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Contact: Jessica Piffero

Regional Manager of Communications Phone: (559) 455-1000 ext. 6610

Cell: (661) 809-2726 [email protected]


Holiday Mail for Hereos (Fresno, Ca.) The American Red Cross of the Central Valley’s “Give Something That Means Something” promotion during the holiday season is inviting the public to send cards of thanks, encouragement, and holiday cheer to the members of our Armed Forces, veterans and military families. The American Red Cross will be collecting, distributing and sorting mail for soldiers who are spending this holiday season away from their loved ones. The American Red Cross will begin collecting Holiday Mail for Heroes starting November 2015. The focus of the holiday cards is to share season’s greetings and holiday cheer to the members of the Armed Forces who are spending time away from their families everyone is encouraged to participate. Holiday Mail for Heroes can be dropped off at the local Red Cross office, 1300 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93711. Also visit for information on card signing events. These cards are designed to be meaningful as possible to a wide audience of service members. Cards may be delivered individually, included in care packages, or displayed in military hospitals. The American Red Cross does not have a goal to reach for how many cards to distribute, the more the cards the better. The cards are not addressed to any specific service member and there does not need to be a personal connection. People can get involved by word of mouth, social media updates, or can help by sorting and distributing the holiday cards at the local Red Cross.

### About the Red Cross The American Red Cross and their network of generous donor, volunteers, and employees provide care to those in need to help elevate suffering on home soil as well as around the world through key services.

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