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Numerology Section

Numerology is considered as the science of calculating a native’s

future, nature, characteristics, goals, challenges and many other importantaspects of his life with the help of numbers which are primarily derived from his

name and date of birth. The science of numerology had initially fascinated

western astrologers and numerologists more than Indian astrologers and

numerologists but it has caught up very fast with Indian astrologers and

numerologists and as a result many practitioners and experts of this science can

be found in India also. Many rich people, powerful people, movie stars and other 

celebrities are now paying visits to numerologists in order to know their lucky

numbers and in order to know their future with the help of certain numbers which

are drawn from their date of birth and their prevalent names and many of such

celebrities and famous people change their names according to the advice of 

their numerologists in order to achieve success or more success in their 

respective professional spheres as such celebrities and famous people are told

by their numerologists that present name corresponds to a number which is not

suitable for them and if they make certain changes to their name or if they

change their name in such a way that a specific number can be got as a

resultant, their chances of success can be improved many times. Similarly, there

are many other spheres of a native’s life which can be predicted with the help of 

numerology and which can also be improved with the help of numerology and

accordingly many people seeking better results in such spheres of their lives,

take advice from a numerologist.

When compared to Vedic Astrology, numerology has a

comparatively limited scope as Vedic Astrology can go deeper and deeper in

many spheres of a native’s present life and it can even give the native an idea

about his past life like what possible good or bad karmas were done by the native

during his past life and what problems will the native have to face as a result of 

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those bad karmas. The scope of numerology however is limited to only a few

spheres of a native’s life and it more likely gives an approximate idea of how

things can happen related to that sphere of native’s life and it generally does not

gives minute details of the events like Vedic Astrology can do. But at the same

time, one good thing with numerology is the ease of learning this science

compared to Vedic Astrology as it is comparatively far easier to learn numerology

than learning Vedic Astrology as latter is a very complex and difficult form of 

astrology to learn, practice, master and apply, due to which many natives find it

better to learn numerology than Vedic Astrology as numerology is much simpler 

and easy to learn. Some astrologers practice in both astrology and numerology

at the same time and they combine the guidance of both of these sciences in

order to predict the future of a native.

The science of numerology is based on numbers which are

calculated from the date of birth and name of a native whose case is under 

consideration for various aspects. The date of birth of a native is added up to

obtain a 1 digit number by adding up all the numbers in the date of birth of the

native where the day, month and year of birth of the native is considered for this

calculation. If a native’s date of birth is 14 December 1995, then the resultant

number of his date of birth will be calculated in 4 steps where the date, month

and year of birth are reduced to 1 digit numbers by adding up the numbers

mentioned in them, in the first 3 steps and the resultant number of the addition of 

these 3 numbers is obtained in the 4th step which is the final resultant number for 

date of birth of a native. In the given example, the total of date comes out as 5 by

adding up 1 and 4 in the date, the total of month comes out as 3 as December 

stands for number 12 being the 12th month of year and we get 3 by adding 1 and2 mentioned in 12. In case of year of birth which is 1995 we get 1 + 9 + 9 + 5

which is 24 and we add up this number again to obtain a single digit number 

which comes out as 6 by adding 2 and 4. Hence we have got the three 1 digit

numbers as 5 for the date, 3 for the month and 6 for the year and in the next and

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final step we will add these 3 numbers to get the final 1 digit number for date of 

birth. Adding up 5, 3 and 6, we get 14 which is a double digit number and by

adding up the digits in this number again, we get 1 + 4 = 5. Hence 5 is the

resultant number of date of birth of a native which is called as the Life Path

Number, Talent Number, Birth number or the Birth force number and it is

considered as the most important number in a native’s life and many predictions

are made about the native from this number.

 Apart from the talent number, the other most important number for a

native is obtained by adding up the digits corresponding to the English letters

used in his name. Numerology assigns the following numbers to each one of the

English letters :

 A, J and S = 1

B, K and T = 2

C, L and U = 3

D, M and V = 4

E, N and X = 5

F, O and Z = 6

G and P = 7

H and Q = 8

I and R = 9

The digits corresponding to each letter are taken according to the

above mentioned table and then the digits are added in order to obtain a single

digit number. For example, if someone’s name is Rakesh Kumar, then his digitalname will be 9 for R, 1 for A, 2 for K, 5 for E, 1 for S, 8 for H, 2 for K, 3 for U, 4

for M, 1 for A and 9 for R and adding up all these numbers namely 9, 1, 2, 5, 1, 8,

2, 3, 4, 1 and 9 we get 45 which is a double digit number and adding up 4 and 5

in this number we get 9 as the final resultant single digit number which is the

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number obtained for the name of the native. The number so obtained by adding

up digits assigned to all the English letters used in a name is called Expression

number, Destiny number or name number in numerology and it is believed that

this number has got a lot to do with the way your luck works and your efforts

bring result. For this reason, many natives are suggested by various

numerologists, to alter or change their name in such a way that more suitable

and desired destiny number or name number can be obtained which is supposed

to enhance the luck of the native and accordingly the native can achieve success

in a particular sphere of his life.

 Apart from the above mentioned numbers like talent number and

destiny number, there are many other numbers in numerology which are

calculated from the name and date of birth of the native under consideration for a

numerology reading, by using various combinations of numbers used in name

and date of birth of the native and then such resultant numbers are studied in

order to predict the chances of success and failures in various spheres of a

native’s life. This way numerology can be used to provide broader guidelines to

various natives in many spheres of their lives and though this science has not

proved itself to be as precise and detailed as Vedic Astrology but it can still

provide value to people in many spheres of their lives and the fact that

numerology is easy to learn and practice, makes it more desirable for many

people. In my opinion, numerology can be and should be used in the cases

where the practitioner does not have proper knowledge or any knowledge of 

Vedic Astrology, so that he can guide his client to some extent, in various

spheres of his life whereas an expert Vedic Astrologer does not need the support

of numerology as Vedic Astrology is much detailed and vast science compared tonumerology and it can tell everything that numerology can tell plus a lot and lot

more than that.

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In the coming articles of this section, we will discuss about various

concepts used in numerology and we will also learn as to how to make

predictions based on those numbers and concepts.

We have already learnt in the previous article that numerology is the science of 

predicting future events of a native based on numbers which are primarily

obtained from various combinations of date of birth and name of a person and

then such numbers are studied for their characteristics and accordingly the native

is supposed to be under the similar kind of effects. In this article we will learn

about the significance and importance of number 1 in numerology and we will

also look at the positive and negative characteristics attached to this number.

significance and importance of number 1

1 as we know is the beginning of all the numbers which means

that it stands for the beginning of all new events in a person’s life and accordingly

number 1 is associated with all kinds of beginnings in numerology which means

that the natives under the influence of number 1 possess creative minds and

adventurous spirits and they are always ready to start new experiments and

always ready to embark on new missions. Number 1 at the same time is

associated with the quality of leadership which is obvious from the fact that 1

stands on top of all the numbers and accordingly it is born leader of all the

numbers which makes the natives under the influence of this number possess

strong leadership qualities and accordingly the natives under the strong influence

of this number are said to lead in most of the situations in various spheres of their 

lives. Many experts of numerology believe that the natives under the strong

influence of number 1 are born leaders and they will certainly claim one kind of 

authority or the other in various walks of their lives. Number 1 is considered as

the source of immense energy and as a result the natives under the strong

influence of number 1 are considered to be very energetic and adventurous

which makes them ready to take on new challenges and do new experiments

many times in their lives. This number is also associated with the power of mind

and the characteristic of quick thinking and accordingly the natives under the

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strong influence of number in are said to be very quick in making decisions and

they are also considered equally good in executing their decisions in practical


Taking a look at the relation of number 1 with astrology and

navagraha, number 1 is associated with the Sun among navagraha which

explains many of the characteristics possessed by this number. Sun as we know

is the king among navagraha according to vedic jyotish and it possesses strong

leadership abilities, great determination, courage, adventurous spirit, the ability to

make decisions and the ability to execute those decisions and many other 

characteristics and accordingly most of these characteristic of Sun are seen

exhibited through number 1 in numerology. As Sun is considered as the protector 

and giver of all kinds of life in vedic jyotish, accordingly number 1 is also

considered to have a life giving and protecting influence due to which the natives

under the strong influence of this number are full of life and they are protective

towards their nears and dears and towards the people who follow these natives.

Sun is considered to have a very good sense of judgment which makes him

separate the right from the wrong so that justice may be done which is the duty of 

Sun being the king among navagraha, and this quality of Sun is also exhibited

through number 1 in numerology which means that the natives under the strong

influence of number 1 have good judgment abilities and they generally choose to

do the right and just things in most of the situations in their lives. Vedic jyotish

associates Sun with great insight and core understanding of the matters and this

characteristics of Sun is also displayed through number 1 in numerology due to

which the natives under the strong influence of this number are blessed with

good or great insight to the core of matters due to which such natives have avery good ability to understand even the most difficult subjects with ease and

accordingly such natives can make very good learners and scholars.

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The Sun is also considered as the most independent planet

among navagraha and this tendency of Sun to love independence is also

reflected through number 1 due to which the natives under the strong influence of 

this number love their independence more than anything and they generally do

not give up their independence for anything in this world. It is very difficult or 

sometimes impossible to make such natives succumb to any kind of pressure

and make them do certain things that they are not willing to do as such natives

are very headstrong and they almost never give to any kind of difficult situations

or pressure and they keep on fighting with their circumstances until they are

completely broken or they emerge out as winners either of which can be the case

depending upon the overall nature and strength of horoscope of such natives.

The natives under the strong influence of number 1 in numerology are said to do

good in many kinds of creative fields and accordingly such natives can be seen

successful in various types of creative spheres as well as in the spheres which

require new initiatives and leadership ability. Many expert numerologists believe

that the natives under the strong influence of number 1 are capable of reaching

at the top in their respective professional spheres due to the ability of this number 

to remain at the top and accordingly such natives rise to top position soon after 

entering a profession suitable for them. Such natives love making original

creations and they do not believe in copying others or following others in order to

achieve success as the natives under the strong influence of this number do not

believe in following trends and they believe in setting trends. Hence such natives

draw new lines and they set new paths and traditions for other types of natives to


 As every planet among navagraha has its negative side also alongwith the positive side, similarly the corresponding numbers in numerology also

exhibit certain negative characteristics which are generally passed on to them by

their corresponding planets in vedic jyotish. Sun is associated with aggression,

anger, violent nature, love of war and other such characteristics and these

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characteristics are relayed through number 1 in numerology due to which the

natives under the strong influence of number 1 may become very aggressive and

violent at times and they may get themselves caught up in some kind of dispute,

argument or fight many times in their lives due to which such natives may have to

face setbacks, delays and losses though such natives have a strong tendency to

emerge as winners from such situations of arguments and fights but still such

incidents can hinder and slow down the progress of such natives. Pride is

another quality that is associated with Sun in vedic jyotish and this quality of Sun

is also relayed through number 1 in numerology. Pride is a double edged word

which in its positive sense can do wonderful things for the native and which in its

negative sense can make the native pick up disputes even with the closest of 

people and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of number 1 are

likely to possess a high degree of pride which in its negative aspects can turn

into deceit and egoism as there is a very fine line between pride and ego and the

natives under the influence of this number always run the risk of walking past that

fine line and enter into the realm of ego while thinking that they are still in the

realm of pride.

The natives under the strong influence of this number should

always keep a check on their ego, anger and aggression as these are their 

strongest negative points and these negative characteristics can make them

suffer on various fronts of their lives many times in their lives. The natives of 

number 1 are also prone to do bad in their relations particularly in their relations

with their love partner or lover due to their aggressive nature and egoistic

disposition and therefore such natives may have to suffer from more than one

broken relationships in their lives as they generally do not give sufficient space,respect and value to the other ones involved in relationship and they generally

like to dictate their terms to other people due to inherent leadership quality of Sun

possessed by them. Hence the natives of number 1 should learn to give space to

their nears and dears and they should also learn to keep their ego under check

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and to tame their anger so that such anger could be used at proper time and

proper place. Pride, leadership ability and aggression are the characteristics

which can win the most number of rewards for number 1 natives and these are

also the characteristics which can easily get out of control and they can turn into

ego, dominative nature, anger and violence due to which such natives may have

to suffer losses many times and in many spheres of their lives.

significance and importance of number 2

In order to understand the working of number 2 in a better way, we should first

look at the relation of this number with astrology. Number 2 is associated with

Moon which is considered as queen among navagraha according to vedic jyotish

and accordingly the working and nature of number 2 as explained in numerology

is very much under the influence of Moon and this number takes most of its

significances from Moon. Vedic jyotish associates Moon with soft, tender and

caring nature and all of these characteristics of Moon are exhibited through

number 2 in numerology which means that the natives under the strong influence

of this number are soft, tender and caring by nature. Number 2 natives have

delicate heart as well as delicate egos and they can get hurt very easily and

hence care should be taken that no aggression or offensive language or gestures

are used while dealing with these natives. The influence of Moon on this number 

makes these natives very sensitive due to which they can get hurt easily and due

to the same influence these natives are very caring towards the others as they

know that other people can also get hurt like them and hence they take a soft

and caring approach towards the people who they deal with. This quality of 

number 2 people make them desirable and loved by people as they tend to take

care of the needs of people around them and they try to ensure that no one

around them is hurt due to something inappropriate done or said by them which

earns them respect and love from the people around them. This aspect of 

number 2 people can be better understood by looking at the motherly nature

attributed to Moon by vedic jyotish as Moon is also considered as a planet

equivalent to mother among planets. Mothers as we know are all about care and

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nurture and they do their best to accommodate their children in the best possible

ways whether such children are good or bad. The same quality of Moon is

relayed though number 2 and accordingly number 2 natives are very good at

taking care of people around them just like a mother takes care of her children.

Vedic jyotish relates Sun to the father and Moon to the mother 

and it also relates Sun to the king and Moon to the queen which means that both

of these planets are associated with completely different natures which at times

can be exactly opposite to each other and accordingly the behavior of number 1

and 2 is very different from each other and at times, they can be exactly opposite

to each other in their behavior and nature. The king and the father needs

aggression and anger among other qualities so that he may keep his subjects

under discipline and he may punish the ones who commit wrong deeds as he is

the one who is supposed to serve justice and maintain order among his subjects.

The queen and the mother on the other hand does not have anything to do with

these hard and aggressive qualities as her job is to provide love and care to her 

subjects and children and accordingly such qualities are possessed by Moon and

they are further exhibited by number 2 due to influence of Moon on this number.

 Apart from possessing mother like soft nature, Moon is also associated with

creativity on many spheres and these creative abilities of Moon are also

displayed though number 2 in numerology which means that the natives under 

the strong influence of number 2 possess great creative skills and accordingly

they can shine in various types of creative spheres.

It should be noted here that though the natives under the influence of 

number 1 also possess creative abilities like the natives of number 2 but there isa visible difference in how the expressions of these 2 types of natives come out

in actual practice due to the reason that Sun and Moon are associated with very

different natures according to vedic jyotish and accordingly the reflection of Sun

and Moon is seen making difference between number 1 and number 2 type of 

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natives in numerology. In case of number 1 natives, creativity is generally

accompanied by an element of aggression and the desire to be at the top due to

the influence of Sun which makes these natives somewhat aggressively creative

and more expressive whereas in case of number 2 natives the expression of 

creativity is soft and controlled and it generally has more to do with the inward

satisfaction of the native than the outward expression and recognition from the

world which is due the influence of Moon on number 2. Hence the creative

potential of number 1 natives is more likely directed at receiving a recognition of 

their talent from the world and reaching new heights with the help of such

creativity which means that creativity is a means to achieve recognition, fame

and name for these natives whereas in case of number 2 people, it is more about

feeling relaxed and expanding themselves by giving expression to their creativity

and such natives do not have their primary target as using their creativity to

achieve various things in various spheres of their lives. And though material

gains are obtained by both these types of natives, but their primary goals are

different as in case of number 1 natives, such gains are primary target and

creativity is a means to reach such gains whereas in case of number 2 natives,

the primary goal is to feel relaxed and expanded by expressing the creativity, and

materialistic gains come as a bonus. This difference in nature and the use of 

creative abilities by these 2 types of natives is clearly due to the influence of Sun

and Moon on these numbers and due to the fact the both Sun and Moon are

associated with different kinds of expressions according to vedic jyotish.

Moon is considered as a submissive planet in vedic astrology and

accordingly the influence of Moon on number 2 in numerology makes the number 

2 natives submissive and follower type of people which means that unlikenumber 1 people, number 2 people are not willing to lead from the front and they

do not demand a position of leadership and authority from where they can control

others and such natives are instead happy in following other natives and taking

directions from other natives who may be in control of situations. For this reason,

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number 2 people do not make the best leaders or leaders at all and they are also

not the ones who set their paths and trends but they are the ones who are quite

happy taking directions and following the already set traditions and trends which

is a clear contrast compared to number 1 natives. On a positive note, this quality

of number 2 people makes them go along fine with a wide variety of people as

they do not demand much from people and instead they treat people with great

care and understanding which makes these natives desirable and some of these

natives can prove best companions as they do everything in their reach to make

their partner happy. Vedic jyotish associates Moon with power and financial

prosperity even though the Moon does not actually try hard to achieve it and it

gets these things merely by virtue of being the queen of the king Sun. This

characteristic of Moon is also passed on to number 2 in numerology due to which

the natives under the strong influence of this number are blessed with good

amount of financial prosperity, luxuries and comforts and the best thing about

these natives is that they generally do not have to work hard to get these things

and they come easy to them due to influence of Moon on these natives through

number 2.

Talking about some negative characteristics of number 2 people, the

natives under the strong influence of number 2 in numerology can be

oversensitive and they get hurt very easily due to which it can sometimes be very

difficult or impossible for the other person, not to hurt these natives, though these

natives have the ability to come out from this situation of being hurt, many times.

This oversensitive nature of number 2 people is again due to the influence of 

Moon on these natives as Moon is considered as the most sensitive planet

among navagraha according to vedic jyotish and this quality of Moon is passedon to number 2 natives. The natives of this number also have a tendency to be

lazy at times and some of these natives can be very lazy due to which they can

be seen inactive for long durations of time and due to such inactivity they can

become a victim to excessive weight gain and other physical problems and

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diseases. This is again due to the fact that Moon being watery planet in vedic

 jyotish, is slow to act and accordingly it is considered as a lazy planet which does

not believe much in physical hard work and the same quality of Moon is reflected

through number 2 in numerology. The incapability to be leader and the tendency

to follow others most of the times, can sometimes make these natives behave

too submissively and some of these natives can be timid or even coward at times

which is certainly a negative quality and it can make these natives accept their 

sufferings which should otherwise not be tolerated. Moon is considered as the

most emotional and moody planet among navagraha, according to vedic jyotish

and accordingly the influence of Moon on number 2 makes the natives of this

number very moody and instable at times and such natives may sometimes

simply not be able to reach a firm decision due to their ever changing mind and

opinion and these natives are also not good enough in executing a decision

taken by them which is again due to the lack of aggression in these natives.

Hence number 2 natives should learn to keep their emotions under 

control at times and they should also learn to be a bit more active and aggressive

which can help them come out of their state of inactivity and laziness and they

can achieve better results in many spheres of their lives. Number 2 represents

great potentials in numerology due to obvious influence of Moon on this number 

as Moon is considered as one of the most important and resourceful planets

among navagraha according to vedic jyotish and therefore the natives under the

strong influence of this number should be well prepared to make the most of this

resourceful number which can bless them with good results in many spheres of 

their lives and that also with comparatively lesser effort.

significance and importance of number 3In order to understand the working of number 3 in numerology in a better way,

let’s first look at the relation of this number with astrology. Number 3 is

associated with Jupiter which is considered as the teacher of gods as well as a

saint among navagraha, according to vedic jyotish and accordingly this number 

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holds a special place among all the numbers used in numerology since it comes

under the direct influence of Jupiter. Vedic jyotish associates Jupiter with easy

going nature and composed attitude and these qualities of Jupiter are exhibited

through number 3 in numerology due to which the natives under the strong

influence of number 3 are generally seen to have a relaxed and cool nature and

they are not in a hurry or rush to do certain things or to achieve certain goals.

The influence of Jupiter on this number makes it exhibit the quality of being

content in most of the situations and accordingly many natives of number 3 are

seen living happily with what they have instead of crying over what they do not

have and this is in fact one of the most positive qualities possessed by number 3

natives as such natives can lead a happy life merely by virtue of their mental

build up. It should be noted here that Jupiter is considered as a divine teacher 

and a saint in vedic jyotish and being content in all kind of circumstances is the

trademark quality of saints and this quality of Jupiter reflects through number 3 in

numerology due to which these natives live in peace and harmony with their lives

and circumstances and they do not believe in running here and there and

spoiling their peace of mind in search of every other thing. Hence, the number 3

natives are said to be content in what they have and they believe in peaceful and

tension free life by enjoying every aspect of life.

But it should be noted here that even though number 3 natives do not

like to run after every other materialistic desire, they still possess a high degree

of luck which can sometimes be the highest degree of luck due to which these

natives do not have to work very hard and they do not have to do repeated

efforts in order to achieve things in their lives which are necessary in order to live

a comfortable and easy life. Vedic jyotish considers Jupiter as the primary planetfor luck and the influence of Jupiter is said to bring luck, prosperity and

happiness to the native. This characteristic of Jupiter is relayed through number 

3 in numerology and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this

number possess a great amount of luck and they are generally found lucky in

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most spheres of their lives. An interesting thing to note here is that though the

number 3 natives have the ability to be content even with little of something but

most of the times, these natives are seen living on the opposite end of spectrum

which means that they are financially prosperous, professionally successful and

they lead a life full of comforts which is clearly due to the influence of Jupiter on

number 3 as this planet is capable of bringing required amount of luck at the right

time, according to vedic jyotish.

Jupiter is associated with the qualities like creativity and power of 

imagination according to vedic jyotish and these characteristic of Jupiter are also

expressed through number 3 in numerology due to which the number 3 natives

possess the qualities like creativity and power of imagination and accordingly

such natives are seen successful in various professional spheres which require

the use of these abilities. Number 3 natives generally do not engage in

professional spheres and jobs which required them to do hard physical work and

these natives are more likely to be engaged in professional spheres which

require them to do minimum physical effort and accordingly many such natives

can be seen working in comfortable atmosphere where there job requires more

skills and lesser physical work. The natives under the strong influence of number 

3 can be successful in various kinds of professional spheres and some of these

natives can be seen practicing as teachers, instructors, bankers, professionals

working with all kinds of financial institutions, artists, actors, writers and many

other kinds of professionals and such natives are likely to achieve success in

their respective professions more due to their luck factor being strong, than due

to their hard and sustained efforts. Some natives under the strong influence of 

number 3 in numerology possess a very strong luck factor due to which thesenatives are able to achieve success in the very first attempt in many spheres of 

their lives and accordingly these natives land in success and comforts early in

their lives and then they continue to remain in that position for most of their lives.

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Vedic jyotish associates Jupiter with spiritualism, religion,

compassion and welfare of others and these characteristics of Jupiter are also

reflected through number 3 in numerology due to which the natives under the

strong influence of this number are kind and considerate and they tend to work

for the welfare of weaker section of society and this quality of number 3 natives

earns them good will and status in the society and some of these natives are

much respected members of their relative societies. Number 3 natives also

exhibit interest in religion and spiritualism due to influence of Jupiter on this

number and some of these natives may achieve advancement in the sphere of 

spiritualism whereas some other such natives may spend many years of their 

lives for religious causes. A very strong influence of number 3 on a native

supported by a strong and specific horoscope can make a native work in the

sphere of spiritualism, supernatural and paranormal and accordingly some of 

these natives can become spiritual gurus, spiritual preachers, spiritual teachers,

astrologers and other such kind of practitioners. It should be noted here that the

natives under this kind of influence of number 3 generally do not show interest in

paranormal activities and practices like black magic and connecting to the spirits,

and these natives are generally interested in well respected and clean

supernatural spheres like spiritualism, astrology and other such faiths and

practices. Optimism is another quality which is passed on from Jupiter to number 

3 in numerology and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this

number are optimistic in thinking and approach and they always keep their faith

in the fact that good things will always happen to them and the beauty of this

number is that such good things actually happen and they keep on happening to

number 3 natives which is again due influence of Jupiter on number 3 in


On the negative side, number 3 natives are not very good at

handling money at times which again relates to the nature of Jupiter as this

planet is considered as a saint in vedic jyotish and accordingly it does not pay

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much attention to money and materialistic objects and accordingly the natives of 

number 3 are not much concerned about how to spend their money and where to

spend their money due to which they can sometimes fall short of finances and

resources though these natives are very likely to get the required amount of 

money and resources in the time of need due to influence of Jupiter. The natives

belonging to number 3 are prone to frauds and deceptions as these natives have

a tendency to trust most of the people around them which can make them a

victim of fraud and deceptions many times in their lives but such natives

generally do not change their nature of trusting most of the people which is again

due to the saintly influence of Jupiter on these natives and such influence

motivates these natives to trust each and every human even after being cheated

many times in their lives. Their kindness and considerate nature is sometimes

exploited by the people around them but these natives are generally not willing to

change this nature due to which these natives continue to be victims of fraud and

deception. Number 3 natives can be lazy or very lazy at times due to the fact that

they love to relax and rest and they do not have great ambitions of achieving

every materialistic object of the world which makes them be content in whatever 

situation they are in and accordingly they tend be lazy and inactive at times.

These natives generally do not try to accomplish a goal again and again and they

can completely quit doing something after a couple of unsuccessful attempts

which is partly due to the fact that number 3 natives are generally good at

achieving their objectives in the first or second go and accordingly they do not

like the idea of trying at one thing again and again and these natives will rather 

shift their focus to something else which may seem more relevant to these


significance and importance of number 4In order to understand the significances, importance and working of number 4 in

numerology, let’s first look into the relation of number 4 with astrology. Number 4

is ruled by Rahu according to Vedic Jyotish and accordingly this number exhibits

many characteristics of Rahu which is known as a shadow planet among

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navagraha and which is also known as a planet of Maya or illusion in Vedic

Jyotish. Rahu is considered as a planet which is full of energy and this

characteristic of Rahu is relayed through number 4 in numerology due to which

many natives coming under the strong influence of number 4 are very energetic

and they are always ready to do one thing or the other. Some number 4 natives

are always charged with energy due to which they always keep themselves

engaged in one kind of job or the other as these natives do not like the idea of 

sitting idle even for shorter durations of time. This habit of keeping themselves

engaged in their job brings professional success and new achievements for 

number 4 natives and accordingly these natives can move ahead of their 

colleagues and competitors due to their passion towards doing their jobs. Many

of number 4 natives have sufficient physical and mental energy to carry out

various kinds of jobs and all these natives need is to set their focus on some

particular job or activity and then it may not take much long for these natives to

complete that job or activity which can become the key element to their success.

Due to this characteristic, number 4 natives are generally considered as hard

working in nature and they are also known as passionate workers and


Vedic Jyotish associates Rahu with change and revolution and these

characteristics of Rahu are also relayed through number 4 in numerology due to

which the natives under the strong influence of number 4 keep on working

constantly to change or improve their circumstances and status. Many number 4

natives are dynamic or very dynamic in nature and they cannot cope with the

idea of sitting at a job and doing the same routine every day for many years as

they get bored very soon by such situations. Number 4 natives like to move andtravel and likewise they are more interested in job profiles or professions which

offer them a chance to travel here, do a variety of things and interact with a large

number of people, instead of tying them up to some specific activities and some

specific people. Number 4 natives are generally straight forward and they speak

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out whatever is going on their mind as they do not believe in beating around the

bush or waiting for a long time in order to say some words at some suggested

appropriate times. They simply do not believe in wasting time and they like to do

and finish their tasks as soon as they can so that they can switch to some other 

tasks. The influence of Rahu makes these natives somewhat flexible but at the

same time, these natives are very firm towards their opinions and decisions

which means that number 4 natives are generally flexible when it comes to

compromise on some small day to day matters or situations but they can be very

firm and rigid when it comes to major decisions or matters or principals. Due to

this characteristic possessed by these natives, number 4 natives have a fair 

tendency to surprise people at times as they can be considered as flexible

looking at their day to day routine behavior but they can turn out to be very rigid

at times. This element of surprising behavior again comes from Rahu as Vedic

Jyotish considers Rahu as a planet of illusion, surprises and changes.

Rahu according to Vedic Jyotish is a planet of discoveries,

inventions, explorations and other such things and many of these characteristics

of Rahu are relayed through number 4 in numerology due to which the natives

under the strong influence of number 4 exhibit good amount of curiosity, love for 

travel, search, exploration, invention, discoveries and other such things and

accordingly many of these natives can be seen practicing in the professional

spheres which require one or more of the above mentioned specialties. The

natives under the strong influence of number 4 can be seen practicing as

engineers, scientists, researchers, inventors, discoverers and many other kinds

of professionals. Rahu is also known as a planet associated with communication

skills, debate, argument abilities and quick wit in Vedic Jyotish and thesequalities of Rahu are also expressed through number 4 in numerology and

accordingly many number 4 natives possess good or very good abilities to

debate on various topics, they have quickly processing brains and accordingly

they are quick witted and many of these natives may come out with an

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appropriate answer just after the question has been asked which is again due to

strong influence of Rahu on number 4. Some natives under very strong influence

of Rahu are so quick that they can judge in advance as to what question is likely

to be asked by the other person and they are ready with the answer even before

the question is asked due to which such natives can turn most of the arguments

and debates in their favour in a matter of minutes and due to these abilities

possessed by number 4 natives, they can prove good lawyers, spokespersons

and other kinds of professional which require the ability to debate and

communications skills in order to achieve success.

Looking at the other side of number 4 natives, Rahu is

considered as a restless planet in Vedic Jyotish and this characteristic of Rahu is

expressed through number 4 in numerology and as a result the natives under the

strong influence of this number can be seen constantly willing to move from one

thing to the other and sometimes this change or desire for change is so fast that

such natives change their jobs and interests very quickly. Number 4 natives lack

patience again due to strong influence of Rahu on this number and accordingly

these natives may not be fit for professions and situations which require

patience. Due to their habit of moving on quickly and lack of patience, number 4

native may leave good or very good opportunities many times in their lives by

moving on to something else, a bit too early and this characteristic of number 4

natives can be particularly bad for their relationships as these natives may not

exhibit sufficient patience and they may decide to leave a relation and move on

to some new relation even when the situation could be dealt with some patience

and wisdom. Vedic Jyotish associates the aspect of Maya with Rahu and this

aspect of illusion is conveyed to number 4 also due to which the natives under the strong influence of this number can sometimes be lost in the illusion of this

number and they can let go of very good things and relations in pursuit of the

things which have got little to do with reality. On the other hand, the same on

positive side can bless the natives with a very good and core understanding of 

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hidden secrets of many aspects of nature and as a result some natives under the

strong and particular influence of number 4 can be seen practicing in spheres

which relate to understanding the hidden aspects of things and mysteries of 


significance and importance of number 5

In order to understand the importance and role of number 5 in numerology, let’s

first try and understand the relation of number 5 with astrology. Vedic Jyotish

associates number 5 with Mercury among navagraha and accordingly this

number exhibits many characteristics and qualities exhibited by Mercury which is

known as the minister in Sun’s cabinet of grahas. Mercury is known as a planet

associated with communication skills and cleverness in Vedic Jyotish and these

characteristics of Mercury are relayed through number 5 in numerology due to

which the natives under the strong influence of number 5 are likely to possess

good or very good communication skills and accordingly these natives can be

seen achieving success in various spheres of their lives by virtue of their good

command over language and their verbal skills. Number 5 natives are good at

putting other natives at ease through their verbal skills and they are also good at

convincing people in order to get benefits from such people. Due to these

characteristics possessed by number 5 natives, they can achieve success in

various types of professional spheres which require communication skills,

interaction with other people and convincing other people in order to succeed.

Such natives can become successful as media reporters, lawyers,

spokespersons, marketing professionals and many other kinds of professionals

which primarily come under the influence of Mercury according to Vedic Jyotish.

These natives are capable of performing very well in debates and arguments and

they can win many debates and arguments on the basis of their factual

knowledge and verbal skills and for this reason, some of number 5 natives can

become top class lawyers, political leaders and electronic media reporters as

they have a strong capability of leaving a lasting impression on other people and

this quality can ensure success in the above mentioned professional spheres.

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Vedic Jyotish associates Mercury with youthfulness, health and

activeness and these characteristics of Mercury also find expression through

number 5 in numerology and accordingly the natives under the strong influence

of number 5 tend to have a youthful appearance and they generally look younger 

than their age. Such natives are generally very cautious about their health and

fitness and they engage in good diets and regular exercise in order to keep

themselves fit and working. Number 5 natives are physically active or very active

and they do not like the idea of laziness or taking rest for long durations of time

especially during day times and these natives are the ones who will wake up in

the morning, do all their jobs during the day and they will then retire to the bed

only at night and they generally do not feel the need to take rest during the day.

Number 5 natives can keep on working for a long time as these natives are full of 

energy which can keep them active and working for long periods of time. Vedic

Jyotish assigns wisdom and the ability to make plans to Mercury and these

qualities of Mercury are also expressed through number 5 in numerology due to

which the natives under the strong influence of number 5 possess good mental

abilities and they also possess fast processing brains which can give them an

edge over various other types of natives. These natives are good planners and

they can plan the course of future actions based on their present circumstances

and number 5 natives generally like to do everything according to their already

made plans and they do not like to do things on random basis as calculation and

planning are very important aspects for these natives and they strongly believe in

taking calculated and planned steps.

Mercury is considered as a planet in Vedic Jyotish, which cangive good sense of trade and business and which at the same time can give

good financial management and these characteristics of Mercury are also

displayed through number 5 in numerology and as a result, some natives under 

the strong influence of number 5 can become successful or very successful in

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various kinds of trades and businesses and some of these natives can earn

financial fortunes through various kinds of trading. Number 5 natives are

especially good at finance related businesses and trading and accordingly some

of these natives can become successful as stock market dealers or brokers,

professionals in banking industry and other financial institutions, financial

planners and financial consultants and other such kinds of professionals. Some

number 5 natives can also shine in computer and telephony related professional

spheres and accordingly they can be seen successful as professionals working in

computers, software solutions, cell phone and mobile phone service providers

and operators and other such kinds of professionals. Number 5 natives generally

have a good or very good sense of saving money and making money from

money and this is one of the reasons as to why they succeed through trade and

business as saving money and making money from money is essential in trade

and business. These natives are good at buying low by convincing the seller and

they are also good at selling high by creating demand for their product and by

convincing the buyer and accordingly these natives can make good profits

through various kinds of trades and sales related professions.

Looking at some negative traits associated with number 5 in

numerology, these natives have a tendency to be selfish at times and they may

care less for relations as they tend to give priority to their profession compared to

their relations which can make other people tag them as selfish and money

minded and this can also spoil their relations with many people and sometimes,

even with their nears and dears. For example, the number 5 natives under this

type of negative influence will tend to sell their product at maximum profit even to

their friends and relatives as they put money first and relations second andaccordingly such natives may have to suffer on the front of relationships. Such

number 5 natives can easily use or exploit even the closest of their friends or 

relations in order to achieve financial gains or some other type of materialistic

gains while knowing in advance that such friend or relative may get hurt or he

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may have to face loss in the process. This is a specific characteristic of Mercury

in its negative shade, according to Vedic Jyotish and this characteristic can be

expressed through number 5 in numerology in some cases and due to this

characteristic possessed by these natives, they are known as selfish, business

minded or money minded in their circle. Vedic Jyotish associates Mercury with

the ability to deceive others, the ability to tell lies and the ability to make and

execute plans in order to gain financial benefits by causing loss to other people

and these characteristics of Mercury can also be relayed through number 5 in

numerology in some cases due to which some number 5 natives may have a

tendency to cheat and deceive other people in order to make money or in order 

to gain some other kind of materialistic benefits. This can again make them suffer 

from negative reputation and accordingly these natives may have to suffer from

increasing number of enemies and bad reputation in the long run which can hurt

them seriously at some point of time in their life.

Cleverness and verbal skills are the strongest points of the

natives under the influence of number 5 in numerology and how these native will

establish themselves in life will depend on how they make use of these 2

qualities. If they use their cleverness and verbal skills for constructive purposes,

they can achieve success as well as recognition and respect in society and if 

these natives use their skills for manipulations and selfish goals, they can very

well end up in bad reputation and various kinds of troubles in the long run.

significance and importance of number 6

Number 6 is one of the most interesting, fun loving, caring, sharing and artistic

numbers in numerology and the natives under the strong influence of this number 

are easy to spot by virtue of the characteristics possessed by them. Let’s look at

the relation of number 6 with astrology in order to understand the working of 

number 6 in numerology, in a better and detailed way. Number 6 is associated

with Venus among navagraha, according to Vedic Jyotish and accordingly

various characteristics of Venus are exhibited through number 6 in numerology

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due to strong influence of Venus on this number. Venus is considered as a planet

of beauty and attraction in Vedic Jyotish and these characteristics of Venus are

passed on to number 6 in numerology due to which the natives under the strong

influence of number 6 are generally beautiful and attractive and these native

have a good or strong tendency to attract people towards themselves by virtue of 

their physical beauty and physical attraction. Number 6 natives are especially

good at attracting people from the opposite sex towards themselves due to

influence of Venus on this number which is known as the planet related to

physical attraction, love, charm and physical relations in Vedic Jyotish. Some

natives under the strong influence of number 6 supported by some other facts of 

their horoscope, are very beautiful, attractive and charming and they have a kind

of magnetism in their personality by virtue of which such natives can attract

people in masses and accordingly such natives can become successful in

professional spheres which require mass appeal, beauty and attraction in order 

to succeed. Some number 6 natives can be seen practicing and successful as

fashion models, movie actors, actresses, singers who are popular more due to

their beauty, style and charisma than due to their singing skills, dancers and

performers who are again very attractive and who have the ability to influence

masses on the basis of their charm and charisma.

Number 6 is deeply and strongly related to all kinds of artistic

activities as well as to the activities which include exhibition of beauty in one form

or the other, due to the strong influence of Venus on this number which is known

to promote all these kinds of activities, according to Vedic Jyotish. Hence,

number 6 natives can be seen exhibiting and promoting art and beauty in one

field or the other and accordingly some of these natives can become painters,writers, poets, sculptors, musicians and other such kinds of professionals. Vedic

Jyotish associates Venus with luxuries, comfort and entertainment and these

characteristics of Venus are also relayed through number 6 in numerology due to

which the natives coming under the strong influence of number 6 in numerology

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are generally fond of luxuries and comforts of life and many of these natives are

able to achieve luxuries and comforts in their lives due to strong influence of 

Venus on this number. Some number 6 natives can also choose to work in

professional spheres which deal with providing luxuries, comforts and

entertainment to the people and which may also deal with exhibition of beauty on

different levels and accordingly these natives can be found practicing as people

dealing in hotel business, people dealing in tour and travel business, people

dealing in airline industry, fashion designers, perfume makers and sellers,

designer clothes makers and sellers, interior decorators and many other people

of the similar kind. Number 6 natives generally do not have to work hard to run

their life and most of these natives land in comfortable positions by virtue of 

some artistic or creative skill possessed by these natives or by virtue of their 

physical beauty, attractiveness, charm and charisma and this in fact is one of the

strongest traits of number 6 natives.

In Vedic Jyotish, Venus is considered as the primary planet for 

physical attraction, physical relations, love and love life, marriage and married life

and these significances of Venus are passed on to number 6 in numerology

which means that the natives under the strong influence of number 6 are likely to

be romantic in nature and they are likely to be inclined towards physical relations

and accordingly many of these natives can be found going through more than

one love affairs and some of the number 6 natives may establish physical

relations with a large number of members of opposite sex, during their lifetime.

These natives, simply love to give an outward expression to their physical needs

and sexual desires and they are very much inclined towards enjoying their life to

the fullest and fulfilling most of their desires including physical desires and for thisreason, some of number 6 natives may be well known for their physical alliances

and love affairs with the members of opposite sex and most of these natives

cannot stop doing such things as it happens naturally due to influence of Venus

and number 6 natives do not have control over such things. But all number 6

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natives are not like this and some of these natives may prove to be very

dedicated lovers and they can remain loyal and true to their lover or spouse till

the relation lasts and this is seen especially true when the horoscopes of number 

6 natives are supporting this fact. But whether these natives fall in many love

relations or such natives commit to only one person throughout their lives, one

thing is sure that most of number 6 natives do fall in love as they have strong

tendencies to engage in love affairs as well as physical relations. Some number 

6 natives may see a good or very good rise in their fortune after a lover or 

spouse comes in their lives, which means that such lover or spouse can bring

fortunes for these natives either by virtue of being rich or by virtue of bringing

good luck for the native.

Venus is considered as a caring, emotional and social

planet according to Vedic Jyotish and these characteristics of Venus are also

transmitted to number 6 in numerology due to which the natives under the strong

influence of this number are likely to possess good social skills and they are also

likely to be very caring and emotional in nature. Number 6 natives are generally

very attached to the people they care for or to the people they love and they tend

to make sure that they take good care of their nears and dears and for this

reason, such natives can make very good lovers or life partners as they can pay

attention to even the smallest of things which may be important for their life

partner or lover and added to that, their romantic nature can prove a bonus most

of the times. These natives are full of life and they want to live their lives to the

fullest and they can go to any lengths in doing so or at least they can wish to go

to any lengths in doing so. Number 6 natives are very social also and they mix up

very well with other people and accordingly they are the ones who can have bigor very big social circle which they can manage well by attending to most of the

people in their social circle, from time to time. These natives are good at

organizing or hosting parties and events, due to their social skills and they can

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also become very good and interesting guests at other people’s parties due to

their lively appearances.

Looking at some negative traits of number 6 people, Venus

is known as a materialistic planet in Vedic Jyotish and sometimes it can become

too materialistic and all lost in physical or materialistic pleasures which can cause

losses on other fronts. This tendency of Venus to be extremely materialistic can

also be relayed through number 6 in numerology, in some cases, and the natives

under such influence of number 6 can become too inclined towards materialistic

pursuits and pleasures of senses that they may cross the lines of ethics and

morals and they can commit bad karmas or offences. Some of these natives may

spend most of their money and wealth towards women, drinking, smoking and

other such things which come under the realm of extreme pleasures of senses

and such natives may have to see downfall in their lives which can last for a very

long time and these natives may have to suffer on various fronts of their lives due

to such bad times. The other negative thing with number 6 natives is that they

can become too possessive at times which is again due to caring and emotional

nature of Venus due to which these natives can expect the similar kind of love

and affection from their partner and they can wish for similar kind of possession

from their partner that they give to him and in doing so, some of these natives

can easily cross the line between being caring and being emotionally disturbed

and between being simply possessive and being obsessively possessive towards

their partners or towards the people they care for. In some extreme cases of 

number 6, such natives may become obsessive lovers and they can cause harm

to their lover, many other people and even to themselves in the fit and rage of 

such obsession. Over indulgence, Obsession and over emotional nature are thetraits that these natives should watch out for as these characteristics can make

number 6 natives suffer on various fronts of their lives and the number 6 natives

who can keep these tendencies in check, can achieve many things in their lives

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and they can enjoy their life in all its senses, in a much better way than the

natives belonging to many other numbers.

significance and importance of number 7

Number 7 is one of the most extreme and unpredictable numbers in numerologyand many natives under the strong influence of this number may live their lives

on one type of extreme or the other. Vedic Jyotish associates number 7 with Ketu

among navagraha and accordingly many positive as well as negative

characteristics of Ketu are transformed to number 7. Ketu is known as a planet

associated with the concepts like occultism and mystery according to Vedic

Jyotish, and these characteristics of Ketu are passed on to number 7 in

numerology due to which the natives coming under the strong influence of 

number 7 are seen to have interest in fields like paranormal and spiritual fields

and many number 7 natives keep connected to these spheres on one level or the

other. Some natives under the strong influence of number 7 and having some

specific combinations in their horoscopes, can actively engage in fields like

paranormal and spiritualism and some of these natives may accomplish various

kinds of achievements in these spheres. Some number 7 natives can also be

seen practicing as professionals dealing in spiritual or paranormal spheres which

is again due to fact that number 7 comes under the influence of Ketu and Ketu is

considered as a planet in Vedic Jyotish, which is strongly connected to the

realms of paranormal and spiritualism. In some cases, where the influence of 

number 7 is very strong on the native, such a native may become an established

and renowned name in some faith or practice related to paranormal or 

spiritualism. But whether number 7 natives actively practice in the spheres of 

paranormal and spiritualism or not, but many of these natives are interested in

such spheres and most of them keep in touch with such things on one level or 

the other.

Ketu is considered as a planet related to physical energy,

aggression, bravery, anger and warfare in Vedic Jyotish and all of these

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characteristics of Ketu are displayed through number 7 in numerology, due to

which various natives coming under the influence of number 7 may represent

some of these characteristics on different levels. Number 7 natives are generally

full of energy and enthusiasm and it is not difficult for them to take on a

seemingly difficult job and start working on that job and in fact, many number 7

natives are good at taking up challenges or difficult task and then accomplishing

such tasks. For this reason, number 7 natives can become good pioneers in

many spheres as these natives can dare try the things which many other kinds of 

natives do not even think of trying and this is the characteristic of number 7

natives which gives them edge over many other types of natives as number 7

natives are good at undertaking and accomplishing things which many other 

people are not capable of doing. The aggressive nature of number 7 natives

supplies the fire required to take up difficult tasks and then to do and complete

those tasks and due to this aggression, such natives can take early initiatives on

various types of issues and they can many times engage in activities which are

considered unsafe or risky by many other types of natives. Number 7 natives are

adventurous and they are also good at taking calculated risks and in fact they

can some time take uncalculated risks also and due to these characteristics,

such natives can try to accomplish risky and unsafe tasks and many of these

natives end up completing those tasks which gives them success as well as

recognition and praise.

Due to the inherent aggression, physical energy and bravery associated

with Ketu, according to Vedic Jyotish, number 7 natives tend to do better in

professional spheres which require the above mentioned qualities in order to

succeed and for this reason, number 7 natives can become successful in Army,police force and other defense related services, sports and particularly the sports

which involve great physical energy and an element of risk or danger. Some of 

the present day’s wrestlers, boxers and other types of fighters are also likely to

be under the strong influence of number 7 which supplies them with sufficient

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physical energy and aggression to engage in such activities and to become

successful in such spheres. Vedic Jyotish relates Ketu with spiritualism also and

this characteristic of Ketu is also relayed through number 7 in numerology and as

a result, some natives under the strong influence of number 7 may have strong

tendencies to engage in spiritual spheres and some of these natives can devote

a long period of their lives or their whole life for the cause of spiritualism. It

should be noted here that most of number 7 natives engaging in spiritual spheres

are likely to form a pattern where they can practice their meditation and other 

things away from the noise and distraction of the world and these natives are not

comfortable with their families or many other people around them as silence,

quietness, aloofness and detachment are the characteristics that are strong in

these natives and accordingly they want to make spiritual progress quietly and

away from the world. Some number 7 natives can be very advanced in the

sphere of spiritualism but these native may not disclose this fact to most of the

people around them due to the fact that these natives believe in keeping their 

spiritual progress secret in order to save themselves from unwanted questions

and problems posed by other people.

Looking at some negative traits of number 7 natives, Vedic Jyotish

associates Ketu with violence and hatred and these characteristics of Ketu can

sometimes be displayed through number 7 in numerology due to which some

natives under the strong negative influence of this number may engage in acts of 

violence and hatred and they can cause harm to the society and mankind. Some

number 7 natives can become criminals and in some cases, these natives can

engage in acts of mass violence or mass destruction and they can cause serious

harm to the mankind. Number 7 natives can also exhibit a tendency to takeexcessive risks and they can act without thought many times in their lives, due to

which these natives can put themselves in serious troubles or even in a life

threatening condition. Number 7 natives should keep a check on their aggressive

and rash nature and they should take some time to reach all the important

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decisions of their lives as doing so can save them from committing to many

unwanted and risky jobs which can otherwise make them end up in trouble. Many

number 7 natives may have a tendency to doubt most of the people around them

including even their nears and dears and their closest relatives, due to which

such natives may not enjoy their relationship with many people, on a healthy

level and their habit of doubting people can sometimes spoil good or very good

relations and therefore these natives should try to work on their doubtful nature

and they should slowly work towards trusting people on various levels. Due to

detached nature of Ketu as per Vedic Jyotish, some number 7 natives may also

have a strong tendency to remain detached and aloof from the world and this

tendency can cause various kinds of doubts and psychological disorders in these

natives and hence number 7 natives should learn the habit of being and enjoying

in the company of other people and they should learn to connect to various types

of people in the world as doing so can help these natives come out of their state

of aloofness and possible depression in some cases.

significance and importance of number 8

Number 8 has its own special significance in numerology and it can sometimes

prove a very difficult number to handle and some natives under the influence of 

this number may not be able to channelize the energy of this number in a right

and proper way. All of these as well as many other characteristics associated

with number 8 in numerology, start making sense when we look at the relation of 

this number with astrology. Vedic Jyotish associates number 8 with Saturn which

is one of the most difficult planets among navagraha and not every native can

make proper and positive use of energy of Saturn as the energy of this planet is

very difficult to handle and it brings some negativity in most of the cases which

makes it difficult for the natives under the strong influence of this energy to use it

in entirely positive sense. On a positive note, Vedic Jyotish relates Saturn with

the ability to do hard work and the ability to show good perseverance while trying

to achieve a target or goal and these qualities of Saturn are displayed through

number 8 in numerology due to which the natives under the strong influence of 

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number 8 are generally very hard working and they are also blessed with good

amount of patience and these two qualities combined together result in the

quality of perseverance which means that the natives under the strong influence

of number 8 can put in hard work in order to achieve a goal and they can also

wait for a long time in order to see the results. Number 8 natives can try again

and again in order to achieve success or a goal and they are not the ones who

will try once and then quit the job if they fail once.

Number 8 natives are die hard type of natives and they generally

do not give up to failures and setbacks and they keep on trying their best with the

same enthusiasm until they achieve their goals and for this reason, number 8

natives can be called true fighters. It should be noted here that number 8 natives

generally have a good sense of judgment and they will continue trying to achieve

a target only as long as they think that trying for that target is practical, relevant

and worth the efforts. Vedic Jyotish associates Saturn with the characteristics like

good judgment, analytical ability and good decision making ability and these

characteristics of Saturn are also relayed through number 8 in numerology due to

which the natives under the influence of this number are generally good at

deciding as to whether they should keep on trying to achieve a particular goal or 

they should quit trying. Number 8 natives are good at sensing their profit and loss

in most of the affairs that they come across in their lives and accordingly they can

make good profits in many spheres of their lives. Vedic Jyotish relates the ability

of management and diplomacy with Saturn and these qualities of Saturn are also

expressed through number 8 in numerology due to which the natives under the

strong influence of number 8 possess good management skills and they are also

diplomatic and manipulative due to which these natives can achieve success invarious kinds of professional spheres and they can be seen particularly

successful in the professional spheres which require management skills,

diplomacy or manipulation in order to succeed. Some number 8 natives can also

gain a position of power and authority in government by virtue of their 

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manipulative and diplomatic nature as these natives can become successful

political leaders by virtue of these characteristics.

Saturn is also considered as a planet related to spiritualism and

meditation in Vedic Jyotish and these characteristics of Saturn are also passed

on to number 8 in numerology due to which some natives under the specific

influence of this number can develop good interest in spiritual and paranormal

spheres and some of these natives can witness good advancement in one of 

these spheres. Saturn is considered as a planet of Maya in Vedic Jyotish and

accordingly number 8 also has an element of Maya or illusion in it due to which

number 8 natives have a tendency to look into the secrets of Maya and some of 

these natives have strong urges to understand the inner working of hidden

aspects of nature as well as many other things which makes them inclined

towards spiritual and paranormal spheres. Some number 8 natives can dedicate

many years of their lives to spiritual and paranormal spheres and some of these

natives may choose one of such spheres as their field of profession due to which

some number 8 natives may be seen practicing as astrologers, numerologists,

psychics, magicians, black magicians, palmists, tantrics, spiritual mediums and

other professionals of similar kinds and some of these natives can achieve name

and fame by virtue of their engagement and achievements in one of the above

mentioned professional spheres. Number 8 natives are generally well disciplined

and dedicated to their cause due the influence of Saturn on this number which is

considered as one of the most disciplined planets among navagraha, according

to Vedic Jyotish and for this reason, many number 8 natives can achieve very

good results in many spheres of their lives as these natives have a strong

tendency to keep on working towards their goals in a disciplined way.

Looking at the negative side of number 8 in numerology, Saturn is

considered as a cold and emotionless planet in Vedic Jyotish and these

characteristics of Saturn can also be passed on to number 8 in some cases due

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to which some number 8 natives possess a strong tendency to bypass emotions

and sentiments as these natives have cold and calculating nature. This

characteristic of number 8 natives can make them perform poorly at the front of 

relations as many of these natives do not give much value to their relationships

on emotional level and these natives keep themselves absorbed in their 

profession due to which the people in the company of these natives may feel

ignored at times. Some number 8 natives can be very materialistic or extremely

materialistic in nature due to which they may not care for love, feelings, relations

and other such things and all they find important are materialistic objects and in

order to achieve their materialistic targets, they can use, exploit or misuse their 

friends, relatives and even the closest of their relations which can again make

them fail in the sphere of relations as most of their relatives and friends are

always afraid that these natives may exploit them for their benefit and

accordingly most of their relations become distant from them due to which

number 8 natives may sometimes become almost alone in their lives. Number 8

natives can become ruthless, cold and merciless at times and they can go to

extreme limits in order to punish the ones who do not follow the norms and

discipline set by these natives due to which these natives can sometimes be

tagged as dictators or very hard to deal with which again makes them suffer on

the front of relations and their trust with people as most of the other people do

not want to deal with these natives.

Hence number 8 natives need to cool down a bit and they also need

to learn the value of emotions and relations in order to make stronger and lasting

bonds with people in general and with their friends and relatives. Number 8

natives who learn to be attentive and caring towards the needs of the others, canprove very successful in many spheres of their lives.

significance and importance of number 9

Number 9 is the final number in the series of nine master numbers which consist

of single digit and accordingly this number carries its own specialty among all the

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numbers. Vedic Jyotish associates number 9 with Mars and accordingly many

characteristics of Mars are passed on to number 9 which makes this number a

special number of its own kind in numerology. Mars is known as the planet of 

energy and enthusiasm in Vedic Jyotish and these characteristics of Mars are

passed on to number 9 in numerology due to which the natives coming under the

strong influence of number 9 exhibit great amount of physical energy, mental

energy and enthusiasm and many of these natives become successful in various

spheres of their life by virtue of this energy and enthusiasm. Number 9 natives

generally tend to have healthy and strong bodies and these natives are

somewhat stronger than most of the other number type natives in numerology.

These natives exhibit great deal of enthusiasm and initiative towards the jobs and

targets which they want to do or they want to achieve and accordingly number 9

natives are considered as one of the most passionate types of workers and

persons. Number 9 natives are generally very quick at taking the initiative and

they do not like to wait at all once they have made a decision to engage in some

kind of job because of the reason that these natives are good and quick at

executing their decisions at the earliest after they have been taken. This

characteristic of number 9 natives can make them get ahead of many of their 

colleagues and competitors as these natives are the ones who start the job first

and also who finish the job first most of the times which is again due to abundant

amount of energy and enthusiasm shown by these natives.

Vedic Jyotish associate qualities like bravery, courage and

aggression with Mars and these characteristics of Mars are also displayed

through number 9 in numerology due to which the native under the strong

influence of number 9 in numerology are able to perform better and succeed inprofessional spheres which require bravery, courage and aggressive effort in

order to succeed. For this reason, number 9 natives can become successful as

sports persons, people dealing in various kinds of defense services and people

dealing in other kinds of professions which require intense physical energy,

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aggression and other such qualities. Many number 9 natives are fond of keeping

themselves fit and some of these natives may be seen engaging in practices like

going to gym and doing other such exercises which can help them keep fit and

grow stronger. Strength is the aspect which is liked most by these natives and

accordingly most of number 9 natives tend to possess and exhibit strength on

one level or the other whether that is physical strength, mental strength or 

courage or they have some other kind of strength or power to possess and

exhibit. Number 9 natives are generally good at making friends and some of 

these natives can develop a big network of friends as these natives believe in

increasing their strength by making more and more friends. The natives under 

the strong influence of this number can put themselves in risk or danger in order 

to help their friends and they expect the same from their friends and this is the

quality of number 9 natives which makes them desirable and respectable as

friends as these natives generally do not back out when one of their friends

needs them in time of trouble. Hence number 9 natives can prove very good

friends and the natives under very strong influence of this number can prove best

type of friends among all number types.

Number 9 natives are generally romantic in nature and accordingly

these natives tend to engage in romantic liaisons and love affairs which is again

due to the influence of Mars on this number as Vedic Jyotish relates Mars to

romance and passion and these characteristics of number Mars are passed on to

number 9 in numerology. Number 9 natives are generally very passionate type of 

lovers and they are not the silent type lovers which means that if a number 9

native loves someone, he is very likely to go to them and express his love

instead of just keeping quiet for a very long time and waiting for a better time toexpress their love or feelings. Number 9 natives simply do not like the idea of 

waiting whether it is their profession or it is their love life, and these natives are

quick at taking decisions and executing them. Number 9 natives are generally

very attentive and concerned about their lovers and they can sometimes do

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seemingly very difficult or risky things in order to impress their lovers, which is

again due to the influence of Mars on this number. Male number 9 natives are

generally very caring and protective towards their lovers and they can go to any

limits in order to protect and save their lovers from any type of problem or trouble

which makes the females in company of these natives, feel very safe and

protected. Number 9 natives can become aggressive and violent if someone tries

to mess with their lovers or if someone tries to take liberties with their lovers

which can offend these natives and they can initiate aggressive actions which

can result in troubles and problems for the other person.

Looking at some negative aspects of number 9 natives, these

natives tend to be overaggressive at times which can land them in trouble every

now and then which is again due to the fact that this number comes under the

influence of Mars, which is considered as the planet ruling aggression, violence

and other such characteristics, according to Vedic Jyotish. Natives under the

strong influence of number 9 are the quickest type of natives when it comes to

start an argument or engage in a fight, and these natives can become physical at

an early stage of an argument as these natives generally do not believe in

settling an argument with the help of talks and facts but instead they like to

decide and argument with the help of muscle power or by using some other kind

of authority. Apart from being very good friends, number 9 natives can also prove

very difficult and long lasting enemies as these natives generally do not believe

in forgiving anyone who has offended them in any possible way and they keep on

trying to hurt the person who has offended them. Number 9 natives can prove

very possessive in nature and due to this reason, they can turn enemies even

towards their friends when their expectations are not met. It should be noted herethat number 9 natives tend to take any type of risk in order to help their friends

and they expect the same from their friends and when such expectations are not

met, these natives can quit friendship and they can become enemy with the

same friend. Their expectations are very high from their friends as well as lovers

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and relatives and anything less than their expectations can easily offend these

natives which can make them engage in aggressive actions.

Some number 9 natives can prove to be very possessive lovers

when it comes to love relations and these natives can easily become violent and

aggressive towards the people who are simply trying to make friends with their 

lovers as these natives do not like to idea of their lover making friends with the

people of opposite sex and in their rage of fury they can often hurt the other 

person and they can sometimes hurt their lover also by engaging in physical

violence against their lover. For this reason, some number 9 natives can prove

very tough to handle type of lovers and they may have to suffer from many

breakups in their love life as these natives have a strong tendency to block the

breathing space of their lover which makes them uncomfortable and they may

decide to leave these natives. Hence number 9 natives need to cool themselves

down and they should also learn to lower their expectations by understanding the

fact that all natives are not same and accordingly the best cannot be expected

from every native. Number 9 natives can become much happier in many spheres

of their lives if they can learn to control their anger and aggression and they can

manage to give space to other people and especially to the people whom they


Birth number

Birth number is also called life path number in numerology and it is considered as

one of the most important numbers in a native’s life and many numerology

predictions about a native are based on this number due to which the study of 

this number carries great importance in numerology. Birth number of a native is a

number which is fixed and it can never be changed for a native unlike name

number which can be changed for a native. Many experts of numerology believe

that birth number can tell a wide variety of things about the personality of a

native, the overall talent and shortcomings of the native and this number can also

give approximate information about the important phases and events to happen,

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in the life of the native. Some numerologists study the birth number of a native in

combination with the birth horoscope of the native in order to achieve depth in

predicting the nature and future of the native. The birth number or life path

number of a native is calculated from his date of birth which includes his date of 

birth, month of birth and year of birth. All the digits in these three numbers are

first added to one another in order to obtain 3 one digit numbers except 11 and

22 and then those 3 digit numbers are added to one another in order to obtain

the resultant number which is called the birth number or life path number of the

native. It should be noted here that all the numbers from 1 to 9 are called master 

numbers and the numbers 11 and 22 are also called master numbers which

means that 11 and 22 cannot be further reduced in digits and they are used as

11 and 22. For example, if someone is born on 15th of August 1971 then his

birth number is calculated through the following steps.

15 = 1 + 5 = 6

 August = 8

1971 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

Birth Number = 6 + 8 + 9 = 23 = 5

Hence 5 is the birth number of the native born on

the above mentioned date and accordingly the native will be under the influence

of number 5 and the nature and future of the native is predicted with the help of 

significances associated with number 5. It should be noted here that all the

numbers used in date of birth of native are reduced to single digit numbers by

adding them up again and again but number 11 and number 22 are not

converted in to single digit numbers and they are kept intact. This is due to thefact that number 11 and number 22 have been assigned special significance in

numerology and like all 1 digit numbers from 1 to 9, the numbers 11 and 22 are

also studied independently and not as 2 and 4 as obtained by adding up the

digits in 11 and 22. 11 and 22 are considered as very powerful numbers and it is

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very important that they should not be reduced to single digits when calculating

birth number of a native otherwise an error in numerology reading may happen.

Let’s try to understand this fact with the help of an example, let’s assume a native

born on 15th of August 1970 and let’s try to calculate birth number for this native

with the rules of numerology.

15 = 1 + 5 = 6

 August = 8

1970 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8

Birth Number = 6 + 8 + 8 = 22

Hence the birth number obtained in this case is 22 and

not 4. It is important to note here that while calculating birth number of a native,

care should be taken that his date of birth, month of birth and year of birth are

first reduced to master numbers independently and then only the resultant

master numbers should be added to get the final master number which is the

birth number or life path number of the native. A wrong way of calculating the

birth number of a native is by adding up all the digits in date of birth, month of 

birth and year of birth of a native in a single step which can lead to error in

reading and hence this practice should be avoided. Let’s try to understand this

with the help of an example by considering a native born on 14th of November 

1975. Let’s now try to calculate the birth number for this native with 2 different

ways :

Correct Way :

14 = 1 + 4 = 5

November = 11 ( not to be reduced as this is a master number )

1975 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 22 ( not to be reduced as this is a master number )

Total = 5 + 11 + 22 = 38 = 3 + 8 = 11

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Incorrect Way :

14 + 11 + 1975 = 2000 = 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 2

Once the birth number or life path number of the native under 

consideration for numerology reading, is calculated through the above mentioned

process, his birth number is then studied along with the other important numbers

like name number etc., to make predictions about various spheres of his life. It

should however be kept in mind that numerology is a science of approximation

and it is neither as detailed and vast as vedic jyotish nor it is as accurate as vedic

 jyotish and the purpose of a numerology reading and the study of birth number of 

a native is more likely to tell him broadly about the major good or bad things,

characteristics and time phases of his life. For detailed and comprehensive

information about the past, present and future of the native, a thorough vedic

astrology reading should be conducted for the native.

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