Page 1: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

No man is an island

No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe;every man is a peece of the Continent, apart of the maine . . .

MEDITATION XVII Devotions uponEmergent Occasions John Donne

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 2: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games


Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 3: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Robust Mean Field Games

Fabio & Dario H. Tembine2 Q. Zhu3 T. Basar3


3University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Padua, 22 March 2013

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 4: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games


Mean field gamesIntroduction

Examples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)Mexican waveLarge populationOil production

Robust mean field gamesOil production with uncertainty...generalizing

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 5: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field gamesIntroduction


I N →∞ homogeneous agents withdynamics

x(t) = u(x(t), t), x0 ∈ Rn

I u(x, t) is vector field in Rn

I density m(x, t) in x evolvesaccording to advection equation

∂tm+div(m·u(x, t)) = 0, in Rn × [0, T ]

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 6: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field gamesIntroduction

Mean field games

I Agents wish to minimize∫ T0

[ 1

2|u(x(t), t)|2︸ ︷︷ ︸

penalty on control

+ g(x(t),m(·, t))︸ ︷︷ ︸...on state & distribution

]dt+G(x(T ),m(·, T ))︸ ︷︷ ︸

...on final state

I opt. control u(x(t), t) = −∇xJ(x(t), t), [J(., .) is opt. cost]

I coupled partial differential equations in Rn × [0, T ]:

−∂tJ + 12 |∇xJ |2 = g(x,m)



(HJB) - backward

∂tm+ div(m · u(x)) = 0



(advection) - forward

I boundary conditionsm(·, 0) = m0, J(x, T ) = G(x,m(·, T ))

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 7: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field gamesIntroduction

Hamilton Jacobi Bellman

I From Bellman

J(x0, t0)︸ ︷︷ ︸today’s cost

= minu [1

2|u0|2 + g(x0,m0)]dt︸ ︷︷ ︸

stage cost

+ J(x0 + dx, t0 + dt)︸ ︷︷ ︸future cost

I Taylor expanding future cost

J(x0 + dx, t0 + dt) = J(x0, t0) + ∂tJdt+∇xJxdt

I minu [1

2|u|2 + g(x,m) + ∂tJ +∇xJ

u︷︸︸︷x ]︸ ︷︷ ︸


= 0 (drop index 0)

I optimal control u = −∇xJ yields

−∂tJ +1

2|∇xJ |2 = g(x,m) HJB

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 8: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field gamesIntroduction

Stochastic differential game

I stochastic dynamics is

dx = udt+ σdBt

I dBt infinitesimal Brownian motion

I Mean field games (∆ =∑n




−∂tJ + 12 |∇xJ |2 − σ2

2 ∆J = g(x,m)



∂tm+ div(m · u(x))− σ2

2 ∆m = 0




Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 9: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field gamesIntroduction

Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (with dx = udt+ σdBt)I From Bellman

J(x0, t0)︸ ︷︷ ︸today’s cost

= minu [1

2|u|2 + g(x,m)]dt︸ ︷︷ ︸

stage cost

+ EJ(x0 + dx, t0 + dt)︸ ︷︷ ︸exp. future cost

I Taylor expanding future cost (EdBt = 0, EdB2t → dt)

J(x0+dx, t0+dt) = J(x0, t0)+∂tJdt+E∇xJdx︸ ︷︷ ︸∇xJudt

+ E1


xJdx︸ ︷︷ ︸σ2



I minu [1

2|u|2 + g(x,m) + ∂tJ +∇xJu+


2∆J ]︸ ︷︷ ︸


= 0

I optimal control u(t) = −∇xJ yields

−∂tJ +1

2|∇xJ |2 −


2∆J = g(x,m) HJB

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 10: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field gamesIntroduction

Average cost (ergodic)

I J = E lim supT→∞1T

∫ T0

[12 |u(t)|2 + g(x(t),m(·, t))


I Mean field games (∆ =∑n



Laplacian), solve in Rn

λ+ 12 |∇xJ |2 − σ2

2 ∆J = g(x, m)



div(m · u(x))− σ2

2 ∆m = 0




Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 11: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field gamesIntroduction

Discounted cost

I J = E∫∞

0 e−ρt[

12 |u(t)|2 + g(x(t),m(·, t))


I Mean field games (∆ =∑n



Laplacian), solve in

Rn × [0, T ]

−∂tJ + 12 |∇xJ |2 − σ2

2 ∆J + ρJ = g(x,m)



∂tm+ div(m · u(x))− σ2

2 ∆m = 0




Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 12: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Mexican waveLarge populationOil production

Mexican wave (mimicry & fashion)



m(y, t)


I state x = [y, z], y ∈ [0, L) coordinate, z position:

z =

{1 standing0 seated

, z ∈ (0, 1) intermediate

I dynamics dz = udt (u control)I penalty on state and distribution g(x,m) =

Kzα(1− z)β︸ ︷︷ ︸comfort



∫(z − z)2m(y; t, z)


εs(y − yε

)dzdy︸ ︷︷ ︸mimicry

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 13: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Mexican waveLarge populationOil production

Meeting starting time (coordination with externality)


m(x, t)

I dynamics dxi = uidt+ σdBt

I τi = mins(xi(s) = 0) arrival time, ts scheduled time,t actual starting time

I penalty on final state and distributionG(x(τi),m(·, τi)) = c1[τi − ts]+︸ ︷︷ ︸


+ c2[τi − t]+︸ ︷︷ ︸inconvenience

+ c3[t− τi]+︸ ︷︷ ︸waiting

I people arrived up to time s: F (s) = −∫ s

0 ∂xm(0, v)dv

I starting time t = F−1(θ), (θ is quorum)

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 14: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Mexican waveLarge populationOil production

Large population (herd behaviour)

I behaviour dynamicsdxi = uidt+ σdBt

I penalty

g(x,m) = β(x−∫ym(y, t)dy︸ ︷︷ ︸average


I discounted cost J = E∫∞

0 e−ρt[

12 |u(t)|2 + g(x(t),m(·, t))


I mean field game with discounted cost

−∂tJ + 12 |∇xJ |2 − σ2

2 ∆J + ρJ = g(x,m)



∂tm+ div(m · u(x))− σ2

2 ∆m = 0




Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 15: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Mexican waveLarge populationOil production

Oil production

I stock market model,

dx = [αtx+ βtu] dt+ σtxdBt

I βtu produced quantity

I penalty (- total income + production costs)

g(x, u,m) = −h(m)u+ [a

2u2 + bu]

I h(m) is sale price of oil (decreasing in m)

I penalty on final state accounts for unexploited reserve:

G(x(T )) = φ|x(T )|2, φ > 0

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 16: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing

Uncertain inflation or taxation

I stock market model,

dx = [αtx+ βtu+ σtζ] dt+ σtxdBt

I σtζ taxation or inflation on theproduction

I penalty (- total income + production costs):

g(x, u,m, ζ) = −h(m, ζ)u+ [a

2u2 + bu]

I cost under worst disturbance [Basar, Bernhard, 1995]:



E(G(x(T )) +

∫ T

0g(x, u,m, ζ)dt−γ2

∫ T



Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 17: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing

coupled PDEs

∂tJ +Ht(x, ∂xJ,m) +



|∂xJ |2 +1

2σ2t x

2∂2xxJ = 0,

ζ∗ =σt

2γ2∂xJ, u∗ =





σtζ∗t ,m)− αtxt





∂tm+ ∂x (m∂pHt(x, ∂xJ,m)) +σ2t

2γ2∂x(m∂xJ)− 1

2σ2t ∂



]= 0

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 18: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing

a new equilibrium concept

I worst-case disturbance feedback Nash equilibrium(H∞ literature)

I feedback mean field equilibrium (mean field gamesliterature)

I worst-case disturbance feedback mean fieldequilibrium

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 19: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing

Simulations 1/3

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 20: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing

Simulations 2/3

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 21: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing

Simulations 3/3

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 22: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing


I Mean field games require solving coupled partialdifferential equations (HJB-Kolmogorov)

I bring robustness within the picture and solve HJB underworst disturbance (robust mean field games)

I worst-case disturbance feedback mean field equilibrium

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 23: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing

Main references

I J.-M. Lasry and P.-L. Lions. Mean field games. JapaneseJournal of Mathematics, 2(1), Mar. 2007.

I O. Gueant, J.-M. Lasry and P.-L. Lions. Mean field gamesand applications. Lect. notes in math., Springer 2011.

I T. Basar, P. Bernhard, H∞-Optimal Control and RelatedMinimax Design Problems: A Dynamic Game Approach.Birkhauser, Boston, MA, 1995

I H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, and T. Basar, Risk-sensitive meanfield stochastic games, IFAC WC 2011, Milano, Italy, 2011.

I M. Bardi, Explicit solutions of some Linear-QuadraticMean Field Games, Network and Heterog. Media, 2012.

I D. Bauso, H. Tembine, T. Basar, Robust Mean FieldGames with Application to Production of ExhaustibleResource. ROCOND ’12

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

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Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing


I Workshop on MFG and related topics (Rome, 2011)

I Short course on MFG (videos and notes)


Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

Page 25: No man is an island - UniTrentobagagiol/Talk-TrentoMFG.pdf · No man is an island No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

Mean field gamesExamples, (O. Gueant et al. 2011)

Robust mean field games

Oil production with uncertainty...generalizing


Thank you!

Fabio & Dario, H. Tembine, Q. Zhu, T. Basar Robust mean field games

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