Download - October 4

Page 1: October 4

October 4, 2013 1

“in pursuit of PIA’s commitment to provide a national mechanism for the free flow of timely, accurate and relevant information… “

VOL I ISSUE 32 Daily E-Newsletter of Philippine Information Agency - 8 October 4, 2013

continued on page 7

DSWD with partners DILG, COMELEC, relaunches


DSWD 8 regional director Remia Tapispisan (3rd from left) encourages everybody to report to their office candidates for barangay posts who threaten to delist 4Ps beneficiaries who will not vote for them these coming barangay elections during launching of “Bawal Ang EPAL Dito” campaign at the Harampang ha PIA in Tacloban City, October 3. Also in photo are (l-r) Myles Colasito of DILG, PIA regional director Olive Tiu and COMELEC regional director Jose Nick Mendros. (Vino R. Cuayzon)

The Department of Social Welfare and Development is reviving the Bawal ang Epal Dito (BAED) campaign in keeping with its commitment to protect the integrity of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program and its beneficiaries from undue politicking, especially at the advent of the barangay elections. DSWD Region 8 Director Remia Tapispisan relaunched the campaign at the Harampang Ha PIA held on October 3, saying that this time BAED campaign will highlight the Joint Memorandum Circular signed by the DSWD, Department of Interior and Local Government and the Commission on Elections. Said JMC contains the agreed upon guidelines, sanctions and strengthened referral system relative to election related grievances involving Pantawid Pamilya, Director Tapispisan said. With Director Tapispisan during the launching were Comelec Region 8 Director Nick Mendros and DILG Regional Information Officer Myles Colasito. Director Tapispisan said the “Bawal ang Epal Dito” Campaign was launched during the May Midterm elections in order to protect and inculcate to the beneficiaries that Pantawid Pamilya is a national government project and not by any politician. As such, only the DSWD Regional and National Office has the right to delist the beneficiaries. On the part of the DSWD, it will monitor and ensure that the message continued on page 7


8th ID top official joins other security forces, civic groups in a call for peace

Lasting peace, is what Samarnons and Leytenos deserve!”

These are the words of the commander of the 8th Infantry Division Brigadier General Jet Velarmino when he assured that he and his men will always remember by heart their commitment in Region 8 -to bring lasting peace to Eastern Visayas as he led the candle lighting ceremony at Camp Lucban, Catbalogan City recently. Proclamation No. 675 declares September of every year as National Peace Consciousness Month.

Thus, the 8thInfantry Division and its subordinate units together with the different partners in promoting peace culminated the month-long celebration with the simultaneous Candle Lighting Ceremonies in all army camps in the region. The top official said that this activity reminds them that they are living instruments in the service of the people with their permanent commitment to bring peace. “Remember, we can be

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2 October 4, 2013

East Visayas Provincial Board Members selects new set of officers


The Provincial Board Members League of the Philippines Eastern Visayas

Chapter recently elected its new set of regional officers in an organizational meeting and election of officers held in Cebu City. Department of Interior and Local Government Region 8 Director Pedro Noval Jr. told the Philippine Information Agency that elected as Chairman was Board Member Daisy Gamale of Southern Leyte. Board Member Ma. Mimietta Bagulaya of the 3rd District of Leyte was elected as the Vice Chairman while Board Member Pascasio Joshua Maria H. Vicario III of Northern Samar was elected as the Secretary General. Elected as treasurer was Board Member Alvin V. Abejuela of Samar; Board Member Karen D. Alvarez of Eastern Samar was elected as Auditor; while elected as PRO was Board Member Ranulfo S. Abellanosa of Leyte First District. Director Noval said that five

Assembly Directors were also elected, namely, Board Members Luzviminda L. Nacario of Samar; Teofisto C. Rojas of Southern Leyte; Gina O. Silvano of Northern Samar; Lolita M. Daguman of Eastern Samar and Rolando A. Saburnido of Biliran. According to Director Noval, there are two more regional elections of Leagues that have yet to be conducted. These are the Regional National Movement of Young Legislators regional elections which is scheduled to be conducted on October 22 – 23 at the Oriental Hotel Leyte in Palo; and the regional elections for the Philippine Councilors League which will be conducted sometime in November, Director Noval added. The National Movement of Young Legislators is a group of elected local lawmakers in the Philippines who are aged 35 years or younger. The local lawmakers hold positions such as municipal or city councilor; municipal or

Southern Leyte Board Member Daisy Gamale during the soft-opening of the Agas-Agas Zipline. (Photo from Leyte Samar Daily Express)

city vice mayor; provincial board member and provincial vice governor. NMYL was formed by the Presidential Council for Youth Affairs (PCYA) under President Corazon C. Aquino as part of her administration’s youth development agenda. Elected as NMYL’s founding president was Senator Francis Pangilinan in 1989, when he was still a councilor of Quezon City. He then saw the need to unite and develop young legislators to develop committed, strong, and principled leaders among youth legislators. (PIA 8)

BFAR to deploy payao in Samar Sea

The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) will soon be

deploying payao to Samar Sea. This was relayed by BFAR Provincial Fishery Officer Rolando Ay-ay in an interview today. Ay-ay said that the deployment of payao will greatly help the fisherfolks of Samar. The activity is set this October with tentative dates as the BFAR Director himself, Atty. Asis Perez will be around to assist the fisherfolks do it in Samar Sea. At the same time, these farmers will be trained on Responsible Fishing Technology on board M/V DA-BFAR. The training will provide them with the construction, deployment, operation and maintenance of fish aggregating devices (FAD/payao) and the importance and use of policies and regulations. A payao is an artificial reef where the fish gather due to the algae that cling to the payao, the small fish then attract bigger ones. In Samar’s first district, BFAR through Ay-ay has distributed payao gadgets to fisherfolks like in Binaliw, Calbayog where the locals acknowledge its help in their fishing. The beneficiaries/ trainees identified by BFAR and the municipal agriculturists are expected to prepare their counterpart sinker/ and center weights. (PIA 8-Samar)

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October 4, 2013 351 Oras fishermen to own fishing boats, thanks to DOLE

Some 51 fishermen from the coastal town of Oras, Eastern Samar will soon

own a fishing boat of their own. This, after Labor Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz recently released a check of P640, 340 to these fishermen who have banded together to enhance their occupation as fishermen and thus improve their income. DOLE Region 8 Director Exequiel Sarcauga said that Labor Secretary Baldoz who was in town to grace the 13th National PESO Congress at Leyte Oriental Hotel, handed the check to Oras Mayor Vivianne P. Alvarez who, as local chief executive, is the accredited co-partner of the DOLE in the implementation of livelihood projects in Oras. Together with Director Sarcauga, Oras PESO Manager Araceli Agpalasin, and the 51 fishermen witnessed the award of the livelihood grant held during a simple ceremony at the DOLE Training Center in Tacloban City. The 51 marginal fishermen of Oras will use the grant under the DOLE’s Integrated Livelihood Program (DILP) to purchase wooden fishing boats, nets, and other fishing paraphernalia. Part of the grant will be spent on capacity-building training for the fishermen, Director Sarcauga said.

He added that the fishermen who are all based in Barangay Butnga, Oras, have found a means to increase their income and that is to pool their skills and resources to improve their fishing method and thus increase fish harvest. Barangay Butnga, the Regional Director said, with a population of 327, is one Oras’ 42 barangays. Meanwhile, Secretary Baldoz expressed her optimism that through the DOLE’s Integrated Livelihood Program-Community Enterprise Development assistance, the 51 fishermen will be able to sustain their enterprise and contribute to the development of their community. “This is the aim of the DILP-CED, to assist individual workers and community groups in developing sustainable livelihood activities that could improve their plight and economically energize their communities,” Secretary Baldoz said. She urged the fishermen to value the DOLE grant by pursuing their enterprise with serious resolve to improve their and their families’ lives. Moreover, she said that the DOLE Regional Office and the local government of Oras will closely monitor the fishermen’s progress and will be there to provide them with more assistance. (PIA 8)

Port of Oras, Eastern Samar (file photo)

DTI-Leyte launches Coco Coir Shared Service Facility project in Baybay City

The Department of Trade and Industry Leyte Provincial Office is set to turn

over and launch its third Shared Service Facility for the province of Leyte. DTI-Leyte Director Desiderio Belas, Jr. told the Philippine Information Agency that this time, it will turn over a Coco Coir Shared Service Facility to the Maybog Farmers Association (MAFA) Community Based Enterprise at the Maybog Gym, Barangay Maybog, Baybay City. The turnover and launching is scheduled at 9:00 to 11:30 in the morning of October 4, Director Belas said. To recall, the DTI Leyte not long ago turned over a Bangus Tinapa Shared Service Facility at Babatngon, Leyte. Just recently, DTI Leyte also turned over a Coco Coir Shared Service Facility for the farmers in Javier, Leyte. Director Belas said that the Shared Service Facility is a priority project under the DTI BIG PUSH for SME Development Program which aims to address the gaps in the supply chain of an identified project by providing processing or manufacturing tools, equipment and machines for the common use of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises. Among the objectives of the SSF Projects is to enhance the competitiveness of the priority industry clusters through the use of quality and productivity enhancing machinery and equipment. Another objective is to develop priority and market-driven industries in support to the National Industry Capacity Enhancement Program, Director Belas added. (PIA 8)

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4 October 4, 2013

DOLE presents first Child-Labor Free establishment award to PASAR


The Department of Labor recently cited the Philippine Associated Smelting

and Refining Corporation (PASAR) in Leyte as a Child-Labor Free Establishment. DOLE Region 8 Director Exequiel Sarcauga said no less than Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz presented the citation on September 25 during the awards night in connection with the recently held 13th National PESO Congress at the Leyte Oriental Hotel. This citation is first to be given by DOLE in the Philippines and also the first in Region 8, Director Sarcauga disclosed.

Director Sarcauga said the CLFE is one of DOLE’s five “good housekeeping” certificates. The other four are the Tripartite Certificate of Compliance with Labor Standards (TCCLS); Gawad Kaligtasan at Kalusugan (GKK); National Productivity Olympics Award; and Outstanding Labor Management Council (LMC) Award for Industrial Peace, which are all part of the Incentivizing Compliance Program of the DOLE, an institutional reform calling for the convergence and integration of programs on labor law compliance to

North Samar sets October 11 for children’s month fete opening

The province of Northern sets October 11 as the opening day for

the children’s month celebration in Catarman. The opening day of the celebration marks the International Day of Child where the technical working group decided to have a motorcade, then a short program and in the afternoon there will be booths exhibit, milk feeding and vitamin A distribution for children. Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator Engr. Romeo Cardenas said that this year’s theme, “Kahirapan wakasan, karapatan ng bata ipaglaban!”, highlights that poverty reduction starts with children. The participation and convergence of efforts at various levels is deemed necessary to address underlying causes of poverty, he said. Cardenas explained that primary objectives are to encourage stakeholders not only the duty holders

to contribute to poverty reduction and to advocate for stronger holistic actions, particularly preventive measures to address problems on poverty. Cardenas further explained that child poverty is an outcome of deprivation in the family, thus, as poverty incidence in families rises, more and more children are deprived of their basic needs and are pushed to join the labor force at an early age, becoming exposed to exploitation and abuse. In the province, he said, the International Labor Organization has intensified and sustained their interventions to address child labor and to realize a child labor free province soon. These initiatives are progressing towards maturity, issues are addressed, various stakeholders are mobilized for service delivery or advocacy, local institutions are established, and partnerships among stakeholders are developed, he added. (TBC/PIA8-Northern Samar)

strengthen self-regulation and voluntary labor standards compliance among the country’s industries. It was learned that PASAR was earlier recognized as the top establishment in the Visayas for its Family Welfare Program. The latest citation it received was for its commitment and exemplary adherence to the provisions of the Child Labor Law under Republic Act 9231, Director Sarcauga said. (PIA 8)

PNP-EVisayas issues brand new handguns

By: Aurora J. Casimpan

Police personnel in Eastern Visayas without issued sidearms were issued

brand new handguns in a ceremonial distribution held at the Police Regional Office (PRO8) Matapat Hall last Monday. Police Chief Superintendent Elmer Soria, PRO8 regional director and Police Director Gil J. Hitosis, PNP director for logistics led the ceremonial distribution of some 72 brand new Glock 17 Generation 4 safe-action 9mm pistols to policemen who were pre-selected to receive the new service firearms. Director Soria said policemen with the ranks of Police Officers 1 to 3 were prioritized in the distribution after they passed the training on firearms proficiency and maintenance conducted by the PNP Training Service-Regional Special Training Unit 8. It was learned that PRO8 received 595 brand new pistols under the PNP’s Capability Enhancement Program (CEP) from the initial 22,603 units distributed to continued on page 7

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October 4, 2013 5

Kapihan program guests Gov. Roger G. Mercado (in white barong) and Provincial Agriculturist Marina Gador (2nd form left) tackle Agriculture updates particularly on organic farming in Southern Leyte province. Kapihan program, live over station DySL in Sogod, is held every Thursday hosted by PIA-ICM Erna Gorne (left) with co-host Bong Pedalino. (rgc/PIA8-Southern Leyte)

Makusog nga pagbaro-balasa kaangayan na pagddumaraon ha Bureau of Customs – Pangulo Aquino

Nagsering hi Pangulo Benigno S. Aquino nga makusog nga pagbaro-

balasa ha liderato han Bureau of Customs (BoC), mga empleyado hini, ngan mga proseso en ginkikinahanglan na, bali resulta han kanan administrasyon comprehensive reform agenda. Dida han pagyakan niya dida han Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) Grand Breakfast nga gindumara ha SMX Mall of Asia ha Pasay City dida han Myerkoles, an Chief Executive en nagsering nga an gobyerno en nagtikang na pag-implementar hin mga pitad pagpara han smuggling ha Bureau of Customs, kun diin dugang pa niya nga an kanan gobyerno comprehensive agrarian reform agenda en mayda gihapon panuyo pagbalik han integridad dida han mga opisyal ngan mga empleyado han BoC. Gin-estimar nga maabot Php200 bilyones en nawawara tikang ha kaban han nasud kada tuig mahitungod han transaksyonalismo, palakasan, ngan klaro nga kurapsyon nga maiha na nga

natatabo ha Bureau of Customs, sering han Pangulo. “ A n g r e p o r m a n g ipinapatupad natin sa Bureau of Customs ay isa sa mga p i n a k a m a t i n g k a d na patunay nito. Mantakin po ninyo: tintayang umabot sa dalawandaang bilyong piso ang nawawala sa kaban ng bayan taon-taon dahil sa t r a n s a k s y o n a l i s m o, palakasan, at lantarang pandarambong na matagal nang umiiral sa Customs,” iya naobserbahan. “ N a g i n g malinaw po sa atin na kung babalasahin

padayon ha page 7

lang natin ang mga nasa puwesto, pero ilalagay pa rin sila sa kung saan sila maaaring gumawa ng pinsala, talaga pong wala tayong patutunguhan. Ang atin pong tugon: Reset button para sa ahensyang matagal nang nagging mukha ng katiwalian sa gobyerno,” pagklaro han Pangulo. “Limang bagong deputy commissioner po ang ating itinalaga. Dalawang EO (Executive OIrder) para maipasok ang bagong dugo, para sa bagong mga pananaw at pamamaraan,” sering niya. Ginpirmahan han Pangulo dida han Septyembre 2 an Executive Order No. 140 Creating a Customs Policy Research Office (CPRO) ha Department of Finance ngan Eexecutive Order No. 139 Creating an Office of the Revenue Agency Modernization (ORAM) ha Department of Finance. “Iniatas din ang pag-uwi sa tamang posisyon ng mga naka-detail na empleyado; wala nang security guard

Page 6: October 4

6 October 4, 2013


Kompaniya sa Europa makig-deal sa mga mag-uuma sa So. Leyte alang sa pagpananom og cacao


Usa ka kompaniya nga Dutch ang nakig-dugtong sa mga organisasyon

sa mga mag-uuma ning lalawigan aron maka mugna og mga de-kalidad nga mga bunga sa cacao nga gamiton paghimo og mga tam-is nga tsokolet. Kini ang gibutyag ni Mike

Nunez, provincial director sa Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), kansang buhatan maoy gigamit ingon nga agianan pagkab-ot ngadto sa mga interesadong mga tawo o mga pundok. Gani, duna nay farmer’s group sa Sogod ug Bontoc ang nagsugod na sa

pagpananom og mga seedlings, ingon man ang usa ka grupo ubos sa Social Action Center (SAC) sa Diocese of Maasin, nga nananum sa mga gitagana nga mga binhi didto sa lote nga gipanag-iya sa diocese sa barangay Panan-awan ning siyudad, nagkanayon si Nunez diha sa DYSL Kapihan sa PIA sa pagka Huwebes. Gidugang ni Nunez nga ang mga seedlings mamunga sulod lamang sa usa ka tuig ug tunga gunad sa pagtanum, nuntan sa maayong pag-atiman ug maintenance. Ang kompaniya maoy mopalit sa mga hinog nga mga bunga sulod sa walo ka tuig ubos sa contract growing nga pamaagi, ang presyo gitakda sa 70% sa kasagarang presyo subay sa world market, pahibalo ni Nunez. Niya pa daw kulhan siya nga ang iyang buhatan misulod na niini sanglit ang tanan naa pa man sa primary planting stage, ang DTI sagad naa man sa food processing, labelling, ug marketing.Apan kay giduol man ang iyang opisina ingon nga coordinating arm aron masabwag ang kasayuran ngadto sa lain-laing pundok hinungdan nga siya nalambigit, miingon si Nunez. Ang naasoy nga deal nahisibo usab sa coconut rehabilitation program sa probinsiya, usa ka roadmap nga ang DTI mitabang pag-gama, diin gitumbok ang pagpananum og cacao ilawom sa kalubian kon intercropping. Subay niini, giawhag ni Nuney ang mga interesadong mga tawo ug mga grupo sa pag-contact sa iyang buhatan aron ipahigayon ang technical training kon seminar sa labing daling panahon. Kadtong mga nagka-interes mahimong motawag sa DTI provincial office sa telepono (053) 381-4099 o sa cell phone ni Nunez, 0917-705-1504. (esg/translated by mmp, PIA8-Southern Leyte)

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October 4, 2013 7PNP E Visayas... from page 4

Makusog nga... tikang ha page 5

8th ID top official... from page 1DSWD with partners... from page 1

of the BAED campaign reaches the beneficiaries wherever they are. It will also monitor, validate and report grievances or reports from the benificiaries regarding the BAED campaign. It will also respond to reports against persons under its jurisdiction. Moreover, it will refer cases to Comelec or DILG for cases not under its authority. The Comelec, according to Director Mendros will receive referrals from the DSWD and DILG. It will also act and give sanctions for the referred cases or violations of the Election Code of the Philippines. Furthermore, it will help in the intensification of BAED Campaign with the help of the election officers. Meanwhile, Mr. Colasito said that the DILG will help in the intensified campaign with the help of the local government officers or MLGOO. Through the MLGOOs, it will also assist the Municipal Links in the monitoring and reporting grievances regarding the campaign. The campaign calls for reporting of people, politicians or not, who are claiming that the beneficiaries will not receive their benefits if they will not vote for a certain candidate during the barangay elections; people or politicians who promises additional cash grants to the beneficiaries if they will vote for a certain candidate during the elections; people or politicians who are threatening beneficiaries that they will be delisted from the roster of beneficiaries if they will not vote for a certain candidate; and people or politicians who promises to include the non-beneficiaries if they will vote for a certain candidate during the elections. Moreover, report people or politicians who make physical threats or death threats on any beneficiary who will not vote for a certain candidate; anyone who uses Pantawid activities and resources to support any candidate; and politicians who claim that Pantawid is a project of any politician or government official for personal interest. For grievances and reports, contact the Municipal Link or grievance officer or text at cellphone number 0918-912-2813 by Texting 4ps <space> name <slash> area <slash> complaint. (PIA 8)

instruments of peace. Let us together support the promotion of peace and strengthen further peace within us,” he added. Other peace promoting activities which the army initiated were peace symposia, bike for peace, walk for peace, and concert for peace according to Division Public Affairs Office (DPAO) Chief Captain Amado Gutierrez. The National Peace Consciousness Month is intended to raise awareness among Filipinos to advance the government’s peace effort with the communist rebels and the Moro secessionists in Mindanao. It also promotes a culture of peace anchored on non-violence and respect for the fundamental human rights. (PIA 8- Samar with Avha H. Ebalde)

police units nationwide as part of the first tranche of delivery for completion in April of next year. The PRO8 also informed that forty of the new handguns were used as training pistols while 555 were given to different police officers in the region. The region’s top police official declared that with issued firearms, police enforcers especially those in the fields can now better serve and protect the people. (PIA-8)

na ginagawang collecting officer, o warehouseman na examiner; hindi na puwedeng nasa puwesto ka dahil sa palakasan, at hindi sa kakayahan. Kaya kung may natitira pa ring mga latak na nais kumapit sa lumang kalakaran: Sige po, subukan na lang po ninyo, at tingnan natin ang inyong paglalagyan,” iya pagtapos. (PIA-8)

BJMP-Maasin City nagtinguha sa pagdugang sa pagpugong sa kaugalingon, disiplina diha sa mga boarders pinaagi sa pa-ugnat sa kusog


Ang Bureau of Jail Management and Penelogy (BJMP) sa Maasin City, sa

pakiglambigit kauban sa Maasin City Jail og Southern Leyte Provincial Jail (SLPJ) nga personahe og mga boarders (mga preso) nagpasiugda og mga kalihokan nga mag-ugmad og dugang pagpugong sa kaugalingon og disiplina diha kanila pinaagi sa pa-ugnat sa kusog. padayon ha page 8

Sumala kang BJMP Assistant Regional Director Edwin Riel, kinsa mao ang pinasidunggang nga bisita atol sa labing una nga BJMP friendship nga pa-ugnat sa kusog sa probinsya, “ang dautan nga pamatasan sama sa usa ka busloton nga ligid, nga kinahanglan nga imong alid-an kondili wala ka nay kapa-ingnan pa.” Dugang niyang pahayag nga ang mga panagdula tali sa duha ka jail-boarders og mga personahe usa ka pamaagi aron sa pagdugang sa pagpugong sa kaugalingon og disiplina diha sa ilang mga kaugalingon samtang sila mo-apil sa nagkadaiyang nga pa-ugnat sa kusog sa tibook nga kompetisyon. Samtang, Si Maasin City Jail Wardress J/Sinsp Arlene Barraca mipahayag nga atol sa seremonyas sa pag-abli didto sa Southern Leyte Provincial Jail, Maasin City mipahayag nga ang maong kalihokan naglangkob sa pagbalhin sa 16 ka mga boarders gikan sa Maasin City Jail ngadto sa dapit nga magdula didto sa SLPJ gihatagan og pagtugot sa mga Honorable Courts. Klaro kaayo niya nga gipahibalo nga ang mga residente sa prisohan dili na pagatawagon og mga binilanggo kondili mga boarders og nagtudlo nga ang paghatag og koreksyon diha sa mga boarders mao ang katungdanan sa tanan og dili lamang sa BJMP. Ang pa-ugnat sa kusog nga pagasalmutan nag-apil sa basketball, volleyball, dama, chinese checkers og chess matag Lunes sa hapon sulod sa bulan sa Oktobre 2013, dugang pahayag ni Barraca. Ang gihinganlan nga mga

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8 October 4, 2013

BJMP Maasin City... tikang ha page 7

kalihokan kabahin sa National Correctional Consciousness Week (NACOCOW) nga obserbasyon karon nga bulan. Kini gipasiugdahan og usa ka motorkada nga gi-apilan sa mga membro sa DILG Family sama sa Provincial DILG nga mga representante, Bu. Of Fire and Protection, Philippine National Police- So Leyte, LGU- Southern Leyte, DepEd – Alternative Learning System (ALS) nga mga magtutudlo og BJMP Regional Office nga mga personahe usab. (Gibinisaya ni esg/PIA8 SoLeyte)

Native products made in Eastern Samar sold on September 26-28, 2013 at the municipal grounds of Balangiga during the town’s Agro-Industrial Fair conducted as one of the highlights of the 112th year commemoration of the Balangiga Encounter Day. (Photo by Consuelo B. Alarcon/PIA-8)

Presidente Aquino nagpagawas sin proklamasyon pagdeklarar san mga holidays san mga eskwelahan para sa tuig 2014

Si Presidente Benigno C. Aquino III nag-isyu sin Proklamasyon pagdeklarar san

regular holidays, special (non-working) days ngan special holiday san mga eskwelahan para sa tuig 2014, ini an sugad san opisyal san Palasyo. Si Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda nag-anunsyo durante san regular press briefing sa Palasyo sa Malakanyang sa Lunes, nga an Presidente nag-isyu sin Proklamasyon Numero 655 sadton Setyembre 25. An masunod nga regular holidays ngan special days para sa tuig 2014 ig-oobserbar sa nasud. Regular Holidays para sa tuig 2014

New Year’s Day - Enero 1 (Mierkules)Araw ng Kagitingan - Abril 9 (Mierkules)Huebes Santo - Abril 17Biernes Santo - Abril 18Labor Day - Mayo 1 (Huebes)Independence Day - Hunyo 12 (Huebes)National Heroes Day - Agosto 25 (Last Monday of August)Bonifacio Day - Nobyembre 30 (Domingo)Pasko - Disyembre 25 (Huebes)Rizal Day - Disyembre 30 (Martes)

Special (non-working) DaysChinese New Year - Enero 31 (Biernes)Sabado Santo - Abril 19Ninoy Aquino Day - Agosto 21 (Huebes)All Saints Day - Nobyembre 1 (Sabado)

Additional special (non-working) days

Disyembre 24 (Mierkules)Disyembre 26 (Biernes)Katapusan nga adlaw sa tuig -

Disyembre 31 (Mierkules) Special Holiday (for all schools)

EDSA Revolution Anniversary - Pebrero 25 (Martes) An proklamasyon pagdeklarar san national holidays para san pag-obserbar san Eid’l Fitr ngan Eidul Adha in igpapahamtang matapos mahibaruan ngan madeterminar an mga petsa san Islamic holidays subay san Islamic calendar (Hijra) o an lunar calendar, basi san Islamic astronomical calculations, kon nano an posibli o kaangayan. An National Commission on Muslim Filipinos an magpapasabot san opisina san Presidente kon nano nga adlaw natutuang an holidays.

An Department of Labor and Employment mao an magpopromulgar san giya pag-implementar sini nga Proklamasyon nga magiging epektibo sagilayon. (Translated by ADiaz/PIA8-Northern Samar)

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