids, elasticity studies on rubber, research on fuel injection and combus- tion, the behavior of explosive chemical mixtures in fact, wherever motion ex- ists that is too fast for the human eye to analyze.

KssentialK the camera for high s|ieed motion pictures is similar to the one used in the home. Ho\\e\er, where the home camera exposes 16 frames per sec- ond, the high speed camera exposes up to 1 (),()()() frames per .second. When this film is projected at the normal speed of 16 frames per second, the elapsed time of one second can be stretched to more than ten minutes. And being on film, the rec- ord can be viewed as often as desired, and by as many people as necessary. Time magnification, through the appli- cation of functional photography, has become a new tool for the engineers of every industry.

High speed motion pictures are easy to set up, easy to make, and simple to project. Nearly everyone who has han- dled an\' t\pe fif CTiiiera and follows

A stress pattern is determined by polarized lighting.

directions can make acceptable high speed motion pictures. The home motion picture camera with the slow motion speeds of 64 frames per second may be used for slowly moving objects, but a special camera is a prerequisite to true high speed motion pictures.

This article has listed and partially explained relatively few of the uses of functional photography that should in- terest the engineer, and that he is cap- able of performing and understanding. However, I hope that it has provided food for thought for nn' fellow camera- snapping engineers, and perhaps suggest- ed a few new ways to "snow" your favorite instructor.

E.E. (on phone): "Hello, is (Jertie

Voice: "She's taking a bath."

E.E. : "Sorrv, I ha\e the wrong num-


THEMES . . .

( (',iintiniii\Im)I(' ii('\> world of ln'H and Battcrin AciirsoN riccirodci tLELTRO.MET Alloyi and MclaU Haynes StellitE Alloys




( (jnntinind from Piigf 2)

plusital and chemical make-up ot stars will be ileteriiiined. The optica! system will also he capahle of analyziti!; stars

(it low mafiiiitinle.

minute miracle gage

A simple gaging (le\ ice rlie si/e ami thickness ot a postage stamp can measure minute or e\tremel\- hea\ \ loads, di- mensional changes ot a millionth of an inch, or temperature changes ranging near absolute zero to 1601) degrees above.

The simple device consists of a wire one-third the thickness of a human hair which is wound back and forth, then coated with cement. If the gage is dis- torted so that the wire is stretched or contracted, its resistance to passage of an electric current is \aried. Measure- ment of the variation tells the exact amount of stretch. The instrument will accurately measure a dimensional change of a millionth of an inch in one inch of length.

One application of the gage is in test- ing militar\' jet engine blades while they are in operation. The gage is cemented to the blade, a current passed through it, and the engine is run. Any bending

of the blade stretches the wire and changes Its coni' spectrum containing the original sounds. Without going into great detail, and without including a long list of source material, it will be stated that the extreme limit of the audible spectrum imder favorable con- ditions extends from 16 to 22,000 rf>s. It has been shown that a reproduced range of 40 to 15,000 rfts in average circumstances is more than satisfactory,

and harmonics thereof due to the natural period of vibration of any or all of the motional parts of the speaker and, some- times, the frame, when economic consid- erations have dictated a very light, insuf- ficiently rigid construction.

Power handling capacity of the speak- er is governed b\' the strength, and therefore, the weight of the cone, the heat dissipating ability of the voice coil, and the size of the magnet. If the cone is made strong enough to withstand extreme excursions or rapid rise-time transients, it will be too heavy and too stiff to properly reproduce the high frequencies. This difficulty has been par- tially surmounted by two methods: one

cone to vary its compliance. This treat- ment may consist of forming annular, concentric corrugations in the proper regions, or chemically or mechanically causing the paper structure to assume a new compliance.

The voice coil must be heavil\ built to dissipate sufficient power at low frequencies, and very light in weight to \ibrate at high frequencies. There are two methods which have been devised to fulfill these diametrically opposite conditions: separate speaker elements for different parts of the spectrum (this will be discussed in a following paragraph), and a rather tricky form of voice coil construction wherein the voice coil is

rill cloth

and a range lr(jm bO to 10.000 rps adequate for most persons. For the dis- criminating listener, in favorable sur- roundings, the maximum range is desir- able, but not yet absolutely necessary, since there is very little in the way of source material which requires response between the limits of, say 20 to 20,000 if>s. The speaker must not discrimin- ate against any of these frequencies nor must it introduce any spurious reinforce- ments, arising usually, from resonances

by Bob Quick, '54

consists of fabricating the cone from con- centric rings of material possessing dif- ferent compliances, thus presenting a decreasing stiffness gradient to the vibra- tions emanating from the voice coil, whereas the other method involves ex- perimental determination of the exact location and the frequencies at which cone "breakups" occur (the point at which the cone develops localized nodal \ibrarions. a common and serious cause of distortion), and then treating the

formed of sufficiently heavy wire wound upon a dural or aluminum tube, or form- er, and separated therefrom by either a thin, elastic sleeve or a layer of plastic cement. The former is closed at the forward end by a metallic cap or dia- phragm, usually curved (since a curved sound source exhibits satisfactory direc- tional characteristics except in the re- gion of the frequency spectrum for which its dimension is one wavelength). (continucti on page 20)


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navy pier

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by Worren H. Brandt, c.e. '54

At an impressive ceremony attended b\ .?0() engineers, members of the faculty, and railroad officials, the Illinois Cetitral Railroad presented to the Chicago Un- dergraduate Di\ision an historic loco- moti\e bell which had been used to cele- brate the centennial of the railroad.

Officiating at the presentation were Frederick W. Tre/.ise, associate dean of the college of engineering for the Uni- versity and Wayne A. Johnston, presi- dent of the Illinois Central and member of the I niversit\'s board of trustees.

The proceedings opened with the sing- ing by the University choir of "Tramp. Tramp, Tramp" by Herbert and fol- lowed with "I've Been Working on the Railroad" in which the audience en- thusiastically participated.

I>can Ticnse ext;Mided a co-d al wel- come to the guests from the Illinois Cen- tral and noted the significance of the Undergraduate Division's location in the ^.- no > f. with the offices of the railroad. Deati Charles C. Caveny of UlC also welcomed the railroad's staff and intro- duced their vice president and chict engineer, C. H. Mottier.

Mr. Mottier's comments were par- tlcidarK interesting in that he intro- duced mini graduates that hold respon- sible positions with the railroad's en- gineering department. These gentlemen. ten in number, were .seated on the plat- form with .Mr. .Mottier and the audi- ence warml> applauded them.

Following .Mr. Mottier. Dean Tre- /.ise introduced the principal speaker, Mr. Johnston.

Mr. Johnston outlined the railroad's one-hundred \e;ir hi.-tory and noted how it, from the very outset had cooperate was established in 1867, the Illinois Central was in- fluential in securing the site of the new college at a station on its line. This was accomplished b\' an offer of the railroad to haul, free of charge, construction ma- terials for the school for a period of six months.

Through the years, the railroad and the Universit\ have cooperated with one another to their mutual benefit. The work of the I ni\ersit>'s Engineering Experiment Station in the testing of rails and other car and track appliances

is especialU noteworthy. In turn, the railroad has furnished for the use of the mechanical engineering school, a locomotive on which various tests are performed. The joint railroad-Univer- sit\ D\iiamometer Car is another ex- ample of this cooperation.

Nor does this cooperation cease with the furnishing of technical information, Mr. Johnston noted that the railroad has always looked to Illinois as a source of manpower for the managerial posi- tions on the \ ast transportation system.

At this point Mr. Johnston formally [cnntinucd or. Ic.-c 24)

Harry D. Newman and Henry M. Musal look on while Dean Trezise and President Johnston ring the centennial bell in their honor.



what are the odds when you .


e a cnance


by Bob Oreshfield, met.e. '55

During the course of a day everyone uses odds. A person may look at a dark, cloiid\' sky and say that it looks like rain. From past experience, he knows that when the sky is dark and cloudy rain usually follows. A man leaves his house and sees a bus at the corner. He knows that if he doesn't run, he will probabh miss the bus. If the Weston football team beat Easton and Easton beat North High, Weston will probably defeat North High. The above are all examples of intuitive probability.

It has been said, "The race is not alwa\s to the swift, nor the battle to the strong." This adage is usually fol- lowed by ". . . . but that is the way to bet." We follow simple logic when \\'e bet on a favorite.

A person familiar with geography can say with confidence, that on the Fourth of July it is more likely to rain in Seattle than in Death Valley. He could also say that a freeze is more probable in Sitka than in Miami on New Year's Day. A man with no knowledge of the location of the above places would have no basis on which to make those statements.

It would be quite safe to say that Mr. Doe, a man of eight\', will precede his grandson of eighteen to the grave. This is knowledge because we are accustomed to seeing elderly people die before young- er ones do.

-Additional information pla\s an im- portant part in intuitive calculations of |irobability. If one man with a car is to race another man with a plane, the man with the plane would be expected to win. However, if the plane's gas tank were partialh' filled with water, it would not be surprising to see the auto- mobile win the race. In similar fashion, if -Mr. Doe's grandson were on the front line in Korea, the \oungster's chance of outliving his grandfather would be con- siderabh lessened.

To determine the piobability of an event intelligently, one must know all the pertinent facts. In the abo\e cases, the probabilit_\- was determined by in- tuitive reasoning. There is another large class of probabilities which can be cal- culated by simple mathematics.

One who has ne\er seen a coin before could reason that it has equal chances of falling heads or tails. In like manner one CdiiKi re;i>on that the chances ot

drawing the ace of .spades from a deck of cards is one in fift\-two. It should be equally obvious that when a die is rolled, there is one chance in six of a two showing on top.

In stating probabilit\, for the most part, the words /ii:c/y and unlikely are not specific enough. If one were offered twent\' to one odds that he could roll "snake-eyes" in one throw of the dice, he would like to know his exact chances. (He probably wouldn't take that one

UPPHwiwwn nmw


Although it might Off that Bob wos intercstec

end of

eloped out on 3 pokci


Born in Boston, Moss., Bob IS now freshman in metallurgicol engineering. After graduotion, he in- tends to get a M.S. ond eventually end up doing soles work in his chosen profession.

because the odds are thirt>-fi\e to one against him.)

There are two methods used for expressing probability. If an event must occur, it has a chance of one. If it cannot occur, it has a chance of zero. All other cases are expressed by fractions less than one. In expressing the chance of .in event, one shows the number of favor- able cases as compared with the total number of An\ probability can be expressed as a fraction in the following manner:

number of favorable events number of favorable events plus number of unfavorable or :

favorable e\ents total number of events

Let us look at the coin problem again. 'Fhere is one head and one tail. What are the chances of to.ssing tails? There is one favorable case and one unfaxorable case. The fraction could be:

1 i-fl or 12

The second way to express probabilif\ is to say that the odds are three to one for the event. This is an expression ot the number of favorable to the number of unfasorable oni-s. The odds

of rolling a two with one die wovild be one to five. In the preceding example, it is easy to .see that the probability would be shown b\ the following frac- tion :

1 5+1 or 1/6

I o be able to calculate the number of favorable or unfavorable events for a problem, a knowledge of the permuta- tion and combination formulas is neces- sary. The combination formula is ex- pressed b\ nC'' where n is the number of events and r is the number taken at a time. To solve the formula, one substi- tutes values in the fraction:

n(n-l )(i\-2) . . . (n r+1 ) r(r-l){r-2) . . . (3)(2)(1)

For example, how many five card poker hands are there? There are fifty- two cards taken five at a time. The formula would be 32C'' and would be solved by the fraction :

(52)(51)(50)(49)(48) _ ,

(-5)(4)(3)(2)(1) '^'''''

The permutation formula deals with arrangements. It is expressed as n P"^. N is the number of events taken and r is the number taken at a time. The e.x- pression is solved by substituting values in the following:

n(n-l) (n-2) (n-r+l).

How many arrangements are there ot the numbers between one and fi\e if thej' are taken four at a time? The cal- culations are:

(S)(4)(.?)(2) = 120

.An example imolving more than one method is to find tfie probability of be- ing dealt a royal straight flush. Hy in- tuition one knows that there are four such flushes, one in each suit. The num- ber of favorable cases is four. The total number of cases is found by solving nC'^ where n is fifty-two and r is fi\c. i he fraction would be: 4 2,.598,%0

(^dds influence us every day from birth until death. At birth there is the chance of living. When we cross a street, the chance of being hit b>- a car makes us cross with the lights. .Although one ma\ beat the odds for a while, e\entual- Ix they will even out. Because one can- not escape the influence of odds, he should know how to calculate them.



introducing . . .

bv John Huber, ag.e. '52 and Don Sweet, e.e. '53


When Protessor R. (i. VVuiTkci joiiu'il the taculty of thi- ili-partment ot iniiiii)^ ami iiietallurnical fiijiinceiiiij; ill I'M'', he hail a career behind him that had taken hini all around the globe. His protession a.< a iiiinin tir>t tcaciiing, ha\ ing been hiied b\ the I niversit.\ of the Philippines to start a program of geoph\sical sur\e\s. Then Pearl Harbor came along. Dr. Wuerker manufactured dental supplii^ during the years of Japanese occupation.

After the' Dr. Wuerker \\a> principal engineer \n tiie I ruted States .Army Ordnance on captured enemy ma- terial and was assigned to a War De- partment project. On coming to the L iiited States, he was lecturer in the college of engineering at the L niver- sit\' of California at Los Angeles.

He is a member of the AIXH'", and a licensed professional engineer, me- chanical engineering branch, in Califor- nia.

In l'>~il. Prof. Wuerker was present- ed an award for being the most effec- tive teacher in the mim'ng engineering curriculum in a contest jointly spon- sored by the lUiii'tis Trchnot/rtiph and the Engineering Council.


The Xavy Pier Architectural Depart- ment is extremely fortunate to have on its staff a far-sighted, dynamic, and prac- tical personality in the person of Pro- fessor Ray Stuermer.

In the year 1937, Professor Sturrmer graduated from the Universitv of Illi- nois. He served in the Navy during the last war and was released from active dut\ .IS Lieutenant (Senior Grade) in 194h. Tiiat same year, 1946 Professor Ray Stuermer won two $1,000 awards in the Chicago Tribune Prize Homes Competition. Among the other ;nv;irds earned b\ him were: 1937, Second Piize R\ers()n Fellowship; 1937, I'in- alist and Honorable .Mention .Ameri- can .Academ\ in Rome Competition ; 1936, Illuminating Engineering Societ\' Prize and in 1933. First Prize Archi- tects Club of Chicago Competition. In I9S1, Profe.ssor Stuermer authored Problem I of the Class .A Program for the Meaux-.Arts Institute of Design wiiich carries a prize.

Professor Ray Stuermer, a practicing architect in his own right, is consistently propagating the advancement of con- temporary architecture. His professional work has crivered a wide and varied field ot arciiitectural design including

housing jirojects ( M.i H. WclK. L'hiiago Chatham Park, Chicago Altgeld (Ijird- ens) industrial plants, an ammunition depot, .McAllister, Oklahoma: shell loading buildings, fire stations, bridges, dam, barracks and lecreational build- ings, power houses ( Fisk Street Station, Chicago) as well as many residential ami commercial structures. He is at pres- ent working toward the development of low cost church buildings using nndern methods and materials.

Professor Stuermer encour.iges his stu- dents to look forw.inl and explore t'le


new and expandnig horizons in tin- worhl of architecture, a world richl\ endowed with many possibilities for the advancement of humanity through de sign. His activities in practice, as a teach- er, and as a Director of the Chicago Chapter of the .ALA keep him very busy, but there is alwa\s time for a "bull ses- sion" with his students to keep them in- formed of the h;izards .-uul joys of tile profession.


Readers of the 'I'tdi will notice that the Engineering Council seems to have an abundance of presidents, since last month Ed Christianson was named as the holder of this office and this month we introduce Hob Johnson of Chicago as the president of Engineering Council.

The discrepency lies in the fact that, after being named president of Delta I'psilon fraternit\-, Ed Christianson de- clined the presidenc\ of the Engineer- ing Council.

( I nnliniii il nn piun .ill)



production, organization, planning through

industrial engineering

bv Pete Cattapan, gen.e. '53

During World War II, proiiucrion rates were at an unbelievable high. Air- plane plants that formerly took five years to build were built in two years. Heavy bonibt-rs produced at the rate of one per month, were, within eighteen months, being built at the rate of one a day. These, as well as millions of other production rates, were largely increased by industrial engineers. Production in

PETE CATTAPAN Pete hails from Chicago where he groduated from Crane Tech in 1948. After spending two years at Wright Junior College, he transferred to the Navy Pier branch of the Univer- sity of Illinois where he became associate editor of the Tech.

At present, Pete is a


ing. After graduation, he plans to enter the field of industrial engineering.

wrote: "The foundation of modern in- dustrial engineering techniques, prin- ciples, and attitudes was laid at the close of the nineteenth century by Frederick Taylor." Filipetti's book, "Industrial Management ^' Transition", shows that Taylor was the first to apply scientific methods to the problems of business management. Earl\- twentieth century writings by such industrial engineers as Ralph Barnes, A. Ci. Anderson, and G. H. Shepard support Filipetti's state- ment. These industrial engineers, along with others, developed and spread this scientific management through Woild War I and its post-war decade.

The first curriculum in this country was initiated at Pennsylvania State Col- lege in 1908. In 1910, the new depart- ment graduated its first two students. Cither colleges followed Penn. Statj slowly by opening similar departments.

H\ using the curricula at Penn. State, we can get a general idea as to the na- ture or scope of industrial engineering. Most courses have been developed by changing and modif\ing the then exist- ing mechanical engineering classes. The objective of the curriculum has been the same, howe\er, and greater emphasis was placed on subjects in the field of mechanical engineering. Most of the changes have tended to decrease the mechanical engineering content and in- crease the industrial engineering jiart of the curriculum. Curriculum changes made in concept with other departments of the school of engineering have strengthened the basic engineering cov- erage and added in the field of humanities.

These courses meet the need of stu- dents who enter industrial, corameicial (continued (in page 18)

World War II and during the post- war period definitely established the and worthiness of the in- dustrial engineer.

The purpose of this article is two- fold: to study industrial engineering cur- ricula in the accredited colleges of th-.- United States, and to sur\e\ that occu- pation.

In order to limit the surve\, it is necessary to first define industrial en- gineering. It is a broad occupational area usually included in the wider field of management engineering. In its restrict- ed usage, it is limited to production or- ganization, planning, and methods. It may include the training and direction or personnel, specifications and purchas- ing of materials, co.-t and sales con- trol, health and safety programs, ac- counting systems, and traffic manage- ment. In some instances, this occupation embraces the management of construc- tion of new iiulustrial enterprises a:;d large scale public works. It may also in- clude consultation in the area of finance and economics as these relate to mergers, reorganization, large-scale moderniza- tion, and retooling.

In order to understand the develop- ment of industrial engineering curricula, it is necessary to know how the field was formed. In 1946, George Filipctti

Industrial engineers often build complete working models to such as the steel mill shown here.

/ork from,



by Bob Schrader, ch.e. '53

EE Sludtnt l.iK Sfshu (pronouiK-c(l say-shoo), trom 'I'raveiicorf in South liulia. has cnrollfil in the KE ^rail school this seiiu-stcr. Thf 2^ year old Indian woman already has a haihelor's and niasti-i's df- Urir in physics from the liiiversity ot 'rravt-ncore. She is especially interestei! in radio coninninications and will do her advance work at the I'niversits in that subject.

Mrs. Seshu teels right at home at Illinois, since she came from a Univer- sity of about Ut.DOO students. Mrs. Seshu decided to enroll at the I', of I. after talking with technical people in India who told her of the engineering and scientific work offered here.

Mrs. Seshu's father was director of public health for .Madras. Her husband is also working for the government as an electrical engineer at Allahabad, In dia. He hopes to join her here in February.

Incidentally. Mrs. Seshu wears her native costume while attending school here.

The Enijinetr He was seated in the parlor And he said into the light I'ither you or I old fellow Will he turned o\it tonight.

Fl'trulit Eni-ini

E.iiijiiniriny Siholtirshifrs Each year, without undue publicity, over $6,500 worth of scholarships are given to Illini who are engineers or architects. These range from two year tuition-free scholarships for ceramic en- gineers to a scholarship of $1,()()() award- ed annually to an outstanding senior in architecture. There are also scholar- ships in electrical engineering, illuminat- ing engineering and mining engineering.


Scholarships totaling $.^,000 are avail- able to any student in the engineering college, with preference going to stu- dents in mechanical engineering. These an- \()ur scholarships, engineers, so it migiu pay to do some thinking about them. .Xfter all. it could happen to you.

Heard at the Engineers' Hall. I''-"): "Stop, I'll call the chaperone!"

Heard at the Engineers' Hall. l^'M : "Stop, wait till the chaperone passi


Lifted from the (^ity (^olUyf I irli

Defnis, II '"rl- 11/ Ih, r. o/ /. Although it IS not readily apparent, the University of Illinois is humming with defense activity. Fifty-four percent i)f the total engineering research time is devoted to defense work. Departments leading in defens;- work, with the p;-r cent in time each departnu-iit devotes are >hinvn below :

Chemical Engineering

fiO %

Civil Engineering





50 %



Oliver Wendell Holmes once mistook an insane as\liim tor a college. Realiz- ing his mistake, he explained to the gate- keeper and commented humorousK :

"I suppose, after all, there is not a great deal of difference."

"Oh. yes, there is," replied the guard. 'In this place you must show some im- provement before \i)u can get out.

the people who sleep in church d out end to end, they would he


more comfortable.



It had Beil Telephone engineers scratching their heads.

A new kind of electron tube was needed for coast-to-coast &iaf/ifj^e/ ot iiitcrost to physiol())ii>t>. pharmacdiogists, ami biochemists familiar with tracer tfchniqucs is a recent method tor obtainiiij; >niall i|iiantitie> ot radio- active Kly-'ffii'e. ("iljcerine, labeled in all positions with CI 4, is one ot the prod- ucts of photosynthesis by a red marine algae in an atmosphere of radioactive carbon dioxide. Radioactive gKcerine will help scientists in their study of the metabolism of fats, the utilization of glycerine b\- the body, fermentation pro- cesses, and various other phenomena. It niight also prove a useful tool to engin- eers studying glycerine manufacturing and refining operations.

souncis you can see but can't hear

Hiific.irii)n takes place.

glycerine softener for nylon

A manufacturer of chemicals for the textile industry recently announced the addition to its line of two glycerine soft- eners designed for the silk and nylon knitting trade. Both products are com- binations of gh'cerine with cocoanut oil and red oil, and in use are added to water to form emulsions. When applied to \arn, these emulsions impart pliabilit\ which insures uniform knitting, yet the>

do not remove tlic synthetic resins or sizes which hcdd the twisted filaments together. In addition, the yarn is lubri- cated so that it does not cut into or wear out the carrier tubes and needles. One of the glycerine softeners is formulated for general use; the other, for mills which have hiimidifving systems where lubrication of the >arn is more important than its The manufacturer states that glycerine provides both soft- ness and lubrication, and that it works better with all t\pcs of water than other materi;i!s.

powerful magnet

A cobalr-piatnuini m.ignet, winch in small sizes, is described as the world's most powerful permanent magnet, has iecentl\' been developed.

I'resent commercial use of tlic new magnet will be limited, however, not only b\' the government restrictions ( n the use of cobalt, but by prohibitive ex- pense of the large an^oiints of platinum used in the allov, scientists said.

They do not foresee the new magnet

replacing presently used magnetic alloys,

such as the Carbolov Alnico ii'agnets,

but rather believe that new fields of use

{continued on paije 22)

flying saucer?

No, it's a 27,000 lb., 120-in. bronze-rimmed, cast-steel leaf for a butterfly valve being man- ufactured by Westinghouse. The valve will control the flow of wafer through a penstock lead- ing to a big waterwheel gen- erator in a Southern California hydroelectric power generating station. The holes shown are on the downstream face of the leaf. The upstream face is solid cast steel. The four protruding "legs" are steel supports temporarily welded to the structure to speed machining and other manufac- turing operations.



"Put your X there r

"Ever have nightmares?

"I don't, often. But I sure had one last night! Wasn't my usual one, being chased by a lion and falling of}" a clifF. In this dream it was Election Day. I was at the polls, kidding with some of the boys I knew . . . but they weren't kidding back. They looked sort of worried or scared or something.

"Anyway, I got my ballot, stepped into the voting booth and pulled the curtain. I wet the end of the pencil ... to make my X's big and black. Then the nightmare part began.

"A tough-looking soldier stepped into the booth. He put his finger on the ballot and said, 'Put your X There! And THERE . . . and There . . .' None of the names I'd picked, either. He had a big black gun pointing right at me.

"That was last night. Today, all day, I've been thinking about it. I'd known that was how some elections got settled in other places. But it never occurred to me before how lucky I was to be a citizen of this country. Here I vote according to my conscience, not a gun. And I do other things the way I please . . . like going to church, or picking out my own kind of job down at the Republic plant. Try that where there's no freedom!

"That's it . . . Freedom! We've got all the Freedom in the world. But, honestly now, do we really appre- ciate it.-' Do you.' I admit I've done

my share of griping . . . probably never

will get over that habit.

"But, with Freedom-grabbers at work here as well as abroad, I want to be sure on Election Day that we're all alone in that voting booth. With nobody to tell us, 'Put your X There!' No sir!"


Republic Building, Cleveland 1,Ohio

Republic BECAME strong in a strong and free America. Republic can REMAIN strong only in an America that remains strong and free ... an America whose many thriving industries have brought the worlds highest living standards to her people. And in selling Industry. Republic also series America. Take, for example, the Food Processing Industrj'. Here untold millions of pounds of food are processed, refrigerated, packed, canned and frozen for the American table. And here Republic's gleaming Enduro Stainless Steel can be found on the iob , . . in vats, cookers, sterilizers, mixers, coolers, to name but a very few . . . guarding faith- fully the food your family eats.

I- or u Jul I color reprint of this - aJiertisemenI, urile Depl. H. . Republic Steel, Cleveland 1, Ohio ,

? a-S!5;M








( lunliniitd frijiii pni/f 1 i )

or tiiiaiKi;il futcrpriscs; wlu-thcr piiblic \itilitifs or nianutacturint; pliMiis. 1 l\i- tiiiulamfiitals ot fn^llUTrillg an- supplc- nifntcii by srqmncis tssciitial to pri-para- tioii tor iiulustrial ciiKinffring : '>'>-'l' '*: l.Mcthoil>: 'rhip h\ remote control from practically an\' strategic spot oi board has been made po.ssible b\ a new device called the "electric helmsman"

rrcentl\ developed b\ CA'. engineers.

Primary use of this unit would be during combat operations when the normal steering stations hid been di>- abled by enemy fire. In adihtion, the ile\ice can be utilized for effective "close-in" direction of intrii r.te r.ian- euvers such as docking, breechcN b\io\ transfers, and otlier normal or eine.- gency movements.

The new instrument is controlled h\ .1 small knob located on the top of an enclosure which is strapped to the u,ser"s chest. Tlie instrument is pluggec! into the steering control svstem at special outlets located at widely separated po- sitions throughout thi' ship. From tluse points, it is electricallv coupled with a special steering power unit in the steer- ing engine room where the rudder mechanism is located.

The unit is now being fitted on a de- stroyer for .Navy use. An earlier model has been successfully tested on a similar Naval vessel during the past two years.

A I tah woman kept coming back to the mobile unit for additional chest X-rays. Finally the nurse on dutv' asked the woman, "Isn't this the fifth or sixth rime you've been in for an X-ray?"

"Oh, yes and it's wonderful!" the woman exclaimed. "I feel better after every treatment."


to the

Fighting lllini

Best Wishes for a Rose Bowl Victory


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for every engineering need






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I , ijtil.iiiuil fioin piuji- 1(1) prt'sfiitcd the bell to tin- Cliicaii" I ii- ilernrailuntp l)i\ision.

This bfll which was on locomotiNf no. 1 I S(l ran;; w hilc piilhii;; such tainoiis trains as x\\v crack i'anania l.iniitfd. It rang again on thi- niorninears afjo. It is a report to the Pharoah of that time."

This was the translation :

"Know, C^ mighty I'haroah, that I have made inspection of the works of the upper Nile. 1 found the builders to be a most strange breed. P"irst conu-rh men with a three-legged prong with which they make divers observations. W'hen they approach a village the ni.iid- ens fleeth and the villagers bewail ex- ceedingly because they always aim the prong at a house saying "it must he moved," although the de.sert stretcheth for miles around desolate. Sometimes the prong men drive little stakes in the ground. They play a game and wait until someone knocks down one of the stakes, and then the prong men jump up in the air and shout and tear their hair and call on Ra and Osiris and Isis and Horos an all the lesser gods, and they become exceedingly wroth. All about a little stick. They also make many hieroglyphics, many of which they themselves do not understand.

"Then Cometh the contractors. The\ arc a that have many possessions and ride in fine chariots, but they easih run to bitter tears, and they runneth down the work to be done, to each other, that they may make the other

atr.-u'il and lie add much expense to his calculations.

"Then Cometh the material men cl.ul in fine raiment ami the maidens meet them with gleeful smiles, as the\ ha\ e something magic called an "expense ac- count." They are all worshippers of the Sacred Bull. Every morning t]ie> chant "O Sacred Hull, keep us full of th\' substance because onl) with thee can we make our living."

"Then cometh the letting of the con- tract. Whereat one contractor draws the prize, and the rest of the contrac- tors beat their breast and pour ashes on their heads, and sa\ with a might) shout, "He can't do it for the money." .Mways have they said this, and alwa\s to the end of time will tlu'\ say it, e\en until the stars grow cold.

"1-iut the low bidder he smiles and is pleased with himself, wise in his own conceit, and he hunteth up the three- prong men and taketh them to dine with him, and haiuleth the check to a mate- rial man."


.A s c 1-;

.At their Xo\ember meeting the lucni- bers of the student chapter .American Society of Civil Engineers heard .Mr. Gary Cass, former Pierite, and now an engineer with L'niversal Concrete Form Company discuss the "Use of L rii-form Accessories in Concrete Form Work." Mr. Cass also presented an in- teresting movie illustrating I iii-form .iccesories in use on such prominent construction jobs as the Wacker Drive

Extension and the Caiihe Hdton. a luxurious hotel in the West Indies. The accessories are adaptable to all types of concrete work and the intro- duction of these devices should prove valuable to those civils interested in construction work.

.A 1 E E

Professor J. I). Ryder, head ot the electrical engineering department on the I rbana campus presented an enlighten- ing discussion on "High Speed Digital Computers" before the November as- sembh of the Student Chapter, Ameri- can Institute of I'.lectrical P3ngiiieers.

At their December meeting the EE's will hear Mr. j. C. Foss, station de- sign engineer. Commonwealth Edison Co. speak on the New Ridgeland (len- erating Station, an enormous power sta- tion constructed on Chicago's South- west side.

s A M i:

Newest of engineering societies on the Chicago campus is the Society of American Military Engineers, acceptetl into the senior branch at a formal meet- ing-banquet October 1^.

Officers of the Society are Clifton Zabka, president ; Richard Krammerer, \ice president and treasurer; John Cur- tis, secretary and (Jeorge Hunt, pro- gram chairman.

The Societx has as its piii|iose the aciiuainting of the members with con- t:'mporar\ military engineering projects,

File Society's magazine. The Mili- hiry Kni/iimr. is an outstanding one [(OiitiniKil 'in f >tM(lents iicii- at Illinois are tamiiiar with the fine defensive line work of Hob Lenzini 'S4 on Saturda) aftci noons in .Memorial Stadium. Few lit rliem, howe\er, realize that Hob's real .imbition for life's work is a career m civil engineering.

Hnh, wiio li\es in North Chicago, lilmois, graduated from Waukegan Township high school with the class of l'*S(l. While attending Waukegan high, lie studied a college preparatory course containing the courses needed tor entry into the r. of I. college of engineering and at the same time participated ac-



r \



ti\il\ in football and track. When asked \\ h\ lie ciiose engineering to study. Hob replied that lie has always been in- terested in it .uul decided some \eais .ago to t.ike it up upon entering college. .A sophomoie m ci\il engineermg. con- struction option. Hob finds that his schoolwork and football playing keep him well occupied must of the time. Hob is a mendx-r of the local ch.ipter ot ( I iiiittniit (l on fl< l-^' the paraholii', tlif i-xpoiifiitial. tin- li\- |ifrbt I-. more to bt* considiTcil a traiisinissioii liiK- and is usal in only oni- instancr; rhf acoustic labyrinth, a toklfii cylin- ilrical horn which achif\cs the purposf cit an intiiu'tf battle inversion. The acoustic lab\rinth may be a \er\ compact iniit, but its complex structural nature makes it a somewhat less invitinj: v)lution to the problem than would ap- pear upon first consideration. Of the remaining; types, the exponential and hy- perbolic horns are most wideK used. While an infinite horn will not radiate power below its cut-off frequency, the finite exponential and hyperbolic horns r.idiate almost undiminished power up to the cut-off, with the hyperbolic ex- hibiting a slijjht rising characteristic and, altboufjh power is attenuated, botli will radiate below cut-off, whereas tlic finite conical ami parabolic horns not only do not radiate below cut-off, but allow a decided attenuation of radiated power before cut-off is reached.

Koldeil exponential horns are widely useil in theatres for efficiently radiatinji large amounts of low frequency power. In a size commensurate with readv placement amongst residential furniture is the Klipschhorn, a folded exponential

corner horn of minimum dimensions. The design ami construction of such a unit is exceedingly invoKed and repre- sents a handsome investment of time and money, thus, unfortunately, placing this very desirable d(\(lnpment out of general consideration.

Placement of the spe.ikers and en- closures is quite important, particular!) so, in the home. Most loudspeakers and baffling structures exhibit directional characteristics to a greater or less de- gree. Lsualh, the resultant acoustic power is concentrated along, or near, the axis of the speaker. I'lacement of the speaker assemblage near the middle of a wall results in .several "dead" spots in the adacent corners of the room. If, however, the speaker is placed in .1 corner, not only is this undesirable con- dition ameliorated, but an even more attractive di\idend accrues. Since the solid angle through which the source is required to ladiate has been reduced from 1- to -, or :: to -/'2 steradiaiis, the a\er.ige power radiated has been increased b\ a factor of at least two. and possibly four. These effects hold rigorously for a simple point source only, but apply approximately for an open radiator such as a speaker in a flat baffle, ami may be extended to other t\pes upon occasion. This effect nia\ lie duplic.ited b\- mounting two, or tour, oi- more single speakers close to-

gether on a large flat baffle. The ef- fective mutual radiation impedance is incre.ised to the point where the cones are etfecti\el\ coupled to the air, where- upon, the spcikers not only become more efficient, but more distortion-free. There is still another advantage to this sys- tem. I sing several speakers of lower power dissipation capabilities, smaller speakers possessing a higher upper cut- off frequencv are acceptable, providing ;i rather novel and inexpensive manner of attacking the problem.

This last mentioned nutluxl apjiears most attractive, and is certainly worthy of further investigation, because it, of all the various systems, does not involve .1 jirohibitivelv expensive and compli- cated approach. Surely, there must be an easv wav to do it !


( iiiiliiiiit il liiini fxiijf It)

I'elt.i T.ui Delta national social fra- tcinity.

I |ion grailu.ition his plans are stnct- 1\ in construction engineering, as he plans to end his football career here at Illinois. So here's "hats off" to Hob Lenzini first string guard for the Fighting Illini, and a fine engineering student. Best of luck. Bob. in both of \()ur chosen fields of endeavor.






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Dragonfly eye for a war plane blown of optical glass

As any naturalist can tell you, the dragon- fly has one of the best eyes there is for seeing.

His eye is a button, set well out from his head. It lets the dragonfly sec in all directions without craning his neck.

Now war-plane pilots aloft have just such a convenient eye to sec with the glass bub- ble shown above. Set in the skin of a pianc^ and fitted with an optical system it gives a clear, horizon-sweeping view.

This new kind of eye for war planes marks the firsi lime in the history of glass-making that perfect optical glass has been mass-pro- duced by blowing. And because the blowing is so accurate, the bubble needs a minimum 5f grinding and polishing to meet e.xact opti- cal specifications.

Before such a bubble could be blown. Corning had first to develop ways of forming optical glass shapes directly from the molten glass. This was accomplished during World War II, when Corning devised a method of manufacturing lens blanks of perfect optical glass by machinery.

Today, shaping optical glass by blowing greatly extends the usefulness of optical glass for industry as well as the Armed forces.

Making optical glass more useful is just one way that Corning, in a full century of glass-making, has helped glass become one of today's most versatile engineering materi- als. Corning has developed more than ."iO.OOO formulas for making, and they are be- ing added to, day by day.

Throughout iniluslrv, Conihii; niean.i re- search in ^'/(M.v research that is constantly turning up new ways to make glass do count- less jobs better than they've e\er been done before.

So after you're out of college and ore planning new products or improved processes, it will pay you to call on Corning before you reach the blueprint stage Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y.


means research in glass





( I iiiiliniiiil jniin fiiii/i JS ) to'^ ilri)plft> arc x-Mom Mnalicr than tiM- micidiis.

'I'lu- a)iH'ciitrat'oii at tin- ^iniiml (it acroMils trom stack t;asfs di'iU'iiils stilr- \\ upon thf ratf i)f ilischardr and not upon the concentration of tin- stack ;;as's. Howcvt-r, the concentration and deposition ot an aerosol increase witli 111 increase in tile stack height. Tlte mure turbulent the air, the less will be the concentration and deposition at the ground. Although much publicit\ has b^r

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