Page 1: Object-Oriented Programming  Fundamental Concepts

Object-Oriented Programming

Fundamental Concepts

Svetlin NakovTelerik

Page 2: Object-Oriented Programming  Fundamental Concepts

Contents1. Fundamental Principles of OOP2. Inheritance3. Abstraction4. Encapsulation5. Polymorphism6. Cohesion and Coupling


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Fundamental Principles of OOP

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Fundamental Principles of OOP

Inheritance Inherit members from parent class

Abstraction Define and execute abstract actions

Encapsulation Hide the internals of a class

Polymorphism Access a class through its parent interface


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Classes and Interfaces Classes define attributes and behavior Fields, properties, methods, etc. Methods contain code for execution

Interfaces define a set of operations Empty methods and properties, left

to be implemented later6

public class Labyrinth { … }

public interface IFigure { … }

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Inheritance Inheritance allows child classes inherits the characteristics of existing parent class Attributes (fields and properties) Operations (methods)

Child class can extend the parent class Add new fields and methods Redefine methods (modify existing

behavior) A class can implement an interface by providing implementation for all its methods


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Types of Inheritance Inheritance terminology

derived class

base class /parent classinherits

derived interface

base interface


class interfaceimplements


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Inheritance – Benefits Inheritance has a lot of benefits

Extensibility Reusability Provides abstraction Eliminates redundant code

Use inheritance for buidling is-a relationships E.g. dog is-a animal (dogs are kind

of animals) Don't use it to build has-a relationship E.g. dog has-a name (dog is not

kind of name)


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Inheritance – Example

Person+Name: String+Address: String

Employee+Company: String+Salary: double

Student+School: String

Base class

Derived class

Derived class


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Class Hierarchies Inheritance leads to a hierarchy of classes and/or interfaces in an application:





Chess Backgammon


Minesweeper Solitaire …

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How to Define Inheritance?

We must specify the name of the base class after the name of the derived

In the constructor of the derived class we use the keyword base to invoke the constructor of the base class


public class Shape{...}public class Circle : Shape{...}

public Circle (int x, int y) : base(x){...}

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Simple Inheritance Example

public class Mammal{ public int Age { get; set; }

public Mammal(int age) { this.Age = age; }

public void Sleep() { Console.WriteLine("Shhh! I'm sleeping!"); }}


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Simple Inheritance Example (2)

public class Dog : Mammal{ public string Breed { get; set; }

public Dog(int age, string breed) : base(age) { this.Breed = breed; }

public void WagTail() { Console.WriteLine("Tail wagging..."); }}


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Abstraction Abstraction means ignoring irrelevant features, properties, or functions and emphasizing the relevant ones ...

... relevant to the given project (with an eye to future reuse in similar projects)

Abstraction = managing complexity

"Relevant" to what?


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Abstraction (2) Abstraction is something we do every

day Looking at an object, we see those

things about it that have meaning to us

We abstract the properties of the object, and keep only what we need

E.g. students get "name" but not "color of eyes"

Allows us to represent a complex reality in terms of a simplified model

Abstraction highlights the properties of an entity that we need and hides the others


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Class Diagrams in Visual StudioLive Demo

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Encapsulation Encapsulation hides the implementation details

Class announces some operations (methods) available for its clients – its public interface

All data members (fields) of a class should be hidden Accessed via properties (read-only

and read-write) No interface members should be hidden 19

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Encapsulation – Example

Data fields are private Constructors and accessors are defined (getters and setters)


-name : string-age : TimeSpan

+Person(string name, int age)+Name : string { get; set; }+Age : TimeSpan { get; set; }


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Encapsulation – Benefits

Ensures that structural changes remain local: Changing the class internals does

not affect any code outside of the class

Changing methods' implementation does not reflect the clients using them

Encapsulation allows adding some logic when accessing client's data

E.g. validation on modifying a property value

Hiding implementation details reduces complexity easier maintenance


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Polymorphism Polymorphism = ability to take more

than one form (objects have more than one type) A class can be used through its parent

interface A child class may override some of the

behaviors of the parent class Polymorphism allows abstract

operations to be defined and used Abstract operations are defined in the

base class' interface and implemented in the child classes Declared as abstract or virtual


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Polymorphism (2) Why handle an object of given type as object of its base type? To invoke abstract operations To mix different related types in the

same collection E.g. List<object> can hold anything

To pass more specific object to a method that expects a parameter of a more generic type

To declare a more generic field which will be initialized and "specialized" later


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The override Modifier Using override we can modify a method or property

An override method provides a new implementation of a member inherited from a base class

You cannot override a non-virtual or static method

The overridden base method must be virtual, abstract, or override


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Polymorphism – How it Works?

Polymorphism ensures that the appropriate method of the subclass is called through its base class' interface

Polymorphism is implemented using a technique called late method binding Exact method to be called is

determined at runtime, just before performing the call

Applied for all abstract / virtual methods

Note: Late binding is slower than normal (early) binding


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Polymorphism – Example

override CalcSurface() { return size * size;}

override CalcSurface() { return PI * radius * raduis;}



ct action

Concrete class






+CalcSurface() : double

Square-x : int-y : int-size : int

Circle-x : int-y : int-radius: int


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Cohesion Cohesion describes how closely all the routines in a class or all the code in a routine support a central purpose

Cohesion must be strong Well-defined abstractions keep

cohesion strong Classes must contain strongly related functionality and aim for single purpose

Cohesion is a useful tool for managing complexity


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Good and Bad Cohesion Good: hard disk, cdrom, floppy

BAD: spaghetti code


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Strong Cohesion Strong cohesion example

Class Math that has methods:Sin(), Cos(), Asin()Sqrt(), Pow(), Exp()Math.PI, Math.E


double sideA = 40, sideB = 69;double angleAB = Math.PI / 3;

double sideC = Math.Pow(sideA, 2) + Math.Pow(sideB, 2) - 2 * sideA * sideB * Math.Cos(angleAB);

double sidesSqrtSum = Math.Sqrt(sideA) + Math.Sqrt(sideB) + Math.Sqrt(sideC);

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Bad Cohesion Bad cohesion example

Class Magic that has these methods:

Another example:


public void PrintDocument(Document d);public void SendEmail( string recipient, string subject, string text);public void CalculateDistanceBetweenPoints( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

MagicClass.MakePizza("Fat Pepperoni");MagicClass.WithdrawMoney("999e6");MagicClass.OpenDBConnection();

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Coupling Coupling describes how tightly a class or routine is related to other classes or routines

Coupling must be kept loose Modules must depend little on each

other All classes and routines must have

small, direct, visible, and flexible relations to other classes and routines

One module must be easily used by other modules


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Loose and Tight Coupling

Loose Coupling: Easily replace old

HDD Easily place this HDD

to another motherboard

Tight Coupling: Where is the video

adapter? Can you change the

video controller?


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Summary OOP fundamental principals are:

inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism Inheritance allows inheriting members

form another class Abstraction and encapsulation hide

internal data and allow working through abstract interface

Polymorphism allows working with objects through their parent interface and invoke abstract actions

Strong cohesion and loose coupling avoid spaghetti code


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Object-Oriented Programming

Fundamental Concepts


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