
    November 2006

    The Parish Magazine of

    All Saints’ Sedgley & St Andrew’s The Straits


    April 2012

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    “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow”

    Albert Einstein For over 100 years you have been helping local people with sight loss

    This year you helped Anne-Marie to ride a bike on her own for the first time, you helped Frank leave his house each week to meet his friends for a cup of tea and a chat and you helped William receive the care and support he needs every day.

    Making a gift to us in your will can make a big difference for people like Anne-Marie, Frank, and William.

    Make your last gift really count

    Live for today but be their hope for tomorrow

    Call Jo Ellis on 01902 880111

    Charity Registration No 216092

  • 3

    ALL SAINTS’, SEDGLEY Sunday Services

    8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. Parish Communion (First Sunday: All-Age Worship) 6.30 p.m. Evensong (BCP)

    Weekday Services

    Monday 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion Wednesday 7.30 p.m. Holy Communion (1st Wednesday: Healing Service)

    ST ANDREW’S, THE STRAITS Sunday Service 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion (1st Sunday: Morning Prayer)

    Weekday Service

    Wednesday 7.00 p.m. Holy Communion

    THE STRAITS CHURCH Sunday Services 9.30 a.m. Prayer & Communion

    11.00 a.m. Family Service 6.00 p.m. Evening Prayer

    (When there is a fifth Sunday in the month the three churches in the Team Ministry meet for a united service at either 9.30 a.m. or 10.30 a.m. depending on the venue.)

    Baptisms & Weddings Arrangements for baptisms and weddings at All Saints’ and St Andrew’s can be made at the Vestry Hour at All Saints’, which is held on Wednesdays at 8.00 p.m. in All Saints’.

    Baptisms are generally held on the fourth Sunday of the month at 4.00 p.m. at All Saints’, and on the second Sunday of the month at 3.00 p.m. at St Andrew’s. Baptisms can also take place during the Sunday morning service at All Saints’

    or St Andrew’s by arrangement.

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    Team Rector The Revd Stephen Buckley 01902 883255

    (Day off Friday) Team Vicar The Revd Andy Stand 883467 (Day off Monday) Asst Curate The Revd Rob Parker-McGee (Day off Friday) 01384 860525

    Reader Jan Humphries 01902 661275

    Authorised Lay Minister Suzanne Bradley 880055

    PCC Secretary Suzanne Bradley “


    Parish Wardens Rob Lavender 01902 661325

    Derrick Turner 895066 DCC Secretary Pam Hunt 670787 Treasurer Derrick Turner 895066 Electoral Roll Liz Williams 672880

    Organist Mel Jones 0121 550 1604

    Bell Ringers Keith Williams 01902 672585 Servers Len Millard 676339 Junior Church Barbara Price 676591 Youth Group Laura Price “

    Noah’s Ark Parent

    & Toddler Group Linda Edwards 672556

    Hall Bookings The Vicarage 883255 Hall Caretaker Joan Moon 682902 Social Club John Dillworth 670156

    Magazine Editor Christine Buckley 883255

    Distribution Rob Lavender 661325 Advertising “ “ Cont. over page

  • 5

    All Saints’ cont. Mothers’ Union Liz Williams 672880 Ladies’ Society Geraldine Baker 674608

    Men’s Society Roger Berry 881374 Uniformed Organisations Rainbows Liz Naylor 01902 885517

    Brownies Heather Churm 07530 977090

    ST ANDREW’S Church Warden Margaret Probin 01902 883163 DCC Secretary Rosemary Reed Treasurer Gordon Betteley 882777

    Sacristan May Smith

    Little Angels Mums & Toddlers Sarah Parker-McGee 01384 860525

    THE STRAITS COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Maurice Powell 01902 885402



    4 March Nancy Grace Thomas Izaak Stephen Norton Tabathe Mai Norton 25 March Alexander David Haddleton

    Annabell Evelyn Cartwright Blessing of Civil Marriage 25 March Andrew Haddleton & Nikki-Dee Haddleton

    Parish Funerals 1 March Kenneth Barry Hickman, aged 82 5 March John Preston, aged 90 6 March Douglas George Smith, aged 83

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    Parish Funerals cont. 13 March John Henry Elwell, aged 85 14 March Edna Allen, aged 95

    15 March Thomas Roderick, aged 88 22 March John Francis Oliver, aged 74


    Articles for the April magazine should be sent to the Vicarage by Sunday 28

    April. These may be sent by e-mail to [email protected].


    If you are interested in having the magazine delivered to your home on a regu-

    lar basis please contact Rob Lavender: tel. 01902 661325. The Beacon is pub-

    lished ten times a year and the cost for the year is £5.


    8 April Easter Flowers

    15 April Vacant

    22 April Bob Hill

    29 April Pam Garrington


    In addition to our ‘God Save the Queen’ Flower Festival and ‘Sedgley

    Diamond 60’ Exhibition we are having a ‘Grand Jubilee Raffle’ which

    will be drawn on the final day of the Festival. The proceeds from the

    Raffle will be shared between ‘Help for Heroes’ and All Saints’ Church

    ministry. The tickets will be given out after Easter so please help us to support

    these two causes by selling as many tickets as you can.

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    All Saints’

    Palm Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion

    10.30 am Parish Communion & Distribution of Palms*

    6.30 pm Evensong

    Maundy Thu 7.30 pm Holy Communion & Stripping of Altars

    Good Friday 10.00 am Outdoor Service at the Bullring

    10.00 am Children’s Workshop in the church hall

    7.30 pm “The Cross of Christ”

    Easter Day 8.00 am Holy Communion

    10.30 am Parish Communion

    6.30 pm Evensong

    St Andrew’s

    Easter Day 9.30 am Parish Communion*

    Team Services

    Monday 7.30 pm Holy Communion at St Andrew’s*

    Tuesday 7.30 pm Holy Communion at St Peter’s*

    Wednesday 7.30 pm Holy Communion at All Saints’*

    Good Friday 2.00 pm Good Friday meditation at All Saints’*

    Saturday 8.00 pm Easter Ceremonies at St Peter’s*

    (Services marked with an* will be led by Bishop David)

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    The Gospel reading for the First Sunday of Passiontide began at John 12: 20.

    Imagine this request echoing around Church bureaucracy – ‘Sir we wish to see

    Jesus’. Phone lines ringing and being put on hold - line managers being

    contacted. The call is diverted to Ministry Division, but they are too busy

    figuring out how best to teach young trainees to fill out parish forms. The

    response comes back, ‘That sounds a bit too theological for us, we don’t do

    Jesus!’. The call is then moved on to the history departments, but they have

    long since stopped speaking of Jesus as a real person in an attempt to fit in with

    modern debates. And the Greeks are forced to wait whilst the Church tries to

    figure out how to respond. ‘Sir, we wish to see Jesus!’

    This is such a simple and obvious request that it almost hurts to hear it. It hurts

    because in our churches there should be no need to request it. ‘Sir, we wish to see

    Jesus!’ But it stops us in our tracks. It is right that we should be faced with it at this

    time of year: a time when we are thinking about Jesus death and Resurrection.

    What about Jesus? Can we please get to see Him? How does our Church and

    our Church structures force us to answer? What about Jesus? Can we please

    get to see Him? ‘Sir, we wish to see Jesus!’ Do we reveal Jesus to people or

    obscure Him? How can we uncover Him to people?

    I would like to suggest that we first have to learn to find Jesus ourselves in

    creation, the symbols of our Church and our culture. Listen for the voice of

    God in the world – in creation. Then, and only then, will we find the simple

    language to speak to those around us in a way they may understand.

    We are told in John 12: 28-30 that God’s voice can be as terrifying as thunder

    and as gentle as angels - the crowd that witnessed it couldn’t be sure. Often we

    believe we hear something of the voice of God in music and singing, in poetry

    or nature, in our limited words as they try to describe His glory. Like the

    crowd, if we think we hear Him, we likely do.

    If we listen attentively enough we may hear the voice of God as the wind blows

    through the cedar trees or the birds conduct their chorus at dawn. If we focus intently

    enough, we might just see the face of Christ in the crowds of the bustling market

    place or the congregation in the pews; in the laugh of the child or the tears of the

    widow. If we set our minds to it, we soon begin to recognise Christ in the everyday

    and then the request of the Greeks becomes less daunting to us, because we

    ourselves know where to find Him. ‘Sir, we wish to see Jesus!’

    And it is now that the full weight of Hebrews 5 becomes clear and we

    recognise the Jesus that Hebrews speaks of - that Jesus who is both King and

    Priest. The Son of God who suffers. The magnificent Saviour who weeps and

    dies, fully human. This is the Jesus who will lose his life only to be glorified for it.

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    This is the Jesus who is found in the everyday so that it may become holy,

    sanctifying creation so that we may better enter into covenant with Him. In the

    mundane and the pain, the beauty and the rain, Christ is present breathing his

    creating spirit and reconciling all things to himself, writing his eternal law on

    our hearts: because as Jeremiah 31 tells us, ‘He will be our God, and we shall

    be His people.’

    And so it was that the Greeks came to our Church door and said, ‘Sir, we

    wish to see Jesus!’ A gentleman replied ‘Sure, no worries. He’s over here; let

    me take you to him!’

    Father Rob


    Tony Hart gave us a talk entitled ‘Time’ at our afternoon meeting in March. It

    was very interesting, covering the theories of Newton, Einstein, Stephen

    Hawking and the ‘Big Bang’ theory about the creation of the universe. Tony’s

    conclusion was that modern scientific thinking, far from disproving the

    creation, actually supports it.

    ‘Cat and Dog Theology’ was the title of Phil Hall’s talk at our evening March

    meeting. The question was are we a ‘Cat Christian’ or a ‘ Dog Christian’? The

    God-given traits of cats, ‘You exist to serve me,’ and dogs ‘I exist to serve

    you,’ are often similar to certain theological attitudes held by many Christians

    in their view of God and their relationship to Him. Dogs have a master, in this

    case God, whereas cats have servants – God. Is God our servant (cat theology)

    or are we God’s earthly servants (dog theology)? Phil, who is a Reader, brought

    her ‘Bournville chocolate’ springer collie, Peggy, who was an immediate hit

    with all the members and possibly a rival for Maisie! We concluded at the end

    of this most interesting talk that most of us are a mixture of ‘Dog’ and ‘Cat’


    On Sunday 15th April, two new members will be enrolled into our Branch

    during the 10.30am service. We are delighted that Jan Humphries and Christine

    Williams have decided to join the Mothers’ Union and I ask you to remember

    them in your prayers and support them by being at the service.

    Our Lent Project this year is to provide toiletries for the Women’s Refuge.

    There will be a box in the narthex in which to place items during Lent. The

    Coffee Morning and Collection is on Saturday 21st April, 10am – 12noon, in

    the church hall.

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    15th April 10.30am MU Enrolment, in church

    16th April 10.00am Corporate Communion

    17th April 7.30pm Worcester to the Sea, Tony Page

    18th April MU Council

    21st April 10am – 12 noon

    Women’s Refuge collection & Coffee Morning, in

    the in the Church Hall

    Liz Williams


    “Help for Heroes”: Mr Gerry Hobbs

    What an inspirational talk this was! Mr Hobbs gave us such an insight into

    what this Charity does, that I think that we were all left full of admiration.

    The Charity began in 2007 when a stately home, Headly Court in Surrey,

    was requisitioned and became a rehabilitation centre for injured soldiers

    returning from Afghanistan. Some of these soldiers are as young as 18 and

    come home with horrendous injuries, some having lost all their limbs, or blind

    or deaf and some with dreadful head injuries. One of the early patients was so

    grateful for the help that he had received he became one of the co-founders of

    “Help for Heroes”. As the money began to come in, Help for Heroes expanded

    and now has Centres all over the country – the latest one is in Glasgow.

    “Battle Back” is the name given to a group of severely injured young men

    who wanted to return to pursuits that they had previously enjoyed such as

    Football, Rugby, Walking, Ski-ing and Mountaineering. Imagine playing

    football with prosthetic limbs! This year, some of these brave young men have

    entered for this year’s Paralympics. As well as helping with this, “Help for

    Heroes” has helped fund “Tedworth House”, the first recovery unit for long

    term cases, here they help all cases, especially with spiritual needs. Now there

    is a “Band of Brothers”, a group formed to help “Help for Heroes” raise money

    and to say “Thank you” to the servicemen.

    Mr Hobbs told us many individual stories and at the end of his talk, reduced

    all of us to the verge of tears by reciting a poem about a little girl who went to

    school on “Father’s Day” when the children had been told to invite their fathers

    to school. This little girl – on her own told everybody that her Daddy “Was by

    her side always”. He had actually been killed in Afghanistan!

    This charity does get some Government funding too. Since their beginning,

    they have raised £127 million! Our society had a collection and we raised a

    little over £280 which was topped up to £300 for our chosen 2012 Charity.

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    Well ladies, there is no meeting in April, apart from those going to Dormston

    Theatre, The meeting on the 14th May is the walk at Baggeridge, I shall not be

    joining you as I can’t walk very far these days. The June meeting is an

    “evening meal out” – venue still to be arranged and in July we are back in the

    Church Hall to hear Kenneth Hughes talk about Cadbury’s and Bournville, I

    wonder if there will be any free samples? Anyway, See you soon!

    Molly Taft


    The 200 Club Dinner was held on Saturday 3rd March in the Church Hall. As

    usual it proved to be one of those warm social occasions that I have come to

    associate with All Saints’ The meal, provided by Jenny’s Kitchen was very

    good indeed and I shall now embarrass Roy Watkins by mentioning how much

    everyone enjoyed the music he provided with his excellent keyboard playing.

    Membership of the 200 Club has declined over the past 10 years or so

    possibly because people do not know much about the organisation and what it

    does. It costs only £15.00 per year to join and member s enjoy a regular prize

    draw plus an invitation to the annual dinner (A bit of a supplement required for

    this). All of the money raised goes to improve facilities in the Church Hall. It is

    a good way of supporting the outreach of our Church. A dreary, cold, smelly

    building says to people who use the Hall that nobody cares. The state of All

    Saints’ Church say that we care !

    So if you think that you would like to join the 200 club and support All

    Saints’ in this way please see Derrick Turner, who with his wife Jean, does all

    the work to keep it going. Derrick as you all know is a most amiable soul and

    nothing is more likely to bring a beaming smile to his face and the dimples out

    on his cheeks than an offer of a contribution!

    Tony Hart


    Friday mornings from

    10.30am to 12.30pm

    The church is open for quiet prayer

    & coffee and a chat.

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    Sat May 19th in the Church Hall

    7.30pm to 11.00pm

    Fish & Chip Supper Included

    Tickets £7

    Available from

    Roger Berry 01902 881374


    John Howe 01902 678576

  • 13


    Get well wishes to Keith Tomlinson, we hope it won’t be too long before he is

    well again. Also to Kennedy Slater who is recovering from a hip operation;

    he is missed from the choir stalls and it will be good to see and hear him again

    soon. We also send get well wishes to George and Tina Harper uncle and

    aunt of Pam Hunt.

    Sad News: Tom Roderick died on the 22nd February. He was a sidesperson

    for many years and a very friendly man liked and respected by all who knew

    him. The funeral was on Thursday 15th March. We send our condolences to

    Doris, sorry to hear she has been poorly, and all members of the family. May

    they soon find peace and contentment. God be with them at this sad time.

    Also Edna Allen died on February 25th after a long illness. Edna’s funeral

    was on Wednesday 14th March. We send condolences to all members of her

    family and hope in the fullness of time happy memories will help to ease the

    sadness they are feeling now.

    Noah’s Ark Mothers and Toddlers end of term is on 27th March. There will

    be an Easter Bonnet Parade where the array of hats I am sure will once again

    be most ingenious. The summer term begins on 24th April.

    Women’s World Day of Prayer - a short history: It was begun in 1887 by

    Mary Ellen James, wife of a Presbyterian minister in New York. She was aware

    of the problems many women faced and decided to do something about it, so

    called for a Day of Prayer to be held. At much the same time two Baptist

    missionaries were also appalled at the deprivation of women in other parts of

    the world, so also called for a Day of Prayer. Eventually these two groups

    joined together in 1919.

    In 1928 Mrs Grace Forgan heard about it and felt the women of Scotland

    would want to be involved. The first Service was held inScotland in 1930;

    England joined in 1932. Now it is held all over the world, always on the first

    Friday in March. The format of the service itself is arranged by a different

    country each year. Here in Sedgley we move around the churches in the parish

    and have made many friends in the process.

    Dorothy Inett

  • 14

    Kevin Weston Decorating

    Special rates for Senior Citizens

    Local Authority approved

    Advanced City & Guilds

    23 years’ experience

    Free quotations

    Member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen

    12 Himley Lane, Swindon DY3 4PW

    01384 401859 07981 596109


    Independent, Professional Eye care

    Contact Lens Centre Glaucoma Screening

    8 Dudley Street Sedgley Dudley

    West Midlands DY3 1SB

    Tel. 01902 883260



    35 Dudley Street Sedgley

    Tel. 01902 674200

    Newspapers, Confection-ary,

    Magazines, Tobacco,

    Stationery, Greeting Cards,

    Payzone/Mobile Top Up

    Gas/Electricity payments




    A.MUS(TCL), A.Cert.(CM)

    9 Dumbleberry Avenue, Sedgley

    Tel. 01902 662251

    Adults-Beginners-Children Advanced Students Diploma teaching

  • 15

    Sarah Powell Foot Health Practitioner RGN Dip, CFHP, MPSP (FHP)

    Friendly Home visiting services in this area

    Foot health check

    Nails trimmed

    Corns and calluses treated

    Problem nails treated

    Foot massage to finish

    After-care advice given

    Discount given for initial treatment

    For more information or to make an Appointment please ’phone 01902 671824

  • 16

    Arthur's Jewellery

    Hand made gold & silver jewellery

    Repairs, remounts

    Antique jewellery repaired & restored

    The Craft Centre Halfpenny Green Vineyard

    Tel: 01384 221567 Mob: 07856 898558




    For low cost motor insurance Household insurance Personal accident &

    travel insurance

    Payment by instalments available Written details on request For a free quotation call:

    01902 880044

    K G J

    07837 767344

    01902 881361

    [email protected]

    Block Booking Discounts Pass plus Tuition

    Free Theory Test Guidance First Lesson: 2 hours for price of 1

  • 17


    KITCHEN Speciality Caterers

    Evening & lunchtime

    catering to suit

    all occasions

    Full waitress service

    (Ask for details)

    Tel: 01384 400733



    Stephen L Rees B.D.S. U. Birm MFGDP (UK)


    01902 670080

    The Surgery

    Sedgley Hall Avenue



    DY3 3TA


    Flowers For All


    Concorde Centre


    Tel: 01902 673003


    Independent Estate

    Agents & Valuers

    For a friendly &

    personal service

    2A Dudley Street



    West Midlands DY3 1SB

    Tel. 01902 880888

    Fax 01902 665075

    www. Taylors–

  • 18

    Painting & Decorating Services

    Papering - Painting

    Property Maintenance

    Houses - Shops - Offices

    Residential & Commercial

    Member of Dudley Age Concern Fix a Home Scheme

    Worth Sides

    Turf Specialist Quality Lawn Maintenance

    Mowing & Edging Turf Installation

    Hedge Trimming Light Hauling

    Wood Chip Mulching

    Pressure Washing

    Mobile 07816 250387 Home 01902 881206

    Phil Orton

    For an estimate:

    Tel: 01902 894830 Mob: 07974 281894




    From changing a Light Fitting to a Consumer Board

    From a Dripping Tap to a complete Bathroom Suite

    No job too small No job too big

    Call Phil: 01902 673 419 Mob. 07836 770135

    Alderbrook Close, Sedgley




    New Memorials Additional Inscriptions


    Unit 1D High Street, Sedgley

    DY3 1RP

    Tel/Fax 01902 882466

  • 19

    ANDREW NICHOLLS Heating & Plumbing

    3 Northway, Sedgley Tel 01902 683586

    (Gas Safe)

    New to the area, but with 30 years’ experience

    Central Heating Boilers

    Water Heaters, Cookers, Fires

    Full Installation Service Available

    Annual Services

    Landlord Safety Certificates

    All Kinds of Plumbing Work

  • 20


    Intruder Alarms, Maintenance Contracts

    Repairs & Upgrades, Annual Service

    Existing systems maintained & repaired

    Est. 15 years - Insurance Approved

    sahib registered installer

    68 Longmeadow Drive, Sedgley DY3 3QR

    Tel: 01902 883188

    The Shaggy Dog Pet Grooming Centre for Dogs and Cats

    For busy people we take bookings for Bank Holidays and Sundays

    17 Bilston St, Sedgley DY3 1JA

    Tel: 01902 661377

    Evenings: 01902 677869

    (As recommended by Maisie, the Vicarage Dog)

  • 21



    Walls & Floors




    & Conservatories

    12 Dudmaston Way Dudley DY1 GQ

    Tel. 01384 234323 Mob. 07595 879267


    For all your household needs Replacement locks/keys

    Lockouts, Servicing Repairs & security upgrades

    Motorcycle security, chains & padlocks Friendly service

    (Don’t forget to add the tel. no. to your mobile, you never know when you might need to use it!!)

    Tel: 07905882148 E-mail: [email protected]


    For all your home & office stationery

    supplies ring Richard, Maria,

    or Mel Bates on:

    01902 871682


  • 22


    House & Office Removals Fully Insured

    Clearances & Storage Free Estimates

    13 Robert Street Lower Gornal

    Dudley DY3 2AZ

    Tel. 01902 680081



    Old Fashioned & Traditional Sweets

    Pick and Mix Gifts and More

    Home of the Wonka Bar


    Tel 01902 883255 E mail: [email protected]

    Rates for 12 months

    Quarter page £25 Half page £40

    Full page £70

    The magazine is distributed to 350 households in the

    Sedgley area


    Skimming - Plastering Dot & Dab - Re-boarding

    Stud frame walls - Dry lining Patch & repair

    Call Ben for a free quote 07527 478209

    E-mail [email protected]

    City & Guilds Qualified

  • 23

    S e d g l e y P o w e r w a s h S e r v i c e s

    Cleaning Specialists in:

    Blocked Paved Driveways Pathways Patios Garden wall & Stone Ornaments Oil Stain Removal Camera Guided Gutter Cleaning


    07791 241952

  • 24

    PENNY FARTHING COFFEE HOUSE Penny Farthing Arcade, High Street,

    Sedgley, DY3 1RW

    Telephone 07515 898038

    Come in and try our scrumptious cakes,

    our selections of delicious hot and cold drinks.

    Fancy some food? Warming soups, hot meal of the day, create your

    own fresh sandwich, panini, plus jacket potatoes and fillings.

    You’re guaranteed a warm and friendly welcome every visit.

    We look forward to seeing you.

    Outside catering also available

    All Saints’ Church Hall

    The hall is available for hire by groups on a weekly basis, or for one off events.

    (No private parties)

    For further information please contact: All Saints’ Vicarage Tel. 01902 883255

    E mail: [email protected]

  • 25

    Friday 1st June to Tuesday 5th June

    All Saints’ Church, Sedgley

    Admission: £3


    The engraving of angels on the glass doors at All Saints’ has now been completed, and

    will be dedicated by Bishop David on Palm Sunday. Our thanks to those who donated

    the money for this project, and to our designer, Andrew Shingler.

    Stephen Buckley

  • 26


    1st Palm Sunday

    2nd Monday in Holy Week

    3rd Tuesday in Holy Week

    4th Wednesday in Holy Week

    5th Maundy Thursday

    6th Good Friday

    7th Easter Eve

    8th Easter Day "Jesus Lives"

    9th World Poverty

    10th The Salvation Army

    11th Chaplaincy work in our schools

    12th Diocese of Morogoro

    13th Mission Aviation Fellowship

    14th Spiritual Directors

    15th Archbishops Rowan & John

    16th The Persecuted Church

    17th The Homeless

    18th National Health Service

    19th Royal School of Church Music

    20th Prison Chaplains

    21st Fair Trade

    22nd Bishops John & David

    23rd George, Martyr & Patron of England

    24th Black Country Food Bank

    25th Mark the Evangelist

    26th The Children's Society

    27th Our Armed Forces

    28th Israel/Palestine

    29th Gornal & Sedgley Team

    30th Enclosed Orders

  • 27


    Be not careless in deeds, confused in thought, nor rambling in words.

    Nothing is free except what comes from within you.

    A friend is someone who is always afraid of letting you down, but never does.

    If you have an unpleasant neighbour , the odds are that he has too !!

    After all is said and done - there is more said than done.

    Life is made up of getting and giving, forgetting and forgiving.

    If you cannot be a sun, don’t be a cloud.

    Never be ashamed of not knowing about a thing, but always be ashamed of not

    wanting to know.

    Worry is not a necessity, but a habit.

    The only part of being a good sport is that you have to lose every now and

    again to prove it.

    Some so-called open minds should be closed for repairs.

    The grass may be greener next door but it is just as hard to cut.

    Honours come from diligence: riches spring from economies.

    You are as old as you feel, but never as important.

    No one ever became thoroughly bad all at once.

    Many a false step is made by standing still.

    Business is like a wheelbarrow - you have to push it to make it work.

    Enthusiasm breakfasts on obstacles, lunches on objections and dines on competition.

    Men who are said to have made their fortune, have not done so if they do not

    know how to enjoy it.

    Success is always temporary.

    The best time to do something worthwhile is between yesterday and tomorrow.

    People may doubt what you say, but they generally believe what they see you do.

    The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer everybody else up.

    Those who are inclined to get ahead are those who do more that necessary -

    and keep on doing it.

    It’s surprising how often people will agree with you if you know just when to

    keep your mouth shut.

    God gives us the ingredients for our daily bread, but He expects us to do the baking.

    Compiled by David Melhuish

  • 28


    The work of Mercy Ships began in 1978 when a team led by Don and Deyon

    Stephens began the process of finding a suitable vessel to fulfil their dream of a

    hospital ship that would reach out to the world's poorest people, and on the 7th

    July 1978 this dream became a reality when the first Mercy Ship, a retired

    ocean liner called Victoria, was purchased for £600,000.

    Ongoing efforts over four years resulted in the transformation of the passenger

    vessel into a hospital ship. With the addition of 3 operating theatres and a 40 bed

    ward, the vessel became an 11,701 tonne floating hospital, carrying a volunteer

    crew of 350 from all over the world. In 1982, the vessel sailed as the newly

    christened Anastasis, the first Mercy Ship. Since then various ships in the Mercy

    Ships fleet have served in more than 150 ports in developing nations around the

    world, bringing lasting change to hundred of thousands of lives.

    One of the projects in which Mercy Ships has been involved is World Sight

    Day. Approximately eighty percent of all visual impairment can be prevented

    or cured, according to the World Health Organization, and in 2011 Mercy

    Ships eye surgeons gave the gift of sight to over 1,300 individuals in Sierra

    Leone, one of the poorest countries in the world. The Mercy Vision Eye Care

    Team also performed more than 7,500 eye evaluations and distributed 2,400

    pairs of reading glasses. With approximately 90% of all visually impaired

    people living in developing nations, the medical services provided by Mercy

    Ships in West Africa are focused on the areas of greatest need.

    Sidiatu was one of many young children who were brought to the Mercy Ships

    eye screening clinic. Sidiatu’s mother, Fatmata, had taken her sixteen-month-old

    daughter, who suffered from congenital cataracts, to two hospitals in Freetown

    with no success in finding treatment. After surgery, Fatmata was moved to tears

    when she saw her daughter take her very first look at the world.

    The above story gives an insight into the important work done by Mercy Ships, and

    I trust you will respond as a congregation with your customary generosity in

    supporting them. If you have access to the Internet you can learn more about the

    work of Mercy Ships by visiting their website: or by typing

    “Mercy Ships” into any search engine.

    Stephen Buckley

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    DIARY DATES: APRIL Sunday and weekday services at All Saints’, St Andrew’s and The Straits Community Church

    are advertised on page 2 of this magazine. Any alteration to this pattern is shown below. Holy

    Week services are shown on page 6.

    All Saints’

    Tues 3 Apr 2.30 pm MU meets in the church hall

    Tues 10 Apr 2.30 pm Study Group meets in the social club

    “ 7.30 pm Baptism meeting in the social club

    Thu 12 Apr 12.00 noon Wedding

    Sat 14 Apr 9.30 am Wedding Preparation in church

    “ 1.00 pm Wedding

    Mon 16 Apr 7.45 pm Men’s Society meets in the social club

    “ 7.30 pm Licensing of the Revd Steve Martin at Brierley Hill

    Tues 17 Apr 7.30 pm MU meets in church

    Sat 21 Apr 12.00 noon Wedding

    Mon 23 Apr 7.30 pm Housegroup meet s at 9a Turls Hill Rd

    Tues 24 Apr 2.30 pm Study Group meets in the social club

    Sat 28 Apr 3.00 pm Wedding

    Sun 29 Apr 9.30 am Team Service at St Andrew’s

    St Andrew’s

    Tues 24 Apr 1.45 am Study Group meets in the church hall

    ‘Little Angels’ Mums & Toddlers meets in the hall each Monday at 9.30 am in

    term time.

    St Andrew’s ‘Silver Threads’ (over 60s) meet each Wednesday from 10.30 am to

    12.30 pm in the church hall.

    Diocesan, Deanery & Parish Events

    Mon 16 Apr 7.30 pm Licensing of the Revd Steve Martin at Brierley Hill

    Sun 29 Apr 11.00 am APCM at St Andrew’s

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