
votuME 14 APRrt 1959 NUMBER 160




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J! Xearle!1leSPi!i,';

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fitv_ a

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-r,t rotp ptsrertcl r,ocA ?UBI,ICATIoN FOR RUIINnIA 3Y RIr-lWffiSvolu]ne l+, r'Io. 160 Apr1L J.969subscrlptlon Ratos: $l+.00 pe! yea!.Add $3.00 p6r t-ea.r fof 1st class nat]- or$5.00 per y€ar for A1r 1,011 .iA U.s.A. & Canada.Slnslo copt€s aj1d back tssu€s - 50lldltor: F. Brounlnc Ross, 305 V' centor st',woodbury, 1r. J, 0d096

cIAssfFED A,IERTTSEIEI:TS Advort136 your evenIor Drod 'ct to lnc_easo voui? entrl€s or sales.($3:oo p6r lnsertlor. ) FulI or 4 paga adv6rtls-l4l latos sont upon request'Jtt{IOR U-rlTIOltA! A.A.!I. 15 KIIO RUN & TR4CK &FIEIiD llsEf. July U & 5. lntrles froli fiulfKochl6rt. 2991 So. Hornan Str€6t, 1'I11wark6',\Itsconsln 53207. Entrt daadtlno June J0, 1966ronr roD{f - t!3_r-ll4Ml$_!!llE9_4!!91l+]I.q]l0oe1 to a4Y rutrer havlr€ conP.Letod a o -lrre.189 vd. lh;'arhon. lo- eLlelbllltv, ban€rits anal-'oiricat ton r-iLe: VORID IIAI]ATdON R1l1nE5 ASsN'(il;r1d neadqualtols) 8831 Troulon Drive,solrston, I€xas 77036, u.S.A''Ll€ sro now takin€ ordors for.RRC patches.

Looks rood on sr€at snlrb3 ard conpotltolsl".iru"i:." chanplors atd Run -Cor xo.I Ltforslcreat for sholr of mtty! Pl6as€ rnake checksbavablo ro 'Rober! G. Scharf,' All Drocoeds 60io'the Rnc. L-20 patchos - $l-.00/p1tcb; 151-2OO patcb€s - .6oy' patch. Bob Scbarf, Trea€urett.c.-RRc, Bt95 coiu;ctlcut ,1v6. ' N.l'I., uashlns-ton, D, c. 20015

4, Mrck coerk6, Toc, 36:15; 5, Ar$tro€Toc, 36:1?; 6. Brlan Blsson. K/W'1oo, 36:]9t?, Bob Ftnlay, ToC, 37:04; 6. Dave Sdth,ToC,3?:od;9, Dave Ball ey, Toc,37:17; 10,Doua clov€r, $o,York Ac, 37:21; 11. tlsyDeY6tnen, No.York Ac, 37t34t 12, Chrls St€6I',Toc, J7:42; 13, Gord D.tqkson, HAc, f7:50;!+. Rudl Gts16r, Toc, 36:04; 15. oo-d t,€-n6r, coc, lB:09; 16. Dav6 Knox! "IOc, 3Bt2?t1?. I'ltqk Ei,rLin, Toc, 30:45; lU. Bob Fahy,toc, 36t57t L9. Hlyke van d€r Wa1, tlAc, 39:0020, BrLan Drelrett, HAC, 39:06. {l+5 fi$1sho"s)

IIOME]I - 1. Abby Horfman, Toc, 1l-:53; 2. l,lau-]lson l,Illton, No.York, Lz:17; 3. Cinaly KdatlnscueLph, l2r2l!; L, Llnda vaueh, Trlnlty Ic.

Gaston RoelantsWins Third lnternational C.C. Title;Triumphs AgainEngland run away withteam racefrE J6ih hemadond croFcoury cM

sd€Dedfu@Mohrnr!c'moddi'T!0sid!olFr( trtn nfl6 .hdPio:r, \]5 ! rF:a-@utqe{l€lhelhfud.!trbcendivvftdbur rhat hE dropFd ot jat gcs ro Nhdw b$

Howard Chester reoorte

@JaDan6s6. lras Lho fJtst ruJ]Jle! s:nce 'Jb Ilar_i"i a"o1,nt ro load th€ Marathon at oe€rv c'6ck"oi"l. " to flntsh. Bob canpbel-l- talft6di',"- ii." "".r:"; aa follows: 1. Iu-n c-bles rci-]-ia--zzt 2. frotal lravv Ac' r-9-10--23; 3.^i"t"nio oc. 2-rJL->O-'36t I+. lullrgse !A' ?-5-zi::t-o; l.'e."td. qa, 1i-12-15--38i 5. occtden--"r -coiri,ou. 3-6-37"L6, Bob couted l0 clubs.""t-;.0 it'i."; .sn rl'ii"l. rL was :nposslbloto 11st hh€n 1n prope! otder as nany ruterg;id not f,Lst !h6n on tho eaLiv bla:r-k, Clubnaaaeers sho|.ld sse thab thL-s 1s dol€ n6xt..""1.Fr.a Brol{I d€serees a lot of crodlt roritre vor! ho does ln trvlne to l1st r!6 "urulorsiii tii"- i".t' oohel-on.. J;e KLelrenttan *las alvlnelit'"r.t"r" at 7 A.u. R.u]nefs uore jn thel!shorts at thls l_our (lt\o saJs th6r6 1s no roon."-"".a r"" coachos-advlsoasll.. I-ts edlLo_ila"-"" it"" officlats bus & thus 'Lss€d seo:ra:;;;ifu;, ve suav€a '.'av out ln front & onrv;;;'i;;;;;i. ch;Lr;d urti wrlr- clonov & ho asrr-sJ rne to cather con1rdonts on future BAA Mara-ir'""". p"-1"" thlnk rho fleLcl shon-d b€ 1lr'It-ili--ol, ?""" ri,r'* .tt shouad r6@1n-"s tL has nowarowD to bo Lo ]'6ta-1n the oof,o't B'aa ofciclalsi"" "".""t*a. !t!i!6 lour opl lon doun & uo.iir- our srr It' sone one ehould have a 'joodliiiui"i.-e;tv 6""toot, ,ror,'"'v Ketl-ov snd ririlld;;;;';i."i;'";'"" or'ke6prr\4 rh€ BM opon to,ir--rie enthusrasrlc qupport of th€ }lr4rathontv boston tans is.kes lt € e rurmors;i ;;;;i-rr-i" hhelr i,lvos and chird-on "hs 11-ii",iii"" n*'u". of hours tlev sp6nd tn tralnlns'

;tu';:,r Ft::fl I,';l'4"i,#ef,:l3e?"":*": 1^'**;igliI'[tl*;]',e":l4;"'f,;5]3,'i.J:"jg?8i;

iiir he ud haoErdFmi,h ;ncouaktudteur h€ took thJ rad d the FFL tud end oith! 6\e !r' |6t t Ub lfu third U Dnk ajjolr(ond. Bla,n rad ir

r4br, ! h6e l0ll0o

n bdh 'hr N:tod bd,InKr

!h! @ along n Lh. hq ']rr rhe rorm€f urvm'D! sceplech*c .bnpid m'3hr h q!s.on. ryadr of hi, mood, dd sive ur bc u 4is onlhE €6ion n sd not

'o e and d*prt Dls woF

i@ a t oured him b,d bo$ ne h. qrurd nolrer up 'h; F Mq Jo I s, @ ror '4

or ro

nd dpprrutc me

Lh!, ialBd rha mFise or

ie Er Eo.lhm'ng frrh rq h(h d de u?r hq a..t*q^ ourrii,c uD Lo dird o.d i3 Lbe tsrci.luo

Fnnrh ihrmo'oe NEI rijo! sd M k rrsgr11. la'h 6 havi4roubh qhrh ht sa od,urc @M e Pur own

ru n@ be InoE

f; I i*sLlf 't

i""1 i$Lt *.i'lll,Prl"';:boi bur w I

sMa tusrlb soFr qa n iGdt ore q Jh€boqh I m r9nn'non5cmotrltlmddtjmofthle|do^tlLun lrmrs hid der h 5 sM(r ot PhrcY 'lldqu,G nBhrrlrbv Fmhi4 eish'h m'{ de b'shN,

'1,-*-,,,",l,*tli'i:ri$""'#ff;1dr:*T-$fl];tHli.lli",ifi tix,,lffi.'lllr f.:i*'i l;'iihe, reld r@k d

::::;ifiii!!:szit'.t;i;;g::..:. i:E5ler;Fj?E :;3Ii;#:;:

i= E 4 E+.;:. d's r!Fj:at ;EF-.:rig*O.g

.:?:!!;EI=E:r{1:in'33!e;E!;1fl;;;9i:iod-:2cd. aEtsea;!. a-d--" -;EiiiEE#n,:,-

l;iffiie:9: rlii:r iE 8J; !;;F;iiliiesiiE-=E:!;;iEE E:f;r:!l;-rd g'i!+ i;aiaii€ti;g




F": . .*". * ffi*,. e " ..-*&\_. er **.:" -:"4 .."...."..i,r. ."i;,.,,ir,.1, -:'.'.I ffi-r:. "_dffi:- k '. .', ,,.,1..'"*r";'" :,,1,1 Wi .ffia ? :"',,i,'"'_qlEElED .',

ffi;ll...}wffi*A**_Th3'.rured rhe 8AA Mar.lhon.Japanere teacher Yo.hi.ri(i Unelaii we3is laurdl?f€alh oJ winie. and it1r.ik.; 6y Mexicans 6.r.rjdo Luqo ll.l andAltr.doPen.lo:a, who {iiirhed


3331 TROllLOll DRIVE / llOUSlOll,lExa3 7r036









2.60 ea

5.45 ed

1.85 Pr

t-85 p.



.TI SE1RTS S, M, L, XLSWEATSHIRTS S, M, L, XLVEST {one size for dll)GLOVES (universdl size )








5.60 -G!e€n Grdy


2.60 eo

3.60 ed

- Gten-Gloy











.35 d




ffiar/ 9n, fot yoan oa/at


53ol!otr ii,:ir,Tl101I STr'.llT

2 f-: I r. i_.,

9.-l.rl, slrrt (arl plLol,os bt Jotf John.on


:3:--' ;


-6 8.4.4. START- 1,lIrE AITm IL,AIE I



Gotltc r\To asr{.AliD. ABOUT 4 i4IT,ES.

un6tanl leads tbo pack by <ovat Netick (10 ndls;)

ElnlRINc ASI{LAND - 1r MI'-ES.Unotanl, Mcltahon, n;-ffukka.Y&.o shitat Lop6z, Dolnes

Unotgni leads b/ 50y fealiry Nartct,'rnls_ shor taken at about 11 m110s.l:3r,-1lf 1:? Por6z_(12) Garrldo (cl5),hu'yayka (dJ, penatoza (c3L), G1r"j; ic3J)






IIEIUISI,dJ COLLXO!.sbout !o be callghri12ra rd16s.

I,trtD AT 13 r.trI,ts,HIl.l I. lUlQK 01ICX-OV-F,II,

Dor: I?OilI rElI-XS!8L, 1jt ltrlEs.

' \-,|.t!,EI {I:LS, 1lt- l[L]ls"


-- '"*1


wELLESttY EILIS. 14 tlILES. lrIETriiI ?o!:Rs ovEE !1fl IEt.iTolI l; ,LSAT 5:03 IIILE PA0J, LE/lVIlr'c ALI, I!?,SLTI]S BEIIItitD.I



,,:, rf rtrlraa ta. aa Iaaa., .,,,,,r,*r*r*rrr*rr,..'.rrrr rr*,rrrr*r*Is:"

,r.rrrr.r.r.r*. , .,,,,,'.,,

rr.tilET-AlJr Tlltlis qTS orl]f Rs,EESHt.tdlinrN Tlfi I,,Ed!OiL:lIl,l,S. r!.-TrR 20 r.jIr,!s,

3a "t., nil "o..i--.:-?

q I trrtr",,.,,,,.,,'

150 YAntS TO O0 (Photo by John

' *aA.6{A,I








, rrrt.,*traarrtrrr,

, .. , ,, ,, ,.,i*

&'*** r r, t****'r{j

: , rr*r*::ii:x,.t**,

, r { rart}X. .r .,, trr,,, t rrr,, *,x.t

i,i! J .&

f a a ,rr:it atr rrir***r*trrrrr*

10 r:r11] Cloney, Unotani a._Boston ijator l(evln ]rhlto


nor Drrrs fst /,, crican{l]ot. excellenr lolica coveroAe )




, ;;.::;i:a,. l


'.-,: tuo AnBrtcans

.;:-,';r-:'i-:n, 50.. i''l i "i;,1, il"i j.i,y:!- L reE-z {i43o 1sp4 13

;'rli:f i'.1!t ii."i. il:' ii'.r!il.1if",'1, jj,r4, {. vsn nor&d (Betr $::. rr r. th\ udjiirl.'""i,:,ilt'"'i.ltrr.,,'"1, l;,q :,,".[,Ror iNz) 13 re 4',r l,uErsolE"rsn-r rirrll,i I 5'i.ii:ll,,lL1-;"3, ili'ix:T,'|tlilEiT,ryi,{i,l,f;,1:.:,.611:: i;Ht ji;;';.":,i il"1".: !,,';,il J::,^',,s;,",, li **',:

I E*)\,l+-l:.' fl ,'' jl,:I,^.li; 1,"',"j:",X:$ tru hr (s.o)ll"i,i,!, 5""9:"il "6,"-,i8,!'i.1 '''r,fi;"'i';l,i'li.'Y"al"*i*,"ri:,L'3;-iIfl{J4h (r!n) 1c00,i4, s Atu(he (}rar rer:. b5 a Gch ,wdr(rr 1922. b7. D Suili'"d":i,sq'l't'r BilJ' il"f 1.1,?Ts osdrnu (Ron r9.rJ.

3E3or (s!ur re15, ?5. a. ione rw r re.1r16, D. Qriddn tRorr(Tu) Je50r 73, i{bb (Mq) ro.$. s. M. Htrky xor, Itr?

r: trt


9ost-laco R6frelh.nent

5d about tjo re | 6d. John carleppr tl1tlrose,AA,rltlrout n@bec. several alr16 !a& rhlEhed, fteck1le 169. st""" n*"iii, i*Jr*,r"i:*:::"*i^*:::T":T::-i*: o-pr**. "."" p*a= lzo: ;;o ii. viiij iii#,.*u *.,irile lttzgeftId. T1@E 1lsied 1! tb;e Bc

" ,_,::*""3*" l?. {ohn M19tt, rorouto o5uprc ciut,

"'(fiff{ i*: *iil""13"'i,i:.*it1.". ";:""{,$fi,",,1#, ffi*l,;"##:l siete coueee. aiio,aa

!!:fiS"1:ffi.ip"!ffi"'il ;:ii:;F lir:ffi"#ru1."si;;ji:$*"'", i;r?,l,iE

ii' i:s'roii#i,F*""ytr**; Z,ii,ii lft,H*"#,- ,:i.E

eg,i*g:t"dfir":#i"* !,1jtr l*i:*m:x***::...."-".- ^" z,i:',r

r*ffffiu$ /ffiffiil, i"#*ffii:h$[mi y' i,frip i 11' ffi#',*i,;",5;iJ*j:" :": :iiit;;

ii, fr*:r*,l;+:1 ;r*-r"q.;::'*.;,9,14 I il;: rp:rirr;,r";m: ;s .,_,' i,,;;i;iJ: ii,hi3li"it!,H;.1.:rm. :;n;ii lt;: :*:;lxmi'"ti# :::' itii:':i;: ",,s;fi:;:";;$"ffS,ii3*. i'""' i;[;ij I t3l: iffiXl""Sf!;"H*''q":g;,y""., ji;j;;!

.f: ."H3p_,"H:-,t"rl,ly: IT,g!?.*r- .. :,1.i,:: 1r.2. ea,'.,.a.c.*.i, ,mlil, ,:gzi;:

1: 8.'Hil i: ltr..::*,:*:i";;" ", ;;l;;3; I l:f: r-.t*"i1i:m,.mrn*"" ," i:iEitr31:friffir";#3}: litl'il!tli:", ."*.. 3',ft:zg liiS: itr:i..i-";-*d,j"fm::.::,"",, ,iii:ii,g, f;"r#lr; [*,'r;:r"i*iift; itiy li$: j:H{',]##*ffi..,''*, iiii;l

fii trir'pl#iltu ;:fi# i gl l**r*+;rw:'x;-. " i,:i:i

ff,w*.rq*:=*ff::*:'.- i'E:p i$:ffin:#,*rsrdr&!c1ub, i:zli-

.:. si.* ciitiii'ii ii,i'i,iirJi"" t:tr"::# l ifi: ffi:${;: ;ii::l; i5.:'ffi,, **. ""lz+;2}

ifxii::ffiTil:#H&*ff#*"1fifu",x lff, im#**g*il;i,"T*;; iii.ii1f,lroae nA, 2:)+5:17Csadld a]@d loeesj AtI5,5D

futri:;:::s .*{: ffi; ffi;::"!":i:::id"l-l;i: rn:.d,Jf*:ij:"*:xi,",."..., :;l!::i

i::*m,';;"1*;.fr*F;i:-;#;",",i:ii:il lii,*fu1"::*i:i:-$il;l, r,ii:ia

:;;ir$Lflliitrrix-:";l"j:tl,lJF*:;ttd:i ii: gtrtr"rt;"jil":";ff:',.:'-' i:iE:1ill'l:l^il?T:l"l*1.'!:1'L::: " "**"'* ::li% ;; y-:t:j s': ii;r;.;"',^ yedrord 'rJ., e:t!6,?o

?: f:i:"$:*i"#"i"je; t;i"., iiLti ii;. il# ;*;fe;'$:L,. r,.. ., 3:i:,,4

ii*T$$;;5g[m'*i* i,fl,s ig,g-_;".'*ig;;'g$*:-:- ;i#i$

ii. fil;ffiffi:q*-:: ;'*.- Itri$*]tilg*##*{tiil: "

i'-':tfi ffiH*{il-jl:qiry:, i;i|F t$' li*"$l;.rry;i*:p"5*l;*:, i'H:Hi:ff,.:l:T*xgiF.{.t."fi'.T; z:3:,:+ li:."+;m*,"xl:"i.'ruil;*' i:#:fr



ilp;;d'#r"Hffi tl;.*jr.1?:'*T4Tir,' 1 i::+r,,!.$;;;"'1i,''*'i,4,:t*.fl H'''d,w.xif,q*l;.*,ru*##- \

utr in{*i'ffi #;, :+iffiffi.",l;;l'fll,tT:lr;.'Hi+i,*ffi m+ n I ffl;::1 n:lill,*#,ii:'E:#;{#*xllifd,:i,T:i.',i?:*;.i :li:F.:i"q;;t**,h, I iff;;.si.irii.:i:l;,,*:::"*"*1,rut""::,'TB!Iii::g;irl :li: Hiff "#l:i'i;i'T:;;T*;:::H, i !i,1":Fi:',:i"x"yiti,li'rr".:r,::::#;i.r'??;i'll#t qx'fi H'-S#'i*; #ffi ry, l f *;i,' g**:s;ffi }",s'rj:i:

tffi'*ffiffiffffi*[*+-'*ruii*tffi ;:{gi;y4$"pg1,g$r+g*'+,:','*4nis:r,ffiiril'.s.iii;:Ati'a#""'"; 3 ''ro; a3t' Erberi !4orss'

(B.A.A. MATATIoN su'{ianEs - coNTuiltr@)3,25:4ot 337- Th(Mi Ro&h, NMcr 3:25:06; 338. cj5 (uorllsieir on plosrd) 3t26tt3; 339. ste@n s. Alnon, fla!-Erd Medic4l Schoolr 3:?b:21, 340. Ceo. ElGch, N{C!3t26.22j 347. Eric lrlckso!, Boston A4, 3:26:29j 342.Michael 3. oIlver, l,ratth&, Mass., 3:26;33j 3L3. r,Ialk' . . a:sher, Hrna_d s" 5-hoo1, 2 25 )9 3LL. rtat.nL. s4iih, Ne€de, 3:26:44, 345, gernsd A, I.Ies1,er11ns,loly CrosE, 3:2?:o5; 346. Jelf Kfoot, M6!tn AC, 3r27:loj347. cregoly A, I€ntz, n.J,, 3:2?:r4j 348. Robe.t r.lootone, iairfiefd ULi!., 3t4ta7j 349. Te!!y A. Acke!-t@, r.rlsco!6in, 3t4t2at 354. JE@! Deveoeyj Mar/16nd,3t27t22i 351. Eenr/ C. l!a|ti!, South Bend, [email protected],lt 3-^. DeMis P. Dc 11!o. Stoq roortslars, .:-,:41j 353. 3€y Nerson, hovlderce, 3:27rl5j 354. KeEetbC. m@rrallj Coraelf ltnlv., 3r27:50j 355. Asle 3aaldadirlrovidence, 3:28:O2j 356. D!. \,r1lf1d lndbele, TCTC,Mie,,3:28r08r 357. Robe?t !, we1cr1, No. Andove!,3:28:10; 358. !h11i! E. Presbyj FElklln & I4a!sb611 Colleee, Pa.i 3:2u:17i 359. Rot'ert Macleoal, Des tu. col1ese, 3:28:18; 360- Tr! Bostorth, U-Ma..., 3t28:25j 36\.llei1e c. Eamick, lla.Jlahd, 3r28:45r 362. rhoms !,Hhlie, M.D., Julste Ac, 3:28:t?; 363. Jare6 !. Mottex,tua., 3t29.I9j 354. robe.t !. riserdocse, Iose, 3:29:3!365. D.lshi J, Rose!6, Rochegte! aC, 3t29.44t 366. ltood€IL, !ss"e-n IL1. U'v,, J:29: oj Jil. .06D, Hebb, Indls@ stEte college, 3:30:O9j 358. JmB R,Abel, M.0., Haltford TC, 3:3ot1o; 369. Charles Sdonrforonto ocr 3:30:2lrj 3?0. Devid c, lafrar, hrs Ac,J:10:,U; Jll. F-€nl t, Jo1in, USiJ, l:lo:-); Jl2.B. MoEt, Dsltroutb, 3r3o:44j 373. C!rt6 {. D@fleld,33ke. U., 3:3o:53j 374. Jer@ dels6r Yale, 3:31:03j)-5, Joh! )o1deb, \e!ton, ::ll:) 176. stad:J L. lbenyer, Plttsbugh, 3:3r:3cj 377. Davld J. loerl, lies1e-ye rhlv., 3:31.31j 378. oyd (eyes, ]flaJ, 3t3A.32j 379.Drdley M. S1a66e, Unlted 1r\, 3:31:rr6j 38O. Je@s !.Codon, Allstron, Mass., 3:31:5oj 381" Jo6eph l. fiete1,Ceol8et(n, 3i31:50; :82, Antho\y B. r4ey, n11nols,3:31:58j 383. Neal J. {t111@, cdtoh rlIca, 3:32:o1jJ8r..leM R. SaLhl, Ce,on rv'A, 1:.-:Oli 38 , 1@!I1yllauveltj rdllrose M, 3.32t39t 386. Exich sessl, Ne{{dEn T-, l:12:LJj ldl. A4!rv q. Ste!!, EAfrald !u5lne6sl )2:4or -ilU, l-0e 5. r'IeUe6j Iana.d Brs ,esF, ):??50; 389. Richald r. Eder Ilal%rd Unrv., 3:33ii3j 390.Jr@s t. Celter, Motor Cliy St.lder8, 3t33t27t 39L.ltohn lJche!, lrlseobsln, 3133:29; 392. an, AlbelE, s6.!@11ton, 3:33:32j 393. Dade1 e. Ayer6, NMc, 3:33r4o;394. na KtdreIr l4lchigs, ::33r42i 395. Davld A. Su'Lli-van, N!4c, 3:33149; 39b. Ronald RdL#kl, Sostod (tdv,,3t33.59t 397. !Vro! F. llons, ]Ier1)to! YMcAj 3:34:15j 398.DoEld Delas, M.D., fla4rlad, 3:3)+:21t 399, C58, 3:34:29j 4OO. Ronald P. Dyer, vatelvll le AC, MetneJ 3:34:32jIiol. John I. i{aloney, vdd T(m Ac, 3:34:33i rra?, John E.rore, Jr., BiuehMton lMcA, 3:34:34, 403, lrltlid G.'!leLL, lavt ns, N.Y., lrjlrlr /r Lo ui-, J. ilarDer,Michisan, 3.34:54j qO5. Kemeih D. latillgr Spokde Tc,3t35,O2t 406. Phll1! s. Iirlry, aalfield !c, 3r35:10t!o?. Ken stacy, sbckton, 3:35:19j lro8. ke calpbellJPe@., 3:35:30; I'o9. Nat Cln{.lck, Unltea ,q-ar 3:35:3:;410. Jee6 A. lidala, U.1,1a6s., 3:35:35, a11. Roberl ?,Co!€don, Itlraca, N.1.J 3;35:4Oj 412. Edrad F. Orcouloston AA, 3:3r:42, 413. J@es D. Altleld, ile€f ChesterStgte, ::15: qr '14. Joseph eaandez, Rocrreri-_ T.,3t35..5tj 4r5. Aton B. chdberleln, \"r.,.3,35.57i 41.6.George {. Cu1n6, 3ucytu, Ohlor 3:35:59; 417. CleN A,!yre6, N.J,, 3:35:1?j 1+18. Edrard Aylesj {a6h1!ei:on,D.c., 3136.27j 419. clen !e31dc, traltl@ rc, l:36:28;42o. Oeoft !a@es. Washi.e-ton SC. 3136:29; 421. l&!"'1ncreedbau, Lrsc, 1:?6:33j q22. Cfovls .4o.aIes 'erez,pondu.*t l:J6:r+rj L_). !tL--€v' R. Moer6on, on!511-,3:35:49j 421r. phit lorin, u!-A., 3.36.5t+t t+25. sv r*!,lb y. o" .otado, a:6t.rt \26. Ed€a A. KJns. Coe,,3.36:56t tan. I€o Ee!q., Cbberled Vauey AC, 3:36t59j428. r!a!&ir s. Both, NYAc, 3t3'lto3i 429. Robert Anld,Noftinresten \t^t!., 3,37,2Lt u30. Di. Robert A. ldiodes,Centon II4c4, ohlo, 3:37:24t 431. \'ID. Splnde!, Roche6te!

Yl'IcAJ 3i37:26j !3?. Jo6elh F4!retl, NMc, 3:32:2?j 433.:Do@to lalsMo, sy.ec6e, N.Y.r 3:37130, !34. Ilanr r{.lamesj Roche6ter Tc, 3:37:31j 435. Rlchad 3. t€on, Roch.Tc, 1tl7t\5j r.16. constarift saEE, spend Ac, Jr37:rro;437, coben lotu6.MJ Bos-on uorv., l:3?:L7r r18, c. p"u_llck BymesJ U. of rehBy1v41a, 3:38:01, 1139. c5! 3:38:024{O. lu16 E. !alz, ltolcesrer, 3:38r15j Urt. D6!4a B. Oderl\rEkin€u CoILeee, )r.A:17; r4^. JolM A. voodJ, NMCJ l:18:23i rl, Freci€ X. PLelce, P.orioence co|'|ese, 3:39:25tu, r<e-. ! youler ucTc.3:)8:,j, )rlr. oh| rpoe courue-,Quebec, t:lA:16r 446, Paut M. Rlblst, {-n SLeLe, l:18:l}7j447, n. F. l.{ultea, wshtbaton scr 3:38:t1j 4!8. A19!eddl1a!, Jr,, M.D., rtl.,l.,o:04: L49. rnitbu Ducd, l,td.,l:19:17; 50. Jerme oLltch, Ne!,r oq, I'tas6., lr?o:l8j Lct.Bere!t Jo.-s, &C-A, l:19:I9j L52. Chu-1es . SLalzer, (]5.',l:ra:13: r5r. oooea C. Sblih, Ce-.!sl Cor.A,q, rr19:llj454. Bob Mirne!, (coI€ate rlack co&]r) 3:39:38r !t5, A1&C. S etue, E.-n-llle A.. .rro:rr : L56. VsI o!e6coo,Je@tte Perlels, F9., 3:40:07, 457. Arrhw a. carey, Jr.P-1.ceLo1. 1:LO:08: Irr8. E. MilJer, Ot io, i:l+6:O j! o. Fh v-eeland, Fe]fu., 3:rro:2a; 160. palph c. JoEepd_son, t)<hes!e-- r-, 3:l!0:10; r+61. Joselh , lGndersoD. Sd-t4 /ohJ"€ M, ):1O:};162. rdllo. A. Celdner. WitItM-1oln, !1sss., l:.o:)B: L5J. Jorh J. B.alel, Li., :,.o,,..;LbL. rJrrert /d f.{-1, (. o" cxelpfr h!., J:LO:I+7; tro..D'nrcy r,radG-no4, i,incotn, 3:lo:5gj 466. retei D. Klinktr,Plovldence, 3:41:06j 467. Rev. Charres lf. l,terke!. South'efsev Ic, ) L:01:.58. Jos-Dq r. Deais-Io, rui"riera .IC. J: r:6: L69. eucher, ledfold, J:,1:20: L7o.Idms J. coo-n6, aoLor Acr. r:l,L:.e; t7t, Ronald J.Seteeldlor, Iito, 314!t23j 472. Dr. Ja@s g, Warco, Boe .

Lon,3r41:24j 473. Dou€lss r, Ea@er, M.D., I-lrcr 3;rrr:28j174. Ed Pl(md, BosLo. A,(, l:LI:2or L-5. uo. coeoLu.N.Y., r:11:1Ot L?6, Joe B, Bubtfl] , prcvidence, J:rr1:lrj477. ?4!1 !, pne, Bale! u., 3:41:35; 478. mehafd F, D:__a1co, \,ro.ce6te!, 3:t'L36j \-9. E lold :. laIIec-, Senlorslcr r:Ll:38j L8O. Me-L i. oley, J.., sr:s.LoE, t:ht:.0;'61, t,/o. 0. conbo/, x.Y,r r:Lt:Io; Ir82. C)l l:Ltr)rr, LBl.l'iorun !.er Roch. Cr rrLt:L8j L8lr. ,en Be\@on. Ih..3:11:56: 185, Ucrrd '1alp, N.ryc, 3:1.:20i 186. .roes i.B!1de, Il, 8os!o! q4, l:12:27j L8T. pe!e. B, qe: _Iv. BArq.3:lrz:J0: 188. Cha6. s. CIoson, Oeo.gIL, l:r2:3:j Lbi.Farpn, c. ild, U,or llajle, J:12:1.: 4q0. Do1 .ep.oh, .ryc,):l!2:45; 4ot. 3- @ J. Chee, BFot-ri ,e, Mes"., 3ri::LB;4o2. Ree, Cefal. t4, nde, rLddleburX, vL., 1,ho: .0. L9l.Den le y. condon, r,{-lueLlie, 3rLl:1lrj l+9L. Dar4d -nle-s...Y" J:irl:L; Lq5. Joseph !uze, rontreal yMcA, 3:.r:19;Lob. Jolu j4urpl6, ILY,, 3:4r:22; \47, tu-otd n, CufLeId,MonIfLe C, r:13:l2j 198. Edlad S. Bre,gs, .._, :Ly.,l:rrl:Ll: Ltn. crsence n. qlcbey, c€m-! e-r 1: i:rrlj 5oo.stanley \{, (eyee, ttrMc, 3:43r!7, 5ot. rh(Ws H. Blealtey,ralcbisanr 3:43.49j 502. Joh! R, Kenu.l, urited M, 31t57,,03. ,toe1 D. Ioa, U.r4a6s., 3:lrl!:Oo, ,Or+. thda6 r, leoierdlosion_M,3:44:07i 505. WE. !. TlEcdo, Mt.j{etuon,3:4!:11; 505. jjuthe! !aer, l4uvaukee YMCA, 3:r+4:I9; joi.-peter!.9+9.yf f9*9,, 3tL\t4t 5a8. qooer! D. ra6mchL, cs-''o,, YMdq, ):lrr:L6: 5o9. flamro A, cao..eI. 806Loo p/cA,3t44t47j 5IO. Itichael K. C@eItJ., Slalta AC, 3:![:1rB;511. Robelt C. ti,tcvelshr Bostor r$, 3:\Lr:l_j 512. Danielo5tey, Ithaca, N.Y., 3:44:55j 513. a,sry aaiae, !r,{c, 3t45:o-j ql,, Jobr D. r4otuL, r,* O-_ed6 ., ),1+5'.1o. i1t.Jos-lh J. !.risUe, J.,, 'rt Cltl "r :1":tLj 5to. pooe.Lo"- L1\, Brook-+nr N.v.,-J:l :p. j r'. :a,"1 ce11aoE, Becr_1yr liasE.. r:' :3]j qL8. Pe!e. R. r€a'hod, , CcoLon. c!..J:L6:ooi ql9. Josepb !. rrar!!n, JuftE, l:)r6:t1l ,20. Jod{. flulberse!, coulelrin T&! club, 3:!5:t9j 5at. JoselhE.dc-fo-!e,. I.J., ).L6:-. c2.. Josegh q. DecrisLofoe,I4el. AAU| l:46:3li 523. Adrs C. cLoahrtc!, WsEhtn€ho!,D.'., J:r6:12j 5.4. Bia. J. tLzoa.rlck, IftC, l:'6:t6j545. Tlb@. A. ltsrt, Slaien I6I@d Ac, 3:lr6:37t 526. FFdlel5abeck, J!., r41d l4ich. Tc, 3:16:l+1j 527, Erelett A.wilgau, Ja.J Mlctrigd, 3:46:45j ,28. Rlclsld KscFlk, ri.I'lLbt'rt r?9,.o:a!h&,. BLlru, IACj 3:L6r57j /30. .lo,:uale!, Cdton Yllcr, J: _:o2. (726 tsted ":hishe.B onUhis ':slj) 'd. !b e/-6 celt BL&d tmtne any ooF ltnl-s'er6.' :o . -L l Ld r"l, - 1\Cf I,lti,lehal,{rs did not run)


In Rodney Mqrothon

Fost pqce winsfor Po. runner

Brllhis behind etk ng ,{lipG n]e "oldor" geneniion rarcas Voods, 0n haid ysterday lo rackk

codsp rerord-fo,dc. lnu .00. ... \a .0pp4. a$

filif,ffiqfrtt:y.' *:*:'ffi;i".i".tll't,,:l*i*r'"1:1",,' " u ' .-., '="- Filipellii""f l"''" ;T:i :ir"i;: l'{", :il li "s

"lt1Ti \ m ur'u r b oni*l""t;T:':fr f ; t";;r:-m "r r; ; ravo rire--itrr.ld::l :;l'{:*; : LED b} B,,.ris. bosAa. $r,1: :#lfil ;lili,,il;je;*';,*;+:: $l;-rp;1 ?r i"il;.-.:,:1T. r:; ""'r"i,:rlfi'* r.-"i:"",:iri Hqili':**ii:t Tir:'P.r i;lil". Tr':r. :rH,":";: m;:;;":: ;: * qil*irlit,.;!f i;i;*"u::,;:lilrr"

..r iaxt, it ndh1 Dor. bd l srarco There de, however, th. seteul,ashrr,.sarr;-d, stri?0 'ro a\..opFraa! $ rnd d.djo ed k" ufo so or roC@r- ""." U-a'v "'1 no. ro' moner. o, uoohi^hr;nalkrrn" !- IrMrno l" "D di v'3r c e!€re bu ro' rh' hee- erhnrll'or olrr..s veDF'day-a mp snd: .ut d hs {'\ 4 htr r' ,,:bh iome inpti: it o

ip-mrt. 3r Q a r."o. va th" 'o

ed .om*s b rcn -l?: .{. m' s rh- 'os i h ('h'nne o.rld d $*o ,a.s led meon Db

m m:ne,o. hor. .h"n..8 .o..rP 1. | ,to f Hp L-! {r'TOPPENS did"t InoI rted !p .t rho !h I qr a.ij"d d{ rrfsrorhll] olrig'mrh' tr'

dlii".r'n"r';T:,,r*: ;'!lli t*idiil f", ir,rc il: h r,r t!';l:l $je":"- :i iil B:|,,;*: ;,"

gl.fl1,t "^:r*T ri,.L,;,,* l "j::':i'',""::.'".""rra.k 3"d rhrd . ub. b.r erL a1d q "'-\ " ., r.a E. r,11;l;li il;.;""L. i.,:had io'asain " thai mn htppens to be a !'$on

ralth; and *"{al mor. ol rh,te{nrtr," n"U,ry .-.., '"*'.;:,, 'i: ; B.;;i ; F \ m {i 1 Rd cade or A'nH i' ro'

$rrj";r't:#:;i .i";,lrlm.t*:i:' :r'l;'l *i"'b':-n::lj,:Yl

wore Bt,"th Certltlcdte

ili"j"iiii i';;"ai $ otr@ c.,unne, rrroeri h" rac. r,bdi 26 miles) or;;'r;.-i. "e 5r{ r rh" rhough h.honrv ra rhe'rreituiL,iip'i"g. "e" runne,! .n lhi Til':-j:!:

ir;iu;";# ;'irC,'n*r:';:l .J.i:,ilf li:j;i"rJ'i:l*i.ii:* ii"'":il lffi:::;ii:"';lJ*;'::l F:v' "*" " *"*'

ITVEBY ruDr€r in rhe

I,nd shd:roc (di i.lPntifr I! on elore ine! sorld l€l 1-

26-Mile Runner, 18,Had to Prove His Age


Plymou l To*nsnip, {lth his

'alenisudbrdl]1.isandsjsof oI rvdage h.i*h1.

.o po." ho! JJn'( ,( IlFnbrrg, th.ydubS.n looltrB lnng dk.

$hnenarrh Hkn Schoot.

';' ; ""1 ; i ', t -. 1: "rildl' ]:L:-" " 'e", v."r-

' 'J.a ,\" -: -:"- '-,:i",,:1"--j':'"i;;*,g "","".;'" '" ";":".: ::ii ri",.;.1i l;:::1 : _-- ''" _

" .;J'-;i, ;:";;"; ,.

he {a5 told 1o lin i! on his Plclrr

rny finishes se.ond or rhid,

one rct do a 51 high shool o!1 lor .ro$ count.y rnd iLpnior Nhonad b c.dr ?ttaltY

so dut lor ihe slteple.hrk, bltrllll *immq rme

\0r.. 3 rmi *.

h*";;*- "* c.r;! * ';,;i *::;;'":"14 od! N 4En.r' mrh€ rr:i "" . i"" ""-rbr€ to brdt$ r"l

r-r* ' -li.rjh:1.w3!'e]D'0^Bd"r,;'d:rpho

-_a.e r an ru "d

.5J!\.o.0aoance l^ \€"_i,;;-'" ,,,d oEa ort.jrrs b' ,ndh€d r lJm sdo,s ddn :.o{Dr:.1,hs 'E|j;r, bur , kA

t*ruitrg g*gffi*'r'#ilt*:; *i"q:fr ri#r*fu ,:m$*U*

ii=."#l-,Txt': :;:,.1 |::3,ry';;l\"#'#fi ?l ;"T;l.j"X.";:, E,i:'u !; -''j I. par Io IiLe r0 tin|31 d ne I@

i"h"!,",":;':$ -" ,,:,11"'f',"""':.:'ii;;X11,illt}kil'.1+::*lrl* lffi'#r;::#:;T':'*.i:9" -

l The lisl o{ canadian long dist

ve.y rnpr€ssive There is BillC.oth€rs. B.uce Kidd. Dave Bailey, Ergas Lepsand Dave Ell's

No{ there is atrothe. Bob

He has been nrnnjng ror nineyears bur as he says. lt sasn runt,l 1*o yers ago that I slarted

s.looll {as a Dediocre.unner 'Bob quickly nade a name ror

himsell in t.ack 3lter hc gfuduafed fron Co on Crardon colle.8ia!e. In l96ri. shen he sas malhenarics at the univdiltof waierloo. he se1 a college t{o

The rollo{ing year be noved upto run r8ainst lhe bcn df the international nrilers and Bobplrcod d lrenendous Placebeh,nd Ron Clarke (nho sas*orld record holder at that dNrance) .ndT.acy shiin. He alsor,nrhcd third in canadat cenlennial can.s nile at Expo.

Finlay Record Broken]n July. lgrjt inSto.khohSse

den he finhhed second in the 5.000mot.cs: beating a f3llow crn.dranDave Ellis Tho follosing nonthin Lo'don EnSland he linishodfourth in the 5.000 mokes and hebroke Brd.e Xidd\ canadlrn.e

He I'nished rorrth ,n the PanAnedc.n Gamcs 5 000neti.s andseventh ,n the Mcxi.o Olymplcs5.000 melres despite the altrtu'le

Tht y€ar in Boslon. Bob. sho is25 years old ropplod Kidd\ cana-d,an lnd@r tscmne record bY 5 zs€.onds Then in tdbru.ry. tbeineviiable happeDed sonebodY

'\I} re.ord {as i0 be beatcn.ventuany lt soold have beennice to have lt sta! lo.ger blt ndoesni hurt !s nuch shen arri€nd and lorner t€rnnate likeKenHanillonbreaksit'

Bob ran in the rh..emile eventllrcr thal night .nd the dovn orover 14.00{ came to thet reet..dchecred him on The croud sas agreat inspiEtior to ne but I knevit sasn r gojng to be a wodd record.I had nobodv to ftce me andit is d,lncull to lea'r a.aceunresedu have someon. r0 pr€sslte

'otr Bob dld break Davc Ellistthree mil. canadran record iha!

Crediis Coach

'I ve rDn againsl rhe toP athleies Iike Ron Clar*e,ltacySnithand lKipchoge) Keino." he sa'dl


on interview wilh longdistonce runnel bob finloy

"I kno{ they can bc b.aten Youearn a record b.raus. you {orkand tra'n hard lont and ir some.onc is {ilrins to sork and t.ainharder then he has a good chance

Bob credns pa ol his successto the coa.hing r.on Paul Poce:nd to Toronto OlympicClub'wehave, Lrcheddous cl!b. ' he said,

Nlexico Oll'npics add rive ol rhe

lrBls to go t scorland were ours'Thh year serc lucky to have, sponsor l*e rhe Toronto branch

ol the Crnadirn Lcg,on TheirBoney goes rosaros Duyrng newlniforns ,nd to helping sendnenbe.s to the tJ S trhefe theycan run a8ainst sone stiller.on.

'Nly corch Patrl is a g.ert gr!andaboui the besl there F,n Crnadr He knoss lroN t0 h3ndl. artrnner bdth psy.hologicill! iDdphysic,lly H. s aisa's rhere.ler

gets btrtt!rlli.sbero.e th. rrcesA good.oa.h r vdv rmportant 10

i\io* lhat spring h .oning Bobw,tl be train,nS oits'de roslead olat the cNE coliscum and thcFortYork arnories He hopes to besorkine oul soon like h. drd $henhe uas in Mexico ls'cc dailt.

Tough ProgramIr he wer. io keep rh3t Prdgrrni {ould mea' gctingup.t 6 each

morning and Nnning belore heg@s to his newly acquired job arConpuiel Syslens Ltd where heh a conpurdr operalor -rhen hesould have to ron aEain in theevenings I-ast sumntr he litled!eights and he {ould like to dolhat3gainthF sumnte.

Bob is not a.!ve in any otherspo.t becrose lra.k takesuP mo$or h* trme bur he do.s like r0 warer iki I d iry sDo{ skiins but INould probabl! bre3k mr anklen6t tfe ut 3nd ftar sourd orF

He just r,n,shed a he3vJ twomonth ,idoor tra.k scason shichincluded seven na)or rac.s llsomcbodY asked me to rdn anoihcrrlce right nos liust.ouldn t he

But, afier two days etrbout auorkout he {as our lor an hour oIstreel running in preparaiion fortho.ross counhy racein scotland

Last sunmer shen the OIYB'p,.s elded in Mexicoc,ty Bob andrwo or his tean n!1es t@k olr otr ahilch hikine tou! ol Mexico whichlrnd.d them ,n AQPdlco Fo.mNi of thoJoume} *c rcde m tht

in the uarm sun lr was just lantastic. An OlYmpics. ol corse Esodething rhal You nev€r lor8etbut i1 G the Deopte I meer and th€personal s:tBlaciion that I getiron running shich keepsn€ at

\inh 3llhG rum'ig and I

ins to oa.k meeb ii doesn t kafeB i wnb nuch iime tor a soc'ar

\to$ oI hls k'e'ds are tra.koeoole aid dey re in the sameDostion so Bob sals ldon rmindihe krvell,ns tlovc It hasbeenaver]' brg pad ol sht I llke track so

PLENTY Oi COMIANY One ol ih. gnl i3 sltolnded byhen during eany *ag.s oI the narathon. (Panl Conn.llPhoto)

First l0 at Checking Stations

ANl{Olr}rClNG tilrRD,lillluAl ?r'T,os lmDits ]}BATEolr|lla:t 2L), 1,96a B:OO d. il. Ptlos Voro's P^n: isu13.crllforr! 3 1ne rLo"L scenl rul'r Ll-€ \.'o'ldEnhr;cs "o ?.V. P. :arathoo, Bo/ 155, ralos Ve'ces.tsf.tos. ^11ifofl:a o027L. D9l-9ad:rl_^cl-)noio : Bo!Da in63, OcciaJnL'1 Coffede, ?:zb:rrb.z'

16=- 1Ali nAs! -'It4E3 DTSPITE CCr,D IlrC.:lA?!Ci!' - Jj. l{AT]oll\i, lAURedfield, lo$s, I.13:3h 3Or 1969- Ore Glath.n l:llmer

moelec efie! the mceJ Tir16 i6 Iry i1f,st and last Ffa-rrnoh ra.e. :.u hate to !e out cf voE n!n4'!c tu a racelike thei h tld€ kind of reaihe1." ]Ie heC a loint' rneseathet tas a]]trg rfigld f0 deg!€es rith asha Urat qutlie evident or lhe lrralrle north ortoFi. hcat! sd Peasllr2t1on crDlinec io fom e striia.r i.icles on the leads oi @rv of ihe r1lmer6.llorcver, hi6 l-as a lonely dissesti a5 ro6t of tlre ro-

ne4 ve& .heedul and hearty eftef a fet no@ntE of'upe -:io , :'e rhe r:a:. . :rs oesd e! 8 a.D.-3!ihe ho6!1ie1 t! Redlield. rbe rcute exrrerded for 2b d.385y aoith to tbe llack to! scinC east to Adef ard ihe,

tiliy ol the 62 startels tini5hel, ixcludtne tive ofslx @ers oi Juior ltgh school 3€e.,tay Dtrlsen of Blooklnss, S.t. cor4)letelJ dminaied

race irom the stad. !e llnished €host 12 rinuites or aacod t1ro niles 1n f!.nt ol the second !:lace ]ri@e:ri.:s": _l .1". o e.a_ ls!1d6, Llo lhG tle o :_ '56cor'!.oc6 1_. ci!.a1 _o oost ol' l-e icJ ? "nc

B!1{ jc o's'n. v'_ ta]}ryr s. qlc-J _ .1'"nede fead ol 6eve!a1 blocks. l{ove@i the sdd nli-13 ea.l: "redfield, ihe highesu nilk on the rouire, i..{ irheiiiollr md hc {d la€sed t{o ailes easi of !.'n rr/ tree@eas: Ellen, Joe Skaia, snd Jdf lrainr !.th 'f cc1-Iegel.llle,;caL !4.t1.1!dt e4d inltlarror oi _'h€ ?L.le r3'e, Dr'

r.c, Pe;ce, lillsbed 48th, (4, 15 :l4f,ies I iutsas ihc o.l-n tcrson owr 5se 50 €nr:eled"nn crdet]-v flo{ oi iraffic ?es nsintained ann lox

scout6 3to.d at conerc to guide tne .aer3'oir satuds,v niglrt ihe Llons s!.n6.:ed e lre. sqrirer ior

irire irathe:ine rra"tlcildts and r€nlers'd ihe a+l:le_(es 1. F:: I _s a-t " e :_o ni.-. r-.J "anll _. rere " - li r "o iC

ere . . ruqv q .\ 't1_ osh- '- : --(engon6e 1C cl wls.o.sir 1'o!

"::e -e- :t!:' _tritl: 13.

p.r t. "ro ,_ 1i1 . :es : ?;^,Ore oi the nof,e colodu.1 ..riesiais ?:s !'erls cr

?ron Irelad, rLo{ aliering iie r.:t:r3i:! 'l ch:stka'i.e sI)oLe'rii]: a tiricL nfcgne. i:,er i ;ir: as:<:d :ot :!aub;mphJ he 5atd, Sue & t.! .i l:re : iaie, t'oj'l'[email protected] vore a1t kinds 3l da1-trs-. i"tr sL'rts

"o;1n...* *. " )f ro.hes .o -..: . . .._o e 6" d:x-re ras rL'one njllie llal _:.i e :ae! i o re\ vsr' net. c'1d

,r" " ... ed.' D.!c: - rke- o B :1 :"e r'_-lo-crass eith 2:\4:118. seconn {as 1.. ;l:: r'telie ofr4mee!o1i6..Sore r:odiBioE iea!6 'i a:!'r;::e liere :e_

"or-rea lv sme host6 of m"athoier!. :.e -:.lisi€' ofi a;erlon oi aillr atieseais ii quick olaerJ ai ne lads.oo-c: s €tl .i Lr- .-"re. oen s e:j . ':_ 3 I

'1s or '.'. c_'sr se o r'1 :l "l- _

.r"11., ". o. 'eo !e h :Ii-J iiL'r ,',. to !r onlL sos'hs. *_'_:a6 d

;ru"- r' ".*n". of o! nto , hor_ er. o' a ': L

an6olutery no ors€e iuice, ii ! Lhe uors' il:rs t'driil bef;le a race. tihile doiher ].rser fiI:et L! calarge slasses oi crege julce. Jav

'irhsenhelllines oI 6crenle4 eeg6.:lri riace oa lds si,eff stonld be co'graiur aie'_ ior a

s;.ces6fx.l na!.thon. !he!e arc edvaalraee6 in ]]rsiL;natioG.l eha$ionshils in s@lf t(m51i. r,, ot""ee:, .oo, i.e6, s.D.J- i"i"i' :"ri'r"-"-, i:, c'oa- e" s, t)6:'

r. J;;:;" ., e, t:1:"i . '-., 2: :

.:""" 0...i, rd, r.-. B, B-.. :)-:of. g.r . Br.A. -I, Unlv. of t'8 061 , :: 9r:)".

-*;* o -i'., 1o, J,col!, eo €s\'r "_:LLi. r''n" a -. ""-. -1, Bo€co qt, 2:\L:l?8. ;-, -"", :5, L'ncor , eocas a : ': 5q, .,lr'l* l"i '", 1 , Gso,€' 1., &:60 r:s'@s^1loz:l :I5; 10. Jtu vc adoen, o r' rletudar r@a ':_u:

3lrj 1!. Ken llilhi]€:lon, Kegonsa rcJ _v,lEc., ?:48:45i12. Cle! GN-,aison, 25, TCTC 'I- , 2:lr9:1i; 13. Stevenr,4tller, 23J Kea.nsa iC, 2t5l,A3; 14, Ir!. [Ex Rattelle,'J, :C .' , Ve.lo... eo.::r'-:OOj .5. De... , L! r', rore. : --: 6;.7. h*l_" .v.v,J . . .. 'b.a:ia, :\6:1(; 18.'r o l:' o-r er;, 8, dt"1.:',(tupel, 19, nacine, wt63,, 2:57:l9l 24. Ly@ard PliI)I)sr25, couctMutf, Io{aj 2ri3.lrj :1. iron !et!d, 19,l,irXT,1leJ l,1o. r 3:Ct:3Oj 22, r-ete:l rilsonr 42, TCIC "A'3:01r30

,1. 3r0r.?1 'rbona Hle€.s, xq, 3s 3 9ri.1: Dick Kins, c}ji..€o,

?{.3:03'0' Rob.{ FoleJ' Tclcl 4!' 3 3?.50 Rallh Muriial' 2{

?'.3]03.52nich!.dsndljnc'Ke. {2'3:+I'{jDar'jdzi!'er,Des4:, r:r:.i1, \re.te Dihenl, 3641, 3,13,1i Job Qrrl*, Made-

iEs, 1929, 3107,02 Dd Aeschtihd, At,

47. {lsl rsd viLleq albary,

32.3:11.44 Ar4ie Richards, van-

50. 5:r2 lto,+ silesi Redield


l4dhs'r lnrd-\itu.rz rw"tubo 3oo,; ".d,deo "jr

Maratbon VinnersBmrnus sflrJl D6kd' lerl. sd r"33i'

R4ids'ryr'"?rsnnkhs.s r he Junror Nuosr ,!neu \$leric UnId M.Fhheld $nd.r at !.dlield. DlJke a&hed the26_n 'plB@'3sr r turi. zr ninul6d, 36 s*dds. tblen's tim6 ru 2:36:07.



Lang Wins10-MileRoad Racerice oi the cmb.rds.c.eek oiihccor chn!;hy6rerd!y, out-knkin! rrishol}mp an P:r McMs6on rn

st, camb.LdFe n 49:24



CIIARLIE LANG, e.anng th. victor's la!r€13, itaanked by Pat McMahon (t.lo and Glynn Woodatter G.eetr Ted Mil. Run from Lexington to

CambridS.. McMahon was second, Wood tfind,

1_5:, Jo!:!h,llcl*&t c€rbddae sporis lbion,53j34;1?" JoBelh rrsEety, Northeasren ndv., 53:38, 18, rm !ftite,Tufis, 53:45i rg..€rctt Ab-..!&!caie, 98., 53:48; 20. nober'r He!6qr! m,{c, 5r+:o4r 21. Ea€left Dur, Johsob & wale;,,4:J5j 22. Jees llurlrv, J&{. 54:36; 23. r,ouis paxlr ce.sur 55r04j 2r+. Rssetl Eolt, Nrc, 5r:13i 25, nlke su-111_,@, BC, 55:2Ot 16. RIck JarI@Li, *M aC,55:,2j.?, qLlti@ Orerte, Ceblld€e SU, )r:2lj 18. lobefu Ddttna.Jstr,55'26' 29. Chas. _Ke-los, BAA. 55:jl; 10. Jees sruseE, ,r:55r 3r. Toay sap:eda, BAA, 55:orr 32. F.D€rid !,o.toen, N",4c, 56:1lj . . Dbvld Llntor-, BA1, .6:lI, 3lr. John jvee Le!, 0m AC, ,o:15; :S. pu"i, n ".ouurr.@., 56136t 35. raul MF4y, w,, 56'3?j 3?. pa!.1 cetwel-1r 1b., :6:4i; 34, lleil""r-i!ri.*, *;,. a6,t;;'ir.Jolrb Fooga61d, NUC, 56t54t 44. l1arrin ?i6!.1)]VJ Cd.SUJ 5?:o1; !1. ,tohn lta_Usce, BlJ., 57tL2j \A. Joh!_Ditt&i,-'Iuftsr 5?:1lj Ll. c4-.e '*, va-, 57tI7t r-1. "€t rhlneg, ua., ,/:28, L:. lt.k .oi", *,, .e,rg; rS. Lp. ir,..-hd, ua.r 5Ur20; L7. C!'J/ 'aatr, le,, 5C:?8j L8. too Derde- a, TL4C, ,8:3Jj !9. Oa.rtd /tue. J&W. 58:5c: 50.chall * l:attr€, Ma., 9:01:8.. Ph:r Srot re, I!€r-, co:oL: E?. Jor (etso, csur, .J, i. .r"i"..-", ,,.c,59:I5j 51. cobe-l fi@-!n8s, rJYC, -9: .; , liLe i rerr tu., .9:21: -5. Jo@ BelrryLo!, LM., 59r'l; 57: Cor:zate6 scotto, BAAr .9r',5; ,b. Date he,ad. Gr BL, )9:58j i9. "'\l1 tu sieeel, Nl.rc, d:t6j 60. iobelc r.d:oel!os.'r 61. Cl,a"de Ellls, lOlC, 61:z7t 62. ca! IF.€, us., 61:ll; 6J. Rj:h4d cta!!r, ,l,ra, 6Lrl2; 5r. Jtues C;nr*:NMc, 62:13j 65. cEo, Mauolx, J..r ue@-d u., 62t?8j 66, !d .B.i er u€., 62t55l' a7, Ed, o'coEefl. BAA. 52:57:64. rdchael Bru!, ua., 6l:09: 59. liclee - catlalle, 1@., 6l:18: -0. ,io, -'ooni, ba.. 63:J+: 7I. ciaj.! pai.e.t,, 6?,:27t 72. a,ldrev drch!€rr L@,, 6,:17; - j. Da!,ld Fa..M, 1E.r oj:r5,. Zr.. Uavne ;inaha,. isu. 6l,,or,. Dsn Dal_glr BA-A, 6L:U, /6. RicrErd vacuerr us. r 5r:r9: -7. s-e!.ley <ey"s, ro1c, €U:35J re, aoterL norosran.osto! 1., 5h:19! /9. Rooelt uatu, w,,65tj"j 8o. i*u"ler, nsi", 3t,!e; ei. r"li's"r,"u. Nld.-;i;;;;-94.,?.A yy"!, csu, 65:16, 83, Ioa R@ch, v,4c. 65:rllj 8!. Joho Jarerr !}rc, 55:171 8". nooerr coirazzo, uat.,9-5:49, 1109 I1eted_ftntsber) 8rh /qeus1 Io-MLLe hE spoEoftil by the qreek trbodox co@udiry of Coibridee, -li'!4s6. l{alcb 29, 1969. lreathe!: Ie1! & rraE. A slleht leadytnd. lBce sts!6 ai tbe l41!ujre M"" St"ruu r" re"io!to",l4aa3, ald le ro 6foDe the route teken !y paul Re1€re s@e yeds s€or Very heaw tlafftc.Te4:.1. xoltbea€ hem Lblv. 2-3-7- I2i 2.. 806!@ A.A, 1-h-9= t4j J. u.EE, 35i L. Nr"rc, 38; ,. [email protected]€e s!od.i.t11on 4li 6. Johl6on & ValeB Jr. Col-1ege, )L5t 1, Ltaa AC, 51. --rred B!oh! Sr.--;*;;;-;;;;il;;;-G "*;;;*";;-*,;;;;;;-il;;i;;::;;"*;;.;"_l:-;;;;;;;.-;;;;-;::-a:42.4; 2. Joh Eccle6!o@, &t&obt@ ",8t46.6; 3. Brt_1 peel, [joa!red-3ffi;9 io. o, (::1lle.s .* ieov i.."r*1.!*g_- - l: R.{ ttssrefl, Ec@Foo E, 3:47.? (tiev canedie Fcofd)j 2, Biu p;er, Mobtles1, 3:5a,91 3. Blrt'cllff, s!Tc, 3:5r.5.:3,ooor !aal!- 1, Ron rEtr.r, LEA, 12:52.6, 2. Dd-Tothelob, usA, r3:21.2i 3. Fr-L_;b""o", AC, 14:09.8::Gf:_Rsy {asreu, Ed!@ran tuskle., 1:51.8j z, aar;. crubgh@, v&c.0.s., 1:53.2:ltswlB or QuanSAxcrJLAR INDoG r8d: MSm, ylEi,letl, rvlch&e, r l{arcr 1$g__3_M1_te6_ 1. Dare ELlls. D,4tr. 1j:3?.?:2. Da!? lelley, ToC, 8:15.6, 3. Iaq lraln{rlgbl, OCr 13:17.5j lr. Ibve-Cs@beu, n,|t, 13:18.!; 5. !.; -[bo@, l..Jlonto oc, B:49,1+j 6. B!1s Alllstrcls, roc, trr:]8.p,.819- 1, Klp s,e'e; l"nirr.",'rr,iole; a,chsllto! lsldElq 64u, L:D.9j 3. DaE seltb, Tcc, 4:13.5, L. forye Herg;nhe6er; nr\TC, rr:1ll..3; 5. Bob !es.scqloe d(N, 4:14.5..!99q- 1, Roa Field, u. of toronto, 2:{.oi 2. Jonn ca!!oU, !!{u, a:1?.2; 3. !!ed rs-Itglt, Fo: a:1?.8.. @:Il Rosg! llrb raq/, Er"0, 1:50.9; 2. Edc \e6btrt, Er{J, rt|a.p, J. cteb Drsek, !MJ,1:52,Uj r., Elic Chapnd, No,Yolk rab[1e6, l:54.6.

l"CCtUl,EtA COLi COUrtsE 4.5-tEtE toqD:r4:! {or 3y Rorr DA,,rgi'11oea!olts, Ltim., subaqyr l4elch 23 j 1969- r/Jre4 iz@_bestsdr a high schcol Juior flon tt\y Bri6iclr southDakctr, ge,E to! Dars s,ne rea3o! fo! concetu tn the4.5-nile rced race a! cotuble C.If coEse. Kabbesr.c.-orrh * t. , .q-e ... ^"o3!-, qtrx. ,her-olon, i-e66ad?eB ::clr to ihe li&tr oi rhe d€sed blt\| co;6., rre_fole the lcTC .)r_Jrtiu vs6 alte !o s!a\e htu & beet tiin fcr a 61in 3s vrclor:r..Afr:e! I tea8, tne dsglvlnes about r@!nA'_re.secr-o .y: . '.otu L..cI bec@ . reeflr,. rfte.

e.ossca tle i si h o t;: dkto g. a ba6 fle1Elt tle14 c@ by ad cut off tle rcsroi the fleld. '!te irah held u! rjhe rear teb neel6I-"t e :er 'r,c qlos.lbJ r,re, -_eve L hjs .5-n1'e race. I,rce chel: .I , . _1 .,1-?i!.1. Sronsoled ,y lrhe MlEesota toad tuhers jtur.1. i1.! Da_m, $'tn Clties TC, 22:18.4; 2. !pfe! i:d.!e6_iei, lristol, s.D. t.s.,22:21j 3. ldke:l@_1e7. ur1v.f lres e ro6h, 2L: o; L, psar Svss !, .t. ). is.- e)r . :r.r 5. J,lm ...rt., t. oa .lr. ! 6br ; :O jb. e-rs,, ., o ,4 u. .4od" :L:)5j /. }r. -_rcrv,:L.,ohnrs Lhtv.,2L:o.: o. ..oner 'rcsr '.)flllm. lrosh, 2+:13j 9. !e4 Clokett, U. of ..rie,, 2].!:14j10. 4fen Gaiafs.n, i\.lb citles lit, 2j1j1?j 11. scotrLtDedo)d, :DIs, _u 5, rh:L\t L?. o : :r:, reD.dJ:Ftal-, 't :r j ' L Jo}n -@r, rr. I eu_t, a. h-ieloa Fr2L:.8 1. .pac B-eln, 5r, Jobh's :s1lv., i:\,i 15. latleln, TaTCj 25r13j 15. Dave Au:ln€on, ua., 2r:28j tZ.Bruce le$on, l&lE. !d16on lF, 25:\tj 18. Jack peters_rrus, ir.lkins E, 25:42t 19, Steve o'3!ie!, va., 25t5A,-!. J hn_Ulne^ke, u@., ^5rO:; 2t. :F. s!ed1/, -r, -tor_lSLate, 6r'o:_2r. D., /eh l Is)8, -:, 2ij:L; .1. (,{$eref,, --Cr 26:L6i ?4. cres 'oorr b".,2:r1; pl. t\a-t!l@, cotden','sUey lFJ A5:57.5; A6. toly lllle!, rlp1s.rdlBon is, 27:13j 27. 3ctr&ltie, st,larl i{sh1, 16,27tl5j 2ti. itAe}r|, tlerscn, Roclesrei aa, Zf tz2j 29. D!.irlllld !!dbe!g, lclc, 4t26j 30. Jonn r.lttl€, Ea.,2?:51; 31. Rick Rayhond, TJTC, 28:o!; 32. l,!:e ro!i,ua,,25:tlj 33. reute chdbeltlnr 2e:u.r,.31. lcb..etplc, . , .r:18; 3r. geLe $Jc. -!., :o:_l; 36.Jac;t Jafle, C?Cr ?o:lr0; ??, 4on!e ae€, ua., JO:2r;3d. -vh rBrleh, te,, lo:2., : : . C€):Se Lubesd,,h., ro:.3: LO. -M jl)Lze@!, ea.,3 :3 j Lt. BII1l1ee, ua., 33:18, 42. &e Dahl) Ee., j:r!t,)[T- T€!!:. Tho@, Cl* Nelsoa, Fetu I€1aEo]n.

-l,4{. r. \.!: . 1 ^-:! Lf 3 AD 3/ E, HrC : ?6,Fri, : r :, o

r: d r.ce6 a:_n 6 u -aq I. NMt )hthtlLs i.x_ture. \e. a r.@L ts -. : rse, poo : oorp + ..e..nej.:.-."'.lf '1 .!i , ."- - !.tl B:.a5rrl dnr'Jc: :ontin. Jlci c\err6 rt lrr.r.-._, .n /e. l- {) , Lqq/, , L -e e" ' l *_ .-;._,:;-o1. Je--@ )r"i-t . uo. -: 1, c.,r. !€ ,l 2, rre

"s teq tl 1. e .: e.e. \.iet.i : :i_,, ,F :t o.e, L -_..e ._ I L or c-.-.tbr, ..rnjsb_cl -. _::40. 1--- n :he :.r . .. . ic L . €holed -

1. Je! j -"J4 ', -..: -:- , -u\, 2 :iLj :. Bo.o:-:r' --'.--: ': .C.e.:e,. . .j . ..veSa1!h,..c,

: j . r'a .\.r .-or,:.. :t.: . tlcz,€d,1_ r, -?'_"; -. e c' .-., -.. .! -t \:,21:A,9,;F; / -.., .1e-.rA., "::: . r . . .:rv ' r :, 28:r.-- tici :rtir --'i.):tt::tt aTiD:ts -.Iae inran:, ;::: :::i:r :aRn:t,-ja, o!1,_:: _.'a - q:ls' opEt: 5 i u"u- '

.51 ,,,-: : .:.o,t .er:. - ' '-:' .t: . :'-.:ener ',/ttj2."i ,::. : e!.-, - r.oj_1_r,. ',.: .L; .c.-': re :..e:.r,r'e...o.r,t,J:t 1, .\ rajns.J.h:, .. : ,- . , -l r,,i n!.,q, ].'..' r. n:j ;'stjrr . .r .- :- : . . !,7e .,.or,0C, _":':;'..ici :a:ln, - .::.jt2.Caal,1.::.i r _!-1 ll. ":, I :, ).trti.r.n1r.1 i4c!.r : I: 1-. Jrg :1 v,":ri r i. , r:lrr. 1.. J.t r...J ., ).|)Lj r.ah:is rre,tJ-, :ol, a9:[8j 1€. tat-:rr.a.x, roa, 2.):i9, \9.

.J:: "1:t1"it ro..rrr st!1de.s, 3.:r8j -. :J,n<e ,u de!::: ... , .^:.rj. :1, -ere r' ^\a, , -. .:-5 A,, )^..-:,', _*. i -,:, a. , t':50r 2:. :. :-:: . .:^, l.:;i,j-:j. I-..."_"",, -, r:j ; -s. -,vre. .u.1, locr 3.:a1"., om.,€e@6,_-a€t y.rI jr :. ., j : , J:0 nea, ua.l:r. j_:14: . _el Be]l.:E.Lr, : :).; lt. JirJ ib., -j- i i . Dols:re!r;-. c'ad;i-... ., ,6.e".33. r4rre reDiin, 30:3j.-:l_:cs.,. ft,t.u :.a : : .:.^ /e Lttts,-nre ye .1 s .ouse ves 6h-n-.e.1 ... ., vhictr sLiLLsrffi a gleat tn-orr€@nh on ,.:e =c .j. - r.gnt 6rcu!of Dran t.n, Sn1ih, Mocre sC lcia:etr rlme.ed out theealAf-pqce, ch4ed by Bicsob, {,aee.r i{ehqliehtr coerke& It41h. TtE eecoDd tap san tae lr;rdsin8 s!1a B16son&o€̂ )uu. )r grch Lrc & gle ,]r!"-r Lt)-€ J by Ausrrat_1d coerke. At the "tllsh ti ..._ .: < etj-tn Dfe$don rfo_Poc€, F6 1t so o:tea 1E I n:ul se€! oea!::l p11:' 5-"r, lerrar. .r 1.....::ron of lhe l6ebve.@!t 1i tl]e lororto :ra_4{L.oI !: _f jls:: L a.-L .s e..r q, i|t\r.2; 2.15:ndj.J. c!4 e ,... di-.e, , I): .( ,6j L.ceorge Rjou, Lt??.6:.. :!6.. . jl, t5r2t.A;6. _DeLorqlrelr 1 :10.8. ?. D@c"j :.. -r-, -l,la.6; g. itJ-"orf _rla-len, 1):12; .. .or ^.".e .. ri:-b; ro. cw ;arn_id, 15:5o. (22 flhishe.s

, *lF'!1"-*"t-:r1:s:: L. q: | "e.'s,. rsdrton oc,ta:z jti ?. Jeck -.'-ires .e, :l era, th:?' ,8; l. Joesd, .!o^, tr: )5.) r r.. ', s:e"ln, ; , lt :La.a.'''Hfri ##f'.1; :;l:.,'i::"!;1";l',.i;',t11.".kl::'.: :,,7,o2.6j . L"-,1. -t,;,7:o6.6J 6, A1; ;;:'eul,7.08.4.,i9l+-!t^ -:r!-tt -' '.:\r -c*:je, orcaro iL!ide'6,./.j?1.?J "2:-

-l"al rf,a!1nsr cue.kr5,8:oo.o;3. Brehda!6, atuJ,dj !, 'tu1. rorc:, ":!.?,, 5, Daha !eat!v_u:16.Ut 6. Am .d, 8:2.5. /tL e:ai;hers)__I.l1ck ]l&dia__

4cysd -t9^e'6 co66-cou!ry ree qon rhe Brs "\e!l,rlle :n 1064. t v@ rte IArh lrLle ro! .he 6iets1! 19 coafelence @et6.

MIlliESa4A ROCD .rIO,I!m C!U3 Cta6m ?_i'f:J fa$D RAcEIlo!k1n6, tl1m., satBi4y, A!ri1 jr 1959- the e*lecieaduel lietveeb Bcn Da{s d4 Sieve llo€s feiled r. dereIo!

vnen Hoaa dropled out after 4 nifes due to ibe noEdt&lhe n IIs Rre s lvth€ € catclM e oerr n. s heet.condlti.N: IttllJ ru8ged rcad ctlcdtr rr5., 14 io 15rl)h dnds {Fiih t1!st halt of tbe r&ce & aalEt second\s1f " tle .ee). reD tr,otr:e. RF 5Lr.tied bl r.eMltuesota rRC, @d locLe! & shoE! rqci11ile6 {eE !&-vlded br' Hordlrs soutn Jujo! : sh 5ch o.,l. con )afs, ,1, .r:1P.0 /\* *coft; old @r!, J-ro?by DaqB,-lobu)j 2. Jefr Re@ar, ?L, 16:_oj l. .aAesle.\, Id, 7:1o; rr. Ded SvdEo,, 19, -'.-tv,)i ,. tEsDu1soor,:0, ??r.l; o. ro oLdi, )O, ,_:[j 7. Do!rLtu, 1,o,38t22j 8. Ule {e€, 26, 38:loj ,. ar rd1n,30, lo:!1;10. JoM c!rc., l/, Jo:'!j 11. Bcb Da\.Js,12, 'a:3di 12. clen clsLaf6on, 21, 19:r€j 1J. :te ue16e116, 40:05; f_. creA I€e, 17, Io:18j .5. Dou€ !d-0on6,n,2r, to: b; Lb. jl<e 5i.ertter 1a, \o: oj 17. Je.rySoith, 25, L':0o; 18" Dr. J{eueLh ',J1'so,, 1, L.:Uj t).Jeck Pefersoue, t7, L2t.7j 2A. ..-a!e ricL, t?, r::d,.?1. D!. r.rn. and'rrers, _58, 43:48, 22. T@ caIe, 2)rr r+rr:2?t2r. qLe Eg&, 18, Ia:10' 24. I€re r4e, ?I, r-:i9j 2r.D.. L€l@lce Boles, 18, 11: l7; .5. Icrtr -lorcydr "!, /o:2-;.z7. sroiL Sdrdholn, 16, .O:3tt )8. :1@ Nebon; 10,53'44t 29. &a Jo!6on, 39. 53:l+5.!lil- Steve lloag & JonD !bI,kc,

--IaL latn--

'ffi"Hffi"L:i5"iT;i)"trLX"i:;'lf,'frj,T- EyeDoctor.32.Wins rqSteE fersaon, a Unlvec6lty o" Cihatre@aa sLuden!."fl*T3"t;*"1"#""'?;1t-H.*":"',:ff ** "e'6'' c amb ridg e Ro ad. Racelsted about ole lbur, ard @de ioottus a 11ttle u- lv llLL XIPOURASEiea4y et lolnt6 alohe tbe 10-d11e varied co18e. An €ye su4€on who one upon a dne'iT*E e]et va6 n& ln tro dllaFioB: ulder !€e 35, dd "se* the behefits or rnad racihs Fon hn ri$iowr 3r. rrorh\ ra.e Jecrprday, calru.lry fte Narsh Postrbe Atldta rrack c1ub, !'llch hed 11€ 1euEseutattves, !2_hiter in canbridee.

caliEed the ie@ t.o!]ry i{th 22 polut6,cor@sEd to 33 Dr. Davrd \\orrher, a idna -i! the cheil,eooea YI"!oA, or,ro.o, rkh, sa.. lhe r 34. Robelt lartvee, uat., 7615I!e!e6on ls s 2l-yed-old Benio! at uc €nd a sr&iute ve:.od idhrhrmoog.r vhD ]t' craude BLL13, NMC, 75158of red Baik Fish school, le.rue nerd oI n2.;,,"..,, 19. -calarolit I,a!va, uat., 76Po

l. sie€ Fe!s;on' chdtta&oaa thlv., 21, 62ta3 ,rep$d,ihe e'xr€ r*h*" ll' Flrt !bck' let., T.aI2, Rotelt Brm' 39, riashldLle Tcr 6z:5o P3t MrM:hon, the -.,t ]!' Ff londeso!, liat. Acr 7\.5o,3. fcy sutto!, t?, nea aa:r< s.s.,' e,b h€i,.treRd the,Lm€ pn7t. 39' Jobn rlccott, lo6tou IA, ?2:564. mt e'rneti, 34, Atleta Tc, 64:)17 f' le"leti rones, .et., 12t56,t. rarry re@;; i8, n a a"t'n.s., aait s "; ;";." "]il;;';;; ffi: fl' f+" ,*t, !!ock!on ac, ?o:055. rea ilt*on, 3,, r,r;shdue rc, -

67 ta ;' "r ihe BAA ;* -;$r- 42' clvd vooa, Br4, 8014? 14 66:lr?7. _Ur" lsi.r;14.'11,. Blalrerd i-. HS. 6S,nB. "tu Sr€fer"a, 32, o.r*t. r-, ' : 14. DerElE EvensoD, lanafd, 7r:08e. roe uccl*essr s!., ,1, chart&aoosa r,*, iiiil :fi;-"'::#, ".';;"i ifi

45. roEelh cer1tuo; u"t., - zsiro10. Np*!, lr-3, ltrata rc, - Trta?, ^ ,i';i";; r;;ii, ; ; 46' ilh. clnlvs, @t., 75t2)+u. chadeB (. (tbson, 45, ba.; chattdoosa, 7r:1512. Eefbert !6ndlo, 39, etroti rc, - 73:oi 11' !t'lr"v (eves, ro'tc, 80:0513. Chdfte cjbsob, 33, ClratLdooea ytcA, ft,:OrL. .av*o sronr. i'. ,^.rr-.. ri. 7i!;5 ;o.- >o. rlck J&.kdek{r btu 4c, ?l:)rl15. Dar DMJe16, Li, ct'"trm.oe- -1cq, t6..' 6 o aseo D"Dl t1' to!e!'t Mcr'ekb, Bo€ton M,8o:2816, .rmes Beech, :i, uat., cratta".i", +A:;117. roe r,4ccleesE, &., cha*aoosa v:,,u., ae , i:,ill'1"',f:l;;jl; i:1 tr. ,Darad !sr;, h.m Ai, ii.iir8. ,rou . ucrsiso, 3r, ,rt: otu , ro:rl .- t: ;:: "' :L' w1l-l1M i4oh6, uet', 8o:q519, lrdleo renu, I+?, c:'ei,oooea.itcA, e!'l - %" 2t" 1"'MlrLeL!' 'rMc, 81:0120. !a1U Deiels, i2, SuFvslde $hool, - ^_- i^ 'id rorrn 5b' llchala Ck!!, lOtC, 76:a\21. eEerh D&1e16, 1o, Suryslde serrool, iet; r'' r o r F cambrrdsF F0r s t?' cw cardh, urat.,' isrtz

__.joe rrccldeds__ 56, 0!u r€Bldc, lla_rtb@ rc,Z5rt9

;;;;; "*-A;;;i;;;;;;;;::-;;;;-;;'---")l ':"il;"'l"ifl"':J: l; e: andre Mo*eu' r{vc' 82,,2

,{,,ix.r1L:,.,x rs,jiou $ crt!€RrDo!, *".. on*i TrIiTu'n'" :;;*. ,,[ }:ri,, .:;*i H: Hffi 3l3i#t1'.H'.", ff:i}I,leathe! flne dih 6one r.trd. 122 sta;e!E, - ic lier de rred "rhs E 92. a5y firlbuh, [,'!,:c, 81:47

Te@ scores: 1. lror-lh Nedfola ctul, 1-5-8- G eller/dqhr' bl' I.ID' I4c\rrltv, let., 75t552-5-o- r': ,. ia -drl-e A , :- -r!=:e; r,.-i-r.rll .; ',j',']':,1.1:: 1. Dsder ru'rop, sosior aa, 8l:usron5 lhrlon, '-1 -11- 2 ; q. iJtu rcr LJ-Ilr-1- = _ " - + l" ,": o'' LaJ Plouf"' u3!', 76tl'rr. !', Dedd cr-thenr rr/,., n:st+ 6:oi i..t' f' " 'd -""',d.,"brt;J ;; 9!' ry+" roohev, Bo6i;ou M' n232. Fobed s!-lllvs, rost"d -aA, 75123 e,"* zi,"i :i'?t** KiEchne!, u1st" 79:28J. Its,llh c"dt, I{ateq1lfe AC, TtZf S,OA eA,A\. paul rhonps;n, ruris, ' ii,zs iz:...Zt,Zi il!:".lTi:;,",5!,,1"i,,"'; "'' "*"* o1*k,3*ll. _ 3j::

*ffi*rtrrt''n#*ffi29. 6u16 Psul, ce. slolt6 u!.,782r Ttaa 7It21 \m d I bre peopre v o-

ii: [ft*#q"rsff'"': *' il:ft 3:A2+t:i? ilI^.Tf fil'3i;?:,":;li,y."'^t?:l)trr;

32. Dousta6 Kendall, ua!., ?8:L\ J:oo 75:lrr 7,e_c.5.ddrr..2 *.". "." , -"M;,;13. J@es sturre., 6at., 78:r.6 8:oo 70:\6 Pos' r2_n c rood 'o e r c.-Dl cqe




Sponsored & Sanctloned bys Long Dlstance Runnlng Co6irltt6e, S.P.A.A.A.U.Ue€t ttrectors Brlan Spri-nger ?0 D€grees' guold' some breeze.X. ToE Bacber SmC 81t20'r' {r1. Leuis Robents, STC'.VA lr1 1023J1l, Bob Deines, Oxy 81:28 bZ, I,red Werber, 5?C B 103:02J, een€ Comro€, SCS 8lr:38 lr3, Bob Tetrtck, sTC VB 45 lO3r3A4, Mtke ldtddlestadt, .El Toro85!I3 t!4. r'rahkti.n,sax, STC B 104e025. 81.11 And€rson, €BAa a5r34 45. Nert Evahs. una. !04rof6. Bt1l Gookl.n, smC 86rOJ t+6" terrT calne, Eltc 1O&r587, Ulko Bornicke unat. 86313 I+7, Tod lerguson, !1 Toro lO5rO28. Dr. Jotrn ?agli.ano STC A 87:10 lJ8. Bruc€ Dern" STC B 105:189, Joe Toledo, SaC A:l 88300 lr9. Lastty, Una. tO7 rlt110. Orvtll.e Atklns, STC A 89:00 50. Rich Serrano, sTC VB 45 r08s27Ll. Carl Bruno, Una. 9O:O5 51. tlarold ital.Lace STC VB 41 108!4012. George Payon, SCS 9or35 52. Robert Herman, sTC VB &3 r09:1C

13. Tom sturak, SCs 9Oe49 5). c'oarles Berilick, Una 109t351&. Phil Callon, STC L 9Lxl7 Jl. Charlie Short, STC VA 42 f09ca615. Don Shanahan, 29? l,lar, 9Le45 55. Eltl orDonneLl-, STC B LA9t3916. filke i4aron, ETc 93124 56. Joh:r lthltney, Una. 110!1017. Mat Hill, Une, 93271 57" Scotty nonnald, 5?C VA 43 1L232718. Rlck Vasques, 6TC L 93233 58. Ro8er Frencb, JT, B 113:2419. Don Jones, SIC VA 42 9taz22 59. calen l,lays, Una. 1I33r,"520, ntck Spavi.nss Una. 948"9 60" lfart tr'r€derick STC VB 6t 11.r€2i,21, Bob Drake, CC"AC 95roo 61. Ted Begenisch, iliMM 1L5:1922. lrehk trreyne, CCAC 95rOZ 52. Davidd Auseles, RRR 11r:5023. Walterc Jewsbury, S"C VAllo 95r5A 6j, !d Turenne, STC VB lr5 176r"924. Bob Bruner, Una. 96107 6lr" J" Koebertein, l.fllM 13.5:5025. Dave Zleser, BTC a7rL7 65" A!. Clark, S"C VET A 55 1173!.0?6. l{orman Lunlan, sTc VA 4t 9?e41 56. Al cooper, sTc VE'r B 50 118!0427. D€Pooter, STC A 97r5A 67, AIex Shearer, LAPD lro llt]!30?8. Roy Spece, mC 93rC7 68, i4tke l{rrr.ay, Una. l?o:zt29. Skip Shaffer, ccAC 9833? 69. Stan ThoBpson, Una. 120:1330, RLctr Raya, GTC a8:41 70. Dan Balle.d, I4Mi{ l?1".5331. Chuck :lurley, BTC 98343 71. nerBan ?odel.t, s'lc VC 55 122?2)12. Bob Cardan, STC A 99t?0 ??, Barry Curtis, STC B l"5r033f. Gary Slngleton, CCAC 99245 73. Don Weston, FmD l)2.353lr. Tom cory,Ena. Looi?3 74, Jack ;frieht, sTc vc k5 132.3535. Mark Ruggles, BRR 100350 7J" garvey .A.nderson STC VC 61 134:1736. Byron Potts, Rn 101:09 76. Johr scotte tr. STC VC 5l 13513537. Phll clarke, sTc vA tz 10r:21 ?7. Tred Grace, sTc Vc ?r 13612l38. Cene carson, ccAc 1ol.s30 ?8. itike K1sh, sTc vc 62 l38r4939, Robort Lan€, l.nlM loz..3tt 79, noberi Eurgeas, Una. 139t3440. Joe tretth, STC B lAZz34 80. Richard StansberA,', Uitrlr'Iew course r€cord, old record set ln 1953 by gruetle ot g2rlr7.)

TEAM SCOREST t. STC A 16, 2. Culver Clty A.C. 65" 3. g'tg VE:t A 67tq. Bruin f,.C, 59, 5. SrC B L22. 5. SIC Vots B 140' 7. ltrlnut€ i"Ien Mllers155' 8. STC Vets C 185. Dlstrlct S.p.A.l.A.U. chanpions: 1. Bob Deinese?ndr eono Coniroer 3rd, Ulke },Ilddtestadt. VETST t. Don jones, znd, WalterJsu6buryt 3rd., llorman l,rmlanA flne etent attract 94 start€rs. Non-dlstrlct runner aom Bach€t out sprlntedBob Delnes for tbe tltle, Just the opposlt€ to the ftnlsb of last weeks 30Kllo Run.- Don Jones proved he hls ln contentlon for top veterans cospetltlonSonlors t.C. won thelr fl-rst dtstrtct S.P.A.A.A.U. champlonships.

IIBST Ilil'IBRt{ATIoML PoSTAI IETERAI,,S 25-KJLoMETER BoAD RL1lApr 5, 1959 at 3:OO P.M.- Internattonal 25kn lroad Run, Pederborn, c€r@ryApril- L3;1969 at 9:00 A.M.- S.P.A.A.A.U. 251no Charxplonshipg, trvine, L.A,, Ca1tf.


c€rcoJ: reoperat.ue 16 c (48 desrees) very coloU.S.A. I Teq)erature 3BC (70 desree6) l,lana, hu&1d,

YTAR BORII TXAMvith a sllght bxeeze.


Darostadt, C,elrlanyArstrie

1. Ron Frankltn#. I92B2. Ilalter 1,leba, I92t+3. Ador Gnrber, 1921l+. nerbed Pteritz, I92,5. l,leinrcd Nagele, 1924o. LronaLd Jones, tyzo7. ilalter Jevsbury, 1928o. No!:oan Lrroren, L>l (

9. Fritz Sowa, A92610. Gnnter ThleLe#( 191411. ?h11 Clarke, 192612. ts€inz Schu-lze, L92B13. Lewis Roberls, 19271l+. Rober,i Tetrick, I92\ro. uulrler fo-LrrocK, I9z517. Harcfd l,Iallace, 7927Lo. l1oDer-! J1enran, tyz>19. Charlie Shorb, 792620. Scotty D)nald, 192421, walter lrcdertck 19O?*x22. Rolf lauchfub, 192023. ilein" A."mon, 191624. xd T,rrenne, L9?225. Jrltus Pietsch, L92726. Afbefi cla"h, 191427, Alberir Cooper, 191828. Alex Shearer, A92829. Joannes Ka1os, I92A30. Karf Waltenade, I92I31. tudo]f qrring' 191132. Heruan Podellj I9I333, Henrlani itril)i,l:1g, 192234. Dr. rcinz ]rrerylecke, 190935, Jack "d€ihir, l-92336, Fr:iiz I.-leen, r9I2f / , da-r€y ll}aerson, 1> ro38. Dr. Jo!-n scott, I9I739. Ired crace*x 189740, l,rike Klsh, 190641. Ent]. vtebarur, L9!742. r,rifhel,n GustaY, I9u9liotes . . .l',ledals vent to the first

1st 7o & qp- Fred Grace,



TIig1:23:36It32.20It32t261:34:16It34 t22l:35 t58I:37:411:38:oBr:!o:381:41r 2r-1:41:241rL2:51

1:48:271: LB:321:48:40f:49:10


.r:58:olr1:58:30l: t9 :162 r0C:402:01r 54



2:1, r312:a6:21"2:18:a9


touzei sv

Seniors TCSenlois TCSenlors TCtrintracbtSc Berfin

Seliors TCSeaiors TCSenlors TC

Sentors TCSeniors TCSenlo.s !CSenicrs ICSeDlo:s TCHe|icrier SC1'TLSentc.s TCCSC:::riflrtSenirrs lJSenicrs lai4fD F3.ers

TSVESVSeniors ll

Seniors :tSentors l:Senlo$ TCSeniors fCSeriore laWtTSV Dlno

Be.lin, Genm]}y

Uanhati:an Beach, Callf .l6ng Beach, Callf.Nevport Beach, Ca].if.Eagen l,lanscbaft, C€roar\yChar.lottenburA, c€'I€nyVan l{qys, Callfor:daCharlottenburA, cernany,

Glendafe, Callf "Plco nivera, Calif.Lalabra Heigbts, Cali.f .

nialto, CaltfornlaIer?o?-t 3each, Calif,

Ve6tercelle, Gert-anylos AnAeles, Callf.Eoechsi, Gem[&,lyOrange, Cafif. USAEl l4on-be, Catif.i.fanhattan Beach, Caltf.

Haneln, Ge1:osnyLos Ar€eles, Csfif.Wafdnief, Gernany

Ialos Verdes, Calif.lotanga, CallfornlaI,os -qngeles, Cafif.lonlana, Callfornlaftmnersbach, Ger1any

ten flnishers. . Gel11aqv ftnished 20 & the LEA finished 22,Is! 0 to 59- C--.:ec -ie-e; Ls! oo ro 50- ts-l-e . cedecickj

--Star Staffoxd--ohfo A.A.u. 3o-KILo cHAl4pIolSHI?, MOI,,AoE, OlrIO, Ma-?Cri 23, 1969l. Tie, Ed Wlnro1{ & Steve Kear1)ey, It4-(t55 (53:35, 9-m e s!lit); 3. uarshau Jones, 1:53:Ul5*3r,5)) 4. Dous Krltzler, r:59.5\ (5'( ta3) t 5. Fred Herstnan, rt59t54 (5tJ4);6. tsob Elair,!t5r5\ (571fu) tlei 7, Bill sottins, 2roo:38 (5?:40)i g. ron Da]/ls, 2:01:29 (58:11)i 9. carlcarey, 2:04:19 (57:41), 10. Dick cLevenser, 2:a5t\5 (57:55);1f. Roland A]lspmh, 2;22:58 (59:23)12. Clair Duckh€.nr 2;30:3f (70:13) DN|- Fran! Molttor, Mark lorst.natr.lfotes, , . Keamey, Winror,r 9ltl Jones ran a good, light race unttl shodly after the 9-nile tuJn-

around. Kearaey & itrrow started €ursins here leavins the Troy H.S. lrl1er st]:l€eline for thir.o,2-I4i1e Fiiness Run- 1. Ton Sebree, 10:14; 2, Mtke Sorin€, 10:54j 3. Cralg Kritzler, 11:08, 4.

Dick De]png, 11123; 5. Sruce Kirtz1er, Ur43; 6, Jin rrtle, 12:03j ?. Bob Blatt, r2:23j a. !1e:rAnspach, 12:39; 9. Wayne Tarcho, 12:44; lO. Nlca Sbanis, r2t55. (16 ftoishers)


ffi l*i##*#Puo"r#"Hsr""*ry**%HPIlhen Srowdj]e Ross sugaested. that hele vas abook I lrt8ht enJoy, ltlrtle dld I reallze irhetreat 1n siore for !1e. Thls Ltttle laDerbackof feDer than ftfty leges ot.ers a rine of

curren-t flndlngs based on souxd Ecientiflcreseerch. As loteresting as a one-leggel run-ner and as usefol as a sltde-rule to an ensl-neer, and lhat's a factlYourfl love the honesty of thl6 book, !.epar-ed by Na1i.d L. Costill of 3a-1f State Lhi\,,er-sl-ly. It speaks l{ltb nodest as€urance of rrhatIt knor€, I'hat careful and exteasive research

has brought to llght, 1lhat lrhe cooperatlon ofna.rtry persons e.uil A?oups hs€ caused to coneclear. But i.t ace6ntt preteDd to k!d,' what tsstll1 tn doubt, does aoi sph useless theoliesto flLL up the gaps in knovled€e, A book onvhlch you cen Jour achtne Achtlles ten-I./hat 16 a d:6La.nce rr.rnner tlke: rov does he,or better, how shoulil he tr:atn? Whet about tn-terval t.alning, orerAlstance traiE':gr trat-tng pace, trajnlng frequency, lurrftion, €nd

\,rhat about a host of other things? Scores,|undreds, of books, papers, research pro,jectsflnd their vay lnto these brlef psges, yetlrlthout rcLing then techrdcal ald dry. Honeylrere froo a thousaod flol{.ers:As balarced a6 a f,llle track shoe, rErlous

vielrs aoal experlneats are brougbt toge rerfilth clear, prectlcal vi6aon. To the eroe"ien-ceal, laalely-reEd nmne " much of rt"l6.d-1]ploye fanilla.r, but to nev $d eri:periencedal1le this q)-to-d.ate (1968), conclse, scten-tlficauy sulporEed offerlng lIIIL brtng oothI)leasure ard proflt,

(RrbLtshed by the A.aerican !,E6oclatlon ForXealth,_ rbysical gducatlon, Ard Recrua,-oa,12Of 16th St., N.W., !r'ashlD6to!, D,C, 20036,it selfs for $1.5o. )

JACI{SON N'INS DC RRC 15 }{IIERCoLu&bta, I4arylanA, 8- Steve Jsckson,lr€shtneton Sport Club, von tbe fealured 15-Dd-ler 1n e serles of rbree races sponsored oythe DCITRC at the beautilU ne$ comunltr of

CofurnDla, I,tl. Shefdon,f,adin, Lbtv. )f \,tary-fard, cha1lelAeil for the lead several ttllesilu.rlng the rece but i.ecked the stalla@ !obeet the veteran Jackson. fhe race .was lrefdov'er a 5-&i1e out & back courEe i,hr.oush therollina courtryslde.,the f,5-ei]e ena !-drer&ces vere heLl cotrcurrcatlyj and it is lnter-estllg to note that Jackson Led the enttrefteld, tucluding Mtke Burke I't|l!er of tbe 5-nt1e, at the erd of the ftr6t 5 oltes. veather:Partty cloudy, chllly (Jtrid 30ts). Jackson'ssplits:28:41,57:l€.l:-i\,liLe Results: 1. Steve Jackson, VSc, I:2?:f4.d; 2. Sh€Id.on Karf,ln, U.of lld,, t:28:l+!; 3.BiIL I'4u.ILeD, WSC, 1:37:00; 4. ceori Barnes,wsc, l-:36:34; 5. Pauf r€ach, r:39:22t 6, Jotl"

Wlnslotf, WSC, It39r42t 7. Ken Scbatten, l_:l+3:3oj4., Joh! LaugbtaDd, 1:lrj:59; 9, Ilerle Hal!rtck,1:43:59i Io. Steve curets, 1:l+:3?; U. A-t Fttar1:45:5,!; L2. walter Kon)EElx, 1:45:53; t3. w rDunker, l:L8:ro; 14. Oeorge M'.lor, I:|,Otz5l. Ij.Jobn Beares, f:51:l+0; 16. Fred lrrlver, tr5?:OB;L7. Bl11 Mtsh, 2103:30.

DllF- C:eorge Cu6hrac, tien Beha&on?-M11e Results: 1. Utke Burke, U.of 14t., 28:l+t;2. 3111-Shrader, U.of 1d.., 30:05; 3. na.v€ Broul,

32:06; l+, Ray eordon, uSC, 33:j5.George Philllps, [:23; 2, paulYale coldberg, 11148; 4. TedBolr 31€ncbard, t2:OT; 6. Da1reGary Ler-ine, I2.26t 8. JeftDr. $e11 solonon, 13:32; I0,

--Ray Cordon--

IRAI\]K ?FIAGTNG i^If]is D.c. B.ItrLER]{al,ional Na1'af, Uedical Center, B€ihesda, Ml.,

March 1e,- Irank ?fl tn€, veteian aistence run-aer frod t1le Bettll3oxe O\nDic Ctub, broke avayfrorx Charfte Sh.raderr una,.,, ar 3 n1.e6 o rinrhe aev d-orile -ace thlougb the \arionat '{avalllediccl Crounds by 4a6 l.rith Sreve Jackgoo of ther^rashbston Sport Ctub thtrd, 1:31+ bac! of thelrianer. The course 'earu?es Ehor.t, 6teep hltlsbut 16 free of rraffic B.1d partiaq/ vooded. TbeBcthesda Jaycees sloncored the race.1. Iiark ?fl€€ine, 3oc, ,+3:19; 2. charll.e Shrad-er, une., ,.4:03; 3. SteTe J€crrso1, tIsC,4L:53;!. Sheldon Kalltn, una., h5:02; 5. Ji.!1 creen,trn3., 4b:59. e'. ceorae Cuslmac, rlSC, )+7 t52, 7.Bob Dtnoff, una,, L8.50. 8. l,{i*e .lorreon, una.,49:18; 9. BJn }tulle 1, 1,l5C, l+9:35; 1(r, -Brendenfqen, ur€., 50..23; B, Jtn Tiffary, u!a., 50:23;12. Paul. Leach, una., ,l:50; 13. uuberL t4orgaa,una., 50:55; 1L. John€hta4d, uno., 5t:06; i5.Jolm FinLaJeon, {Sc, 51130; 16, Davia Brour, una,52rl5t I7. -A1 Barnes, una., 54:l+4; rB. ceorgeI{slor, ura.J 55.:22) 19. }tck Sch.@, .ul,€., j5lr,)20. ltlke Bredley, \)aa"., ,Bt?jt 21. Joha ven11Ds.una., 61:07; 22, Chet SaIktDd, una., ?5:LL,e:g]g_-ffi,f. 'er?y cox, fo:25; 2. ,er? yru{11:25; 3. l4arl zendel, 1l:3Lj l+, Bob Blalchard..11:431 5. Richard Du&ir,tto4, 11:5C; 6. Steve -

Cu:tts, 11:52; 7. paul ne8egt, 12126; B. DaveBrci6on, 12:54; 9. t.{ark Chrrstopher, I2 rj, !A.car1 Detr,ryler, 12.:59. (26 ttntshers)1-1411e FIll,: 1. nrlc Rodriquez, 5to?; 2. Tl-r

i{organ, 5:O7, 3. Ceorge Christol)her, 5:13; L.A1aa Rodriquez, 5t22t 5. \1.J. Sndth, 6:4r; 6.Bruce Bulnsiae, 6:l+2. ( ftntshers)-neJ Goraon-

mTL, Cha-feeton, -ltl.ojs- Ox l,tarcb 20 at 6:15p.n. 24 IIYLrer€, rhose ages avera_Aed LO.! 7ee-stook parb in the t.I.lo n1le ],fe}ch Meze, (8 1apscor.rr.1ter-cloclndse, ])fus ? laps clockilse_ indoortrack). Torx Woodal-l, 33, turned in the fasiesttiae of 1t:51. c. :ettrcootr Ir?, ru-med tn af.tne 1l:0[. Over 6O nen ln the E.T,U. prosr€l!have earned 500-mtle ite bars. It vlll be easvGoir€ frolr no'fi on. -he rtrst 5OO mile6 a]re th;hadest:


CARY MllIRCrc WINS 3-MIIE MET. .AAU RUNClove I,ske Park, Staten Istand, N.y., Aprll t3gary l4rb"cke, trtlltrose AA's distance runn1np6tar, ron the lht. AAU 3-nt1e nm tn 1lr t)rl.Ml.}u'cke von by 20ct over teaunate Ro.lrtevove. a fla! twr-Iap course. rJe led fro.. 6barfto f:{sh & covered rhe cicst ta! tn T:t)r.a.erc vere 23 starre"s & al]. but one rLn:sneo,The cou.rse recod ls 1U:05 set hy ceor,ge Wts_ne\.r6kt, St. Anthorlyrs BCr last sueoer. Theroeet record ls hetd b./ Nocnan Eisstns 01. tseBoston AA - ]4179.2, 1968. L6L .,ep F.nlsb1, ca? i\trhIcker lEll-ose 4,a, ---T;ft fqT-2. 3:ck Rculeyr :4tUroEe AA, 7 i5 ) j:72J. John carle})]), MiJt.ose AA, jt2\ Ir:.54. Dow Mi.aldt_eton, MqA (lsr ft,.) 7 31 \5 i95. Glenn Mccartby, Lon€ Istand AC,I:JO t!:L5o, ceorge tai,son, ulat., 15:5?i ?. Rtchexdc91,.!9r!9, xryac, t6:oo; B. c"eorse {o.hEfn,

MA,q, lb:10j 9. Bob war6on, Sfate: rsland 10. lialLer Gordonr S.I. qc, t5:29j ti.Donald BerDleartr u:ra., r5:L3; 1.. Joe,S,,I. AC, 16:5,; 13. Ton sar1, s... AC, ITo:-;1rr. Russefl Wiuls, Hackfey A, t?:tL, 15. DanDouahedy, Sr., s.I. AC, tT:18; 16. Blff Ste,_art, S.I., Ac, I7t36t a-/. Ba.ry Crei6terr Jr,,'Lna., 17:L3, fB. CharLes o]ive-, una., 17:52j19. I€e Chermey, rL{iffrose 4A, tB:15;20. fricGe:sler, ura., .IB:29: 2I. art Cherneyr une.,I9tO9t 22. 3r.rce MacDonald, u4a., 19:50.DllF- Joe lraserrl, Jasper TC.Teenage Prlzee: 1. Doug t4lddletonj 2. Ba"ryGelsler, Jr,; 3. Lee Cherney. --Joe netnen.6.!_

l/A.l,IEATTAll 94, FAIRIETe! DTCCINSCN 51 at TeaneckI:{.'!.1., Ipdl 12J 1969 (pe-oa- tex track)$I:- 1. loveU, i'{,.4:13.8, 2. 3ai1ey, FD, l+:]9.7j l. Pap". "0. L:19; L.sheehrn, v, rr:2r.!!g- 1. L Ic\r-tu, rt, 1:51.3..3-l.rte- t. lr'c-Brider lv, 1L.2r.6; 2, wal€h, M;JFfB.L, 3.Betley, :D, l,r:5o..Frosh M le- 1. Beachr M,L'.6. 1 -, -rosh 2-Mrl6:-I:-rEFa;hnd, l l, Io : LrFROV JApJ\:{ T,IGS - reb. 2l+r J959- -. Tana.kavon the 3o-Kllo oae }laraabon tn I:3L:3?.1+ onSurday, Fel. 23rd. 2Ed, N. Ishlkura, r354p.\,3rd, Y. ra.kao, 185,)+5.6. (45g runnirs--6 over'50 years ofd & 5 of these fldshed: 1,he etdestat.e,2 vas T. T6utsda, 2:!5:OO f,or 31oth I)lace,Ketzo^Yanada, 41, 1953 Boslon .hrsLhon vinner,las 58ib.) A fo,ooou race hetd the ss.oe davves von by S. Kasart of Ccflmerclat ,XS tn 3r:16.Note: urrlhg the 196T pa..} A]d carxes the Ja!a,.}ftn1e6 vas the orl.y laper ouLslde of the tDmedi-ate Canadian area that had a picture of l.s.rryroulg, r,l-rrrref of the 5otral Hat!. They haee ex_celleDh forg dlstance co!-erage - t/orld Wid.e.

__ ___ _______ _-_---:----___PoRTIAI\D, olncot, Aldt 4, 1959Mlke n€-un, Benso! AS, tur-ned tn a ftne doubtevlctory rrlth tlees of L:15,9 and 915.2.co6 lAI, oFEGoN, Alrit l+, 1969Stere Prefolcalae, trAr6bftetal, 4:LI.I A 9:13.4]1o!r's thar ''or a latr of doubtes on the 6sr1e

]TRAD i{lNZ EMONIAL 10 MIIfr IIANDICA? ROAD BACESaturdqy, Aprtf 12, 1959 vlctory Memorlal Hve.Ili.Er:eapot 16, Mlnnesots. Condtttons: 7Oo, su::qy, -llght lrlbds, flat corrrse. E.T. ncD. Act.T.1. pi,. "1. Andbersf 5?, rnc, 7rl.85,),-i 6dE7e. nrca rraJllond, .24, ICTC, 76105 IA 63fi5I, Tlo Het6et, 15, rroltins, 76er 6 57t2i4. r,Eke shefttdan, 19, U.M., 7656 e 5i,162. -3oo

Dav!, 31, Tcrc, Z5:to scr.:r:r,o*b. Dr.Robert Poley,4o, TCTC, 76:I+9 rO 6r{9J. {ohn gre:!er, u, s!.pauf,; n,o} i,zo- iel.szu, De sven6on, _18, U.oF r4., ?7:tL z,Zo itrie

_".10. Jeff Relesu, 25, TCTC, nS2 I 5j:52.LJ. pat Le-nln, 30, tc-C, .18:26 jt3) 56:1613. PI: Kell w1lson, Lf, tcrc, Z8:38 -e- 6r,ie13. Il116n r,racer, 30, una., 7e:!o 3t3o 57t2o_14. n. A.tex BateIIe, L2, -crc,79t@ 6 6t$r). uo'ns crft16, 19, ura., 79tz9 IL 6B:2prb. clare Nelson, 39, rcTc, 79t39 25 79:-917. Dftebt PlersoD, 32, Ro;h.rc,'791*t ri 6i:,14-16. f-Arb Fforcyk, 11, JCTC, 799' rB 12

'L19. clea cusLafsoa, 25r TCtcr BO:02 3:3O iB:3220. tob lveplle, 31, -clc, 82:31 -1[ ?i;;;2-1. John Schaubte, 19, Bexdldll Sta;e coLLese,86:09 to ?t:09ll5- Dave AtklDson, Griec Lee, r,tari ruhe, roncrlffln, Dave Ltane.\otes,..Dr. WlUlan Aadbe cg, lhe olat grqy :oxrrom Anoka, tEnnesota, book ful.f adya-arage oi af2 allute hanallcap & pushed bxoself to a lerson_aL best for the flat to ndle ctrcutt. Not rdthst€-ndtn€ the fact that he vas ktcked 1n the tegby a bu-ll earlter 1D the weak, the.e vas nos:opplng the lr?y and ldry I Lylb8 Ftn[ olce heqas )fc, The fleld vas a d tEaplotntoent both t-nnuEber6 €ni the overaf,t queLlty of the perfof_nance6. Ttris yearrs fie.ld was tess than balf tirenr.rnber that crossetl the 11ne to tbl.6 race a year€€o.,Ihe avants rere out6bqrrdJn€, cabberts of:dlna coourlbuted six exceLlen! nercbaDdisel:],:" f". the rop t1nes, the .(urz caolly Eup_puel a trave-lllA rroptv :n rbe foml o" a s11_ver plaque, anal the l,Eruesota toad Rurme.6 Ctubprol.l.ded 10 trophies for the bandtcap divlslon.Ron. Davs_clocked r2:t 9 (2.5 nrles), i5;r 2 i5,1_1e6). 1 39:48 (1,: nr:-es) enroute io his jrlio-c_Lock1!g. --PatL€nln-_

aqy by htgl school :'urDers! 2^ffere-rs.

a pr€tty falr trlpfej 2:OA.9, l!t4.t+ &::1o.r by DeDlds Ueed, Cert€nntal H.S., Cre6hE&,o]€gon. Re ran these oa Apr1f, forh tD a duatneet, n1a team 1o6t -

WISCONSIN IryTURlS:Sst., J1Ay 5th- Natlo,al AAU Jr. -&t Ch&oplcn_sbtps ( lncludes f,O,oOo,L )Set., Au€ust t6th- NatloDe-l AAU J}. f5,OOOo,cha$plonshh, Iake paik, I{itvaukeeSu-Ddqy, Aus. 24th- Wla/aukee Tc 10 \qle RoedRace, Iake Park, ttltvau.keeContact; Wulf Koeuert, 299I Fem€n st.,Mlll'aukee, {lscons1n 53m7

!! cer,cncn rnAcr cl-lg's GUt!'A,A.u. cRoss-couurRyIDEI, I"leccrecor Park, 1iou6ton, Texas, llarch 29A'ult -hyslcol rltnegs 2-MtIe (rB to 28 yl.s)1. Jlmry Gilbert, ]l:ol+lll"Ti Janes cod\'dE,11r05,3j 3, :ony clbson, !.rlB.6; 4. ',/rightrr'liUta.ns, 11:35. (20 flnishers)-9- j) Jrs. -, l. -Dor,

ltvood, lJ:52; ^2.^Jobn84{en, ,LL:)qj J. ULenn -!r'€.Ke", LZ:uqj +.

-afcdq .I.hns,., r?:lL. ('- finishe.s)"\Gr;. & Orex- l. l,larre4 tsr|ce, I2:57t 2.Kenneth Bamey, 13:07, 3. Glb Black' 13:15i 4,Lrvefl i{111er, 13:21. (15 flnlsherB)rut'.' €9r - 1, Jare sec,?, ceeron -. , ':52.9t 2, Gipsonr It. worth Tc, 2:53.7i 3.

Jrlce -arr-'ic.r, B€-vr,o!n, ):r/.1. {to '1n. ':€il:es lL ,/- 1. 11de 'e]vey, Jsuaq j ar.L

22 flnishers..nm l.n tvo heai:s.Boys l8 & Uodef 1 Mlfe- 1. l,e"nar lverett,

3el1aire H.s., \:Tt:6-2. tslale lbnin€-..rezrS!.a-\e lesLl0,5:6; ). Jerr Bea$an, r:.5?eJesuitr 5:19,6. (22 finishers)Housefilves and Caxeer Cirls 1.{i1e- 1. Bosalle

Adalr,5:'8.2, 2. .Lillle wtrlta'rr, 7:1 :'Lare croon, ?:30. (6 finishers)'teather- beeutifu-lj Total flnlshers in al-i

evenls 10? (. ].x s N e un):"ic1?]The Gulf ,l,a-U Che.nEtonship T3s ir,eet (llat_ 2+ib,

6 ?.u.. 3utler starilrJl!) viLI lnclude cne 3cu1t

The :a."reroi TC ainounces: Culf A:-U I_J lleetlJune 14th 4:55 i.1"1. ai l,lacSieso. Paflr, llousi,on,v- -5.?.r2ilerirn - i: enol€h entrtes" lrolhies €!c ribbons.-rfo-0Btton "ron: ie: -- . o 're -. \:eet D1r

llll-11:ii:-!::1:-f ::-::-::::r-::::: l1::::-.j.:All'i]l l|qlr il'lDOCi Tli- lEl!-. .iar:: !r 1959r.iile, 1. Steve hrll1er, J. c:' r€.:r.' f:31.4; 2"

en --,ar.:e!:.. "4?]iC! 3" r, i:)vre, _-. oi l"lalne"2-l.lile: .r Bcb ts1ckey, i.ri."1. :::4.11 2. Raipr,caan1.,;.'4C., \a.C3,2t 3, cra:a ac-1s r:, i.l:D.r,

. Bi:. .:ls. n i.. ' :iisster:* .fi1. I aMef, 40l I i. ,r-1.1: .::cl:a:^lj li-c,r:ri:'t:J ; -iornl

lrlalia3er lr-"-. -i::l-.: .i.! rl.:Drr,:;Li. :,€'i!e UaEi:.:: r l.: :, Bi"r..:lirorir,:r.. lr'rlt " 5t5r.) '.. :..!4' I:a:::, .l: -':'iii:ie] rrif,r .,:ii2".14::;! ri,l i 3i:r"_,jP:.,.'ti.e, Lr:x:. ;:i6,2 p&i;ri-:: :ie:rq€ i.u.i..r' i:Al{lloti\la' i l(; - ::: }{t]e iic.n Facej .;erd::'e:, I'E:n.l4ar :iir".:: : li.1l. lnter ''iiti:r iolsna: J. :I,'et: jt. l.t-6lic,r aenie;, !.. C,'2:':\.:,..rir:._ l: a irnostlt r.&:i S'r- -rra" lja

it\t \ 1.'t,:, a --,n. lnieT v1!r| L,, JrjD :, 1, ^ ir-,, . I or:i. noad. j sl" Foi:: an.i,,, ar.rri "

Sreche, Salukl TC, 60:16; 1I. Richaid Ktng,ucTc, 63tl6t 12. charles Kraus, una., 67:47;rJ. Arr r4cLendon, uurrJ tJ:+u.4 1/2-I4i1es- 1. 3ob Becker, una., 24:22j 2. BolfiEzen, r1oa., 24:2\; 3, A. ltortarano, 2l+:39; l+.

-,ou Davis, u.ra., 2L: L: . U, 1t.schner, 25:106. I{inandy, .lna., 25:f8; ?. iievLn Shanahan, lm.-c:29; B, J. t€nznJ ul€., -":5i o. l. Latsch,.|J'.,a,, 25.49t 10. Mike Joharm, una., 25:53i U,q. Scnloaeroack, una., 26:Ooj l. . q. :ooney, r26:2-Lt 13. A. stoh1, ucTcJ !5i26i rl+. K. Mc1,lulluna., z6:\.2; 15. Barretir, Jna., 26:44j L6. r.Drrkin, una., 26t58t !7, Wetzbaraer, 1De. ' ?ltl1". Al F.edz:n, Shanrock , 27rk0: 19. J, G.Jkey, rma., 2B:o1; 20" A. K.renjak, urE.,2B:0r,(3t fintsherslNctes..,Tony ilaleth vol1 the Sheroclr TC l5kr

r.- --"-Tlcte .:dJ..::1 co1-ege All-I"ner'c.n, Bob C-ay. Gray _a'11 jLil l"^ -ee-ienced se.'e:e slom€cb cru-... tbe hal ve: nrrk, "ouev-r, he 1u,ld on to e1

_ .ce L r_r.d!6_t_ 4 - L. -q ^.. -..-ner: .,:Lh

?a]:.a o'd.C. ?ichards HS ri Lhi.l, 11ke

sophonore ai: St. Patrick rE in fifth.3 rh^r+Ar L 1l) n lF .2.F n,n ..n.,,r.pnrl

.^'lth th€ 15knr vas von by Bob Becker of st' Igrtlus g.s. - a l+:30 m1lel - lrit:I, a 24122 cLack1)!a I di6 .r .

lnul.'lir€ Progran and posstbl-v another r'oad. ru-']during the nonth of Ma:r. --Geo€e J, Gabauer-"

1]E]IItSSS TRAC!3€Ii SIdEEF F]XI,I ElV'I]\IS. BEI:'vrLLAUcvA, 88-65K4ov-atile, Tern., Sat." Aprii ii- Sout_reas-ierr:

Conferencs ch€.np Tenne66ee, sveepln€ aiL bu: ot!.,re 1r. eeven "le-o ev.rL., lr-k- .:-'LTo"

S4a,OjOCO s;r:rthetlc lon li.rack traeli. ril:ltarotr.).r. co-ei en-1cs6ee 6z-: ". ' ...tb3 II:, iieEiii suffeled a lu€€ t!: : 1;: Iirr"Jnnlng events!ii_€ :,. l"jartl Li.quorj .. ri,nl :r: rr, lla.ct:.

r,. i:-e1e; Ti :1. chris ite-":rr" ,-":..r-'..' t:':t:J:r ' : :

t:10o" lglfglg- i. rold i]|nlrei.r ', .:.)i).'.,$l:ere lielsor:, l; J, Gcrii] l\'1-- r: i".3,r.1' l-'a. l.r'fLar'r:ll Ke]-iJ t:,

SiAl\iliaitli llYilii Cl'!'! l:-iil!O 59"1 ."L;; ;p ! irl?'n.l:l.f rraAl I1'!ll. Alis rarh. Chic.€o! i-lr:;aoj:si,-rdqr', ra/c,t lj, 1959 3urrv & rxi.ii.iftr - I {or,: raleth, I. centraix 52:li-i 2. -BorGrq1l. t'I. centlalr 53:4i; :r. Dare nalLjai ur,ai".5"i:4.rr rr. l4tre ',,i-lEe, unai,, 5li:18; 5. 3ob tasnerunat... :r:3:l; 6, Tom l,oechel, rue., 55:41; ?.Ken 1ou,\ .':., 56:50: o, 'hiis ta_r-r, ur-at.,57 09 i" Ua'a Slcihd,. una., >9:lbi lC. "ob

ar)PPEt$ ri:ia],!l]l ]li 5-:itl :tqtril

1lx l"liddis !.ilant1c lica! nflne.: ;,l-ub a . 29:!.:isaa{r,ttrj Alrii 5th ove: ri:re :...ii Perns G!'o\,:,

Sourh Je:sey TC, ves selorij 1! 30;3J.l. :rich l,i!"ersr Phile. AC, 31:C:; 4. Cec,lee D:L

rc',, SflC: 31:32; 5, Faui ],ucusklr te1lli AC, 3?:l6" cary-ieade:., Delevare 1tffJ -:l:05; 7. Rus. &6on: sJlcr 35;00, B" ?a'U Buchliofer, SJTC,35 to'l .9 '

DC RRC 2-l,1AN IO-!trLE ml4Y, Arclrblsho! CalroU offtcLatua, ,"bLte Bob Schalf ran rn tbe n3.yl- ?5H.S., washington, D.C,, March 20, 1969 Run. None erc 1a conatjttlon at p?eseut for afhl6 race, consistlng of altemate quarter race of tlrts dlstasce. Ilhe *€s,ther lras a.n un_n1les, ra€ run 1n ldeaf $eabher on the CarroLL sprlbgllke lrO degrees lrtth snow flur.rles.H.S. nen, all-veather track. Ruas TaLator, run- Ilx tbe l{aster,s 1\Io-Mtle, R&y (iordon.5o. the fastest everage- quarters, teaned. rdth o1€r hls old rtvsle, Hafc;r Xorpnan, f+!,-ana fea8111 Shader, eho ran 4th faetest, to 'idn over BurkcL!, 48, tu U:13, lit,ble Su.€an Fa!.cett. tI.a fleld. of te! tean6. fhe tl-Dre vas sllgltly off l'roa the Iadles | 2-nlte race ttr 13:59,the 45:52 Eet by charu.e Koe6ter endl Charlle 3O_(11o- r. r,ra* pflaslnA, B(r, Lt36-l9.6, 2.trGs6erser (Balttutore 0c) td a stnlLar :.ece on fu" sy 8".r"",r, ccA&-fi8;i.g;-i,;il6i"it,'us_ihe lhtverstty of t4a1yhnd. "ird"" tT"I.t-!. , MC,-t:38:55i.L. rrit" Z"tfocty, Harrtsburg AAA,septerober. sberdon Karrln hsd ihe secoad fastest r:39.i3,-5: orri lJ rrs, kiiv.". raF. i:r+o:[6;ttu€ (68,95) s+d. btsh school senror, r,arrv roer, 5.-iof i6ijljs;; c"ttfiif;:ffi!.liid;Ii}:tbtrd fasLest (?0,95). Larry Bryant,.,""., riUe,d; 0. #;.-M;y,' ''The 2-ntLe myl, ostensrbly a ron-colpetlttve cetty"rui,E cl["i.i p.., t-tSort+e;" g. c""""La.",race, tu$eil lnto a tllltLler as mck. Dlgan .f ,-"., w -itr&.d foiu., r,:r,o:; to. Joh vlns-the U.S. Arnry aod tte F. Geffney of,the^Naw, _ tos,'\.rsc, I:;2:O4; [. i"""a* ig.",'Vsi, r;!i,lrran iogether urtll the flbal tu!! vhen- U€e.nrs 12. 'BiLL- !,tutien, tsC, t,:lr,dr; fj, C"o"ei Crr"hru..last dltch klck sal/e htu a 5s dctory tn 9i42. HSc, r:55:18; r{. c"6rr n ""uu, isc, tti5,59; :15.The flfst nlle ?a3 cover€d in 4149. Kelrh patto.r o"r".rer, i,iiio6; ;.6.'. ;; l6Lc{-Cieorge l.4aJor, 55, cattured tbe Age croup M1Ie ron, l|SC, 2:61;35; ti. ,lobr tar:sbtard. una,. Z:tn t:33. o3'zg; 16. r"" 6"Lii.", ;:,; o4,.ii, r9:';;-g9-BJ9:M1+=ry]9I: 1. 3tu shrader,72,3 & ter psse, r,rsc, 2:08:r.9; 20. v.irlln creenrerur,

Ruas Tal!to!, 65.95, unat., 46:05.Ot 2. Paut HsCr 2:O9r5l, 21. Joh! tADnlbs. una.. 2:12:1?rIf,ugh, ?3.9 & Gieorge Cu6hac, 72.23, vEA,, \8t 22. Ken Behanloh, wSC, 2:25:4j! Zf. iflf r,Uit.1?,9i 3. CharIeB !"",*, ta.O & ceorge^Scbultz, |.r!la,., Zt2:t52; Al+. Barry Deutscb, Lraa,, Z:31+:iO;76,95, 'u[r€.,49:55; 4, Idle Blaaley,82,45 & trbsler's [{1].e(2)'"iii' r-"ir", &6115; ',"":,";o'ri; r. roh! urlr']- ri.r-i!-r:-u;ir;."*:::*'"i' lfl T*31: l"'sro,r, 79,5 & Bilr-rturlD, 23.5r, wsc, 5r:o.3i 5. r"d-&d;";;;ie, i6cl uiai,t. ?"ii"'trilii r_:,rtu shoeoaker, 78.55 & rob" B"ady, 77.1, una,, n;5;t:';;L -ilii-iao,".,-l:, r:.,1:l e. G."ii51:55; 7. tohn l€u8htand, 77.0 & Dave_Brovn,,.", SS, t]jUe; j.;ota iaario, e{,':r2r]f; Bi79.5, \ba., 52:12; 8. Mtltoa CreenbarE & Itartln er'.lciehaa, I2:il; 9. Loren t&Iotyr€; 10. i4ar_Creerbere, WSC,- 53:35t 9. Ye3-e coldberA & Robh 6haff Rol,leite. (16r it:.srrers)Ilcker, une., 54:02; 10. Pat Devbe, 93.2 & hr- L€dtes 2_Mi1e (oa tract)_ 1. suearx rai,ceti, 13:ry NoeL, 70.95, carrol-l s.s., ,l+:43. ,- :Cffisiirr", :.'or." rrl:.*". (p rio.)'2-I'E1e mYL: ]-. Rlck D€ao, 9t\2t.2. _n^ ce?- '4Sf9 lCyr f "i.;-corrrser- l. cbs.rle6 sh?€der,rDE;-tfr7t-3. Don canero, ro ro8j )+..rerry _ - 9-4ffi.r'#;; ey, 9il,b; z. e r ;h"J.,, --'youls, lo:lr4; 5, Jqy carcta, fo rlAj 6. Bob Red- s,iii [. i.] s"h#--'ro,o9; 5. Telry you.s, tollEl, ]l.:l?:_T:j ce9rs9. pd*-lr:: u-:pi_8._{oh! i5;6.;J-;r#t-io,:i.-(ro'ri"r"i,""JEitJajllcceehe!, IL:24; 9. Steve [h.rtt-n, U:55; 10. -______----______:_Dave Sronson, J224. 129 ftDt8berr) XO{ELI MICfiAEL SETS }fILX MAiK, v&M TOPS IRISfi4ge Group 1 Mlte I t. (l€orEe y€.Jot, 55, 5r33t {Ultdrsbure, Va., Tues., Apdl 8- Sophodore

2- Bruc-6-frGni;, L6, 5:01; 3. Ed. BalroE, 30, For-eLL Mlchae1 noveal c1o6er to hiE eoaL of bet-5:13; I. Joe Mccal'tqf, Ll+, 6:3fi 5. Charles terin€ four ld.uutes in the n1le h lesdlngPuI.ves, 49, 5r39t 5. Janle Bumstae, 10, 6rl+3i ll1111s$ & I4Ery to ar 84-70 lre6tlge t.ack vlc-7, Sus€.n lavcett, U, 7:I2j 8. hrry Noel, 47, tory o\,€r Notre Darc before 3,000 fan6 at Cary7t\4t 9. CLljAt Ferrcett, 9, 7:l+5t 10. l.4ar1ene Fleld. or a beautleul day, Mlchael lan I+:03.3lhccoliber, 8, 7:58; ff. Pat spee., 50, B:L7; to blee.k hls o',lt sehool Esrk of 4:0\.8 ser la6tY:-Ylli-liTl!:-1-?:l?:--::Y-iili::-- ff.'i""H":'::*S i;y;:;"T.5:'"ilil* Y-PFIAGINC i\rIl€ OVER BUm,oCn AND CIAri( IN DC RnC 4;oT,T estabushed rrL !966 by ex-v&M sta. Jlmqr3O-KIr,o, Rockrtlle, MarylaDd., ].4arch 30, 1969 Jolrnson. "I felt g"eat & couLdn,t ltave beenI'ralk ?flaglng, yeteran laltl-Eor€ O!,yrl)lc Cluh codletlDg lr]rAer llole lalea]. conalltlons,'r l\l'chael

!!, outleggeil A!}y Burfoot, Celtr:al Co!)r.AA, 6atd afte! taklDg elother flrst place ln thetl€ 1968 Sostou }tarethod vlctor, to vl! tbe DC 3,oOOr 6icha6e fa 9:2L.5. {16 El].e s}Llts rere:AAU chailptonshlr, 3o-kuo race held at Robert s, 2q.o, 2:o3' 3:03.t.Pee4r u.S. ln RockrlUe, I,taryland. lflagll1g's 9!9- f. Rlck wohlehuter, l,ID, 1:50.7; 2. JuiIEtl-ne of 1:36119.5 sbattereat the oItL couise .cc- LuzinE' 1:50,7 (test flnlsb of tbe sftenoon ssoril set by Art CooltdAe ln 1958 ty over tblee both clacked tbe Cary Fle1d. record of 1152.6)..nhutes. 3111 C:.srk, quantlco l[arlnes ?e!e&1a1 J:Ulg- f. Ceo. Iravl5, V&jn, !11l.22.2t 2. Ito11e!a!sroil ex-Notre Ilane ace, f1nl6beal tbl-rd. PflagtnA, l{D; 3. l.,lcDuffle, LI&}I..Mlle- f. it{tcbaet, W&M,Burfoot, and clalk ran together fo! the ftrst L:o3,3; 2. Joe eulgley;-M, L:o?.3; 3. Tex wood,tro loops of tbe Dode&t€1y b.t11y three-loop vI&1"1, 4:2O.6..3,0OOn SC- 1. MlchaeL, 9:21,.5, 2.corE6e. wsc aces Ipu c8staanoLa and. Ge! wiILtunB gYr5i.", \'tE,l,..' 9t32.'lt 3. I{lke Dolulel]y, \D,

: oG'oRD, oluo RoAD RAcEs, March 9, 19691o-M11e6- f. Steve dorlEch€.k, 55:26; 2. Denntslay6, 55:oB; 3. Dtck Syotngtoar 56:)+Z; l+. sooEfl, .)7:10; c. Joh! B1alr, 5B:10r 5. Nat Wbte,58:llj 7, Bay Scbrser, 58:59; B. ,qeslno Espttta,59to7t 9. tat]'J nluott, 59:LU 10. chrtls crlf-f1tb, 59.22t 11. Ed Kinabley, 59t27; A2. r,ee R"Rusch, 59:54; 13. Fred Horstnan, 59.59t \4. D.ugKrltzler, 6o:o1i 15. 3ob B1alr, 60:41, 16. JinErery, 61:25t 17, Ben Tlnner:aan, 5J.127; IB.Steve ?oura, 62t37t f9. Dave Reld, 6j:Ae; XS.Too Davls, 65:a5; 2L. Roland Anstacb, 66lot 22.Rabb scoles, 73:03; 23. clatr Duchen, 76:55.3:giles- 1. Bltl 3e€-tty, 15:15; 2. Bob lrctLroy,

'?:bBl 3. ,a*e Eortne, i.?:10; i,. pat Heno"Lcts,{:1?, 5. Nick !sa!9e6, 17if9; 6. Ja.lles Schore,17:34; 7. stanf,ey Dunca.II, 17:36; B. Jesotr Ltnd.-sey' U:49; 9. BILI Rtgss, )7:53; 10. Bar]yBintley, l8rt2. (IB finishers)I lttle Age Croup Rux- 1. Rolal3d Arspach, l+2,

5:55;_ 2.- Ralph scoles' 36, 6:11; 3. Jaries Lyrle,13' 6:26; ,L, Dlck B-Lue, tra, 6i2t 5. waJrd€ yap-cho, 51, 6:50; 6. Ve"n Hsvktns, 37, 7:24.

--Joseph L. Rogers--

DUlonS PoSts Brlshaon, rbss., Aprjl 5, tq69e - Arir Dui one led all ihe vay a5Record Time_ ,_ Driglrton ir.ts.tE A.A. 10-arreIn Road Rdce (obvio.Ely b.o-L' rodc x"-e vltb' tloe of rJ:2t1. The old r-cordof 44:09 was set by Ton tarls. 1!6 sirarters and

nosl o- them cinlsheo :n tre -eir., T-o-o1 :es,nerchancise, enC neda16 to irhe ftrst fifty" r-nstite of scorinA one and tlro the Sparta]1 !-C icsithe ted ])rize ijo Jock Serq)lers Boston AA,'eu: . Bos.01 N, ".-5-6-,.i 2. Spa-L€aAC,l-;r-11= 14; 3. 1{aterd11e AC, 4-7-13= 24; 4. liit4cu-9-10.27i 5, Canbr:dse Sports ttnton, l+].1. Art Dulcngr SI)ar'tan ACJ2. Charles Lang, Starta.n AC,3. Pat -Mcl'{ahon, unat.,4. Dan l4oynlhar, Srothlnghm AC,

r+! : llt+5 to+,, G\1r1} l,Iood, soston AA, 1,5:30

6. llike Scar-lon, lilcrtheastern Unlv., \5:l+27. Robert [tugrove, llater.ille Ac, 45:44f. ion rteyne, Soston !.A, 45:5C)9. Ken ltueuer, tsostoa AAr \4.:o6iO. Don gsnbor'n, I.Iaterville AC, )+6:e61l-. lete:" Sttpe, BN, t!6. )a. f2. Phtl ryanr 8l!4.6:)Lj 13, Too Derderlan. ttc, L6,56; tL. \lch:fdB3ron, &^J\, 47:05, 15. Rolard Cor'ler, Mtc, \72L1b. Paul Segersten, I"lSr li7;35j 17" Paul Tho.rpson""tlfrcr I ".J7. 1", rarr" _",.uls... Johnson & l,lale3.L,ta9j 1-9. Lsr:y .-o1e_!,., \--Ur !7:rt; )0. JaaesDa1ey,Jr.: tW'C, )+7t5it 21. Charles l"ta€uire, S!ar-te-1 AC, 4B:0f; 22. Ken ta*6on, BAA, l+B:O3j 23.,Alt Drdley, una.,48:10; u!.. ua.k otBrien, &{A.t-8t121 25. sobert terse/. \r.c, L8:tl,; .5. re-lnGaflaghe{, NMC, 43:32; 27. Robert Fauon, uxlr,rB:38; 28. Russetf uolr, fiyc, 4B:5L; -9. ry*-'na:gelow, Bq,a, LgtA?i 3A" ;oselL R. cr&ond, €i-bddse spods Unlon; 49:07; 3L. Josepb F1annery,XEU, 49:fI; 32" Rclaad Dyer, latater..llle AC, 4913!

33" Rtchard Packard, BnA, 49:40; 31r.. Ron caff,I1c,, 'g'!o; Jr. calph c-ant, walervllre ac,r9:4oj 16. TErry ae rnan, call.Sports trrJon, /ro.5837. 'Wn. Donaldson, una., 50:Olj 38, D€vld tintonB4A, 5o:O5; 39, Albert Mcce.nn, una., 5o:tk; lro.Joe l\4,artl-ao, Mt,para Mr 5O:I5; 41. fonv SaoienzBA-A. .0:lrO: I2. Al8us N:c,ll, -".,5O,Lt; i3.Dtego Gonzales, una., 5orl+2t 4l+. Chartes Keattneuna., 50:58; 45. Ton Littfe, ft]fts, 50:59; 46.Ed]!!.nd connor, NMC, 5f:f0; 47. John Hoogaslan,Ilc, 'i:11; U8. uchard Abroreib, uns., 5L:Ui49. JaDes SLursls, uoa,, 5t:t8j 50. clcba.d TashJ1an, Il,,lC, 5I.23; 5I. Davtal Bondeson, wat.Ac,5It27; 52. Mike Sullivar, Boston cotleee, 51:3lr;53, serberi: Parsons, ura., 51].37 t 5\. Terry shavuia., ). Job! CoLta, uaa,, ,I:56, i6. DrDavial r,{orthen, rp.4c, 52:05; 57. Louts pauf. calr,Sports Lhion, 52t7rt 58. chartes Ketlosg, B.AA,

21,!a; '.9^. ,r:r Llae 1[l,-Ien, r,{asbrnacon spo.-t .r-ub)e:-LJ: ou, !ete: ArseoaEx, T\rfts, 52:2!; 6f, Ber.nett_Jonesr i|I.a., 52t27t 62. Dav Ld Eltlo., lnaL.52t36j 63. Jolln Hu}ley r \iMC, 52: qj 61,, L.d/ieSchiessir 54, ':Ln;6>. Joff re]ley, una., 52:45i 66. cicr-r ,i2:Io; of. Johjr D1!Lj-al, ,rufrs r .. :j-; €8. John !.iall€ce, Bl4, )pt|c jb9. Cary Ploufi, 1aa., 52 51.t 70. pat tsaircs.\flr6, , :0r: -1. ,jde O_jve.., !.a., c)26; i^.Ge!-- Juss:aule, *.,. .r.7; .. DaJe -t'oohey, &q,,3:) 1i 1L. ,\- -oG-]. r, .)t51t 75. Reuoen Biarlou, BAq, c : L: -.. .lrtian 5ieseL, t-c, ,L:of;-7i. 8iu e D-a: rbun, .na., 5l+:3rj 7B, l,ln. c i1-ivarw, ' 5a:\5; 79. lhonas 3arry, una., 5\t5q &.Janes, Conleyr iri], 54t5lj 81. wn, cilns, SlaitarAC., t\:',' : d.. f:u:e Doo-atz, lit{C, .-.01. 61.-Jc:d K?res. ':-, ):1.7;81. "ichard.taDp. :,I1.1C.,':08; 8 . --,evi I -a.rar, rEa., 55:09; 4".-.unariP€Dr,onr-i.:..^ r :.2: o.. Souren AJexania'1, una.5r://: Bt. i.. erh c -fi.lo, una,, ,.:37; 89. .tevcYas, un ., . :ro: oO, ,,eo Aye-s, -yC, b:ra.(13i lisien i'inishers) --rred Brolln, Sr.-:EOq.D iuit,E?,s CLLE Or AISTIN, TffAS I]-]{TLE nACEApril 5, 1959- Rur on the 600 yard o.ra1 atFestiral Seach at Tovn Lake, Austin, Texa6.1, Brlan Ha:rinston, rt. j{ooc, Texas/'iiihinstor,Delarare, 22, 2t-135.5: 2. nobefc CastlUo, 19,St. Edradrs Univ,, Arstin, Texa6, 23:29.4; 3.l'ltchael aidens, 27, Bra4y, Texas, 24:i7.5, 1".Frar:k lhirl.lps, 1.7, Des l,1oinesr rawa, 25t29,4i5. ;ialold Dtckey, 33, Austtn, "texas, 26.I7.2t 6.Jor.ri I.3^rer, 25, Austin, 26:p2.2: I. F.ed clover'', I 6LiE, Texas. 2/:.'r.5. ,a\acas | .copnies,.:€ is i. ce-!lflcares. Lesiner: 160, sLrone--e-e. rhls event d.ev a sm€r ..etd- bur ".o!0such snal1 beglnninss atf thl]res nu6t sta.r.lhls is a good stal-h in ihe Centrai T€xas axea.

--Oeorge J. Regan, p"esiden-b, nic of ,krstin_i-LLIA-|.^& l"tA1Y 120, !t4_ 14, Lex Deronr v&.,.l€rcb :dtb- ?,OOh S - 1. C -Lv KtrLon. V&.1,1 J ro.ho .+2. L. . \4J re:- 1'-:i:;: s T.rzlnsr ,.l&,v, [ : ro.7.. BBoi;. l'4ooreheal, ,{&lY, 1:)6.2.. --\Lfq- 1. Davts,-!rEjI4, t4:51.2;2" IlcD-dfler i:l@-3. Schurm, 1.1&,t1,


]LTx AM{UAL NE\{PoRT BEACII 1o-MIIE Eq.ND]CAP RUNNelDort Beach, Calif., Sunday, Marcb 23, 19699:O0 A,M. Sponsored by tbe Neq)ort BeacbOtr)tlnlst Club and the parks & Becrealrlo[ Dert.Ittse! Director: Bob Craneer.

AGE CLUB E.T. Act.T.Jolri Iialterleln, 36, sr.Tc, 7l-.zz 7722 59Fred werber, 17, ugE-t., 72t52 52;52 2ARobert Hetuan, 43, Sr.TC, 73tL5 66t\5 Lt+Jolm Heston, 13, r.v.R.D,?3:55 59:55 f,8

31,. Blll crum, ::, s.,rc, i},zz jiriz 6

MoriEoE, omo 4-!firo pnmrcfroN RUIVAct.Ttne predict. T,

f,?. Rtck vasquez, 32, sr.Tc, ?5:r\ 55:L4 IIU. Joe Kettb, 38, sr.rc, 76:17 6fL7 3319. Byrcr potts, 38, RR, T5:3o 6t:30 2120. Dr. Rtchsrd Stetner, l+8, SAC,76S)+ 62|.:'\ 221, Don Jones, 42,, 76tL5 5B:r5 rL,2. c'ndnd frock, rt, unat., 76 t\.6 69]:6 5423. Ne\rEon Csfdera, L5, SE.TrC, 16,47 (fi:41 )!g24. Skip Shaffer, 31, CCAC, n$5 57fi5 IA25. Ilark duseles, 13, RRn, 77 t6 63|]!6 3a2t,, 3ob -tetrlck, +, Sr.Tc, 77t3r 65fir 3627. A-1 clark, 55, sr.Tc, 77ie 67,32 U?b. Davld hetkes, 3l+, Sr.TC, 77 i)+ j7 lJl! IP20, Blu Phtu.ip6, 1,2, sD4c, 77*9 j9.\9 rl30. i'Ja"'tin lqy.tor, 54, Sr.TC, 78ta5 7Bn5 7311. Uelter Je$soury, lO, SI.TC, ?B:O5 58:05 t332" Je.ne6 tsernlck, 19, urat., 78ta7 ntoT+ r33, !i11 And.erson, 25, sBAc, 7Bt5 53;a6 2

t. chrl1e southa.d,5l, st.-c, 7Lp6 69.?6 5jo. HoLIard M.if1er, 20, ulat., 7l+t29 ,3t59 37. :on Coodrj.dse, 2L, unat., 7),jj 6ZtO5 z,t1. Earold l,Iallace, 40, SI.TC, 7j1(]0 66.30 \z9. Blf] we].ls, 5I, Sr.Tc, 1517 6317 3r10, Iranklln sex, 34, sr,rc, 75:35 66:o6 ]+tLL BlclErd serrano, 3l+,, ?5:LI 5B:1f L81.. chas. aenicr, II, urar,, ljt1? 67:52 r!113. Ed'Arrenne, 46, sr.rc, 75tr+ 68.:5tJ 501+. John l^t11tney, 2+, unat., 76tOA 69.A0 52Ij. rtalter Frederick,6t, st.1c, 76fi6 67 {a 4jLo. Scotly Donatd, Ll+, SI.TC, 16te 66*2 L3

3t. .rer* Freyne, 29 ccAc, 78123 ,6jj 93b. -o@ cory, 22 D!\at,, 78:36 6rt36 2337. -outs Re6te!o, 40, unat., 78.)'p 771j2 7236. fioaer Freach, 39, St.. fc, TB:L! 65:l+! JB39. Joh! Paguano, 29, S!.Tc, 7B.l+9 j\,1+9 5Lo. ravtd e€sles, 11, nrRF 78,:j5 (Aj1 3j4r. ue! an podell, 55, sr.Tc, 7Bt5B 7628 7!42. roby tGd.tna, 49, r,ApD ps.c.78.59 6859 ja43. !!.! Andrev, t4, sr,rc, ?9:13 54:13 3L,+4. llike r{tr]r.ay, L0, uDat., 7gtr7 6gtt+7 ,145. Stanley Thonpson,3l, .ud€t,, 79i9 75tI9 7a

1, Aflen l,Ve!s,2. Rlch Espitla,J. tJOnn lj11lo!t,4. DelmL6 D,rtggtns,5. Jln Sebree,6. Duane Casto!,?. C€.r] Carey,b, uike Borins,9. 3il-1 3ottln€,10. Sieve Po1log,


22 )+8









IL. Bernle I'lnch, 2)+:2512. Larr? Wer6, 2j:\5I3. Goodloe cllLesple, 25:5314. Nlck Shaeis, 27,2715. Cfen An6paeh, 27 tA916. John ELtln8ton, zBl2I17. toln Royse, 32:OOlU. Andy Polthe, l+1: 07

24:00 .25s 125tOA :15s*23:oO 2,53Z7.AA 127628t2O :51s2b ioo 2t2I3I:OO 1:0040:00 1:o7

-MAS-TIFS WtE (30-& Over)- t. Elver c€stan, I :r9;2. J1& lJrcle, L:)B; 3. Dick BIue, ):04; 4. BobBlatt, 5:14 --Steve prlce--

f]iST ANNUAI, ISIG MERCTD SENIOR ( OVER 4O) 5-UrrrRUN, Sponsoleil by the Northem CaLtfornla SeniorsTr:ack Club. Meet Dli:ector: JobD Boltano, AI)rlt 51. BiLl Macket', r,./",TC, Lt, 25:l+3j 2. lJ,.n /1cdeL!,e' 4l,.27t36t 3. O'Nell, OC, l+3, 2?:L8j a. qar-ii"pp, 13, uDat., 28: Jrr; 5: Mattel, i,5, Ncsrc,2U:+r; b. KeUf, rr1,-m,28:5i; ?. waternan, SO,:try"ry:9, 29r11r B. connrck, t+9, r,rcsrc, z9:rrri;9. cardpbel], rr2, WIC,30:16; I0. Elsenberg, I!f,unat., 30:52; LL.. paffenberaer, 1,6, NCSTC, 30:r9l1i: !er19"99*tr rro, cr, 3i:36; 13. porrer, 40,NCSTC, 32:02; 14. SnLth, 45, NCSTC, JZ z\; :!J.'q!9!tu!9"f 41, Ncsrc, 32:33t 16. chand].er, 54,'\|CS]C, 32:53; 17. Bristol, )+:, ,_.,'*. , ::,05; $,.!fe, 52, Ncsrc, 33tl2t 19. Boltano, 47, flcsrc,33t22; N. protteau, !2, u!a., 33rj5. (35 fin.)

I ph1la., pa., Suiday, Apr;1UOPpenS lakes "?th - 1:oo P.l,{.- i,ou cor-Eisht-Mite Race li$'"i3H*'i"":;:'3_fuiy-

.ace of the l4idd1e AttaittcRoad Runnem Club tn L2r39 o! the Cobbs creekPa.i$ay sideval,k cou.rse. JtE Shepherd, pau.1 V-:_.5. of tuddon ]'fp., ',LJ., caltured the L_rdlerace ln 22:02. Heathe.: sunlly s.arm, B3o.!_lEl9- 1. Lou coppe6, penn Ac, -2:t9; 2. A_rJ enG:bas, Phlla. Ploneer Ctub, )'5:L?; l. tre:t vey_ga-.dt, south, JecEey Tc, IB:OL; 4. aoo cherbers,Petr\ Ac, 52t45t 5. Bob Ronansiv, SJrC, 53:a_.DIr.'- t4o6es ri{aJfleld (ttred froD 2 f.a h-. vork_out pre\rious day)!lgls.- r. fln shepherd, ?aut vT H.s., 22;02,2:2. Jo-. HoffilF-,l, Fhlfa., '2:Lf; 3. Iaut LLcLsit;fenn_Ac, 23:06i L. car'/ Reader, Delava-e -L,23.t27i 5. Jae otRourke, phtla. AC, 2L:09; o. BnPoble, Ph11a. Ptoneer C1ub, 2l+:10; T" Bob [ushnerPeal] Ac, 25:.10; B. ceorae DJIe$o, sJ-c, 26{n;?: Pr Abr"r phlra., 26:27t 10. .\]oli0 Ba,{er, sJ-c2u:ob; 11. Jtn Mccurk, phiaa., 29t\5; 12, Joe uc-ILhlDney, Jr,, ph11a., 33:OT.

22r\D AIINUAL LUCkT ST!\lrI-lI 2.5-tgIE JTnIIOR ROADRJaE, nardlton, Oxis"rto (50o,{r)1. BLlr Cr-r]"ti6r 16, n€$ilton ol_/rptc CtLb, 11:082. Art Dleven6, 19, _tsollton Spartd TC, tf:Ir;3. Craeroe ].{cMaster, i&Master Unlv., 11:2t; L.Brian. Strtde, cuelph Leeton -Cj 5. Cr€.,lr MusrarorGuebh Legion TC. .re-E: l. Spalte-:r TC; 2. CombJ .:ed Hantl Lon Secondary Schooj en-ry and cuellh.curcts fin:she ! e.iJhr secondE ba;k of the i.ecord for the race, set a year ago by crant t{cl,€r.en of the EOC.


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