Page 1: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

Volume 7, Number 51 Your Town, Your News Friday, December 21, 2012

The North Haven





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Students of the month

Submitted by Christine Schwartz

North Haven Middle School Students of the Monthfor November, standing, from left: Jackson Frank,Brendan Meyers, Juliana Daddio, Bowen Brennan,Bryan Searles, Jack Clapp and Christian Somma.Seated: Samantha Dorsi, Madison Sinoway, ShaunPitts, Kelly Fresher and Michaela Felipe.‘Tis the

hockeyseasonCitizen photo by Kevin Pataky

Junior Vin Fasulocelebrates after ty-ing the scoreagainst Simsburywith the Indians’first goal of the sea-son. For the full sto-ry, see page 19.

Schools review security after Sandy Hook tragedy

Hockey team supports assistantcoach’s fight against ALS

By Kyle SwartzThe North Haven Citizen

When competing this sea-son, the North Haven HighSchool hockey team has ad-ditional motivation to pushpast difficult in-game situa-tions. With their assistantcoach Brian Savo continuinghis four-year battle againstALS, the students can seethat, by mimicking Savo’sperseverance and will, theycan have the strength to getthrough almost anything.

“When he can come in and

be a part of the team, itmeans a lot,” said NHHShockey co-captain Karl An-derson. “Hearing him talk inthe locker room really is aninspiration. If this guy isstill fighting, imagine whatwe can do.”

ALS — or amyotrophic lat-eral sclerosis — is a degener-ative disease which causesatrophy in muscles. Afterending the life of formerNew York Yankee legend, it’salso become known as LouGehrig Disease. Late-stagepatients can lose the ability

to move their arms or legs,and can have extreme diffi-culty simply swallowingfood.

Such were potential debil-itative outcomes facing Savo— a lifelong athlete with apassion for hockey — afterdoctors diagnosed him in2009.

“I was like a deer in head-lights,” said Savo, who is 36.“Being an athlete, it startedwith muscle cramps. Pro-gressively, it got worse. I

By Kyle SwartzThe North Haven Citizen

Following the Dec. 14 shootings atSandy Hook Elementary School, inwhich a gunman took the lives of 20students and six staff, education offi-cials are reviewing security at townschools.

“Our schools are all locked duringthe day — you cannot get in withoutbeing buzzed in,” said North Haven

Superintendent Dr. Robert Croninon Dec. 17. “Certainly, though, thereare security plans which we will bemonitoring. For instance, we will bepracticing lockdowns more often,much more frequently than in thepast.”

“We will also be starting up newdismissal procedures, especially interms of parent pickups, so that wecan be certain that that process cango smoothly,” he added. “We have

asked principals and the supervisorof grounds and maintenance to do awalkthrough at each school and seeif there are any things that we can doto enhance security. We will reviewall our security plans that have al-ready been created to make sure thatnothing is being overlooked.”

Cronin visited all town schoolsthis week to monitor security. Forfurther advice on maximizing schoolsafety, he will turn to the North

Haven police department. “I havecontacted the police chief. I askedhim to sit with us to get his perspec-tive as we review our securityplans,” the superintendent said.

First Selectman Michael Fredaalso said that he will be part of theschool security review.

While officials can learn from in-school tragedies and tighten securi-

See Coach, page 19

See Security, page 7

Page 2: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012 2

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Animal Haven Pet of the Week — JeterMeet Jeter, a cool cat! Jeter

is a big boy with a big heart. Heis only nine-months old and ishandsome with a cool, calm,collected look. His coat hasbeautiful, gray-and-black tigerstripes with white on his face,paws, and belly. His eyes are apretty, yellow color. Jeter hasa wonderful personality. He isa gentle boy who likes to lie ina warm lap and get affection.His sweet purr lets you knowthat he is perfectly content.He also likes to play with cattoys. Jeter gets along wellwith other cats and is verygood with children. He will make a perfect family pet or companion. Jeter is neuteredand current on all his vaccinations.

For more information, call the Animal Haven, 89 Mill Road, North Haven, at (203) 239-2641 or visit The Animal Haven is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Fri-day and Sunday, noon to 3 p.m., Thursday 5 to 7 p.m. or Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. TheAnimal Haven has been dedicated to taking in adoptable homeless cats and dogs, provid-ing complete veterinary care for them, and finding them well-matched, loving homessince 1948.

Content provided by Animal Haven

InsideCalendar...................8Faith .......................12Health .....................11Letters ....................14Marketplace............24Obituaries...............13Opinion...................14Schools ....................9Seniors ...................17Sports.....................19

Handling trauma in kidsIt’s difficult to comprehend

even the possibility of theDec. 14, horrific tragedy inNewtown. Many of us are ex-periencing both physical andemotional affects as we allmourn the losses from thatday and have deep sympathyand condolences for all thosethat were directly affected in-cluding the first responders.

In this time of sadness, wemust remain strong, especial-ly for the kids who were trau-matized. Here are eight tipsto help kids deal with trau-ma:

— Be empathetic to whatthe kids have been through.

Put yourself in their shoes.— Listen to your kids both

verbally and non-verbally.— Be honest and open, but

age appropriate. Remember,age is just a number; knowthe child’s maturity level andhow much they can handle.

— Let the child know thesituation is temporary andthey are doing everything intheir power to make sureeveryone is safe.

— Allow time for a Q&A -talking out in the open is animportant way to cope.

— It takes time toheal/comfort. Give kids timeto heal and be as warm as

possible and comfort them asthey heal.

— Try to keep a sense ofnormalcy and routine. Don’tmake any sudden or drasticchanges, if possible.

— Watch your own behav-ior. If your kids see you up-set and stressed, they will be-come more stressed. Kids arevisual learners so watchyour behaviors.

From Diane Lang, a New-Jersey-based psychotherapistand public speaker, and au-thor of “Baby Steps: ThePath from Motherhood to Ca-reer” and “Creating Balanceand Finding Happiness.”

To advertise inThe North Haven Citizen,

call (203) 317-2323

Holiday scheduleRefuse and recycling scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 25

through Friday, Dec. 28 and Tuesday, Jan. 1 through Friday,Jan. 4 is scheduled for day later than the usual schedule, ac-cording to the North Haven Public Works Department.

The transfer station and recycling center are always sched-uled to be closed on Mondays. Both centers are scheduled tobe closed Dec. 25, 31 and Jan. 1 for the holidays. For more in-formation, call (203) 239-5321, ext. 410.

Christmas tree removalThe North Haven Public Works Department will begin

Christmas tree removal on Jan. 2 (weather permitting).Trees, without any decorations or plastic tree bag, must be

placed at the curb for pickup or brought to the Recycling cen-ter on Elm Street. The Recycling Center is open Tuesdaythrough Friday, 8 to 11:45 a.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.

For more information, call (203) 239-5321, ext. 410.

Send us your news: [email protected]

Page 3: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012 — The North Haven Citizen 3

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Sandy Hook victim’s grandmother is longtime North Haven teacherBy Kimberly Primicerio

Special to the Citizen

The Newtown communitycontinued to grieve Tuesdayas the first two of many funer-als were held for childrenkilled in a violent shooting.

But the crime’s effects werenot contained to one town -many people throughout Con-necticut have ties in some wayto Newtown and Sandy HookElementary School.

June Pinto, a NorthHaven resident and highschool teacher, lost her 6-year-old grandson Jack Pinto whena lone gunman walked intoSandy Hook School Fridaymorning and opened fire,

killing 20 children and sixadults.

“It’s just all so new. It’s sonumbing,” said Alicia Clapp,a North Haven Board of Ed-ucation member who knowsPinto.

Clapp said Pinto has been ateacher in the North Havenschool system for at least 30years.

“She’s an outstanding edu-cator,” Clapp said.

Pinto teaches social studiesand English at North HavenHigh School. She works withstudents who sometimes needextra help.

“To be hit this way is mindboggling,” Clapp said.

Monday afternoon, Clapp

was in the middle of writing anote to Pinto, who she saidwas a proud grandmotherwho would often talk abouther grandchildren.

“It’s so overwhelming,”Clapp said. “There’s longreaching effects to this.”

Word of the North Havenconnection to the incidentspread throughout town overthe weekend. School Superin-tendent Robert D. Cronin wastold by a staff member at thehigh school. He said he hadn’ttalked to Pinto directly, butsaid high school Principal Dr.Russell Dallai has connectedwith her. Dallai representedthe school district at Jack Pin-to’s funeral, Cronin said.

One town over from New-town, in Brookfield, residentAmy D’Orio said people areoverwhelmed. There’s a lot ofnational attention on thetown, and she said the trafficis so bad that getting intoSandy Hook is nearly impossi-ble.

“There’s a lot of disbeliefsurrounding it all,” said D’O-rio, a former Record-Journalreporter.

Going into town Monday,D’Orio stopped by a coffeeshop. While waiting for her or-der to be filled, she said cam-eras were just inches awayfrom her face. She said mem-bers of the media were set upoutside of the funeral home.

“It’s sad,” she said.People from all across the

country are supporting thecommunity, D’Orio said. TheNewtown Bee, the town’sweekly newspaper, started afund at a local bank and hasreceived boxes of teddybears.

Cronin said the NorthHaven district and staffmembers are just starting totalk about fundraising ideas.He has spoken with local su-perintendents in the area andthey are looking at what theycan do as a group.

Kimberly Primicerio re-ports for the Record-Journal.Follow her on Twitter@KPrimicerioRJ

Page 4: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012 4


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The North Haven

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State’s plunge from ‘fiscal cliff’ likely to be hardBy John ChristoffersenThe Associated Press

With its abundance ofhigh-end earners and mili-tary contractors, Connecti-cut is among states thatwould be hit the hardest ifWashington cannot find away to avoid the “fiscal cliff,”a potentially devastating ar-ray of automatic tax hikesand sweeping spending cuts.

This wealthy state that ishome to Sikorsky helicop-ters and Electric Boat sub-marines would be among thehardest hit in the country be-cause of its reliance on mili-tary spending and its higherincomes compared to otherstates, said Andres Corba-cho-Burgos, senior econo-mist at Moody’s Analytics.He predicts Connecticutwould lose slightly less than

40,000 jobs over the next 18months if a deal isn’treached and the tax hikesand spending cuts are imple-mented.

“The effect of that on Con-necticut would be pretty se-vere,” Corbacho-Burgossaid. “That pretty muchwould put Connecticut intorecession territory again. Itmeans, in effect, going into asecond brief recession andtherefore putting off the re-sumption of recovery for atleast another year.”

Steven Lanza, a Universityof Connecticut economist,said the state could lose asmany as 20,000 jobs, exclud-ing possible defense-relatedjob cuts that the spendingcuts might trigger. The statehas only regained about30,000 jobs since the 2008 re-cession, so the new job losses

would largely reverse thatprogress, he said.

The job losses have rippleeffects when unemployedworkers reduce spending atrestaurants, stores and otherbusinesses, Lanza said. Aloss of one job in aircraftmanufacturing would takewith it another three jobselsewhere in the economy, hesaid.

“So it wouldn’t take muchin the way of additional de-fense manufacturing jobcuts to have a big, negativeripple effect on the rest ofConnecticut’s economy,”

Lanza wrote in an email.Concerns are growing

about a Dec. 31 deadline tostop the expiration of Bush-era tax cuts and the start ofacross-the-board governmentspending cuts that are the re-sult of Washington’s failureto complete a deficit-reduc-tion deal last year. If Presi-dent Barack Obama and con-gressional Republicans can’treach a deficit-cutting deal,the changes would hit theeconomy with $500 billionworth of spending cuts andhigher tax rates, if left inplace through September.

In Connecticut, the expi-ration of all the tax cutswould mean sending another$3 billion to Washington, orabout 12 percent more thanthe current $25 billion, saidGian-Carl Casa, undersecre-tary for legislative affairs forthe governor’s budget office.

Obama wants tax rates torise only on income exceed-ing $200,000 for individualsand $250,000 for couples. InConnecticut, about 65,000 taxfilers out of 1.5 millionwould be affected, state offi-cials said.

Cheri SwirlSubmitted by Dee Prior Nesti

Cheri Swirl, 323 Washing-ton Ave., recently held itsgrand opening. Pictured atthe new yogurt shop, fromleft: Senator Len Fasano;Shiraz Choudhary, owner;Robin Wilson, presidentQuinnipiac Chamber ofCommerce; Paul Mayer,Chairman of the BoardQuinnipiac Chamber ofCommerce and Director ofHuman Resources BYK-USA, Inc. and First Select-man Mike Freda.

Page 5: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012 — The North Haven Citizen 5

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Toy driveState Rep. Dave Yaccarino

is sponsoring a teen toy holi-day drive to benefit NorthHaven families and areateens this holiday season.Yaccarino is asking for sup-port from North Havenneighbors to donate toys andgames suitable for teenagers.The collected items will bedistributed by the Communi-ty Services and RecreationDepartment of North Haven.

The collection runsthrough Friday, Dec. 21. Anytoys donated after Friday,Dec. 21 will be donated asbirthday presents by theCommunity Services andRecreation Departmentthroughout the year.

Drop-off locations are:North Haven Library, 17 ElmStreet; Arnold’s Jewelers, 117Washington Avenue; DJ’sSports Collectibles & Comics,1 Lincoln Street; Town HallAnnex, 5 Linsley Street.

For more information,contact Michael Rell, Direc-tor of Outreach for the Con-necticut House Republicansat (860) 240-8780 or Rep. Yac-carino at 800-842-1423 or

Local competesin pageant

Jonet Nichelle of NorthHaven was named a semifi-nalist in the recent MissConnecticut Teen USA 2013

Page 6: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012 6

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ParadiseWaves, beautiful blue wavesrapidly crash against the sandy shore.There are seven islands that were built for romance.Surfers riding the monster size waves.You can hear them screaming CALABUNGA!And then the laughter, when they start up again.Children asking, “Mom, can we come back next year?”The slurping sound of coconut milk makes you feel so

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A season of gift cards and returnsIf you receive any gift

cards this holiday season, re-member this: gift cards andgift certificates purchased byshoppers in Connecticut donot have an expiration date,and they do not incur inactiv-ity fees.

A landmark 2003 Connecti-cut law made Connecticutone of the first states to pro-vide consumers with impor-tant protections in the use of

gift cards and gift certifi-cates.

Returning or exchanging agift also doesn’t have to be ahassle; just remember thesetips from the Better BusinessBureau:

— Don’t wait too long;many stores have a limitedtimeframe from the date ofpurchase during which youmay return an item

— Research the store’s giftreturn policy; these are oftenprominently posted in thestore

— Ask about the returnpolicy for sale and clearanceitems; don’t assume the regu-lar return policy applies tosale or clearance items

— Make sure you have aproof of purchase

— Keep original productwrapping

— Leave electronic gifts intheir original packaging incase you need to return them

From State Sen. Terry Ger-ratana representing Berlin,Farmington and New Britain

Coats for ConnecticutThe annual Coats for Connecticut campaign is in full

swing, where gently-used winter coats are collected for thosein need.

Coats and jackets for all ages may be dropped off at BestCleaners, where they will be cleaned and delivered to the Sal-vation Army centers and other collection programs in Con-necticut.

The Coats for Connecticut campaign runs through Jan. 5. For more information, call 1-800-950-BEST.

Page 7: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012 — The North Haven Citizen 7


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SecurityContinued from page 1

ty measures accordingly,planning cannot foreseeeverything. Sandy Hook Ele-mentary School in Newtownalso was locked during theday, with entrance pendingthe office buzzing in visitors.But the 20-year-old gunmandefeated this system byshooting out a window andforcibly entering.

“All we can do is be as vigi-lant as possible,” Croninsaid.

Accordingly, during theschool days following that vi-olent Friday, town law en-forcement representativesserved as security enhance-ments at North Havenschools.

“We had a police presenceat every school this morn-ing,” Cronin said on Monday.“That will continue throughthis week. Officers stayed atschool today through dis-missal, though I do not expectthat to extend beyond Mon-day.”

“The officers at schoolsthis week stayed until every-one settled in,” he added.

Freda considered it imper-ative to have a police pres-ence this week. “I think it’svery important to show anddemonstrate this level of se-curity to placate any fears orconcerns that could be outthere among the teachers, ad-ministration, parents andteachers,” he said Dec. 18.

Before school on Monday,letters went out to all parentsand staff regarding school se-curity. Teachers were alsobriefed about how to handle

questions North Haven stu-dents might have regardingthe Dec. 14 incident.

“It depends on what thekids want to know. With ouryoungest kids, if theybrought it up, we answeredtheir questions factually,”Cronin said. “I was talkingjust today with [MontoweseElementary School Princi-pal] Mary Federico. She saidthat her kids were saying thatthey knew about a ‘bad man,’who ‘killed some people,’ butnow ‘he was dead and we’regoing to be safe now.’”

“For some of our olderkids, they understand that aterrible thing happened, sowe wanted them to know thatour schools are safe and thatwe have the utmost confi-dence in our staff to keep thestudents safe,” he continued.

While part of maintainingsecure schools means keep-ing out threats, it also entailsrecognizing threats to staffand student safety from with-in schools. Like the Newtownshooter, gunmen at Aurora,Virginia Tech University andthe would-be assassin of U.S.Rep. Gabby Giffords were allremembered by teachers asmentally troubled loners.

“We have a school psychol-ogist in all our schools, andhave social workers whowork at or visit all ourschools,” Cronin said. “Ithink the workers, psycholo-gists and staff can identifythe signs as best they can.When they see a child with-drawn, they do try to engagethat child alone and with oth-er children in order to drawout the withdrawn student.”

“Just today at ClintonvilleElementary School, a socialworker indicated to staff the

signs they could look for,” headded. “Even before, thatconversation happens withstaff about four times ayear.”

A lifelong educator,Cronin reflected on the dead-ly in-school shootings. “It’s

tragic. Quite honestly, it’shorrific,” he said. “I can re-member, just a couple ofyears back, when we startedto install buzzers at the en-trances of schools. I remem-ber thinking that we weretaking a huge step there. And

now that all has been shat-tered.”

“People become teachersor go into working at schoolsbecause they care about kidsand want to take care ofthem,” he added. “It’s sosad.”

Craig M. Hillo Alumni hockey gameThe North Haven High School Boys Ice Hockey Team

has scheduled the 10th annual Craig M. Hillo AlumniGame for Sunday, Dec. 30 at 12:15 p.m. at the Northford IcePavilion. A fee is charged. Hillo played for North Havenand graduated in 2002, his jersey hangs in the Indianshome rink to honor him after he died in a car accident in2003.

All former NHHS hockey players are eligible to partici-pate. Proceeds from the event benefit the Craig M. HilloMemorial Scholarship Fund which benefits graduatingseniors looking to further their education.

For information, contact Anthony Fasulo at (203) 464-0996, or [email protected]

To advertise in The North Haven Citizen call (203) 317-2323

Page 8: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

CitizenCalendar8 The North Haven CitizenFriday, December 21, 2012


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Dec. 23 Sunday

Memorial vigil - A memo-rial vigil in support and uni-ty for the victims and fami-lies of the Newtown tragedyis planned for Sunday, Dec.23 at 6 p.m. on the NorthHaven Town Green. Thecommunity is welcome. Briefremarks by the first select-man and clergy are planned.

30 SundayHockey - The North

Haven High School Ice Hock-

ey team has scheduled the10th annual Craig M. HilloAlumni game for Sunday,Dec. 30 at 12:15 p.m. a theNorthford Ice Pavilion. Anadmission fee is charged. Allformer NHHS ice hockeyplayers may participate. Pro-ceeds benefit the Craig M.Hillo Memorial ScholarshipFund. For more informa-tion, contact Anthony Fasu-lo at (203) 464-0996 or [email protected].

Jan. 7 Monday

AMVETS - The AM VETS- Post 9 Hamden-NorthHaven is scheduled to meet

Monday, Jan. 7 at 1 p.m. atthe American Legion Hall,across from the green inNorth Haven. For more in-formation, call (203) 284-1703or (203) 239-0823.

10 Thursday

Garden Club - The NorthHaven Garden Club is sched-uled to meet Thursday, Jan.10, at 7 p.m. at the NorthHaven CongregationalChurch, 28 Church St. EmilyCosenza will present a pro-gram about winter birds.The meeting is open to thepublic. A fee is charged fornon-members. For more in-formation, call (203) 239-0374.

Holiday fair

Submitted by Evelyn Rossetti-Ryan

ACES Village School hosted its annual HolidayFair recently. The annual event featured hand-made crafts and baked goods. All proceeds bene-fit ACES Village School students. Pictured areACES Village School parents and grandparentsvolunteering their time at the fair.

Local attorney, George P.Guertin, managing partnerof Guertin and Guertin,LLC, has been selected as aFive-Star Wealth Managerfor the third year in a row,and is featured in the De-cember issue of Connecti-

cut Magazine.Guertin is licensed in

Connecticut and Massachu-setts. He works alongsidehis son at Guertin andGuertin, LLC, in NorthHaven, a law practice dedi-cated to estate planning, as-

set protection, elder law,trust and probate adminis-tration.

The Five-Star WealthManager Award Program isthe result of a survey ofhigh-net-worth householdsand industry experts. Par-

ticipants are asked to nameand evaluate financial plan-ners, accountants, insur-ance professionals, and es-tate planning attorneyswhom they know from per-sonal experience.

North Haven attorney selected as Five-Star Wealth managerSend us yourcalendar news!

The North Haven Citizen11 Crown Street

Meriden, CT 06450

Page 9: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

9CitizenSchoolsThe North Haven CitizenFriday, December 21, 2012

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Choate Rosemary Halldean’s list

The following local students were namedto the fall term dean’s list at Choate Rose-mary Hall: Marlon Antunez, Sara DeMar-silis, Nathaniel Kerman, Megan King,Peter Reilly Yurkovsky of North Haven.

ContestsThe Hamden Elks Lodge 2224 has sched-

uled its annual Drug Awareness Poster andEssay Contests. Hamden and North Haven el-ementary and middle school students are eli-gible to enter. The Poster Contest for third,fourth and fifth graders and the Essay Con-test is open to sixth, seventh and eighthgraders. The theme for the both contests is“The Choice 4 Me is Drug-Free.” Studentsmust draw the poster themselves and an offi-cial poster form obtained from the Lodge oronline at, or a copy must be used.The essay must be no more than 200 wordsand hand printed or written. Other rules ap-ply. The submissions must be delivered to theHamden Elks by Feb. 14. Complete rules and

entry forms may be obtained at schools or atthe Elks Lodge weekdays after 4 pm, week-ends after 1 pm, 175 School Street, Hamden,203-248-2224 or call Brenda Davis (DrugAwareness) at 203-288-6691.

ScholarshipsThe Benevolent and Protective Order of

Elks Hamden Lodge 2224 welcomes graduat-ing high school seniors to apply for Elk spon-sored scholarships. The Elks Legacy Schol-arship has no residency restriction, but re-strictions apply. Applications are availableonline only. For complete qualifications andan application, visit

The Elks Lodge also offers the EdwardConnolly Scholarship. This scholarship isopen to graduating high school seniorswhose parent or grandparent is a member ingood standing of the Hamden Lodge 2224, 175School Street, Hamden. Scholarship applica-tions will be available at the Lodge beginningJan. 3. Scholarship applications can be ob-tained at the Lodge. For information, contactAndy Caporossi at the Lodge at (203) 248-2224.

Young writers

The Tree’s GiftsBy Gillian N. Regan

Thetree’s gifts

in the springis to give us hope

that warmer days arecoming. The tree’s gift in

the summer is to give us a shadyspot to sit and read a book. The tree’s

gift in the fall is to give us vibrant leavesto jump in. The tree’s gift in the winter is to

let us admire its glittering ornaments and brightlights and to remind us that a new year is beginning.

A tree isa gift all

year long.

Gillian N. Regan is a fifth-grader atRidge Road Elementary School, where shewrites creatively in librarian Lydia West-erberg’s Young Aspiring Writers group.


Youth in ActionLiberty Bank is accepting nominations from the public

for its third annual “Youth in Action Award” program.The awards are designed to recognize young people intowns served by Liberty Bank who have distinguishedthemselves through volunteer service, philanthropy,and/or advocacy for community organizations.

Two Youth in Action Awards will be presented: one fora student in grades 6-8, and another for a student ingrades 9-12. To qualify, nominees must live or have per-formed their community service activities in LibertyBank’s service area, which includes the town of NorthHaven. Nominations for the award must be signed by astaff member of a school, a youth-oriented nonprofit or-ganization, or a faith-based youth group.

Nominations will be reviewed by committees of Liber-ty Bank employees, and each of the two award recipientswill be able to direct a $1,000 donation to the nonprofit or-ganization or project of his/her choice. In addition, eachfinalist will direct a $100 donation to his/her selectedcharity.

Nomination forms with program guidelines are avail-able in all 44 Liberty Bank offices, and

Steven Woods waiting listThe waiting list is taking applications for an apartment at

Steven Woods Apartments. The affordable housing communi-ty for the elderly and underage qualified disabled persons islocated at 165 Clintonville Road. Rental assistance is providedby the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, en-abling resident to pay 30 percent of their adjusted gross in-come for rent.

Present incomes limits are $45,000 for a one-person house-hold and $52,000 for a two-person household.

Priority is given to applicants with incomes below 30 per-cent of median.

For more information or an application, call (203) 239-6229or at 800-842-9710.

Page 10: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012 10

Perfect forPerfect forPerfect forLast MinuteLast MinuteLast Minute



Pop’s Pizza Mr. Computer

Cheshire Pilates Studio Peter Proto, LMT

Personal Harmony & Health Trendsetters of Cheshire

In Touch Massage & Spa K LaMay’s Steamed Cheesburgers

Taste of New Haven Thomas Hooker Brewery

Woodbury Ski Area Bella Capelli Salon

Musical Forest Cafe Kristina Mozzicato, LMT

Fusion Fitness Colony Pizza

Cutting EdgeL.A. Hair

The Hit Club Star Auto Sales




Students recognizedAs he thanked the North Haven Rotary

Club and the parents of the November and De-cember Students of the Month, NHHS Assis-tant Principal Andrew Pettola introducedthe students, stating that, “Amanda Roykaand Francesco Scarano are students who arecommitted, not only to their academic suc-cess, but to North Haven High School and thecommunity at-large. Their desire to serve oth-ers and give back to North Haven is clearly ev-ident in the quality of service and variety ofactivities in which they participate.”

Indicating that she felt “indebted to thistown” because of the opportunities it affords,Royka said that it was “so nice” to be recog-nized by a group whose ‘service above self ’motto “speaks volumes to its noble ideals andselfless outlook.” Some of her involvement in-cludes the Future Problem Solving Program;the Global Issues Problem Solving Interna-tional Conference; problem solving activities with middle-schoolers; president of the Improv ComedyTroupe; treasurer of the Spanish Club; and volunteering to teach Spanish after school at Green Acres.She thanked her “loving parents and sister and the dedicated teachers” for all of their support, and saidthat she hopes to continue living by the club’s motto.

The winner for December, Francesco Scarano said that being chosen was “truly an honor.” He, too,recognized his audience for “encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations, and helping to buildgoodwill and peace in the world, while doing the same for the town of North Haven.” His list includedcoaching youth soccer each fall and spring, as well as helping at winter clinics at the middle school; jun-ior class president; member of the soccer and swim teams; accumulated 400 hours of community serv-ice when only 40 needed to graduate; events at his church; and stage crew at the middle school. Hepledged to continue to serve others with a personal goal of 800 hours by graduation.

Text and photos courtesy of David Marchesseault, Rotary PR Chairman

North Haven High School Assistant Principal An-drew Pettola, left, congratulates Students of theMonth Amanda Royka and Francesco Scarano, asRotary President Elect Debbie Volain looks on.

Amanda Royka, center, high school Stu-dent of the Month for November, with hermother, Rose Stockman, right, and her sis-ter, Jennifer Royka.

The NHHS December Student of the Month,Francesco Scarano, center, with his par-ents, Vincenza and Antonio Scaranno.

Page 11: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

11CitizenHealthThe North Haven CitizenFriday, December 21, 2012

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Clelian CenterThe Clelian Adult Day

Center, 261 Benham St.,Hamden is looking for ma-ture, responsible adult vol-unteers. Volunteers will helpwith recreation activities, of-fice work; answering phonesand transit, assisting clientsone-on-one.

For more information, call(203) 288-4151 or stop by topick up a volunteer applica-tion.

Immunizations The Quinnipiack Valley

Health District offers thepertussis vaccine (in theform of Tdap-tetanus, diph-theria and pertussis) to par-ents, grandparents, aunts,uncles, babysitters and othercaregivers or contacts ofnewborns and infants 12months and younger.

If you are over age 18 andhave never had a Tdap vac-cine, (a combined boosterimmunization containingtetanus, diphtheria and per-tussis protection) you are eli-gible to receive this vaccine.

A fee is requested. No onewill be turned away for lackof ability to pay this fee.

Immunization clinics areheld every four to six weeks.

For more information andclinic dates, call (203) 248-4528 or visit

VNANorth Haven Caregiver

Support GroupJoin other family care-

givers to discuss your situa-tion and get advice. Groupis led by Jo Ann Begley ofVNA Community Health-care and meets the first Mon-day of the month from 10:30 -11:30 a.m. at VNA Communi-ty Healthcare’s Eldercare Re-source Center, 2 Broadway.

The evening group is ledby Francine Lombardi, so-cial worker from VNA Com-munity Healthcare andmeets the last Thursday ofthe month from 4 - 5 p.m. atthe North Haven JoyceBudrow Senior Center, 189Pool Road.

For more information orto arrange a one-on-one, freeconsultation with Jo Ann, orto register for any sessions

listed below, call toll-free 1-866-474-5230.

Stronger Seniors Now!Join VNA Community

Healthcare on Mondays, 1 - 2p.m., at the North HavenJoyce Budrow Senior Center,189 Pool Road, for a six-weekinteractive program that fea-tures 30 minutes of strength-ening exercise (for all levels)and 30 minutes of nurse ledhealth talks. A fee ischarged.

Memory MattersJoin VNA Community

Healthcare on Thursdays,from 12:45 - 1:45 p.m., at theNorth Haven Joyce BudrowSenior Center, 189 Pool Road,for a seven-week course thatfocuses on enhancing brainfunction. Program includesfun brain fitness activities. Afee is charged. Visit formore information.

Sit-ercise: Chair Exer-cises

Increase muscle strength,improve flexibility and bal-ance to prevent falls withthis new exercise class fromVNA Community Health-

care. Exercises are done in achair. The program meetson Mondays and Wednesdaysfrom 10:45 - 11:45 a.m., at theNorth Haven Joyce BudrowSenior Center, 189 Pool Road.A fee is charged.

Veterans MSsupport group tomeet

The West Haven MS Sup-port Group meets at the WestHaven Veterans Administra-tion Hospital, Building 2, 950Campbell Ave., in WestHaven, every Thursday at11:15 a.m. This meeting is for

veterans only. For more in-formation, please contactMary Lou at (203) 932-5711,ext. 2276.

There are more than 6,000Connecticut residents diag-nosed with multiple sclero-sis (MS), an oftentimes debil-itating disease affecting thecentral nervous system. TheNational Multiple SclerosisSociety, Connecticut Chapteroffers more than 30 supportgroups throughout Connecti-cut. For more information,visit or callthe National Multiple Sclero-sis Society, ConnecticutChapter at (800) FIGHT MS.

Page 12: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

CitizenFaith12 The North Haven CitizenFriday, December 21, 2012



Faith UnitedMethodist Church

Faith United MethodistChurch, 81 Clintonville Rd.,has scheduled ChristmasEve Services with a FamilyStory Time at 6 p.m. is an in-formal family-friendly wor-ship opportunity with songsand a brief story. The tradi-

tional Candlelight Service isscheduled for 8 p.m. and is aservice of carols, scripture,and a message of Christ.For more information, call(203) 239-2469 .

St. John’sEpiscopal

St. John’s Episcopal

Church, 3 Trumbull Place,has scheduled an old-fash-ioned Christmas pageant forMonday, Dec. 24 at 3 p.m. Chil-dren are welcome to partici-pate dressed as an angel,shepherd or any animal. Norehearsals are scheduled —children may simply show upto participate. The event ismeant to be retelling for theChristmas story, completewith the star and the threekings. Christmas carols willbe included.

St. John’s EpiscopalChurch has scheduled a tra-ditional Christmas Eve serv-ice for Dec. 24, at 11 p.m. and aChristmas Day service forDec. 25, at 11 a.m.

For more information onany event at St. John’s, call(203) 239-0156.

MontoweseBaptist Church

Montowese BaptistChurch has scheduled aChristmas shopping fund-raiser for today, Dec. 21 andSaturday, Dec. 22 from noonto 5 p.m. at 2 Susan Lane.

Buy your last minuteChristmas gifts: Jewelry,crafts, sports equipment.Free grab bag for children.

For more information, call(203) 234-6784.

Montowese Baptist


The Northford Congrega-tional Church, 4 Old Post Rd.has scheduled an open housefor Friday, Dec. 21 from 5 to 8p.m. in the social hall. All arewelcome.

Holiday services duringAdvent are scheduled forSundays at 10 a.m. throughDec. 23. Advent candles are litby families who also read spe-cial Bible verses.

The Christmas Eve serviceis scheduled for Monday, Dec.24 at 5 p.m. The service focus-es on Bible verses highlight-ing the prophecy and Gospel.

The Sunday, Dec. 23 10 service will include abrief presentation by theSunday School.

Our Lady of Mt.Carmel

The parish of Our Lady ofMt. Carmel has scheduled sixMasses to celebrate Christ-mas. The Christmas Eve, Dec.24, Eucharist is scheduled for4, 5:30 and 10 p.m. ChristmasMasses are scheduled for 8, 10and 11:30 a.m. The principalliturgy on Christmas Eve isthe solemn mass of the nativi-ty at 10 p.m. The Choral Eu-charist includes the parish

Church is collecting dona-tions to support Americansoldiers. Items requested in-clude socks, soap, travel sizepersonal hygiene items, pads,pencils, pens, notebooks, etc.Donations may be droppedoff any Sunday from 10 1 p.m.

For more information onany program or event at thechurch, call Pauline at (203)234-6784.

Holiday rehearsal

Submitted by Nancy Miller

Children from Northford Congregational ChurchSunday School rehearse a song for a the Christ-mas presentation, planned for Sunday, Dec. 23 at10 a.m. at the church.

See Faith, next page

Page 13: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012 — The North Haven Citizen 13

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Edward BuschEdward Busch, 83, of

N o r t h f o r d ,passed awayon Dec. 12,2012 at Yale-New HavenHospital. Hewas the hus-band of JeanMalboeuf Busch.

Edward was born in Hart-ford on Oct. 12, 1929, a son ofthe late Anthony andKatharine Yedraitis Bucevi-cius, was a graduate of theformer Boardman TradeSchool in mechanics. Hewas a shop foreman for theformer Cooley Chevrolet ofNew Haven for 32 years andlater for McDermott Chevro-let for five years until his re-tirement. Edward enjoyedvegetable gardening, snow-mobiling, boating, fishingand was a car enthusiast.

He was the father of Ed-ward V. Busch II (Lynn),Donna Tancreti (Paul) ofNewport Richey, Fla., Va-lerie DiStasio of Northfordand her fiancé Joseph Galla-gi; grandmother of LauraBusch (Jeff LaBlanc),Tracey Moris (Tom), PaulTancreti (Amanda), MichaelTancreti, Ashley DiStasioand Louis DiStasio, Jr. He isalso survived by five great-

grandchildren. He was pre-deceased by his son-in-lawLouis DiStasio; a brotherFrank Busch and a sister Su-san Bringole.

Services were held Dec. 15,2012 from the North HavenFuneral Home, followed by amass of Christian burial atSt. Augustine Church. Inter-ment followed in NorthfordCemetery.

Rose LaneseRose Tarducci Goulet

Lanese, 89, of North Haven, aresident of Hamden formany years, passed away onDec. 9, 2012 at the ArdenHealth & Re-hab Center,H a m d e n .Born in NewHaven onAug. 31, 1923;daughter ofthe lateErnesto andAssunta Sucati Tarducci.Rose had worked as a manag-er for the former Caldor’s De-partment Store for manyyears; was a member of theNorth Haven Senior Centerand an American Red CrossVolunteer for over 20 years.

Mother of Barbara Mas-saro and the late LorraineHood; grandmother of Renee(Michael) Antonetti, Antho-

ny (Tiffany) Massaro, TerryHood, Christopher (Renee)Hood, Courtney and Whit-ney Hood. Also survived byten great-grandchildren;aunt of Sue and Joe Fusco,and Annmarie Andriozzi.Dear friend of Johanna andArpad MacKay. Rose was abeloved mother, grandmoth-er, great-grandmother, auntand friend, never to be for-gotten. Predeceased bybrothers, Lawrence andJohn Tarducci.

Services were held Dec. 20,2012 from the North HavenFuneral Home, followed by amass of Christian burial atSt. Barnabas Church. Inter-ment followed in All SaintsCemetery. Should friends de-sire, memorial contributionsmay be made to the CT Hos-pice, Inc., 100 Double BeachRd., Branford, CT 06405.

Barbara J. MinorePrato

Barbara J. Minore Prato,63, of EastH a v e n ,passed awayDec. 11, 2012with herb e l o v e dmother andfriend. Shewas the wifeof John A. Prato. Mrs. Prato

was born in New Haven onNov. 23, 1949; daughter of thelate Joseph J. and MarjorieCinicola Minore; had workedin the office for the NewHaven Ravens, the Bridge-port Bluefish, the NorwichNavigators and presently forthe office of Dr. BjornRingstad, Village MedicalCenter, North Haven.

Barbara was devoted toher family, especially to hersix grandchildren sharing inall their extracurricular ac-tivities. Mother of Christo-pher (Jennifer) Prato ofNorth Branford and Melissa(Janet Madigan) Prato ofHamden; grandmother ofLia, Matthew and EmiliaPrato, Kaela, Avery andTatum Shugrue; sister ofJoseph (Sandra) Minore ofCape Coral, Fla. and Mark(Wendy Darling) Minore ofBranford.

Interment will be privateand at the convenience of thefamily. Should friends desire,memorial contributions maybe made to the AmericanCancer Society, 825 BrookSt., I-91 Ctr. #3, Rocky Hill,CT 06067 or the CT HumaneSociety, 701 Russell Rd., New-ington, CT 06111.

Marjorie M.Cinicola Minore

Marjorie M. Cinicola Mi-nore, 90, ofNorth Haven,passed awayon Dec. 11,2012 with herb e l o v e ddaughter andfriend. Shewas the wifeof the late Joseph J. Minore.Mrs. Minore was born inNew Haven on Nov. 18, 1922;

daughter of the late Anthonyand Philomena Cinicola; hadworked for the North HavenBoard of Education as a cafe-teria worker; enjoyed doingpuzzles, cooking, feeding herbeloved family and friends,loved the beach, its sea glassand shells; enjoyed watchingher grandchildren’s sportingevents.

Mother of Joseph (San-dra) Minore of Cape Coral,Fla., Mark (Wendy Darling)Minore of Branford and thelate Barbara J. Prato; moth-er-in-law of John A. Prato ofEast Haven; grandmother ofStephen (Barbara Murch)Minore, Lisa (Scott) Lee,David (Heather) Minore,Robert Minore, ChristinaMinore, Christopher (Jen-nifer) Prato and Melissa(Janet Madigan) Prato. Alsosurvived by 11 great-grand-children, several nieces andnephews. Predeceased by hersiblings, Mary Minore, Min-nie Amendola, Annie Hayes,Rose DiGioia, Joanne Cinico-la, Alphonse “Duke” Donato,Steve and John Cinicola.

A graveside service washeld Dec. 17, 2012 in AllSaints Cemetery. Shouldfriends desire, memorialcontributions may be madeto the American Cancer Soci-ety, 825 Brook St., I-91 Ctr.#3,Rocky Hill, CT 06067 or theCT Humane Society, 701 Rus-sell Rd., Newington, CT06111.



FaithContinued from page 12

choir with music of Willcocks,Shaw, Adam and Rutter. Thisfollows the annual Festival ofCarols at 9:40 p.m.

The parish of Our Lady ofMt. Carmel, Hamden, offersthe Celebration of the Eu-charist on Sundays at 8, 10 and11:30 a.m. A Vigil Mass is of-fered at 5 p.m. on Saturdays.

The 8 a.m. service is a quietliturgy, no music. The 10 and11:30 a.m. services are SungMasses consisting of upliftinghymns and energetic Masssettings.

The Sacrament of Reconcil-iation is scheduled in thechurch on Saturdays from 3 to3:30 p.m.

The church is equippedwith an elevator for those un-able to use stairs.


St. John’s EpiscopalChurch’s Community Sup-pers are scheduled for Fri-days from 6 to 7 p.m. Allmembers of the communityare invited for companion-ship along with a nutritioussupper. The menu includeschicken noodle, or vegetableminestrone soup, meat loaf

or egg salad sandwiches, sea-sonal fresh fruit and freshbaked desserts. Donationsare welcome but not re-quired.

St. John’s Church is lo-cated at 3 Trumbull Place, atthe top of the Green in NorthHaven, where our doors areopen for prayer and peace.For more information, call(203) 239-0156.

Holiday food driveThe churches of North Haven have scheduled a food drive

to benefit those in need this holiday season.Requested donations include canned beans, canned broth,

conned soup, canned fruit, pats entrees, macaroni and cheese,canned vegetables, canned olives, pickles, cranberry sauce,boxed cereal, canned tuna, mayonnaise, jelly, peanut butter,pasta, canned tomato sauce, canned tomatoes, canned meats(chili, tuna, spaghetto’s, etc.), canned sweet potatoes,bagged/boxed stuffing, boxed cake mixes, pie fillings, bakingneeds (flour, sugar, etc.), muffin/corn bread mixes, Jell-0),cookies/candy/nuts, dessert mixes, powered/canned milk,canned juices, coffee, tea. For more information or to volun-teer, call (203) 239-5691.

Page 14: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

CitizenOpinion14 The North Haven CitizenFriday, December 21, 2012

Government MeetingsThursday, Dec. 27

Economic DevelopmentCommission, 8:15 a.m.

Thursday, Jan. 3Board of Selectman, 7 p.m.

Monday, Jan. 7Planning & Zoning Com-

mission, 7p.m.Tuesday, Jan. 8

Housing Authority, 4 p.m.

Wednesday, Jan. 9Cemetery Commission, 7

p.m.Thursday, Jan. 10

Board of Education, 7 p.m.Tuesday, Jan. 15

Commission on Aging, 6p.m.

Blight Prevention AppealsBoard, 7 p.m.

Letters to the Editor

P.O. Box 855North Haven, CT 06473

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The North Haven Citizen is published everyFriday by the Record-Journal Publishing Co. andis delivered by mail to all homes and businessesin North Haven.

Olivia L. Lawrence, News EditorKyle Swartz, Editor

Contributors: Kevin Pataky, Paul Colella

Michael F. Killian, General ManagerKimberley E. Boath, Advertising Director

Christopher Cullen, Advertising SalesDundee Benson, Advertising SalesMarsha Pomponio, Office Assistant

The North Haven


Letters policy- E-mail letters to [email protected],

mail to 11 Crown St., Meriden, CT 06450 or fax to (203) 639-0210.

-The Citizen will print only one letter per person eachmonth.

- Letters should be approximately 300 words. We reservethe right to edit letters.

- Letters should be on topics of general interest to thecommunity. We do not list names of people, organizationsand businesses being thanked.

- Names of businesses are not allowed.- Letters must be signed and names will appear in print.- Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact

you for verification.- Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be

considered for publication on the following Friday.

After Sandy HookTo the editor:In the wake of the recent

tragedy in Newtown, I want-ed to express my deepestsympathy and condolencesto all of those affected. It iscomforting to hear the sto-ries of heroism and braveryon behalf of the school staffand first responders.

As a mental-health clini-cian, I cannot imagine thewords I would say to help afamily that has lost a youngchild due to an act of pureselfishness and evil. Wordscan do very little to heal, butthere are healing actions.The entire state of Connecti-cut and the country as awhole has come together to

offer any support they can.This is humbling and itshows that there are goodpeople in the world. Manyblame the world as an evilplace but this is not neces-sarily true. Evil can be out-weighed by the goodness inpeople’s hearts.

When speaking to chil-dren about this horrificevent, keep it as simple aspossible, but allow them toprocess it with you. Do notdeter them from speakingabout it; otherwise, theymay seek information in thewrong places, which cancause even more fear andanxiety. Hearing answersfrom their parents are themost comforting words. Par-ticipate or volunteer in an

event that will help yourchildren feel involved andreassure them that they aresafe.

I encourage everyone tovisit “Staying Strong forSandy Hook” at All proceedswill be directly donated tothe United Way of WesternConnecticut, which helpsprovide resources and sup-port for children and fami-lies in time of need. TheUWWC and Newtown Sav-ings Bank have joined to-gether to establish theSandy Hook School SupportFund.

Karen Beach,M.S., MFT

North Haven

CommentaryFreda’s Focus

A time to rememberBy Michael Freda

The Christmas holidayseason is al-ways a festiveone, a time tobe with fami-ly and lovedones. It is atthis time ofyear whenour spiritsseem to glowwith holidaycheer and we experience aninner luminosity that ishard to describe.

Many of us, myself in-cluded, tend to glance backinto the past to rememberChristmases of long ago, re-call a special toy, a specialChristmas moment orbeloved relatives and familymembers who are no longerwith us.

For me, the memories ofpast Christmas holidays arerich, run deep and are veryhappy ones that are tightlycompartmentalized in thecorners of my mind. Duringeach and every Christmasseason, I always pause and

reflect on three different lev-els personally and profes-sionally; reflecting upon thepast, examining the presentand lastly, plotting out whatthe future will be.

This year, all of thosethoughts will be temperedby the recent tragic eventsin the community of New-town. Although I am grate-ful to live in the wonderfulTown of North Haven, mythoughts will be with each of


See Time, page 20

An Ounce of Prevention

Staying warmand safe

By V. Deborah Culligan,RN, MPH

It’s the time of yearwhen furnaces are calledback into action after a sea-sonal respite. Hopefully,you have had your furnacecleaned. Like any other en-gine, furnaces need main-tenance. Don’t wait untilyours breaks down. Thismight happen during awinter storm. You could bewithout heat and the re-pair might be more costlythan annual maintenance.Annual cleaning leads tomore efficient and safeheating.

A heating system thatdoes not function properlycan lead to carbon monox-ide poisoning, a quiet dead-

ly hazard.You can’t see it, smell it

or taste it. But it can makeyou sick, or even kill youbefore you even know it’sthere.

Initial symptoms of car-bon monoxide poisoningmay be a headache anddizziness. Later symptomscan be a loss of conscious-ness, which can result in acoma. During the coldweather months when win-dows are closed and fur-

See Safe, page 22

Page 15: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012 — The North Haven Citizen 15

Quotes of note for the 2012 holidaysThe holidays have a way of sneaking up on us, despite all the ads, music, festivals, decorations,

cards, TV specials and on and on. Suddenly, it’s “the eve” and time to reflect on the passing of anotheryear and themysteries of the season. Below are a few quotes from thosewho have tread these times be-fore us and who offer bits of wisdom, humor and joy to see us on our way. Some are well-worn words;others put a new spin on old traditions. These warm thoughts make me smile and I hope you do, too.

- Olivia L. Lawrence, news editor

You know you’re gettingold, when Santa starts lookingyounger.

~ Robert Paul

The Grinch hated Christ-mas - the whole Christmasseason. Oh, please don’t askwhy, no one quite knowsthe reason. It could be, per-haps, that his shoes were tootight. Or maybe his headwasn’t screwed on just right.

~ FFrroomm -- DDrr.. SSeeuussss’’ ““TThheeGGrriinncchh WWhhoo SSttoollee CChhrriissttmmaass””

“One of the most glorious messesin the world is the mess created inthe living room on Christmas day.Don’t clean it up too quickly.”

~ Andy Rooney

“A lovely thing aboutChristmas is that it’s com-pulsory, like a thunder-storm, and we all gothrough it together.”

~ From Leaving Home,Garrison Keillor

May the lights ofHanukkah usher in abetter world for allhumankind.~Author Unknown

Happy, happy Christmas, that can win usback to the delusions of our childhood days, re-call to the old man the pleasures of his youth,and transport the traveler back to his own fire-side and quiet home!

- Charles Dickens

Now, near theWinter Solstice, it isgood to light can-dles. All the nicemeanings of bring-ing light to theworld can be beauti-ful. But perhapswe are concentrat-ing on lighting theworld because wedon’t know how tolight up our ownlives.

~Ralph Levy,“Hanukkah - Another


I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christ-mas with a note on it saying, toys not included.

~ Bernard Manning

There’s nothing sadder in thisworld than to awake Christmasmorning and not be a child.

~Erma Bombeck

Get thebiggest aluminumtree you can find,Charlie Brown.Maybe paintedpink.

~ Lucy, fromCharles Schultz’Charlie Brown


One can never have enough socks,” said Dumbledore. “AnotherChristmas has come and gone and I didn’t get a single pair. People willinsist on giving me books.”

~ From Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, J.K. Rowling

Dear Editor:I am 8 years old.Some of my little friends saythere is no Santa Claus.Papa says, ‘If you see it inThe Sun, it’s so.’Please tell me the truth, isthere a Santa Claus?”

Virginia O’Hanlon,

Yes, Virginia, there is a San-ta Claus. He exists as certain-ly as love and generosity anddevotion exist, and you knowthat they abound and give toyour life its highest beautyand joy. Alas! how drearywould be the world if therewere no Santa Claus! Itwould be as dreary as if therewere no Virginias. Therewould be no child-like faiththen, no poetry, no romanceto make tolerable this exis-tence. We should have no en-joyment, except in sense andsight. The eternal light withwhich childhood fills theworld would be extinguished.~ Excerpt from the editorialpage of The New York Sun,

written by Francis P. Church,Sept. 21, 1897

Page 16: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012 16

1269809Don’t DrinkIf You’re

DrivingHave a good time this holiday season.But, if you know you’re going to drink,

choose a designated driver, take a cab orarrange to stay over. Getting on the road

after even one drink can impair yourjudgment and reaction time, opening the

door to a holiday disaster.

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Have a happy andsafe holiday season!


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Page 17: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

17CitizenSeniorsThe North Haven CitizenFriday, December 21, 2012

Masonicare has been providing behavioral health services to the community for many years.Our professionals have a depth and an array of experience that may be the answer shouldyou or a loved one need help. We evaluate the full range of adult and geriatric psychiatricpresentations, and treat them with appropriate therapies.

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Consultations are by appointment, Mondaythrough Friday. Strict con!dentiality is maintainedat all times.

Our of!ces are conveniently located inthe Masonicare Medical Of!ce Buildingoff Route 150 in Wallingford. Mostinsurances accepted.

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PolicyAn activity fee is charged

for non-residents to partici-pate in the North Haven Se-nior Center. For more infor-mation, call (203) 239-5432.

Classes with insufficientenrollment may be cancelledprior to the starting date.Registrants will be notifiedby telephone if a course mustbe cancelled.


New Year’s Eve lunch -Monday, Dec. 31 at 11:30 a.m.Lunch on your own at Dono’s.Sign up at the Senior Centerby Thursday, Dec. 27.

Bring in the New Year -Thursday, Jan, 3 at 11:45 a.m.The catered lunch is limitedto 80 people. A fee is charged.Entertainment provided byJohn Paolillo. For more infor-mation and reservations, call(203) 239-5432.

Day TripsCasino: Foxwoods - Tues-

day, March 5.Maple Madness & But-

terflies - Wednesday, March27. Visit Parker’s Maple Barn

To reserve a lunch, call Mary Ellen at (203) 239-4030.Reservations must be made by noon the day before.Lunch is served at noon. Suggested donation is $2.

Monday, Dec. 24: No lunch served.Tuesday, Dec. 25: Senior Center closed.Wednesday, Dec. 26: Cream of carrot soup, BBQ

chicken, black beans and corn, collard greens, wheatbread, fresh fruit.

Thursday, Dec. 27: Pot roast with gravy, mashed pota-to, Tuscan blend vegetables, rye bread, applesauce.

Friday, Dec. 28: Fish Florentine with lemon, brownrice, baby Belgium carrots, multi grain toll, tropical fruitcocktail.

Senior Lunch Menu

Community Suppers arescheduled every Friday at 6p.m. at St. John’s Church.The public is welcome to en-joy a meal and companion-ship. Donations are welcome,but not required.

Beginner Pinochle -

Mondays at 1:30 to 3 p.m. Call(203) 239-54432 to reserve aspot.

Ceramics - Tuesday andThursday, 9 a.m. to noon. Be-ginners are welcome. Materi-als are provided. A fee ischarged.

in New Hampshire and stopat Magic Wings in SouthDeerfield, Mass. Depart at 8a.m. to return approximately5:30 p.m.

Westchester BroadwayTheatre: Guys & Dolls -Thursday, April 11.

Savor the Flavor - Feder-al Hill, Little Italy, Provi-dence, R.I. - May 16.

Casino: Mohegan Sun -Tuesday, May 21

Saratoga Raceway - NewYork - Thursday, Aug. 22.

Senior CenterOpportunities

Reading volunteers -

Clintonville elementarySchool is looking for seniorvolunteers to read with stu-dents. Commitment is onehour, one day a week. Formore information, call (203)239-5432. (Volunteers must bea member of the Senior Cen-ter.)

Singers - The SeniorSongsters Choral Groupmeets on Tuesdays at 1 :15p.m. and is looking for partic-ipants.

Programs andclasses

Friday Night Communi-ty Supper - Friday Night

Page 18: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012 18

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Page 19: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

19CitizenSportsThe North Haven CitizenFriday, December 21, 2012

CoachContinued from page 1

thought I was just low onpotassium. Then I started toget a limp. I thought thatmaybe I had an ACL tear.”

“Then stairs started get-ting harder,” he continued.“My calf muscles were thefirst to deteriorate. After six-to-seven months, I was finallydiagnosed after goingthrough a couple of doctors.”

Growing up in East Haven,Savo laced up skates andcompeted on ice since he wasthree years old. As an adult,he sought coaching opportu-nities. After joining thecoaching staff for NorthHaven’s junior-varsity teamlast season, Savo became in-volved with varsity this yearafter the top-level programabsorbed JV due to low num-bers of student participants.

“Hockey is my life,” Savosaid. “Being a part of theteam in North Haven andhelping kids has been a greatexperience. Hockey is anamazing sport.”

It’s also an exacting sportwhich demands players re-main physically and mental-ly tough at all times when onice. With hockey-fueled deter-mination in his blood since

Shifts in high-school hockey, while NHHS drops opener

Citizen photo courtesy of Tom Roche

NHHS assistant coach and ALS patient Brian Savo,front center, stands with the NHHS hockey team at the2012 Walk to Defeat ALS in New Haven.

childhood, Savo has re-mained firm against ALS.

“I’ve been one of the lucki-er ones,” he said. “Doctorssay it’s a three-to-five yeardisease — that’s how longyou’ve got after being diag-nosed. I’m going on fiveyears. And, looking back, Ican see signs of it in my lifegoing back ten years.”

“I’m fully functional,” headded. “I am still going towork every day.”

Savo owns a flooring com-pany, has a family with twoyoung children and finds

time to help NHHS hockey.To get on ice these days, hemust slip on special shoeswith rubber spikes. DuringNorth Haven games, thebusiness-owner sits up in thestands, calculating playerstatistics and searching foron-ice advantages.

“He was a phenomenalhockey player and is an inte-gral part of the team,” saidNHHS head coach TomRoche.

“He’s an inspiration,” saidNHHS hockey co-captainJim Piscitelli. “He’s a really

strong guy. His perseveranceis incredible. He never givesup. He knows a lot abouthockey, and he knows a lotabout life.”

In just two years with thehigh-school program, Savohas made an impact enoughthat the team, in fall, eagerlycame out in large numbers tosupport his other pursuit —ALS awareness. On theboard of directors for theALS Association Connecti-cut chapter, Savo helps or-ganize and participates inthe association’s annualWalk to Defeat ALS in NewHaven.

This past September,NHHS hockey members —and many other associates —joined Savo in walking andfundraising. With this sup-port, Savo himself raised$3,695 for ALS research andhis team, Savo’s Soldiers, col-lected $7,770, contributing toNew Haven’s 2012 Walk to De-feat ALS bringing in over$111,000.

“I know that I speak for theentire team when I say thatthat was not only a bondingexperience for us, but alsosomething that made us apart of the community asNorth Haven High Schoolhockey players,” said Ander-son. “To be a part of some-

thing like that was special.”“We helped raise aware-

ness about ALS that day,”Piscitelli said. “Our groupwas one of the biggestthere.”

Savo, who takes part in nu-merous ALS-awareness ac-tivities including testifyingto Congress in Washington,was thankful for the NorthHaven hockey turnout.

“To have that kind of sup-port was a great feeling,” hesaid. “It was incredible toknow that you have greatpeople who care about youand are willing to help youraise awareness about thisdisease. Because ALS is not adeath sentence. You have tostay positive and enjoy yourlife. If you have family andfriends like I do, you can sus-tain yourself with them.”

“And these kids, they seeme and know not to give up,”he continued. “I hope thatthey can see that and learnfrom me and keep truckingalong and know that lifethrows you some curveballsand you got to move withthem.”

The North Haven hockeyteam has begun wearing ALSstickers on their helmets

“Working with these kidsgives me the strength to goon,” Savo said.

By Kevin PatakySpecial to The Citizen

There were quite a few changes in thelandscape of Connecticut’s high school hock-ey over this past off-season. The teams with-in the CIAC have seen diminishing numbers,as some of the state’s better players left theirlocal high schools to go play at privateschools or just decided not to continue toplay. Several programs, like Wallingford’s Ly-man Hall (with Haddam Killingworth), hadto pair up with other programs to form co-ops just to get the numbers they needed tocontinue their program.

While still retaining the three-divisionstructure to separate level of play at thehigh-school level, the CIAC has seen a majorshift at their most difficult level play, from Di-vision I down to Division II, which is less dif-ficult. Many programs in Division II alsodowngraded to Division III as well, while noteams moved up to Division I and only a cou-ple moved up to Division II from III.

North Haven remained in Division I thisyear despite losing a fairly sizeable group oftalented seniors. Their 20-game 2012-13schedule is not as difficult as in recent years,as only half of those games are against Divi-sion I competition. As a member of the SCCconference, however, those 10 games willcome against some of the most difficult com-petition in the state.

The Indians captains for this season areseniors Jimmy Piscitelli and Karl Andersonand they are assisted by junior Vin Fasulo.They will be leading a squad of 21 composedof only seven seniors, eight juniors, foursophomores and two freshmen.

After a last minute cancellation of one oftheir two scheduled games against Division Irival Xavier, head coach Tom Roche indicat-ed there was a scramble to pick up a gameand said they were able to schedule a Divi-sion III matchup with the Hall-Southingtonco-op on last minute notice and that game

Citizen photo by Kevin Pataky

Senior Alec Rizzo is sandwiched by a pair of Trojans inthe second period.See Hockey, next page

Page 20: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012 20


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Now is a great time to take advantage of our advertisingopportunities and specials!

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HockeyContinued from page 19

was supposed to be their sea-son opener away in WestHartford last Friday night.

Due to the Newtown shoot-ings that day, however, thegame was postponed until lat-er in the season.

So the Indians opened uptheir season at home againstDivision I opponent Sims-bury at the Northford IcePavillion on Saturday, sport-ing their new home throw-back jerseys with a light yel-lowish cream and maroonstyle.

Their opponents, the Tro-jans, are an up-and-comingDivision I team, and they re-turned many key playersfrom last season’s team thatturned a lot of heads late lastseason. After playing morethan three minutes of score-less first-period hockey, Sims-bury moved in front on a goalby Sean Gaffney and the Tro-

jans held that 1-0 lead at theend of the period.

In the second period, VinFasulo scored the Indians’first goal of the season to tiethe score at one apiece, butthe celebration was shortlived - 12 seconds to be exact -as Simsbury’s Brendan Law

tallied an unassisted goal forSimsbury to put them backin front for what turned outto be for good.

Ryan Carpenter scored aswell for Simsbury and theTrojans took a 3-1 lead intothe third period.

Simsbury would add a pair

of goals to finish off a 5-1win. “The score in this gamedoes not reflect what the sea-son is going to be,” saidNHHS head coach TomRoche. “We’re a lot betterthan that as a team. We strug-gled offensively and defen-sively, but I know that we canget better.”

The Indians fell to 0-1, andtheir next opponent is Divi-sion II Amity.

Kevin Pataky is a profes-sional photographer andlongtime contributor to TheNorth Haven Citizen. Web-site: Citi-zen editor Kyle Swartz con-tributed to this piece.

Sophomore goalie Andrew Graziano makes a glovesave in the first period.

Indians’ co-captain Karl Anderson fights for posses-sion following a face off.

Citizen photos by Kevin Pataky

Indians’ co-captain Jim Piscitelli fights for a puck inthe corner.

TimeContinued from page 14

those families who have lostchildren and family mem-bers in that senseless andhorrific tragedy.

During this holiday sea-son, let us all pause and re-member those individualswho so unexpectedly losttheir lives this past week inNewtown.

May God bless each andevery one of those familiesand give them the strength tocontinue on and find somecomfort in the memories oftheir loved ones and thetimes they shared.

May each of you have avery blessed holiday seasonand a very happy andhealthy New Year.

Michael Freda is the firstselectmen of North Haven.

Page 21: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012 — The North Haven Citizen 21

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North Haven Soccer Club springregistration

North Haven Soccer Club Spring 2013 registration isscheduled to begin Saturday, Dec. 15. Players who wish toparticipate must register online at

Registration deadlines are as follows:Jan. 31 - for U11 – U19Feb. 28 - for U5 – U10For players unable to register online, a walk-in registra-

tion is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 the Recreation Center on Linsley Street.

U15-19 boys and girls players will be waitlisted after thefirst 25 registrants due to CJSA roster limits. All interest-ed players are encouraged to join the waitlist; additionalteams will be added if needed.

Late registrations subject to late fees and availability.For more information and to register, visit North-

Education cost-sharingCommentary

By Kyle Swartz

School superintendentsand business directors fromarea municipalities are wiseto meet for brainstormingideas for pooling resourcesto conserves finances.

Although some signs ofnational and state economicrecovery are out there, theoverall financial landscapelikely will remain unstablefor the immediately foresee-able future. School budgetsprobably will be tight for atleast several more years.Hence, academic officialsare prudent to explore allstrategies for cost savings.

In recent times, NorthHaven, Wallingford, Meri-

den, Southington, Cheshireand Hamden all sent theirschool superintendents andbusiness chiefs to a confer-ence in Wallingford. Thecommendable goal was todiscuss ways in which dis-tricts could share expenses,such as attaining savingsthrough bulk purchases oreliminating redundancies.

Special education serviceswere one area considered —appropriately so. A signifi-cant portion of each schooldistrict’s annual budget isfor such programs, whichare state-mandated and,thus, difficult to adjust fis-cally. But since each districtmust provide similar op-tions, there could be overlap

in offerings among multiplemunicipalities — an oppor-tunity for monetarily help-ful cooperation.

For instance, Southingtonand Wallingford both may betransporting a local special-ed student to the same out-side district for symptom-specific help (a commonpractice). Working together,the two towns could sendboth kids on one van insteadof two separate vehicles. Asanother example, partneredmunicipalities could hireand share just one speechtherapist, instead of em-ploying six. Or administra-

tors could combine and con-dense programs so that allspecial-ed students are ac-counted for by only two-or-three schools total.

Participating superin-tendents and business man-agers also considered nu-merous other similar cost-sharing suggestions whichcould have promise. Theseincluded bulk purchase ofjanitorial supplies, consoli-dating alternative high-schools, collaboration withnecessary building mainte-nance and partnering incurriculum development.

These are all potentially

money-conserving planswhich could benefit all part-ners in this education con-sortium. Leaders on the sixmunicipalities’ governmentside should take notice. Asall civic decision-makerscontinue to contend withlimited budgets, increasedregionalization of servicescould permit nearby com-munities to conserve dollarstogether through economicand operational alliance.

Kyle Swartz is editor ofThe North Haven Citizenand an editorial associate atthe Record-Journal, Meriden.

Local re-elected to PAEAWilliam Kohlhepp, of North Haven, associate dean of the School of

Health Sciences at Quinnipiac University, has been reelected to a three-year term as secretary-treasurer of the Physician Assistant Education As-sociation. The PAEA is the only national organization representing physi-cian assistant educational programs in the United States. The PAEA pro-vides services for faculty at its member programs, as well as to applicants,students and other stakeholders.

Kohlhepp, who also is a professor in the physician assistant program atQuinnipiac, earned his doctorate of health science at Nova SoutheasternUniversity. He holds a master of health administration from Quinnipiacand a physician assistant certificate from the University of Medicine and Dentistry ofNew Jersey. He also holds bachelor’s degrees from the University of Connecticut and Liv-ingston College. He also received an honorary doctor of humane letters from A.T. Still Uni-versity in Mesa, Ariz.


Page 22: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012 22


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SafeContinued from page 14

naces are on, it claims itsgreatest number of victims.While the numbers are rela-tively small, it can and haskilled Connecticut familiesand made many persons veryill, including some who re-side within this health dis-trict.

Carbon monoxide comesfrom the incomplete burningof carbon-based fuels. Theseinclude gasoline, kerosene,home-heating fuels, fire-wood, and charcoal. If heat-ing devices are used properly

and if furnaces (and otherfuel-burning appliances) arein good working order, youhave little risk of carbonmonoxide poisoning.

In the U.S., there has beena steadily rising increase indeaths associated with car-bon monoxide poisoningfrom home generators. TheConsumer Product SafetyCommission (CPSC) offersthe following important in-formation:

— Using a generator in-doors can kill you inminutes. Generator exhaustcontains carbon monoxide.Read the label on your gen-erator and the owner’s man-ual. Follow the directionsgiven.

— Never use a generatorinside a home, in a base-ment, shed or garage, even ifdoors and windows areopen. Generators should al-ways be used outside, wellaway from windows, doors,vents or other home open-ings.

Since carbon monoxide isvirtually undetectable, yourbest home protection plan isprevention. CPSC and theEnvironmental ProtectionAgency offer the followingprevention steps:

— Vent all burning de-vices to the outside. Be suredampers are working.

— Maintain fireplacesand chimneys. Keep themclean and open.

— Have your furnace rou-tinely serviced and cleaned.Do not try to clean it your-self. This holds true for allfuel-burning equipment.People with expertise inequipment should performthe job.

— Never use charcoal/gasgrills or camping stoves in-tended for outdoor use in-side the house, a tent, or anyenclosed building, such as agarage. Do not run snowblowers, lawn mowers, oryour car inside an enclosedspace.

— Don’t ignore a smell offuel in your home. Thiscould indicate a leak.

— Don’t use a gas oven toheat your home, even for ashort time.

— Install at least one car-bon monoxide detector inyour home. It should beplaced near the sleepingarea of your home. It is rec-ommended that a second de-tector be placed at least 15feet from the furnace. If acarbon monoxide detectorsounds, get out of the houseand call the fire department.Important to note: Carbonmonoxide detectors are im-portant but they are not areplacement for proper use

See Safe, next page

Page 23: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012 — The North Haven Citizen 23




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and maintenance of yourfuel-burning appliances. It isimportant that you don’t leta CO detector lure you into afalse sense of security. Pre-venting CO from becoming aproblem in you home is animportant part of safety.

— Don’t ignore symptoms,particularly if more thanone person is feeling them.

Carbon monoxide detec-tors are not substitutes forsmoke detectors. Each de-tects a different thing.Smoke detectors cut yourchances of dying in a firenearly in half. But theirgreat life-saving potential isgone if the batteries aredead. The National Fire Pro-tection Association recom-

SafeContinued from page 22

mends: Smoke detectors onevery level of the home andoutside sleeping areas;monthly testing of everysmoke detector in the home;annual replacement of bat-teries; and replacing thewhole smoke detector unitevery 10 years.

For a free informationpacket on carbon monoxidepoisoning, residents can callthe Quinnipiack ValleyHealth District at (203) 248-4528 or request info onlineat

An Ounce of Prevention isa weekly publication of theQuinnipiack Valley HealthDistrict, which is located at1151 Hartford Turnpike,North Haven. An Ounce ofPrevention is written byQVHD Deputy Director V.Deborah Culligan, RN, MPH.

To advertise in The North Haven Citizen call (203) 317-2323

YMCA receives donation

Connex Credit Union re-cently donated $802.60 to theHamden/North Haven YMCA.The money for this donationcame from the fees collected bya coin-cashing machine in thecredit union’s North HavenBranch.

The YMCA Strong KidsCampaign is an initiative tohelp raise funds to help localchildren and families in needto be able to access the YMCAfacilities and programs.

For more information in“Coins for Change” program,contact Chris Whalen at Con-nex Credit Union, at (203) 603-5787 or [email protected].

NHFD parade DVD availableThe North Haven Camera Club re-

cently presented Fire Chief VincentLandisio a DVD to commemorate theNorth Haven Fire Department’s 100thanniversary. The DVD contains high-lights of the 129th CT Sate Firefight-er’s Association Convention and pa-rade hosted by the North Haven FireDepartment in September.

The DVD contains over 170 picturesput to music featuring, firefightermarching units, antique and modernfire equipment, marching bands, firecommissioners, dignitaries, retiredfirefighters, and North Haven volun-teer firefighters that marched in theparade. The DVD runs approximately 11 minute and plays in standard DVD players.

The NHCC club will donate a percentage of the purchase price to the North HavenFood Bank to help North Haven families in need this holiday season.

The DVD is available for purchase. For more information, contact Rich Ziemba (203)494-3002 or [email protected]

Donation in memorySubmitted by Ed


Dave Mikos,president ofNorth HavenYouth Footballreceived acheck fromLinda Fronteon behalf ofthe BenFronte Memorial Golf Tournament recently. Proceeds from the Ben FronteMemorial golf tournament were donated to NHYF during half time at the eighth-grade game. The tournament is held yearly in memory of Ben Fronte, who wasa founding member of North Haven Youth Football.

Pictured, from left: Connex North Haven BranchManager Edgardo Quinones, Hamden/NorthHaven YMCA Executive Director Josh Royce,and Hamden/North Haven YMCA Board ChairLenny Lye.

Page 24: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

24 The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012


REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTYTAXES for the Town of North Haven (GrandList of October 1, 2011) are due and payableJANUARY 1, 2013 (SECOND INSTALL-MENT). Further, SUPPLEMENTAL MOTORVEHICLE TAXES are due and payable: JAN-UARY 1, 2013 (IN-FULL). NOTE: Supple-mental bills are issued pursuant to C.G.S. §12-7 for motor vehicles registered after Octo-ber 1, 2011. FAILURE TO RECEIVE A BILLDOES NOT INVALIDATE THE TAX (C.G.S. §12-130).

After February 1, 2013, interest will accrue atthe rate of 1½ % per month or fraction there-of (18% per annum) on all unpaid taxes onthe 2011 Grand List, and will be computedfrom January 1, 2013. Each addition of inter-est shall become due and collectable andshall be figured on the original amount of tax.INTEREST CANNOT BE WAIVED (C.G.S. §§12-145 & 146).

If BACK TAXES are due, payments will beapplied to the oldest outstanding bill first;interest will be paid before principal, liens orfees (C.G.S. § 12-144b). On each tax bill thatbecomes delinquent, a minimum interestcharge of $2.00 will be collected (C.G.S. § 12-146). All delinquent motor vehicle taxesrequiring a release for motor vehicle registra-tion should be paid by cash or money order;payments made with a check require a wait-ing period for clearance and proof of thesame to be provided to the Tax Collector'soffice.

PAYING BY MAIL: include the appropriateportion of the bill and write your bill number(also known as the "list number") on thecheck. Please DO NOT staple the check tothe bill. If a receipt is desired, a self-addressed stamped envelope must accompa-ny the payment(s). Make Checks Payable toTax Collector, Town of North Haven, and mailto P.O. BOX 900, HARTFORD, CT 06143-0900.

PAYING IN PERSON: The Tax Collector'sOffice is located in Town Hall, 18 ChurchStreet, North Haven, CT. The office is openfrom 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday throughFriday, with the exception of legal holidays.



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Friday, December 21, 2012 — The North Haven Citizen 25


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Page 26: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

26 The North Haven Citizen — Friday, December 21, 2012

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Page 27: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012 — The North Haven Citizen 27

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PT CNA Needed to coverMeriden-Hamden areas.

Morning & Weekend Hrs. Must Drive. Call (203) 697-1030

SSeeccuurriittyy GGuuaarrddPPoossiittiioonnss

Per Diem – Schedules varybased on facility needs, butwill include some week-ends, holidays andovernight shifts. Positionalso requires some lightmaintenance duties. Secu-rity license required. Toapply fax resume to 203-271-7794 or in person 8a-7p weekday, 10a-3pweekends. Elim ParkBaptist Home, 140 CookHill Road, Cheshire, CT.No phone calls please!EOE, A/A, M/F, D/V.

VAN Driver needed Mondaythru Friday, mornings or after-noons, for Lincoln College ofNew England, 2279 Mt. VernonRd., Southington. Public Ser-vice license or CDL, Class Bwith a P endorsement required.Please stop by to fill out anapplication.


LLiicceennsseedd TTeecchhnniicciiaannFull-Time weekdays with arotating on-call schedule.Experience preferred alongwith skills specific to HVACand refrigeration. Must holda valid state license and beable to work independently.Health insurance, 401k,vacation, and free wellnesscenter membership avail-able. Come join an estab-lished company that offersa team orientated environ-ment. To apply faxresume to 203-271-7794or in person 8a-7p week-day, 10a-3p weekends.Elim Park Baptist Home,140 Cook Hill Road,Cheshire, CT. No phonecalls please! EOE, A/A,M/F, D/V.

PPaarrtt--TTiimmeeOOffffiiccee AAssssiissttaanntt NNeeeeddeedd

A reputable Independent Insur-ance Agency is seeking adependable and responsibleperson for part-time help inMeriden. Must be fast-pacedand a quick thinker. Strongorganizational, computer andphone skills a must. 15-20hours per week. Please faxresume to 203.440.9560 oremail to: [email protected]

PUBLIC Safety Officer neededfor Lincoln College of New Eng-land, 2279 Mt. Vernon Rd.,Southington. Weekends andsome weekdays. P/T position.Please stop by to fill out anapplication.


WALLINGFORD. Located inYalesville Square unit #1, isjust like new! Open fl. Plan,vaulted ceilings, MBR w/ fullba, beautiful kit. w/ dining rmarea, 2 car paved drive & a24x8 covered porch. Call NickyWaltzer 203-265-5618


HHoolliiddaayyss AArree NNeeaarr--SSttaarrtt AA NNeeww CCaarreeeerr!!

Due to massive productdemands, our company hasopened up 33 NNeeww LLooccaattiioonnssiinn WWeesstt HHaarrttffoorrdd,, MMeerriiddeennaanndd SSoouutthhiinnggttoonn..PPOOSSIITTIIOONNSS AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE IINN::

CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee//SSaalleessMMaannaaggeerr TTrraaiinniinngg

AAsssseemmbbllyy//PPaacckkiinnggAAppppooiinnttmmeenntt SSeettttiinngg

No Experience Necessary Must be ready to start this

week. $350-$600/Week Email Resume Today!rrvv__bbooyyllee@@yyaahhoooo..ccoommOr Call 886600 332299--00331166


WALLINGFORD Private BR withDouble Bed and Private Bath.All Utils, Cable TV, Laundry,Private Entrance, Off St Park-ing. $160/wk. 2 week security.Call 203-626-5786 or 203-980-1441


WWaalllliinnggffoorrdd//DDuurrhhaamm10’ x 20’ & 20’ X 45’

With electricity & heatAvailable Now. 203-751-1977


MERIDEN By Owner to Settlean Estate. 3 BR, Family Room,Finished Basement, 3.5 Baths,Screened Porch.

20 South View Street(203) 691-0046 (203) 237-7555


WALLINGFORD. $107,900. Spa-cious 2 BR Townhouse. Remod-eled kitchen and baths, Hard-wood floors throughout. Fin-ished lower level. Condo feesinclude heat and hot water.Nicky Waltzer at 203-265-5618


MERIDEN Large 2 BR, 1.5 Baths,1st FL. WD hookup. Off st park-ing. Randolph Ave. $695 /mo.2 mos security + application feereq. No pets. Call 203-284-0597

MERIDEN Private & Clean1BR, LR, Kitch, BA. $695/mo.Lease & Sec. Deposit Req. NoPets. Also Efficiency Apt for$575 Call (203) 235-2372

MERIDEN Spacious 4BR, 2nd FlrLarge Yard. Off St Parking. W/Dhookup. 481 East Main St.$1175/mo. plus sec. Call 203-294-1229

MERIDEN- 3 BR, 6 RMs, 2nd flr,504 E. Main. Clean, convenient,nice. Appls, Washer/Dryer incl.Avail Now. $1050. 203-686-1987 or 203-427-7990 No pets.

MERIDEN- Nice 2 BRNo pets. $795 per mo,

Deposit, Credit & References.25 Griswold Street

Please Call 203-317-7222

MERIDEN- SMALL EfficiencyAll utilities included.

$450/mo +1 Month Security.Call for info: (646) 345-2636

MERIDEN-3-4 BR2 floor unit. Nice, big apartment.Off street parking. AvailableDecember 1. $1,250 per month.

Call 203-440-1003

MERIDEN-4BR 2nd flr & 3rd flr.Liberty St. Recently RenovatedStove & Refrig, W/D hkup, off-StParking, Yard, Storage. Sec 8approved. $1275 (203) 506-6398

MERIDEN. 1 BR, Heat Included,$825. 9 Guiel Place. Call

203-376-2160 or 203-213-6175

MERIDEN. Studio apt, $600/moincludes heat & electric, on busline, no pets. Sec & ref. Call203-982-3042.

MERIDEN. West side. Clean 1BR, heat, hw, electric. Hdwdflrs. $870/ mo plus sec. 12pm-8pm, 203-634-1195 or

UUnnddeerr NNeeww MMaannaaggeemmeennttMERIDEN STUDIOS & 1 BRs

We offering a special!1ST Month’s Rent Free witha credit score of 650 or over.

Please call 203-630-2841

WALLINGFORD 1BR 70 Center Street $750/mo.

Call Mike 203-213-6175 or 203-376-2160

WALLINGFORD 2 BR 2nd Flr,New Carpet, Stove, Fridge, W/DHookup, Off St. Parking. $885plus sec. Call 203-430-4373

WALLINGFORD 2BR Very Neat & Very Clean. Appli-

ances, Laundry Hookups, Off StParking. No Pets. No smoking.1 Yr Lease. $900. 203-631-5219

WALLINGFORD Charming S.Main St. Apt 2BR w/spaciousKitch & LR. Back Porch, LrgYard, w/ off St Park. No Pets.1,225/mo. includes utils. Call203-671-0622

WALLINGFORD-Duplex 2BR,LR. Tiled Bath. Kitchen w/stove& fridge. Laundry hookups.$950 + utils. 2 mos sec dep.Agents RE (203) 949-0500


MERIDEN CLEAN SAFE ROOMSIncludes Heat, HW, Elec, Kit Priv.East Side. Off-st park. $125/wk.+ sec. Call 12-8pm 203-630-3823or

MERIDEN Pvt BR in Large QuietHome. All utils, able TV, kitchen.Laundry. Must like pets. $180/wk. 2 wks sec. (203) 715-8850

MMeerriiddeenn-- 11 FFRREEEE WWeeeekkFurnished rm w/cable & fridge.

Kit privileges. (203) 235-0736


FFllaannddeerrss WWeesstt AAppttssSSoouutthhiinnggttoonn

Studio & 1 Bedroom AptsAffordable Housing for quali-fied applicants 50 yrs of age orolder. Amenities Include: Com-puter Learning Center, TV/Games Lounge, Laundry Facili-ties, Off Street Parking, FreeBus Service to local shoppingctrs. On site: Resident Serv.Coord. Small Pets Accepted

Please call 860-621-3954 forinformation. TTY: 711


From $695. Includes h & hw. plussec. Avail immed. Call 203-886-8808.


From $695. Includes h & hw. plussec. Avail immed. Call 203-886-8808.

MER. Furnished Apts. East SideIncl Heat, HW, Elec. 1 BR, 1st Fl,$845/mo+sec. 1BR, 2nd Fl $801/mo+sec. 203-630-3823 12pm-8pm or

MERIDEN -1-2 BR Hubbard ParkCentral Air/Heat. 775 West MainStreet. $745-$995/mo. + utils.No pets. Call Niki 203 992-5605or Steve 203 721-5215

MMEERRIIDDEENN 22 BBRR AAvvaaiillaabblleeHeat, Hot Water & Appliances incl.

Off-Street parking. Available forimmediate move in. Starting at$800 per month. 203-639-8751

MERIDEN 1 BR, 1st Floor Attractive Victorian. Walk in

Kitchen w/ New Appls. Heat HotWater included. Bus line. $700.199 East Main Call 727-565-8362

MERIDEN 1, 2 Bedroom 3rd flAvail immed $600-$650 SecDeposit 1st month’s. No PetsMike 860 305-1642

MERIDEN 1023 Old Colony Rd.

22 BBRR AAvvaaiillaabblleeStarting at $750. Heat & HW incl.

Off St. Parking. 203-886-7016

MERIDEN 2 BR, 1 Flr. Liberty St.Recently renovated. Stove &refrig. WD hookup. Off st park-ing. Yard. Bsmnt storage. Sec 8approved. $875. 203- 506-6398

MERIDEN 3 BR Apartment2nd Fl. 6 Rms + Pantry Refrig-erator, Stove, WD Hookup.$975 + sec. Available Now Sec8 Approved. Call 203-284-5843

MMEERRIIDDEENN Crown Village 2 BRJust renovated. Heat & HotWater included. Pool access.$895 per month plus security.L & E Prop Mgmt 203-886-8808.

MMEERRIIDDEENN Crown Village 2 BRJust renovated. Heat & HotWater included. Pool access.$895 per month plus security.L & E Prop Mgmt 203-886-8808.

MERIDEN Crown Village. Large2BR Recently Remodeled w/ HWFloors. $925/mo. includes heat &hot water. Call 203-856-6472

MERIDEN Large 2 BR, 1.5 Baths,1st FL. WD hookup. Off st park-ing. Randolph Ave. $695 /mo.2 mos security + application feereq. No pets. Call 203-284-0597


MMuussiicc BByy RRoobbeerrttaaPPeerrffoorrmmaannccee && IInnssttrruuccttiioonn..

VVooiiccee LLeessssoonnss All Ages and Lev-els Welcome. PPiiaannoo LLeessssoonnssBeginner to Intermediate.

((220033)) 663300--99229955


WALLINGFORD 3 BR Ranch oncul-de-sac. Hdwd flrs, dishwash-er. Full bsmnt. Large deck bor-ders Doolittle Park. $1250/mo+sec. Avail 2/1/13 203 284-5843


MERIDEN. Town House Condo,5 rms, 2 br, 2 ba, 2 separateLR's. Great for roommate,inlaw or child to have separateliving area. Full appl., w/d. Nopets, $1,000 + utilities, goodcredit, first mo rent + 2 monthssec deposit. Call Pat Burke203-265-5618.

Page 28: North HAven Citizen Dec. 21, 2012

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