  1. 1. Observational Assessmentswww.questionmark.comCopyright 1995-2011 Questionmark Corporation and/or Questionmark Computing Limited, known collectively as Questionmark. All rights reserved.Questionmark is a registered trademark of Questionmark Computing Limited. All other trademarks are acknowledged.
  2. 2. What are Observational Assessments? Observational assessments provide a mechanismfor an observer to assess a participant For example, a participant might be observed andrated on Performance of a specific task or procedure Knowledge acquisition and application Demonstration of skills/abilities that traditionalassessment may be less reliable in measuring Copyright 1995-2011 Questionmark Corporation and/or Questionmark Computing Limited, known collectively as Questionmark. All rights reserved.Slide 2Questionmark is a registered trademark of Questionmark Computing Limited. All other trademarks are acknowledged.
  3. 3. Observational assessment vs.traditional quiz, test or examTraditional assessment Participant is presented withquestions for direct responseObservational assessment Observer is presented withquestions to rate participantsknowledge, skills and abilities Copyright 1995-2011 Questionmark Corporation and/or Questionmark Computing Limited, known collectively as Questionmark. All rights reserved.Slide 3Questionmark is a registered trademark of Questionmark Computing Limited. All other trademarks are acknowledged.
  4. 4. If assessing performance of a task, observertypically rates participant in three areas:Performing PreparationWrap Up the taskCopyright 1995-2011 Questionmark Corporation and/or Questionmark Computing Limited, known collectively as Questionmark. All rights reserved. Questionmark is a registered trademark of Questionmark Computing Limited. All other trademarks are acknowledged.
  5. 5. Typical workflow for observerMonitor/observer logs inSelects assessment Selects participant to be observed Answers/submits responses to questions Results/feedback reported to stakeholdersCopyright 1995-2011 Questionmark Corporation and/or Questionmark Computing Limited, known collectively as Questionmark. All rights reserved.Slide 5 Questionmark is a registered trademark of Questionmark Computing Limited. All other trademarks are acknowledged.
  6. 6. Monitor/observer logs in
  7. 7. Selects assessment
  8. 8. Selects participant to be observed
  9. 9. Answers/submitsresponses toquestions
  10. 10. Feedback to Participant on PerformanceResults/feedback reported tostakeholders
  11. 11. Mobile devices Mobile devices such as tablets and smart phonesare ideal for delivering observationalassessments Copyright 1995-2011 Questionmark Corporation and/or Questionmark Computing Limited, known collectively as Questionmark. All rights reserved.Questionmark is a registered trademark of Questionmark Computing Limited. All other trademarks are acknowledged.
  12. 12. The same assessmentthat is delivered ontraditional laptop can bedelivered via a handheldmobile device such asiPad, iPhone or Androidphone/tablet
  13. 13. Example applications of ObservationalAssessmentCertification Observational assessments can be used as critical components of the certification process in some cases arerequired by regulatory authorities.ProcessPerformance orAn organization has delivered a training course to its employees and is now evaluating its effectiveness. Byobserving and monitoring behavioral changes in the workplace before and after the training, the organization willlevel 3 be able to assess the changes caused by the training and evaluate the return on investment gained.assessment:Medical and Medical and dental schools make extensive use of observational assessments such as the Objective StructuredClinical Examination (OSCE).Dental Schoolexams:Equipment Observational assessment can be used to record and rate operators skills, abilities, safety practices andadherence to required proceduresoperation:Customer ServiceWorkplace Assessments can also be used to evaluate retail sales and customer service staff on how well theycope in different situations to assess where additional training is required or where personnel excel.evaluation:Driving schoolA driving school examiner observes and rates the license applicant against several pre-elected tasks, such asparking, observation and awareness.examiner: Copyright 1995-2011 Questionmark Corporation and/or Questionmark Computing Limited, known collectively as Questionmark. All rights reserved.Questionmark is a registered trademark of Questionmark Computing Limited. All other trademarks are acknowledged.
  14. 14. Questions?More information: 1995-2011 Questionmark Corporation and/or Questionmark Computing Limited, known collectively as Questionmark. All rights reserved.Questionmark is a registered trademark of Questionmark Computing Limited. All other trademarks are acknowledged.

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