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Promoting Adolescent

Literacy Through Newspapers

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NAA Foundaton 

Senior Vice President and Secretary/reasurerMargaret Vasslkos

 Vice President Jeanne Fox-Alston

DirectorSand Woodcock 

AuthorCaranne Bernadowsk, Ph.D.

Copy EditorBll Elsen

DesignerDanel Renero

Senior Manager/NAA CommunicationsMarna Hendrcks

Some material in this curriculum guide is modied, adapted or reprinted rom the2002 edition o “Give Tem the Keys: Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers.”

Te 2002 edition was written by Sherrye Dee Garrett, Ph.D., or Use the News.

© 2011 NAA Foundation 210-361-0811-MH/

Give Them the KeysPromoting Adolescent

Literacy Through Newspapers

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able o Conens


nwppr i Yr Crm 5

tr Ti Rrc 5Cmm Cr stt stdrd 6

T Writig Prc 6

stdrd aigmt Crt 7

Unt 1: News Wrtng 

l 1 – Distinguishing Hard News and Soft News 9

l 2 –  Writing a News Story Lead 15

l 3 – Crafting a News Story 20

Unt 2: Wrtng to Persuade

l 1 – Examining Persuasive Writing: Choosing a Topic 23

l 2 – Distinguishing Between Hard and Soft News:Formal vs Informal Writing 30

Unt 3: Examnng Advertsements

l 1 –  Types and Purposes of Advertising 32

l 2 – Product Selection and Development 38

l 3 – Creating a Print Advertisement 41

Unt 4: Edtoral Wrtng 

l 1 – Freedom of the Press 46

l 2 –  Writing an Opposing View 49

Unt 5: Examnng ables, Graphs and Charts

l 1 – Comparing and Contrasting Information 52

l 2 – Using Data to Create a Chart, Graph and Table 55

Unt 6: Feature Wrtng l 1 – Preparing to Interview a Source 58

l 2 – Turning the Interview Into a Feature Story/Writer’s Workshop 63

l 3 – Feature Writing/Writer’s Workshop 66

l 4 – Integrating Technology 69

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Unt 7: Te Classeds

l 1 – Introducing Classifed Advertisements 71

l 2 – Exploring Classifed Ads 73

l 3 – For Sale 76

l 4 – Selling an Item 80

l 5 –  Writing a Help-Wanted Ad 82

Unt 8: Content Area Lessons/interdscplnar Lessons

l 1 – More Than the Stock Market 87

l 2 – Sports Replay 91

l 3 – Short Story Creative Writing 93

l 4 –  Temperature and Weather Information 97l 5 – Public Records/Birth and Death Notices 101

l 6 –  That’s Entertainment 103

l 7 – Servants of the People 106

Unt 9: Math Connectons

l 1 – Class Trip 108

l 2 – Sales and Savings 110

l 3 – Car Calculations 112

l 4 – Food for Thought 114

l 5 – Stock Exchange 116


Dpmt Crctritic Middsc stdt 118

bd nw – Gd cig  119

Itrcti strtgi 120

K•W•L 121

RQt 122

Rciprc cig  122

nw Prdcti 123

nwppr rm 124

oi Rrc 126

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nwppr i Yr Crm aDolesCens aRe ConCeRneD with many things, but reading or inormationmay not top the list. Video games, extracurricular activities, time spent on social networking 

sites and myriad additional stimuli can potentially interere with the typical adolescent’sengagement with authentic text. For many students, hypertext is all they read daily.Adolescents tend to shy away rom long, laborious texts and nd “snippets” o inormationmuch more rewarding. Tis may come rom their interaction with video games that changeand morph every ew seconds and provide constant, consistent stimulation.

Keeping adolescents engaged and learning is a monumental task, and teachers alwaysseek ways to help students stay ocused in the classroom. Newspapers provide one vehicleor engagement as students read nonction text and learn about the world around them.Furthermore, in using the newspaper as a primary source, students learn how to navigate varied text eatures. Newspapers also help students understand and relate to current events, practice valuable reading and writing skills, and learn how to make inormed decisions.

In primary grades, students use text to learn how to read. Tis text is typically narrative,a ormat amiliar to children beore they enter kindergarten. By second and third grade,students can successully identiy setting, character, plot development, conict and resolution.Tey become experts in “they lived happily ever aer.” Demands o expository text becomea ocus in third grade and beyond. Expository text can be very dicult or children as theymove into the intermediate grades.

 When students enter middle and high school, their content-area textbooks are exclusivelyexpository. Many students nd these texts dicult to comprehend and interpret on manylevels. Integration o newspapers is an excellent way to introduce students to expositorytext with the added benet o teaching a variety o topics. News stories and columns about

government, current events, technology, public afairs and international relations can beconnected directly to subjects students are learning in their content-area classes whilecultivating valuable literacy skills.

tr Ti RrchIs ResouRCe Is oRGanIzeD by units, so teachers can pick and choose what works in conjunction with their curriculum and students. Each unit includes several lessonsthat can be taught consecutively in two, three, our or ve days, or used independently. Eachlesson is specically designed to include instructional objectives, applicable standards, a list o materials, an anticipatory set, instructional procedures, a ormative assessment or each lesson within a unit and resources associated with that particular lesson, i applicable. Adaptationsand accommodations or ELL students and those with special learning needs are provided, as well as summative assessment tools.

eachers can adapt these lessons to t class schedules and/or needs. Each lesson can standalone or be used within the applicable unit. Lessons are designed to be completed in one class period, although this depends on many actors, including classroom discussion, dissection o topics and students’ ability levels. Lessons that theoretically require more than one class periodare grouped. For example, in Unit 3, lessons 2 and 3 involve the same topic, but it is assumedthat to explore the topic, at least two days are needed.

 Newspapers provide onevehicle or engagement 

 as students

read nonfctiontext and learn

 about the world around them.

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Cmm Cr stt stdrdCommon Core State Standards ( ) “provide a consistent, clear understanding o  what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. Testandards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reecting the knowledge and skills thatour young people need or success in college and careers.”

Tis resource lists all applicable Common Core State Standards so teachers will have that inormation attheir ngertips. A standards alignment chart is also provided so teachers can easily nd lessons that suittheir needs and standards they want to meet. Language arts standards are ound at . Mathematics standards are at . A general overview is also available at the website mentioned in the above paragraph.

T Writig PrcaMIlIaRIzInG suDens WIh the writing process is pertinent because much o 

 what is required o them involves writing or an audience. Te writing process is reciprocal:Students can go rom each step and back again depending on their ability levels, topic selectionand assignment. ypically, the process includes these steps:

  Prewrtng – Students brainstorm ideas with teacher guidance, i necessary. Graphic andother visual organizers help students organize their thoughts and choose appropriate topics.

  Dratng – Students use their ideas and write a rough dra. Tey are encouraged to payattention to content o the message. Mechanical errors and inventive spelling are permitted.I they write by hand, students should write on every other line to allow space or editing.

  Revsng – Students read their paper rom a diferent point o view and decide what theycan add, rearrange, remove and/or replace.

  Edtng – Students are encouraged to edit their work and that o their peers. eacherediting is also a component in this stage. Editing or content and mechanics such as spelling, punctuation and grammar is important.

  Publcaton – Students compose their nal dra via computer or in blue or black ink.Tey share their work in many diferent ways, and it is top quality and worthy o audienceconsumption.

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stdrd aigmt Crthe olloWInG ChaR can be used as a quick reerence when a teacher wants to nd a lesson and thecorresponding Common Core State Standards.


College andCareer Readness

 AnchorStandards orReadng (6-12)

College andCareer Readness

 AnchorStandards or

 Wrtng (6-12)

College andCareer Readness

 AnchorStandards orSpeakng andLstenng (6-12)

College andCareer Readness

 AnchorStandards orLanguage (6-12)

Standards orMathematcal


Unit 1/Lesson 1

1, 2, 4 4, 5 1, 4 1, 3

Unit 1/Lesson 2

1, 2, 4 4, 5 1, 4, 6 1, 2, 3

Unit 1/Lesson 3

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 2/Lesson 1 1, 2, 4 4, 5 1, 4, 6 1, 2, 3

Unit 2/Lesson 2

1, 2, 4 1, 4, 6 1, 3

Unit 3/Lesson 1

1, 2, 4 4, 5 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3

Unit 3/Lesson 2

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 6 1, 2

Unit 3/Lesson 3

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 4/

Lesson 11, 2, 4 4, 5 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 4/Lesson 2

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 5/Lesson 1

1, 2, 4 1, 4, 6 1 4, 5, 7, 9

Unit 5/Lesson 2

4, 5, 6 4, 5, 7, 9

Unit 6/Lesson 1

1, 2, 4 4, 5 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3

Unit 6/

Lesson 2

4, 5 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 6/Lesson 3

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 6/Lesson 4

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

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College andCareer Readness

 AnchorStandards orReadng (6-12)

College andCareer Readness

 AnchorStandards or

 Wrtng (6-12)

College andCareer Readness

 AnchorStandards orSpeakng and

Lstenng (6-12)

College andCareer Readness

 AnchorStandards orLanguage (6-12)

Standards orMathematcalPractce

Unit 7/Lesson 1

1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 3

Unit 7/Lesson 2

4, 5 1, 4 1, 3

Unit 7/Lesson 3

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 7/Lesson 4

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 7/

Lesson 5

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 8/Lesson 1

1, 2, 4 4, 5 1, 4 1, 3

Unit 8/Lesson 2

4, 5, 6 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 8/Lesson 3

4, 5 1, 4, 5, 6 1, 2

Unit 8/Lesson 4

1, 4, 6 1, 2 4, 5, 7, 9

Unit 8/Lesson 5

1, 2, 4 1, 4 4, 5, 7, 9

Unit 8/Lesson 6

1, 2, 4 4, 5 1, 4 1, 3

Unit 8/Lesson 7

1, 2, 4 4, 5 1, 4 1, 3

Unit 9/Lesson 1

1, 4 1, 3

Unit 9/Lesson 2

1, 4 1, 3

Unit 9/Lesson 3

1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 3

Unit 9/Lesson 4

1, 4 1, 3

Unit 9/Lesson 5

1, 2, 4 1, 4 1, 3

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unI 1 neWs WRIInG


Te student wll be able to:

Distinguish the diference between hard and sonews.

Read hard and so news stories and identiy thediferences.

Complete a Venn Diagram by comparing and

contrasting hard and so news.

Write headlines or both hard and so news stories.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text saysexplicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse

 partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.

MAERiALS: Venn Diagram Headlines Handout Headlines Key Newspapers wo examples o hard

news stories rom anewspaper

Headline HomeworkHandout

wo examples o sonews stories rom anewspaper

Document camera oroverhead projector

Computers withInternet access

Lesson 1Ditigiig hrd nw d s nw

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

 Visit and/or to nd videos or students to view.One should be an example o so news while theother should be an example o hard news. Askstudents to write acts learned.


Explain to students the two types o news –hard and so. Stories about local, national orinternational events are hard news. Tey areconcept-dense. Most o the essential inormation(the ve Ws: who, what, where, when, why)is in the lead (the rst paragraph). So news

stories are also called eatures. Tese articles areintended to instruct or entertain readers.

Ask students to look at the Headlines Handout,a list o headlines or hard and so news stories.

Individually or as a group, students should readthe headlines and identiy whether each wouldindicate a hard or a so news story (reer toHeadlines Key or answers).

Discuss students’ answers until each ullyunderstands the concepts presented.

Distribute copies o two hard and two so newsstories and the Venn Diagram. Students should

 work in pairs or small groups and read thearticles. As they discuss diferent news stories, askthem to compare and contrast the news articlesand document their comparison on the diagram.

Aer students have had sucient time to discussand document comparisons, bring the classtogether as a whole to work through each articleand complete the diagram. Place the diagram ona document camera or overhead projector.

Aer discussion and students are satised withtheir diagrams, have them reiterate the diferencebetween hard and so news.


Students must nd hard and so news headlines.Te Headline Homework Handout can be used orthis purpose.


Closely monitor students as they read aloud hardand so news stories. Help them identiy theve Ws and the H – who, what, when, where,

 why and how – that are indicative o hard newsstories. Inormally assess each student as their VennDiagrams are being completed.


Pair ELL students or those with special learning 

needs with one student or a group to help them work through news stories. Read headlines aloud tostudents who may struggle. Examples o hard andso news stories that include text support – suchas a graph, chart or photograph – may be helpul.Pairing students with more advanced readers maybenet those who struggle with text. Allow studentsto whisper-read aloud to the group so all studentsare hearing the story and ollowing the text. Reducethe number o news stories that students withspecial needs must review. One story o each type

may be sucient.

 Addtonal Adaptatons:

 When completing comparison o hard and sonews stories, distribute only one news story o eachtype to students. I they master that, you may wantto reinorce the concept with another. Do not givethem multiple news stories to review at one time.Tis may overwhelm and rustrate them.

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 Venn Dagram

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Headlnes Handout 

Name: _________________________________________________________

Read each headline provided. Determine whether it is or a hard or a so news story. Write “hard” or “so”in the box next to the headline.

Headlne pe

Flooded river taking aim at small exas town

Search or missing boy continues in Nebraska suburb

Video game users are voicing their opinions

Senate votes to enact the amended No Child Let Behind Act

Boys will be boys: Why they are still acting out in school

Valentine’s Day is not or sweethearts anymore

Local police ocers are closer to nding the ‘Jewelry Wizard’

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Headlnes Ke 

Read each headline provided. Determine whether it is or a hard or a so news story. Write “hard” or “so”in the box next to the headline.

Headlne pe

Flooded river taking aim at small exas town Hard

Search or missing boy continues in Nebraska suburb Hard

Video game users are voicing their opinions Sot

Senate votes to enact the amended No Child Let Behind Act Hard

Boys will be boys: Why they are still acting out in school Sot

Valentine’s Day is not or sweethearts anymore Sot

Local police ocers are closer to nding the ‘Jewelry Wizard’ Hard

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Headlne Homework Handout 

Name: _________________________________________________________

Part i:

Read each headline and determine whether it would be or a hard or a so news story. Write the answer onthe line provided.

22 people rescued rom airplane tragedy _________________________________________________

Amber Alert issued or missing teen in Washington ________________________________________

Cougars o Mt. Gateway School District go or the gold _____________________________________

National unemployment rate reaches all-time high _________________________________________

Local boy wins National Spelling Bee ___________________________________________________

National Weather Advisory issued or entire state o Virginia _________________________________

Miss Pennsylvania runs or local school board _____________________________________________

Concerns about cloning continue to plague national government ______________________________

Burglaries scare resident in quiet neighborhood _______________________________________________

Iraq continues to need U.S. support ______________________________________________________

Part ii:

Find six headlines in the newspaper. Cut and paste them in the space provided or on the back o this sheet.Next to each, write whether it is hard or so.

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unI 1 neWs WRIInG

Lesson 2 Writig nw stry ld

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Identiy a news lead and the components o anews lead.

Complete the News Story Prewriting Organizer.

Read and identiy essential components o anews story lead.

Compose a lead containing the ve Ws o news writing.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text saysexplicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4  Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5  Develop and strengthen writing as neededby planning, revising, editing, rewriting, ortrying a new approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o standard English capitalization, punctuation, and

spelling when writing. Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.

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Document camera or overhead projector

News Story Prewriting Organizer

Copies o news story leads or document cameraor transparencies or overhead projector

News Lead Frame (adaptation)

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Share three to our quality news story leads withstudents on the document camera or overhead

 projector. Read them aloud and ask students to jotdown what they learned rom each.


Dene “lead.” A lead is the rst paragraph o a news article. It should capture the reader’sattention and introduce the topic or problem.

Instruct students that news stories contain theve Ws in the lead to grab readers’ attentionand bring them into the story. It is essential thatthe who, what, where, when and why questionsare answered in the beginning. Additionalinormation can come in paragraphs that ollow.

Reread each lead. As you introduce and sharea lead, ask students to identiy the ve Ws it it.

Explain that the “H” (how) o the news story usually appears later in the article. (Sometimes,so does the “why.”) Students can use ideas they

 jotted down the rst time the teacher read eachlead.

Introduce the term “audience” (potential reader).Ask students to name the potential audience(s)or each news story read aloud in class.

Ask students to think, pair, share. Studentsshould think our or ve minutes about ve

 possible topics on which they could write a newsstory.

 Pair students with a partner or small group. Eachteam should make a top-ve list aer combining individual lists.

Students should share their top ve choices withthe class. Te teacher makes a class list o possibletopics.

Students must pick a topic on which to write.Tis topic can be rom the class list or anindividual list. Ask students to consider thesequestions beore choosing:

  • Does the topic interest a wide audience? Whois your potential audience?

  • Is it controversial?

  • Can you nd enough research and/orresources to help in writing an article?

  • Is the topic timely? Are people interested inthis particular topic?

  • Can you nd an interesting angle rom whichto write?

  • Is this topic unique?

Encourage class discussion and allow studentsto share their answers to the questions. Playdevil’s advocate to promote critical thinking and


Aer students have chosen a topic, each shouldcomplete the News Story Prewriting Organizer.

 While they do so, monitor them closely and promote creative thinking.

Using the organizer, students begin to cra a leadthat should include concise, distinct languageand the ve Ws.

Aer the lead is written, allow students toexchange papers with a peer. Te peer shouldread the lead and write the words “who”“what” “when” “where” and “why” above eachstatement or phrase. Tis will give students asense o whether they have completed the tasksuccessully.

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Read several student leads aloud to the class orallow students to do so. Ask the class to brainstorm

 possible headlines or the leads.


Students should be inormally assessed on theircompleted News Story Prewriting Organizer andleads. Aer students have exchanged papers andchecked a peer’s lead, the teacher must do so. Anincorrect lead will impair students’ ability to writean efective news story.


For ELL students and those with special learning needs, a News Lead Frame is provided. Tis is analternative to requiring students to write the lead

 without support. Students may use as little or as

much o the rame as needed. eachers may alsoadapt this rame according to students’ level o need.

 Addtonal Adaptatons:

Students may require additional scafolding andguidance to write the lead. An alternative is to allowthem to use the News Lead Frame until they eelcomortable writing a lead independently. Guided

 practice with two or three leads may be a better

choice or this ability group. Aer students havemastered completing the rame and understanding the ormula or a lead, the teacher might ask themto compose a lead without support.

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News Stor Prewrtng Organzer

Name: _________________________________________________________

opic: __________________________________________________________






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News Lead Frame

Name: _________________________________________________________

  A/An ____________________________________ ______________________________________

Who? What?

_________________________________________ ______________________________________

When? Where?


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 unI 1 neWs WRIInG

Lesson 3Crig nw stry 

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

 Write the body o a news story to includeinormation not covered in the lead.

Revise the news story.

Edit a peer’s news story.

Post the news story to a wiki created by theteacher.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 

4 Produce clear and coherent writing in whichthe development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standards

or Speakng and Lstenng Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visualdisplays o data to express inormation and

enhance understanding o presentations.6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts and

communicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.


“Te rue Story o the Tree Little Pigs” by Jon Scieszka

Chalkboard, whiteboard or chart paper

Students’ leads rom Lesson 2

Overhead projector or document camera

Editor’s marks rom Web page (see URL inProcedures) on document camera, interactive

 whiteboard or individual copies

Computers with Internet access

 Wiki or class (created by teacher)

News Story Rubric

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Read “Te rue Story o the Tree Little Pigs” by Jon Scieszka. Ask students what can be applied romthe wol ’s story to news writing. Brainstorm student

responses on the board or chart paper.


Introduce students to the “DOAL” method o  writing – development, organization, audienceand language usage.

Discuss development. Be sure studentsunderstand that in order to write an efectivenews story, they must develop the topiccompletely and do research, i necessary. Reer to

examples rom Scieszka’s story.Discuss organization. Remind students that

almost all good stories have a beginning, middleand end.

Discuss audience. Students should think aboutthe audience or their news story. For instance, i they write about the school’s new computer lab,they should consider who might read this article(students, teachers, principal, support staf,

 parents). Discuss Scieszka’s audience. Who is it?

Discuss language usage. Choosing the right words or the right audience makes all thediference. Precise and descriptive language isessential to convey the message. ransition wordsmust be used and used correctly.

Students begin to dra a news story using thelead developed in Lesson 2.

Use a writing workshop atmosphere so studentscan discuss word usage, sentence variety andother writing issues. Be available or assistance.Allow students to write on paper or computers.Each writer works diferently, and thosediferences should be recognized.

Aer draing is nished, allow students to peer-edit to the best o their ability. Use editing marksound at


Aer students have met with a peer and revised,the teacher must help them cra or develop areaso their news article with which they may bestruggling.


Allow students to post their news stories to a class wiki. Free educational-use wiki spaces can be createdat You can make the wiki

 private or public.


Students are evaluated on the nal dra o theirnews stories. eachers can use the News StoryRubric provided or Level 1 and Level 2 students.


Te teacher and peers may support ELL students orthose with special learning needs in various ways.Some students may be permitted to work with a

 partner while others may benet rom a reduced-length requirement. Te body o the news storycould be one paragraph instead o two or students

 who struggle with English or writing in general.Instead o writing the article and posting it on a

 wiki, students could tell the story aloud rom anoutline they create and record it on or other audio-sharing websites.

 Wrtng Workshop Resources: workshop.html Workshop%20v001%20%28Full%29.pd 

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News Stor Rubrc

3 2 1 0



Newspaper articleincludes headline and


Newspaper article ismissing headline or


Newspaper article ismissing headline and



Lead is extremely well- written and answers who, what, where, when and why.

Lead is eective andanswers our o the verequired questions.

Lead is somewhateective or answersonly three o the verequired questions.

Lead is ineectiveor answers ewerthan three o the verequired questions.


Body consists o two well-written paragraphsand entire news articleis related to lead. Writing is eective andprovides many acts or


Body is writteneectively and issomewhat related tolead. Body consistso two paragraphs.Readers are given

adequate acts.

Body does not consisto two paragraphs orparagraphs are notrelated to lead. Body is written in a way that does not provide

readers with acts.

Body is not relatedto lead and doesnot consist o twoparagraphs.


Conclusion successully summarizes topic andbrings article to logicalend. Conclusion tieseverything together.

Conclusion issomewhat eective butdoes not tie everythingtogether.

Conclusion does noteectively summarizetopic or does not bringarticle to logical end.

MechancsNo evidence o spelling/grammaticalerrors.

Evidence o onespelling and/orgrammatical error.

Evidence o twospelling and/orgrammatical errors.

Evidence o three ormore spelling and/orgrammatical errors.

otal score: __________ /15 ponts

eacher’s comments: ________________________________________________________________





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 unI 2  WRIInG o PeRsuaDe

Lesson 1emiig Pri Writig: Cig pic

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Read and identiy persuasive writing.

Recognize and diferentiate among an editorial,an opinion column and letters to the editor.

Identiy and express diferent viewpoints oncurrent issues.

Diferentiate among actual, emotional andsupporting details o a newspaper article.

Compose a persuasive editorial on a current event.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standards

or Readng  Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure

4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in atext, including determining technical, connotative,and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic

 word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts and

communicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o standard English capitalization, punctuation, and

spelling when writing. Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.

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Chalkboard, whiteboard or chart paper

Document camera or overhead projector


Copies o newspaper editorials, opinion columns

and letters to the editor or document camera ortransparencies

Graphic organizers or editorial, opinion columnand letter to the editor

Student Activity Sheet: Tink My Way

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Share with students on the document cameraor overhead projector a newspaper editorial, anopinion column and a letter to the editor. Studentsshould read them aloud and, with a partner,compare how the three are similar and diferent.


Create a class list on the board or chart paper o similarities and diferences among the three texts.Tis list should consider that:

  • Te newspaper’s editors write an editorial thatreects the newspaper’s position on an issue.

  • An editorial introduces and describes a topic,discusses arguments by the opposing side,

 provides evidence to reute the opposition,asserts the newspaper’s viewpoint and providessupporting evidence or that viewpoint.

  • In closing, an editorial calls or action.

  • Proessional pundits write opinion columns,and the newspaper decides which columns it

 wants to buy and publish.

  • Opinion columnists are proessional writers who present evidence supporting their position.

  • Newspaper subscribers/readers write letters tothe editor, and they may agree or disagree withthe newspaper’s position.

Dene persuasive writing and stress that all threetexts are examples o it.

Ask students the diference between emotionallanguage and supporting actual details in a

 persuasive piece o writing. With a partner, students should highlight acts

in a newspaper’s editorial, in an opinion columnand in one letter to the editor. Tey shouldunderline emotional language.

Lead a class discussion on student choices o emotional and actual language aer studentshave completed the Student Activity Sheet:Tink My Way.

Students should write a persuasive article on a

topic they choose, using a newspaper editorial,opinion column or letter to the editor ormat.

Students should share assignments and identiyopposing viewpoints, emotional language andsupporting acts.


Students will review diferences among a newspapereditorial, an opinion column and a letter to theeditor.


Students should be inormally assessed on theircompleted editorial, opinion column or letter to theeditor. Each article should include actual details,emotional language and opposing viewpoints.

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For ELL students and those with special learning needs, graphic organizers are provided. Tese arean alternative to requiring students to write theopinion piece without support. Students may useas little or as much o the rame as needed. eachers

may also adapt this rame accordingly.

 Addtonal Adaptatons:

Students may need more scafolding and guidanceto write the lead. An alternative is to allow studentsto use the graphic organizers provided or theirarticles until they eel comortable. Guided practice

 with the organizers may be a better choice or this


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Student Actvt Sheet: Tnk M Wa 

Here’s the ke 

Editorials, opinion columns and letters to the editor all aim to get your support.

Editorials usually include positions taken by opponents, but they show how their positions difer.

Opinion columns are usually more one-sided and use more emotional words, but their arguments are presented in a logical way.

Letters to the editor vary. Some are well-constructed and logical. Others are highly emotional with lessevidence to support their positions.

Unlock the normaton

Select three examples o persuasive writing on the editorial or commentary page o your newspaper.

Analyze the logic and language used by the writers. Record your ndings on the table below.

pe o wrtng  Number o detalspresented

Number o opposng arguments represented

Examples o emotonal language

Editorial(the newspaper’social position)

Opinion column(opinion o proessionalcolumnists not on

newspaper sta)

Letter to the editor(opinion o privatecitizen)

 Which piece o writing did you like the most? Why?

Use the ke n our le

Tink o a situation where someone tried to persuade you to agree with them or take part in anactivity with them. What was the situation? What kind o emotional language did the person use?

 What arguments did the person use? Where you convinced? Why or why not?

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Newspaper Edtoral Graphc Organzer

Name: _________________________________________________________

opic: __________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________

Introduction: ______________________________________________________________________



Opposing viewpoint: ________________________________________________________________



Evidence to reute opposing viewpoint: __________________________________________________



Newspaper’s viewpoint: ______________________________________________________________



Evidence o newspaper’s viewpoint: _____________________________________________________



Call or action: _____________________________________________________________________



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Letter to the Edtor Graphc Organzer

Name: _________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________

Dear (name o editor): _____________________________________________

opic: ____________________________________________________________________________





 Agree/disagree with newspaper: ________________________________________________________





Explanation o opinion: ______________________________________________________________





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 unI 2  WRIInG o PeRsuaDe

Lesson 2Ditigiig btw hrd d s nw:

rm . Irm Writig 

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Distinguish between hard and so news stories.

Distinguish between ormal and inormal writing.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences romit; cite specic textual evidence when writing orspeaking to support conclusions drawn rom thetext.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used

in a text, including determining technical,connotative, and gurative meanings, and analyze

how specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.



Examples o hard news stories

Examples o so news storiesChart paper or bulletin board

Document camera or overhead projector

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

On the document camera or overhead projector,share with students examples o a hard news storyand a so news story rom the newspaper.


In small groups, students should examine anddiscuss diferences between the two articles.

Te class should share results o groupdiscussions.

Dene hard news and so news.

  • Is it controversial?

  • Can you nd enough research and/or

resources to aid in writing an article?  • Is the topic timely? Are people still interested

in this topic?

  • Can you nd an interesting angle rom whichto write?

  • Is this topic unique?

Each group should be asked to give examples o hard and so news (one each) it has encounteredoutside the newspaper (i.e., textbooks, popularmagazines, notes, letters, etc.). Encourage class

discussion and compare ormal and inormal writing.

 With a partner, students should locate two otherexamples o hard and so news in the newspaper.

Students should share their news articles, cutthem out and place them on hard news and sonews bulletin boards or charts.


Elements o ormal and inormal writing should bereviewed and applied to hard and so news articles.


Students should be inormally assessed on placement and choice o news articles on the correctboard or chart.

 Adaptatons:For ELL students and those with special learning needs, denition cards o hard and so news may be

 provided. Working in pairs or small groups will help with understanding the assignment.

 Addtonal Adaptatons:

Students may also use denition cards to help withunderstanding hard and so news.

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unI 3 exaMInInG aDveRIseMens

Lesson 1yp d Prp adrtiig 

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Identiy types o propaganda advertisers use tosell products.

Discuss types o propaganda with peers andteacher.

Complete a propaganda handout with the

teacher’s guidance.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic

 word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visualdisplays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when

 writing or speaking.2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o 

standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand how

language unctions in diferent contexts, to makeefective choices or meaning or style, and tocomprehend more ully when reading or listening.

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Propaganda Handouts (Level 1 and 2 versionsavailable)

 Variety o magazines and newspapers



Chalkboard or bulletin board

Document camera or overhead projector

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Distribute advertisements to pairs or small groupso students. Ask students to answer the questionsbelow about their ads and be prepared to share theinormation.

 What product and/or service is being sold in thisad?

 Who is the primary audience? Secondaryaudience?

 Were advertisers efective in their approach toselling the product? Why/why not?


Ask pairs or groups to come to the ront o theroom and hang their ads on the board or placethem on the document camera. Ask studentsto share answers to the questions posed at the

beginning o class. Ask other students to add tothe discussion.

Leave the ads in a visible location so they can berevisited.

Discuss the term PROPAGANDA. Explainthe importance this term plays in advertising.Distribute newspapers and magazines tostudents. Ask students to identiy propagandatechniques used in print ads (denitions onPropaganda Handouts).

 Work through each type o propaganda slowly.Review the type and give them time to nd thattype in their newspapers or magazines.

Aer students have ound an example, theyshould share it with the class or a small group andexplain why they chose it.


Ask students to look again at the ads distributedat the beginning o class. Now they can identiythe type o propaganda used in ads. Use thisopportunity to review propaganda types.


Inormal observation is used as the assessment.Because it is the rst lesson in the unit, the teachermust take time during propaganda identication tomonitor students’ comprehension o material.


ELL students and those with special learning needsare easily integrated into such a lesson because o theextensive dialogue and discussion. Allow studentsto work in small groups or pairs or support andsucient scafolding. Allowing ELL or struggling 

readers to nd the ads and determine what productor service is being sold gives them a responsibility within the working group. Furthermore, Level 2students are required to nd three examples whileLevel 1 students must nd two. Students withspecial learning needs should be required to ndone. Making a visual organizer with terms and spaceor the ad would help.

 Addtonal Adaptatons:

Students may not be ready or all propagandatechniques, but introduction o the most logical is

important or their understanding o the roles o advertisers and consumers. eachers may use theLevel 1 Propaganda Handout.

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Level 2 Propaganda Handout 

Name: _________________________________________________________


Each type o propaganda is listed in this handout. Provide examples rom newspapers and magazines.


Assertion is a type o bandwagon. Tese enthusiastic acts are presented in a way to convince the audiencethat what is presented is absolutely true and needs no urther explanation. Advertisers oen claim that their

 product or service is “the best” without question.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________


Bandwagon advertising persuades the buyer to ollow the crowd because “everyone is doing it.”

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________

Card Stackng Card stacking occurs when the advertiser presents only positive inormation about a product or service and

 purposely omits the negative.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________

Gltter Generaltes

Tese occur when advertisers use emotionally charged words to make convictions about highly appealing concepts. Politicians use this technique when they urge the public to believe them without proo. Asking someone to do something “or love o country” would be a glittery generality.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________

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Lesser o wo Evls

Lesser o wo Evils presents subjects with the idea that i there are two options, then one isnot as bad as the other.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________


In this technique, one advertiser makes derogatory comments about another advertiser.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________

Pnpontng the Enem 

Oen used more oen in politics than advertising, this consists o the advertiser or politician pointing thenger at the enemy or competition.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________

Plan Folks

Tis propaganda technique is used to convince subjects that they are just like everyone else.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________

Smplcaton (Stereotpng)

Similar to pinpointing the enemy, this technique stereotypes the opponent or competition.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________

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estimonials employ customers to comment on the product and endorse it.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________


Tis technique is used by asking customers or subjects to view the product or service the way they viewanother. Te goal is to “transer” those thoughts, emotions and eelings onto the product being sold.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 3 ________________________________________________________________________

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Level 1 Propaganda Handout 

Name: _________________________________________________________


Four types o propaganda are listed in this handout. Provide examples rom newspapers and magazines. Asserton

Assertion is a type o bandwagon. Tese enthusiastic acts are presented in a way to convince the audiencethat what is presented is absolutely true and needs no urther explanation. Advertisers oen claim that their

 product or service is “the best” without question.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

BandwagonBandwagon advertising persuades the buyer to ollow the crowd because “everyone is doing it.”

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Card Stackng 

Card stacking occurs when the advertiser presents only positive inormation about a product or service and purposely omits the negative.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

Gltter Generaltes

Tese occur when advertisers use emotionally charged words to make convictions about highly appealing concepts. Politicians use this technique when they urge the public to believe them without proo. Asking someone to do something “or love o country” would be a glittery generality.

Example 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Example 2 ________________________________________________________________________

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 unI 3 exaMInInG aDveRIseMens

Lesson 2Prdct scti d Dpmt

(two days minimum)

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Choose a product or which to write a printadvertisement using one propaganda techniquelearned in Lesson 1.

Develop a concept or the productadvertisement.

Create a print advertisement or a product.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o 

standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.




Computer and printer

Plain white paper or brainstorming 


GluePicture o product or products or whole class

instruction (teacher’s choice)

Document camera or overhead projector

Chalkboard or whiteboard

Consumer Handout

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Place a picture o a product or an actual product onthe document camera or overhead projector, or ona desk at the ront o the room or all students to

see. Ask them to look at the product or one minute without talking. Ask students to write all adjectivesthat come to mind when they look at the product.Examples might include color, size, name, uses, etc.Ask students to team up with a neighbor and shareve words or phrases rom their lists. Allow studentsabout our minutes or this task. Finally, ask students(in pairs) to write the top three “selling” points romtheir partner discussions.


Explain that product design and development areimportant elements to consider when marketing any product. Aer a product is developed,advertising proessionals must nd creative ways to“sell” it to consumers.

Students should complete the ConsumerHandout individually. When they nish, ask themto share with a partner. Give students time todiscuss why they buy products.

As a class, ask students to share reasons why

they are drawn to certain products. Ask themto consider the ollowing, which can be writtenon a board or placed on a document camera oroverhead transparency:

• Whydoyoubuythisparticularproduct?Doesadvertising play a role in your decision?

•Nameaproductyouhaveboughtbasedonanad. What was the product? Did it live up to itsclaim?

• Wouldyoubemorelikelytobuyaproductbased

on an ad or a riend’s recommendation? Why?Remind students to think about types o 

 propaganda and whether they have allen victim tosuch advertising. Ask them to share examples.

Students should switch rom consumers toadvertising executives. In pairs or small groups,allow them time to choose a product romthe newspaper. Tis product will be their “big account.” Tey will plan and create a print ad or it.

Students should develop a tag line, logo, sloganand any additional inormation they considernecessary to promote their chosen product.Creative students may want to come up with

an entirely new product. Allow students’imaginations to take the lead.

Students should consider the audience they wantto target with their ads.

Students should draw a preliminary layout o the ad with any logos, slogans, etc., on plain white paper.


At the end o this time period, be sure that allstudents have written notes on the developmento their ads. Prepare students or nal productiono a print ad and presentation o the product toan audience. Review important aspects o ideas,audience and the preliminary ad layouts.


Careul monitoring o students during the two daysis vital. I students do not have a preliminary ad readyby the end o this lesson, prompt them by revisiting their original list rom the start o the lesson andasking them to consider using a product on the list.Students might also look through newspapers and

magazines or amiliar products they can use.


ELL students and those with special learning needsmay have a dicult time with gurative languagein many ads. Te teacher might want to allow themto work in small groups. Using a amiliar product

 would help these students, as would seeing a video adthat requires less reading. Designing the ad might beeasier i students consider that “less is more.” Writing lengthy text is not the goal. Use Nike as an example

o how ew words can do so much.

 Addtonal Adaptatons:

eachers might consider adapting this slightly tomeet students’ needs. eachers could choose the

 products or provide students with a list o age-appropriate products rom which to choose. Lesson2 may also take longer, considering the scafolding necessary or students.

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Consumer Handout 

Name: _________________________________________________________


Complete each column about products you and/or the adults in your amily buy.Column 1 – List the name o the product.

Column 2 – Write about why you buy the product.

Column 3 – Write any words or phrases you remember rom the ad about the product.

Product Wh? Ad






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 unI 3 exaMInInG aDveRIseMens

Lesson 3Crtig Prit adrtimt

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Compose a nal dra o a print ad.

Create a layout or a print ad.

Use propaganda to sell a product.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1

Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visual

displays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when

 writing or speaking.2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o 

standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.



Plain white paper



Computers with Internet access

Collaboration Checklist

eacher Group Assessment

Print Advertisement Rubric

Document camera or overhead projector

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Revisit an efective print ad on the overhead projector or document camera. Remind studentsthat advertising executives use propaganda to sell

 products. I necessary, review types o propaganda with students.


Students should use their rough dra romLesson 2 to begin creating a nal dra.Encourage them to use the means o expression

 with which they are most comortable. Becausethey are working in small groups, all studentsmust be accountable or contributing to the

assignment. Some may eel more comortabledrawing by hand or designing on the computer, while others may like to work with wordsand phrases. Each student must use personalstrengths in collaborating on the project.

Require students to sel-assess during and aertheir work using the Collaboration Checklist.Tis will give them an idea o their role in agroup and will help assess their perormance aercompletion.

For students who choose to use the computer

to create ads, allow posting to a class or school website on completion or create a wiki sostudents can post their work. I technology isnot a viable option, display ads in a classroom,hallway or the school library.


Give students time to share their ads withclassmates. Students should guess what type o 

 propaganda each group used.


Students are assessed ormally in several ways.Tey sel-assess their group perormance andcontributions using the Collaboration Checklist.eachers can also use the eacher Group Assessment

 provided. Te nal print ad is assessed using thePrint Advertisement Rubric.


For ELL students or those with special learning 

needs, group work allows them to use theirstrengths in technology or drawing. Considershowing students the Collaboration Checklist anddiscussing two or three goals they should strive toaccomplish during their group work. Te checklistmay be used as an inormal assessment or them.

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Collaboraton Checklst 

Group Member: __________________________________________________

Name o Project: __________________________________________________


Answer each question honestly as you evaluate your contributions to the group project.

Provide an example or each statement.

ask Strong OK Weak Example

I contributed ully andequally to creation o this print ad.

I contributed ideas tothe print ad.

I helped to write text orthe print ad.

I helped to revise

and edit the ad whenappropriate.

I helped in productionby drawing or workingon the computer.

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eacher Group Assessment 

Student’s name: __________________________________________________

ask Strong 


(2) Weak 


Student contributedully and equally tocreation o the print ad.

Student contributedideas to the print ad.

Student helped to writetext or the print ad.

Student helped to reviseand edit the ad whenappropriate.

Student helped inproduction by drawingor working on the


otal score: ___________ /15 ponts

eacher’s comments: ________________________________________________________________





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Prnt Advertsement Rubrc

Crtera 3




Use o Propaganda 

Print ad used a type o 

propaganda in a highly eective manner and waspersuasive in nature.

Print ad used a type o 

propaganda in an eectivemanner.

Print ad did not use a type

o propaganda or  was notpersuasive in nature.


Layout was extremely eective and the productor service was the ocus o the ad.

Layout was eective. Layout was ineective or theproduct was not the ocus o the ad.

MechancsNo mechanical errors. One mechanical error. wo or more mechanical


NeatnessPrint ad is extremely neat with special attention paidto its “look.”

Print ad is neat. Print ad is messy or noattention was paid to its“look.”

otal score: ___________ /12 ponts

eacher’s comments: ________________________________________________________________





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 unI 4 eDIoRIal WRIInG

Lesson 1rdm t Pr

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Explain the concept o reedom o the press.

Research a First Amendment court case.

Present research ndings.

Explain the watchdog role o the press.

Identiy varied roles that citizens, reporters andeditors play in maintaining a ree press.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text saysexplicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration

1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas

4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can ollow the line o reasoning and the organization, development, andstyle are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visualdisplays o data to express inormation and

enhance understanding o presentations.6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts and

communicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English

1 Demonstrate command o the conventionso standard English grammar and usage when

 writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.


Chalkboard or whiteboardChart paperComputers with Internet accessConcept map or adaptation (see Resources)Prezi Rubric

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

 Write FIRS AMENDMEN on the boardand ask students to think, pair, share. Using thisstrategy, students think o all the words that come

to mind when they hear “First Amendment” and write those words on paper. Allow students threeto our minutes or this task. Ask students to pair  

 with a partner and discuss all the words they wrote, with an explanation or each. Finally, students share ndings with the entire class. As they do so, create aconcept map on the board or chart paper.


Aer class discussion o the First Amendment,

students should have a clearer understanding o our rights under it.

I no students have mentioned reedom o the press or censorship, now is the time to lead themin discussing that topic.

 Write on the board “Congress shall make no law… abridging the reedom o speech, or o the

 press.” Let students discuss how that applies tonewspapers and newspaper reporters.

Discuss the term “watchdog” with students.

Ask students whether the media’s job is to inormthe public. I so, they must explain their answer.

Assign students to one o our groups to researchcourt cases that deal specically with reedomo the press issues: Nebraska Press Association

 v. Stuart (1976); Cox Broadcasting v. Cohn(1975); Ransburg v. Hayes (1972); and Estes v.exas (1965).

Students work in small groups to research theassigned case.

Each group prepares a Prezi presentation toshare ndings with the class. Students visit to create their presentation.

Students present ndings to the class. Teir presentations should include the parties involvedin the case, the issue, the verdict and theimplications on reedom o the press and FirstAmendment rights.


Ask students to explain the importance o FirstAmendment rights.

Evaluaton:Students will be assessed using the Prezi Rubric



ELL students and those with special needs should work in groups and do what is possible or theirability level. Court cases may be summarized orbulleted so students have the highlights and neednot struggle with reading legal language or othercomplicated text. A concept map may be distributed

to students or the anticipatory set so students have visual support.


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Prez Rubrc

Crtera 3 2 1


 All content is accurate and

in students’ words.

Most content is accurate and

in students’ words.

Little content is accurate or

not in students’ words.


Includes all pieces o required content (partiesinvolved in the case, issue,verdict and implications orreedom o the press andFirst Amendment rights).

Excludes one piece o required content (partiesinvolved in the case, issue,verdict and implications orreedom o the press andFirst Amendment rights).

Excludes two or more pieceso required content (partiesinvolved in the case, issue,verdict and implications orreedom o the press andFirst Amendment rights).


Includes at least sevensections with three or moreacts in each. All pathways were easy to ollow andsections were groupedlogically.

Includes at least sevensections with one or twoacts in each. Some pathways were easy to ollow andsections were groupedsomewhat logically.

Does not include sevensections. Pathways wereneither easy to ollow norgrouped logically.

Grammar/Spellng No grammatical or spellingerrors.

One grammatical and/orspelling error.

wo or more grammaticaland/or spelling errors.

PunctuatonNo punctuation errors. One punctuation error. wo or more punctuation


otal score: ___________ /15 ponts

eacher’s comments: ________________________________________________________________





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unI 4 eDIoRIal WRIInG

Lesson 2 Writig oppig viw

(may require two days)

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

List pros and cons to develop an argument or writing.

Write a rough dra o an editorial aboutcensorship.

Participate in peer-editing a classmate’s work.

Write a nal dra ree o mechanical errors.

Share writing with an audience.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standards

or Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and

collaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visualdisplays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.



Editorial Graphic Organizer (see link below)

Computers with Internet access

Editorial Rubric

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Ask students to tell in their own words what the veFirst Amendment rights are. Ask them to reviewthe role the media, particularly newspapers, play in



Allow students ve minutes to write on a plain piece o paper a response to this question: Iscensorship acceptable in all situations? Teyshould cite examples when they think it isunacceptable or acceptable.

Conduct class discussion, encouraging allstudents to participate. Give them reasonable

time to share their thoughts.Ask students to decide whether they are “or” or

“against” censorship.

Distribute the Editorial Graphic Organizeround at .

Students complete the graphic organizer withtheir “side” o the argument.

Students compose a rough dra o their editorialusing the graphic organizer as a ramework.

Using the writing process, students edit with a peer and/or teacher.

Students compose their nal dra.


For publication, allow students to read theireditorials aloud and take questions rom the class.

Evaluaton:Careul monitoring o the writing process isessential to ensure students are on task and working at a reasonable pace. eachers can use the EditorialRubric or ormal assessment.


ELL students and those with special learning needsmay work with a partner or this assignment. Allowstudents to use the Editorial Graphic Organizer asthe ramework or their paper and to write their

transition words directly on the paper. Studentsmay copy the inormation on the graphic organizerdirectly to the computer or written paper.

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Edtoral Rubrc

Crtera 3 2 1

Prewrtng Student used graphicorganizer as a ramework or

the piece.

Student did not use graphicorganizer as a ramework or

the piece.


Te editorial containeda highly eective topicsentence, three statements o support, two answers to theopposition and a conclusion.

Te editorial containeda topic sentence, threestatements o support, twoanswers to the oppositionand a conclusion.

Te editorial either did notcontain a topic sentence,three statements o support, two answers to theopposition and a conclusion,or those elements wereineective.

GrammarNo grammatical errors. One or two grammatical

errors.Tree or more grammaticalerrors.

Spellng  No spelling errors. One or two spelling errors. Tree or more spellingerrors.

Pont o Vew Te piece was written inrst-person point o view.

Te piece was not written inrst-person point o view.

otal score: ___________ /15 ponts

eacher’s comments: ________________________________________________________________





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 unI 5 exaMInInG ables,GRaPhs anD ChaRs

Lesson 1Cmprig d Ctrtig Irmti

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Compare and contrast written text with tables,graphs and charts.

Interpret inormation presented by the visualormat o a table, graph or chart.

Label graphs, tables and charts with correctinormation.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details

1 Read closely to determine what the text saysexplicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,

and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts and

communicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Common Core State Standards or Mathematcs

 Interpret unctions that arise in applications interms o the context.4 For a unction that models a relationship

between two quantities, interpret key eatures o graphs and tables in terms o the quantities, andsketch graphs showing key eatures given a verbaldescription o the relationship. Key eaturesinclude: intercepts; intervals where the unctionis increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative;relative maximums and minimums; symmetries;end behavior; and periodicity.

5 Relate the domain o a unction to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative relationshipit describes. For example, i the unction h(n)gives the number o person-hours it takes toassemble n engines in a actory, then the positiveintegers would be an appropriate domain or theunction.

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 Analyze unctions using diferent representations.7 Graph unctions expressed symbolically and

show key eatures o the graph, by hand in simplecases and using technology or more complicatedcases.

9 Compare properties o two unctions each

represented in a diferent way (algebraically,graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbaldescriptions). For example, given a graph o onequadratic unction and an algebraic expressionor another, say which has the larger maximum.


A variety o magazines and newspapers withtables, graphs and charts

Graph paper


Document camera or overhead projector

Graphing Activity Handout

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Use the document camera or overhead projectorto share with students a graph or chart rom thenewspaper and a written paragraph explaining the same inormation. Conduct a class discussionon how the graph or chart presents the sameinormation as the text.


Arrange students by the color o their shoes orother appropriate category.

Divide the class in hal.Hal should create a graph o students’ shoe

diferences. Te other hal should write a paragraph describing diferences in the students’shoes.

Aer class discussion, students should be ledto the conclusion that the paragraph needs alarge number o words and can be conusing indescribing the same inormation as the graph.

ell students how to label a graph correctly withthe x-axis and y-axis.

Show the class examples o a table, graph andchart rom the newspaper with the documentcamera or overhead projector and have studentsinterpret them.

Distribute copies o the newspaper to students.In pairs, students should complete the Graphing Activity Handout.


Students review their answers to the Graphing Activity Handout. Tey should list three diferencesbetween inormation in the text and inormation

 presented in a chart, graph or table.


Evaluate students on their ability to answerquestions correctly on the Graphing ActivityHandout.


ELL students and those with special learning needsshould be paired with another student to analyzeand compare inormation received rom tables,graphs and charts with text presented in paragraphorm.

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Graphng Actvt Handout 

Use a table to answer the ollowing questions. Write answers in the space provided.

 What kind o inormation is beingpresented? (Look at the title o the


 What elements are being compared inthe table?

 Write two comparison statementsabout the inormation presented.

Use a lne, bar or column graph to answer the ollowing questions. Write answers in the space provided.

 What two elements are being described? Look at labelsalong the bottom o the graph (x-axis) and the side o the graph (y-axis).

How many dierent elements are shown on the x-axis?

 Write two comparison statements about the inormationpresented.

Use a crcle graph to answer the ollowing questions. Write answers in the space provided.

 What is the “whole” element being divided?

How many divisions are in the circle?

 Write two comparison statements about the inormationpresented.

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 unI 5 exaMInInG ables,GRaPhs anD ChaRs

Lesson 2uig Dt t Crt Crt, Grp d

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Compare and contrast written text with tables,graphs and charts.

Create a table, graph or chart.

Label the title and axis o a graph or chart.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the line

o reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visualdisplays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

Common Core State Standards or Mathematcs

 Interpret unctions that arise in applications interms o the context.4 For a unction that models a relationship

between two quantities, interpret key eatureso graphs and tables in terms o the quantities,

and sketch graphs showing key eatures givena verbal description o the relationship. Key eatures include: intercepts; intervals where theunction is increasing, decreasing, positive, ornegative; relative maximums and minimums;symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity.

5 Relate the domain o a unction to its graph and,

 where applicable, to the quantitative relationshipit describes. For example, i the unction h(n)gives the number o person-hours it takes toassemble n engines in a actory, then the positiveintegers would be an appropriate domain or theunction.

 Analyze unctions using diferent representations.7 Graph unctions expressed symbolically and

show key eatures o the graph, by hand in simplecases and using technology or more complicatedcases.

9 Compare properties o two unctions eachrepresented in a diferent way (algebraically,graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbaldescriptions). For example, given a graph o onequadratic unction and an algebraic expressionor another, say which has the larger maximum.



Overhead projector or document camera

Large chart paper


Graphs, charts and tables rom the newspaper

Graph, able and Chart Rubric

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

 With input rom students, create a class bar graphon their avorite lunch oods.


Review with students a table, chart and graphrom the newspaper.

Discuss conversion o written text to atable, graph or chart, including title and axisinormation.

On large chart paper, with a partner or in smallgroups, students should create a table showing scores over the past two years or a school or localteam.

On large chart paper, with a partner or in smallgroups, students should create a chart showing the heights o class members.

On large chart paper, with a partner or in smallgroups, students should create a circle graphshowing how they spend their allowance.

On completion, pairs or groups should presentinormation aloud and review the three visualormats.


Students should be asked to summarize benets o showing inormation in a graph, chart or table asopposed to written text.


Students should be inormally assessed andmonitored closely while creating and orally

 presenting graphs, tables and charts.


ELL students and those with special learning needs will need extra guidance to create a graph, chartor table. Allowing them to work with a partner orsmall group would be helpul or those who struggle

 with English.

 Addtonal Adaptatons:

eachers may want to have students create a circlegraph one day, a table the next day and a chart onthe third day.

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Graph, able and Chart Rubrc

3 2 1

GraphGraph is exceptional andpresents inormation clearly 

and concisely.

Graph presents someinormation.

Graph does not presentinormation correctly.

ableable is exceptional andpresents inormation clearly and concisely.

able presents someinormation.

able does not presentinormation correctly.

Chart Chart is exceptional andpresents inormation clearly and concisely.

Chart presents someinormation.

Chart does not presentinormation correctly.

MechancsNo mechanical errors. wo mechanical errors. Tree or more mechanical


otal score: ___________ /12 ponts

eacher’s comments: ________________________________________________________________





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 unI 6 eauRe WRIInG

Lesson 1Prprig t Itriw src

(may require two days)

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Distinguish between hard and so news.

Prepare interview questions or a source.

Interview the source.

Evaluate quotes worthy o publishing in a eature



Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic

 word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visualdisplays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.

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Overhead projector or document camera

Chalkboard or whiteboard

-Chart Handout

Feature Story Organizer


Butcher paper

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Review the denition o so news with students(Unit 1, Lesson 1) and be sure they can identiycharacteristics o a eature story. Use inormationound at

 pd as a reerence i students need to review this



Ask students, in small groups or pairs, to searchthe newspaper quickly to nd a hard news storyand a so news story (eature).

Aer they have ound an example o each, use the-Chart Handout to compare and contrast thestories. Require students to list 10 comparisonsbetween the two.

Create a large -chart on butcher paper orby using an overhead projector or documentcamera. I your classroom is equipped with aninteractive whiteboard, create a Word documenton the board and save, copy and distribute it tothe class.

Begin discussion o diferences between the twotypes o stories. Make a class list on the large-chart or the entire class to see. Ask studentsto support their answers with examples romthe newspaper articles. Reporters gather quotesthrough interviews conducted with sources.In some cases, the eature could be about one

 person, or it could be about a person, place, thing or idea and involve multiple interviews.

Conduct a mock interview with a student volunteer so the class understands how tointerview appropriately. Questions may bedisplayed on the board, overhead projector ordocument camera. Stress the importance o documenting direct quotes. News reporters mustmake sure they have a person’s exact words when

using their quotes in a news story, hard or so.Ask students to think o people who could be

the subject o their eature stories. Students mayneed help deciding whom to write about, so aclass brainstorming session may be helpul. Leavethe brainstorm list in a highly visible location orstudents to revisit i their original idea doesn’t

 work. Possible sources and subjects include:



or teachers and students •someonewhowonanaward






Students must identiy the topic, source and 10

interview questions. Level 1 students should crave to seven questions depending on ability leveland/or teacher requirement. Students ocusing on a person as their eature should not completethe topic portion o the organizer.

Students use the Feature Story Organizer toorganize inormation.

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Aer the Feature Story Organizer is completedand students receive approval or their interviewquestions, they may conduct their interview.


Students will be inormally assessed and monitoredclosely while creating interview questions. Beorestudents complete the Feature Story Organizer,they must understand the diference betweenhard and so news (-Chart Handout). Troughquestioning, the teacher can determine whether allstudents are ready to cra interview questions or aeature.


ELL students and those with special learning needs will need extra guidance to cra questionsand interview appropriately. Te mock interview

 will help students understand their role. Ask thesestudents to write ve questions or a classmate and

record the responses. Te teacher and/or classmatescan transcribe the taped responses or use in thesestudents’ eatures. Allowing students to work witha partner would help those who struggle withEnglish.

 Addtonal Adaptatons:

eachers may want to take extended timemodeling the mock interview. Craing questionsmay be a whole class project with all students

 writing about the same topic. Aer students havemastered interviewing, allow them to try oneon their own with close monitoring. During the-Chart Handout activity, students may write vecomparisons rather than 10, or the number they eelcomortable writing.

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-Chart Handout Hard news stor Sot news stor (eature)

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Name o source: ______________________________________________________________

Date o interview: ____________________________________________________________

Interview questions (should be open-ended questions – leave room to write answers)

Always ask this question at the end o the interview: “Have I missed anything?”

Feature Stor Organzer

opic/title o article

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 unI 6 eauRe WRIInG

Lesson 2rig t Itriw It tr stry/Writr’ Wrkp

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Determine what quotes to use in a eature story.

Use interview question/answer sessions as a basisor a eature story.

Use quotations marks correctly.

Dra a eature story. Peer-edit a classmate’s rough dra.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in whichthe development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration

1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse

 partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visual

displays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when

 writing or speaking.2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o 

standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.


Chalkboard or whiteboard


Feature Story Organizer (completed in previouslesson)


Quote racker

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

 Write these statements on the board:

om Fields said he is going to the party aer his

baseball game on Fields said I am going to the party aer my

baseball game on Saturday.

Aer the party, I plan to complete myhomework, om adds.

om adds that he will complete his homeworkaer the party.

Ask students to correct the sentences. Studentsshould recognize that the statements consist o direct and indirect quotes. Te correct statementsshould read:

om Fields said he is going to the party aer hisbaseball game on Saturday.

“I am going to the party aer my baseball gameon Saturday,” om Fields said.

“Aer the party, I plan to complete myhomework,” om adds.

om adds that he will complete his homeworkaer the party.


Ask students to take out their Feature StoryOrganizer and interview notes. With ahighlighter, they should mark quotes they think

 will add interest to their stories.

Allow students to begin draing their eaturestory. Te lead should describe the subject in hisor her element. For example, the ootball coachmight be described in the lead as being on theeld, while the student council president mightbe described as being at a school unction.

Help students use direct and indirect quotes todescribe the person or topic o interest.

Aer students have completed the rst dra,allow them to peer-edit, using editing marks at to the best o their abilities. Allow studentsto collaborate on craing a headline or theireature that is catchy and invites readers.


During the writing workshop session, studentsshould have written a rst dra, peer-edited andsought teacher input. At the session’s end, ensurethat all have accomplished this. Remind students tobring their dras to the next class.


Students should be evaluated inormally on theability to dra a eature and actively engage in

 peer-editing a classmate’s work. Close monitoring is essential during the writing workshop portion o class. Close attention to quotation marks will helpstudents recognize the importance o direct quotes.


ELL students and those with special needs may

not eel comortable peer-editing. Do not orcestudents to peer-edit. Allow them to observe othersdoing it and try to understand what each editing mark represents. Instead o weaving the quotes intoa eature, allow students to list what they learnedabout the person they interviewed and the quotesthat support that inormation.

 Addtonal Adaptatons:

Te Quote racker may be used as a visual organizerin lieu o the eature article dra.

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 unI 6 eauRe WRIInG

Lesson 3tr Writig/Writr’ Wrkp

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Compose a eature story.

Complete an online prole using ProlePublisher.

Share work with classmates.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style are

appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by

 planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse

 partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visual

displays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when

 writing or speaking.2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o 

standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.


Computers with Internet access

Rough dra o eature story

Interview questions

Feature Story Rubric

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Introduce students to the Prole Publisher at

 prole. Have a completed prole or students to



ell students to complete the nal dra o theireature. It should be written with no errors,include quotation marks, highlight a persono interest and contain an interesting lead thatcaptures readers’ attention.

Students write their nal dra in a word- processing program or with pen and paper.

Students take inormation learned about theirinterviewee and create a prole with the ProlePublisher. A picture can be uploaded, butstudents must understand that they need written

 permission beore using a photograph.

Students attach their Prole Publisher printoutto their written eature.

Laminate and bind proles in a class book.


Students who eel comortable reading their articlesand sharing their completed prole may do so.eachers should make the class book available or

students to borrow. Students might want a copy ortheir interviewees to thank them or their time.


Students should be evaluated on their writteneature. Te Feature Story Rubric can be used as anassessment tool.


ELL students and those with special learning needsmay complete the Prole Publisher rom their

interview graphic organizer. Another option is toallow students to work with a partner and co-authoran article.

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Feature Stor Rubrc

3 2 1

LeadLead is exceptional andcaptures the

reader’s interest.

Lead captures the reader’sinterest.

Lead does not capture thereader’s interest.


 Writer uses quotes very eectively and exceedsrequired number o quotes.

 Writer uses quotes eectively and meets required numbero quotes.

 Writer does not use quoteseectively and/or does notmeet required number o quotes.

Bod o stor Story is well-organized withclear transitions and logicalconnections.

Story is organized and sometransitions are used.

Story is unorganized or without transitions.

ConclusonHighly eective and creativeconclusion that is logical and

brings story to a close.

Eective conclusion thatbrings story to a logical close.

Ineective conclusion and/or does not bring story to a

logical close.

MechancsNo mechanical errors. One to two mechanical

errors.Tree or more mechanicalerrors.

otal score: ___________ /15 ponts

eacher’s comments: ________________________________________________________________





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 unI 6 eauRe WRIInG

Lesson 4Itgrtig cgy 

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Create an online newspaper using the eaturearticle developed during the unit.

Edit his/her article or online publication.

Share his/her online newspaper with classmates.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style are

appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by

 planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse

 partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visual

displays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when

 writing or speaking.2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o 

standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.


Computers with Internet access

Final dra o eature article

Interactive whiteboard or other projectionequipment

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Students will have completed the nal dra o theireature article rom Lesson 3. Remind studentso the writing process and the key element o 



Display the Web page theinteractive whiteboard or classroom wall.

Model how to turn students’ eature stories intoan online newspaper.

Allow students to create individual newspapersor to work with partners or small groups to create


Print newspapers or class distribution or postthem on a school or class website.


Aer students have completed their electronicnewspaper with their eatures, ask them to writethree things they learned about eature writing and

make a class list. Te teacher may want to displaythe list or uture reerence or outcome-basedassessment.


Because students were ormally evaluated on theireature in Lesson 3, inormal assessment is a viablemeans or evaluation o this lesson. eachers willbe actively involved in assisting students with theirelectronic newspapers.

 Adaptatons:ELL students and those with special learning needs may enjoy converting their written workelectronically. I the teacher required students to

 write an article, she/he may want to assist studentsin creating the electronic version. I the teacher didnot require students to write using paper and pencilor the computer, now might be the time to allowthem to shine. Tey might post interview questionsinto a newspaper ormat or assist other students increating their electronic newspaper.

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 unI 7 he ClassIIeDs

Lesson 1Itrdcig Cifd adrtimt

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Understand the role that classied ads play in thenewspaper.

Identiy a classied ad.

Compare and contrast classied ads with other

types o ads.SANDARDS:

Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences romit; cite specic textual evidence when writing orspeaking to support conclusions drawn rom thetext.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used

in a text, including determining technical,

connotative, and gurative meanings, and analyzehow specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.


NewspapersChalkboard or whiteboard

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

On the board, write DISPLAY AD andCLASSIFIED AD. Assign students to groups by

 writing their names under either heading.


Ask students to identiy aloud the diferencebetween display and classied ads. Divide theclass into two groups. One is to nd display adsand circle them in the newspaper, and the otheris to nd classied ads and circle them in thenewspaper. Give students reedom to explore thenewspaper and determine the diference betweenthe two types o ads.

Aer students have ound their respective ads,bring the groups together. Ask a ew students

 who ound display ads to stand, show the classtheir ads and explain briey what is being sold.

Ask a ew students with classied ads to standand do the same. Conduct a class discussion byasking:

• How are classied ads diferent rom displayads?

  •  What sorts o items/services are being sold?

  •  Who might have placed these ads?

  •  What are some methods people use to get yourattention in ads like these?

Ask students to brainstorm items or services theymay nd in classieds. Make a class list o theirideas.

Conduct a classied ad scavenger hunt.Distribute newspapers and, in small groups, askstudents to nd as many o the classieds on theclass list as possible. Te group with the most

 wins the hunt.


Aer the hunt, ask students to verbalize thediference between classied and display ads.

Evaluaton:Students are inormally assessed on their ability tond classieds and to distinguish between classiedand display ads.


ELL students and those with special learning needsmay work in small groups or support. Becausemuch o the work in this lesson is verbal, thesestudents might eel more successul in their abilityto nd classied ads. Let students know that

classied ads look much diferent, and students whoare not readers or have lower reading ability cansuccessully nd classieds by their appearance.

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 unI 7 he ClassIIeDs

Lesson 2eprig Cifd ad

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Locate the classied ads section o the newspaper.

Interpret inormation presented in the classiedads section.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standards

or LanguageConventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading or





Glue or clear tape

Graphic Organizer or Classied Ads

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Te teacher will tell the class to look or a pet in thenewspaper classied ads as a gi or the principal.Class suggestions and costs will be discussed.


Locate the classied ad section o the newspaper.

During class discussion, describe various sectionso the newspaper’s classieds. Share inormationrom these sections.

 With a partner, students should complete theGraphic Organizer or Classied Ads.

Students share answers.

Students should write two ads that they wouldlike submitted to the newspaper.


Students should share ads with the class.


Students’ ads should be used to assess theminormally.


ELL students and those with special learning needsshould work with a partner to complete the graphicorganizer and to write ads.

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Graphc Organzer or Classed Ads


Cut and paste the ollowing ads rom the classied’s section.

 An ad that descrbes a pet ou would lke to own.

 A job ou would lke.

 A car ou mght be able to aord.

 A house ou would lke to bu or our aml.

 An tem o urnture to go n the house ou chose.

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 unI 7 he ClassIIeDs

Lesson 3r s

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Locate ve classied ads and determine what isbeing sold in each.

Write a classied ad.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visual

displays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when

 writing or speaking.2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o 

standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.



Classieds Organizer

Preparing to Sell Handout

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Review with students the purpose o a classied adrom Lesson 1.


Give students a newspaper and ask them to turnto the classied ad section.

Distribute the Classieds Organizer to eachstudent. Students are required to nd veclassied ads and answer these questions oreach:

• Whatisbeingsold?


•Canthesellerbeeasilycontacted? •Istheitemorservicedescribedwell?

•Ifyoucouldchangeonethingaboutthisad, what would it be?

Allow students to share ndings with the classor in small groups. I they are in small groups,closely monitor students’ participation to ensurethat they have identied classied ads.

Students should prepare or writing their ownclassied ad or an item o their choice. Students

should list ve items they have and are willing tosell (hypothetically).

Distribute the Preparing to Sell Handout.Students must answer the questions or all veitems.

Aer students have completed the handout, askthem to share one item they plan to sell.


Ask students to pick their “best” item or sale.Tey are to place a star next to that item to use orLesson 3.


All students are assessed inormally by completiono the Classieds Organizer and Preparing to SellHandout.


ELL students and those with special learning needs will nd the classieds a shorter read than other parts o the newspaper. However, the classiedscontain specialized jargon that can be conusing.

Allow them to work with a partner. Tey shouldeel a sense o accomplishment when they choose anitem to sell. I they need assistance completing thePreparing to Sell Handout, they should sell just oneo their own items.

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Classeds Organzer

Name: _________________________________________________________

items Queston 1 Queston 2 Queston 3 Queston 4 Queston 5

 What is being sold? How much is theitem or service?

Can the seller becontacted easily?

Is the item orservice described well?

I you could changeone thing aboutthis ad, what wouldit be?

item #1

item #2

item #3

item #4

item #5

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Preparng to Sell Handout 

Name: _________________________________________________________

items Questons

 What are you selling? How much willyou ask or youritem?

 What is the leastamount you are willing to takeor your item?

List ve words to describeyour item.

 Would youbuy this itemi you saw itlisted in theclassieds?

item #1

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________



(circle one)

item #2

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________



(circle one)

item #3

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________



(circle one)

item #4

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________



(circle one)

item #5

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________



(circle one)

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 unI 7 he ClassIIeDs

Lesson 4sig Itm

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Write a rough dra o a classied ad.

Edit the dra o a classied ad.

Write a nal dra o a classied ad.

Create an online ier or a classied ad.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style are

appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visual

displays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when

 writing or speaking.2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o 

standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.



Chalkboard or chart paper

Computers with Internet access

Interactive whiteboard (i available)

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Review items students have chosen or theirclassieds. List all items on the board or chart

 paper, grouping them according to categories

(i.e., household items, electronics, pets and/orautomobiles). Keep the list or uture reerence.


Students will use their classied ad rom theactivity in Lesson 2 (Preparing to Sell Handout).

Begin discussing the ormat o a classied ad.Students should read this article:

As a class, summarize what was learned rom thearticle.

Students begin writing rough dras o theirclassieds. Tey may use hypothetical contactinormation, but the item they are selling shouldcome rom Lesson 2.

Students swap papers or peer editing o ads.

Students prepare the nal dra o their ads using a word-processing program.

Students prepare their classied ad online ier byusing this resource:



Print all classied online iers and make a classbook.

Evaluaton:Students can be assessed on their completedclassieds ier by checking or grammar,

 punctuation and/or spelling. Deduct one point oreach error.


ELL students and those with special learning needs may work with a partner. Tey may also eelcomortable helping others develop their onlineier. Read the online article aloud or students or

highlight the important parts. Stop and give themsmall amounts o inormation to digest at a time.Allow students to read one paragraph and stop ordiscussion.

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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  82

 unI 7 he ClassIIeDs

Lesson 5 Writig hpWtd ad

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Identiy a help-wanted ad.

Create a help-wanted ad.

Post the help-wanted ad on a wiki.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1

Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visual

displays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when

 writing or speaking.2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o 

standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.



Chalkboard or chart paper

 Job itles Handout

Help-Wanted Rubric

Name Tat Job Graphic Organizer (i applicable)

Computers with Internet access

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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  83

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Students review the classied ad section o thenewspaper and nd a help-wanted ad. Studentsnd a classmate who might be good or the job

advertised in the classied.


Require students to identiy what inormation is present in a help-wanted ad rom the classied adsection o the newspaper.

On the chalkboard or chart paper, write allinormation students share.

Students should recognize that a help-wantedad usually includes the job title, job description,

salary range and contact inormation. Add anyinormation that students may not have includedon their list.

Ask students to dene white-collar and blue-collar workers. Make two lists on the board, oneor each type o worker.

Students should pick a job title listed on a piece o paper rom a container. (See Job itlesHandout – simply cut into strips). Aer each hasa job title, students can go to the board or chart

 paper and place that title under the heading theythink is most appropriate.

Read both lists to the class and promotediscussion o jobs. When a job title is misplaced,encourage student discussion to determine wherethe job belongs and why.

Divide the class into small groups or pairs,being sure to mix groups or partnerships so thatstudents with diverse and varying interests aretogether.

Give each group or pair one white-collar and oneblue-collar job title rom the list.

Students must write a help-wanted ad or both jobs. Tey must include job title, job description,salary range and contact inormation.

Aer students have written their ads, they can post them on a ree class wiki that can be createdusing


Aer students have uploaded their help-wanted adsto the wiki, encourage them to view all ads. Showthe class a ew that are outstanding.


Students can be assessed using the Help-WantedRubric. Te teacher must assess each help-wantedad separately.


ELL students and those with special learning needs may work with a partner who has similarinterests. Tey may also eel comortable helping others develop the wiki. Te teacher may want

to help students by leading them to the correctunderstanding o white-collar and blue-collar

 workers – or instance, by telling them that a physician is a white-collar worker and a carpenter isa blue-collar worker. Tis will help them understandcategorization o jobs. Tey should be given theName Tat Job Graphic Organizer to categorize jobtitles. Tis gives students a chance to work with the

 jobs visually and ofers support in categorization o titles.

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 Job tles Handout 

Phscan Newspaper edtor Dog walker

Carpenter Plumber Salesclerk 

Constructon worker Watress/Water Gas staton attendant 

eacher Polce ocer Freghter

  Veternaran Dentst

ruck drver Busness owner Baseball coach

Lawer elephone operator Pzza delverer

  Accountant Socal worker Sales manager

Nann Desgn engneer Electrcal engneer

Da care worker Prncpal Archtect 

Proessor Groundskeeper oolmaker

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Name Tat Job Graphc Organzer

Name: _________________________________________________________

 Whte collar Blue collar i am not sure

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Help-Wanted Rubrc

Crtera 3 2 1


Help-wanted ad includesa highly comprehensive

description o job title, jobdescription, salary range andcontact inormation.

Help-wanted ad includes adescription o job title, job

description, salary range andcontact inormation.

Help-wanted ad excludes adescription o job title, job

description, salary range or  contact inormation.

MechancsNo errors in capitalization,punctuation and/or grammar.

One error in capitalization,punctuation and/or grammar.

wo or more errors incapitalization, punctuation and/or grammar.

 WkHelp-wanted ad was successully uploaded to the class wiki.

Help-wanted ad was notsuccessully uploaded to the class wiki.

otal score: ____________ /9 ponts

eacher’s comments: ________________________________________________________________





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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  87

 unI 8 Conen aRea lessons/IneRDIsCIPlInaRY lesson

Lesson 1Mr T t stck Mrkt

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Understand the role o supply and demand in abusiness.

Describe the role that prices, incentives and prots play in determining what a company


Explain how a decision made by a business afectsthe consumer.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic

 word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration

1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse

 partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,

and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.



Chalkboard or whiteboard

Student Business Plan Handout

Business Section Graphic Organizer

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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  88

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

In pairs, students will identiy the business sectiono the newspaper. Te teacher will share a storyrom the newspaper about a company’s decision and

how it afects the consumer.


 With a partner, students should complete theBusiness Section Graphic Organizer regarding the business decision o a company.

 When nished, students should locate anotherbusiness article and analyze the company’seconomic decision.

Students create their own company and design

a business plan using the Student Business PlanHandout.

Students share business plans with the class.


Students will choose the plan they think has thebest chance o being successul.

Evaluaton:Students will be inormally assessed on their abilityto create an efective business plan.


ELL students and those with special learning needsmay work in small groups or support.

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Busness Secton Graphc Organzer

Name: _________________________________________________________

Name o company: ________________________________________________

Product or service being sold: ________________________________________

How will this business decision aect consumers?






Do you think this company will be successul with this plan? Why or why not?






 Would you use this product? Why or why not?






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Student Busness Plan

Name: _________________________________________________________

Name o your company: ____________________________________________

Names o people on the board o directors or your company: _________________________________





Product being sold: __________________________________________________________________





Reason or choosing this product: ______________________________________________________




  Wholesale cost: __________________________________________________

Selling price: _____________________________________________________

Prot: ___________________________________________________________

 Advertising slogan: ________________________________________________________________




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 unI 8 Conen aRea lessons/IneRDIsCIPlInaRY lesson

Lesson 2sprt Rpy 

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Locate the sports section o the newspaper.

Identiy reasons why people choose to read thesports section.

Identiy action words and phrases that describe asporting event.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 

4 Produce clear and coherent writing in whichthe development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standards

or Speakng and Lstenng Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visual

displays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.



Computers with Internet access


Document camera or overhead projector

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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  92

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Students will be asked to describe in a Q uick Writethe most exciting school or proessional sporting event they have seen. Tese descriptions will be

shared with a partner.


Give newspapers to students and ask them toturn to the sports section.

Share one sports article with the class on thedocument camera or overhead projector.

Te class should circle or highlight verbs ordescriptive phrases that help to create a mental

 picture o the game’s events.

Students assume the role o a sports reporter and write a review o a school or proessional sporting event.


Students will assemble the articles and create asports section or a classroom newspaper.

Evaluaton:All students are assessed inormally by action verbsand descriptive phrases used to create a mental

 picture o the sporting event.


Because ELL students and those with speciallearning needs may not have the writing skills to

 produce a sports article, they may work with a partner or locate a sports article on the computer tohighlight action verbs and descriptive phrases.

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 unI 8 Conen aRea lessons/IneRDIsCIPlInaRY lesson

Lesson 3srt stry Crti Writig 

(may require two or three days)

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Use photographs rom the newspaper to write acreative short story.

Write a rough dra o a short story.

Edit and revise written work. Compose a nal dra o a short story.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration

1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

5 Make strategic use o digital media and visualdisplays o data to express inormation andenhance understanding o presentations.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.



Document camera or overhead projector

Copy o newspaper photograph

Story Map (two per student)

Computers with Internet access

Short Story Creative Writing Rubric

8/2/2019 NIE Week 2012 Give Them the Keys 94/126

GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  94

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Place a photograph rom the newspaper on thedocument camera or distribute copies to smallgroups or viewing. ell a story about people or

objects in the photograph. Be sure the story has abeginning, middle and end, as well as characters,setting, plot, conict and resolution.


Aer telling the story, ask students thesequestions:

• Whowasinvolvedinthestory?(characters)

• Wheredidthisstorytakeplace?(setting)

• Whathappenedrst?(plot) •Next?

• Whatwastheconict?


As students answer, they complete the StoryMap. Tey must understand how to use the StoryMap correctly, so taking extra time, i needed,

 will help them.

Students should page through the newspaper andcut out a photograph that grabs their attention.

For some, the teacher may want to choose photos.

Students brainstorm (prewriting) what ishappening in their photos. Remind them o details included in the story presented by theteacher.

Distribute a second Story Map and allowstudents to complete it or their own creativestories based on their photos.

Aer Story Maps are complete, students write

rough dras.

Students revise, peer-edit and teacher-edit, i applicable.

Students produce nal dras or publication.Students attach their photos to the backs o theirstories so classmates cannot see them.

Students share their stories, covering the photos. While they read aloud, ask the class to visualize what is being read so students capture mental pictures o the photos.

Aer each story is read, ask the other students toshare their visualizations.

Students share photographs.


Ask students to verbalize how they used the StoryMap to plan their writing. Ask them to share theiravorite part o short story creative writing.


Students are ormally assessed using the Short StoryCreative Writing Rubric. Inormal assessment o Story Map completion and participation in the

 writing process will ensure that students are on taskand using time wisely.

 Adaptatons:ELL students and those with special learning needsmay use the map to tell their story instead o writing in nal-dra ormat. Allow students to work witha partner. Strategic photo choice by the teacher willhighlight students’ interests and strengths. Allowing students to choose photos randomly might hinderthe process. Middle-school students should writethree paragraphs. High-school students should

 write six paragraphs.

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Stor Map



Major and mnor characters Settng 

Problem Resoluton

Plot Development  _________________________________________________________________














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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  96

Short Stor Creatve Wrtng Rubrc

Crtera 1 2 3 4


Ideas and scenesare not sequential

and/or have noorganizationalorder. Notransitions are used.

Story is a little hard toollow and not always

sequential. Sometransitions are used.

Story is airly well-organized. One idea

or scene is misplacedsequentially.ransitions are used.

Story is very well-organizedand in sequential order, and

contains many transitions thatare used correctly. Readers aredrawn into the story at many levels.


No confict isapparent.

 A confict ispresent but has norelationship to theplot.

Tere is confict anda somewhat clearconnection to theplot.

Tere is a clear, distinctconfict that relates directly tothe plot.


Tere is noevidence o aresolution to the


Te resolution ispresent but has noconnection to the

confict and/or plot.

Te resolution issomewhat related tothe confict and/or


Tere is a clear, distinctresolution to the confict andplot.

ConventonsFive or morespelling, usage orpunctuation errors.

Tree or our spelling,usage or punctuationerrors.

One or two spelling,usage or punctuationerrors.

No spelling, usage orpunctuation errors.

CharactersMain characters arenot named and/ordescribed.

Main charactersare named but notdescribed.

Main characters arenamed and described.

Main characters are namedand clearly described.

otal score: ___________ /20 ponts

eacher’s comments: ________________________________________________________________





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 unI 8 Conen aRea lessons/IneRDIsCIPlInaRY lesson

Lesson 4mprtr d Wtr Irmti

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Understand the structure o Earth’s weathersystem.

Interpret a weather map.

Understand the role o a meteorologist.

Locate and graph times or sunrise and sunset.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration

1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

6 Adapt speech to a variety o contexts andcommunicative tasks, demonstrating commando ormal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Demonstrate command o the conventions o standard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.

Common Core State Standards or Mathematcs

 Interpret unctions that arise in applications interms o the context.4 For a unction that models a relationship

between two quantities, interpret key eatures o graphs and tables in terms o the quantities, andsketch graphs showing key eatures given a verbaldescription o the relationship. Key eaturesinclude: intercepts; intervals where the unctionis increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative;relative maximums and minimums; symmetries;end behavior; and periodicity.

5 Relate the domain o a unction to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative relationship

it describes. For example, i the unction h(n) givesthe number o person-hours it takes to assemblen engines in a actory, then the positive integers

 would be an appropriate domain or the unction.

 Analyze unctions using diferent representations.7 Graph unctions expressed symbolically and show

key eatures o the graph, by hand in simple casesand using technology or more complicated cases.

9 Compare properties o two unctions eachrepresented in a diferent way (algebraically,graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal

descriptions). For example, given a graph o onequadratic unction and an algebraic expressionor another, say which has the larger maximum.



Graph paper

 Weather Inormation Graphic Organizer

Sunrise/Sunset Graph Handout

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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  98

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Te teacher and class will discuss the day’s weather,times o sunrise and sunset, and the week’s weather.


Distribute newspapers to students and ask themto locate the weather map.

 With a partner, students answer questions on the Weather Inormation Graphic Organizer.

Te class reviews answers to the graphicorganizer questions.

Te meteorologist’s role is discussed.

Te times o sunrise and sunset are graphed or

one week.Pairs o students are asked to conclude whether,

according to inormation on the graph, daylightor darkness is increasing.


Students will be asked to share in small groups whythe public needs and wants to know the weatherorecast each day.


Students will be inormally assessed on their abilityto complete the graphic organizer and the Sunrise/Sunset Graph.


ELL students and those with special learning needsshould be paired with another student to analyzethe weather map and compare sunrise/sunsetinormation received rom the graph.

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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  99

 Weather inormaton Graphc Organzer

Name: _________________________________________________________

 What is the weather today in your region o the country?



Look at weather systems west o your location. What kind o weather can you expect in the near uture?




 What is the high temperature or the day? ______________ Te low? _______________________

 What is the normal high or today? ______________Te normal low? _______________________

Is there an area where a warm ront is passing? I so, name it. _______________________________

 What about a cold ront? _________________________________

 What time is sunset today? ________________________________

 What time is sunrise tomorrow? ____________________________

 What city has the highest temperature or the day? _____________ Te lowest? _______________

 What is the high temperature in the nation’s capital today? _________ Te low? _______________

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Sunrse/Sunset Graph Handout 

Name: _________________________________________________________

Keep a daily graph or one week o sunrise and sunset times or your region.

 What can you say about the inormation on the graph?





Is daylight or darkness increasing? ______________________

List the diferent kinds o inormation you nd on the weather page.







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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  101

unI 8 Conen aRea lessons/IneRDIsCIPlInaRY lesson

Lesson 5Pic Rcrd/birt d Dt ntic

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Identiy birth and death notices in the newspaper.

Interpret inormation rom birth and deathnotices.

Create a graph with inormation rom birth and

death notices. Create graphs with an x-axis and y-axis.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,

and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

Common Core State Standards or Mathematcs

 Interpret unctions that arise in applications interms o the context.4 For a unction that models a relationship

between two quantities, interpret key eatures o graphs and tables in terms o the quantities, andsketch graphs showing key eatures given a verbaldescription o the relationship. Key eaturesinclude: intercepts; intervals where the unctionis increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative;relative maximums and minimums; symmetries;end behavior; and periodicity.

5 Relate the domain o a unction to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative relationshipit describes. For example, i the unction h(n) givesthe number o person-hours it takes to assemblen engines in a actory, then the positive integers

 would be an appropriate domain or the unction.

 Analyze unctions using diferent representations.7 Graph unctions expressed symbolically and

show key eatures o the graph, by hand in simplecases and using technology or more complicatedcases.

9 Compare properties o two unctions eachrepresented in a diferent way (algebraically,graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbaldescriptions). For example, given a graph o onequadratic unction and an algebraic expressionor another, say which has the larger maximum.

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Graph paper/large chart paper


Document camera or overhead projector

Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

On an overhead projector or document camera,students will view birth and death announcementsin the newspaper.


Review the x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis(vertical) o a graph.

In groups o three, students create a graphdepicting births and deaths daily or a week.

A green line is used to connect the number o births or the week.

A blue line is used to connect the number o deaths or the week.

Students write a short paragraph comparing thenumber o births and deaths or a week.


Each group will share its graph with the class.


Students will be inormally assessed on their abilityto create a graph with inormation obtained rombirth and death announcements in the newspaperover a week.

 Adaptatons:By working in small groups, ELL students andthose with special learning needs should be able tocomplete the graph.

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GiVE HEM HE KEyS Promoting Adolescent Literacy Trough Newspapers  103

unI 8 Conen aRea lessons/IneRDIsCIPlInaRY lesson

Lesson 6Tt’ etrtimt

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Identiy the entertainment section o the newspaper.

Compare the writing style o an entertainmentreview with that o a hard news story.

Interpret the date and location o theentertainment event.

Write an entertainment review.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences rom it; citespecic textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn rom the text.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic

 word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration

1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse

 partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,

and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.



Tat’s Entertainment Graphic Organizer

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Students will listen as the teacher reads part o anentertainment review rom the newspaper.


Students discuss the event and determine whether they would like to have been in theaudience.

 With a partner, students locate and read anotherentertainment review.

Students compare an entertainment review witha hard news story.

Students complete the Tat’s Entertainment

Graphic Organizer, identiying inormationand ve adjectives used in particular in anentertainment review.

Students write an entertainment review o amusic or drama perormance presented at theschool or in the community. Students mayalso view a perormance on the Internet i theydo not have access to a school or community



Entertainment reviews will be shared and displayedon a bulletin board.

Evaluaton:Students will be inormally assessed on their abilityto complete the graphic organizer and to create anentertainment review.


ELL students and those with special learning needsshould be paired with another student to create anentertainment review and to complete the graphicorganizer.

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Tat’s Entertanment Graphc Organzer

Name: _________________________________________________________

Te entertainment review I read was or a (music or drama) event. (Circle one)

Name or title o perormance _______________________________________________

Date o the perormance ______________________________________________________

Location o the perormance _________________________________________________

Featured perormers ______________________________________________________

Did the writer give a positive review o the perormance? __________________________

List ve or more adjectives used to describe the perormance. _______________________




 Would you have liked to have the opportunity to attend this perormance? _____________

Why or why not? _____________________________________________________________




 Write an entertainment review o a music or drama perormance rom your school or your community.

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 unI 8 Conen aRea lessons/IneRDIsCIPlInaRY lesson

Lesson 7srt t Pp

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Identiy representatives o local, state andnational governments in the newspaper.

Develop an understanding o diferences inthe job descriptions o local, state and national

government representatives.


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences romit; cite specic textual evidence when writing orspeaking to support conclusions drawn rom thetext.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,

and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Wrtng 

 Production and Distribution o Writing 4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which

the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying anew approach.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration

1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a rangeo conversations and collaborations with diverse

 partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,

and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.



Computers with Internet access

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Students will participate in a class discussion toidentiy a local community problem.


 With teacher assistance, students search thenewspaper or names o the mayor, councilmembers and/or other prominent local ocials.

 With class input, a letter is written to localgovernment ocials to request help with acommunity problem.

 With a partner, students read the newspaper andidentiy a state problem that they would like tohave corrected.

Students write letters to a state representative torequest help with the problem.

 With a partner, students read the newspaper andidentiy a national problem that they would liketo have corrected.

Students compose letters to a nationalgovernment ocial to request help with the



Students’ letters are shared with the class.


Students will be inormally assessed to see whetherthey have distinguished among local, state andnational government ocials.


ELL students and those with special learning needsmay need help rom partners or the Internet todistinguish the three levels o government.

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 unI 9 Mah ConneCIons

Lesson 1C rip

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Locate the weather map in the newspaper.

Estimate distances between cities.

Read and calculate mileage on an atlas or


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse

 partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language

3 Apply knowledge o language to understandhow language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.



Atlas or U.S. map

Computers with Internet access

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Students will help plan an imaginary class trip romtheir school to Washington, D.C. With a partner,they will use an atlas or U.S. map to estimate the

round-trip distance their bus will travel. I the busaverages 50 mph, how long will the ride to thenation’s capital take?


In groups o three, students select seven othercities or locations rom the newspaper weathermap they would like to visit. Aer searching theInternet, they list at least three places they wouldlike to see in each city.

Using the weather map, an atlas or U.S. map,students estimate the number o miles to betraveled one way, then round trip, to each o theseven cities or locations.

Aer being told that the bus travels at 50 mph,students estimate how long each trip would take.


Each group will calculate the number o round-tripmiles required to visit the seven cities or locations.

Evaluaton:Each group will create a poster or a city it selected.Tis poster will highlight landmarks or sites chosenby the group and the estimated number o milesbetween the city and the school.


ELL students or those with special learning needs will work within their groups or support. Tey mayalso visit the city or location on the Internet.

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unI 9 Mah ConneCIons

Lesson 2s d sig

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Locate sale merchandise in the newspaper.

Compare and contrast regular price and sale price items.

Compute the percentage o savings or a sale


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate eectively in a

range o conversations and collaborations withdiverse partners, building on others’ ideas andexpressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language

3 Apply knowledge o language to understandhow language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.




Document camera or overhead projector

Chart paper

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

 With the document camera or overhead projector,the teacher will project an item on sale in anewspaper ad and compare the sale price to the

regular one. Students will compute the diference in price and the savings percentage.


Students are told they will hypothetically receive$1,500 to go shopping.

Students scan newspaper ads and choose sevensale items they would like to buy.

Students create a table that shows the regularand sale prices or each item. Te percentage o 

savings or each item is also listed. A calculatoris used to compute the percentage o savingsrealized or each item.

At the bottom o the table, students shouldanswer these questions:

• Whatisthelargestsavingsyouwillmakeonone item?

• Whatisthesmallestsavingsyouwillmakeonone item?

•Howmuchmoney,ifany,willyouhavelerom the $1,500?


In small groups, students will share sales charts.Each group will identiy the person who was thesavviest shopper.


Students will be inormally assessed on how theycompleted the sales chart and the percentage o savings they realized.


ELL students and those with special learning needsstudents may work with a partner or an aide tocomplete the table.

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 unI 9 Mah ConneCIons

Lesson 3Cr Ccti

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Locate automobile ads in the newspaper.

Compare and contrast new car models with usedones.

Understand and explain depreciation o an


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences romit; cite specic textual evidence when writing orspeaking to support conclusions drawn rom thetext.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,

and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.


NewspapersCar magazines

Chart paper

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 unI 9 Mah ConneCIons

Lesson 4d r Tgt

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Locate grocery store ads in the newspaper.

Create an efective grocery list.

Use double-digit addition and subtraction.


Common Core State Standards Standards orLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing 

their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language

3 Apply knowledge o language to understandhow language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.



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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

Students will be told that they are going on animaginary camping trip or a week. In groups o our, they will prepare menus and make a shopping 

list or the trip.


Groups locate grocery ads in the newspaper.

Tey create a seven-day menu.

Each group prepares a shopping list with a $140budget. Food must not require rerigeration andmust be cooked over a campre.

Te amount o each ood and its cost is totaled

on a list.Each group decides whether the $140 covers the

cost o the menu.


Each group will share menus and the total amountspent with the class.

Evaluaton:Students will be inormally assessed to see how theycreated a seven-day menu and calculated costs.


ELL students and those with special learning needsmay work in a small group or support.

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 unI 9 Mah ConneCIons

Lesson 5stck ecg

introductor MateralGrade Levels: Middle and High School


Te student wll be able to:

Locate stock listings in the newspaper.

Interpret the company name and the price o thestock per share.

Develop an understanding o the stockbroker’s


Common Core State Standards or EnglshLanguage Arts & Lterac n Hstor/SocalStudes, Scence, and echncal Subjects

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Readng 

 Key Ideas and Details1 Read closely to determine what the text says

explicitly and to make logical inerences romit; cite specic textual evidence when writing orspeaking to support conclusions drawn rom thetext.

2 Determine central ideas or themes o a text andanalyze their development; summarize the keysupporting details and ideas.

Cra and Structure4 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a

text, including determining technical, connotative,

and gurative meanings, and analyze how specic word choices shape meaning or tone.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Speakng and Lstenng 

Comprehension and Collaboration1 Prepare or and participate efectively in a range

o conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

 Presentation o Knowledge and Ideas4 Present inormation, ndings, and supporting 

evidence such that listeners can ollow the lineo reasoning and the organization, development,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.

College and Career Readness Anchor Standardsor Language

Conventions o Standard English1 Demonstrate command o the conventions

o standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

 Knowledge o Language3 Apply knowledge o language to understand

how language unctions in diferent contexts,to make efective choices or meaning or style,and to comprehend more ully when reading orlistening.


NewspapersGraph paper


Document camera or overhead projector

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Lesson Development 

 Antcpator Set:

 With the document camera or overhead projector,the teacher will show stock listings in thenewspaper. Te class will decide which company to

ollow and “purchase” 50 shares o its stock.


 With a partner, students determine the price pershare o the chosen company’s stock and calculatethe price o 50 shares.

Te teacher explains the stockbroker’s role andthe charge or handling the purchase.

Students calculate the total price o the shares,using 2 percent as the stockbroker’s ee.

Te class ollows the stock or two weeks andgraphs its daily value.

At the end o two weeks, the class decides whether it made or lost money.


Students can opt to choose another stock with a partner and ollow it or two weeks to see whetherit appreciates or depreciates.


Students will be inormally assessed to see how theycharted and calculated the stock’s value.


ELL students and those with special learning needsmay work in a small group or support.

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Dpmt Crctritic  Middsc stdt

 aDolesCens aRe GoInG through a dicult phase during their middle-school years. Te ollowing 

characteristics provide a better understanding o the development levels at which adolescents operate. Whilethis is not a comprehensive list, teachers can use the knowledge o these characteristics to design classroominstruction, select teaching strategies and choose appropriate materials or students. Te newspaper, with itsemphasis on real people, real situations and real problems in the world, is an especially relevant teaching toolin middle schools.

intellectual Development 

Egocentric; argue to convince; showindependent and critical thought

Extremely curious about people and the world

Put personal and social concerns ahead o academic interests

Move rom concrete to abstract ways o thinking,able to question attitudes, behaviors and values

Preer active over passive learning experiencesand cooperative learning activities

Preer learning strategies and skills that apply toreal-lie problems and situations.

Pschologcal Development 

ake ofense easily; very sensitive to criticism

Show erratic shis in moods and behavior

Are oen sel-conscious, lack sel-esteem and eelalienated

Can oen be optimistic and hopeul

 Want to develop a sense o individual uniqueness

Easily swayed by one-sided arguments

Are developing a sense o humor

Revert to childish behavior patterns when they

are overwhelmed by conused eelings as a resulto hormonal shis.

Socal Development 

Act out in bizarre ways; can be aggressive,boisterous and argumentative

Conused and rightened by new school settingsthat are large and impersonal

Extremely loyal to peers; can be cruel to thoseoutside peer group

Rebel against parents at the same time they aredependent on parental values

Establish independence by challenging authoritygures and testing limits o accepted behavior

Can exhibit eelings o awe and wonder asintellectual abilities expand and emotionalawareness increases

Distrust adults who are insensitive to their needs

Model behavior on peers and media role models

Recognize the negative impact their behavior hason adults

Continue to see love and acceptance rom

signicant adults.

Moral and Ethcal Development 

Interested in questions about the meaning o lie

Dependent on home and church or moral andethical values, even as they are challenging them

Interested in moral and ethical issues in thecurriculum, the media and daily interactions withtheir amilies and peer groups

Can be idealistic

Exhibit a strong sense o airness in humanrelationships

Can be reective, introspective and analyticalabout their own thoughts and eelings

Unprepared to cope with some o the hard moraland ethical challenges they ace.

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bd nw – Gd cig MIDDle-sChool suDens are at a point in their development where they are ready to interact withcontroversial issues and the real world. However, they need the careul direction o a sensitive adult as theybegin to explore serious topics.

Te ollowing suggestions tell students how to deal with “bad” news. Tey were developed by the

Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Foundation Newspaper In Education Committee and are reprinted with permission.

Separate the news rom the messenger.Remember that newspapers deliver the news;they don’t create it.

urn negatives into positives: Use “bad news”stories, such as those about res and otherdisasters, as instructional opportunities. Tey

 provide teachable moments to review saety procedures and problem-solving techniques. alk

about prevention, saety issues and consequences.Encourage students to write letters to the editor

about controversial issues. I they disagree withthe way a story was handled, have them outlinea better alternative and write a justication ortheir reasoning.

Have students discuss ways to make something good come out o a bad event.

Discuss diferent ways to handle “bad” events.Help students build sel-esteem and sel-condence by teaching them how to deal withlie’s dangers and problems. As a result, studentssee that they can have some degree o controlover what happens to them.

 When students want to discuss a story you don’t want to deal with, give a reason. Even “I’m not

comortable talking about that issue” can be a valid reason.

Use another section o the newspaper. Forexample, i you are uncomortable dealing witha story on page one, use a diferent section o thenewspaper – local news, liestyle, sports, etc.

Remember that you can’t deal with ear byignoring it.

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Element Englsh class conventons Newspaper stle

Sentence structureSentences express complete thoughts.Compound and complex sentencesare used careully.

News writing has long and complex sentences withmany pieces o inormation.


Paragraphs contain several sentencesthat address the same topic.

Paragraphs are oten one sentence long becausenewspaper columns are narrow and paragraphsconsisting o several sentences are dicult to read. Journalists reer to paragraphs as “gras.”


itles are usually written with allmajor words capitalized.

Headlines: Capitalize the rst word and all propernouns. Other words are lowercase. Tis style makesheadlines easier to process visually on the newspaperpage. Students get conused because newspaper “titles”don’t ollow school rules. A headline is not a title. It isa headline, with its own rules.


Standard usage Newspapers ollow standard usage, but there are someexceptions. One example concerns quotation marks inheadlines. I a direct quote is used in a headline, it isset o by single quotes, not double quotes. Te singlequotes in headline type are easier to process visually and create less clutter on the page.

GrammarStandard usage Newspapers ollow standard usage. Some situations

may vary, such as hyphenation, abbreviations, etc.

Itrcti strtgi

Newspaper Modelng or Wrtng Actvtes

he neWsPaPeR oeRs exCellen examples o proessional writing. Newspaper reporters mustresearch stories, write efectively and do it on an extremely tight schedule. Use the wire service and localstories as models or students. Remind students that diferent sections o the newspapers reect diferent

 writing styles. Hard news stories are tightly written with many details. Tey register at 10th-grade to proessional readability levels. Feature stories are more inormal and easier to read. Sports articles oenincorporate shorter, punchier sentences.

Tere are some diferences in usage and style that can conuse students. Newspaper stories ollow the AP(Associated Press) Stylebook. Here are some common diferences in presentation and usage.

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K• W•lKWL, or Know-Want-Learn, was developed by Donna Ogle, Ed.D., a past president o the InternationalReading Association ( ). Students are asked what they already KNOW about a topic, whatthey WAN to learn, and what they have LEARNed as a result o their reading.

Know What Learn

Te teacher prepares a KWL chart.

Beore students read the newspaper story, theylist what they already know about the subject.

Tey then list questions they would like to knowrom the story.

Aer they read the story, they ll in the last

column. I a question has not been answered,they are directed to research resources to nd theanswers.

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Retail and classied managers assign salesterritories

Ad representatives sell ads or print andonline editions

Ad artists create ads


Editor assigns stories

Reporters write stories

Photographers take photos

 Wire editors select wire service stories

Copy editors prooread and edit

Pagination editors place stories on pageselectronically

Editors select stories to put in online edition


Prepress department combines ads andeditorial content on pages and outputs pagesto hard copy or negatives

Pressroom prints the newspaper


 Web staf puts ads and editorial contentinto online edition

Online edition is posted on the Internet

News updates are made at periodicintervals


Mailroom puts inserts in newspapers andbundles them

Drivers and carriers deliver the newspaper

nw Prdcti

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nwppr rm


Activity o attracting public attention to a productor business, i.e., paid announcements in print,online or on the air.

Beat wrter

Reporter who covers a specic topic, place or team.

Budget meetng 

Gathering in which the editorial staf discussesthe schedule o stories or the next day. Manynewsrooms have more than one such meeting daily.


 Writer’s name at the beginning o the article.


otal number o people who subscribe to thenewspaper or buy it rom a vendor.

Classed ad

People-to-people advertisements or items thatindividuals or businesses seek or want to buy orsell, i.e., a job, vehicle or house. Called “classied”because ads are classied by category. Also called

“want ads.”


 Writer o a column that appears regularly inthe newspaper and/or online. Frequently ofersopinions on current events.


Caption accompanying a photo or graphic.


 Word(s) at the beginning o a news story indicating the date and place o the story’s origin.

Dspla ad

Larger ad that oen includes photography (orart) and text. Display ads can run anywhere in thenewspaper.


Revise, prooread, write a headline and/or approve astory or graphic or publication.


One o several versions o a newspaper issued in oneday.


Article on the editorial pages stating thenewspaper’s opinion.

Frsthand normaton

Facts gathered about an event through direct



Story in which the basic purpose is to emphasizehow and why something occurs.


Name o the newspaper on the ront page, set ina particular type style or easy recognition. Alsoknown as banner or nameplate.

Foregn correspondent  Journalist who gathers news outside the UnitedStates.


Listing, usually on the rst or second page, thatreers readers to stories and sections throughout a



Editors, reporters, photographers, designers,artists and researchers who gather inormation and produce content or print, online and broadcast.


Determine beore publication not to use something already produced, or remove content betweeneditions aer print publication or at any timeonline.

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Plan or sketch o each newspaper page indicating  where photos, articles, ads and headlines will be placed.


First paragraph o a story, designed to give readersthe most important inormation and “lead” them tocontinue reading. Also spelled “lede.”


Box o inormation, usually ound on the editorial page, containing names o the newspaper, itsownership and management.

News servce

Company or cooperative that produces stories and

 photos, and sends them via satellite or computerto newspapers, websites and broadcast outlets or

 publication. See “syndicate.”

News stor 

Article that includes important details o anewsworthy event with emphasis on who, what,

 where, when, why and how (the 5Ws and the H).


Events and inormation that readers want andneed to know immediately and that might have animpact on people’s lives.


Staf or news service article with inormation abouta death and the deceased. Difers rom a “deathnotice,” a paid ad with inormation usually suppliedby a uneral home.


Process o designing and producing a ull page o the newspaper on a computer.

Photo/graphc credt 

Name o photographer or graphic artist, oen placed to the right above the cutline or horizontallynext to the photo or graphic.


Person responsible or the total operation o thenewspaper.


Lines o type, sometimes including art, that reerreaders to stories inside the newspaper. Pronounced“reeer.”


Critic’s report about a book, movie, television show,musical recording, perormance, concert, restaurant,

architecture, etc.


Exclusive story.

Sta wrter

Reporter employed by the newspaper.


News service that sells columns, comics and

specialty eatures to newspapers, websites andbroadcast outlets.

p (or leak)

Inormation rom a source outside the newsroomthat leads to an interesting news or eature story.

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oi Rrc

internatonal Readng Assocaton 

Natonal Archves and Records Admnstraton 

Newspaper Assocaton o Amerca Foundaton 

Readng Rockets 



Student Press Law Center 


each Frst Amendment 

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