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VI. Acupuncture Microsystems and the Extraordinary Meridians

A. Weekend 6 Introduction

1. Class Format

a) 12-hour UBCC Sponsored CCE Class: Saturday 12 noon - 6:00pm / Sunday 8 -11am & 12:30-3:30pm

b) 3-Hour Demo/Hands-On Practice Session: Sat 6:00 - 7:30 PM / Sunday 11am - 12:30pm

(a) Location and Needle Technique is very important with Microsystems

(b) We will practice needling most, if not all, the points discussed this weekend.

2. Review

a) Meridian Pathways Review

b) Major Points Review

c) Theory / Diagnostic Frameworks

d) Other Q & A

3. Microsystems Treatment

a) Ear, Scalp, Hand

b) Find point exactly

c) Apply Active or Passive Movement During the Treatment

d) Look For Immediate Change

e) Addition of Primary Acupoints to most treatments

B. Hand Acupuncture Points

1. General Comments

a) Good for all pain

(1) Especially good for acute pain

(2) Especially good for pain in Yang Areas

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b) in combination with body points for chronic pain

c) usually use opposite side

d) move affected joint if possible

2. Needling and Location Technique

a) Locate at the epiphysis of the bone and needle in at a 45 degree angle to the point in the direction of the finger tips.

3. Selected Upper Body Hand Points

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b) Shoulder

(1) Radial side of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger

(2) Shoulder pain

c) Nape & Neck

(1) Ulnar side of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger

(2) Action & Effects

(3) Stiff neck

d) Migraine

(1) Ulnar side of the first interphalangeal joint of the ring finger

(2) Migraine

(3) Chest pain

e) Headache

(1) Ulnar side of the metacarpophalangeal interphalangeal joint of the thumb

(2) H/A

(3) dizziness

4. Other Hand Points

a) Low Back (Loin & Leg)

b) Sciatic Nerve

c) Ankle

d) Polyhydrosis point

(1) Not lustrated. About ½ way between PC 7 & PC 8.

(2) Works well for excessive sweating, (especially if it is linked to the Shen)

C. Auricular Acupuncture

1. General Introduction

a) Techniques

(1) Find point exactly

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(2) Active or passive movement

b) For Yang disorders, palpate the Yang side of the ear for sensitivity and needle/seed it in addition to the Yin side

2. Usual Modalities

a) Needles

b) Seeds

c) Press-balls Magnets

3. Ear Anatomy Review:

a) Helix

b) Crus of the Helix

c) Antihelix

d) Upper Crus of the Anti Helix

e) Lower Crus of the Anti Helix

f) Triangular fossa

g) External Auditory Canal

h) Lobe

i) Tragus

j) Antitragus

k) Cavum Concha

l) Cymba (Upper Concha)

m) Scaphoid Fossa

n) Darwin’s Tubercle

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4. Major Auricular Points

a) Shen Men

b) Heart

c) Liver

d) Kidney

e) Sympathetic N.

f) Stomach

g) Mouth

h) Thirst

i) Hunger

j) Nicotine

k) Shoulder-Arm-Hand-Finger

l) Back

m) Hip-Leg-Foot-Toe

n) Sciatica

o) Uterus

p) Toothache

q) Aspirin Pt.

r) Insomnia Pts.

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2. Specific Auricular Treatments

a) Pain Protocols

b) Anxiety/ ADHD / PTSD

c) Quit Smoking

d) Weight Loss

D. Acupuncture in the Treatment of Chemical Dependency

1. Chemical Dependency

a) Definition

(1) An harmful dependence is present if, the use of alcohol or other mood-altering substance is causing disruption in the individual’s personal, social, spiritual or economic life, - or in the life of the individual’s family - and the individual does not terminate the use of the substance.

(2) Emotional importance is attached to the chemical

b) Addiction (alcoholism) Classified as a Disease in 1956

(1) The disease can be described

(a) Compulsion to use/drink

(2) The course of the disease is predictable

(a) Gets worse

(3) The disease is primary

(a) Not a symptom of emotional disorder

(b) Causes mental/emotional/physical problems

(4) The disease is permanent

(a) when you have it you have it

(5) The disease is terminal

(a) Overdose

(b) Cardiopulmonary disease

(c) High Blood Pressure

(d) Liver problems

(e) Bleeding ulcers

(f) hepatitis

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(g) TB

(h) Suicide

(i) Homicide

(j) AIDS

(k) AUTO/other Accidents

2. Withdrawal

a) General Sx

(a) Severe Flu-Like Sx.

(b) fever

(c) chills

(d) insomnia

(e) cramping

(f) headaches

(g) agitation

(h) violent outbursts

(i) nausea

(j) depression

(k) malaise / fatigue

(l) anxiety

(m) paranoia

b) TCM

(1) Def. QI

(2) Def. Yin

(3) Stuck Qi

(4) Lots of Empty. Fire

c) Acute Medical Emergency from Withdrawal

(1) Alcohol

(2) Benzodiazepines

(a) Anti-Anxiety Meds

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(b) *-Azepams

(i) Ativan / Xanax

(3) Barbiturates

(a) Anti-Seizure Meds

(b) *-Barbatols

(4) Cold Turkey May Lead To Seizures (1 in 10)

(5) Seizures May Lead To Death (1 in 10)

(6) sweating

(7) fever

(8) tremor

(9) anxiety

(10) cramps

(11) hallucinations

d) Non-Emergency Withdrawal

(1) Synthetic and Natural Opiates/Narcotics

(2) Opium, Morphine, Heroin, Hydrocodone, Oxycoten, Methadone

(a) Withdrawal Symptoms, not life threatening, but severe.

(b) May last up to 6 mos.

3. Effects

a) Decrease in Recidivism Rate

b) High degree of outpatient compliance

(1) They like it

(2) They feel good during and after w/out medications

c) Reduced

(1) Drug Cravings

(2) Pain

(3) Muscle cramping

(4) Stress

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(5) Anxiety

(6) Sleeplessness

d) Cost effectiveness

(1) 1 acupuncture provider, 1 Counselor, 1 Case Worker, & 1 admin. Can handle @ 30 patients in a two hour time period. Start to finish.

4. Treatment

a) NADA Protocol

(1) National Acupuncture Detox Association

(2) Origin of Detox Acupuncture

(a) Lincoln Hospital Detox Unit

(i) South Bronx – 1974

(3) No Need to Reinvent the Wheel

(4) Acupuncture is Not Complete in and of Itself for Detox. It must be part of an integrated whole system, to achieve these results.

(a) Individual counseling

(b) Group support

(c) Case management

(d) Urine screening

(e) Other conventional treatment approaches.

(5) Get the patient to return

(a) otherwise you can’t assist them

(b) Sobriety may not be the #1 concern for them at this particular moment

(c) No guilt

(d) No grand expectations

(e) Be understanding

(i) Slips/Relapses

(a) This Disease is defined as a disease of relapse

(b) Slips are serious, but don’t get too upset

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(c) Curing them is not your job

(6) Remember the primary diagnosis.

(a) Chemical Dependency is Primary

(b) It will kill faster than anything else

(7) Frequency of treatment

(a) DETOX Phase

(i) Lasts until pt. has put together 14 days clean & sober

(a) Weeks 0-2 of recovery

(b) 1-2 Acupuncture. Tx. Daily

(c) Group work

(d) Case Management

(b) Recovery Phase

(i) Four Weeks

(a) Weeks 3-6 of recovery

(b) Three Acupuncture TX /week

(c) Group Work

(d) Case Management

(e) Individual Counseling

(c) Maintenance Phase

(a) Weeks 7-10 of recovery

(b) Acupuncture Tx. twice weekly

(c) Group work

(d) Case management

(e) Individual Counseling

(f) Re-Evaluation / Referral

b) Treatment Setting

(1) Private

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(a) Advantages

(i) no need to set up separate program

(ii) immediate access

(iii) Gives the practitioner a way to help

(a) or at least feel like he or she is helping

(b) Disadvantages

(i) Counterproductive

(a) Cost

(i) daily Tx/weekly TX

(ii) 10 / 20 weeks

(iii) Lack of Ins. Coverage

(iv) Addicts always broke

(v) Dr. must pay bills

(b) Scheduling Apts.

(i) Addicts unstructured

(ii) need window time

(c) Lack of immediate access to other services

(i) counseling

(ii) case management

(iii) HIV Ed.

(iv) Battered women services

(d) PP environment

(i) authority figure

(ii) addicts are uncomfortable with it

(iii) other patients uncomfortable w/ addicts

(ii) Stop - Gap Solutions

(a) sliding fees

(b) Reserved Time Windows for Detox

(c) Arrangements with therapists

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(d) Local AA & NA meetings

(e) Arrangements W/ Local MD’s / Hospital / Clinic / Social Services

(2) Public

(a) Because of the above reasons and more, public, free, accessible, Acu-detox is always the better choice. The responsible Acupuncturist will refer to these programs whenever possible.

c) Point selection

(1) Ear Protocol

(a) Shen Men

(b) Liver

(c) Heart

(d) Kidney

(e) Sympathetic N.


(2) During Treatment

(a) 20-45 minutes

(b) Sit Quietly

(c) No War (drug) Stories

(3) Other Helpful things

(a) Herbal Tea

(b) Breathing Exercises

(c) Nutrition

(d) Purpose

d) Risks and Cautions

(1) Contraindications

(a) None really

(i) Drug Use is more risky

(b) Pregnant

(i) 5.25 prenatal Visits

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(a) 80-90% Drug negative Toxicology

(b) Birth weight up 40%

(ii) Less points

(a) Avoid Liver

(b) Avoid SM

(c) Avoid Kid.

(2) HIV/Hepatitis

(a) Frequent among Addicts

(b) Be Careful

(i) Have a Pt. Prep Station

(a) Cotton

(b) Alcohol

(c) Sharps container

(d) Tissue

(e) Mirror

(ii) Patients clean ears

(iii) Patients Remove needles

(iv) Patients clean up blood

e) Adding Body Points to the Protocol


(a) Use only with utmost discrimination

(b) Like dealing w/Children

(c) Don’t let them manipulate

(d) Getting Clean has a lot to do with experiencing pain, without outside intervention. Including Acupuncture.

(2) Yin Tang

(a) Anxiety

(b) Depression

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(c) Sleeplessness

(d) Mental Instability

(3) Liv3

(a) LR Qi stag

(i) Irritability

(ii) Anger

(iii) Controlling/Manipulation

(iv) Anxiety

(4) Liv2

(a) LR. Fire

(i) Rage

(ii) H/A

(5) Pc6

(a) Sleeplessness

(b) Anxiety

(6) Ht7

(a) Anxiety

(b) Nightmares

(c) Shen Disturbance

(d) Fear

(e) Insomnia

(7) Ki3

(a) Fatigue

(b) Insomnia

(c) Fear

(8) Gv20

(a) Descends the Qi

(9) Lu9

(a) Weakness of the body

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(10) St36

(a) Nausea

(b) No Appetite

(c) St. Pain

f) Demonstration / Practice

(1) Points

(a) Location

(b) Needling

E. APS-USA: AcuPractice™ Seminars Unified Scalp Acupuncture

1. There are a number of different Styles of Scalp Acupuncture.

2. This class will cover AcuPractice™ Seminars’ Unified Scalp Acupuncture: APS-USA .

3. The Most Popular Styles of Scalp Acupuncture

a) Chinese Scalp Acupuncture

(1) 2 Main Styles

(a) Jiao Tai Fa’s Technique

(b) Zhu Ming Qing’s Technique

(2) Treatment is associated with Lines

(a) Based On

(i) Homunculus

(ii) Brain Map

(iii) Western Function

(iv) Sensory / Motor areas etc.

(b) Chinese Scalp Lines Generally Treat Contralateral Side

b) YNSA: Yamamoto’s New Scalp Acupuncture

(1) Treatment Based on Points

(a) Discreet Points

(b) Based On Somatype / Homunculus

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(c) YNSA Points Generally Treat Ipsilateral Side

4. APS-USA - AcuPractice™ Seminars’ Unified Scalp Acupuncture

a) Employs the most clinically effective Points, Lines, and Protocols found within the more popular styles of Scalp Acupuncture.

(1) As With Chinese Scalp: Lines Generally Treat Contralateral Side

(2) As With YNSA: Points Generally Treat Ipsilateral Side

(3) All Points and Lines are palpated carefully to find the most reactive point for treatment

5. Contraindications and Cautions

a) Contraindicated: Acute Stage Cerebral Hemorrhage: Wait at least 4 weeks

b) Caution During Pregnancy

c) Contraindicated: Children With Fontanel Not Closed

d) Caution: People who are Too Hungry or Nervous

6. Used for:

a) All Painful Conditions

(1) Especially effective in the upper body

b) Neurological Conditions

c) All Disorders Involving the Brain/CNS

d) Post Stroke

(1) Cerebral Thrombosis / Embolism: Treat early

(2) Post Stroke Prognosis

(a) 1-3 mos: Excellent

(b) 3-6 mos: Very Good

(c) 6-1 year: Good

(d) Up to 3 years: Hopeful

(e) After 3 years: Guarded

(3) Note: Cerebral Hemorrhage: Scalp Line Tx. Contraindicated for one to three months

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e) Phantom Limb Pain

f) Spinal Chord Injury

g) Post Traumatic Paralysis

h) Brain Damage

i) Multiple Sclerosis

j) Muscular Atrophy

k) Urinary Incontinence

7. Technique

a) Points

(1) Palpate carefully for Discreet Point to Needle

(2) Needles: #2 or 3 X 30mm

b) Lines:

(1) Palpate carefully for Discreet Point to Needle

(2) If No Discreet Point is Reactive: Treat Entire Line

(3) Needles: #5 - # 8 X 30 - 60 mm

c) Position Patient Sitting Up

d) Transverse Needle Insertion / 15-250

e) Depth of insertion

(1) Five Layers

(a) Cutaneous

(i) Thick

(ii) Rich in blood circulation

(iii) Painful to needle

(b) Subcutaneous

(i) Firm

(ii) Dense

(iii) Short fibers

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(iv) Major vessels and nerves

(v) Painful to needle

(c) Galea aponeurofic layer

(i) Tough & tensile fibrous Tissue

(ii) Very painful to needle

(d) Aerial tissue layer

(i) Loose connective tissue

(ii) The Best Layer To Needle

(e) Periosteum

(i) Outer layer of Skull

(ii) Very painful to needle

f) Minimizing Pain

(1) Insert Quickly

(2) Needle Correct Layer

(3) Check for shallow enough angle

g) Stimulation

(1) No Thrusting: Rotation Only

(2) For Best Results: Stimulate for 1-2 min. Every 10-15 min.

h) Needling Direction

(1) Generally From Superior to Inferior

(2) Or Anterior to Posterior

i) Lay needles

(1) 20-60 min.

(2) Up to Twelve Hours

j) If Possible: have patient Walk or Talk, Utilize or Move the affected part/faculty during treatment

k) Remove Needles

(1) Always use Cotton

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(2) Often bleeding

l) Interdermals, Electro Acupuncture, Moxa, and Massage Can All Be Used

8. APS-USA Points

a) Finding the Hairline:

(1) The Hairline can be found about 1cm superior to the most superior wrinkle on the forehead.

(2) The Corner of the Hairline can be found @ 4-5 cm lateral to the midline, about the same distance lateral to the middle of the eye, as the middle of the eye is from the midline of the face.

b) Head & Neck Points

(1) A Seires of Descreet Points, corresponding to the cervical vertebrae and occiput.

(2) The points are found on a 2 cm long Line, centered on the hairline, 1cm lateral to the midpoint of the hairline.

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(3) Any Pain/Disorder of the Face, Head, and Neck

(4) Any Disorder associated with the Cervical Spine

(5) Neurological Disorders

(6) Post Surgical Complications

(7) Trigeminal Neuralgia

(8) Bell’s Palsy

(9) Headache/Migraine

(10) Vertigo

c) Neck & Shoulder Points

(1) A Seires of Descreet Points, Found on a 2 cm long Line, centered on the hairline, 2cm lateral to the midpoint of the hairline.

(2) Any Pain/Disorder of the Neck, Clavicle, Shoulder and Scapular Regions.

(3) Paralysis

(4) Post trauma

(5) Post operative

(6) Fractures

(7) Upper Body CRPS / RSD

(a) Complex Regional Pain Syndrome / Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome

d) Shoulder Arm & Hand Points

(1) A Seires of Descreet Points, which are found on a 2 cm long Line, beginning at the corner of the hairline, and extending diagonally toward the nose (Yin Tang).

(2) These points correspond to the shoulder, which is found near the top/lateral end of the line; the arm in the middle; and the hand, at the inferior/medial end.

(3) Any disorders of the Shoulder Joint, Scapular Region, Arm, Hand, Wrist & Fingers

(4) Pain

(5) Paralysis

(6) Post trauma/operative

(7) Fractures

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(8) Dislocations

(9) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

e) Thorax Points

(1) A Seires of Descreet Points, corresponding to T1-T12.

(2) The points are found on a line, which begins about 1cm lateral to the midline at the top border of the eyebrow. (This medial border corresponds to T-1) The line continues to the midpoint of the eyebrow at a 150 angle upward ending above the middle of the eyebrow. (The lateral end corresponds to T-12.)

(3) Any Disorder associated with the Thorax or Thoracic Spine

(a) Back Pain

(b) Rib Pain

(c) Angina

(d) Herpes Zoster

(e) Asthma / Bronchitis

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f) Low Back Points

(1) A Seires of Descreet Points, corresponding to the Lower Back, Lumbar, and Belt Region.

(2) The Points are found about 1 cm above the Zygomatic Arch. Beginning at the anterior hairline, and progressing to the anchor of the helix, then proceeding superiorly for about centimeter.

(3) Primary Treatment points for Low Back Pain, Paralysis, and other disorders of the Lumbar Spine, Lower Body, and Lower Extremities

9. APS-USA Lines

a) Lines of Measurement

(1)Draw Two Lines

(a) Anterior - Posterior Midline

(i) From Glabella to the EOP (External Occipital Protuberance)

(ii) Find Mid-point of the line

(a) Can be found by describing a “plumb line from the top of the ears to the A-P Midline

(b) Eyebrow - Occipital Line

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(i) From center of eyebrow to EOP (Via the temple and across the ear)

b) Continence Line (AKA: Leg & Foot Motor & Sensory)

(1) Beginning at a point 0.5 Cun lateral to the midpoint of the anterior-posterior midline, Draw bilateral lines, parallel to midline, in the posterior direction, 2 Cun in length

(2) Needle From Anterior to Posterior

(3) Paralysis, Pain, Numbness of Lower Limb Opposite Side

(a) The Function is similar to the functions of the upper 1/5th of both motor and sensory area together.

(4) Urinary Incontinence

(a) Usefull for most All Urinary Problems

(5) Prolapsed Urinary Bladder/ Uterus / Stomach

(6) Bowel Disorders

(a) Bowel Incontinence

(b) Allergic Colitis

(c) Crohn’s Disease

(7) Hemorrhoids

(8) Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome

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(9) ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder)

(10) Multiple Sclerosis

(11) Male Reproduction

(a) Impotence

(b) Spermatorrhea

(12) Female Reproduction

(a) Uterine Bleeding

(b) Endometriosis

(c) Prolapse Uterus

(13) Swollen Ankles

c) Motor Function Line

(1) From Midpoint on Anterior - Posterior Midline go 0.25 Cun Posterior

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(2) Draw Line from this point to the point where the Eyebrow - Occipital Line crosses the anterior hairline @ the sideburn

(3) Motor Area is divided into 5 parts

(a) Superior 1/5th of motor Area

(i) Treats paralysis of Lower Limbs and Trunk on Opposite Side

(b) Middle 2/5ths of motor Area

(i) Treats paralysis of Upper on Opposite Side

(c) Inferior 2/5ths of Motor Area

(i) Facial Paralysis on Opposite Side

(a) Nerve Damage

(b) Bell’s Palsy

(ii) AKA Speech 1 area

(a) Motor Aphasia

d) Sensory Perception Line

(1) A Line Parallel to and 0.75 Cun Posterior to the motor area

(2) Sensory Area is divided into 5

(a) Superior 1/5th of Sensory Area

(i) Parastisia of Lower Limb and trunk on the opposite side

(ii) Phantom Pain of Lower Limb and trunk on the opposite side

(iii) Special Effects

(a) Occipital H/A

(b) Neck Pain / Stiffness

(b) Middle 2/5ths of Sensory Area

(i) Parastisia of Upper Limb on Opposite Side

(ii) Phantom Pain of Upper Limb on the opposite side

(c) Inferior 2/5ths of Sensory Area

(i) opposite Side

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(a) Migraine H/A

(b) Trigeminal Neuralgia

(c) Toothache

(d) TMJ

e) Tremor Control Line

(1) A Line Parallel to and 0.75 Cun Anterior to the motor area

(a) From Midline to the inferior border of the hairline

(2) Divided into Three Parts

(a) Superior Third for Lower Limbs

(b) Middle Third for Upper Limbs

(c) Inferior Third Head & Neck

(3) For Treatment of:

(a) Any Involuntary movement or tremor

(b) Chorea

(c) Parkinson’s Disease

f) Vision Line

(1) Location

(a) From a point 0.75 Cun lateral to, and level with, the EOP (External Occipital Protuberance) draw a line parallel to the midline, and 2.0 Cun in length, Superior from the EOP

(2) Indications

(a) Cortical Vision Disturbances

(b) Glaucoma

(c) Cataract

g) Vertigo and Balance Line

(1) Location

(a) From a point 2.0 Cun lateral to, and level with, the EOP (External Occipital Protuberance) draw a line parallel to the midline, and 2.0 Cun in length, Inferior beginning at the level of the EOP

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F. The Three Levels Accessed by Acupuncture Meridians: 1. Wei, Ying, Yuan

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6. Primary Meridians

a) Access & Connect The Wei & Ying Levels

7. Divergent Meridians

a) Connect The Wei & Yuan Levels

b) Translocate pathogens from the internal level to the Wei level to protect the Zang/Fu

8. Sinew

a) TM Meridians

b) Access The Wei Level

c) Used for transverse Pathologies

(1) Pathologies that cross from meridian to meridian, transversely

(2) i.e. LI & SJ

9. Luo Meridians

a) Access The Ying Level

b) Luo meridians are the manifestation of internal pathogens and these meridians manifest and are created as needed.

c) Manifest as varicosities or phlegm nodules

d) Are best treated by releasing Xue

(1) Plumb blossom & Lancet bleeding

e) Store unresolved emotions & ideas

(1) Shen is stored in the Xue, Luo Points affect the Xue

(2) Issues that we have not dealt with in our lives

(a) not about processing, just releasing.

(i) By releasing the blood via plumblossoming, you don’t have to process, just release.

(a) You are trying to wound the person to get them to release their own wounds.

(ii) makes you become more aware.

f) By the time we get to the 8 Extraordinary Vessels, we are working with issues that are deeply embedded in our lives,

G. 8 Extraordinary Vessels/Meridians

1. Access and Treat at the Yuan Level

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a) Foundation of Yin & Yang, & 7/8yr cycles

b) Distribution of Yuan Qi is not equal

(1) Based on constitution and “Ba Gua questions” and what you need to become

c) Jing cannot be separated from Xue or other Fluids

d) Yuan Qi moves from the moving Qi between the Kidneys,

(1) To the Back Shu Points, via the Du Mai

(2) To the Antique/Shu Points via the San Jiao


2. “Source of Creation” 1st channels in embryo

a) Du, Ren, Chong Arise from Ming Men and flow thru uterus,

(1) First “cell division” creates the Du, Ren & Chong

a) Du, & Ren cut thru Dai, linking it w/ Ht, genitals, umbilicus and Chong

(1) Second division creates the Dai

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c) Third division creates the Yin Wei, Yang Wei, Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao

4. Standard Treatment Technique for the Extraordinary Vessels

a) Used this Protocol for Internal Medicine, Women’s Health and Psychological/Emotional Disorders

(1) Other Options Exist for The Treatment of Pain

b) Needling Order:

(1) 1st Needle Master Point /Opening Point

(a) Right or Left according to sex

(b) Women / Right

(c) Men / Left

(2) 2nd Treat Coalescent Points on the Meridian, and other related points as needed

(3) 3rd Needle Coupled Point /Closing Point

(4) Remove Needles in reverse order: Last in-First out

c) Obtain the Qi deeply

(1) Lifting/Thrusting (mild stim)

(2) Shaking (moderate stim)

(3) Vibrating/ Tapping (intense stim)

d) Classical Moxa Technique

(1) Du: 1 cone

(2) Ren: 7 cones

(3) Chong, Dai, Yin Wei, Yin & Yang Qiao: 3 cones

(4) Yang Wei: 2 cones

e) Expectations / Courses of Treatment

(1) Treating at a Deep (Yin) Level Takes Time

(2) 1 Course = Once a Week for Three Months

4. Primary Extraordinary Vessels

a) Dai Mai (Belt Vessel)

(1) Opens the Lower Warmer

(a) All lower warmer stagnation

(2) Adjusts the Menses

(a) Guides and Supports the Uterus

(3) Supports the Low Back

(a) Radiatiing Low Back Pain

(4) Influences flow of LR Qi

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(5) Harmonizes ascending and descending of Qi

(6) Points

(a) Master/Opening Point: GB 41

(b) Coupled/Closing Point: SJ 5

(c) Major Coalescent Points

(i) GB 26 (27-28)

b) Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel)

(a) Wide Trunk Road

(2) Controls The Menses

(3) Sea of blood

(a) Harmonizes ascending and descending of Blood

(4) Points

(a) Master/Opening Point: SP 4

(b) Coupled/Closing Point: PC 6

(c) Major Coalescent Points

(i) ST 30

(ii) KI 11 to 27

c) Ren Mai (Conception Vessel “CV”)

(1) Yin Deficiency with Yin Stagnation

(2) Supports Hormonal Balance

(3) Sea of Yin

(a) Supports Yin, Essence and Fluids

(4) Relate to int. and ext/ genitalia

(5) Points

(a) Master/Opening Point: LU 7

(b) Coupled/Closing Point: KD 6

(c) Major Coalescent Points

(i) Ren 2 – Ren 15

d) Du Mai (Governing Vessel “GV”)

(1) Supports the Spine

(2) Supports the CNS

(a) Enters the Brain

(3) Rules the Yang

(4) Points

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(a) Master/Opening Point: SI 3

(b) Coupled/Closing Point: UB 62

(c) Major Coalescent Points

(i) Du 2 – Du 15

5. Secondary Extraordinary Vessels

a) Yin Qiao & Yang Qiao (Heel Vessels)

(1) Secondary for Excess patterns of LJ

(a) Masses

(b) Fibroids

(c) Adhesions

(d) Difficult delivery

(e) External genitalia

(2) Yin Qiao Points

(a) Master/Opening Point: KD 3

(b) Coupled/Closing Point: LU 7

(c) Major Coalescent Point: KI 8

(3) Yang Qiao Points

(a) Master/Opening Point: UB 62

(b) Coupled/Closing Point: SI 3

(c) Major Coalescent Point: GB 20

b) Yin Wei & Yang Wei (Linking Vessels)

(1) Nourish Blood

(2) Calm mind /Shen

(3) Yin Wei Points

(a) Master/Opening Point: PC 6

(b) Coupled/Closing Point: SP 4

(c) Major Coalescent Point: KI 9

(4) Yang Wei Points

(a) Master/Opening Point: SJ 5

(b) Coupled/Closing Point: GB 41

(c) Major Coalescent Point: GB 21

6. Zonal (Extraordinary Meridian) Approach to The Treatment Of Pain

a) Compiling the pathways of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians and their associated Meridians, the Body can be mapped by Zones

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b) Treating the opening and coupled points can influence the flow of Qi throughout the Zone

c) This Material is covered in detail in the Treatment of Pain Class.

5. Psychological & Emotional Issues and the Extraordinary Meridians

a) The Psychosomatic language of Chinese Medicine

(1) Examples

(a) Chronic Diarrhea:

i) Not wanting to keep what you have

ii) Chronic purging

(b) Heart Pain

(c) Angina

i) Broken Heart

(d) Nausea

i) Can’t Stomach it, but can’t let it go

(e) Red Face

i) Anger, Frustration etc.

b) Depression is often related to Blood Deficiency

(1) Sense of emotional vulnerability,

(2) Easily startled and overly sensitive,

(3) Need to fidget

(4) Disturbance in sleep

(5) Depression:

(6) Body begins to accumulate fluid as a substitute for blood

(a) Dampness accumulate transforms into phlegm,

(b) Phlegm nodules form;

(c) Phlegm causes stagnation and stasis

(d) i.e. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue:

c) Qi Stagnation

(1) Prevents the Free Flow of The Emotions

6. 8 Extras Access the Yuan Qi/Jing Level

a) Distribution of Jing Qi is not equal

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b) Inheritance, astrology and past existence influence the Jing and it’s distribution into the 5 elements

c) Affect one’s genetic Blueprint, or Constitution

d) Issues deeply embedded in our lives,

e) The foundation for the cycles of change (7 and 8 yr.)

f) Help one to fulfill one’s destiny: “Ba Gua Questions/Lessons”

(1) Health, Abundance, Prosperity, Intimacy, Children, Vocation, Travel/Adventure, Wisdom

g) Help to answer the 3 Questions

(1) Who I am, Where I Am Going, Who Is In Charge?

h) Address Issues deeply embedded in our lives

i) Ancestries

(1) 1st Ancestry

(a) Chong, Ren, Du

(b) Early Childhood

(c) How You Bond, Connect and Become Comfortable with the World

(2) 2nd Ancestry

(a) Yang Wei, Yin Wei

(b) The 7 & 8 year cycles

(c) The Linking of Time & Space, In the Past

i) e

(3) 3rd Ancestry

(a) Yin & Yang Qiao

(b) Present moment view of Oneself & the World

(4) Timeless

(a) Dai

i) Things which accumulate over time

ii) We can’t stand it, but can’t get rid of it

7. Dai Mai

a) Treatment series usually begins with Dai

b) Unresolved Postnatal Issues

(1) Major Things

(a) Trauma

(b) Sentiments

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(c) Emotions

(d) Guilt

(e) Inadequacies

(2) All Accumulations, concentrations, conglomerations are deposited into the Belt Channel

(a) It is stored

(b) It Rots

(c) It Smells

(d) When the Dai Mai Gets Saturated, the Crap Leaks Out

(e) This is like emptying the garbage, but we fill it up again & again

(3) Physical Sx.

(a) Infertility

(b) Impotents

(c) Lack of clarity

(d) Lack of creativity

(e) Reproductive disorders

(f) Inferiority

(g) Sagging feeling in the waist

(h) Leucorrhoea

(i) Vaginal discharge

(j) Diarrhea

(k) Constipation

8. Chong Mai

a) Conflict with one’s own nature and culture

(1) Coming to terms with one’s own nature, purpose & temperament

b) Treatment series usually begins with Dai or Chong to affect the blueprint

c) Connects

(1) Kidney – prenatal

(2) Sp – postnatal

(3) Ht - diffuses in chest

9. Ren Mai

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a) Sea of Yin

b) Yin Stasis, with Yin Deficiency

(a) d

c) The process by which we bond and form unions

(1) Original Bonding / Mother Child Bonding

(a) Mother’s breath & Heartbeat

d) Nurturing

(1) Security & Trust, Contentment, Feeling at Home

(2) Completion, Craving completion

(3) Competence, and control over internal and external environment

10. Du Mai

a) Beginning of Separation

(1) Nurturing oneself

b) Supports the Yang: Tai Yang, Xiao Yang, & Yang Ming

(1) Ability to stand erect

c) Individuality

(1) Moving into the World

(2) Freedom of movement of head

d) Society & Morality

(1) Expression & temperance of desires / Taking risks

(2) Moving through Time & Space

e) Survival Motivation

f) Communicates with UB &KD in Gluteus

11. Yin Wei Mai

a) Trauma at Some Point in Life, which blocks full development

b) Themes & Lessons

(1) Devoting Qi & Blood to memories leaves less for the present moment

(2) Contingency

(a) Asking “What If?”

(b) Not accepting who one is

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12. Yang Wei Mai

a) Cast my net into the world

b) How one lives one’s life

(1) Forever searching for one’s Role in Life

(2) The process by which we move into a certain role in the world

c) Our choices and the process by which we don’t choose

d) Commitment and lack of Commitment

e) Movement from Family Intimacy to Global commitments

13. Yin & Yang Qiao Mai

a) Focusing on the present moment

b) Qiao = heel/stance/bridge/motility

(1) Yang Qiao = one’s stance to the world

(2) Yin Qiao = one’s stance to oneself

c) Polar Opposites

(1) Yin Qiao

(a) Receiving of Qi

(b) Introvert

(c) Insomnia

(d) Medial aspect of legs tight

(e) “My Bad”

(2) Yang Qiao

(a) Giving of Qi

(b) Extrovert

(c) Hypersomnia

(d) Lateral aspect of legs tight

(e) “Everyone’s and Idiot”

d) Motivation

e) Personal SatisfactionThe Chart of the 8 Extraordinary Meridian, on the next page, contains material on the

Treatment of Pain, and Women’s Health. This material will be covered in more detail, in the classes dedicated to those subjects. They are included here for your ease of reference.

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Mai Coalescent Points

Zone(s) Influenced

General Indications

Emotional Indications Women’s Health IndicationsWomen’s Health Indications

Dai BeltGB 41, SJ 5 Not Time-specific

GB 26, 27 & 28 (LR13, REN 8, KD16, ST25, SP15, UB52, UB 23, DU4)

LateralBeltLow Back

All Congestion in Lower Warmer or Belt Area

Letting Go of Negative Emotions, Lethargy, Trauma, Indecision, Guilt, Stagnation, & Inadequacies

Opens Lower Warmer: Moves Liver Qi , Resolves Damp Heat and Cold in Lower Warmer

Opens Lower Warmer: Moves Liver Qi , Resolves Damp Heat and Cold in Lower Warmer

Chong PenetratingSP 4, PC 60 -7 yrs

ST 30,K 11- KI 27REN 1 (7)(LR14, LR3)

Medial(internal disorders)

Sea of Blood♀’s HealthDigestive Nourishment

Comfort with One’s Nature & Purpose

Controls Menses:Regulates Menstrual Quantity & Flow, Enters Uterus

Controls Menses:Regulates Menstrual Quantity & Flow, Enters Uterus

Ren ConceptionLU 7, KD 60 -7 yrs

REN 2-15REN 1-24S1,DU28

Anterior(internal disorders)

Sea of YinYin Deficiency with or without Yin Stagnation♀Archetype

Nourishment Security, Trust, Contentment, Feeling At Home in the World,

Yin Aspects of Fertility/ConceptionRegulates Yin Hormones Menstrual TimingInt. & Ext. Genitalia

Yin Aspects of Fertility/ConceptionRegulates Yin Hormones Menstrual TimingInt. & Ext. Genitalia

Du GoverningSI 3, BL 620 -8 yrs

DU 1-15DU 1-28B12,REN1


Governs YangSpine♂ ArchetypeConnects to the Brain & CNS

Individual Identity Express & Temper Desires, Self Discovery, Moving into the world, Standing up, Taking Risks

Governs the Yang of fertility & Conception Regulates Yang Hormones

Governs the Yang of fertility & Conception Regulates Yang Hormones

Yin Wei Yin LinkingPC 6, SP 4Past

K 9,SP 13, 15 & 16, LR 14,REN 22 & 23

Medial(internal disorders)

Emotional Traumas Associated with 7 & 8 yr. cycles, Living in Present, Addictions, PTSD,

Nourish Blood Calm the Mind, Affect the HeartNourish Blood Calm the Mind, Affect the Heart

Yang Wei Yang LinkingSJ 5, GB 41 Past

GB 21, 13 – 20,ST 8, DU 15 16, SJ 15, SI 10,GB 35, UB 63

Lateral Intimacy- Family to Global: Shouldering Responsibilities, Choices & Commitments

Yang QiaoYang HeelBL 62, SI 3Present

GB 20, SI 10, UB 1, 59 & 61, GB 29, LI 15 & 16, ST 1, 3 & 4

Posterior Excessive Restlessness, Anxiety, Insomnia

Global Acceptance / Frustration

Secondary for Masses, Fibroids, Adhesions, (Excess in Lower Warmer)

Secondary for Masses, Fibroids, Adhesions, (Excess in Lower Warmer)

Yin QiaoYin HeelKD 6, LU 7Present

KI 8,UB 1,ST 9, ST12

Anterior(Internal disorders)

Deficient Restlessness Anxiety, Insomnia

Self Acceptance / Frustration

Yang Ming Bright Yang

ST 36LI 4

Anterior Meridian Pain

Note: The Yang Ming, Jue Yin, 4-Gates, and Dr So, Point Combinations Are Not Extraordinary Meridians. Note: The Yang Ming, Jue Yin, 4-Gates, and Dr So, Point Combinations Are Not Extraordinary Meridians. Note: The Yang Ming, Jue Yin, 4-Gates, and Dr So, Point Combinations Are Not Extraordinary Meridians. Note: The Yang Ming, Jue Yin, 4-Gates, and Dr So, Point Combinations Are Not Extraordinary Meridians.

Jue Yin Yielding Yin

LR 3 PC 6 Medial Meridian Pain

Sooth Emotions Calms MindSooth Emotions Calms MindSooth Emotions Calms MindSooth Emotions Calms Mind

4 Gates LI 4, LR 34 Gates LI 4, LR 3 Whole Body Pain Whole Body Pain Whole Body Pain Whole Body Pain Metal LI 4, LU7Metal LI 4, LU7 Any Painful or other excessive Condition in the Head, Neck and/or FaceAny Painful or other excessive Condition in the Head, Neck and/or FaceAny Painful or other excessive Condition in the Head, Neck and/or FaceAny Painful or other excessive Condition in the Head, Neck and/or Face

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