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Technological History for High School Technological History for High School (9-12)(9-12)

Implementing technology into the classroom in a high school setting to explain historical events in

accordance to the ISTE NETS for Students.

Patricia CrowleyOctober 13, 2009

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  1. 1. Create and publish an online art gallery with examples Create and publish an online art gallery with examples and commentary that demonstrate an understanding of and commentary that demonstrate an understanding of

different historical periods, cultures, and countries. (1, 2)different historical periods, cultures, and countries. (1, 2)

Art is instrumental in understanding different time periods in history. They offer a visual example to what is offered in the text.

The online gallery would allow students an opportunity to view different pieces of art and to draw connections to the historical text.

Ex: The founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus, and understanding the beginningand myth of the city of Rome.

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2. Identify a complex global issue, develop a 2. Identify a complex global issue, develop a systematic plan of investigation, and presentsystematic plan of investigation, and presentinnovative sustainable solutions. (1, 2, 3, 4)innovative sustainable solutions. (1, 2, 3, 4)

Students would be split into groups and asked to pick a world topic to research and present in class.

This would allow the students to become more aware of the world around them, issues that are addressing people around the world, and solutions that can be found.

Ex: world hunger and solutions to fix it. Students will be asked:

“What can we do to help?”

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3.Model legal and ethical behaviors when using 3.Model legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology by properlyinformation and technology by properly

selecting, acquiring, and citing resources. (3, 5)selecting, acquiring, and citing resources. (3, 5) 3 important things to do while doing research: know

creditable sources, getting the correct information, and citing!

Spending a class period to show students the proper way to do all three will help insure they learn the proper way to do research.

The OWL from Purdue explains all citing forms in easy instructions.

Wikipedia is a bad source for research!

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  44.Employ curriculum-specific simulations to .Employ curriculum-specific simulations to practice critical-thinking processes. (1, 4)practice critical-thinking processes. (1, 4)

Debate! Students can take on different topics that occurred in history,research the topic, prepare an argument behind their side, and hold an in class debate over the topics. Ex: North vs. South in the U.S. Civil War. Who was right?

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