Page 1:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es:Observatorium on Ex hange RateEmerson Fernandes MarçalCEMAP-EESP-FGVNovember 30, 2012

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 2:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es:Talking points1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 3:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Ex hange Rate Misalignments.Talking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 4:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Ex hange Rate Misalignments.Dening ex hange rate misalignment.Dieren e between a tual real ee tive ex hange rate and a long termfundamental;Ex hange rate misalignment estimative an dier due to:the e onomi models used to hoose the fundamentals variablesthat drives real ex hange rate in the long run;dieren es in e onometri s te hniques.The onstru tion of misalignment estimative relies on some empiri al andtheoreti al hoi es;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 5:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.Talking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 6:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.Option 1: Ee tive equilibrium ex hange rate based onfundamentals.Fundamental Real ex hange rate is al ulated using ae onometri model:Cointegration te hniques based on sele ted series asso iatedwith fundamentals;Some possible hoi es of the fundamentals variablesan indi ator of relative tradeable and non-tradeableprodu tivity [4;net international investment position as GDP share. [2;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 7:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.Option 2: Bilateral ex hange rate based on fundamentals.Converting real ee tive ex hange rate misalignment inbilateral misalignments:From real ee tive ex hange rates estimative al ulated underoption 1 for a group of ountries it is possible to al ulatebilateral misalignments for ea h ountry using Alberola,Cervero et al. (1999) [2 ;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 8:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.Option 3: Bilateral ex hange rate misalignments based onPur hasing Power Parity.Re ent advan es in the literature suggest that PPP may hold after all for some urren ies;Some studies using not temporally aggregated data suggests that PPPmay hold in the long run. (Taylor, 2010 [8);Strong eviden e that PPP holds for dollar-pound sterling parityusing onsumer pri e deators and long time series; (Ahmad &Craighead [1)The possible hoi e of the pri e index to run the analysis are:Consumer pri e index;produ er pri e index;gross domesti pri e deator;What to do if PPP does not hold?Control for Balassa Samuelson ee t;De ompose ex hange rate in permanent and transitory omponents;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 9:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.Option 4: Sustainable urrent a ount.Current a ount approa h:This methodology has two steps in order to onstru t a misalignmentmeasure.The level of urrent a ount equilibrium is al ulated using panelte hniques;The dieren e between a tual real ex hange rate and the level ofreal ex hange ompatible with the desired urrent a ount result isthe estimated misalignment;This approa h is very losed related to the IMF ma roe onomi equilibrium approa h.One variant of this approa h is the External Equilibrium Approa h. After hoosing some ben hmark value for the Net Foreign Asset, the level ofreal ex hange rate ne essary to rea h this value is estimated and the levelof misalignment an be al ulated (Maya e Ha, 2012 [7);Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 10:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.Talking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 11:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.Dynami Time Series E onometri ModelsThe usual approa h onsists in estimating a traditional VECM:([5, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1)∆Xt = Γ1∆Xt−1+ ...+Γk−1∆Xt−k+1+α[ β ′ µ]

[ Xt−11 ]

+ εt (1)where εt is a ve tor of innovations not serially orrelated, Ω is a matrixthat ontains all varian es and ovarian es and [Γ1, ...Γk−1,α,β ,µ ] areaparameters to be estimated.Xt ontains the real ex hange rate index and the sele tedfundamentals;The estimation of the long run parameters an be done usingalternative te hniques;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 12:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.De omposing series into permanent and transitory omponentsThere is a literature that dis uss how to de ompose the series intopermanent and transitory omponents:Xt = β⊥( ′β⊥)−1 ′Xt + ⊥(β ′ ⊥)−1β ′Xt (2)Pt ≡ β⊥( ′β⊥)−1 ′Xt = A1 ′Xt = A1ft (3)Tt ≡ ⊥(β ′ ⊥)−1β ′Xt = A2β ′Xt = A2zt (4)The ommon approa h onsists in using Gonzalo e Grangerde omposition, ([8), where = α⊥.All matri es are obtained from the estimated parameters of the model (1).Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 13:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.Is the estimative pre ise? How to address this question.The pre ision of the estimative must be known;The methodology to onstru t onden e bands must avoidfalse misalignment dete tion:Alberola, Cervero et al. (1999) uses Johansen asymptoti results to onstru t onden e errors; ([3)Our approa h onsists in using Cavaliere et al. (2011)bootstrap method to onstru t onden e bands;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 14:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.How to transform real ee tive ex hange rate misalignmentsinto bilateral ones.A base ountry must be hosen;Using the fa t that real ee tive ex hange rate onsists in aweighted average of bilateral rates, it is possible to linkee tive real ex hange rate misalignment to bilateralmisalignments;The trade weights for a numerous ountries are ne essary touse this approa h;Further details an be found in Alberola, Cervero et al. (1999)[2;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 15:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Approa hs for estimating RERmisalignment.E onometri Issues.Some re ent eviden e on PPPRe ent PPP debate Taylor and Taylor. ([2);Temporal aggregate data seriously distort PPP test ([8);Taylor ([1) tests the PPP using a sample of 20 ountries usinga entury sample and obtains eviden e in favor of PPP;Other studies using Taylor series:Kapetanios, Shin and Snell test is applied to Taylor data set([3);KPSS onrmatory test was applied to Taylor data with goodresults in favour of PPP hypothesis ([3).Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 16:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsTalking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 17:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsMultilateral misalignment:

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 18:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsNorth Ameri an Ee tive Real ex hange rate misalignment.RER Fundamentals

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010



150RER Fundamentals


1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


0.2 Misaligment

5% Misalignment 95%

10% 90%

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010



5% Misalignment 95%

10% 90%

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 19:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsBrazilian Real Ee tive Ex hange rate misalignment.


RER Fundamentals

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


100RER Fundamentals


1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010-0.25


0.25 Misaligment

Misalignment 10% 95%

5% 90%

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010




Misalignment 10% 95%

5% 90%

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 20:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsTalking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 21:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsBilateral Real ex hange rate misalignment - dolar as base urren y.

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 22:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsTalking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 23:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsPPP: One Example - UK and USA.UK-USA mean=100

1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000








UK-USA mean=100

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 24:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsTalking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 25:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next StepsWork to do:Periodi al Releases of the misalignments estimative usingdierent approa hes;Working on al ulating other methodologhies;Working on understading ee ts of misalignments on tradeows: Is there eviden e of se toral hysteresis?Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 26:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.Talking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 27:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.Motivation to onstru t PPP based on world index.Early test of PPP in the eighties and nineties failed to obtain eviden e infavur of PPP hypothesis;Low power of unit root test;Time aggregation problem;Too short data set in time dimension;No linearity in adjustment towards long run equilibrium;In re ent studies in the literature some authors obtained eviden e in favorof PPP using longer data set:Taylor (2000) - time aggregation problem auses overestimation ofhalf-life of the sho ks;Longer time data set eviden e in favor of PPP;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 28:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.How world pri e index was onstru ted.The world pri e index onsists in a trade weighted average of onsumer pri e index for a group of nations that ontains the ountries with the biggest trade volumes ex epting OPECmembers: Ptworld =N∑i=1witP it (5)where wit denotes the trade share of ountry i in period t inthe index;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 29:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.How the PPP index was al ulated.The PPP index was al ulated using the following formula:PPP−WTCt j =


∑Ni=1witE ijtPtworld )P jt (6)where Eit denotes the nominal ex hange rate expressed as thequantity of urren y of ountry i is ne essary to buy one unitof urren y j;P jt denotes the onsumer pri e index of ountry j at time t;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 30:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.Sour es of the dataData Sour es:Consumer Pri e Indexes: IFS-IMF database;Ex hange rate Data;Trade Volumes: IMF;Taylor Data set;Frequen y:Monthly and Anual Data;From 1960 to 2012 and from 1900 to 2012;Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 31:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.Talking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 32:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.Summary of Unit Root test - Se ular Time Span.

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 33:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.Summary of Unit Root test - Shorter Time Span.

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 34:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.WTC- United States Curren y against world Index

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 35:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.WTC- Se ular - United States Curren y against world IndexUnited States Fundamentals

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010





120United States Fundamentals


1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010





Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 36:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.PPP - Brazilian Curren y against world Index

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 37:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.PPP - Brazilian Curren y against world IndexPPP-WTC-Brazil 2 std 1 std

mean -2 std -1 std

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010










250PPP-WTC-Brazil 2 std 1 std

mean -2 std -1 std

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 38:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.Talking Stru ture1 The E onomi s of MisalignmentsEx hange Rate Misalignments.2 Obervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Approa hs for estimating RER misalignment.E onometri Issues.3 Some Results:Fundamental Approa h.Bilateral Ex hange rate MisalignmentPur hasing Power Parity Strikes Ba k?Next Steps4 PPP and World Pri e IndexMethodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.5 Main Referen es:Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 39:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es: Methodology to al ulate World Pri e Index:Some Preliminary Results.Challenges to over ome.Problems to be addressedProblems to be addressed:Investigate the time series properties of these indexes;Investigate alternative options su h as Gross Domesti Deators;The N-1 problemTo al ulate and ompare dierent de ompositions;

Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

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The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es:Sele ted Referen es:Ahmad, Yamin & Craighead, William D., 2011. "Temporal aggregation and pur hasing powerparity persisten e," Journal of International Money and Finan e, Elsevier, vol. 30(5), pages817-830, September.Alberola, E., S. Cervero, H. Lopez, and A. Ubide (1999): "Global Equilibrium Ex hange Rate:Euro, Dolar, 'Ins', 'Outs' and Other Major Curren ies in a Panel Cointegration Framework,"Washington: IMF.BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, M.; KUTAN, A.; ZHOU, S. A entury of pur hasing power parity: furthereviden e. E onomi s Bulletin, vol. 6, n. 31, 2007.Balassa, B. (1964): "The Pur hasing Power Do trine: A Reappraisal," Journal of Politi alE onomy, 72, 584-596.Engle, R. F., and C. W. J. Granger (1987): "Co-Integration and Error Corre tion: Representation,Estimation and Testing," E onometri a, 55, 251-276.Faruqee, H. (1995): "Long-Run Determinants of the Real Ex hange Rate: A Sto k FlowPerspe tive," IMF Sta Paper, 42, 80-107.Froot, K. A., and K. Rogo (1995): "Perspe tives on Ppp and Long-Run Real Ex hange Rates,"Amsterdam: North-Holland.Gonzalo, J., and C. W. J. Granger (1995): "Estimation of Common Long-Memory Components inCointegrated Systems," Journal of business and E onomi s Statisti s, 13.Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

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The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es:Sele ted Referen es:Johansen, S. (1988): "Statisti al Analysis of Cointegration Ve tors," Journal of E onomi Dynami s and Control, 12, 231-254.−−− (1990): "Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inferen es on Cointegration - withAppli ations to the Demand for Money," Oxford Bulletin of E onomi s and Statisti s, 52,169-210.−−− (1995): Likelihood-Based Inferen e in Cointegrated Ve tor Autoregressive Models. Oxford:Oxford University Press.Johansen, S., and K. Juselius (1992): "Testing Stru tural Hypothesis in a MultivariateCointegration Analisys of the Ppp and Uip for Uk," Journal of E onometri s, 53, 211-224.Johansen, S., R. Mos oni, and B. Nielsen (2000): "Cointegration in the Presen e of Stru turalBreaks in Deterministi Trends," E onometri Journal, 1(3).Kubota, M. (2009): "Real Ex hange Rate Misalignments: Theoreti al Modelling and Empiri alEviden e," York: University of York.Maya, E.; Ha, N. (2012); Corre ting real ex hange rate misalignment : on eptual and pra ti alissues; World Bank Poli y Resear h Working Paper - 6045.TAYLOR, A.T., Potential Pitfalls for the Pur hasing-Power-Parity Puzzle? Sampling andSpe i ation Biases in Mean-Reversion Tests of the Law of One Pri e, E onometri a Volume 69,Issue 2, pages 473498, 2001Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

Page 42:ção...PPP and rld o W Price Index Main References: rium Observato on Exchange Rate Emerson ernandes F rçal Ma GV CEMAP-EESP-F

The E onomi s of MisalignmentsObervatorium on Ex hange Rate:Some Results:PPP and World Pri e IndexMain Referen es:Sele ted Referen es:TAYLOR, A.T. A entury of pur hasing-power parity. Review of E onomi s and Statisti s, n. 84,2002.TAYLOR, A.T.; TAYLOR, M.P. The pur hasing power parity debate. Journal of E onomi Perspe tives, n. 18, 2004.WALLACE, F. Nonlinear unit root tests of PPP using long-horizon data. E onomi s Bulletin, vol.6, n. 33, 2008.Emerson F. Marçal, November 30th, 2012.

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