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Chapter 8Benthic Processes and the Burial of Carbon

Karin Lochte · Robert Anderson · Roger Francois · Richard A. Jahnke · Graham Shimmield · Alexander Vetrov

8.1 Introduction

A major goal of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study(JGOFS) has been to understand the export of carbonfrom the surface ocean to the deep sea, a process whichremoves carbon from the active exchange with the at-mosphere for long periods of time. Deep-sea sedimentsare the final sink of organic matter which is not degradedin the water column nor at the water-sediment interface.This interface is a physical boundary collecting and con-centrating sinking particulate organic matter from finedebris to dead whales and consequently supports a fairlyactive benthic community. The level of biotic activity,the rates of remineralization, and last, but not least, theamount of material buried and preserved in the sedi-ment, all depend on the mass flux and the compositionof the material reaching the sea floor. As will be shownin this chapter, the connection between the surface oceanand the seafloor is not a simple one. However, the inte-gration of signals at the sea floor allows conclusions tobe drawn about upper ocean processes which go beyondthe period of direct observation.

The remnants of surface water productivity depositedat the sea floor are not only the drivers of benthic biologi-cal activity and biogeochemical processes, but they alsocarry signals of productivity which are eventually buriedin the sediments and retain the information of past oceanproductivity. These signals undergo major changes notonly in the water column but also at the water-sedimentinterface. Thus, this biologically active interface acts as afinal filter which determines in which chemical form andquantity the settling material is preserved in the deeperlayers of the sediment. Although much of the orginal ma-terial is lost in these degradation processes, empirical re-lationships between the signals stored in the sediments andvarious aspects of ocean productivity have been detectedand used to asses levels of productivity in the past. Oneuncertainty of this approach is the alteration of the mate-rial by biological and chemical processes at the sea floorprior to burial. Hence, there is a common interest of bio-geochemists, biologists and paleoceanographers to under-stand the link between productivity, benthic processes andpreservation of signals in deep-sea sediments.

Paleoproductivity studies have made large efforts toreconstruct past changes in environmental and climaticconditions by following variations in signals of oceanbiology, in particular of the ‘biological pump’, that arepreserved in the sediments. The knowledge of changesin paleoproductivity is a key to understanding how ex-ternal factors affect biogeochemical cycles and why theocean is today as it is. Unfortunately, the intuitively-ob-vious approach to reconstruct past changes in oceanproductivity from the profiles of organic carbon in thesediments is not valid. There is no simple, direct rela-tionship between the burial rate of organic carbon andthe biological productivity of the overlying waters. Pres-ervation of organic matter is low and very variable. Fur-thermore, while there is strong evidence that preserva-tion efficiency depends on bottom water oxygen con-tent, sediment exposure time and mass sedimentationrates there is as yet no valid algorithm for assessing pres-ervation efficiency. A further complication involves thesupply of refractory ‘old’ organic matter originating fromreworked ancient sediments and redeposited on top ofnew material, particularly at sites near ocean margins.Due to these and further problems paleoceanographershave turned to ‘proxies’ to determine past changes inocean productivity. Proxies are indirect indicators of pastprocesses which are, ideally, better preserved in marinesediments than bulk organic matter. Studies in the mod-ern ocean by JGOFS and other projects have helped toestablish a linkage between the proxy and either exportflux, concentration of nutrients in the surface water ornutrient utilization efficiency. With this set of tools, whichstill presents us with many questions and unresolvedproblems, changes of paleoproductivity can be elucidatedand related to environmental change.

This chapter deals with two aspects of deep-oceanfluxes: firstly, the removal of carbon from the surfacewaters by export to the deep ocean, deposition andburial in the deep-sea sediments as far as we understandit today; secondly, the use of proxies preserved in thedeep-sea sediments as indicators of past ocean produc-tivity. The study of benthic processes and burial of car-bon in the sediments has not been pursued by all na-tional JGOFS programmes, hence this information iscompiled from a number of different studies.

M. J. R. Fasham (ed.), Ocean Biogeochemistry

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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8.2 Processes of Transport and Turnover

of Material in the Deep Ocean

8.2.1 Transfer of Organic Material

from the Surface to the Deep Ocean

The export of biogenic particles from the productiveupper layer of the ocean removes a small and variablefraction of algal biomass from the euphotic zone trans-ferring biologically bound carbon and associated ele-ments into the deeper water layers. Mass occurrencesof phytoplankton often lead to agglomeration of indi-vidual algal cells forming relatively large and rapidlysinking aggregates, which also scavenge other particlesfrom the water column (Alldredge and Silver 1988). Oce-anic regions characterized by seasonal phytoplanktonblooms are known for high and episodic sedimentationwhile oligotrophic oceanic gyres are characterized bylow and more constant particle fluxes (Antia et al. 2001).During settling in the water column a large part of la-bile organic matter is lost from the particles due to zoo-plankton grazing, microbial degradation and leaching.These losses are most pronounced in the zone betweenthe upper mixed layer and about 1 500 m water depth(e.g., Berger et al. 1987; Martin et al. 1987; Louanchi andNajjar 2000). Hence, what reaches the sea floor is thenet result of production in the surface ocean and subse-quent alteration in the deeper water column. This state-ment is true for the organic material, which feeds thedeep-sea organisms, as well as for the proxies which areused to reconstruct past productivity levels from thesediment record.

Sinking particles can be collected by moored sedi-ment traps deployed in different depths in the watercolumn. Such particle interceptor traps collect and pre-serve the sinking material for later analysis of its con-stituents. This method has provided valuable long termmeasurements of the vertical flux of matter in selectedregions of the ocean (e.g., Haake et al. 1993; Deuser 1996;Honjo et al. 2000). It has demonstrated the temporal andspatial variability of both, the flux rates and the compo-sition of the sedimenting material. Furthermore, trapmaterial provides information about the major groupsof phytoplankton contributing to the export from theupper ocean, and particularly those with siliceous orcalcareous shells can be well identified. A major prob-lem associated with traps is the uncertainty of the effi-ciency by which they collect sinking particles. Sedimenttraps moored in shallow water depth are subjected tostronger currents and turbulence and are, therefore,prone to major errors (Buesseler 1991; Buesseler et al.2000; Gust et al. 1994; Yu et al. 2001a). Shallow traps alsofrequently capture live zooplankton when they searchfor food, called ‘swimmers’, which can be separated fromthe sinking dead debris only with difficulty. A furthercomplication involves release of dissolved organic mat-

ter from particles which can amount to a large fractionof the vertical organic carbon flux in shallow traps andwhich is usually not accounted for in flux measurements(Kähler and Bauerfeind 2001). In contrast, flux measure-ments from deep moored traps agree reasonably wellwith data from other methods (Bacon et al. 1985; Emersonet al. 1987; Buesseler 1991; Yu et al. 2001a; Scholten et al.2001). The uncertainty in the vertical flux at shallow depthseverely limits attempts to estimate the total export fromthe upper ocean to the deep sea.

The organic carbon flux recorded using sedimenttraps generally resembles primary productivity patternsin time and space. Hence, sediment trap data were usedto develop algorithms which link the primary produc-tion to the flux of particulate organic carbon (POC) andwater depth (e.g., Suess 1980; Betzer et al. 1984; Martinet al. 1987; Pace et al. 1987; Berger et al. 1987). Such algo-rithms are frequently applied to estimate the fractionof primary production that is exported out of the upperproductive layer and reaches the deep ocean. This ap-proach is tempting and convenient, since basin-wide orglobal export can be estimated from surface water pri-mary productivity derived from satellite images (e.g.,Antoine et al. 1996; Behrenfeld and Falkowski 1997), butit is also subject to a number of uncertainties. Many in-termediate steps are required to infer export produc-tion from satellite chlorophyll data and the various al-gorithms describing the vertical flux differ considerably.Trap data indicate that between 10% and 40% of theprimary production as derived from satellite data isbeing exported out of the upper mixed layer at 125 mwater depth (Antia et al. 2001) and between 0.4% and3% at 1 000 m (Fischer et al. 2000) with highest exportfractions generally associated with high primary pro-duction and lowest ones in oligotrophic regions. Par-ticularly high and highly variable percentages of pri-mary production are exported at 100 m water depth inpolar regions and in the Arabian Sea at certain periodsof the monsoon cycle, while export in subtropical andequatorial regions is lower and less variable (Buesseler1998). Furthermore, the seasonality of production seemsto influence export. Regions with highly variable exportproduction tend to export more organic carbon to thedeep ocean than more stable ones (Lampitt and Antia1997; Antia et al. 2001). Algorithms with an exponentialrelationship between primary production and exportflux seem to describe this relationship best (e.g., Betzeret al. 1984; Antia et al. 2001).

The speed of sinking of particles is an important fac-tor determining the export flux. A range of differenttypes of particles with different sedimentation ratesranging from 1 m to ca. 300 m d–1 (Alldredge and Silver1988) are produced in the euphotic zone and fast-sink-ing particles are the first ones to reach the deep waterspreceding the bulk of slower particles. Among fast sink-ing particles are diatom aggregates and large fecal pel-

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lets such as those of salps, pteropods or krill which maysediment with a speed of several hundred up to thou-sand meters per day (e.g., Madin 1982; Pfannkuche andLochte 1993; Noji et al. 1997). These particles arrive indeep waters only a few days after their production inthe upper water column and are important vehicles fortransfer of organic matter into the deep ocean. For in-stance, shallow (500 m) and deep (3 200 m) mooredtraps at the long-time series station near Bermuda re-corded the seasonal peaks of sedimentation almost with-out a significant time lag indicting that below the uppermixed water layer fast transfer may prevail (Conte et al.2001), which may be caused by repackaged particlesproduced by zooplankton grazing in mid-water. Theimportance of fast sinking diatoms, or rather aggregatesof diatoms, for export fluxes has been emphasized in amodeling study by Boyd and Newton (1999) highlight-ing diatom blooms as the plankton community with thehighest export potential. Biogenic minerals, such as cal-cite, aragonite and opal, increase the ballast of settlingparticles and, hence, their sinking speed (Armstronget al. 2002). Additional ballast from lithogenic particlesintroduced to the surface waters by dust, river plumesor melting of ‘dirty’ ice and scavenged from the waterby the organic particles also increases the sinking speed(Ittekkot 1993). Large food falls to the deep-sea floor, asfor instance observed from a mass mortality of swim-ming crabs (Christiansen and Boetius 2000), may alsointroduce a sizeable amount of fresh organic matter tothe sea floor. Such stochastic fluxes may be large in cer-tain regions, but cannot be assessed by conventionalmeans and remain generally unaccounted for.

Another factor determining the flux of organic mat-ter is the degree to which it is mineralized in the watercolumn. Most of the organic material is lost in waterdepths between 500 m to 1 500 m while at greater depthsonly small losses occur (e.g., Berger et al. 1987; Martinet al. 1987; Louanchi and Najjar 2000). In regions withstrong seasonal phytoplankton ‘blooms’ forming fastsinking aggregates higher losses in the water columnwere found, while in systems with less pulsed export(e.g., subtropical and tropical regions) less material isdegraded below the upper mixed layer on the way to thedeep ocean (Antia et al. 2001). This difference in loss oforganic material may be caused by the types of particlesbeing exported. Particles sedimenting after phytoplank-ton blooms are composed of relatively fresh organicmatter from senescent algal cells and are remineralisedrapidly within days (Turley and Lochte 1990). In con-trast, physically more stable systems seem to recyclemost material in the upper water column and loss indeeper waters is small. Exceptionally high exports andlittle degradation were associated with melting ice prob-ably due to very fast sinking aggregates (Peinert et al.2001). In contrast to shallow traps recording local dif-ferences in productivity, deep moored traps in around

3 000 m water depth show less regional variability (Antiaet al. 2001). This implies that there is an effective bio-logical filter removing organic material in mid water.These degradation processes in the mesopelagic zonebeneath the upper mixed water layer are still poorlyknown and represent a major uncertainty in our un-derstanding of carbon transport processes in the ocean.In particular, the influence of different types of zoop-lankton and their different feeding strategies on par-ticle dynamics in the deeper water column is still anopen question.

8.2.2 Benthic Carbon Turnover Processes

The sedimenting material accumulates at the sea floorand at times of high sedimentation, e.g., after the phy-toplankton spring bloom, it can form a fluffy layer oforganic-rich particles on the sediment surface alteringthe chemical and biological conditions in this layer(Billett et al. 1983; Rice et al. 1986; Thiel et al. 1989). Al-though in the deep water column below 1 500 m the or-ganic material seems largely unaffected by biotic con-sumption, there is a substantial remineralization of thismaterial once it settles on the sea floor (Lochte andTurley 1988; review by Turley et al. 1995). Generally>90% of the organic carbon reaching the sea floor isremineralized and only a small residual fraction is per-manently buried in the sediments (Bender and Heggie1984; Emerson et al. 1985). The community inhabitingthe deep-sea floor seems well adapted to low food sup-ply of poor quality and possesses specific capabilitiesto deal with this material (e.g., Lochte and Turley 1988;Boetius and Lochte 1996). As a result of high biologicalactivity and changing physico-chemical conditions inthe water-sediment interface, both sedimenting organicmaterial and proxies experience major modifications.

The water-sediment interface comprises the lower fewmeters of water above the sediment with increased con-centrations of resuspended sediment particles and elevatedbacterial activity (called ‘the benthic boundary layer’,Ritzrau 1996), and the upper few centimeters of the sedi-ment with high biological activity (Ritzrau et al. 2001a). Indeep-sea sediments, highest biological activity is found inthe upper two centimeters declining down to 5 or 10 cm,below which activity is very low (e.g., Boetius et al. 2000a).However, active bacteria and archaea are still present ingreat sediment depths, but except for specific geologicalsettings their impact on cycling of material in sedimentsis assumed to be small (Parkes et al. 2000).

Gradients of oxygen in pore water indicate the rateof mineralization of organic matter in the sediment andallow one to model the degradation rates of this partlyrecalcitrant material. Various organic fractions with dif-ferent degradation rates can be identified (Soetaert et al.1996; Hedges et al. 1999) ranging from mean life times

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of a few months in regions with high vertical flux (e.g.,Smith et al. 1997; Luff et al. 2000) up to 0.7 to 3.5 years(Sayles et al. 1994) or 1.7 to 33 years (e.g., Smith et al. 1997;Sauter et al. 2001). Life times ranging from 0.3 to 80 yearshave been reported for Southern Ocean sediments (Sayleset al. 2001). The considerable differences in the degra-dation rates of organic material depend on its chemicalcomposition and shortest degradation rates are ob-served in relatively ‘fresh’ organic matter which hassettled quickly to the sea floor. If material is turned overslowly, benthic remineralization does not follow directlythe temporal pulses of sedimentation, but the signal isspread out in time. According to diagenetic models, theamplitude in seasonal variations in benthic reminerali-zation depends critically on the reactivity of the depos-ited material and can only show a direct response to aseasonal pulse of sedimentation when mean lifetimesof less than 0.25 years prevail (Martin and Bender 1988;Sayles et al. 2001). Therefore, seasonal changes in verti-cal flux as recorded by sediment traps are not alwaysreflected by similar seasonal changes in sediment oxy-gen consumption. Absence of seasonal shifts in oxygenconsumption in response to sedimentation events hasbeen observed by direct measurements of benthic res-piration in some investigations (e.g., Sayles et al. 1994),while other studies indicate seasonal fluctations in res-piration linked to sedimentation events (Fig. 8.1) (e.g.,Pfannkuche 1993; Drazen et al. 1998). Thus, the benthicresponse depends on the deposition of relatively ‘fresh’organic matter which has the strongest impact onbenthic metabolic rates.

In particular the small sized organisms, such as bac-teria, foraminifera, nematodes and other meiofauna, re-act to sedimentation of particulate organic matter (re-views by Gooday and Turley 1990; Lochte and Pfann-kuche 2002; see also Pfannkuche et al. 1999). On a long-term station in the North Atlantic, the sediments showeda seasonal increase of concentrations of algal pigments,adenylates as indicator of biomass of small organisms,bacterial biomass and respiration (Fig. 8.1) indicatingthat there is seasonal growth of small sized organismstriggered by the sedimentation of the phytoplanktonspring bloom. Increased metabolism, rising enzymeactivity, increasing growth rates or migration towardsthe source of food were observed in different groups ofthese small organisms (Gooday and Turley 1990; Lochte1992; Pfannkuche 1993). Owing to the poor nutritionalquality of the organic material, it seems that bacteriaand archaea are best adapted to degrade this materialas they possess the greatest diversity of hydrolytic en-zymes (e.g., Boetius and Lochte 1996). The largest shareof organic carbon in deep-sea sediments is primarilyutilized by microorganisms, but larger organisms feed-ing on the organic particles and the attached microbesalso benefit from the sedimenting material (Rice et al.1986; Gooday and Turley 1990; Heip et al. 2001).

From the more productive continental slopes towardsthe mid-oceanic regions with low sedimentation rates theproportion of large benthic organisms (macrofauna)within the total benthic community, both in respect to bio-mass and contribution to organic carbon degradation,decreases (Heip et al. 2001). This shift in communitycomposition has an additional impact on the degrada-tion process as the burrowing and pumping activity oflarger organisms facilitates rapid incorporation of freshlydeposited particles into the upper sediment layers.

Fig. 8.1. Seasonal pattern of sedimentation of particulate organiccarbon (POC) in the Northeast Atlantic in 1989, and seasonal fluc-tuations in the sediment at the same station of chlorophyll a, totaladenylates, prokaryotic biomass and oxygen consumption of thesediment community. The sediment data are compiled from sev-eral years. This compilation indicates that approximately 4–6 weeksafter the surface phytoplankton bloom sedimenting phytodetritusreaches the sea floor (4500 m depth) and gives rise to increasedbenthic microbial biomass and respiration. The sources of data areindicated with each variable (modified after Lochte et al. 1993, Lochteand Pfannkuche 2002)

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Bioturbation and bioirrigation are positively related tothe level of food input (e.g., Smith et al. 1997; Shimmieldand Jahnke 1995; Pope et al. 1996), but they also dependon the type of organisms involved (Turnewitsch et al.2000). Long-term studies in the Porcupine Abyssal Plainindicate that major shifts in the composition and abun-dance of benthic macrofauna may occur. For instance,increases of a species of sea cucumber (Amperima rosea)were observed over a period of >10 years but the rea-sons remain obscure (Bett et al. 2001; Billett et al. 2001).Long-term observations in the eastern North Pacificrevealed a decline in sedimentation of POC to the seafloor and, hence, indicate declining food supply for thebenthos (Smith and Kaufmann 1999; Smith et al. 2001).Such interannual or decadal variations are likely to haveprofound effects on the structure of deep-sea commu-nities and on the turnover of material at the sea floor.Understanding the extent of these changes is critical toany interpretation of biogeochemical cycling in the deepsea. However, we are just beginning to appreciate suchchanges, we are not aware to which extent they are hap-pening at present and in the past, and we are uncertainabout their consequences.

Since most deep-sea sediments are well oxygenated,the organic compounds are primarily remineralized viaoxygen (Emerson et al. 1985). In areas with high depo-sition of organic matter the increased respiration in thesediments can not be balanced by diffusion of oxygenfrom the overlying bottom water. In these sediments oxy-gen becomes depleted and the pathways of microbialdegradation processes change. Such conditions are foundin the deep-sea sediments adjacent to intense upwellingregions and at continental margins. For instance, theupwelling regions off Namibia, Peru and Chile are char-acterized by extensive anoxic zones in the sedimentsoccasionally even extending into the water column. An-oxic conditions are also observed in upper sediment lay-ers of the Arabian Sea where the oxygen minimum zoneof the water column impinges on the continental mar-gins and in regions where high sedimentation from mon-soonal upwelling occurs. In these regions, sulfate reduc-tion is found in the upper sediment layers, a rare occur-rence in deep-sea sediments (Ferdelman et al. 1999;Boetius et al. 2000a). Furthermore, anoxic layers may alsodevelop when turbidites cover the sea floor and preventoxygen exchange with the overlying water. Under theseconditions higher proportions of organic carbon areburied, since oxygen exposure time has been identifiedas the key factor influencing organic carbon preserva-tion in sediments (Hartnett et al. 1998; review by Canfield1994). Also the preservation of proxies may change un-der low oxygen or anoxic conditions (see below).

Productive continental margins also contain largeamounts of methane in form of methane hydrates whichrepresents a very large store of organically bound car-bon. This ice-like material is kept stable under low tem-

perature and high pressure, but it disintegrates whentemperature rises or pressure is reduced (Zatsepina andBuffett 1998). Methane hydrate deposits close to theirstability limits can be released in large amounts underchanging environmental conditions allowing methaneto escape to the atmosphere. Such events may be initi-ated by switches in thermohaline circulation and evi-dence of massive methane release from the sea floor isfound in geological records (Kennett et al. 2000). Un-der present day conditions, however, a very effectivebenthic filter consisting of methane oxidizing bacterianormally consumes this climatically active gas withinthe sediment when it is released gradually (Hinrichset al. 1999; Boetius et al. 2000b) and prevents an effluxto the atmosphere. These sedimentary sources of meth-ane also sustain very active benthic communities whichare not directly dependent on the organic matter sup-ply from the upper ocean (Sibuet and Olu 1998). Thequantitative role of this additional energy source fororganic matter cycling in the deep sea is probably lim-ited to local effects only.

8.3 Quantitative Estimates of Carbon Deposition

and Carbon Turnover

8.3.1 Strategies for Quantification of Benthic Fluxes

The total flux of organic matter to the sea floor can beestimated as the sum of the burial rate and reminerali-zation rate at any specific location with the reminerali-zation rate estimate dominating the calculation (Jahnke1996). Deep-moored sediment trap results have indi-cated that particle fluxes in the water column generallydecrease with depth by only a factor of 2–3 between 1 kmand 4 km water depth. Thus, quantifying depositionfluxes to the sea floor also provides an important con-straint on the magnitude and distribution of the watercolumn fluxes below the main thermocline. As men-tioned above, the processes within the sediments thatcontrol solute fluxes, remineralization and burial tendto dampen the effects of short-term variability of theparticle input fluxes and facilitate estimation of meanfluxes. The reduced temporal variability also facilitatesthe combining of individual results into basin-widecompilations of flux distributions.

Two basic strategies have been employed to quantifyrecent fluxes to the deep-sea floor. Reaction/transportmodels of organic carbon distributions within the sedi-ment column have been developed to estimate reminer-alization and burial (e.g., Rabouille and Gaillard 1991;Soetaert et al. 1996; Boudreau 1997). Since sedimentcores can be routinely recovered from the sea floor andanalyzed, there is a large data set from which to work. Itis of disadvantage, however, that since the majority ofthe deposited organic matter has already been reminer-

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alized, this method attempts to predict the total initialflux from a small residual. Inaccuracies in the modelcould lead to large inaccuracies in the estimated flux.Furthermore, the upper few centimeters of the sedimentsin the deep sea are generally comprised of materials de-posited over the preceding few to tens of thousands ofyears. Recent variations in the particle flux would, there-fore, not be reflected in sediment characteristics. Thus,while fluxes derived from sediment studies alone mayreflect the average deposition occurring over the last fewthousands of years, there is considerable uncertaintywhen extending these estimates to the present.

The other principal strategy for estimating sea-floorfluxes is to compute the benthic solute flux of metabolicoxidants (mainly oxygen and nitrate) or carbon throughpore water or benthic flux chamber studies (e.g., Gludet al. 1994; Jahnke et al. 1990). In principle, solute fluxesonly provide an estimate of remineralization, and burialmust be estimated independently. However, only a fewpercent of the deposited organic carbon survive remin-eralization in deep-sea sediments and a rough estimateof burial is sufficient to account for this term. Limita-tions are that accurate flux estimations require (a) highresolution measurements of mm scale near the sedimentsurface, (b) in situ measurement to avoid pressure andtemperature related sampling artifacts and (c) molecu-lar diffusive transport to dominate solute exchange pro-cesses (Glud et al. 1994).

In the last decade, methods for determining benthicsolute fluxes (mainly used for oxygen fluxes) have be-come more sophisticated due to the development of freefalling lander systems (Tengberg et al. 1995). They areequipped either with benthic chambers in which the rateof loss of oxygen in the water above the sediment canbe measured or with oxygen microsensors which recordoxygen profiles in the sediment. These in situ measure-ments have added new data to the traditional shipboardmeasurements of oxygen consumption and have im-proved our understanding of the biological degradationof organic matter at the deep-sea floor. In situ benthicflux chamber measurements are generally thought tobe the most accurate technique for evaluating benthicfluxes in deep-sea sediments, but are limited in that theyrequire sophisticated instruments and are time consum-ing, restricting the number of measurements that canbe obtained. In some cases such in situ benthic chambermeasurements indicate higher sediment carbon turnoverthan the vertical organic carbon flux measured by sedi-ment traps (e.g., Smith 1987; Smith and Kaufmann 1999;Witte and Pfannkuche 2000; Ritzrau et al. 2001b). Thisdiscrepancy can not yet be fully resolved. Possible ex-planations are lateral input of organic matter fromhigher productive regions not captured by sedimenttraps, which is particularly obvious near continentalmargins (see below), or systematic underestimation oftotal vertical flux by sediment traps. Good agreement

between carbon regeneration estimated from benthicstudies and vertical organic carbon fluxes measured bysediment traps in certain mid-oceanic environments(e.g., equatorial Pacific Ocean: Berelson et al. 1997; South-ern Ocean: Sayles et al. 2001) supports the view that dis-crepancies are greatest in ocean-margin environments.

8.3.2 Regional Assessments of Deep-Ocean Fluxes

A correlation between benthic fluxes and surface waterproductivity, estimated from satellite images, has beenfound in several well-studied regions. For instance, inthe Arabian Sea biogeochemical processes in the benthosmatch the pattern of monsoon-driven primary produc-tivity (Pfannkuche and Lochte 2000). In the northernNorth Atlantic, a consistent relationship between pri-mary production, water depth and benthic oxygen fluxeswas found (Schlüter and Sauter 2000). The global as-sessment of Jahnke (1996) shows a general agreementbetween benthic oxygen fluxes and export measured bysediment traps as well as primary productivity patternsestimated from satellite images, but in some regionsdeviations are observed.

Notable exceptions to this general pattern are foundat stations close to continental margins. Their benthicfluxes exceed by far the rates measured by sedimenttraps or estimated from surface water productivity. Thiswas observed, for example, at stations in the westernArabian Sea (Witte and Pfannkuche 2000), in the Ar-gentine Basin (Hensen et al. 2000) or on the Iceland Pla-teau (Schlüter et al. 2001; Ritzrau et al. 2001b). Based ona nutrient and carbon budget Chen and Wang (1999)estimated for the East China Sea an export of organicmatter from the shelf via downslope transport of POCof 0.7 × 1012 mol C yr–1. This has to be compared to atotal primary production of ca. 12 × 1012 mol C yr–1 in-dicating that most of the primary produced material isrecycled on the shelf and that <6% is exported to theadjacent deep sea. During the SEEP study at the north-eastern American Atlantic Margin and the Mid-Atlan-tic bight, <5% of primary production was estimated tobe exported from the shelf (Anderson et al. 1994) andstudies at the European continental margin (OMEX)indicate an export of ca. 10% (McCave et al. 2001; Wollastand Chou 2001). Such estimations are hampered bymany poorly constrained factors, but they are an ex-ample of the magnitudes of downslope export to be ex-pected. Although this is only a small fraction of totalproduction on the shelves, it represents a large influx tothe sediments of the continental margins. It has to benoted that under different hydrographic and topo-graphic conditions the export from a specific shelf sys-tem may be very different. Most of the transport fromthe shelf occurs in the bottom turbidity layer, whichoccupies a few tens of meters above the sediment. This

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process is difficult to observe and has been largely ne-glected in the past. Major conduits for export are can-yons of the shelf slope (Biscaye and Anderson 1994)through which most of the export is funnelled. Up-welling and frontal systems at the shelf edge give rise tohigh productivity and exceptionally high sedimentationcontributing additional material to the flux at continen-tal margins. Although there is an increasing recogni-tion that export of organic matter from the productiveshelf areas is a quantitatively important flux to the deepocean, this export is still very difficult to quantify (seealso Chen et al., this volume).

Another region of possible discrepancies is theSouthern Ocean. Relatively high benthic fluxes of oxy-gen and nitrate, an indicator of benthic remineralization,are found in the upwelling regions off Namibia and Chileand in the Atlantic part of the Antarctic CircumpolarCurrent zone (Hensen et al. 2000; Grandel 2000) whichare not matched by estimates of primary productionfrom satellite images. The relatively high benthic min-eralisation rates in parts of the Southern Ocean may beattributed to fast sinking large diatom aggregates andkrill fecal pellets. These observations are supported byrecent analyses from the ANTARES and AESOPS (South-ern Ocean – JGOFS) programmes which showed thatthe fraction of exported production in some regions ofthe Southern Ocean is higher than in lower latitudes(Pondaven et al. 2000; Honjo et al. 2000; Nelson et al.2002). Organic carbon fluxes recorded in sediment trapsat 1 000 m depth in the Polar Frontal Zone and in theAntarctic Zone were about twice as high as the globalaverage (Honjo et al. 2000). This is in contrast to othersediment trap studies which indicate that fluxes in thenorth and south polar regions were similar to the glo-bal average and that around 1.2% of primary produc-tion reaches the sea floor (Schlüter et al. 2001). Thesedifferent observations indicate that we do not yet un-derstand sufficiently production and export processesin the Southern Ocean and that we may underestimatethe vertical flux in this region. Another important as-pect is extensive sediment focusing in some regions ofthe Southern Ocean (Francois et al. 1993; Kumar 1994;Frank et al. 1999; Dezileau et al. 2000; Sayles et al. 2001)which produces local rates of sediment deposition far inexcess (by as much as a factor of 20) of regionally-aver-aged particle rain rates. Sediment focusing creates highbenthic fluxes in regions of modest productivity, therebyaccounting for some of the discrepancies noted above.

8.3.3 Global Estimates of Deep Ocean Carbon

Deposition and Remineralization

The major obstacle in obtaining large scale estimates ofsea-floor fluxes is the paucity of data. There are somewell studied regions, some examples are given above,

but for wide areas of the deep sea no measurements exist.The best strategy for assessing the distribution of seafloor fluxes at the basin scale is to combine benthic fluxand sediment modeling strategies (see above). Pointmeasurements of benthic fluxes provide the most accu-rate data and constrain the overall magnitude of thefluxes. Sediment models provide the greatest spatialcoverage and could be used to interpolate between andextrapolate from point flux measurements to basin scaleestimates. This, of course, implies that there is a reason-able relationship between burial rates of organic car-bon, which span a long period of time, and benthicfluxes, which record the instantaneous rate of organicmatter turnover. A compilation of benthic remineral-ization rates (from in situ benthic flux chamber deploy-ments or in situ microelectrode oxygen profile measure-ments) and burial rates (from organic carbon contents ofthe sediments and sediment mass accumulation rates es-timated primarily through 14C chronology) shows a sig-nificant linear correlation (Jahnke 1996). Thus, despite thetime scale difference between sediment accumulationand benthic flux response to varying inputs, there is anoverall correlation between sediment burial and benthicfluxes. Burial efficiencies (100 × burial rate / depositionrate) in the deep ocean gyre regions average about 1%,in higher flux areas of open ocean and coastal upwellingregions they range from a few percent to 10%, and onthe upper continental slope very high efficiencies >10%are estimated. Thus, although burial efficiencies are notconstant, a regular progression from low to high depo-sition locations is observed.

Utilizing these techniques, global estimates of thedistributions of organic carbon fluxes to the deep-seafloor and global benthic oxygen fluxes have been esti-mated between 60° S and 60° N (Jahnke 1996) (Fig. 8.2).Overall, the distribution of the sea floor fluxes displaysthe same general features as previously published dis-tributions of primary and new production (e.g., Berger

Fig. 8.2. Global distribution of sea floor oxygen flux (mol m–2 yr–1)estimated from benthic flux estimates. Values are extrapolated tobasin scales using empirical correlations between benthic oxygenflux and organic carbon burial rates (redrawn from Jahnke 1996)

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et al. 1987; Antoine et al. 1996). On average, low fluxes areestimated for the deep, central gyre regions and highfluxes are calculated for continental boundary regions,especially those areas adjacent to coastal upwelling re-gions such as the Pacific margins of the Americas, theAtlantic African margin, and the monsoonally influencedregions of the Arabian Sea. Elevated fluxes are also esti-mated for the equatorial Pacific region and the polar-front region of the southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

The sea-floor fluxes imply a global organic carbon depo-sition rate to the deep-sea floor of 33 × 1012 mol C yr–1,excluding areas shallower than 1 000 m (Jahnke 1996).Of this flux approximately 3% are permanently buried.The resulting total remineralization rate in the sedi-ments accounts for 45% of the total oxygen utilizationof the deep ocean estimated from Apparent Oxygen Utili-sation-14C relationships. This estimate of global organiccarbon flux agrees well with estimates from deepmoored sediment traps, which indicate a flux at 2 000 mof 0.34 Gt C yr–1 (28 × 1012 mol C yr–1). Thus, the mag-nitude of the deep fluxes estimated from the sedimentstudies is consistent with other measures of deep-oceanmetabolism.

Based on Jahnke’s (1996) results from benthic oxy-gen fluxes, the relative importance of continental mar-gin, equatorial and gyre regions in POC transport tothe deep ocean can be assessed. For this purpose, themargin regions are defined as any location within 6° oflatitude or longitude of the continental shelf, the equa-torial region is defined as those areas between 5° N and5° S and the gyre region is all of the sea floor area re-maining. Respectively, these areas represent 24.5%, 7.3%and 68.2% of the total deep-sea floor area. In general,despite comprising the majority of ocean area, the gyreregion contributes only approximately 50% of the esti-mated total deep flux. Margin areas contribute 40% ormore and equatorial areas contribute less than 10%.Since some marginal seas and basins such as the Carib-bean Sea and Gulf of Mexico are not included, contri-butions from margin systems are probably underesti-mated. Some of the features associated with equatorialor margin processes clearly extend into the gyre regionas defined here and, hence, may overestimate the con-tribution of the gyres. With the above limitations andthe uncertainties inherent in the extrapolation of fluxesto the global scale, it is concluded that margin and gyresystems contribute approximately equally to the organicmatter flux to the deep sea while equatorial systems con-tribute less than 10%.

The sea floor flux distributions can also be used toexamine the latitudinal distribution of deep globalfluxes. Integration of fluxes by latitude shows that lowlatitude regions dominate the flux of POC to the deepocean and suggests that 2/3 of the total POC flux to thesea floor occurs within 30° of the equator. This low lati-tude dominance follows very closely the latitudinal dis-

tribution of deep-ocean surface area as approximately60% of the total ocean area lies within 30° of the equa-tor (Menard and Smith 1966). Given this distribution,high latitude regions could contribute equally to thedeep POC flux only if deep POC fluxes there were atleast a factor of 5 larger than low-latitude fluxes. Suchhigh deep POC fluxes are not indicated by sediment trapdata (Fischer et al. 2000; Antia et al. 2001; Schlüter et al.2001), even if the recently reported higher fluxes in theSouthern Ocean are considered (see above).

The above described benthic oxygen flux distributionbased on sea-floor results can also be compared to a dis-tribution estimated from surface water productivitiesbased on CZCS satellite data and direct productivitymeasurements, vertical transfer relationships and wa-ter depth (Romankevich et al. 1999; Tseitlin 1993; Vino-gradov et al. 1996) (Fig. 8.3). Overall, there is a goodagreement in the estimated total carbon and oxygenfluxes to the deep-sea floor (sea floor greater than1 000 m water depth) between the two approaches. Avalue of 53 × 1012 mol O2 yr–1 (= 32 × 1012 mol C yr–1) isestimated from the surface productivity and verticalcarbon flux relationship for the global deep-ocean floor.A value of 33× 1012 mol C yr–1 resulted from benthic mea-surements (see above, Jahnke 1996). Approximately 72%of the total sea floor flux derived from the primary pro-duction-depth relationship occurs within 30° of the equa-tor. Considering that these results are obtained from com-pletely different approaches and data sets, such agree-ment may be to some extent fortuitous since regional dif-ferences are apparent between both approaches.

A totally different approach to deep-ocean fluxes ismade by inverse models. The large data base of deepocean dissolved nutrients, oxygen and hydrographicdata is used to fit a coupled circulation-biogeochemis-try global ocean model until the observed propertiesare realistically reproduced (Schlitzer 2002). This inversemodel yields total integrated export fluxes which arenecessary for a realistic reproduction of nutrient andoxygen data in the deep water colum. This model indi-cates that the tropical and subtropical areas between30° N and 30° S contribute the largest export flux of or-ganic carbon (ca. 53% of global export flux). This is aconsequence of the very large area covered by this zonalbelt. The second largest contribution comes from theSouthern Ocean south of 30° S (ca. 33%) while the ex-port of the oceans north of 30° N is smaller (ca. 14%).Most of the Southern Ocean export is found in a zonalbelt along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, associ-ated with the high productivity at the Polar Front, andin the coastal upwelling regions off Chile and Namibia.While in most areas of the ocean the model estimatesof export flux are in agreement with estimates based onsatellite images, they are higher by factors of two to fivein the Southern Ocean. These model results of high ex-port relative to satellite estimates support the observa-

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tions of high benthic fluxes in parts of the SouthernOcean (Grandel 2000), AESOPS sediment trap studies(Honjo et al. 2000) and analyses of nutrient budgets atANTARES (Pondaven et al. 2000) as well as throughoutthe Southern Ocean (Louanchi and Najjar 2000). All thesestudies also indicate that the organic carbon fluxes areaccompanied by exceptionally high silicate fluxes in theSouthern Ocean stressing the importance of diatoms forefficient export fluxes (see also Tréguer, this volume).Since the ratio of silicate to organic carbon varies stronglyin settling material (e.g., Honjo et al. 2000; Pondaven et al.2000), care has to be taken when using sedimentary opalaccumulation rates as indicators of paleoproductivity.

When the sea floor fluxes are compared to distribu-tions of primary productivity reported by Behrenfeldand Falkowski (1997) differences are obvious in the highlatitudes. Unlike benthic assessments that were domi-nated by low latitude regions (within 30° of the equa-tor), 55% of the reported primary productivity occursat latitudes greater than 30°. While the estimates of theglobal deep-ocean carbon fluxes converge to values

around 0.3–0.4 Gt C yr–1 (25–30 × 1012 mol C yr–1), thediscrepancies between regional estimates offer a chanceto refine our perception of the export processes. It seemsthat in particular the productivity and the export asso-ciated with the polar front zone of the Southern Oceanneeds to be critically analysed. Part of the discrepanciesmay be caused by poor data coverage in the southernhemisphere for benthic processes and, hence, benthicfluxes are more difficult to assess. Satellite data in highlatitudes may also misjudge total productivity due to verydeep mixing of the water column and frequent cloudcover. Furthermore, the observations imply that the effi-ciency with which organic material is transported fromthe photic zone to the sea floor varies with latitude andmay be particularly high in plankton communities domi-nated by diatoms and large zooplankton. Export frac-tion and degradation in the mesopelagic zone beneaththe euphotic zone seem to be influenced by the planktoncommunity, but as yet there are few hard facts which al-low estimates of the regionally variable transfer efficien-cies from the upper to the deep ocean to be made.

Fig. 8.3.Distribution of sea floor oxy-gen flux (mmol m–2 d–1) in theAtlantic Ocean based on esti-mates of surface primary pro-duction rates, vertical transferrelationships and water depth(Romankevich et al. 1999)

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A process which could not be analysed adequately inthis context, but which nevertheless should be men-tioned, is the effect of sea-floor topography and deep-sea currents on the deposition of organic-rich particles.Extensive mid-oceanic ridge systems as well as ridgesand canyons at ocean margins cover large areas of thedeep-sea floor. The deep-ocean currents, which can in-termittently reach high speeds, remove fine materialfrom elevated parts and deposit them in depressionswhere current speeds are low, hence, they determinewinnowing and sediment focusing (e.g., Hollister andMcCave 1984). These physical processes in the benthicboundary layer are important for both the distributionpatterns of organisms and their activities (e.g., Flachet al. 2001) as well as for the deposition of organic car-bon and proxies. As will be seen in the following sec-tion, the redistribution of material on the sea floor afterit has settled from the surface to the deep ocean is also amajor obstacle in correctly interpreting the paleorecordof export production.

8.4 Proxy Indicators of Paleoproductivity

Two principal objectives have motivated much of therecent research on past changes in ocean productivity.First, investigators have sought evidence in marine sedi-ments for the ocean’s role in regulating the atmosphericconcentration of CO2 as an important greenhouse gas.It has long been recognized that a change in the effi-ciency of the biological pump, which is manifest as achange in the inventory of dissolved inorganic nutri-ents residing in global-ocean surface waters, translatesdirectly into a change in the concentration of CO2 in theatmosphere (e.g., Broecker 1982; Sarmiento and Togg-weiler 1984). Various factors, ranging from changes inwind-driven upwelling (Pedersen and Bertrand 2000),ocean nutrient inventory (Falkowski 1997; Ganeshramet al. 2000) and to fertilization by iron (Martin 1990) havebeen hypothesized to induce climate-related changes inocean productivity. Much of the recent paleoproductivityresearch has been designed to test these hypotheses. Thesecond, and no less important, objective motivatingpaleoproductivity research has been the desire to un-derstand the response of ocean ecosystems to changingenvironmental boundary conditions associated withclimate change. A sound understanding of the sensitiv-ity of ocean ecology to perturbation by climate changein the past will help guide efforts to predict the responseof ocean ecosystems to anticipated global warming. Anumber of methods have been developed to reconstructpast changes in ocean productivity. Careful calibrationof such methods is essential in order to test the assump-tions and resolve the limitations inherent in these meth-ods. Progress has been made in calibrating productiv-ity proxies through the comprehensive biogeochemical

process studies of JGOFS. However, because this researchwas not always afforded high priority during the designof JGOFS programmes, progress occurred at a limitedpace, and much more remains to be done.

8.4.1 Estimates Based on

Organic Carbon Burial Rates

Conceptually, organic carbon burial rates provide themost direct approach for reconstructing export produc-tion of POC. Although organic matter leaving the pro-ductive upper layer is largely oxidized during its transitthrough the water column and at the water-sedimentinterface, a small fraction is eventually buried. Assum-ing there is a simple relationship between the exportflux and the burial rate of carbon, then it should be pos-sible to estimate past changes in export production fromthe accumulation rate of organic carbon. This approachrequires that two key parameters do not vary greatly inspace and time: (1) the remineralization of POC as itsinks through the water column and as it settles on thesea floor; and (2) the preservation of POC after reach-ing the sea bed. Because only a small fraction of the ex-port flux of POC is eventually preserved and buried, thisapproach is very sensitive to variable losses in the wa-ter column and at the water-sediment interface as wellas to variable preservation during sediment diagenesis.

Several algorithms for POC regeneration as a func-tion of water depth have been developed using sedimenttrap results, however, they differ substantially from oneanother (see above). Furthermore, ‘ballasting’ of sink-ing organic material by denser inorganic particles in-creases the sedimentation speed and, hence, the depthof remineralization (Ittekkot 1993; Armstrong et al.2002). An algorithm relating carbon preservation tosediment accumulation rate has been derived empiri-cally at continental margin sites (Mueller and Suess1979). Subsequently, it has been learned that much ofthe POC of continental margin sediments originatesfrom lateral transport down the continental slope. Muchof this POC is old (14C age of several hundred years,Anderson et al. 1994) and refractory, thereby creatingartificially high apparent POC preservation efficienciesin continental margin sediments (e.g., Jahnke 1990;Anderson et al. 1994). For this reason, the preservationalgorithm overestimates the sensitivity to sediment ac-cumulation rate, and should not be used in paleopro-ductivity reconstructions.

As the supply of POC by lateral transport is oftenlarge at ocean margins, sometimes exceeding the verti-cal rain from surface waters (Anderson et al. 1994, seeabove), the burial rate of POC is largely decoupled fromthe export flux sinking from overlying waters. In somecases, POC of terrestrial origin dominates the organicmatter preserved and buried in ocean-margin sediments

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(e.g., Lyle et al. 1992; Villaneuva et al. 1997), even in re-gions far removed from the mouths of major rivers.Where terrestrial POC constitutes a significant portionof buried organic matter, the carbon accumulation rateobviously cannot be used to reconstruct past changesin ocean productivity.

The sensitivity of sedimentary POC preservation tobottom water oxygen concentration has long been de-bated (see review by Canfield 1994), but there is nowincreasing evidence that POC preservation is sensitiveto multiple factors, including bottom water oxygen con-centration (Keil et al. 1999), oxygen exposure time(Hartnett et al. 1998), abundance of bacterial grazers(Lee 1992), bioturbation rate (Kristensen et al. 1992;Andersen and Kristensen 1992), and protection by sorp-tion to minerals (Mayer 1994; Keil et al. 1994). This in-troduces substantial uncertainty into paleoproductivityreconstructions based on the accumulation rate of or-ganic carbon. For this reason, together with the othersources of uncertainty identified above, paleoceano-graphers have sought independent methods free of theseproblems to estimate past levels of ocean productivity.

8.4.2 Estimates Based on

Biomarker Accumulation Rates

Specific organic biomarker compounds, known to beproduced by marine phytoplankton, are used as prox-ies alternative to organic carbon burial rates for paleo-productivity studies. Biomarkers may be specific to se-lected groups of phytoplankton (e.g., alkenones fromcoccolithophorids, dinosterol from dinoflagelates,brassicasterol from diatoms), or they may include thefull suite of the pigment transformation products ofchlorophyll, known as chlorins. Use of these biomarkerseliminates the error associated with input of terrestrialPOC, and also supplies information about the dominantgroups of phytoplankton preserved in the sediments(e.g., Schubert et al. 1998).

Like any method that relies on the absolute accumu-lation rate to reconstruct changes in export production,the use of biomarkers is sensitive to errors introducedby sediment focusing; i.e., the redistribution of particlesby deep-sea currents, and by variable rates of preserva-tion of the biomarkers. While sediment focusing is wellknown in environments influenced by bottom currents(e.g., the Southern Ocean, see above), recent evidencesuggests that sediment focusing is also prevalent in otherregions, such as the central equatorial Pacific Ocean,where its effects were previously not recognized(Marcantonio et al. 1996, 2001). Fortunately, it is possibleto correct for sediment focusing by normalizing con-centrations of biomarkers to 230Th, a radiogenic prod-uct of 234U dissolved in seawater, which is highly par-ticle reactive and whose flux to the sediments in most

oceanic regions nearly equals its known rate of produc-tion in the overlying water column (Suman and Bacon1989; Francois et al. 1990). Analysis of sediment trapsamples collected world-wide is contributing to the fur-ther calibration of 230Th as a constant flux proxy byevaluating the degree to which its flux deviates from itsknown production rate and defining the conditionsunder which these deviations occur (Yu et al. 2001a;Scholten et al. 2001). This approach only provides esti-mates of ‘preserved rain rates’, i.e., rain rate minus dis-solution or remineralization before burial. Variablelosses of biomarkers due to biological action or changesin redox conditions are still a major problem. As yet, nomethod has been proposed to correct for such varia-tion in the preservation of biomarkers, although re-search conducted during JGOFS process studies mayhelp to improve the understanding of the factors regu-lating biomarker preservation.

8.4.3 Estimates Based on

Barium Accumulation Rates

High concentrations of barium, in excess of averageconcentrations in aluminosilicate minerals, have longbeen known to occur in marine sediments underlyingregions of high productivity. This has led to the sugges-tion that accumulation rates of excess barium can beused to estimate export production. Support for thisview came from sediment trap data which showed atight, but non-linear, relationship between the flux oforganic carbon and that of Ba (Dymond et al. 1992;Francois et al. 1995) and from empirical correlationsbetween barite accumulation rate and primary produc-tivity (Paytan et al. 1996). These relationships provide ameans of quantifying the export flux of carbon fromthe accumulation rate of excess Ba in sediments, if thepreservation of excess Ba can be constrained. The mainadvantage of Ba is that it is much better preserved insediments than is organic carbon. An empirical algo-rithm for excess Ba preservation as a function of sedi-ment accumulation rate has been developed (Dymondet al. 1992). It has also been suggested that barite, thecommon carrier of excess Ba, would only derive frombiogenic material freshly produced in the overlyingwater, so that the Ba record would not be affected bylateral transport of more refractory POC from shelvesand continents (Francois et al. 1995). Because of theseadvantages, the use of excess Ba for paleoproductivityreconstructions has become extremely popular.

While initial results suggested that Ba offers manyadvantages as a paleoproductivity proxy, more recentresearch has discovered that it also suffers from someserious limitations. Calibration studies using sedimenttrap samples have shown that the Ba/POC rain ratio insinking particles varies substantially from one location

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to another, even among sites where lateral supply of re-worked POC is expected to be negligible (Dymond andCollier 1996; Dehairs et al. 2000). Preservation of baritein sediments is poor where pore water sulfate concen-trations are lowered by sulfate reduction (e.g., Brumsack1986; von Breymann et al. 1992). It was discovered morerecently that preservation of excess Ba plummets evenunder modestly reducing (sometimes referred to assuboxic) conditions (Kumar et al. 1996; McManus et al.1998), such as occur commonly at ocean margins and inother regions of high export production. Furthermore,barite is subject to extensive reworking and export fromcontinental shelves (Fagel et al. 1999), similar to organiccarbon. An example from the JGOFS Equatorial PacificStudy shows the absolute accumulation rates of baritein sediment cores derived from 18O-based stratigraphyand in comparison to the accumulation rate correctedfor sediment focusing by normalisation to 230Th(Fig. 8.4). These two traces indicate very different pic-tures of the sensitivity of export production to climatechange over the last 200 kyr in the equatorial PacificOcean. The absolute accumulation rate (18O) impliesmuch greater export during glacial climate intervals,whereas the accumulation rate corrected for sedimentfocusing (230Th) indicates very little climate sensitivity.Supply of excess barite from sediment focusing obvi-ously increased the barite accumulation rate duringglacials (Marcantonio et al. 2001). Therefore, this tem-poral variability may be interpreted as changes in cli-mate-related deep-sea currents responsible for sedimentfocusing rather than changes in export production. An-other example from the Atlantic sector of the SouthernOcean shows 230Th normalized accumulation rates of

organic carbon (Corg) and excess Ba in two sedimentcores (Fig. 8.5). Through the time interval from the lastglacial maximum (ca. 20 kyr) to the present, the carbonaccumulation rates have decreased more than 5-fold, yetthere has been no significant change in the accumula-tion rate of Ba. This exemplifies that one obtains en-tirely different views of the climate sensitivity of exportproduction depending on which tracer is used. Eitherthe initial Ba/Corg ratio has changed through time orthe relative preservation of Corg or excess Ba is the fac-tor that has changed. These two examples illustrate thatone must be cautious in using Ba as a productivity proxyin regions where supply of barite is decoupled from ex-port production by winnowing from shelves, or wherepreservation of Ba is low and variable in suboxic sedi-ments. Suboxic sediments exist not only in many pro-ductive regions (e.g., Kumar et al. 1995), but also in ar-eas where sediment focusing is pronounced (e.g.,Francois et al. 1993), precluding the use of Ba accumu-lation in these regions as well.

In pelagic regions, where sediments remain well oxy-genated to great depth, it was believed until recently thatthe principal interference influencing the accumulationrate of excess Ba is sediment focusing, which can be cor-rected for by normalizing to 230Th. However, first-orderbudgets for Ba in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean, con-structed using benthic incubation chambers, sedimenttrap samples and cores collected during the US JGOFSEqPac programme, show that the present rates of Ba rainand benthic remobilization are nearly in balance, indi-cating that the net rate of Ba accumulation is negligible(McManus et al. 1999). Thus, there seems to be a mini-mum threshold in carbon flux that needs to be reachedto leave a biogenic Ba signal in the sediment. The useful-ness of Ba-based paleoproductivity algorithms may thusbe limited to a relatively narrow window of productiv-ity, whose exact limits still need to be established.

8.4.4 Estimates Based on Radionuclide Ratios

Radionuclide ratios as productivity proxies exploit thesystematic relationship between mass particle flux andthe adsorption of certain radionuclides to sinking par-ticles. Here, the fact that 230Th is sufficiently particle-reactive that it is removed from the ocean at a rateequivalent to its known rate of production (see above)is exploited. Thus, this proxy indicates changes in therate of mass particle flux and indirectly past changes inproductivity. In contrast to this ultra-reactive behaviorof Th, less-reactive tracers are scavenged from the oceanon time scales comparable to, or greater than, the mix-ing time of an ocean basin, and their flux from the wa-ter column increases with increasing particle flux. Trac-ers that fall into this category include 231Pa and 10Be.231Pa, like 230Th, is produced uniformly throughout the

Fig. 8.4. Absolute accumulation rate of barite derived from 18O-based stratigraphy (diamonds) and accumulation rate normalisedto 230Th to correct for sediment focusing (squares). The absoluteaccumulation rate implies much greater export production duringglacial climate intervals, whereas normalization to 230Th indicatesvery little climate sensitivity. The difference is caused by supply ofexcess barite due to sediment focusing. Scale bar shows marine iso-tope stages. Roman numericals III and V represent interglacial pe-riods; filled intervals represent glacial periods (data from US JGOFSEquatorial Pacific study at 0° N and 140° W; barite data from Paytan(1995); this figure has been redrafted from results presented byMarcantonio et al. 2001)

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ocean by U decay (235U in this case), while 10Be is pro-duced in the atmosphere and supplied to the ocean pri-marily in precipitation. The tendency for 231Pa/ 230Thand 10Be/ 230Th ratios to increase with increasing sedi-ment accumulation rate was proposed as a paleoproduc-tivity proxy (Kumar et al. 1995; Anderson et al. 1998). Arecent calibration of these proxies using JGOFS sedimenttrap samples from the equatorial Pacific Ocean showsgood correlations between 231Pa/ 230Th and 10Be/ 230Thratios and the mean annual flux of particles, supportingthe original contention that these radionuclide ratioscan be used as proxies of particle flux (Fig. 8.6) (see alsoMarcantonio et al. 2001; Yu et al. 2001b).

There are some shortcomings with this approach,however. To the extent that these nuclide ratios reflectparticle flux, rather than export production per se, theymay be influenced by changes in the flux of detrital par-ticles eroded from continents, e.g., riverine inputs oraeolian dust input, over the considered time scales. Inaddition, scavenged fluxes of these tracers at any one site

in the ocean also depend on the intensity of scavengingin surrounding regions, which determines whether thesurrounding regions serve primarily as a source (i.e., sur-rounding regions have lower particle fluxes and scaveng-ing intensity) or a sink (higher particle fluxes) for thelaterally-transported tracers (231Pa and 10Be) relative tothe site being studied. Furthermore, scavenged elemen-tal ratios are controlled not only by particle flux, but alsoby the chemical composition of particles (e.g., Walteret al. 1997; Yu et al. 2001b; Chase 2001). Finally, deep wa-ter thermohaline circulation also affects radionuclideratios independently of particle flux (Yu et al. 1996;Marchal et al. 2000; Yu et al. 2001b; Chase 2001). In orderto exploit these tracers reliably, it will be necessary to fullycharacterize the effects of particle composition-dependentelemental fractionation, and to take into account possiblechange in deep water circulation. The greatest potentialfor these ratios is in providing synoptic maps reflectingthe combined effects of deep water circulation and rela-tive particle fluxes between oceanic regions.

Fig. 8.5.Accumulation rates of (left)organic carbon and (right)excess Ba in two cores fromthe Atlantic sector of theSouthern Ocean from a sam-pling site between the presentpositions of the AntarcticPolar Front and the Subant-arctic Front. The accumula-tion rates have been normal-ized to 230Th to account forsediment focusing. The lastglacial and interglacial peri-ods as recorded in the sedi-ments are indicated. Note themajor changes of export pro-duction indicated by Corg ac-cumulation rate between in-terglacial and glacial, but notby excess Ba (R. Anderson,unpubl.)

Fig. 8.6. Flux-weighted mean radionuclide ratios are plotted against annual average mass flux for sediment trap samples recovered dur-ing the US JGOFS study along a transect normal to the equator at 140° W from 9° N to 12° S. Radionuclide ratios correlate with mass flux,supporting their use as proxies for vertical flux. Sediment traps used in this calibration were deployed at depths greater than 2 000 m(R. Anderson, unpubl.)

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8.4.5 Estimates Based on

Redox-Sensitive Trace Elements

A number of trace elements (e.g., U, Mo, Re) exist assoluble, non-reactive chemical species in oxygenatedseawater, but can be reduced to forms that either be-come surface reactive or precipitate from solution un-der chemically-reducing conditions. The redox state ofsediments reflects a balance between supply of oxygenby diffusion from overlying bottom waters and con-sumption of oxygen by respiration driven by the rain oforganic matter to the sea bed. Where oxygen is depletedand anaerobic metabolism takes over, the chemically-reducing conditions lead to precipitation of U, Mo, Reand other elements at well-defined redox levels. Thisprecipitation, in turn, leads to a diffusive flux of theseelements into the sediments to replace the atoms re-moved by precipitation. If other factors, such as bottom-water oxygen concentration, can be constrained, thenthe depth of the redox level at which each trace elementis precipitated can be correlated with the rain rate ofPOC fueling respiration. Working backwards from thesedimentary record, by equating the accumulation rateof one of these elements with its rate of diffusion intosediments, the depth of precipitation can be calculatedand, with knowledge of bottom water oxygen concen-tration, the rain of POC to the sediments derived. In themodern ocean one finds an empirical relationship be-tween the flux of organic carbon to the sea floor andthe accumulation rate of authigenic uranium in sedi-ment (Kumar et al. 1995). This relationship is non-lin-ear, and involves a threshold carbon flux below whichno uranium is buried. If other parameters can be con-strained, then the change in accumulation rate ofauthigenic uranium, or other redox-sensitive elements,could be used to reconstruct past changes in export pro-duction.

Several problems limit the use of this proxy. First,the redox conditions of sediments depend on bottom-water oxygen concentration as well as on POC supply. Ifchanges in bottom-water oxygen concentration cannotbe excluded, or quantified, then it is not possible to de-rive a carbon flux uniquely from the accumulation rateof uranium and other redox-sensitive metals. Also, theinterpretation of authigenic metal accumulation delin-eated above relies on the principle that metal accumu-lation is primarily due to diffusive fluxes from bottomwaters into the sediment. It was recently discovered,however, that particulate authigenic U formed in sur-face waters, although very labile, can contribute a sub-stantial fraction of authigenic U buried in sedimentsunder suboxic or anoxic conditions (Zheng et al. 2002a).If particulate authigenic U formed in surface waters ispreserved and buried, then this flux partially decouples

the accumulation rate of U from its diffusive flux which,in turn, provides the basis for estimating the rain rateof POC to the sea bed. It is likely, however, that the modeof addition of different metals into sediment is differ-ently partitioned between diffusive flux and additionwith particles, raising the possibility that combining theprofiles of different metals could provide informationon both oxygen level in bottom water and organic car-bon flux. Much more needs to be known about the di-agenetic behavior of these metals, however, beforepaleoceanographic applications of this approach can beconsidered.

A further complication is that much of the authigenicuranium precipitated in sediments under oxygenatedbottom waters is later remobilized by the burrowingactivity of benthic organisms (Zheng et al. 2002b). Dueto the substantial remobilization of authigenic U, itsaccumulation rate is again decoupled from the diffu-sive flux of U into the sediments, thereby eliminatingthe basis for estimating the rain rate of POC to the seabed. The degree to which other redox-sensitive elements(e.g., Re) are similarly affected still needs to be assessed.

8.4.6 Estimates Based on

Benthic and Planktonic Foraminifera

Over large parts of the ocean, benthic organisms de-pend on material settling from the euphotic zone forfood. Consequently, the size, structure and compositionof the benthic ecosystem respond to changes in foodsupply. This basic principle has been exploited to de-rive empirical relationships between carbon flux and theabundance, accumulation rate, and species compositionof benthic foraminifera (e.g., Herguera and Berger 1991,1994; McCorkle et al. 1994; Thomas et al. 1995). Theserelationships, in turn, applied to down core records havebeen used to reconstruct past changes in surface pro-ductivity. While a response to food supply is easily un-derstood, one would also expect the composition of thebenthic community to respond to other environmentalfactors, such as food quality, seasonality of food supply,and bottom water oxygen concentration. Recent expan-sion of calibration studies is beginning to address thesemultiple factors, and offers hope of extracting informa-tion concerning carbon flux as well as its seasonality(Loubere and Fariduddin 1999). The carbon isotopiccomposition of benthic foraminiferan CaCO3 shells alsocontains information about the environment in whichthey grew (Woodruff and Savin 1985; Zahn et al. 1986;McCorkle et al. 1990).

Species assemblage of planktonic foraminifera de-posited in sediments are also used to estimate surfacewater productivity and statistical transfer functions havebeen derived (e.g., Mix 1989a,b). However, planktonic

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foraminifera species assemblages are known to respondto other environmental parameters as well, includingtemperature and mixed layer depth, so caution is war-ranted in using transfer functions to predict multipleproperties from the sedimentary record. Many of theproperties (for example, productivity and mixed layerdepth) are correlated in the modern ocean. This meansthat transfer functions calibrated with modern samplesmay confuse one ocean property for another. Further-more, if the relationships between properties changethrough time, then the transfer function estimates couldbe in error. JGOFS process studies have provided a valu-able opportunity to relate foraminiferal species assem-blages to sea surface temperature, integrated primaryproductivity, and mixed layer depth. The calibrationstudy by Watkins and Mix (1998), conducted during theUS JGOFS Equatorial Pacific study, further benefittedfrom the opportunity to collect samples under contrast-ing El Niño and non-El Niño conditions. Further stud-ies are needed to produce more robust global algorithmsfor productivity reconstruction based on this principle.

8.4.7 Estimates Based on

Coccolithophorids and Diatoms

At low latitudes, coccolithophore communities of thelower euphotic zone (~60 to ~180 m) are dominated byFlorisphaera profunda. Most other coccolithophore spe-cies live in the upper euphotic zone (0 to ~60 m). Thisvertical zonation has been used for paleoproductivitystudies (Molfino and McIntyre 1990; McIntyre andMolfino 1996) where the abundance of F. profunda infossil assemblages was used to monitor the depth of thenutricline. The relative abundance of F. profunda in-creases when the upper euphotic zone is impoverishedin nutrients and the nutricline is deep. Conversely, therelative abundance of F. profunda decreases when windstress induces a rise of the nutricline and an increase inproductivity of the upper euphotic zone. Beaufort et al.(1997) correlated the relative abundance of F. profundain surface sediments from the Indian Ocean with pri-mary productivity estimated from satellite information.They further used principal component analysis to cor-relate species assemblages of planktonic foraminifera inIndian Ocean core top samples to primary productivityestimated from satellite information. Primary produc-tivity estimates derived from foraminifera were similarto those derived from the abundance of F. profunda, andboth proxies showed similar patterns of variability in a270-kyr record from a site near the Maldives Islands.

Because diatoms form a major component of phy-toplankton in upwelling regions of high productivity,and because diatoms contribute a substantial portionof the export flux even in less productive regions (Gold-

man 1993; Buesseler 1998), much effort has been devotedto correlating diatom species assemblages (e.g., Sancetta1992; Abrantes 2000) and flux of diatom shell material(opal) (Ragueneau et al. 2000) to primary productivity.A complication in the exploitation of these approachesto reconstruct productivity is the poor preservation ofdiatoms throughout most of the world’s oceans. On av-erage, only 3–5% of the opal produced by diatoms ispreserved in sediments (Nelson et al. 1995; Tréguer et al.1995; Ragueneau et al. 2000). While significantly betterthan the average preservation of organic matter, opalpreservation is still low enough for both diatom assem-blages and opal accumulation in sediment to be sensi-tive to relatively small changes of the degree of preser-vation, obscuring their relationship to paleoproductivity.Opal preservation on the seafloor varies spatially andtemporally (Shemesh et al. 1989; Pichon et al. 1992;Abrantes 2000; Pondaven et al. 2000; Sayles et al. 2001)and must be accurately constrained to estimate pastchanges in opal productivity from opal accumulation(e.g., Charles et al. 1991; Mortlock et al. 1991). Empiricalalgorithms have been developed to estimate opal pres-ervation from diatom species assemblages (e.g., Pichonet al. 1992), but they only provide relative preservationestimates and are still associated with relatively largemargins of error. While refinement of these algorithmsis warranted, we also need to better understand the fac-tors that control opal dissolution both in the water col-umn and sediments. Furthermore, opal accumulationrates can be profoundly influenced by sediment focus-ing. This was shown to be particularly true in the South-ern Ocean where focusing factors in excess of ten arenot uncommon (e.g., Kumar 1994; Francois et al. 1993;Frank et al. 1999; Dezileau et al. 2000). In order to uti-lize opal accumulation rates to reconstruct productiv-ity, better preservation algorithms will need to be devel-oped (Sayles et al. 2001), and it will be necessary to cor-rect for sediment focusing using 230Th, or an alternativeproxy of known flux. Recent work has also emphasisedthat the relationships between fluxes of organic carbonand opal vary strongly geographically depending on theplankton community (e.g., Honjo et al. 2000; Pondavenet al. 2000; Schlitzer 2002; see above). Biogeochemicalprocess studies, such as those conducted during the in-ternational JGOFS programmes, have provided oppor-tunities to start evaluating those factors. Much moreremains to be done, however, particularly in terms ofalteration of the species assemblage preserved in thesediments.

8.4.8 Proxies of Surface Nutrient Concentration

The export production is equal to the new productionrelying on the supply of nutrients by upwelling and mix-

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ing. If this supply can be assumed constant, or con-strained by independent methods, then a change in sur-face nutrient concentration can be interpreted in termsof a change in export flux. Consequently, substantial ef-fort has been devoted to developing proxies of surfacenutrient concentration. The two proxies used most com-monly, the carbon isotopic composition and the Cad-mium/Calcium (Cd/Ca) ratio of planktonic foramin-ifera, both rely on the modern empirical relationshipbetween nutrient (e.g., PO4) concentration and the rel-evant parameter recorded in foraminifera shells (i.e., thecarbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic car-bon, or the Cd concentration of seawater).

Carbon isotopic composition of planktonic foramin-ifera have been used widely to estimate past changes insurface nutrient concentration (e.g., Labeyrie and Du-plessey 1985; Charles and Fairbanks 1990; Ninnemannand Charles 1997). Extending this approach, the differ-ence between the carbon isotopic composition of plank-tonic foraminifera and that of benthic foraminifera hasbeen used to infer past changes in the overall strengthof the biological pump (e.g., Curry and Crowley 1987).Recent studies have shown, however, that the carbon iso-topic composition of foraminifera is offset from that ofdissolved inorganic carbon due to the influence of otherenvironmental parameters. For example, the carbon iso-topic composition of planktonic foraminifera variessystematically with the carbonate ion concentration inseawater (Spero et al. 1997) and depends, as well, on thecarbon isotopic composition of ingested prey and ontemperature (Kohfeld et al. 2000). Isotopic fractionationduring air-sea exchange of CO2 also affects the δ13C ofsurface water DIC, independently of nutrient concen-tration (Charles et al. 1993). In addition, planktonic fora-minifera species grow over a range of water depths thatinclude not only surface but also pycnocline waters (Fair-banks et al. 1980). When all present uncertainties aretaken into account, the propagated error in the final es-timate of past nutrient concentration can exceed the larg-est climate related changes recorded in the sediments, atleast over the interval from the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM) to the present (Kohfeld et al. 2000). It is thus es-sential that these uncertainties be reduced before reli-ably interpreting the δ13C of planktonic foraminifera.

Cadmium/calcium ratios of planktonic foraminiferahave not been widely exploited to reconstruct surfacenutrient concentrations because the low concentrationsof Cd in low-latitude surface waters leave little Cd to beacquired by foraminifera. Foraminiferal Cd/ Ca ratioshold potential for reconstructing nutrient concentra-tions in high-latitude waters, however, where elevatednutrient concentrations persist throughout the year,provided that other factors affecting the Cd/Ca ratio canbe constrained (Elderfield and Rickaby 2000). Early workin the Southern Ocean found no change in nutrientconcentration from the LGM to the present (Keigwin and

Boyle 1989). More recently, Rosenthal et al. (1997) inter-preted planktonic foraminiferal Cd/Ca ratios from theSubantarctic Indian Ocean to indicate that surface nu-trient concentrations had been lower, and productivityhigher, than today during the LGM. This interpretationhas been challenged, recently, following the calibrationof the temperature dependence of the partition coef-ficient for uptake of Cd by planktonic foraminifera(Rickaby and Elderfield 1999). When this temperaturedependence is taken into account, for example by usingthe Mg/Ca ratio or the oxygen isotopic composition ofthe foraminifera shells, Rickaby and Elderfield find littlechange since the LGM in the surface nutrient concen-tration of Subantarctic waters. Further tests are neededto assess the general applicability of the temperaturedependence of metal uptake by foraminiferal carbon-ate shells, as well as to constrain the preferential loss oftrace metals during partial dissolution of foraminiferashells (McCorkle et al. 1995).

8.4.9 Proxies of Surface Nutrient

Utilization Efficiency

The efficiency of the biological pump, expressed as thefraction of new nutrient added to the euphotic zonewhich is utilized by phytoplankton, can be evaluatedfrom N isotopes for nitrogen and, possibly, Si isotopesfor silicate. The isotope systematics of both elements fol-low the same principle, in that the light isotope is takenup preferentially and, as a result, the residual nutrientand planktonic material produced from it become in-creasingly heavy with nutrient depletion. While the studyof Si isotopes is just beginning (De la Rocha et al. 1998),the possibilities afforded by N isotopes have been inves-tigated for several years (Calvert et al. 1992; Francois andAltabet 1992; Altabet and Francois 1994; Francois et al.1997). These studies have shown that the 15N/ 14N ratioof particulate organic matter in the water column andsurface sediments reflects the fraction of surface nitrateutilized by phytoplankton, with heavier isotope ratiosfound in areas of greater nitrate depletion. The isotopiccomposition of organic nitrogen preserved in sedimentshas been used as a means of assessing changes in this im-portant variable through time, although its interpretationis complicated by a diagenetic increase in the 15N/14N ratioat the water-sediment interface. Recent findings indi-cate, however, that this latter problem could be resolvedby analyzing organic nitrogen associated with the pro-tein template locked within diatom frustules (Sigmanet al. 1999). This pool of sedimentary nitrogen appearsto be unaffected by diagenesis, while recording the pri-mary signal produced in surface waters.

Calibration work conducted during JGOFS processstudies, and elsewhere, has found remarkable spatialuniformity in the fractionation factor associated with

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the uptake of nitrate by phytoplankton (Altabet andFrancois 2001), although unique species assemblages(e.g., blooms of Phaeocystis antarctica common in theSouthern Ocean) and phytoplankton growing in certainunique habitats (e.g., sea ice algae) remain to be tested.Thus, the original isotopic composition of nitrate takenup by phytoplankton determines their N isotope signal.For instance, nitrogen fixation reduces 15N in the nitratepool and, hence, causes light N isotopic composition inphytoplankton. Major changes in the level of nitrogenfixation will, therefore, also affect the 15N/ 14N signal inthe sediments. Denitrification, on the other hand, en-riches the 15N isotope in nitrate, hence, nutrient sourcesaffected by denitrification will lead to a heavy isotopiccomposition in phytoplankton. If the supply of nitrateto the surface waters from different source water masseswith distinct 15N/ 14N characteristics changes, this willaffect the isotopic composition of phytoplankton andfinally of the sediment record. Therefore, the interpre-tation of the N isotope signals in the sediments will re-quire a sound understanding of the sources of nitratebeing utilized by phytoplankton. This introduces a com-plicating factor into the interpretation of the paleo-record, since it cannot be assumed that the 15N isotopesignal in surface water nitrate has remained constant.

8.5 Conclusions

Sea floor studies provide a powerful strategy for esti-mating the magnitude and the global distribution oforganic matter fluxes in the oceans. The general coher-ence between primary productivity estimates from sat-ellites and benthic fluxes is, in fact, quite astoundingconsidering the many intermediate steps required to linkboth processes, all of which are subject to errors. Al-though regional deviations are observed, general cor-relations are found when considering longer periods oftime. This strengthens the view that there is a system-atic link between upper and deep ocean processes. Thissystematic link is also the ultimate justification for us-ing proxies from deep-sea sediments to reconstructpaleoproductivity. The reason for this correlation hasto be sought in a fairly consistent relationship betweennutrient supply and phytoplankton export production,in the relatively uniform chemical composition of sedi-menting material, and in only small deviations fromaverage settling speeds of the majority of sinking par-ticles. On shorter time scales, like seasonal cycles, thecoherence between primary production and benthicfluxes is relaxed due to the different speeds on whichboth systems function.

Patterns of fluxes at the deep-sea floor do not alwaysfollow the distributions of surface water primary pro-duction as derived from satellites. In particular, discrep-ancies are observed along continental margins and in

some areas of the Southern Ocean. Additional supply oforganic material enters the deep ocean from produc-tive shelf areas and it is important to better quantifythis flux. In highly productive regions, such as in up-welling regions and in the polar front zone of the South-ern Ocean, the transfer efficiency of organic material tothe deep ocean may be greater than elsewhere. Hence,the role of plankton communities in regulating thetransfer efficiency in differently productive regions ofthe ocean needs to be elucidated. This also concerns theremoval and modification of organic particles in themesopelagic zone of the ocean beneath the productiveupper layers which probably has a noticeable influenceon the amount and composition of particles reachingthe deep-sea floor.

The biological processes that modulate vertical fluxand modify material at the sea floor also create substan-tial uncertainties when using proxies for paleopro-ductivity studies. The inherent uncertainties are partlydue to the fact that each productivity proxy is affectedby different secondary processes which can act inde-pendently of productivity. These uncertainties also stemin part from our lack of understanding of the processesaffecting the links between productivity and proxy. Toremedy the first problem we need a to use a multiproxyapproach. Biases induced by secondary processes aremore likely to be identified in such an approach, andconsistency between proxies may also provide impor-tant information on some of these secondary processes.In particular, a direct comparison of geochemical prox-ies with ecological proxies has yet to be undertaken.Addressing the second issue requires comprehensivebiogeochemical process studies, in which expression ofthe proxy signal can be related directly to the bio-geochemical parameter of interest, and in which thepreservation of the proxy during sediment diagenesiscan be evaluated. Future biogeochemical process stud-ies, along the lines of those conducted by JGOFS, pro-vide ideal opportunities for proxy calibration, andshould include a proxy calibration component. In re-turn, improved understanding of the carbon cycle un-der forcing conditions (radiations, sea level, circulationetc.) very different from those prevailing today will high-light important aspects of the fundamental processes atplay that may have been missed by studying the modernocean alone. The synergy between paleoceanographicand modern process studies is evident and should moldfuture comprehensive research programmes on the car-bon cycle.


We thank the Paleo-JGOFS Task Team for support forthis review. The collection of benthic data was supportedby the EU project ADEPD.

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