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National Health Training CenterA Brief Introduction

d=k=If]lqo :jf:Yo tflnd s]Gb|, ;'v]{tNational Health Policy 1991

• Technically competent human resources will be developed for all health facilities. Training Centers and academic institutions will be strengthen to produce competent human resources.

• NHTC was established in 2050 BS

d=k=If]lqo :jf:Yo tflnd s]Gb|, ;'v]{tSecond Long Term Health Plan 1997-2017

• To provide technically competent and socially responsible health personnel in appropriate numbers for quality health care throughout the country, particularly in under-served areas.

• To improve the management and organization of the public health sector and to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system.

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NHTC Vision

To develop a training system, capable of responding

to training requirements of all stakeholders being

involved in health care to all population so that they

could enjoy better healthy and productive life style.

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The overall goal of NHTC is to produce/prepare efficient health service providers by means of training to contribute to deliver quality health services.

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• Assess training requirements & prepare training plans based on the programs requirement;

• Develop/update training curricula & training materials for training health workers;

• Establish TIMS for the quality recording and reporting systems of all training programs;

• Supervise, monitor, follow-up & evaluate the training activities;

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Objectives…• Orient on various programs to the newly recruited

health workers.

• Develop/improve capacity of trainers to deliver quality training at different levels;

• Certification & accreditation of health related trainings.

• Collaborate with various training agencies and programs.

d=k=If]lqo :jf:Yo tflnd s]Gb|, ;'v]{tTraining NetworkNational Health Training Centre

Dhankuta RHTC

Pathlaiya RHTC

Pokhara RHTC

Surkhet RHTC

Dhangadi RHTC

Sapahi Sub-RHTC

District Level - 7 District

District Level - 8 District

District Level - 6 District

District Level - 3 District

District Level - 3 District

HP Level - 2 HP Level - 3 HP Level - 4 HP Level - 3 HP Level - 2

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NHTCConference Hall -1 Training Hall-2Hostel-1 (15 beds)

RHTC (5)Training Hall-3Hostel-2 (50 beds)

Sub RHTC/Dis.Training Hall-2Hostel-1 (20 beds)

HP levelTraining Hall -2Hostel-1 (20 beds)

d=k=If]lqo :jf:Yo tflnd s]Gb|, ;'v]{tCompetency based-Training Sites

1 SBA 212 AA 53 Infection Prevention onsite4 USG 45 Medico Legal 26 SAS 127 Family planning 108 MLP 119 Paed. Nursing Care 110 Recanalization Proposed

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Major Activities 1.Training :NHTC provides following arrays of training program:

•Initial and Basic Training: •Upgrading Training: •Special Training: •In-service/Refresher Training

•Orientation Program

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2. Certification and Accreditation

3. Institutional Development

4. Health Training Program Development and Coordination

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Rationale of performance gaps

• Provision of automatic time bound promotion (Two level upgrading according to the health act, without any other criteria)

• Shift in roles and responsibilities (JD);

• Medical science demands the continual medical education (CME),

• Shifting of demography, disease pattern, morbidity trend, mortality causes, and priorities.

d=k=If]lqo :jf:Yo tflnd s]Gb|, ;'v]{tRationale contd..

• Upgrading of SHP into HP and PHC (1500 SHP already upgraded and rest 1600 are in process)

• Acute shortage HR has created the multiple responsibilities to the available limited workforce (ASBA, USG, Lab, Anaesthesia assistant, Radiography, etc)

• Changing public health concepts and technologies;

• Changed political and social life and increased expectation.

d=k=If]lqo :jf:Yo tflnd s]Gb|, ;'v]{tRationale contd..

• One door training strategy;

• Post recruitment training in health sector is not in practice;

• Increased management problem in all levels;

• The quality of the public sector service is always questioned (limited trust especially in urban areas).

• Unaware in their JD and current MoHP plan and policies in all levels.

• Limited use of collected information and limited innovations.

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Challenge ahead• All the division and centers are engaged in training;

• Too many trainings;

• Uncoordinated training;

• Recording, Accreditation, quality;

• Un-integrated training within the program;

• Piecemeal training;

• Training without performance need analysis;

• Trainings as incentives.

d=k=If]lqo :jf:Yo tflnd s]Gb|, ;'v]{tWay Forward..

• Need based few trainings which will save time and money;

• Integrated or scheduled training will decreased the absenteeism in the health institutions;

• One door managed training will up date training information and records;

• Program division will have adequate time for monitoring and program management;

• Carrier developments of the health workers.

• Accreditation and certification

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Major Activities:• Policy development

• Training need analysis

• Planning and budgeting

• Coordination of training activities

• Curriculum design

• Contracting out of training

• Accreditation and certification

• Delivering training and quality assurence

• Follow up and research

• Data base information system

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Thank You

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