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NABOS-2013: preliminary results Final presentation onboard R/V Akademik Fedorov, September, 21, 2013 Slide 2 NABOS-2013: overarching objective: To collect new data on circulation, water mass structure and their transformations along the principal pathways transporting water from the Nordic Seas to the central Arctic Basin under conditions of substantially reduced summer ice cover Slide 3 R/V Akademik Fedorov and how it was. Slide 4 Cruise track: August, 21 September, 22, 2013 Slide 5 Ice conditions during the cruise Slide 6 Weather conditions during the cruise Air temperature Wind speed Slide 7 Mooring positions Location of moorings along 126 E Research and technological highlights For the first time in NABOS the deployment of cluster, containing 6 moorings in one line was carried out at 126 deg. E Slide 8 Glider launch in high Arctic Slide 9 Water temperature (C) distribution: Across St. Anna Trough (8120N ) At cross-slope section along 90E ) Thick (up to 50 m) warm surface layer, which almost merges with intermediate Atlantic water layer Slide 10 Summer school aboard Akademik Fedorov provided an excellent opportunity for graduate students, PhD students and early career scientists from the USA, Europe and Russia to learn about the climate change in the Arctic and to participate in field experiments. Slide 11 NABOS-2013 in numbers Miles covered5726 Moorings deployed9 CTD casts116 Chemical samples taken7890 XBT/XCTD launched49 Glider launched1 ITP buoys deployed5 O-buoys deployed1 IMB-buoys deployed1 Meteo-buoys deployed20 Continuous registration of sea- air interaction parameters 29 days Radiosonds launched47 Boundary layer measurements on ice 10 hours Lectures given55 Slide 12 SUMMARY The work plan of NABOS-2013 cruise onboard R/V Akademik Fedorov is successfully accomplished. Obtained scientific results proved the efficiency of chosen observational strategy, based on a combination of autonomous anchored moorings and adjoining CTD transects. In line with the tradition of NABOS project, the cruise joined scientists from various countries/institutes, making the research program truly international and multidisciplinary. Summer school onboard Akademik Fedorov successfully complemented the cruise program allowing students, PhD students and early carrier scientists to acquire new knowledge on Arctic climate change and take part in scientific experiments. Slide 13 Acknowledgements

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