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Just an observation. The 7th (seventh) letter in the modern English alphabet, which is a slightly modified version of the traditional Roman alphabet, is the letter G. In Goldiver's other writings on treasure 'indicators' the letter G and or the number 7 indicates "GOLD" using his reasoning then the letter S or the number 19 would indicate SILVER. Therefore using his reasoning when one encounters the numbers 7 or 19 chiseled into or written onto something, he is on the trail to Spanish gold or silver. THE LETTERS B, M, W,- Diggin stuffIn treasure hunting maps, sometimes "B" is also used. It will be written in such a way that this letter will look more like the number 13. The number 13 is another code for the owl, and the owl is one of the most important treasure room symbols that you can find, both on maps as well as in the field. The number 13 comes from the owl itself. The owl is a major symbol that is still used by many secret societies, and is often reffered to as the "Owl of Minerva." The "M" from the word "Minerva" is used, and of course the "M" is the 13th letter of the alphabet, hence the use of the number 13.The W is nothing more that an upside-down "M". The M is a symbol of the owl (owl of Minerva). When locating a W, remember that the W has a numerical value of 23. The 23 translates back to the letters "B" and "C". The B, as stated before, is a "closed up" 13, which is another symbol of the owl. We have two indicators for the owl, so we know that we will locate a treasure room at the end of the trail. The "C" is the Roman Numeral for "100." Put all of this info together and you get, "From this "W" go 1300 feet to the treasure room location." Which direction do you go? There will be signs there, at the "W," telling you which direction to go.THE LETTER T-First and foremost, the "T" has a numerical value of 20, and this is very important to understand if you are hoping to see success as a treasure hunter. You may have found a simple looking "T" at a site and , failing to understand this numerical importance, you will continue on along the false treasure trail when, in reality, all you had to do was measure 20 feet from the "T" in order to locate your treasure room/mine.Secondly, (these interpretations are in NO specific order) the "T", being just as TRICKY as ALL other symbols, means to "cut the measurement given you in half." So, instead of the twenty feet that the "T" represents (numerically), now you have to drop down to "10."The following meaning is, by far, the most elaborate and "concealed" interpretation for the letter "T." This "T" is also indicating that you are about to come upon a diamond formation.This interpretation of the letter T comes from a star formation, and in this formation you will find that this "T" is actually telling you that once you have located the diamond formation (the formation on the ground which is usually made up of large boulders, etc), that you must measure between two points of this diamond (the two points that you must measure from will be given to you either on a rock map found at the site or on a paper map). So basically, you have to locate this ground diamond, then measure between two of the diamonds points (halfway) and there you will find something of great importance, maybe even the covered opening.F, 8 and HThe number 8 is an important treasure symbol. It also has many other symbols that are connected to it. The letter H is the alphabetical equivalent to the 8, and in treasure hunting the letter H is an important symbol that is often found in representing a tunnel.The Biblical meaning for the number 8 is "new beginnings." This "new beginning" can also be applied to the New World (as America was called in the "beginning." Also, The New World Order can be applied to this "new beginning" meaning. It is a new world that the Illuminati are trying to create, a new world without God and under their control.The number 8 has another very important interpretation to it, and many treasure hunters have failed numerous times because of their lack of knowledge about this other meaning. The number 8, when found in the "last steps" of a treasure trail means to "double the number you have been given."The owl symbol is one of the most important treasure signs that you can find when treasure hunting. The owl is connected to or it leads to...treasure accumulation rooms!!! I don't mind locating a mine, as long as there is a treasure room within its tunnels, otherwise, give me the treasure room, they are all I look for. Why mine a mine when you can just haul away the 'fruits" of other people's hard work??

Each and every treasure sign and symbol has a specific meaning, a specific interpretation, however, in order to complicate these secret signs and symbols even further, they created SEVERAL WAYS to say the same thing. Imagine how much easier it would be to "break the codes" if there were only one symbol for each "direction", each command!!! I know it would have made my "work" a lot easier! But the fact remains, nothing is easy in treasure signs and symbols UNTIL you get a good working knowledge of how this secret system operates. Once you get this system down pat, you WILL locate treasure after treasure, mine after mine.

The owl symbol works hand in hand with the "BELL" symbol.....the bell means "bank", or treasure accumulation. But for right now I will explain how the owl, as a treasure room symbol, is "sneaking past" you at petroglyph sites, simply because you don't know the variations of this symbol.

The first thing to know is that all "words" in the treasure sign system have specific numerical value. For example, the word bell, when broken down to each letter, has a value of 31. The "B" equals 2, since "B" is the second letter of the alphabet, and on down the line. E = 5, L = 12, L = 12, adding up to 31. However, in the case of the owl, the numeric value adds up to 50...or does it?? This owl is actually known as The owl of Minerva, and it is the "M" in Minerva that is used to "designate" the owl symbol and, therefore, the numeric value of "M" is 13, which is the opposite of the bells 31.

When in the field (or on a paper map) you find an "M", you are being told about a treasure room. When in the field and you find a "W", you are being told that you "have missed the treasure room". This "W" is an "opposite" of the "M", and again, when you find this in the field, then you are being told that you are "turned up-side down", that you missed the treasure room.

You already know about the "13" being another way of saying "owl", or "treasure room". If you find a "13" in the field, then know you are being led to a treasure, not a mine. Now, if we break down these two numbers found in the number 13, the 1 and the 3, and just slide these two numbers together a little bit, you now have the letter "B". This letter "B" is a favorite in coding the "letter style" treasure maps, and you will know when this "B" is meant to represent the number 13 by the fact that the top/bottom of the 3 will not make contact with the top/bottom of the 1, or the 3 will have some sort of a flourish as it connects to the 1. A great example of this can be found on a Budweiser beer can. Look at how this "B" in "Budweiser" is made. Another example of this "13" can be found on a Coor's beer can. On the side of the can you will see the "M" which (supposedly) represents the mountain of Colorado, and below this mountain, below this "M", is a line that represents the flat ground, or the "foothills" of these mountains. Turn this can 90 degrees and this "M" and the line below it become the number 13.

Hope this helps. Have a great hunt!!A Duck rock map found at a given location , tells us about how the steps that you were following to the treasure are only correct to the sixth step, that the true 7th step had "ducked-out" on you, which left you following a false trail.(A duck in treasure hunting is a symbol generally means at some point, you will be tricked or misled.) locating the true seventh step, the duck rock now had to be rotated to give you the bell symbol. This bell symbol has a numerical value of 31, which is the number of feet that you need to measure to get to the treasure room....or is the 31 just a lie?( The numerical value of the letters, is simply A =1 , B = 2, etc so B=2, E=5, L=12. L=12 total is 31 )Remember that as we leave the 7th step* we are now on our 8th step, and this tells us automatically that we need to "double the final number." But how do we know that this step is the final step? By doubling the 31 feet (that we get from the bell) we get a new number of 62. Now generally, the number 6 is used as a death trap symbol, etc. However, in this case, we need to convert the 6 to its alphabetical "brother," which gives us the letter "F." The "F", in the latter stages of your treasure steps means "final" or "final step."(The letter F is the 6th letter of the Alphabet)The 2 (from the number 62) refers us to the letter "B." As stated before the "B" is a closed-up 13, the 13 being another symbol of the owl, the owl being the symbol for treasure, or treasure room. So, breaking down the number 62 into these letters gives us a meaning of "this is the final step to the treasure room."on gridsOne reason for a persons failure to locate a treasure or mine is due to the lack of truthful information. There are many, many books on the subject of treasure signs and symbols, and some authors have been pretty creative in their "solutions" to these treasure markers. And it is one of these "creative solutions" that makes me write this post, hoping to set the record straight before anyone tries to apply this solution to their own treasure site.The "solution" that I will be discussing has to do with survey lines, or, as the book puts it, "treasure grids." It is very true that surveying was an essential part in the making of a treasure map. Whether we are talking about a Church map, KGC map, pirate map, etc., surveying was needed to help ensure that the treasure/mine could be relocated.You should also understand that this act of surveying at a treasure site was "backed up" with treasure signs and symbols. These signs and symbols are just as important as the survey lines, since it was through these signs that you would be able to confirm that you were, indeed, on the correct path to the treasure. The reason for this "confirmation" process is simple, there are several "false trails" on EVERY treasure map, and if you were to follow one of these false trails, then you would need to know what you did wrong as well as how to correct your mistake and get back on the right track.Anyway, in this book, which shall remain nameless, the author states that a treasure grid was needed in order to find the treasures that are found by following a "certain" map. This grid was created by surveying line after line after line, until you ended up with a grid that resembles a tic-tac-toe game design. The treasure was supposed to be in the center square of this tic-tac-toe design.The reason that the author went into this survey design is because he has a Jesse James treasure map that tells you that you must do this in order to find the treasure. The only problem is, the part of the map that tells you to do all of this surveying is, without a doubt, a false trail. It is a trail designed to take you off into nowhere land, and there you will be lost, or, at least you will be far away from the treasure.Now, as I said, surveying IS a very vital part in the CREATION of a treasure map, and, here is how it works. When making a treasure map, there IS ALWAYS a beginning point given on the map. This beginning (alpha point) is nowhere near the treasures location (the omega point, the treasures location). So, what happens is that you need to know where to go from the alpha, which includes the distances and directions needed for each step of the way.Getting to this alpha point is not complicated, you simply make your way to this point in whatever way that you can.From here on out is where you want to pay particular attention because EVERY instruction given on the treasure map from here on out is given in COMPASS DEGREES and EXACT MEASUREMENTS. And folks, this is exactly how surveying pertains to treasure maps. The surveying, in other words, was DONE ONLY ONCE, and that was at the creation of the treasure map that you are holding in your hands. After the creation of the map, every instruction needed to relocate the treasure room or mine was set forth in compass degrees and exact measurements, and there is not one bit of surveying needed in order to relocate a treasure room or mine.Now, back at the alpha. As I said, this first instruction from the alpha is ALWAYS quite a distance away. Sometimes it's several hundred feet, sometimes it's a mile or two or three or four, etc, etc, etc,. My point is this, you really don't want to try to measure this first distance given. You can if you want, but I guarantee you, it's a waste of time. All you need to do is this, MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE CORRECT COMPASS DEGREE as well as some idea of the distance. Then just start walking in the compass direction given. When you have gone the proper distance, you will find a SIGN OR A SYMBOL, maybe even a large boulder monument, either way a sign will be found that tells you that you are to stop at this point (at that sign or symbol), and that FROM THIS POINT YOU MAKE ANOTHER CHANGE IN DIRECTION, which means that you will also be given another distance to travel.You will find that when you leave the alpha and get to your next point, your distances will decrease immensely. You may find that from this second point, your next distance to go may be 30 feet or less, and this is when your going to need to start using your tape measure.I have stated many, many times that once you get the feel for this treasure "hiding and locating" system used by the "family", you won't have a need for paper maps. Just think about it for a moment. When following the instructions on the map, you will, AT EVERY POINT where there is a change in direction and distance, find a boulder or some kind of PERMANENT object that will have signs and symbols on it helping you out.By getting the knowledge and the feel for these maps, you will be able to spot these "helpers" even though you're just out camping or hiking. And that, my friends, is why I say that you don't have to have a map to locate ANY treasure, just ability. As long as the treasure or mine has been monumented, and as long as those monuments haven't been destroyed, and as long as you have the experience, you will be able to find treasure rooms and mines until the cows come home.

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26A - go to..or look here, in the direction of the cross bar, if tiltedB - stands for 13 according to Dign, which makes sense to meC - Roman Numeral for 1000D - Roman Numberal for 500E - change directionF- God, and for Final DirectionG - GoldH - High point and Hidden TunnelI -J - Seen as a 'fishhook' imagine 'pulling' it and see what it 'snags'K - Many believe that this is the symbol for 120 degreesL - Roman Numeral for 50 and the Right Angle of the Masons or 90 degreesM - the Owl when you are getting closeN - North when written on a mapO-P - Usually Proverbs or Palms followed by numbers which is versesQ -R - Reverse or Rio, as in seeing the reflection in water, a reverse image.A backward R I will keep to my self for the time beingS - South or a bend in the river.T - Tesoro or Thomas, as in Doubting Thomas..Bible clue, or Tau, meaning the truthU - Pit or cache spot OR horse shoe = trailV - The Kings Fifth. or the Jesuits - Victory. or the Roman Numeral 5W -X - Roman numeral for 10. some say keep any rocks with this mark on your rightbut in Ancient Runes it stands for 'Gift' perhaps the Kings Fifth.?Y - The robbers Y..left or right, which way.? some mines tunnels do is the goodsthe other the trap..I always pick the right! but that is up to you the research before you pickZ - Not sure I ever saw this in the field, believe it to be an 'N' on its side..still means North to me.

the meanings of a Turtle,

A. You are getting close to the Omega Monument- The Turtle may BE the Omega MonumentIn Mexico, New Mexico, the Superstitions, Nevada,California, Oregon, the Philippines andUtah, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Arkansas and many other places I havefound and photographed Turtles,,they all mean the SAME thing!, If you are thinking otherwise you are not getting the clear meaning of what to do next...B. Turtles have a small 'home turf' in that they do not wander for the most part all that far outof their home range...the Naturalist and the students of Natural Sciences know that..the Jesuitsknew that too..that is WHY they used it as the Omega Monument..for that very reason..So yousee..a Turtle could NEVER mean anything else but that "your are getting close"

C. The hard shell of the Turtle and its ability to "withdraw" in time of symbolic of thevault or cache spot..This protection underscores the parallel of the turtle and the vault!They would never use the Turtle just to show the way to water or a camp spot..that is thevalue of the symbolism is because, these attributes NEVER change in nature and NEVERchange in the Codes was well.

DIGGINS STUFFRecently, it was revealed that there are some sites out there that have two treasure sites along a single treasure trail. I call them "18" sites for a number of reasons, first off because these sites use Reveleations Chapter 1, Verse 8, to let you know that there is a treasure located at the Alpha (set 1) and one at step 8 (Omega).

In his first book on treasure signs and symbols, Kenworthy shows us an "R" on Page 35, then goes on to explain to us that the "R" ssimply menas "nothing there," or, "failure, don't waste your time."This is not true.The "R," when found on a map or in the field is telling you about Revelations 1,8. The "R" itself is telling you, it's trying to REVEAL to you, this fact that Revelations 1,8 is how this treasure trail is set up. The very word Revelations means to REVEAL, as in 'uncover," and add to that the fact that the "R" is the 18th letter in the alphabet, and it becomes quite clear how the "R" is one of the most important treasure signs and symbols that a treasure hunter can find, whether on a paper map OR in the field.

So, if you're ever in the field and you find a "W", "M", "18," or an "R," then know that you are about to locate not just one treasure, but two treasures. And don't forget about "mirror images," which would make an "18" an "81," and so on.As I posted in my previous post about the major update to the "W" symbol, the "W" when found in the field along the true treasure trail, is telling you that are are halfway along a treasure trail that leads to two different treasure sites. The first site you have already passed (back at the Alpha), and that the next signs (step 5 on) are a part of the treasure trail that leads to the second treasure (at the Omega).

When at your Alpha, if you find the number 18, then you are being told about a verse in the first chapter of Revelations. Chapter 1, Verse 8, states "I am th eAlpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end." And that is exactly where treasures will be found along these types of trails, at the beginning and at the end. When leaving the Alpha, every step after the first one will have a duck symbol or the number 4 (bent tree?) telling you that the trail has ducked out on you, and that you must return to th eAlpha in order to locate the first treasure. Hence the 1 in 18.

At the 4th step in the treasure trail the sign found will be a distinctive 4 (bent tree, etc), this is done so that you will know that you are at the end of the first part of the trail, and that the second part leading to the second treasure begins at step five. Step five will be a ways away, however, you find more signs near step 4. One of these signs will be located 50-100 feet away from step four, and it will be a "W." This W will be showing you the location of a sign/rock/etc that you need to read in order to get to step five. Now, this can get real confusing if you're not aware of this double treasure trail. You will find the W and the other(s) signs and you will count them as steps in the treasure trAil, but they are not steps, these signs are just showing you how to get to step 5.

Step 5 will always be an Eagle. The E in Eagle has a value of 5, so oyu can see why this was used. Also, you get to step 6 by looking over the Eagles wing (Kenworthy's books go into this fact).Step 6 is to be ignored, but you will be given info that will get you to step 7.

It is at step 8 that your next treasure site will be located, which coincides with the 18 found at the Alpha. It is possible for the second treasure to be at step 9 or 10 and so on, but I have yet to see this occur.

The "M" is a "product" of the OWL symbol, the OWL of "M"inerva. So we have a value of 13. The "W" is an up-side down "M" and it has a value of 23. The 13, when added together is 4. 4 = DUCK, or, "treasure is at the Alpha." The 23 when added together is 5. It is at step 5 where the trail to the second treasure begins.

I have gone over my notebooks and have found out that I have been to several "18" sites, but I just didn't know it. You see, it is still possible to get to the Omega (but it's a bitch), but by the time you get to the Omega, you have already passed by/walked over one treasure. And like I said, when you get to step 4 and are looking for step 5, and you don't know about the "double" treasure trail, you will spin your wheels for months trying to "fit" the "W" and other sign(s) into your treasure trail steps.

The oldest site I worked that used this "18" was The Guevavi Mission site in Southern Arizona. I found the Omega, but walked right over the first treasure. This Mission was a Jesuit Mission, and this "18" site was set up in the 1500's. The site that gave me this preceding information is a site that starts at the Shelby County Courthouse, in Harlan, Iowa, and was set up circa 1890's. This "Courthouse" site is a site belonging to the Freemasons, but just like the Mormons, Jesuits, Pirates, Catholics, etc, the Freemasons are a 'branch" of the secret societies that control the world. It is these treasures that made this control possible, and these treasures and mines are ALL set up using the very same coding techniques. - This information is good and legitimate for ALL maps of the Spanish, Catholic Church, Mormons, Jesse James (and other outlaw groups), Masons, etc. In other words, ANY Map that has a Duck symbol on it, or the number "39" (the number of the Duck), will use this coded technique to fool you and lead you astray, whether it be a symbol-style map, letter-style map, etc.

You should already know about the fact that the Duck symbol is telling you to "be careful, that the true treasure trail "ducks" out on you" and leaves you wondering around going nowhere. You should also know that the duck symbol is telling you exactly what point the treasure room/mine is located at....the very first step of the treasure trail...the Alpha.

It is for this reason, (knowing that the duck tells you that the treasure/mine is at the first step), that maps using this duck symbol have done something to really "give it to you", to really screw you up in the field. All other maps (that do not use the duck) will lead you to the Alpha, and you simply make your way along the treasure trail until you come to the spot where the covered opening is located. But in the case of these duck maps, knowing that the treasure is at the first step, they "slip it to you" by showing you an alpha, however, it is a false Alpha. Oh sure, the Alpha exists, but not in the place where the map shows it. What you actually have to do is make it to the second step of the maps' directions and then "back pedal" to the actual Alpha site. It's really quite ingenious, to say the least. So, if you have a "duck map", forget about the Alpha shown on the map, and go to the second step given on the map, then locate the alpha (treasure room) from there.

I already know many of you have been reding my posts and have been getting close to a treasure room, or at least you thought you were. I can tell by the e-mails that you need this bit on info, so I am releasing it.

Hope it helps you get to your treasure.You gotta love Fall...ok...maybe not. But if there is one thing that Fall IS good for, it's for spotting those bent trees that lead to treasure rooms. You will find that most of these bent trees are found along creeks and rivers. It's possible to just drive the backroads and, if you can, park your vehicle and get out and, using a pair of binoculars, scan the tree line along the water-way (or walk the bank down and up-stream). And with the leaves now off the trees, it's a piece of cake to spot those bent limbs on those treasure trees.Many of these treasure trees are fairly young, but there are still plenty of old ones that can be spotted. The young ones are just a testimony as to how the secret society(s) keep these treasure trees (treasure trails) "alive and well". In other words, when an old treasure tree dies or gets blown over, it is soon replaced with another.One of the most important bent limb treasure trees that you can find are the ones that look just like the number "4". The limb that has been manipulated and bent comes out from the trunk at an almost perfect 90 degree angle for a few feet, then makes a sharp and definite angle straight up, forming the number four (the tree trunk, itself, is the long vertical line of the numer "4", with the bent limb forming the other "half" of the number "4"). This four is the letter "D", "D" is for "Duck", and this particular type of treasure tree (there are others) is telling you that "the trail has ducked out on you, and that you need to go back to the Alpha in order to find the treasure room".Again, the "D" in Duck is actually giving you a "movement". The vertical line is the number one (1), the "half-moon" line of the "D" ...."starts at (begins), and comes back to (ends) this 1". Hence, anytime you have a duck symbol, it is telling you that the trail to the treasure room "begins and ends at the first step" of the treasure trail, the Alpha. Usually, the Duck symbol will be found by the 3rd step of a treasure trail, but it will continue to be found along the entire treasure an effort to tell you that you have been misled.Like I said, the leaves are, for the most part, gone or will be totally gone very soon. It doesn't get any easier to spot a treasure trail than it does during the Fall.Also remember that the backroads you have near you town were/are the same roads that were used a hundred years ago (for the most part). Chances are these same roads were used to haul treasure to and from the room. This is why it's possible to see these bent trees from bridges (if these trees are close to the road). Otherwise, the best thing is to park a ways from the creek/river so that you can scan the tree-line (with your binoc's) for a ways, both up and down stream, if possible.I assure you, there is NO EASIER way to find a treasure room trail than by locating these bent tree limbs during the Fall. Once these trees are found, all you have to do is locate the alpha.One more bit of advice. These bent tree limbs that form the number four....they will be found at the fourth step of the treasure trail. Which means you only have three steps to go to find the treasure room (once the bent tree limb treasure tree is found).You will be amazed at how many of these trees exist out there.

THE HEARTTo be honest, the heart is nothing more than the "treasure codes" way of saying "an opening is here". If you look closely, the heart symbol is nothing more than a women's "behind" ....(when viewed from above). Sure, where the heart "lines" come together is actually the women's waiste area, but the heart is still just a look at the female butt, the "rear end" as viewed from above.I have written on this web site about how the female reproductive area, the @$#%^!, is actually a "tunnel opening" sign used in the treasure codes....and it's a fact that the heart symbol is saying exactly the same...that "there is an opening that will bring you the pleasure of riches... nearby". The Heart is saying this...."you're close to the opening (the @$#%^!).....but you're not quite there".I apologize to ALL readers, men and women alike, who may be offended by this topic...but I must also say that my goal is to ONLY write about that which is true. And the truth is....the heart, the natural heart in your body and in mine, does NOT even look like the heart symbol used in the treasure codes. And Lord knows they (during the Inquisition, for example) cut out enough hearts to know the difference.In closing I just want to say this....that woman is God's most beautiful, and most awesome, well as the smartest. Women are the core of the family, the very core of life itself....and that is why their anatomy is used in the treasure codes. Just as a woman gives does gold and silver....if that's what you need for life. Myself, I'll take a good woman over gold any day of the week....all week long. A good woman is more precious than ruby's.Finding a good woman is better than finding buried treasure.........that's a fact!!!!!!!

Compass DegreesThere is a way that you ARE being told the "way" to your treasure room or mine, but you are probably missing the subtle way that this is being done.At your site, you will find a boulder, or some other permanent rock out-cropping, on which there are letters carved.While this is especially true with treasure accumulation rooms, there is also proof of this same thing happening at mines.

These letters that WILL be found will look like this: CT.....CJ.......DT.....DJ....and many, many other letter combinations.

ALL of these combinations are giving you "compass degrees" to the next sign, or even to the final place where the mine/treasure room will be found. In other words, let's say that you find a boulder with the letters "CT". The "C" is saying "3" and the "T" is saying "20". Add them up and you get 320, which is a compass degree you need to take FROM THE LOCATION OF THESE LETTERS in order to be within the vicinty of your mine or treasure room.

You have to look closely at the boulder or rock formation in order to get the distance, however, if you are a newby at this this sort of thing, just walking in the direction of the compass degree that you now have, you should be able to find the first signs within 100 yards of the original compass rock, most likey even closer.

Granted, today's compass degree's have changed (are not the same) from when these sites were set up, so be sure that as you walk in this compass degree, that you watch for partially buried rocks that are designed to "keep you online" with the original compass degrees that were in effect back when these signs were first created.

CD = 34 (in degrees. 34 on the compass is 34 degrees east of north)CJ = 310DB = 32AJ = 110There are others, these is just examples.

39 is the number for the DUCK symbol. The DUCK symbol also has a meaning of...A MIRROR IMAGE (You find a Duck ON WATER) Water ALWAYS indicates a mirror image.

TREASURE WORDSSome of your sites will have petroglyphs containing letters and numbers, which can be somewhat confusing in deciphering, but here is what takes place most of the time (this info will NOT work for a person's initials).

There are "words of treasure" that have gone through a sort of transformation simply due to the secret treasure coding system and the techniques used in this system. The following is an example of some of these treasure words and how they "morph" into numbers and then into letters. Be aware that at your site your petroglyphs may be in either "stage" of these transformations!!! IN other words, your treasure words may be found as numbers (the first step in the transformation) or your petroglyphs may be found as letters (the second stage of this transformation).

Jesus: (We know that Jesus is our ultimate treasure in these codes.) Jesus has a numerical value of 74. So you may find these numbers at your site (read my post on "mirror images", as you may be seeing these reversed). The number 74 is the first stage of the transformation from the treasure word Jesus, the second stage involves turning these two numbers, 74, back into letters. The 7th letter is "G" and the 4th letter is "D". So we get "GD". Again, if it's a mirror image, you may find this as a "DG".

Gold = 38 = CH.ORO (the spanish name for gold) = 48 = DH.

Silver = 85 = HE.Plata (the spanish name for silver) = 50 = EO. (The word OWL also equates to 50, which is just one reason why OWL became "13".)

OWL = 13 = AC. Again, 13 is for the letter in "M"inerva. This is a very important treasure accumulation room sign.

Turtle (another treasure symbol) = 96 = IF.

Bell = 31 = CA. (MIrror image of 13) It's interesting to note that this owl symbol, in some cases, looks just like the State of California.

Here are a couple more VERY important treasure words to have on your list:

DUCK =39 = CI (Duck symbol tells us that that treasure's location is at step number 1 of the treasure trail.)

EAGLE = 30 = CO (glad we did this one because it brings out a point. When you have a "zero" as the second number, as in "30", this "zero" becomes and "O".

There are a lot more of these treasure words out there, but I hope that this gives you some insight as to how these petroglyphs are "speaking words of treasure" to you., and how to react/decipher them when you find them. I have to say that it is wise to accumulate a written list of these words and their transformations, because if you find these transformations in the field and you don't have the "word" that makes up these numbers and letters that you are finding, then you boat may be sunk. Trying to guess which letters, which word, makes up a number that is found as a petroglyph, can be a pain.

Hope you can use this information. There is more coming folks, so put on your seat belts and hang on!!! We are going to be discussing some pretty important stuff in these final days.

P.S. As a final note.....sometimes you will find these petroglyphs in a "square, or, box style" petroglyph. You will have at least 4 (four) letters or numbers, two on top and two directly underneath these top ones. In cases like this, you may have to "play around" with them....taking the top letter/number and the one directly below it, or, the top left one and the bottom right one (opposite corners) in order to make sense of them. But this only takes a few minutes if you have already compiled you list of treasure words and their transformations. Also remember that other languages (like spanish) were used in this coded sytstem. Again, don NOT forget about mirror images!!!

I wasn't going to go into this symbol to this depth, but it has become apparent that there is a lot of misinformation floating around about this owl. Last night I was on a treasure hunting website where I used to reveal information about treasure signs and symbols. I viewed many, many photo's of treasure signs and monuments, as well as the "interpretations" that were given to this owl symbol.

There seems to be about 4 or 5 "experts" on this site, and their interpretations to many of the symbols and signs posted were, for the most part, right on target, until it came to this owl symbol. One of these experts stated that, even though the owl has been said to be the "Owl of Minerva", that it is actually just a bird symbol and means a change of direction. I couldn't believe this malarky.

This web site was bought out a few years back, and it is so obvious that this purchase was done in order to put people in charge that would "muddy the waters" when it came to those very vital signs and the interpretations. Their interpretations were excellent when it came to simple trail markers and monuments, but as soon as someone shows or mentions the Owl (signs that "get you to a treasure room"), then the misinformation began. This is not by accident.

The Owl of Minerva is just as I have said it was from the very first day that I revelaed it to the treasure hunting world. And, in order to show the relevance of this sign and its variations and to prove, once and for all, that this IS The Owl of Minerva, I will do the deeper understanding of this treasure room symbol...the Owl of Minerva.

The Owl of Minerva is an Illuminati symbol, its name comes from "Pallas Athene", or, Minerva to the Romans. Ok, I told you already that this is where the "M" comes in to the picture when you're hunting for treasure accumualtion rooms. But I will say it again, the "M" stands for Minerva. Now, I also told you about the up-side down "M", or, the "W" that is found along the treasure trail leading to these treasure rooms, and that this "W" is telling you that you have "gone too far", that the treasure room is 'behind" you. Well, here is why this "W" confirms that this IS The Owl of Minerva.

Remember "Pallas Athene"? She is a goddess in mythology, the Romans call her Minerva. Minerva, the goddess who honored the Owl as her sacred bird. Are you beginning to get the picture? This goddess, Minerva, who has the owl as her sacred bird, is the goddess of something, right? The truth is, Minerva is the goddess of Wisdom. And it is the "W" in wisdom that makes up the treasure sign "W" that you will find in the field if you have gone beyond the treasure room (the "M"). And it's that easy.....the M for Minerva, and the W for wisdom.

This "W", when found in the field, again means that you have over-shot the treasure room, that you need to go back. This "W" is actually two "V's" (there is no W in the Roman alphabet), with each "V" meaning 5 (Roman numerals). Take these two 5's and you add them up to get 10. The tenth letter of the English alphabet is "J", which means to "turn around and go back". Folks, this is why these secret treasure signs and symbols have been so secret for hundreds and hundreds of years, they use a combination of Roman, English, and other languages.

It blows me away to read where someone has found two "J's" carved on a boulder, and they automatically think that this is the initials of Jesse James, when in fact these two J's are just telling you that, "from this point there will be two changes of distance and direction" before you get to the treasure room.

Have a great day everyone.Michael

Gollum Said:IHS has a couple of meanings.

1. "In Hoc Signo" which translates to "In His Name" (referring toJesus). It was part of a bit longer phrase "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (Victory In His Name or Victory Through His Name).

2. In Old Latin IHS is an abbreviation of the nameJesus.

For the concerns of this subject IHS only refers to the Jesuit Order.


The "keyhole" symbol is one of those symbols that "falls into place" as your experience grows. This symbol is found at most, if not all, "John" sites, as well as other sites using other coding techniques.The keyhole, when found on a rock map or carved on ANY surface (panel) etc, is telling you a little story. This story relates to you the fact that you are going to be locating a pozo that has been sealed with a tombstone (a cap rock).The very top part of the keyhole symbol is a circle. This circle represents the hole that you are going to be digging in order to locate this cap rock. Once you have dug down to this cap rock you will quickly find that you have one major problem; how to get the cap rock off of the opening (this rock is corked into the opening).This brings us to the bottom portion of the keyhole symbol, which I prefer to call the "dove tail." You see, in order to get your pry bars under the cap rock, you need to "dove tail" the hole that you have dug. This dove tailed area will now allow you to slip your bars in and under the cap rock, allowing for easy removal.The cap rock (pozo) is usually found at step number 13, however, at step number 12 you will dig up a rock that resembles the keyhole. Pay attention to this rock at step number 12, as it will tell you which direction to dig your dove tail when you reach step number 13.There is a lot more to this symbol, but the main thing to remember is that when you find the "keyhole" symbol, you know that you are being led to a pozo, and that in order to properly remove the cap rock, you have to dove tail the hole in order to allow for pry bars to be effective. Again, this dove tailed area has already been established, so pay attention to your rock map found at the 12th step so that you can expose this area and make use of it when removing the cap rock.

Other signs familiar to "John" sites;1) 757..........these numbers are asking you "have you been lied to (75)" about the seventh step. It is very common to make the 6th and 7th step confusing to you. In fact, if you can't nail down the 7th step, you will be wasting time.2) The Duck. I have written a little about this symbol, and will release more in the future.3) The Eagle. Of course the eagle is used!! We're talking about John sites and the eagle represents John.4) The Owl.5) The Bell.In the near future I will be releasing more information about these John sites, and why the triangle found at these sites is worthless (as a triangle). Many of you have located these triangles and have been spinning your wheels trying to locate the covered opening. When fully understood, these John sites give you information to at least two openings (pozo and main), as well as give you rock maps (at strategic locations) that lead to the mines that are located within the area.These rocks maps that are found at some of the 13 different steps are the most clear (uncoded) maps that you can find and they show exactly where the covered mine openings are located.

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