Page 1: OCTOBER 23, 2018 JAGWIRE- OPINION THE PROWL 11 FAKE …f9727df125c494ddd534-f3bfebe884494183a236129633fd1e8a.r58.cf2.rackcdn… · que sed mossita-tet il eos nestrum ... Tearing up

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Tearing up the press


Newspaper publications around the US respond to President Trump’s

anti-press campaign


One of the biggest red flags a diplomatic leader may prove a tyrant lies in their attempts to

turn the public against journalism and the media. President Donald Trump serves as a perfect representation of this behavior, as exemplified in his relentless attacks on the press or, as he likes to put it, “Fake News.”

There remain many historical figures who held a great deal of power and weaponized it against those in the journalism profession in an attempt to keep up a good appearance; for example, Adolf Hitler. Of course, this in no way means that President Trump may follow in Hitler’s tyrannical, maniacal, destructive path. The only other characteristics the two share reside in their racist (“Black guys counting my money! I hate it... I think that the guy is lazy...laziness is a trait in blacks”), bigoted (“a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” 2015), and sexist (“grab her by the p***y”) beliefs, blaming of any economic or social issues on immigrants and minority groups, mistruthfullness to the public, attacking those who question their ideals and practices, keeping their personal finances and plans private even when asked, etc. Obviously, this vague resemblance between the two proves barely a cause for concern.

The journalism profession remains centered around the sharing of important news and facts, responsible for maintaining a well-informed and politically involved public. Without this constant circulation of new ideas and social awareness, the people ultimately fall prey to manipulation from those in higher powers. Keeping up with the times proves absolutely essential, especially today, in light of the nation’s current division and openly hostile behavior.

Still serving as his favorite form of communicating with the people,

President Trump posted an anti-press tweet on Aug. 18, reading “THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA IS THE OPPOSITION PARTY. It is very bad for our Great Country....BUT WE ARE WINNING!” Soon thereafter, the president deleted the tweet. However, he then proceeded to further tear apart the people’s use of free speech, referring to the press as the “enemy of the people,” a phrase that picked up fire and spread throughout social media with impressive speed.

Inspired by President Trump’s continuous assault on the press, the Boston Globe, followed by over 350 other newspaper publications, published editorials responding to and calling out President Trump on his false accusations. Spreading like a wildfire, the Press’s counterattack dominated social media and gained an overwhelming response from those pursuing a career in journalism.

This constant influx of hate against the press proves extremely ineffective in deterring people from pursuing a career in journalism; on the contrary, the rebellious and eager to be heard younger generation proves more determined than ever to expose the truth and use their words to inspire justice. When faced with adversity, journalists refuse to back down; no longer will the world receive the comfort of their silence. In the name of social justice, journalists demand the freedom to speak out and be heard. To be blunt, the only people who need fear the press remain those with something to hide.

The press is not the enemy of the people. The press represents the people. If we the people, the governed, intend to hold any form of power over those who govern us, then we must fight to keep our freedom of speech from being destroyed by the person who currently serves as the leader of our nation.

-Information gathered from

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