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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )233( 2013/9/12

Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of InformationThe Directorate of

Electronic Information

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Progress in Damascus countryside According to a military source that the Syrian Arab army over the main square in (Ma’loula) down to the monastery of (Mar Takla), and sign eight dead and twenty wounded elements of the NusraFront in the farms (Ras al-Ain) North (Ma’loula), and destroyed the headquarters of the gunmen in the eastern mountains of (Al-Zabdani) , (Giraud) and Industrial Zone in (Nabek),the source also spoke about the progress of the army on the axis of (Teshreen) hos-pital in (Barzeh), and clashes south East Tower of “Al-Moal-

Army units faced a try to at-tack on the barracks Hanano, and try into old Aleppo, while destroyed and other units of

meen” in (Jobar). The army elimination of thirty armed men in (Douma) knew of them “Is-mail Alkhnchor” and killed a leader of group in the town of (Qasimiyah), and also killed the elements of armed groups in (Zamalka), (Deir Salman) and (Alzeabih) one of them is lead-

weapons coming from Tur-key and the mechanisms heavily loaded east (Haritan) and west of the road between

er “Abu Yahya”, in addition to “Mohammed Khair Soufi” and “Adham Marie”, and destroyed a car loaded with weapons containing rocket launcher. In (Kenitra) the army unit ruled on armed elements in an ambush tried to sneak from (Jbata Al-Kashab) to the town (Keder).

(Daret Azza and Aleppo), and three cars north of city (Bab), and locomotive and trailer including the from gunmen west(Bab)and four rocket launchers, mortars and ma-chine guns in the villages of (Kwers), also army units ruled on the headquarters of mili-tants in (Khan Aassal) in the countryside of Aleppo, north-east, while caused 6 deaths of them and wounded 8 others in (Lirmon).

Cars and weapons from Turkey

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Syrian army killed in Daraa insurgents from various Arabic nationalities tried to assault on a military point near Enkhel, among them the Libyan Abdullah Mahmoud Shriebe”, the Jordanian” Khaldoun Abdul-lahi Ma’ayteh “ and another from the armed members in Al gharieah , Ezraa,Sahem and Al Joulan. In addition to “Mohamed Zine El Abidine” and “Abdul Rahman Alhaj” lead-ers in “Front victory” in Waer Al Lajat. And destroyed weapons in Yadodah and Atman.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )233( 2013/9/12

In Deir al-Zour were clashes be-tween the Syrian army and gun-men for “Ahrar Al-Fourat” in the village of (Almrieih) where the army destroyed their weap-ons and spent a number of them, including the Australian his nicknamed “Abu Asmaa”, “Mu-hannad Mkhalaf Al-Ahmad Al” and “Hamza Ahmed Abdallah

“Ahrar Al-Fourat” dead in Deir al-Zour

Kalaf”. In Hasakah an official source pointed to the deaths and

injuries in the ranks of militants in (Shaddadi) and (Tweinh).

A military source mentioned that The Syria army spent on an armed group in Al Kara-bees, Joret Al Shayah and Al Hamediah in Homs ,crahsed another group southern Wadi-Al Saieh, also destroyed insurgents’s headquarters in Talbessah and Al Gasbieah

Ammunition from Hama to Idlib

Libyans and Jordanian in Daraa

Clashes in Homs

A Military source reported that army units seized ammunition mostly pkc machine guns hidden in containers under 8 drums of fuel loaded in a truck Hyundai in Al Ghab area in Hama countryside heading towards Idlib.

in Homs countryside .Also media sources talked about clashes between army and gunmen attached to “Farouok Brigades”in Al Warsha neighborhood resulted in kill-ing number of them and destroying their weapons.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )233( 2013/9/12

Putin ..Opposition uses Chemicals in Syria

An American Report.. The gunmen of al-Qaeda threat to launch chemical attacks against west

Russian president Vladimir Putin considered that any US military action against Syria ,outside the formation of the United Nation would constitute an act of aggression, will lead to a wave of terrorism that will destabilize the Middle East . Saying in an article published by the New York Time that the “opposition forces” is the one

A report of the center of policy of two parties in the United States warned from existence of the gunmen of “Al Qaeda” in Syria which threats to launch chemical attacks against the

The deputy of Iranian For-eign Minister of international affairs, Hussein Amir Abdul

Iran delivers documents for United Nations

that used the chemical weapons in Syria not the “Regular army”

west, adding that the crisis in Syria gives for the terrorist Or-ganization a good opportunity to gather their forces to prac-tice and to organize for more operations, the report said “It

Lahian said that “Iran deliv-ered documents for United Nations which proves that

and that to incite the American intervention in Syria.

is ironic that the White House supports the terrorist Organi-zation which is accused by the attacks of eleventh of Septem-ber on the twelfth anniversary of that attack.

the armed groups used the chemical weapons in Syria, he added in a statement for Iranian Erna Agency that his country informed the United Nations in the last December for transferring two bottles of gas of Sarin to Syria from one Arab coun-try to another neighboring it which it caused some politi-cal security reactions.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )233( 2013/9/12

The Interior Minister.. Saudi and Qatar play a dirty roleThe interior minister, major gen-eral, Muhammad al-Shaar clari-fied that the western American allegations about using chemical weapons are an excuse to wage a war on Syria and to target the Syrian Arab Army, asserting that Syria still stronger and it will win, indicating that Qatar and Saudi played dirty role with some con-spirator countries against Syria.

Six hundred and sixty six civilian organi-zations of thirteen Arab countries demand-ed the American Congress and the French Parliament not to wage a war against Syria which is violator to the international Law, calling in a statement the team of investi-

Arab and western civilian Organizations demand not to wage a war

gators which belonging to the United Na-tions to continue in the investigation to discover who used the chemical weapons, also the organizations demanded to dis-arm all the wide devastation weapons in the Middle East.

The Minister of Local Admin-istration Omar Ghalawanji stressed during a meeting with the resident coordinator for the UN activities in Syria Yaqub al-Hilo that the response plan continues in light of the avail-able capabilities, despite the lack of funding which reached at 57% of the resources need-ed to meet the demands of dis-placed families, estimated as

Ghalawanji.. Response plan continues despite the lack of funding

USD 1.4 billion according to the plan of 2013. For his part, al-Hilo affirmed that the UN

will exert more efforts to meet the needs of affected people as soon as possible.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )233( 2013/9/12

Zubi.. Syria prevent the outbreak of war

The Minister of State for Environmental Af-fairs Dr. Nazerrah Sarkis confirmed that the ministry follows accurately the environmen-tal situation in the various provinces, espe-cially in Deir ez-Zor to prevent any pollution in the waters of the Euphrates River due to

The Russian Initiative.. is good

The Information Minister Omran Zoubi said in a radio interview that Syria respond-

ed to the Russian initiative in order to prevent the outbreak of war that will burn the

whole region, pointing out that the war if took place will reach large destinations in the region and will be like a snow ball rolling in. “,Mr. Zoubi saw that” the ball is now in the American field”, hoping to win the U.S good thinkers, to reach Geneva 2, revealing that the”Saudi Arabia, Tur-key and Qatar prevent some people in the opposition to participate in Geneva confer-ence”.

attacks by armed groups on the oil transmis-sion lines, noting that during her meeting with Director of Environment in Deir al-Zour to the need for following-up by Directorate’s employers, precisely the subject of the oil spill in the waters of the Euphrates River.

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