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EPINOR Steering Committee

National research school in population based epidemiology

Newsletter: December 2015

EPINOR opens up to new institutionsEPINOR will enroll students registered at the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science and students registered at the Norwegian University of Life Science. All students can apply for funding from EPINOR. Their associated research groups can register in the EPINOR network.

Be an active EPINOR student!Around 50 % of EPINOR students answered the survey we sent in November. More than 50 % of the respondents had never applied for funding, taken part in any of the two summer schools, or attended any of the three annual meetings. We encourage all our students to take active part in the EPINOR events.

If you have any suggestions to what kind of topic you want us to focus on, pleasesend them to Bente! If you have any questions regarding EPINOR in general pleasecontact your local EPINOR contact person at your home institution.

Vivian Berg “Concentrations and predictors of persistent organic pollutants in pregnant women and associations with maternal and infant thyroid homeostasis. The NorthernNorway Mother-and-Child Contaminant Cohort Study”

Anne Winther “Adolescents’ lifestyle and bone health. The Tromsø Study, Fit Futures”

Make the most of PhDsThe number of people with science doctorates is rapidly increasing, but there are not enough academic jobs for them all. Graduate programmes should be reformed to meet students’ needs. Read the article at

Dear EPINOR students and supervisorsWith this I would like to wish you a great Christmas Holiday and a fantastic and active 2016. I would like to thank all of you for a great collaboration in 2015. The EPINOR network is created through the engagement by all of you, so I hope you will participate in the activities and meetings offered through EPINOR in 2016.

Since I will be at Imperial College in London for the first six months of 2016, I will not be that active in EPINOR during this period. Elisabete and Bente will take well care of you in this period.

Happy Holidays! SincerelyTorkjel

Congratulations on defending your thesis!

Career oppor tu ni ties within the field of pop u la tion based epi demi ol ogyGlobal Health – Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor

IARC Post doc toral Oppor tu ni ties — Sec tion of Can cer Surveillance

Rockefeller Foundation Planetary Health Fellows Program at Harvard University

+ Many more opportunities at

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