  • 8/3/2019 New Member Manual 2011-2012









  • 8/3/2019 New Member Manual 2011-2012




    Our main goal as members

    is to serve our community and

    help those who cannot help them-

    selves. This is always our number

    one priority in Circle K.

    Circle K International uniquely oers many opportunities

    to promote growth and development as a uture leader

    through workshops, training events, and leadership posi-

    tions ranging rom an appointed club ocer to the Interna-

    tional President.

    The organization also ocuses on developing strong relationships between

    members. Since there is such a strong ocus on bonding, members become

    riends or lie. Our passion or service unites us!






    Circle K is the largest collegiate community service, leadership development, and

    riendship organization in the world. Circle K clubs are organized and sponsored bya Kiwanis club on a college or university campus. It is a sel-governing organiza-

    tion and elects its own ocers, conducts its own meetings, and determines

    its own service activities. This high degree o autonomy allows or a

    unique service experience driven entirely by the members or the


    As a new addition to this growing collegiate service

    organization, youll quickly learn that this clubis ocused on ar more than just community

    service. Not only will you have many op-

    portunities to serve your community

    and raise money or charity, but

    you will also develop many

    lasting riendships and

    be oered many

    opportunitiesor personal


    WELCOME TO CIRCLE K!(we promise we wont bite... as long as you read this guide!)

  • 8/3/2019 New Member Manual 2011-2012


    WHY UCLA Circle Kis Awesome

    UCLA CKI oers you the chance to make

    a dierence in someones lie. It isnt justthe service, ellowship, or leadership that

    makes this club as special as it is.

    We are a diverse group who share a passion

    or service. I probably wouldnt have metso many dierent, down-to-earth people

    anywhere else on campus.

    It fts into MY schedule. I have the reedom togo to the events I want, when I want to. There

    are no minimum requirements to

    be a member.

    We stay determined as a service club. Whilewe do have socials and such, we never deviate

    rom our true purpose o doing service!

    The bonds in this club are the closest Ive ever

    seen, even compared to other schools CKI

    clubs. We orm some o the best tried and true

    riendships possible.

    We put our hearts and souls into everything

    we do, and sometimes, we STILL believe its

    not good enough! BUT, ater all those bullet-

    dodging moments and restless nights, we fnd

    out that our hearts have touched other hearts,

    and we realize everything was all worthwhile.

    Our vast array o interests and personalities is

    as diverse as the ways we help the community.Here, people can fnd their niche with dancers,

    photographers, singers, oodies, artists, ash-

    ionistas or simply others in their majors who

    are just as passionate about service as they are

    to their pastimes and felds o study.

    UCLA CKI will always be there or you, even iyou cant be active with midterms/academics

    or having any personal issues.

    UCLA CKI is awesome because you can meet

    many amazing people and orm bonds, youbecome an integral part onot just

    an organization but o a amily.

    Circle K is awesome because

    people in the club accept you or who you are.

    Lets get some input from some of

    our board members...

  • 8/3/2019 New Member Manual 2011-2012


    But what does thatmean?

    Well, as you may know, UCLA Circle K is just one chapter o many.

    Chapters in a certain region make a division, which is led by a Lieu-

    tenant Governor, and divisions all together make a district, which is

    led by the District Governor.

    UCLA CKI is a chapter within the Metro Division, led by Lieutenant

    Governor JonJon Junpradub, which is a part o the Cal-Nev-Ha

    District. Pretty cool, yeah? Check out these other schools in our divi-


    UCLA Circle K isa part of the

    METRO division,

  • 8/3/2019 New Member Manual 2011-2012


    which is a partof the


    DistrictThe district o

    Cal-Nev-Ha is the

    largest in the world,

    with 40 clubs and over 1000

    members (youre a part o that

    number now!). Our District Gover-nor is none other than Brett Butler.

    From the black sand beaches o Hawaii, the

    glamour o Hollywood, to the worlds playground o

    Las Vegas, the Caliornia-Nevada-Hawaii District spans

    over 2700 miles to include some o the most dynamic and

    diverse parts o the world.

    Here are the divisions o this wonderul district!

  • 8/3/2019 New Member Manual 2011-2012


    Have you ever wanted to to be part o a massive pillow fght?This is your chance! Pillow Fight is a large undraiser that

    UCLA hosts to help another nonproft organization. This

    year it benefts Alexandria House, a transitional housing or

    women and children. It will be held on January 14 in Acker-

    man Grand Ballroom. I you would like to help plan the event,

    contact the Pillow Fight Chair!

    Do you think you got what it takes to dance or 26 hours?Come take on this challenge with your ellow Circle Kers;

    with everyone supporting one another, anything is possible.

    Dance Marathon is UCLAs biggest undraiser to fght against

    HIV/AIDS. All Bruins should do this at least once in their UCLA

    career so why not now?

    DLSSP stands or District Large Scale Service Project. This is

    an event that occurs during winter quarter meant to unite

    schools in Cal-Nev-Ha in the name o service. DSSS stands or

    District Summer Service Social. This is summer district event

    that occurs alongside with Kiwaniss district convention and

    combines service with social.

    FTC stands or Fall Training Conerence. Join Circle K in the

    great outdoors meet many new members rom dierent

    schools in Caliornia, Nevada, and Hawaii or an amazing week-

    end flled with un camping and workshops to get to know

    what CKI is on a larger scale. Make riends and orm bonds!

    DCON stands or District Convention. Epic is one word to de-scribe DCON. It is the biggest CKI event o the year, where you

    get to see both the proessional side o our club as well as the

    epitome o spirit and why we do cheers. I theres one event

    you can only go to, this is it!

    Events to LookForward to


    pillow ight

    dlssp + dsss

    dance marathon


  • 8/3/2019 New Member Manual 2011-2012


    2011-2012 BOARDNeil Yonzon


    Linzy Bingcang


    Vice President

    David Limjoco


    Edwin Tang


    Gerardo Del Toro


    Vice President

    Theresa Phan

    Spirit & Sunshine

    Elizabeth Ly


    Rich Thigpen


    Brian Kan


    Jaimie Yap


    Jamie Tran

    ServiceTami Bi

    Pillow Fight

    Rich Ung

    TechnologyGerard Gaw


    Garvey Su


    Diane Santos


    Connie Lam


    Jennier Lai






    Alexander Pham



    & Education

    come to these boardies

    or help anytime!

  • 8/3/2019 New Member Manual 2011-2012



    CKI Lingo

    UCLA CKI Website --

    District Website --

    Facebook --

    Twitter --

    Tumblr --

    YouTube --

    CNH = Caliornia Nevada HawaiiCKI = Circle K InternationalDCM = Divisional Council MeetingLTG = Lieutenant GovernorDSI = District Service InitiativeDFI = District Fundraising Initiative

    MRF = Monthly Report FormMRP = Membership Recognition ProgramDCON = District ConventionICON = International ConventionFTC = Fall Training ConerenceSTC = Spring Training Conerence

    DLSSP = District Large Scale Service ProjectLSSP = Large Scale Service ProjectDSSS = District Summer Service Social

    UCLA Circle K 2011-2012Publications Editor

    Special thanks to Board, CNH

    Circle K, and anyone else I may

    have forgotten. Thank you!

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