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Is it a put on or simply misunderstood?

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What is OCD?

OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.The American Psychiatric Association defines OCD

as recurrent obsessions or compulsions that are severe enough to be time-consuming or to cause distress or significant impairment.

Obsessions are recurrent, unwanted thoughts and ideas that invade a person’s consciousness.

Compulsions are defined as repetitive and uncontrollable impulses resulting from obsessions.

OCD is often unidentified, rarely properly diagnosed, and is widely misunderstood in today’s society.

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Common Obsessive Common Obsessive ThoughtsThoughts

Fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt Fear of causing harm to yourself of others Intrusive sexually explicit or violent thought and

images Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas Fear of losing or not having the things that you might

need Order and symmetry: the idea that everything must

line up “just right” Superstitions; excessive attention to something

considered lucky or unlucky

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Common Compulsive Common Compulsive BehaviorsBehaviors

Excessive double-checking of things, such as locks, appliances, and switches

Repeatedly checking in on loved ones to make sure that they’re safe

Counting, tapping, repeating certain words, or doing other senseless things to reduce anxiety

Spending a lot of time washing or cleaning Ordering, evening out, or arranging things “just so” Praying excessively or engaging in rituals triggered by

religious fear Accumulating “junk” such as old newspapers,

magazines, and empty containers

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Symptoms Besides suffering from repetitive behavior and

uncontrollable behavior, one can also suffer from:

Changes in appetite or weightSleep disturbanceDecreased energyFeelings of worthlessnessDifficulty concentratingRestlessnessHand-wringingRubbing or pulling of hair

• Other major symptoms of OCD include the uncontrollable urge to clean things, to check, to count, to repeat motions and to doubt.• These rituals become part of the daily routine of a person with OCD.• These rituals seem to relieve anxiety to a certain point.• However these rituals can keep some adolescents from engaging in usual activities like dating or driving.• A little more than 1/3 of all OCD sufferers suffer from checking.

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Course of OCDThe course of OCD is a gradual process and usually

develops in early adulthood.About 2/3 of those who have OCD developed symptoms

by age 25 although some have developed as early as 8.It also usually appears sooner in boys than in girls.When stress becomes too much, their symptoms can

worsen and can be alleviated as stress is released.This is known as a flare-up or remission which means at

times symptoms can be more in control than others.This disease can affect as many as 2.4 million


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Washers -People afraid of contamination. They usually have cleaning or hand-washing compulsions

Checkers -People who repeatedly check things (oven turned off, door locked, etc.) that they associate with harm or danger

Doubters and Sinners -People who are afraid that if everything isn’t perfect or done just right something terrible will happen or they will be punished.

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Counters and Arrangers- People who are obsessed with order and symmetry. They may have superstitions about certain numbers, colors, or arrangements.

Hoarders- People who fear that something bad will happen if they throw anything away. They compulsively hoard things that they don’t need or use.

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GeneticsEnvironmental factorsAbnormal brain activityStrep throatOther medical conditions or mental disorders

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Treatment of OCD When the disorder interrupts a persons life, medication or therapy

may be needed. One of the most effective treatments is behavior therapy. Behavior therapy involves exposing the person to stressful

situations that cause anxiety to provoke the compulsive behaviors and then preventing the person from performing the rituals.

Treatments will vary for people with different rituals, and the people with different rituals will respond differently to treatment.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors first started the medical treatment of OCD.

Clomipramine has been shown to be 20% effective in curing of all OCD cases.

Anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, and tranquilizers are available if symptoms are extreme.

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