  • Rita Bilbro Technology Consultant, ITCS East Carolina University

  • Course for new Web site designersGood precursor to CommonSpot trainingTopics of Discussion:Purpose & Web page componentsPlanning & effective designImage editing for the WebExamples of Web design softwareFile Transfer Protocol (FTP)Sneak Preview of CommonSpotImages in CommonSpotWeb design help

  • A Web site is a very effective way to communicate information to a broad audience.Goal as a Web designer: Fit all of the pieces together, without losing the message in the design.

  • HeaderOrganization name/title of pageCan link this back to home pageEliminates confusion as to what page visitors are on

  • GraphicsUse high quality images that complement your messageCompress images for faster downloadingBe selective with number; dont overwhelm readers

  • Navigation MenuLinks to other pages in siteUsually on left side of page (some exceptions)Be consistent with navigation placement

  • Content Hook your readers, and hook them fastWrite in clear, concise sentences and phrasesLimit vertical scrolling; never force readers to scroll horizontally

  • Hyperlinks Dont overuse or your readers wont know where you want them to goOverusing will disrupt flow of contentValidate links frequently broken links ruin a sites credibility

  • Footer Include contact info here: department/individuals name, location, e-mail address, phone numberDate of page revision example: last updated: 09.07.2005

  • Ask yourself the 5 Ws of Web Design before you begin:Why am I creating this Web site? What messages do I want to convey? What types of content do I wish to include?Who will view my Web site? Who is my audience?When or how frequently do I need to update my Web site?Where will I host my Web site and store backup files? Where will information be located on the Web site and individual pages?

  • Get your thoughts flowingCluster like information togetherBreak content down into individual Web pagesDecide where to connect which pages with linksDecide if subdirectories will utilized, and how manyCreate a storyboard for each Web page

  • Naming FilesNo spaces or symbolsDont use all CAPSDescriptive and shortRemember everyone will see your file names

  • Before PublishingReview all pages for misspellings and grammatical errors Test in different browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, Safari, etc.Test on different computers and laptops

  • Pitfalls to avoid:Using too few or too many images.Busy background images that make content difficult to read.Not enough contrast between font color and background color.Harsh contrast between font color and background color.Non-standard fonts (Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman are most universal)Leading visitors in unsatisfying circles.Pages with too much information (excessive scrolling)Too many Web pages (information difficult to find)

  • Where to find graphics ITCS Web Publishing Site: Microsoft Clip Gallery: not free of charge, but contains more than 274,000 royalty-free photographs, digital imagesUniversity Publications (252-328-6037)continued

  • Only relevant graphics. Set resolution at 72 dpi (dots per inch) Cropped/resized to fit the destination (especially important with CommonSpot)
  • You can create web pages with these and other software programs: Dreamweaver Netscape Composer (free with Netscape Browser download)Microsoft Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, etc.

  • What is CommonSpot? Content management system How is using it to build websites different than HTML?No Web Design software neededNo need FTP files to a serverReduced aesthetic design control

  • Im taking over an existing website. What should I do? Find out if CommonSpot is being used. If its not being used, decide whether youre going to continue updating your site using a tool like Dreamweaver or convert it to CommonSpot. If CommonSpot will be used, register for training.

  • How do I get started with CommonSpot?

    Steps: Attend CommonSpot training (Register via OneStop)Meet with your Directory AdministratorSubmit a support request for access to your siteDevelop your website

  • Images/Banners for CommonSpot You can create your own banners using departmental photographs and an image editing software. Keep images 770 pixels wide. Image height is flexible.

  • Help Resources

    ITCS Web Publishing Site: Tutorial Library: Help Desk, 328-9866Walk-in Help Desk Austin 103, 328-5401

    ITCS TrainingNew to Web DesignInstructor: Jennifer Raby*ITCS TrainingNew to Web DesignInstructor: Jennifer Raby*ITCS TrainingNew to Web DesignInstructor: Jennifer Raby*ITCS TrainingNew to Web DesignInstructor: Jennifer Raby*

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