Page 1: Named After Female Warriors of Greek Mythology

Named after female warriors of Greek mythology, the Amazon is itself a place of nearly mythical status. What traveler hasn't imagined a trip to the Amazon, not only to admire the towering trees and awesome river, but to enter, in a real sense, the very life spring of the planet, the source of so much of the air we breath, the water we drink and the weather we rely on. To be sure, expecting a Discovery Channel–like experience (jaguars in every tree, spear-toting indios around every bend) is a recipe for disappointment. In fact, the Amazon’s quintessential experiences are more sublime than superlative: canoeing through a flooded forest, dozing in a hammock on a boat chugging upriver, waking to the otherworldly cry of howler monkeys. On a river whose size is legendary

What is the soil in the Amazon rainforest like?Soil in the tropical rainforest's is very nutrient poor. The topsoil is only one to two inches (2.5 to 5 centimeters) deep. The only reason plant life is so lush is because the plants store the nutrients in themselves rather than getting them from the soil. When plants decay, other growing plants tap the nutrients from the dead matter and reuse nutrients left over from that plant. This is why farmers can only use the rainforest's soil for one or two years after they clear cut it, before all nutrients are stripped from the soil.The reason the soil so infertile is because it is more than 100 million years old, and has taken a beating from the elements. After time, rain washes minerals out of the soil, leaving it more acidic and nutrient poor. Soil exposed to the heat and condensed sunlight turns it into red clay. Other soils just cannot deal with minerals, and turn it into compounds useless to plants. There are some fertile patches of soil in the rainforest's, but they are scattered throughout the thick vegetation.

What is the weather patterns of the Amazon rainforest?Amazonfreaks answer: in the morning the sun rises, and at about 3:00pm the sun is at its hottest by then all of the water will have evaporated and gone up in to the air to form clouds .the clouds will then become heavy and let out a sudden rainfall for a few minutes and when it stops because of the heat all of the steam will just rise up and all will be normal again. At night it is different it is a lot cooler and there is hardly and sudden rainfalls

What is the second layer of the amazon rainforest called?The amazon rain forest is made up of four different layers. The second story is called the understory. The plants in the understory have large leaves for collecting sunlight.

What is the land description of the Amazon rainforest?The Amazon Rainforest has a mossy ground cover and is rich with vegetation, animals and insects It has many slopes, cliffs and hills for waterfalls and rivers The soil is moist because it gets at least 9 feet of water a year. It has many exotic flowers and many many fish in the rivers.

What is the amazon rainforest tallest tree type?Could be two, first the Giant Mahogany, Second the Samauma, both over 40 metres

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