  2. 2. All of us love to have a well-built bodies, or at least not to be obese, and we have the right to think like that, because obesity is not just a cosmetic concern, it's also a risk for some health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and the high blood pressure and others. Obesity
  3. 3. I am sorry it looks dangerous but dont panic, you can prevent your health problems easily, and you can lose weight through change the life and dietary style, increase physical activity and others.
  4. 4. What is Obesity? Obesity is that, you have a high amount of fat in your body, and from that definition you can notice that, obesity is not about more weight, it's about more fat . To understand this you may weight more because you are tall. And this is normal.
  5. 5. Now you want to know if you are obese or not, and this is easy, all you want is to measure your weight in Kilograms (kg) and your height in meters (m), and then use this formula Or you can use this one too
  6. 6. This formula will give you your body mass index (BMI). the obesity is diagnosed when the (BMI) is 30 or more. now look to this table below to know more about the (BMI). BMI Result Less than 18.5 Underweight 18.8-24.9 Normal 25-29.9 Overweight 30-40 Obese More than 40 very obese
  7. 7. Now with the (BMI) you can diagnose yourself as an obese or not, but still one problem. Some people like the muscular athletes find their (BMI) higher than normal, when they most likely have a normal amounts of fat in their bodies, and the answer is that, they weight more not because of fat, but because of muscles.
  8. 8. Waist as to Hip Ratio Normal values Male =

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