
T W I ! *. . v o i l I S O . o e ' ■

' i i e n e r a l U p r i s in g A lo n g Y a n g -

s t e - K i a n g .R I v e r i s F e a r e A i n

p e i t in 'g a s R e s u l t o l O u tb r e a k

B e tw e e n P r o v i n c e s

■ S O U T H E R N W e R N M E N T

' O R D E R S R E IN F O R C E M E N T

D r . S u n Y a t - S e n , H o o d o t O w -

t o n B o g i m e , E o p O T to d L o a d -

* i n g O n o o ! T l i r o o D iv is io n s

M o r o U n g N o r t h w a r d

‘ r E ltlN O , yP)—F enr o f a genoral ii]''■ nlMB th .-

- u ^ell licrc M f t rfKJU o t .UoiUuuw uc

' " T „ S ' ' " A “p & , . . » . n . n i . r .< H ,d Rovornmont tw op« m “ JH I Iha hardet. hftP onlorcd to

• H upeh ^ h llc aen . c ral ClionR Y « io -tin , R o v c rn ^ 'o f Man- S r i a L p aU h in ir 'tro o p s from Muk- .Iftn to M th o B orthotn foKM .

/• antw in rypi—Tho cowitltutlonnlisl

S n d to iiboUih tho m illip r? J'*™''**- Uoft o f th e Ytingtac, ‘S L t

. w o - bv 'lorcM opAratlnff under Iho Pck

. »■«“ “ “ * r r ; ;


. i i r t i i i s i r

, lilMtPIUfflConfcrenco Endoraos Present

S y s te m A ss ig n in g B u rd e n o ( »Dofenso to Each Oolony

LONDON, (Cnnndmti I 'rpw ) — T|ic< ..on/crcaco of tho Imperial promlore, it

U underrtfioa. I im • monl OD taie- Bft'IU policy of Ihe cm-

■ nlrt., ftlUlouBh no o ffid n l •tntcm ont hn* ,c«n i*wcd- on tho ^ 0 ton-

I f.Tcncc endnrMil the present iy«tcm ' unilnr ulilcli each dominion (* m p o w i-

l.lP for tlio dcfcMc o f Uf own coaats.

m i d d l e w e s t e r n r o a d s

d i s c u s s i n g R A T E C U T S

D Ea M O IN IS, l a , (ffh -M tinbct> ol the rommiltco rcpreicntinR tho rdlrond* of the middle woBt plonnlnir eoaccrlert n c l 'to lecuro reduced frelRht rate* on Ijcalti' and hny were in confcrcnc in

'th e Ifltva »tntc cnp ital hero today. Ikp- rr«ontativc8 o f tho ^ a to of K B n m ,m w u T l,T ^ < !lta |ik a , MtnBD- no/a, Sonth D akota nnd Town, and of then n t i o n a l f n r m ^ n r e a u federation wero

" 'j!* j" M u rp iiy , South D akota nnd T. V A. Rrowji'o, NobTa»Vn, . wore nmonff

thoKP n t the meotlnff. ,

I Today’s Games I^ . NfttiowU IiWgne.

. iio*t(.n.?m»\)'iircli ]>o^^poncd; Toiu.. E n .l.4 th : . ^ h.UrooVlyn • ........................... 0 * • 'SI. Jxiiiln ................................ f • *

B nttericn:'^ Mitcliell nnd . Taylor; 1’feffr r nnd Clemonii.

' E nd n th: 11. H. K.N f K Ycrk ......................... ......... 7 . » »Cinoinnntl ......................... .......... 7 * *

• llatte rle*: Ryan, Sallee nnd Smith; IJonoliiii'. JfarVle and W ingo, ITtir^nve,

Senrr: ^ • R . H . E..1’liil.vkl[ihia ...............................0 ft 1

. llhicnco .....- .................................. 2 fi :iIW tftK*-. U utt'cU and RtuRg*;

• • Y<ir!c. Vhrtiri ond Daly. ‘ .

A oerlcaa I r f ^ o .

a t. J.oui»'Xfl«r\York. postponed; wol. eroumln. - _

Knd Undi • f;-Otiirnijo ..."!....... ................- .......... I l lWwliinRtnn ............................. ••••■ “

, (Onllpd; wvt crouiid".)H altvrlw :. MrWe.eney nnd Lee*;

Pohfirlit nnd O harrity. ^rtcorc': . I*' I; E-

^ . tio lw it-’ ........................ .............I^ ■ rh i'n :i.‘t|>hin ................................ 0 ‘ ”

naMprir-*: Efimko, Cole nnd Ba-nilcr;

’’"‘'"n. H-1:., O v e la m l .......- .......... - ...... - 3 7 0

B<i»ton .................................. ........0 - 0'• RftlteriM :' Morton and O ’Neill; Thhrmnhlen and Ru<il.

V .. ... r m bN L Y AS

N FAO p t i m i s m M a r k s l ^ i l m a n ’s R e p o r t

j U p o n N o r t h w e s t* Howard EmotTlHnd's Po6Ung P of Hope and Belief in Bet- •

■ T toring (^ i^ t io n s

NEW YUIlK, Uowiird K lllollj chairmnn of th e N orthern Pacific ra il­

in g - "“ y. wa« optim iitic today on hi* return J •_ In m fl flOOO-mlJi* Jour o t tijo I'a rifJc I t l l l 'N iin h w p r t u n i r C f lu t td n r" '' ' a o lr "E vcryw horo I w en t,” he » ld ,

“ llicro wan a 'fee lin ff o f hope nnd be­lief Unit oondltionn would lie better, nnrt In M plncon d id I find any feel- Jjij: o f ojitiDiiaDi. Tlio economic, up- linatnl in N orth DnkotA Reoms to ’ liave

• U Y done its worst.iN I '" T h e outlook for nnrieultural pro­

duction is M ontana, Idnliu, Unv 1 Ron and .AVanliini'tnii will h a to 'a pro-

fiuetioQ in gm iu , jjraBSM nnd fru its i{ld> above tho average. Crops in tliu norlli-

orii Pacific ftnte* will bo Kood, tnken Ions n . n . .h o l t . ' '

; . m M K I sum s H iChi-

unan Europe. Bays Less and'Sonth r of Amcrica More in the United

and States id T ear Post;d to ___.

W ASIllNQTOW I). C.,S»k. Kiiropr , fell .off, nearly $1,.IOO,000,-

000, whili' those lo Sonth A merirn in- crpoAi'd more thnn (>30,000,000 diirin;; fJ«f tlceal year onitin^,'- .Jum* ,?0, ia*l,

!0M ai> roni[iari'd w ith th e pri'viouii year. lUiO eommcrni ilopnrtmiuit figures .dindoapi! inlisl ‘‘" ''‘y-' •l"^re wn* n iilinr|> de-tnic- ‘ 'rectionii riiinpnn-d t-iBto- "«"•, . j Uw year’ll o ijw rl* U> Ki;rof«; iryrc

fn rt . *-'i.'l08,000,(100 a w ln s t *-l,8C:i.OOO,OOo in. - 1020; imports woro >0.1".00(l,ft00 ni

tcrri- 170,000,000... ..p -v . ■ June exports to!'K ilrnjio totalled

; $177,000,000. nuainst #201!,000,000 la^t huan lui;>ortn werp '154,000,000,

In fompnu'd w ilh $ll8,000,00f)‘. j],Q Roiitli A mcrirnn export* for the 'fi* -

other y ' " ' nmoimtcd to f.’iSn.oOO.OOO com- iiniil Pnrcd with HftO.OOO.OOO find importt orled “ KKteifatcd ♦4.11,(100,000 In s ngnin-it i i« n >j 00,000,000, w hlli! 'Jnne 'uxpo rls lolal-

. • led ♦17,000;()t)'0 e i.m p a ie r wilh-fW,-00P,- 000, nnd exporU njijfrcKnlod <10,000,- 000 AS niniin*t ^1.000.000. '

i n y C ritic izes C o llege . l u l C ourses in H is to ry

l o n t NB'V m illN B W lC K . X. .1., m _ I l r .. dolin 0 . T yjffrl. F n iled Htiiles rommis-

sioner e f cdui-nlion nascrt-d viislcrdny tliat eolfpRO Krn'limtes w.ire ns {gnnr- nni n f mnfl^irs o f h istory ns Tliomnt A. Kdisnn lihd elnirm-d, ns the rpmilt

re, i t " f his exnminaliun of iipplipnuti fo ri Rtco- M » .

cm- Sppakinjj liefon- tlio New .lorni'y t bns r'liifntfcmnl eoiiferenpc. f)r. Ty-‘con- Rcrt u iia thnt nny one wlio hnd tnuciil 'stem in paUpkp l-i .'"enrs knew how wt-iik the ton^i- '■nlK-i ', slndi-iil wns, pnrlipiilurly in lasts. 'I'lei^ion? of history. Ifo nrinied f«r n

I'ron'dei- hlnlory tencliiiif; in tlie sriiiioli |0 'ritfj Im f nntUiim} IwMfiiiK ntu} mnre ^ n|ipre,iintJii'ii n f llio rnntribulinMH ofU T S •'■'■*'0' f'ntion tn rivilirjitim i.

1 I F L A S H E S F R Cic in . ____

OOBLBNE, (flV -T h a American i 'alons eoncloilon o f tho atUir

B u t « 20P polnto; Fnm co 108; G reat E if the .wero OHIOAOO, y p > -H y m * a rin en n a i . _ u re9 t«d t«d&7 w hile T U ltlnc fo r a t n

’** A* o f BnnggUlng m o o o w orth o f dlamo “ ooff payliiff du ty .

QUEBSO, (,<P)— P a r t o f th e Tillafi

n Q u e b ^ o a tlie so r tli ifaorv o f t lu S t . : n ld p a lm t« rw o rtc a r e t i ^ l r m » em; WedBeedijr. A tn e k e t M s a d » to th

____ v eek s’ d n u g h t In th e p rovlnca of Qmthunden tonns, ligh tn ing s ta r tto g fires

lill. OHIOAGO, y p ^ A n g e ie d h e a u *!I. K. p roperty and sentenced to JaU for coi* \ Chicago poUc6 sersoant, today th o t ai* * in a c rovded cou rt room, and then ear

>>'1<>'': l a an hour a ft« r th e shooting. SdrgeThe a ffa ir occuired l a a crowded court

**; Ackley In th e hack and w ithout

", ,* B O O N r.'lo w a , (;P)—M rs. Ida Oi h ire r ftom N ew Y ork, w as pelted wll

•I" p ' o f Boon* hero U s t n ig h t when she C3 m ent In t i o U nlt«d SU tes. A nenr r

' ., cai A m erican Legion po rt and suppor J n j ^ of tho tronhle th e d ty and cot

h » m th e streeta^. N o a rrcsta were njad make another a ttem p t to speak here t



* * Tide of Ind ignation B lscs A sa lo it Per-■ sons Credited w ith Oanalng Our-

Lees; f e n c y 'n u c tu a U o tu

!I. E. m :i)A l‘K H T . .7 'P ^ ‘riii' HiinRuriau prown. which reepntly doMlupd. t« 180

islcr- *" ■•0' I " fh r doJJar.' The rcocnt fluclunlion* in enrri'in'y are

I . E, jiri'vokinjr a serious rroBnmir rjlsU nnd7 0 Ihivp tn rijinj*. indienntlon neninul spi'p.2 0 uln'ors wlio^p opi^stiunn in Znrip.b,

Jelll; Wwl*r.prlnnd,'. Jire nllrK<-d lo be Iho(fltrjp o f t'lip trouble..


i L L S' TWIN TALL8, Id Ah o

S I Mt T l i S O B l■ T W C U S P i

BllJ ■ • ...................... .-

“ 'n P u r p o s e ’ t o R e je c t S u g g e s t l o i

f o r S e p a r a t e P a r l e y w i t h A n ;

S . o f P o w e r s f n v i t e d t o D i s a r

m a m e n t M e e t i s I n d i c a t e dcpI- •

•T . R E G A R D S P R O P O S A L S IN

L IG H T O F D IS C O U R T E S l)nv K / ---------

QuardsAgainst-Opportunityfo; nil- Development of Suspicion a:

Between Nationals Takini Part in Conclave

, WASHIKQTON, ( /P ) - I t wa* In- lU tated today t b i t th e T Inlted S U tes w ou ld re jec t any soggeatlon

P * fp r separata pa rlefs w ith a n y of L th e powers lnvlt«d to p a rtlc lpa to In r ' the conferenn on U mlUtlon c f *r- U n u a e n t a a d dl9cwtta>noJ r a r B a ev

e m questions. There was a n Intl- ,f i , .matlcm th a t a t least one o f th e na>

tlons concerned had ouggested th e I ftd rtsa llllty of such a p a rtia l con -.

.fere»co. ’ ■

Hcrrctnry Ilu^'hvsi continued toda; T ts iiU offlpial ullcnce bolh on tbo luiwe00,- |ihnsv (if the inturchaii{;08 botwcon th in- jrovernmonls and n» to iuggestiona tlm

inR a iireliiiiinnrv ronfcrencc bo held .of nl “*li Ifaii invited 'power*. I t hns boon mod ;ar. ,.ienr in nn inforinni way, howovei x 'd (ii-it tlic Unllcd Slnto* is convince' de- lUnt no real bgacfit cnn come fro rt'> hupli prC'cnnfprpHre discussion*.

Allas Would iJo t Serro

in I f n suK^eition for n parley of th n» .•n}ifece«» Jiad bccu or should be mndt

it b .-know n " Hint the United Slatp I'cd would regard i t ns n ’ diaeourtusy • I

thonci not invited il«|_nlUa"J .o" ^00. lhal mijchl well nroiise tbo suB[iiclo

of 5i«wot» le ft on tlio outside. To cnl siu'b n wcellnR by some rflJior nnm< would not, i t w(i* Informally and uii iiffielally dcclatcil^ Kreatly a lte r it

' “f s ta tu s since it wa* dcclarod to bo poi ' M bit .to f«comilr< n coiifcteoec w ith tb

nnkfd eye. ConimunlcnlionK liutwee tbo jKiwers as lo Ibe dnio for the eoi; fon'iit'e nre profeedinii.

LOKDON P R E S a A PPBO V Saa o o e p t a k o b b y j a p a i

T y J^N ’DON, ( ^ - l l e n n y flpjirovnl i expressed by rcvernl Lomlcni m'wspi

•Dr I’er* th is in’orninjc over thp Jn i«npsnis- Kovernment's derision *lo ucce|il Pres<lnv dent ila rd in jf 's invitnllon to dispwnor- llniiialloil' of nrniiimenU nud the Fn1,n» Jiisiern (lupslion. . . . ,Milt The Times iu ii tenijthy ediloriii for i snvs;

“ Ja p n n 's besl friends know Ibnt nh Ki'V would nppppt the Invitntinn, but tb Ty- riK'l thnt her iircejitnnrP now is iirti ciil nllv on record i s 'n relief to nil wli Ihe renli>:e the mnffnitudo o f tho issuei in wilh which Ihp conferpuce will be eot

ir n fron ted .’’noli . The editorial I'oneludea with tbu hop lore tbnl " frlend^hiii. tried and proved i

'■ • (Conlimipil o t r i ’npe Foijr)

lOM THE WIREa n ath letes are champlona of tho Shine- ilhletlc carn ival th e »cores stood: Tlnlted ta t B rita in CO; B e l^ u m 38.

1r7n.u1; 1 Jeweler of I* « Angolea, Cal.. waa a tra in en route t« th e coast, on a charge llamonds Into th e U nited BUtes w ithout

riliage o f S t T lte des Caps, bo m il« from St. LawreDC^ I s in ru in s because the mu-

. empty becaose o f d rought during a f ire « th e r lT er had to h e formed. ,The two f Qnehec was broken yesterday by te rrific fires In many places.

a u s e he h a d ’ been dlspossess^i of some r contem pt o f court, H en ry D. Kellogg, a ot and killed Lemuel Ackley, a s attonuty, a serionsly wounded him self. Ackley died ;4rgeon* then sa id Kellogg would rccover. o u rt room and specta to rs s ^ d EeUosR sbot ramlng.

lit Crouch H azlett, n a tional ^ a l i s t leo- 1 w ith pastry and orderw i o f f tbe siroeu he criticized the presen t form of govom- lar r io t resulted w hen members of tho lO' pporters of U ra . TTsiia t t dasbed. In tbe 1 cotmty authoriUes ordered Urs- llAzlett ii^ade. .Mrs, H a i le t t announced jhe woidd

ere to n ig h t .


S IS C O N T R O V E R S Y T O S W I S :

Per- Federal X r i b u n a i l T ^ u e s te d to Ac■ as A rb iter In D ispute O rer Oil

W ells Boundaries

rian OENEVA, .</p)-^Tbe IVnivi.Mi U»' jSfl em m pnt, accord wilh the I 'f '" *

Rfiverrment, hns . rpniieiteil •‘"'" V ■ fedftnl trfliunaV'lo ni'l uii ntWlc' »

ore the dispute belwbcn tbe two cnunlru' nnd ••oneerniria Ih'e bnundntles of pertni per- neUoleum well* In rern . - TIipjp ^ 1 ! Ieh, belonjj tn on EnifUsh . company, wil

in Caiindrw SwUretlan bns ennsentad to aeti

’ E W SP A P E km T W iH f

DAllBO , rE JD A T , TOLY 2&, 1031 ' ,


. G r a n t s C e r t i f i c a t e i i“" ■ N e c e s s i t y t o 'ar'! R o a d Ii ' . . . -------


for Hope of the final construotii as company’s Uno hetweep. Roger

i__ comes to Twin Falls in th® lo n• telling of the granting- by the i

of a certificate of convenience official move taken by the com

“• cdnstruction of the proposed lit

? i S f i T [ D N ^ i lT l lC f l lS I

Interstate Commerce Oomrnis- the s io n Intervenes i n ‘WaBhing-

- ton State Situation' n\l ______

WAHUINCTON, (y?V l1ea|.lle the re^ iced fiiKiil of the W ashlu«inn s ta te public 'rom hi'rvire cominisiion to ncl in the nmt-

liT, ilie inler*late enmnieri'u robimiasion onlered intrnstato freight rates'nn Rrain

the’ nnd grain products movint; from Co- nde, Inmiiia river basin polnls lo Si-nltle, Ta-

n .m a and otber Pacific ports iiicrenscd ’ to the level in effect on similnr inter-

stole traffic. j' ‘“ I The order aupptements nnd make* fin-

u l Ijiteratatc cttmmoiftt decisions tempo- riirib ' beld U|> for the slnto conimii- sio n 's Investigation nnd i» effective September 2H.

P'**’ Tho fixing of tbe intrn-statc ralen rosuUii from- Iho federnl commlsaipn'f vndcflvor 10 dool w ith ra le scbedule* in the lcrrllo»« kttown a» tb6 In land E m ­pire where eompetition between Ihc

.. Wiiiibinclon iwrt* nnd Portland and otli- »AN 1’" ''" '* involved. .'

= DK TO ilinK s .sm w isiiB i

British Embassy Cancels Invi* "lie tation to Dinner to London V"" , Publisher.-;ctn- ' -

WAHIIINOTON, I), — All' „ WiishluKlon wn* lalkiiijr o f the ineidcm

o f tlie failure o f tbe llrlllsli cmlinssy lo ontvrlnin Uifd N orthcliffe, I>indnn

t pnliUshfT. ft<id the b t t e r 's _ la st oiRht PX|iloiniiiir be wns tiniiwnre

of rensoiii; fo r enibnssy’s m nrelln tion of invitatlniis for a dinner to bav.-

= beon ;:iven in lii» bouor lant nigbt.----- U r d Si)Ttbpll««‘- to d av wn-* n nm'sl

ni. ft local holel. Ho *nld he was eon • Mih-d -<.n<-e ol !i d inner to be Riven

bv Mr. nnd >Ir«. Edwnrd » . M eU an loni>;lii. he woiiM meet cabinet nieni-

p. bers 'in:l others tironilnenl In Wnsblnj:- ^ ton nn.l tho nation.

Tlvst liord Kofthcliffe vievv" tbe In­c ident-a* nn iiiiti;fowtb of re.-enl edi-

. . lorinl nllHckf 011 I’remier l/o y d aeorijL' “ nnd Loid Curw i', Ibe H ritlsb forclcu

w crelnrv, in the I.ondon Time*, tbu leartlnK 'NoTlbaKt^-auBjrestion tbnl (hone/officihl" repre s e n rO K n l lUiiaiii n t Ihe Woshinclon dlNnmiament ennference, is left in lit

^ lie doubt by Ihe piiblinber'B /tnlem pn' ” “ Jn Indlii, whilo vSeeroy,” W d , N orthcliffp 's f jaiem en t continued,

" L o r i Correa .'ut o ff tUe news supply of noivsiiHiiprs tlmt c rlt id re d him and placed a si"-inl embnrco on Iheir writ-

” ers, In the present occasion, l.o rd* K nrlli.-llffe sh.v*. I» rd Ciir*on la nof

donUntf wUli IwUau nal.wcs or tUc“ owners of small Indian new s|i»perr.''

Bovond the stnlement tha l reported ‘ ‘conditions of wllhdrnwni of he invlln '

lion were “ Inncpurnle,” the embassy hnd niilMnj; lo say about U.


LONI>ON. {IF) — I'rlm e M lnlsler Llovd-Oeorge in tbe house of commonf «<«\av jvnd a fttatcment, nulhorirA'd b- Kinif neorj:e, declnrlnfr 'to rd s a ttnb-

— . nled to Ibe kinK coneernlng tliee rnm ent's Irlsli i>olic.y i n 'u rc[>ortei- inlerview in the I’n itcd St.-tes hy U rd

IC C N nrlbcliffe, who ron ttoU theTimes, nre “ n complete fntiripolion.

N O ET H CL H T B D11NIE8 0 ^ 0 ' O IT E N D rN O nm S B V IE W

w.vaiiiNQTON. ]>.' 1;.. (/P) — m .v N orlhellffe mode publie todny ib r-fo l' iiish lowinj; cn.lilei!rnm nent to Lord. Stnm- ui.HH fordhiim. iirivnle tecrcti.ry to Kinfi

irii's “ Plen»e convcv to his m ajesty with ta in w y d«ty t>\y denial 0/ everrrll* hn v in i aUcribcd to his m ajesty _tBe B-Ilh won! cr wnrd* as s ta ted by the pnm f lanr; m ln ls 'c r ym tcrday. I Rave no sueh

in te rv iew ." -



O E C O M M I S &


i L L S - W E L L S

B o f C o n v e n i e n c e a n d ) I d a h o C e n t r a !I B u i l d e r s


otlon of the Idaho Central Eailway gersoa, Idaho, and Welis, Jfevada, ,onn of messayes from W ashia^on le interstate commerce oommission ce and necessity. This is the first , ompany toward acquiring right for linoJo.tho south from Twin Palis.

' ~ T . , * ‘‘‘« ‘a « » * ttM » o f f» T o n b le w . uo n 'b y th e Jn to rsts t* commerce*

,.commlssloa w i s ’xecaiTed-lD « teto-

e f the T w la r * U j OS*mI»r o f Cora- m erw, from George L .-D a v is ,

I T p r e s e n t o f th e nU lroad com »ny .I I Mr. Davla, now In W ashington I I cripticaliy Inform ed M r. WiUon:' » ro « rt lf lc s to G ra n te d .-

Smith W ires CoagratuU tlona

Ijtle r the uccrotary of .tho, cbiimber of eommpree received the followluK tel- ' eKriiiii from Con^eaam nn Addison T. Sni th ou tbc same subject:1 eomml„ha

blic iwHed certif ica te of con-V,■".enrc and necessity ^ o r rnifroa<(

"nt » Kersiai to Wella construction o f wbleh lion will conlrJbufo. po, much to the flcvcl- rain oiHnent «f resources of loulbern Jdnho P nnd the prosjw rity .if the people.' Pon.


w d Ttnuict N ex t Conaldered

.ter- Aciion l .y 'ih o iii l.tsU te rommerce eomndssimi renuHe<t from in sl,ten t an-

fin- penlfl and urKinRa from the Twin Knlli npo- d is t r ic t eapeclnlly frflnl Twin Fnll. mia- e ty. Tbc noxj s lq , low nrj nclJvp m t-' tlve liciimtion by TwJ,. F a iu |n furthcrinff

m e project hy Unnnrh) confribullon., a le s must come from the c o m p any 'byw oy on « o f ft, itfntctnenl o f fnct ^ointive to thp * in promoters plnn for f in n n r ln t tbe blir B n - venture. • .

Tis th a t T w in P a lls Is rw d y to ^ '1 * ^ proposiUon of ga th ­ering t ^ necessary pledges to make up th is d t y s qnoU o f 1200,000 u

, , aa th e eompany c*a g i n th e R id in g company a showing aa to

l | f l I ho tr th e road conrtn ictton la to beN L financed ." said P residen t A aherB .» 0 J Wilson, Of th e d iam ber T " m -

j ne rc e th is morning.

i ,l,‘ « l ’" ‘‘’'l Hml 1-r-,iden t Unvli n I'WI he. Itl T « ln P a li, in „ f„«- ,iav»

I to diSMiM the o f fiimucinu' t^e line bulldinir with lornl -upiH.rlerj <ifIhe rond ............ ;-uid „ t tlu it tim e Jje

|AIM will ,,re>enl .Inin nnd fnets thnt will ' ‘‘‘•I ( rn rr-jjij „{ v jliH lWWHyi.rriplUmh to the bonus of WOO,00ft lo "InH Iv patd. fo r fiomlin;; fiie roijd.

rnn- H lko Voles Bonds.Of tbe totnl.♦-'im.niHi iMoiriiuK bontw

ia \.' tbo ■ISnii K,iH, ,li,trlc-t i* to provide ■ < . f o ; '">l«i‘rildn/7u' 1 ♦200 00.1., Tlie.r,.n,aindcr will be taken ‘00 Ilf. Jn- tthnu: {fic JJne ativcn Ibc Imposed rnilway. Elko couhtv.

Nc|-n<N, )in» heen a.-cordeil Jhe riff/it ITI bond itHejf for MO.OOO to Aid in the

'"K- conjlritclion ..f the sontbern’ outlet „ T h e ).o.ilion ..f Ibe Idniio-Nevnda

' • Holding .•onipniiy. which wn* formed to etn- sul,«rrjptJ»;i» to ihr, bnnijs favilrKi' in coiiiu-rhiin with proKress a ttninc.i

e p i tow ard o f the rond buildlni:IU p ana is .,-t. forib In tlie f.dlow lnc rcs-

f'i>' otiieioR nppearini' on tho minute* of lt< pre m ,-elinj of Mav 2*1. Inst;Tton lie II « ,.,o l,'e ,|. T hat Ihe presidentII be insfriicted to w rite fo Oeorpe L . Dn-

pn' jv is nml n.lvire him th a t he ahould se- *ird cure n 'r tificn ljj n t cfiavctiknrr nnd nc- i.ed, cessity from the Intoratate commerce I Pf-J.v co„,„,i«.w,rn w ilh in fttf .Jnvs from th ii nnd dnte nu,l Mint he be re.|uircd lo show rrit- o tlij! safiafnction of th is company <«r.l th a t he bn* .sufficient asrurnnce* of n o r proper f inance , to cause tho conitnic-

r* ^ W U " '■“ 'Iroi’d from Unperson to

rtc(] I t n 'j i „( f),p ntiflirif: that.■lln- Ibe drive sbotild bc continued for fnr- n isy th e r bnnns money whenever (hia c c r tf

(Coodnacil on Pnge F irp )

^ Trans-Pacific ( ' Endorsed by Arted -» r,l WABHINOTON, I). C., (;p)—Con- I,loh "tnictlnu by Ihe government o( a ,H.” troBf-Pocific cable, i f p riva te enlcr-

prise should b,- nnwillLnu, is' recom- niendiid by H(.'fr<'lnrr Ilii^f/e* and nji-

' (irovcd by ITc-iiilcut Ilnrdinir In lot- te rt riinrle (,- {oJnv bv Pcnalor

xird -loni-s. rcpublif^in, WnsbinEton, nulhor fol- u f II rnble bill. . •

Inm- All'icniion to iJ iM m itc ri Btates o f Cuig Ihe former Ocrmnn cablp between tho

■ island* ..f Onani |njid . \ tp , wa* probable witb Secretary Hutthra said, referring to ever j>rocec<JiH .» o f fbc,.}nf«raa<wnttl coni- tBc niuaicntions confercace.

time 'The 'federal projec t snould bc tlofer- lueh rod un til il Is asccrtnlncil w hether p ri­

vate companies will- Ijiv ibc line, the

' ' ' ' ■ *




! C u r z o n ’s N o te , E n d o r s e d b y t h e

i m p e r i a l C a b i n e t a n d D e l lv -

5^ e r e d t o F r a n c e , i s C a W

t ^ “ V ig o r o i i s iy ’W o r d e d ”


Cenomlnate& French InsisteQoe Upon'Beinforc^tdents f o r ^ e Troops in Trouble Zone u "Extraordinary Aotloii"

LONDON, a iiiiJmm V. I ts tw w a th * BTlUih « a l^ r n n d l '

govemmBBU aUeaU h iu x tteb- ' O l a s M&t« s t i n ' t h * lU w t B iit- ■ Ish no t* drafted b r B a r t OaxsoB,tli»

fo re ign m in lrtv , «ndo(M l bjr ^ im perial c th ln a^ u i U o d e d th o -

r r e n c h govsm aw xt' i » P t d t IU 1 <1 m o R ^ belsg e f f l d a l t r dMCrib«A ' a s A “ vigrtTJUBly worded*’ doea* '

m eat." Qreat iJrltain'a Doto to Jraaco r^

j irding 1^0 SilosUtt p^len , dispateh- cd Inat nigbt rofutu the tllegatlon that Uceat Britain l(af act hertelf OKOiBit the Frciiflh a '.Whs thereby streogth- cning tbo Oeroui Attitude,

ll Denies D a ^ BilttaI* Offieiala .doitrUso the' ooto ia*«t « r-' /jlondly character,.in "jsarked c(iM >2 to tho attitude dlaployod ia thbTit&d >*. note” to whleh U ia a reply. CjtfleUl >y declared that aeeerdog to the Mwy '|C ing. iTccived .l.n . rfndon, thiril|jBjB ■t! danger ttirealcninff the .. SilesiaVblch. runders tho

inforccm ents u rg o a t^ n e e e s l u ^ ^ ^ H FiencU h&ve tla in e fi . .

Calls A ction " B z t r u r d ^ ^ ^ H The' note calls a tten tioh :‘^ ^ ^ ^ H

described a s ." tb e e x t r a o r d i n ^ ^ ^ ^ H on tlio p a rt of P ta D e t" to nc l independently of ronncil in insialing upon t h ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H dlspalch of troops, i t p o l n U ^ ^ ^ H th is i.i nn jm po i^b le b a a l k q ^ ^ ^ ^ H to pursue an y .fu tu re

I, nnd th a t no rood purposeSj^rved bv fu rther d l s e u s a l o o i ^ ^ ^ ^ H

II clcnr \ in d o r s U n d in ( ( . jy ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

'm FBBN CU O A B IN S r. c o n ^ ^ ^ H TO OONBIDEB B B J T t t ^ ^ ^ H

VABIS, U P )-Q rea t B r l t a ^ ^ ^ ^ H I tho la tes t iVcnch noto oa lesion quoalion, In w h l e h - . | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | mill exial betw een the to tbo proeeduro to be a d o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H in i 'w ith the problem, n o t a p l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H sending of r e in f d r c c m o D ts ,n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H wns dullTdKd a t tbe f o r o i g m ^ ^ ^ ^ H morning. '; I t wns .announeed t h a t T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H would m eet a t 3:30 o ' e l o c t - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H Ihe British reply.

11 wna aaid s e m i - o f f i c i n l l r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H “ yvftcrdny th a t G reat B r l t a i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

» c n e b wcfuld no t send t r o e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H Bilesln un til Ihc a u p r e t n o y j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H considered tbc s i t u a t l o n . ' - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H derxtond the Dote was tone nnd th a t i t urged

" Ernnce tbc principlewiIh done in Silesia s l i o u l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

t B S P V rm ) BB LATtV B.0 KTT.TXD IN I T A L I A K j O H j l ^ H

-I/O N D O N , ( ^ T h 6 said to \b e a rela tive o f died'yealerdny 'ln a h o s p i U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f rnrdint; tu tb o IlQmo c o r r a ^ ^ l ^ ^ H

Dnily M all. l i e w a « . | ^ ^ ^ ^ H week durliiK tho

; orders a t San Frcdiano *' .ifP lsn .

^ IDAHO T O A T T T T r j^ ^ i i• Tonight nnd >'riday

Cabie Project Administratioin- accretnry aaid, pointing ou t th a t ther a now was only oao cable botwoen tb r- U nited Slatca and the rhlllppine's , .vi 1- Guam.II. AppUcations for licenses to ^ aei t- .cables has beon 1 ^ 0 b y the W ertdr ir Ucion and 'm idw ay cable cD m w ie I t h u t th e p la n t w cw f a t co tinee tua I

Japan nnd subject, therefore, to Ja j if nnesc winclioa, Mr. H ughes added.; .10 The loiters wero in rcsponse-toA -r le quest by' genalor Jo n ts /o r>an officii :o exprcsaion on h is biH.' - ^ r . H a rd b il- in fo rn tird log Becretory 'H u g h e t! '.!

port, said he fe lt suw .coB nesa^w oul r- r e a lite -th e need f a r defownrgOTCTi I- ta eu t coustrufttion o f a n e w < ii)le ;i tc view e f Mr. U oghea’s sta te inea t,-

. t w o . ' , _ . ■ ' ■ ■'

B U I H A il O - i i J T I I "m mm |

M u tu a l D e s i r e f o r F r e e O u t le t i

a t A e g e a n S e a T e n d s t o B r in g f l

. t h e N e i g h b o r in g S l a v S l a t e s f j

■■■'N e a r e r T o g e t h e r ,■ , f i

SOFIA, yp)—B ulgaria and J uro- .. y a{avla ore no v lu f ' Hlowty tovrard rc- M «ondllat!on. Tbc oppoaidoa w hirh th r \ l Oreek j-ollcy mcota io- cerfoln Ricot U oni] imuirpoTrorfl h u somowhnt foelH- \ \ ta icd th ir d r if t. i . ?

Alutiinl dw lro for o f re o -o u tle t to \ttic Ai'gcon sea drawa irn-niatibif thn tw o BIftv sciKliborn ti> S o lo n lk i ond . Kjavota..'JTjjJtlinf odvontago p f tho difflcuU iei

w titc li,>rt^hc,tually• .’aurrtutj<lhi|f ‘Uio , d r c u ^ , aomo of lho 'poWera aro biniy l i t w o rJ fin BcljfrajlQ.nnd ^ f i f t lo brloj: aa eoon-a« jiOKlblo tho two eounlrti's ’ tORCttlCf.. , I • '

C tcc tio-alovuia, in her o ttd ti] il tu %TO-cslol)lUh a Slav titoc w hlrh wouUt u atrcng th rn her orien t {xiltry, ukch nil ka bpr Iflfluonco ivJlh tho Sorbs U» over- Ucomo the' rcaislnnce nnd thi' Oniiuomly ' [ J o f thu f^e'rtilan Natlon&llxlN. ^

Tlic Frcnnh roprc«iintntivi'.i iu Sofia aro atl.) very ac tiv o 'fo r (hid rcconcill o tion which thoy wi»h t» plnco iinijer • „ tho. patlonnp! of-Vm.|i;.-ri They flavoi ' hero tho idea o f .n jwrsoiinl union of Bulgaria w ilh Sorhin for it would fn ® '‘®f eililoto tho crcolion o f .a Slav tiloc to jonnterlintnncc, u]i to o eerinlo uxtcnt,Bngliah influviiru in Iho Ncor B u t , A t p% | orctent tho i'rcnch oro tho eloaoat “ d I I iiaora of th f^ f lf t 'ic o v e rn n ie n t. f I

l l S l f i l C M S IIIIII

K l l B I t IIIIE HSaoaos Aires Newspapisr TTrgos I

United Statea EzporteVs to L l y Bevise Methods

bU EN O S AJRBS, .{ flV T ho dcclJiu>I Uniteu Stotoa trado w ith South Am- B IC ak•ica, «nd particu larly w ith tho Arjfon* i a u „ t .QO, form s tho aubjoct of un outrpokon WOPICtielo in p l Bpocal tbc Rovernmont ||^ Q |.j

^ t o r czpIalnioK tb a t ita preaont cri';Jima aro w ritten in tho Muno friend- WASH] I

sp irit u woro tbo cueooiom a'it h .u e e n t l y voiced on form er oceaalona,'I 'E pocft pointa ou t thn t dw nito the tsinert nccumcn -and cohimerclal foro- Tcnchinif cl ;lttY of 'Amorlcan jio rc h a n ts , proved t f u d ovor ajraln In' a thoniand wnyn n v ili te d c B » T e - f a l |« d to hold tbi; poaition moM .wher ^ K b o d in thb S ou th - American «R0 ir e no ^ ■ F d O T in R tho w ar aiuipiy bccauac Vind<” nay ^ B v o rcfuafd tf> odopt methoda Notional 0

to auit LatiB,-Amcrirnn con. | ■^ K T ' ^ , tho kini; ol

th e ir export operationa crlcon cofo ^ ^ B i l i n i r ' upon cpui pavmonts “ M'oreot< ■ ^ l l l a o f Indintr ahd olloweil tho tingly coof ^ ■ a i t l m o to oxamino the gooda or in reg ir il ti H f l i t n n i t y to oxpreia his coneont bulletin . '■ ^ K v i a e . L n to r,' o conceajiion of tcncd out o K o s U i a and, aftfln rarda , o f a l t ■uffn'-o wor ^ ^ M o d i l wa« m in ted b u t ttio ro- i t i<> ii ^ ■ ^ l o w an ozominution of the lorgcr. I t ^ E g t l n a e d . " " ®^ H ^ t h e a o oxtonaioni of c red it ><>(' up n t ^ K d d e d w ith t io oxfraordinory th ln appcni ^ H u o n o f the ,U nited S tn tr i do!- Fopolation ^ ■ H q x w t to Argontine currency, ^ ^ ^ f f i c i a l p rohibition to expoit k Q u i y ■ u . K o I d , and w ith tho. high in- norlhern ial ^ B f o o caacs .n in e per r e n t - - pommand ri

N orth American banks-fo r j W b i t ’binB given In p o p e n t - o f M k j o o d f . t h e a n .c o n c e u ona. have p„[„t I t y . “ eoBccdcd” nothing. jji^ ■ j lK .N o T tJ i Amorican inveatort ^exaa Ita ■ M w n . lit tle in riina tion to pn‘- „ « io ly coua ^ ■ n u r in to South American cu- f,, jj,|

L a Epoca, , " o / h»v® . " B u t the ■ M ta a fa c tu rc ra conaultcd liiU n ; continental ■ i S U a t o a in tho preparationa of oqaq/ B a n n e d for t h t A w n t ln s , 5 „ „ ,

n«a . e . l n ll,« q.ic. „ ,■ R y k e i a m«lho«« of lonio of j , ,H w - i ) f im portan t nortlicrp flnn* *K * n o . 5 ; . a . .1,0 do- [ " Z a

1 ^ , 0 S T h m t h , . .n t I n u , . S / C ’ SH B i ' : w h i l o tho Unllod S ta lo i H U M n l a t e r ” chan ts anthem * in ' -K F i ' t h o " o p e n doo r” policy K fl Lt<\ clim innto 'fnvoriliam and K a jW lc g e a . ' tho governm ent de- I \ . H f l n f l T g c n n ' tn r if f in protection A M I | r ^ j ) r o d n r c n w hirh (•onaUtulc*. l " l | l■ tb k jw to A rgentine pxportn- % | ^ l

^ w i be*o cirrnmstancea nnd inK l l Df. Pan-Am erican fra te rn ity , „ .■ irg e t tho cnrofiil atiidv of , COc P u tk B j W. in order to n rrivr a t ft 50c Popai■ (ohiUon of thr> d lffiru ttie ; COc Proj)

" Thoro ore no fundamental •’iOc L'^ArH | p to overcome bu t simply ‘il.OO'OillP S ^ t h o d , i t rays adding thn t SOc QillctHflToB*. Tnlotiona are w orth more $1^0 I^yaa fow doltnra in thu trenaor}* nl 25o Lyaol■ 'u a tio tu . JOc Lyaol• ---------1 - flOc Tnb,

»oUar 8»T»1 Eepreacnte Ton »ol:‘ iOc OrcLalata- E araod , 25c Woodi

I nvorngo ■ man floca no t anvc to n,-;r Nynt ’ i t ro p e r cont o f hl» e arn ings H s .i:,c N y al’ Bpend nlno dollara in living ox- I fo r ovoTf do llar saved. T hat ba>10 ease ho cannot bo too careful >

urneccxsary crpcnst*. Verv of- ^>1,^rcw eenta properly invested, liko n

g seeds fo r h ii gw den, will aavo "a dollars outlay la te r on. I t la ' No mnt; a o in buying Cbauibtfrlain'a Colic pruvo tha tionbooa Itomedy. I t coata b u t a modoratr. enU , and a bottlo o f i t In tho ,o ften aovoa a doctor'a bill of rev- , lo l l . . . . -n d v . . .

WANTED!r d i In « a y coBdiUon.. Caah V - / J 1JUsff fo r-A ll.aofloU .

C E N T R A L G A R A G E __________ ^iflho tfionaV y . PIic m iS 2 | ■ ■ ■ ■

• _ ■■ • I"


i w ' f vI B , i l l

' ' l i1='. I te '^ V ''

' ' ^ . ' S k '

ttieruM O gowu on Icft’Ot w tilto chllfOD V Ujit lit a comblnattoD o l blttcli borEChair u d carlao laco drepo. On tbe r is h t we havo a oftcrnckiQ K onuw lU i black and w blto rerorslb ‘•lock iBcc mtubrooffl w itb sb td o w U ce c trc a i

I [H’C II CT ULlII d V U iSooS;

i S G I I l M s

WIIIEffii!• and icu vp

i m a r k ’s K in g i s G u e s t o f H is

i l e a k A m e r i c a n C o lo n y , t h e m otnoj, o

V o rld ’s L a r g e s t I s l a n d S t i l l “

n G r ip o f I c e A g e M iB htr--------- “ Only f

\S U lN a T O N , D, C.—“.The k rg - o f ‘I'O cw itotid in 4ho world (if A ustralia loaned aa n coiitln rn t), tho land tho fiordr linif cloaeat to the North Polo, tho tiona of t: try harboring tho northem m oat sand Eakiu zed community, and tho one land th a t mako .whero roriditiona of the g rea t .ico liiint find

irc now d(iminont-:«uch ia Oreen- “ During ” aayn a bulletin iarucd by thu terlo r u f i mal Geogrophie aocicty in connee- enn to bo w ith A via it DOW lioing mode by world; but ing of Denm ark to hls bleak Am- occeaiible I ct^ony. beheld therorcotor o f map fame has nnw it- thero when ’ coofuacd tho mind of tbo w orld Great lakei ’•\rd to G reenland,“ .continues tho flow botwe in . "B ecau io tho aphero is fln t- w aters nev out on miuiy mapa oa though i t r fragm ent (0 woro strotehod, Qroenlond, vnat plungo dov ia, is modo to appear m any time* Olaciera pu '. I t ia na though th o 'c o u n try orda, aomo reflected in ono o f tho mirror.i a t IJio rato p n t country folra to mako tho “ MoBsea ippcnr fa t. cra and sh r aUon T bat of M anliattan O ffice ‘ ''O "un’tnci

B nild ln j.' th o ,c o out viewed properly, tho groat irn lalond bulW largo enough to in d rcspert. I f ita northernm ost 'were plarcd a t tho Uanodion bor-1 N orth Dnkotn ita aouthommostwould reach to tho iiioulh o f the 'U - 8- IJ* rajide, tlm aouthorn c rtram ity of “ Qrcjnlfl;

I ta g rca te it width ia app ro z i' tied by £ f c<iual to tho diatanro from New nearly iooo to Chicago. who aoou iI t thougli tho iatond ia alm ost Tho aettlcn: ental {n alzc, havlo); an area o f b u t royater SOO,000 aquare miles, i t baa onlv Columbua’

inhobitonta, tJiO' dally popula- tie rs wero I f a single huge oflico building w o» eombio er Now Y ork c ity , ‘n io ,reaaon m ark nnd t ia aparse population la' not otone to tho bleo r northern poaition of tbo coun- aionary ’ whc r tho toircr b a lf o f tho island if ahoroa of 0 ruximntcly tho aomo la titude no f i n t to roii( •nnilinnvlan .ponlnaulo w ith its o f the count

IPECIALS for SA'P u tk o r 's Liquid Tar Sonp ___ / . ____ _______Popaodent Tooth Paate — ................i-.— -------Prophylacttp Tooth B n n h ................... ...............L'^Amuaotto Talcum Powder .......................—

O'GillPlto Blades ---- ---- -------- ----- -------- ---------GUletto Blades - _ _

0 Ijyaol -------------- - . _ _L y a o l------------------- - --------

Tnb. Caacnra Comp. (Dr. u in k le ) lOOa --------O rchard W h i to --------------- ;— ............ ................Woodtiurj- 's Fnco S o a p ................... .......................N y n i’a 'Focia l C re a m ’n Kocial Crcnm ...............................- .............

TAKE A KODAK WIT:le KODAK has bccnme Uio inaopnrublo compi e ler o r vncationlst—ils hnlf tho pleniuro.

T mnttcT w hat you w ant in the KODAiC lioe, 0 tha t i>ur finiahlng drp iirtm ent ia prom pt ui orate.

ilh ra rh do ilp rli worth of KODAK finlVhing

a t y P h a m-------PHOHt m —



UnitCi ' . W cat


er^ ^ ^ B I B H B r a ^ r f /i:! / "T h (

f c ty — s uniuip

.Vj hundrit j ’llf i < ncor t

i» ctoiPl p t r,f]

. a re -a t . stone

^ ^ ^ B t ‘^ B ; ' l v Uolato

' t r ^ B B I A R G I

A ttain . u n c

w a r ‘»raptnln

!od w ith black fluognrlan loca ‘u d boronot sa tin wiUi I lua- «f|'

0 a black embroidered chiffon of 2<! 2 srs lb le sasb . Tbe ctmpcan Is « .« a n c r . AU Joseph crcaUena

. — would,000 aoulH. Hut,.while Scondlnla- scioiLin s bnthod by the warm Gulf atreom m, i. Iceland too i» benefited by II,

niniid lien fu r from ita inf\uoncu f®"':''-'' ia \tin«h»-<l onlv by iry A rctic, cur ' The

d ty roIxjHircd lo the. fu ll c ifects o f tbo wn* an1 Ul' the Arctic, the great iainndI nt one timo In geologic h ia to n p r b m c Iho climale Uind verdure of Ca|l II, hoa been changed into n frozen t. Tho once green hills and val- LILL iml oven mountAlna lii>vc been lit- lo tho (

burled under o aheot of snow tiou of ;u vprying from hundreds to tbou 3IB, de< Ol' fee t In thickness. All bu t a healoii t

mountain poaka hnvo beon sub- Tho mi) >1,' and tho en tire vaai in terior tho Moi I 0 'untr>; is a nearly level (iltiloau

htjr BlTOB w ith Bonks o f 'ice . aly a narrow fringe along a p a ri w D ) cojuit’ ia freo from tho Ieo cup, — I'cn th is m u n d is frozen In win ' d covered w ith anow. I t Is along “ ordf o f theao narrow ice-frco acr- ,o f the conat th a t tho few thoy- Jsklmoa nnd tho handful o f Dnnoj ':iako-up, thu pu'pulotion o f Groen- i ind ft. p'reeonous livelihood. m h b iring tho .ahort auinmer tho in- u f OreenHiod presonta phonom< T l

> bo found nowhere olao In the I J b u t tho frozen w astes are iu-

ule oud only o fow eyea hovo , tbo changcs th a t toko plaee

rhen tlio aun swings to tbo north. lakea nro form ed; m ighty nvor* otween bluo crystal banka, their

never touching a atono nor a ’ n t of aoll until thoy finally down aomo chasm in tho iee.

a pu;h ou t o f thu rountleaa fi- >mo dlachorging ic'o in to ’tho io.i ra to of CO to 100 fee t a day.Bsea ond iiobona anil a 'fo w flow- 1 shrubs spring to sudden life Iu j'm er niong ttio ico-frco fringes ',coo£t, bu t fow vegelnblea « • i idiihea, tu n lp a and lottueo ran . . i . i ' m m . Ttio pboplo of Greenland arc ' entirely dependent for food on ' 1 B . and on auppilea brought fron> I _ &ide. ' . j. H od Claim to G ie en lu d . - | . jn land waa diacovored nnd sut- •y Eric tho Bod from Ireland IIioOO yeara Jigo— tbe aame Erii; Y j in l ou a fte r diaeovered Amcrica. ttlcmcntc throve for 400 yeara |rsterioualy disappeared before /i ^ „ j u s ’ diacovcry. The cnrly n 't- uOOO ;ro Norwegians. L ator Norway IDC. ' tnbined for a tim e w ith Uen- nd tho Danes boeaao the heirs b leak -ia land . A Danish mla- p /«nn i who rcached tb o routhwcst ^

nf Greenland In 1721 wna th« ronow Scandinavian aottlement ountrj-. O tbor ao ttlers followed 3 6 in c

— -------- _ y a r d

.................. ........................; - 3 J i " o n ly ,- ;_______________ ___ Me

_____________________ 3Bc---------------------------------Me Comn i

------ ;••••••'•'••• ^ , shc^.________.-...--1.’." B3c

- le Porosl—--- -------------------- --- - 21c U o ^ u lp-------------------------------- i i c !........- ......... ....................... 19c ”-------------:-------- ;-----


ompanion of almoM fvcry H cttV V

• , cial Saline, W4} hnvc i(. 1a-i uh nt und cnreful—fiur pfir.'a T

: D O L Lling ono ,8x10 cnlargrmcnt 2 5 f o o t

l i p g i i l n

m a c y i fJ E S I

S, i r > A H O , F R I D A Y , JULld D enm ark . eatablished a-pat«m a> sorvicc rem m en t over the Eaklmo of tho Bib! Ith. . The‘Northwcat Orcenlatid wns dlscov- bo glv 'd, explored a n d oeeupicd .os ^ bore servicc ’ t’olar expeditions by Americani Mon rinff-Hio n inotcenth een to ry -n o ta - S ong” •by Penry ond Grcely. W hen tbo M o s t

.ited S b lo s purchased the Daniah “ Song •at Indies in , 1017,.a s p a rt o f tho gan po 'c im o eonBidoratlon i t relinqoiahed Even

cb im to a n y no rt -of Otcen\anil. Orga ce then tbo D anlsb govcm nentt h a i on t 1 endei ita a u tho rity to. tbo sportetv (Oxon^ tied northw est coaat aod to all oth- iuhabltcd sections o f tbo . laland. jjTho tow nr o f Greenland nre {ow and m portant. Godhavon, th e gobital o f „

northern Inapoctoratc, is tho chiof , f , i tlement and J o f - h a s only a few idrod In h a b ita n ta ., U pcm ivjk near tudo 73 dcgreca Is tho nortbam m oit , rn i ' - in th o w orld. - Julionehaab r tho southw oat p o in t o f tho Islond, , tlfljo to tho sito o f th e aottlement IJric th e RodrftiK l Jn tho vic in ity „• aUU to, bo seen tho ruins o f the ® “ ne hiiUBc'a and rhurch I 'n iit in thia Atod com er o f A merica in tho dnya lho early CruaaJea.’^ - .

, ■ > ' - Hnr

IG E N T IN E F L Y I N G M A N s » d

S E T S A L T I T t l l J E R E C O R D • “£ “

»lna H d g h t o f 26,240 F«at^ Ontdls- thu^^ 'i u i d s ; A ll Prev ious Sonth A msil- ' xhy M

con ATlatOTS morelal

■UENOS A IItE S , m . — Eduardo .•cro, nn A rgcntlno flying man who ’ ,Epff( O'l In (he Ital/nn arm y during the •‘n whieh be o tla ined the rank of nin nnil wi^n flvo mcdnis, haA jua l • y j j . , a iii'w S outh Ameriean flying ro-r- cven)ni) for iiltitudc by a tta in in g a height Musl:

IfjC-li; foot.e may havo gono higiier, fOr SOtjO j j j j j jjJ erf wna tbc moat th o ‘Inatriim ont Oulro,-!' IJ rrgiatcr luid G H vcro 'tost con- Fuller, iLines!. fo r,a o m e 'tim o on o p in in g

livlght. Tho roeord hoi|{ht woa ” . heit In ono hour nnd IS nilmilea.Itf fligh t waa mouo .In exception- 'rold w eather. Tho mnehino used nil Ilalinn biplane.

- .................... Eve I^ O B LA BO B-PED EBA TIO K Prefu-l h :O T S T E E INTBBKATIOKAIIB ’ Mid-w

liLE, Franco; ( f l ^ T h e dolegatca 10 conventon of tho gonoral fedora- ornoon of labor, by a vote of 1,S50 to .l,* decided yeaterdny to conlinuo od- ' , HI to lho Amaterdam internotionoto. minority favored eloaor bond w ith _ Moacow Intcrnatlonnlo. “ ““ “ i

• , .SubjcfSunila; _ 0|

b u r c b S e r v i c e s * ''a r t ’ailfniio nor

F l is t Preabytorlan Chnrch. > >, „aher lln rlan Brand. M inister. Ctm ii ig 'w r a h ip n't H a . m. oiling _ wBraJj^p a t 7:30 o ’cltxrk; Ohar


3 A T U K

5 P E C I .

> I E C E G O O IB L E A C H E D M U S L I N .1 1 c ‘

i n c h , h e a v y q u a l i t y b l e n c h e d Mi

U N B L E A C H E D S H E E T I N G 7 1 -2 c

o d 3 6 i n c h K i n g s f o r d u n b le a c h c d S;. T h e y a r d ......................... ................... ,7

9 4 S H E E T I N G ,4 8 o

[ )p e re l l S h e e t in g . S i z e 9 4 . T h e y j i r i

IN D IA N H E A D .2 5 c

in c h s t a n i l a r d ( |u n l i l y I n d i a n H e a d . d ..........................................................................

M E N ’S CL<M E N ’S SO .X , 3 P A IR $ 1 .0 0

i 'b SOc s i l k p l i i t c d D r e s a S o x . S a tu i ',■ 3 p a i r ’. .........................................................$

M E N 'S S O X , 2 P A IR 2 5 c .

ifi i n b l a c k o n ly . G o o d ( |u n l i l y lio.'<o. 2 p f i i r ................................................... ........

M E N 'S U N IO N S U IT S 7 'g c ‘ ■

j s k u i t n n d n n l l i r i g g a n U n io n S i Lilnr $ 1 .0 0 . S i v tn r d a y n t .......................

- I N ECONO IG L A S S W A T E R .P I T C H E R S $ 1 . 1 9

v y gloH-s, 2 ( p m r t W a t e r P i tc l ie r H . 8

3 a t | i r d n y t) ii]y , n t ....................... $3

.L Y V A R D E N R U B B E R H O S E $ 3 . i

o t 3 4 in c h D o l ly V a r d c a G a r d e n H (

l i a r p r i c o $ 5 .5 0 . S a t u r d a y . s i)e (

:..... : ..................... ................... $3

r A l l f h e 1 . D . i s t h e . a „ .

T P L A C E l o T H A D E ' m

■\ ,

LY 29.1921:. ■vico iu the paik’. M ornl3ibti> aeho<^ opone o t 0:15 a. m. . rcctor, i rhe foUowin^ muaiciil program w ill . Evonii given o t tho morning, and evonlog ■ Soturd

vleca: of tlii* ' ilem lng—O rgan prelude, “ Evening a eclobrJft” .(Annalxong); anthem, “ 0 Lord on lha t ) s t H o ly " U ark c r j; offertory, o a g 'O f A u tu m n " (Stoughton); or- i p o s tlo d e , ' 'M n rc b “ (Groy).Jvonlng— • Cl)Tgaa prelude; anthem, ‘‘ The Bodl- Momli

M ora, H ath Pnaaed ■ Awny*’ EvonliconN; organ poaUudo. ,j,o past.

■ . — r - : . • Bible 1Im m annal L n th e iaa OJmrcti. superlntc

Jobn 6 ih rin g , Pastor.;uaday achool, 0:<6 a. m. Gen. 23-27 7 p. m. ao Blessca H ir Children,tervieea a t 10:30 a, m. ‘ • jUblo etoaa m eets 7 il6 p. nv Evo- .g sorvico 8 p. m. Sermon proiNua- V-f to the congregation 's annnal 0:S0 a[Isaion-feBtival." , . degrnff,lummer aehool threo timea a weelc, ' lOiSO i0 11 a. m. ' 7:30 p,

--------- . - ‘ . in unionP i n t U othodist. : ' B 3 B S S

E. L. W liilc, Paator. P " " "H arry BoTjptt, Musical Dlreetor.W i« Glcnna Newton, Organist.Sunday whool 10 a. nu; E< U Aahtou, crintcndcnt.-forning w orahip 11 o. u , E. S. ' ; >per, of Denver, Colo., will talk ou

aubjcct, "H o n o r Thy Fnther and j? M othe r." M r. Hooprr is 'o com- f'clal traveler and ia known among Iasaocinter as tho “ D (inn." He haii ^rondt-rful meaaago.^ iro r th leogui) devotlunnl service,

ivening woraliip, 7:31) i>. m., in thi)

!id-week prayer sor\-ico Wodneaday g M alng 8 o'c lock. , ^[iiaii fo r tho day : Organ prelude,;mpo D l> M arcia (L yons); quarteticni, ''J c a u s , M y Sav io r’.’ (Nevin), ( Q Es..Burio Carlaon, sepm no; Mrs. Mr- .ro,-iilto; B arry B orra tt , tenor; Orin ^er, bnaio; offerto ry , "B c lig lou i iXtta rn c ’’ (V incent); poatlude, “ Mag-^at iu I) M inor’ ’ (Lemaigro),

r ^ l n raU a U lsslon. p i— . ■

Siimniei■caching 11 0. ni. . • . Fr».•e priuac servieo 7:30 p .-m . EotttJt>(irhing 8:15 p. m. . , v iaid-week meetings Tuesday oml Twin Fnid « y , 7i30 p. m. Ooo m , ayor band meets W odnetdoy aft-on « l 3 oVlock. ' n.:

............. excurtlorl i s t Church o f OlirUt, S c ie n tis t 'g

100 N in th Ave. East. . . nday aervico n t 11 n. m. -bject o f sermon Ju ly 31, " L o v e .” acento winilay school tat 10 a. m.| fo r punila Phone ycr 20 yoara o f ago. Wednesuay w n Houinonlal m eeting a t 8 p. m. *!■« n t4rca.ling room a t 134 1-2 M ain av- |H8 UIO north, open dnily cxee|)t Siindoya.

. " ■ ' Twin Ft Chnroh o f th e Ascension. ,

)harler o K '^ S ld , licctor.

’A r t m e ,n t 1

^ D A Y J

A L S ! I


MuHlin. 36 inch heavy quality, 11c teniB. Now fall goods.

.2 (1 U T IL IT Y G IN C

1 Sheet- Standard Utility Gingh 7 1 2 (. New fall good«. Tho yai


1 remnants to bo so(OFF marked price.

' P IL L O W T U E

d. The 42; inch X’lipperell Pil - - 25c ■ .... : ....................


iturday Alen’H blue nnd kbnki \ \ $1.00 Inr $1.00. Saturday a t .


. . . Good (|uality Canvas Gi ftt customer, at tho’pair ...

......T E S T W O R K SH I

. Mch'h $1.85 nnd $2.00■ Shirti). A grent Khjrt nt

- • fiat,itrday a t ............... ......

►MY BASElVfi9 . H O U S E D R E S S E S

g • Snturdny we will give a SI 19 Ladle.s’ Uonse Dn

• * the Kcommiv IlaKcment.." ur.Iny~20-

C O N G O L E U M ^ R U

3 ft: by 4 1-2 ft. Congolei; peciai patterns. Veiy special, $3.95 a t .....:............... ;............... .

Miio Departments• TWIN rA L I .3 . ID A H O .

' ' ■ ' ' *

rning, acrylec,. w ith Bomou by. the n t 11 0. m. ■ >

rning acrvice in tho i« r k . ' urday, A ugust 0, being tho’Fcost (J Tronafigxirotion, tboro will bo obration o f tbo boly cofflmunlon o t dny n t.lO o 'c lo c k a . m. . \

■ Church o f th a B n th ie n .

Chorloa W. Honk, Psistor. m lng w ra b ip , 1 1 1>* , ining w orahip,.8 p.)m . '^Sormon. b'-* Mtor. , - ' ■Io aehool, 10 a. m. F . M. Heoatoad ntendont.,W. S.' and J . W. a Boetings

F l ta t O h r l s t lu O h n n l.

iv. W. Burka, D. D.; Pastor. 'I a . m., Biblo school: D. W , U p'U, suporlntendon^ ........iO a. m.. CoQsmuKon u d sonnoo.I p. m. th is eoogregation will j o k j on services in the c ity park.

l O N M E ^ l

n,flr E ic u rs io s b |.A u !o StageFrom J ti ly U TUI Any. i ittu n T r ip Good TUI Sept. 1

FW.S .0 ...................rny ticket, reffuUr fare .. ito.tS « connect w ith No. » a t ountaln Home.Fnlla tb Porette-LiUces by auto lion, round trip . . . . . . . . 129.00Twin Falls ....... . t:00 A. U.

I Bolao ..................... S:<t; V. M.JJolse for Fayette LAkce 9 A.

iTlve Payette U k e s «rJO P. M. mmmer p taym unds of Idaho, wonders of ine state, your reservations to tha Rogar

»Ce1, 84; or Mr. Paraonlua, 702-n

Id ReiialiiBJlDtDStiKBCDnpinjTRASK BR08. INC.

F«lla Office. Rooenon Hotel, Perrlne Hofal

RAV H.' TRASKr Mar.«1ae Office, 112 N. m b St.


f t

IM E N T- E S 2 1 C

light and darkTiat-8. The yard......... 21cN G H A M 2 1 C

ghnmB, 27 inch cloth.,m rd ........................21cS 1 - 3 O F F •

sold a t ONE-THIRD

U B IN G 3 7 c

?illow' Tubing. Tho .................. ..... 37c

DPTI R T S 6 5 c

Work Shirts. Regu-t ..... .:....................65cL O V E S 5 c

Gloves. 5 pair to a.... ....................... 5c ^

; H I R T S $ 1 . 5 0 v

0 Test Brand WorH afthS 'rcgu lar price. -- ............ ....... . $1.60


: a special price on )re.<<a and -AprOn in t.. Reiiioiuber, Sat- ’.= OPF. /^ U G S $ 2 . 3 9 ‘

leuni ilugs, assorted ll, Saturday only, ................. .......$2.39

iT O R E ,L ld .Pnirfiitfa ■

< illllESSllS ■ : '1 1 6 1 1 1 5 1

, i p i l l [ S lGolfer is Reported to be th«

' Eigbe'fit F(dd ProfessloDal ioi United Spates .

•ToniM BwnM r w>io reccnlly w n tho DntionnVepen, ia eald to bo tho W ghejt v M prflfcMlonal Rolicr Jn th l i tfoun- ( try . Ko is w pbrted to have o fivO' yeM COnfraet w ith tho PclkBro Country

- , '4 llb fOf « l >,000 ft yoar.BaroM WM born '.at Cornwall, Enp

‘ land, 20 yean ago. Ho dorctoprd Iiw golfing a b ility a lm oit oxeluslrcly In t i i r coantiy . H o had 'novor beforo tp o r tho open diampionshlp, but

. U a jnanyU m o w inner o f the wcali-rn open dnd ha« ft loog lia t of many other m inor'fham nionahlps tnckcd airay fo b l i iV f ilit m i l o . a t the* Biiniict Hiltn c!ub \')f 8t._ Louia he waa tho winner o f tho wcBtera open in 1914, 1017 nnd 1B19.

S u W on U i s y Tcmaejt.- 3 ' ' profcMlonnfW Rolfera' titlo which held over un til a " i m b«au«e o f tho «<ir. Thu fa«t two a

je a ra bave been t}ie bunicat in hi-i u golMng career. In 1010 ho Wod tho t norlh rnd -a o u lh open, the w estern t opoa, jjir_eou thom opoa, the Bhawnen e opon. W d 'w aa tJio w inner in the Yah- h nundasU w d Beland touYnamenti. n

Barea w er fourth in the 'B oea Q ru d o ovcnt, Dinth in the' E |ial Coaab cham- v p ionahh in r io r ld a , accord a t Palmn C eia a t Tam pa nod S t. Augustlno and fourth in tho ABhoTllle tournaraent of ■, tha t' w inter. Ho finished tw elfth in ^ the national open la s t year nnd m is tied for th ird in - th is y e a r ’* British

. opea. 1Loat y e a r Barnca was rovcnth iif the

north rJid aouth, second in tho Cana ° dlan anil M etropolitan ehampionahip. J Ho won the 6hnw nre open, tied fo«acc- ond in tho w estern, oiwn, flninhcd nev “ e n th , in fJii; national open nnd flf lh “ lu the .B ntiah 'open . P

H ts In tw tstlD g Oaroor. j,Barnc*' reeord as a t;olfiT is cx- j,

Iremely Intercitinff. Even in Ihe enrly days o i hi* career, w hile n t Tacoma. {] W ash., he dlsplnyed championsliip form (] 10 much ao t J ^ t Vardon in l ! ) h > n * „ Ird rem ark o f Bamen, ' ‘ tl^is is thi- {j real (jolfer.” T hn l was when Bnrncs „ '».-ns only 18 years old.' ' ^

narnes'c rise wan very rnpl<L In 1013 »t Brookline, Maas., when Francis Oul- «ic( tiDil.with Vnrdon nn-I Hay a t 301 , | and la ter won tho playoff, Jim Bames was only three stroke* lielilnd, tying w ith W aller IlaRcn, Loulif T olllcr.and . MnpDonntd Rinith fo r fourth place. In 11M4 h f w ent to the V alley Countrj- “

'W ' rliil), W hito Marah, ouhldc of Thiln- ^ A IwiolpMft thence to Broadmoor, near ,

ttjn v c r , and finally to S u n se t. Hills, _ frnm whieh. club ho w ent to Pelham *

. lU v. .1' Thero.arf. few golf profifMionals who „ havp Tv« n ric many mtftehes in ao »hnK " K tlmo ns B nrnts. Long-Jlm also holds • ' the rec o rd 'fo r plhyinjc 72 holes con- necutivcly on . . a ehamplonahip Roli “ wutK/*. Uo tnpde n m ark of 27fi. ^


EVEN IF MISTAKE «1 , _____ ff

' P^ntirely too many faurf hnvc an idofi tha t umpires s tick to th e ir had doei- "

. , lions cu t of aliuer ImllhoadrdneM. ” Those fan* j»rp, wronfc. Every umplrn tlinu and again in the senson under- s tand i in a flash a fte r he hna dccidod fj one way th n l h - should havc'dccldcd tJ nnotluT, but if he rcvcrMd himielf. g) thiw rncournging kicks, p rotests and p', delnya, he would lose hir job in shnit ]„ onler. tc

Very fon- fnns stiip to consider why f, the r iilc .a g a in il 'um pires reven ln t; .| Iheniselves on deelBlonr. o f Oicl ijt nl­most an unnltcrnlile ns the laws of the ~ M<‘dc.s nnd runrians, bu t tlii' rule in nh*(»liitoly necessnry if any bnll Ronie

- is tfl In} flnishi'il in li'cs time Ihnn {» 'rVnuired for one- of thri'e daycrii-ket matcjies.

. ' DOWNEY I S OH AM ttO N.NK'iV YOBK, Bfyn*' Howuey of

f Clt'velnnd will be rccoffnkcd in JJcw I Vork alato 'of middleweight Jraxini'

champion provided ' the s ta te a th letlr commlaslon is notified officinlly by fhe CIpvelnnd boxing commission thnl 1he referee’s decision in D owney's re- ecn l flj-ht w lU i, Johnny WiUon litt« !)Ci-n rovor«d:.Thi» nnnouneement wa< mado today hy W illlnm Muldoon, rha ir man of the sla te cnmmiesfDn.

n n t o ^ e s s and OpnstlpstloD ■‘T o r ]rean w ai troubled w ith b'.l*

Musnesf and constipation, wblcb modo Ufa m ltsrable for n e . My appeti** failed- mo. I lost m y tiatial fcrco and vitality . Popdn prapa ra tlon i and ea-

.thiTtrM only mado n a t te r s worse. I Ho tiot know where I should hovo boen today had I 'S o t tr ie d Chiimberlain'i Tahletf. ..T he .ta b le ts relieve tbe ill fecllai; a t oaeo, streng then th e digest ive foneUona, helping the system to dn its work naturally,'*, w rites Mrs. Boia Potta, Birmingham, AH.—*dr.

, I Osll^ T hought t o n were mftde for enjpyraeui. and

tlio world was ailed wltli tlilncs w hlrh yoo will enjoy, unless yoij ore t w prond to be pleased with them, or too graiiilD* to caro for w hat you csnnot

— ' - fu r t to -o th e r-a « » a n t _than mera d#; ll8b l.-B nB k la



OEAB^ B. BO W OZH TB Ii OO.F boM eiG -w

- 126 fibokbons St. W ertm n c b D ty tJleuilng • *

B ep> trlin -J)3r8 lin

TWIN FAIXS PAH.................


:c B U H ll l t i i„ ' i m i m\ FIBDISirthe .

ml- Cooper is. Badly Treatec who Pile..Up Score 111

;„p Oliver Weakens in Nil Gratuitous Bunch of

.oi; Seven for Westendersbut

CQQPEB. ball pitch- « oxpert of Buhl; go t p

tl>u eh&nco ho demand- 1 Ills cd. A n d - tlner Twin Falla w on, Iasi a

^ nl(;h t’s gamo on U neola tllot nK oiait Bohl 11 to 7. e

C oopef,.w ho a wcok i: nal. L . A J U aao wns whipped by a t: ntll Bcorti o f 6 to 6 by tho locals, demanded b ■wo ano ther o jjpo rtun lly lo display i l s base- r hi.i ball m erebandlte. Ho w as sent back in t< the tho fira t ti l t o f a fivo gamo series for cm the d is trie t tit le , and w as badly used, ci nen especially tower'd * tho last. F ourteea ji ah- hita, f ive of a eharocter thn t brooked c

no question of tho amount o f power tl sdo behind tho truncheon th a t drovo.tbcm , N im- were gathered o ff the Buhl icicle. m 'mn W r«cl;la« O n r T nac tloa i “ “1 I t was the Tiyin Falls regular wreck- ?

, ing crow th a t j id fo r Cooper, Uorloy," Zicnko, W utw n nnd Biles ba ttering tho "

^ haydiffCTr in to an alm ost uQtccoicult- ■ nblo pleco of pitching personality. Mor- 1

loy and Zienkc 'amashod three , h its !, apiece, tho o ther m asters o f h itting a rt [

I ge tting a couplo ench. “ B ed” Bell smote only one blow during th6 hoiUlo ^

py’ demonstration, bu t i t was tagged four baw s nnd constituted Lincoln lot'* moat prolix clout. , , I

A ttenuated hits were mnde for Iho locnl# by Zlonke, W atson (two-bags), • Morley (threo bags), B ell'(hom er). ^

f'.'' B a t no t a ll tho good and healthy hit- ting was dono on tho dom ulic aide of tho seorokeeper's nccount. N ot by no nieansl Tlio weslendcrs ‘displnysd a rt cr In tills dlroetioQ to no uncertain de- ul

nes True it is th a t o J y ono gray 11. Ratbed Inddlo ftora the dther side of M

thv d is tric t gntbered moro than ono b it “ 'n i o ff “ l i c f ty " Oliver, cBfrc'disponacr for cl ’ * the S tars, b u t tho v lilllh g brolliren.pil- ir “®* ed up seven extended punches during ,‘ the fete. T>vo-bnM bloWs 'w W 're g iV gi

tercd ; by H ubbell, Perry, Cooper, Hall C . nnd Adams, while Charlton punched tbo ni 1,7 piU fo r ’foiir bogs. fi' " Tbo gamo-should havo resulted ia a mII legitim ate scoro of 11 (o 1 for Twin ni . ' F ^ l , and had right bnseljnll judgm ent ]>i

been used i t would so hove ended, fi ,1 ‘ 'L c f ly '' Oliver, who hud out-pitched ¥.

Cooper from thp gctnwny, displnyed sc 1,] signs of wcnkening n fter tho firs t ninn hi

wns disposed of in tho ninth,'nnd thore- fr qIv nfler ho hnd no cunning thn t fooled the lli

v is id n g pontingont. S till nnd nil, i t . w tu .n o t a l l ‘^ L o f ty 's " fault. Two haii pi errors, onu in le ft field and nnother a t ly shortstop, added to Iho nppenrnnro of ri

» weakness nnd let over n t Iwist. three ni ' countH. ‘Tlireo-hlts, a couple of wnlks *

£ } and the two nfdrementioned bobbles, {^nvu tho invaders siK runs. and hnd tho e ffe c t o f causing piilpltotlon In the I"

. 1, b reast o f those homo fans who had two b its on the domestic aggregntion,

irn . O U ra W eakens {*,1e*’- The score nt the beginning of llie' ki led fira t ha lf of the ninth wns 11 lo 1 for c<l led tho locnla, nnd, with ordinary luck of !l'- ahould havo finiihed a t thnt. Ollvcr’a pr n'* prndlnj^ trouble wae demonstrnted when od

ho lot Miller, ii notoriniialy weak hat- bi te r. f ind th r m-sm o n 'n chucked Imll w /o r ll' rnni Into ren te r fiold. Truu pl enough it wns :i putout for Morley, but w;

lho — ■ ' - —is r

me fi|

TIieRrstftalnir * • til-I of Twin:ir

TWINFALL’’A' • . ^ido ■ . Oif*

- The FEDEEM PBS? I ■ ■ this diBtrict has o^otu

; rednotloD in its dlscoun Vl . . ' in. rates alWays preoe «t provoment in tho mono}

* - foots of this move wills some time, until kaiik ward again. Thii ad drawing to a close altht

"i, noodod ohanges to takIM '. bilitT- can bo assured.:oo • will tend to hasten this)0» i le;

, The Oldest Bank

~ ‘ \ a

Member of Federal


o r i i i i g j j s w s

T f r aim m E| T | i P l l H I Pted by Domestic BattersI to 1 in Eight In n in g s- Ninth and Gives Visitors Df Counts Making Total■s

b- when M iller takes hold of oue tho 3t pitchiug m nst b e .o f neceaajty 'w eak, d- Tlie b a tte r does not h it Icaguo pitching,

though he is a pnr.eicelloneo fielder s i and peggcr. H is long fly out nounded la tho tocsin o f troublo for " L e f ty ” Ollv- 7. e r, and had C atcher P a tton been in jk Ihero running th ings thero Is no doubt a th a t tho ste rling soulhpaw would bave

sd been yanked in itan tc r. Ilo stayed, how- e- ever, bringing: near disaster to his in trnm.or W ilh M iller dliiwscd of P e rry un- d, corked a two-bagger, the ball going far ia in to le f t fleldj a fte r hLoaUng.wilh sock- id f t nlomcntum p ast Draco W atson . a f Br th ird base, and also eluding, “ O ts” n, Neuman in le ft fiold motacnlarUy. Im ­

m ediatoly the reafte r. Cliarlton -rammed tho p ill in to left, field ,'N eum an erring

u on tho chancc. , Perry roached third haw and romped home on the ehuek in. Olivor was bad im mediatoly a fte r th a t play nnd was unablo to locate the pidto. Slmpoon walked bn t was fo'rcod 'by Hail, who, w ith Oharllon on

, th ird , stole down. Sherman lofted a 1. high popup to shortfield, U alley muf- ]• f ln g tho catch, le tting two runs ovor.

O liver wns a ll gono by th is tbne, and , walked Cooper. .Two men occupying

sncks when Hubbell atrodo forth w ith ' his bludgeon, counted a couplo moro as

> Ihe b n tte r h it fo r two bases Into^rlght ” center field. Hubbell scored ‘when , Adnms singled to center.,i A M oa a t Sm10 As M iller, tenth man of tho round, rt cnmo to b a t Oliver looked a ll tho pa rt :- uf n mnn au sea with no holp In sight, y llo ju s l could no t locate tho p late and if Motley w a i 's e n t fo r to rescue him. it “ Spud” put--»pmo speed back o f-h is ir chucks and fanned tho last man of the I- inning.g , J 'o r Buhl thn t is tho story of tho #• g a m r, 'e ic c p t’os tho narrative a ffeert'II Cooper's tw irling. Tho speed merchant10 nnd curvo dispenser n f tho woatend out-,

f i t displayed little of thn a r t th a t hasa mndu h is name n terror to other clubs :n nnd ‘batsmen in this dlatrict. H e was it imnrhed 'frequently nnd solidly during' i. five o f tho e ight innings in whieh the d Kallsmen wore n t bnt, especially in . the d seventh and eighth. Tho bulk of tho n h ittin g and counting was done in thoao :• frames, In fact, I t looked as though re- e lief would hnvo to bo sent for. it , A n e rror, a sacrifice and a two-ply11 punch gave tho locals tbeir opening tal- kt ly In th e firat, Bob Whitxel being re- 'f rip lcn t p t a bflso on aa o n o r a t secondj r nnd counting tho stn rting run." ' BoUey Bobbles' Two errors nnd two h its lon t two run­

ners across in the second, Bilcf/ and Bailey being the counters. Morley op- onod th o thlri^ w ith a slnglo past sec­ond and advanced on an e n o r a t third baso on Zienke.'s roller, which let ZIen-

,e' ku on safe ly. A pparontly Cooper mlx- r cd B e ll's peraonnl appearance wllh th a t k o f Zienke and, fea ring tho batting a prawess of tbo la tte r, deliberately walk- n cd Bell. N cuoian filed to tho catcher :- b u t lUlos straightened on t n eurvo and ll w o tcd M otley. Moss, who had been u p laying third base fo r Buhl, pe ttishly t walked o ff tho field, ‘ 'Pcw ee" Miller

a U Bank in FafeLLSJDAHO0

B S ^ V E B A N K s o r v tn g i o t m c e d a ' 1 - 3 p e r . c e n t o u n t r a t o . A r e d u c t i o n e o e d e s a g e n e r a l ' tm -

m e y s U n a t io iL T h e e f - iU n q t b e f d l t l o o a B j r t o r i n k d e p o r t s ' i i a r t j i p -

a d j t ^ t n i e n t p e r i o d ' is . I th o n g h t h e r o ' a r e i n a n y t a k o p l a o ^ b e f o r e s t a - d . T h o c h a n g e i n r a t e ^h is i m p r o T e m e n t .

nk in tlu County


ral Reserve System

^LLS,:IDAHO.ERiMY,JltaW ng his Tho “ id d ” Immedi­a tely onglnooud, a doubleplny th a t dla- I posed of Zlenko.ot tho plato. nnd Bailey o t f ira t on the la tto r’s roller. I

T hereafter for three Innings Cooper nllowcd noither h it nor ru n ,'b u t a riot wns staged in tho aeventh nnd wna kept actlvo through, the eighth. '

W hlU el was dlspoaed of on strlkea nnd' then tho fireworks beganr Watsoi) h it fo r two bags ond Morley fo r o:io, nn c p r a t oliortstop scored Watson and ^ r l o y counted when Zleake sin­gled."' Boll wns hit and when Neuman sacrifice fliod Zlonko countc^ thu,tliird

' run of tho round. Oliver wns i^ u ck

P ou t a t tho s ta r to ff of the olghth and 'jV hltM r'foliow cd suit'. .W atson, vihii hnd been a thorn ia Cooper's side all day rnmmcd a threo base blow to left and w as scored aa Morley punched a a lm iU rly long h it Into center. Zicnke

*S singled sc o rin g ‘'Spud” and Bell smush- cd his h istoric homer over the center-

“ * field, dobrls. Neuman, loo, made n hit, «c b u t I t wna 'of a #lngle-ply character nnd ° he died on first wbon Biles fanned,

l l "“ Slim ” Cooper had.had his chnuee.

T baS ccw

B u h l - AB K H PO A Bho H ubbell, If ------------5 1 1 0 0 1ik. Adnms, 2 b '........ .........6 0 U 0 1 1lg. Moss, 3b ________ 1 0 0 0 0 2Icr Miller, 3b ________ ; 3 0 .0 3 4 0cd Pe rry , lb _________4 1 1 9 0 1Iv- Cliarllon, r f ______ 4 2 1 0 0 0in Bhnpson, c ________ 2 0 0 10 1 1ibt H all, u ________— ..4 1 1 0 0 2vo Sherman, c f ------------4 1 0 2 ' 0 0w- Cooper, p --------------- 3 1 1 0 3 .0jJ , ----------------- .--------

Totala _________ J 5 7 7 24 9 8 ]

1°: Twin F a n s - AB R H PO A E 1” W hittc ll, 2b ....... 3 1 1 . 2 2 0 1'L ^yat8on, 3b ______ 4 2 2 1 2 0 ’Z Morley, cf-p .......... - .‘1 3 3 4 1 0 ,' Z Ienko ,/lb — ...... .. 5 2 3 8 0 0

Bell, r f ___________ 3 1 1 . 0 0 6l l Neuman, I f ------------ '4 O ’ I 0 /) 1

llynis, c -----------------5 1 2 10 0 0Bailey, ss _____ ___ 4 1 1 1 2 1Oliver, p __________ 4 0 0 1 2 0

T otals ________ JO U U 27 0 ‘1on By in n in g :a Ihihl _________ fl 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 & - 7

If- Twin Pnlls 2 1 0 0 0 3 ^ x—U

-ij Summary — Two base' h its, Porry. n„ Cuoper, Adams, Hall, Zlonke, Wntson,.1 Hubbell; tlireo base bits: W atson, Mor- ' toy; hom e'ruus: Charlton, Bell; sacri-

ij, fico h its : W atsoa, Neuman ( fly ); stol- oil bnses: H(ill, Bailey; struck out: by Cooper 9, by Oliver 0, by Morley 1; lia>|f on balls: off Olivor 3j o ff Cooper 1; h it batsm an: by Cooper, Bell; first base on orrora: Buhl 2j Twin Foils 4;

r t runs b a tted in : Charlton, Shornian (2),It. W iitio l (2),-riorcIoy, Zicnko (S j. 'ik l) ,’d .Biles; double pUys: Miller'Slmpson-

I’ctry*, la t t on buo*. Buhl -1, Tw in Fulls lia 7 ;;p itchc rs‘ nnalysis: o ff Oliver 7 h its , he 7'runa, ,in 8 2 -lln n in g s; o ff M orley: no

h its, no n m i, In one-third lunlngi Time fio o j pim o—1:05. U ippires:' McCluskev t»'ot-'BaTil, ball nnd slrlkc*f 061dwtltey'of n t Twin tM lls. basea. it-. ^

l l BBAD t h e D A IL 7 NEWS.

be Ilie ' 1bo ao

If.i ■ Trade-idp-c* ,

i Y o u k n o i

t r a d e - m a; r \

■" i w e r c h a n tly.

t h i n g e ls i

e x p e r i e n (

t h e t r a d e -

p u r i t y , w

A . B . C . r e

^ _ .c u l a t i o n - -

a s t o q u a

t i o n a n d

I n c i r c u h

v a l u e . o f iV

T h e T W I

b e f o f th (

I .

JULY29;i921 ' V ' •',1; ^ • > . y

r I BASEBALL \. V — , : ' j»t • --------- Ol[It Poclflo Coast Lesgne.

Koii I ’rancuicii, 7; Salt Loko, 1. ea Vernon, 8; Portland, 3.-, .- :)i\ Los Angolcs, 4j Sacram ento; .1. ■0, 6i-attle. 4-5; O akland, ;l-3. ' , , ,

• -------- ron- . ; , Natlonai ioagua.

Brooklyn, .1- Chicngo, 2,New York, 0; P lllsburgh, 4. {'“BoiUin, 2; CinrinimtU 1.. .

’ll St. Lculs, I); Philndrlphia, o: “*

'1 A m W con L oojio .' Philadelphia, 3>2; Detroit, 2.p.

I,, New York, C; St. Ivouls. 0.I .Cleveland, .'i; Boston, 4. it,

Was'iinglon, 7; (,'hlctigo, 5 , crit. ------ ------------------- fitnd m B A N E H B E M A N ?

NKW 0WLKAN8, (>P)—Promoter Al InPillsbury lins..wired .lohniiy K llb^nr, wlfeatherweight chnmplon, an iiffcr uf ho

g JM,000 to mort Prii- Herman, bnntam- da1 weight chnni])ion. lii n decision boul fo1 hrro next fnIL Hermnn nlrcndy hns bn., signified Ills willingness to meet Kll- pit5 bane. onJ , ■ . ---------------0 A Splendid M odldns fo t tho Stetntch1 and L tre r ■'

I "C ham ooiia ln 's l a h l o u ' f o r ' t h o ° stom sch nnd Uvor nro-splendld. I n e r « „ ” tire of telling my ftioBds and neighbors ” . o f Ihoir qaalltie* ," w riter Mrs. W ill- * ®. Iqm Vollmer, Qiatwood, N. Y. When wl E bllJoQt, coBstipated or tronbled w ith cb 0 indigestion, give them a tria l. Tbey0 will do yoa good.” —a d r . ' ]

1 “ Y o u ’U A I w1 says the Go

17 "■

I; , ~ ordinary kind, And ■I tobacco taste ^ r e s a IiJ. satisfaction.

J Any man who uses thei1. \rill teU you that.lo

.V W * B CUT is a long 6ne.Cul ” , RIGHTCl

Marked Circi' .... • I'- '- '

o w t h e v a l u e o f e s t a b

l a r k e d b r a n d s . Y o u b u

n d i s e ^ i n p r e f e s r e n c e - \

I s e b e c a u s e y o u k n o w

n e e t h a t y o u c a n d e p i

l e - m a r k e d p r o d u c t , i t s q

w e i g h t , ^ t c . , - e t c . . - . . . .

r e p r e s e n t s t r a d e - m a r k

i - - c i r c u l a t i o n t h a t i s <

l a n t i t y , c o r r e c t a s t o d i

i c o r r e i i t a s t o s a l e s m t

i l a t i o n n o t h i n g c a n e q i

f a n A . B . C . r e p o r t a n d

Why Accept 1

^ IN F ^ L S , N E W S i s £

h e A . ^ . C .

r m a l i

V E T E R A N B A liL PL A Y E R S * f i

S T A G E C L E V E L A N D :g A M |

OaUiortng o f P l o n w Oelebrftlea l a HI*, to ry ; of D lam oad' FftO tum -A nal-, ■

: w w y O ^ W t l o a , ■.CLBVKLAND, 0 .. {Ipy-Cio ,p f ‘tho

grontttK^ gnthvrlngs uf vb to ru \ basoball , rolobrltles In tho history of t io dla-'. mond waa schodulod hero today for a gome in which tlio ’ 'o ld ttm o n ” Wire to moot [a tenm. o f veteran au d lo ttw k as a icnturo o f tho one hundred a n d ' tw cu ty -flflh-nnnlvcraary of Clov’ela^d.U will 1.0 Uw f l ta t tim e la y c m th a t Ki^'oral o f 'th o aged hrroon have ni>- I'oared in n cohte.Bt.w-.

“ N'np” Lajoic,'■'former Btar second Iturniiin. is m anaging tho. " o ld tim ­e r s " find <vlll play his .form er posi­tion. • ' .

Neale Ball, Jioro o f ono of tho few un.tssuled trip le play In tho m i^ r Iruguei, will bo a t short. Bill Bradley, who hold tho m ajor longue record of a homo nm n day for fouf consecutive days, u n til " B a b o " Buth b ro k e .it n few weeks .Ago, will tako caro o f third bnse,, Iiiid “ C y” Young,, the o n lr pitcher who over won 500 garnet, wns ’ one uf thoso to occupy tho mound.

F sared Effoct on Btork.Wlllfln) wns In qunrnptlnc for chick*

enpox. Tlie fnn3lly*ft-na ot tnblo when the otnrcr came tm plncard tbe. booii&

-WliOD. hB -oaw -th^« lgn h# enld. **0««,I hope th e storlr d o e n ’f ao« th a t I t . win- s o r e him away for Br*cbang«.


v a y s F i n d ”lood Judge, That you get moro ) genuine tatishctioii, a t less cost w hen/ I

you use this class of Itobacco. ' ! .A small chew lasts ISO; niuch longer (han Ia big chew ot the ;

d the full, rich l e ^ ' . ,1 long lasting chewii^ |

l e l ^ ^ Tobacco Chisw , ' :

I w o i t j i a

u t tobaooo ( i S

mlation S

i b l i s h e d , ,

l u y s u c h

'w " \ r o m

p e n d o n

i q u a l i t y ,

•k e d c i r -

c o r r e c t : J | | H

l i s t r i b u -

l e t h o d s . I

q u a l t h e

id a u d i t .


I a m e m - .

. ■ ■■

' . n v B ' I

s E t nilSflNIIS„' CLOSiPHISE =

■— ____ Vi

P r o s e c u t i o n 'C o n c l u d e s F lg f i t t o

. T i g h t e n G r i p o f L a w o n t h e uc ii

A l le g e d C o n s p i r a t o r s t o »< ■

‘7 h r o w " S e r i e s

C llinA aO , m - T h t p ro « * U » ii k tb o basoboll tr ia l today U cgan'ita cloi- >' Iflg ortfumcotf, nliandoning a provioiu- ]y ^ n o u n ee d plan to pu t Joo Ocdcoo. a form or S t. Louia player, on tbo wit*DC8S Stand. £ d i ^ d I'r indivillo '.inads '<o(' tbo H n t argum ent fo r (bo sta t* .. >oldi

MV. PrlndlvUlo a d n m a tla ptoa fo t conric tlon , a a y lia th a t a ““ • TCidlct o f goU tr* m a n a c e su ry tbo “ aa a m eans o f preserv ing tb o lion* does e rty o f basobaU a o d th e boso r of A merica, baseball be laa th o one BR I th in s belonslijg en tire ty to Amer-

, l c a . ’ »;" T I d'so TDcn h a ^ conipircd to dom-

o g o 'baw bo ll o n d " o drfraud tbo Am- V lc t c rtean p u b lic ," Uo* continuud. “ Tboy Bi bavo I s k c D our national hport, our na­tional pIcMurc, and triod to tu rn it in to a COB d u n e ." KV

U oots Two Bjocbifts. DritoF igh ting d c ap o rn te ly 'in ' a final a*.-

tempt, to tJf>hten tbo grl|i of tho lair on tho dcfcndunta in tlio bnnuball tria l,

■ibo sta to today tw lw met defeat whon Judgo H ugo W e n d barred an alleged confeiflioii f ro m .V n a p jiy ” IM ach,.tba t Iio recoivod JSOOf) to throw Uio lUlU w orld 's Bcrli-ii and te n tatively denied tho proiM ution 'a a ttctnp t to rccnil Do- vid Zolccr of Den Moines, In ., another defendant, to tho > ritu u s stand . ■

Polaeh’s sta tcm ont w u i alleged fo ' ^ hnvo uccn mado to a local nowspapor "

. reporter ju r t a fte r tho f i r s t indict- Amcr ments. Tho s ta to m a in ta ined It Jmd 7 *8 '' ju s t learned o f tb is sta tem en t b iit Judgo f ‘°'L ' r r ic n d bold tbo’t i t sbouM havo learned \ o f i t long ago nnd th a t “ ncgligonco In ‘“Uf th o 4 ta tc 's a tto rn ey 's o ffice sbould not jeopard lie f do fondnnt's l ib e r ty ."

ilijU flaent Scbedoltd. ITho s ta to anriouneed tb a t Joo Qoiloon Uritl*

fo rm er!/ o f 8 t. I^ u ls , m inld bo its lost w itnets, and th a t a r^ m c n t s then would n-hlch begin. E aeh side will bo allowed ten yacbfi hours ct o rato ry and w ltli only n b d f jjjpg

■ day '.esilon of eourt sohodulod for to- -fhe morrow, tbo caso m ay 'n o t reach tho nhleh ju ry un til 'la to M onday or Tuesday. Corint

A lfred A ustrian , a ttop ioy fo r tbo Moiita Cbieago A m erldui league baseball club, vtB tho f ir s t w itness shmmonod in rc- 1 »IIU ititta l- to d ay by .tbo tt* to in tb ti tr ia l • - 7 ” H i f j ^ e r W hite Box ployors ond al- Q

^ ^ H ^ m b l o r s indic ted In ,connection I ^ ^ ^ B e iOlO w orld’s series scandal. ^ ^ H ^ ' D e a t b Oalla Vntaaa.

Folaeh, ( fo n n e r Box out- I ^ ^ ^ B u t t d - o n o o f tho defendants, was ^ ^ ^ K f r o m (ho .courtroom today-by ^ ^ H ^ i e n d , io go to M llnttukce when

learned hiii fa th e r h a d .d ied i,Qttin(

^ ^ ^ l ^ r p r l i o notion of tbo defense ^ ^ H ^ o l l p w c d testim ony o f Wbito ^ ^ ^ B n r a th a t - t e Q d d i i < to refu te tbreo ,■,„ . . .

Blll Burns, s ta r «tAto's ^ ^ ^ V n n c o m l n g . -tbo form er Sox p,._ ,

tr ia l fo r eonaplrin? to throw im’,. world/sorios lo ft fo tu ro aetion

^ ^ ^ H i s l d e s a m a tte r of coiijecturo ^ ^ ^ K b e d to assuro a speedy ending , 7 , „ ^ ^ ■ ^ a l w ith tho.coJio probnbly go- * ^ ^ K o ju iy Sa tu rday n igh t or Mon-

^ ■ t y N o r n i T B L o b D s ; ;

^ B l L P R E V E N T D IS E A S E , f

' ------------^ ^ B n l e s F n c tiU a n e r ' Telia Ostw>- Tvnter ^ ^ ^ V . “ Oircolatot7 W hltlpoola" nnd stn

Obroale Ailmenta I10,00»,' ' ~ ’ '

^ ^ ^ ■ E L A N D , 0 ., (/P) — Tformal tbo bet ^ ^ ^ H f O t h in quan tity anil quality, b ling r ^ ^ ^ m o n t tho prescnee of disease, ^ ^ ^ ■ f o r t l a Brlgbam o f Los Angelos, Ladle ^ ^ ^ ■ K b o r o today ^cfore the cloidng plain x

th o tw enty-fifth nnnunl con- SOe. T< tho Amcrlcnn 'Oxtcopatble

term ed circulatory wblrl- ^ ^ ■ ^ 0 ch ild 's body arc enured by _

poBtnres, D r. Drlgbnm explain- I circulatory whirlpools in ad-

^ ^ ^ ^ K p o l s o n from im proper d ie t and ^ ^ ^ ^ n . o f tbo teeth , causo chronic ^ ^ ^ R « t i d i f thoy oro properly eared

yoatb, m o n r operations will w ith a sav ing ostlm nted a t

[^^^H O ,O D O annually, ho said. *1 *^ ^ ^ B U o g lc a l ly , tho brain is-tho least I ■ ^ ^ ^ K . p a r t nf tbo body and tbo pit- I

ono of tbo daetlcss glands, ^ ^ ■ { B ^ m o r o Im portant, Dr. E rnest

o f Non- York, to ld tho dole- mind is tho action o f tho

^ ^ ^ H n o r tban of tbo brain.A I

■ P B R IB E R Y C H A R G E

^ G A I N S T J U D G E W R IG H T

O ltf^o m a J iu tlc e O o m B lam ioes Ae- , tio n D e c la i l^ ETidesee is Tjn-Wng "

•to Soppbrt Acrosation

SA PU LPA , Okla., (/P)—The dmrges Ib a t Judge Luelen B. vVrigbt of <bn lis tr ie t court o f Oroek county, oc ce p ttl I brlbo of $10,to o in conneotion with Ills decision fo r tho Sollio A tkins In- :«rests In tlio Tommy Atklnp two mll- lon dollnr oil lands controversy, w ai llsmissed trwcnty m ln n tes. a f te r ju v .ide c ourt convened to d ay for tbo third lay o f tho bearing.

Jiistico A. E. P iliz , in announcing hi* liselslon rtild " th i s court dismlrses tb r ‘barges ogalnstr Judgo WrighL because ( fin d s no evidence w hatever hos been Dtroduced fo support tho charges filed a tho jn fo rn in tio n ."

Tho Some IlYsrTvhere T h o ed itor o f Pijisa A khbar, a n jitire

kwspaper o f Lalioro, In d ia , s i^ s : “ I ave u red Obam berlalQ's CoIICf and A I 1 Harrhocf. Remedy m any tim es am ong! ty ebildren-and servants, fo r collo and Im h o e a and a lw sy i fo u D ^ ^ t ' effeet- re -" 'H id r . I h m


G o o d i n g A t t a c k s ||j[ W o o l S c h e d u l e i n r

F o r d f i e y M e a s u r e------- .- , Eng

, Idaho Senator OallB Fayne-AI- s drlob Frovision6 Oommend-

al)lo in Oomparison.

WAHUlN^aTON, D. C., (/P) — Tb- I wool rcbedulo in tho Fordney ta riff

bill ivas the speelal object of an a t (>]>di) tack by Senator Ooodlng, republican, t.oda;I of Idiho, In tbo senate ye^torday, dur* "f

in g a lull in the heariogs on ,tbe moas uro by tho son)ito financo eoarattteo.Mr. Ooodlng declared the old schedule aro

; K , in the I ’oyne-Aldrleh bil! was “ vory •. commendable" as compared w ith tho ‘suni

new'wool"schedule. ■' . mllii“ Tho wool schedule in tb lr bill -it rc-bi

not called sebcdulo K ," M r.'Q oodini; “ 1said, “ y e t I am sure i t Is w orthy o l “ pn»tho name. W b a t, schedule K did in *ifrman indirect way fo r the manufacturers, a* etbo wonl schi'dulo of fbe Fordney bill ninkcdoes d lrc r tly ." - • . tm ct



Victors OutBcore A mericaiu oa Pointa Bailing Tbrottgb O hoppi Sea Off

» l e o f W l g b t V . ,ult«

BVDB, iB^md o f Wigbf, OP>-Qrent ‘I'’"’', Brita in won tbe f ir s t race, sailed todny "’’X in tbo International lu * metro yacht , competition for tJio Brl!i*h-Amerlcnn , cup, til l Brilinh yaCbts o'lfscoring tho f Americons on point*. Tho raco wni Bailed in fiqunlly w ea th e r.. . .

Tho Amerlron ynfcbt Sheila ‘mis din- ntanted by n si rang wind today in the ‘ ‘“'fi* f ir s t of tho .six racer for the interna-' * , tional kIx meters yncbt cup. Rhe wr^i (lowed i-way for ropnir*.

■ LO raiO N , (/P)-<ri'io Ju le rn tt lo n a l six meter yacht rnces for the British- Amcriean cup opened a t 'Rydo, Islo of S E C W ight, today, wben tho first, of a sc­ries of six races will be ‘called.V Tlio raeee will bo bot,ween t t ^ s of four ynehts, tho trophy ^oing to tho Order team wMcb makes, tho best roeord over -In a eourae of 19 niilca.

Somo of tho foremost Britlah design­e rs have been employijil to produce tho WA BritU n oonipetltors V hieb nro".Icn** avinto Five, ! Polly nnd "FJwi n n d ' V ictoria, tnniln which ro ro chosen a fM r tr fo u ts by 11 In g " yacbfs built to meat (ho American en- tricis tries. • dny.

The quarte t of American bontr, Seci whleh fly Uio flag o f tbo Stfiwanhoka teiillni Corintbian Y aebt-club, arc tho Oreb, fM n)- Mniitauk, Sheila and Qenis. pliuies. “ ' J evcrv


O IL W E L L E S P R O D U C T IO N d c r e .■ ■ -■ ______ nnd nl

Berea O ut o f 80 M en A n ested on N ot- e l Gambling .Charge ore Senteaeed

to Flno and Imprtsonment. __ tTNinFORT SCO jT, K an., (/P)— A rrest of ,

10 men on. chargos o f gambling fo> )ettlng on tho probable production of a ^iinnr, lew oil well became known todav. f ?even r f tbo men wore fm cd *100 caih " ' “ J Jid sentenced fo ja il fo r .10 days nnd bo senfcnccf thon Busjwndcd, »ind fho th e m ^ l iy a c o Judgo Gotca in Mound

Edward Erickson and P . S. HlUboo f Minneapolis, woro reported to hove . „ , rngered *5000 th a t tho woll would not ield 23 barrels the f i r s t day. Twenty- ,'’'1,'^ uven men pooled n, sim llnr amount, " , . nd placed Ik in fho hands of J . H . Lc- mil. a l.lTnk caahlcr, as slako-holdcr..■bo referee la ler beld th a t tho w'di nd prndiiced tho omount atlpulnted C l l U n d .tb e stociho ldcr pa id tho money to lie,Knnaflt men. v UTho Minnenpolbi mon protested Ihnt. n te r had. been m ixed w ith tbo oil CHK nd stnrted-'eourt nctlon to rccover fho ra te s v 10,00i), which was denied. Judgo fcdrfal ihfcs called* tho county a tto rney to moftow 10 hearing of tho su it and tho-Rom- fofvred Ung charRes resulted. - membei

• " aix moiL adles’ and m en's to lts , and la d le i ' averigc

lain wool eoats and drerres cleaned,3e. Idaho Cleaneri ‘and Dyers.—adv. •BBAl


E x t r a o r d i n a r y ]


A Big A ct dircc t from tho Orphcum Clrcui tlmo—wo were fo rtunate in seturlJig thi

A Treat You Should

— ? ^ T U E B FOTOPI

“THE DRIFTIW estern Iiblodrim i

“THE EMIGPTwo Part Comedy

INTERNATIONAL NEVHapponiogfi from All Ovor


Always a Gpod VarietyAlways your


l u i m n i i i r ^HSiniDiSIOil:

r — boE a g i n o e r in g O o a n d l A d v lf ie s dc

S t u d y o f P r o b l e m o f " W h yMon Quit" - K

NEW Y O B K ,'( /P )-Id lo men m d m - fl,' ehinery aro causing A lo sf o f n ^ l y a cc billion dollars a year la tbo metal (i]ades industry, says a report issued ^ today l y tbo committee on .c^imioatlon Ilf wasto in industry of fhe American po Engine&;-lng council.

Modern employment methods, om- b rad ^ i; tho s tudy of “ why men q u i t" aro urged. • , • ■• “ Wo have two million unnecessary I . 's u ^ u t i o n r , ' the equivalent, o f twc> million workers annually separated and u i rc-b ircd ," says tbo report. **

“ M n n u iy tu re rs ," tho report adds, “ can undoubtedly hasten a return t'j Bu nnrmal conditions by producing goods as ccoiem lrally as pouib le , so\ as to *- make tolling prices low enough fo nt- , trnct buyers. ,

“ I t Is eaflmafed t^iat about 80 pot P” rent of. tho roa'ponsibilfty fo r waste, or P« iion-piMdiiftion rests w ith tho-manano- ment. we

“ 11 is evident tl<at management of lju labor m ust b o ' elevated to a higher plane. * enl

“ Heinarkable and very favorable ro- uo' lults havo been eecurfid in labor rola- 8 <-J lion* nnd in imprpvei^cnt ol rffJclcney *J- limply by csfablbEbing frank nnd open mn •onfcrunccs and free Interdiange of 1 ipinlon.i, iiaunlly In gonuino open shops wb [shops in wihch no prujadico or dlscrim bll natiun Is allowed to exist cither fop^ 7-S ir agidnst mon who do or d o .n o t be- ( 0 ong t«- labor o rgan lu tions, and somo- 1 Imes by eolleetivo barpaihlng ftnd Af lealing w ilh a cho|i rommitteo to iii^ vhich is .deUigiited nil responsibility mu ’or keep ing ' tbo men to ugtecmonfs, drc 'nirly mndo betwei-ii miinngcnieiit ond t ‘m ployc*)." • . led

■ lowS E C R E T A R Y W E E K S B A N S f

S P E C T A C U L A R A V IA T IO N c S ___ c) rd e n Arm y F lyers to Uae Precaiitlons

In Ptfsstng Over O itiea and O ther 8 ui; O n ^ e d , Places tl'j]

\VA8Hl.\Ti010N, D. C.. ( f f ^ A r m y C'"') vintora aru forbidden to thako spoc- wiilnr nighfff o r do “ a cro b atie-^y -ig " over cities or other populous dis- ^ •ids in general orders announced to-ny. !•- Secrc tnry’W ocks said it vfts tho in;, - C

'iillun lo oIlmiUAto danger from low lowd n g nnd direc ted tha t both aoro- 0liuies nnd llghto^fhan-ni^ e ro ft use 3 «'l>'rry precoution when {uualug over B.t.icR -find oUior crowded places. B:“ Plonei will bo so flow n ," thn or- Cl• n Kald, “ tb ^ t tbe ir lines of flight P<Id nititudo shall be such fliat d glTdo LiItb dead m otor (:an bo made w itjtout 11: inger to persons on tbo g round ."


(Continued ftom Page One) , 3 i------------------------------------------------------innco may bo broadened and deep* ed in a g rea ter union th a t will bo a re bulw ark for pence.”Tho Dnily Telegraph says th a t an ^ reement lictwecn America, O reat r = Italn and Japan , th a t such a confer* U . ' eo is desirablo “ Is tho best nows I ilch has gladdened the world since 1 guns ceased fir in g in Europo x x x |l i t looks ns though beforo long, we ill no t need to contemplate w ith mis-' 1 ,'ings, ac tiv itie s In tho shipyards o f I ' •United S tates nnd J a p a n ." '

Aicaffo Reserve Bank Cuts Rediscount RatevHICAOO, (ff) — Bedueed discount 01 wore announced by the .Chicngo I« aI reserve bank today, effective to* ftow. The MW ro te is six pcr cent ‘Xredlseounts d f i l l - d a s s c s and for m ber bank promissory )noles up to, •

m onths’ m atnriilcs. Tbo o ld.rates ‘Mged 0 1-2 per ccnt.



y F e a t u r e

lONr MAIDSERS DELUXE j)lrcult, having finished the big g this fop notch aftractioD.

uld Not Mias

O P L A Y S — - , ‘

PIN’ KID”* im a • _ • ‘


EWS WEEKLY -Ivor tho World ■ *


ur Money’s Worth



SAN P R A N G IB C O -^arles F . Btotn, [ re tirin g s ta te supcrlntcRdent o f bank's, j has issaed a ita fem ent coverlog tbo , la s t 30 months. “ D uring tho t flme," j bo aays, “ Catiforolo baft m e t tho final dem ands.of w ar f inance, passed the 'in - f latlon and Is miw em or^ng from tho : ( peHod of deflation. F o r thb ^ r io d ere beginning D ecember,-1018, and coding fin A pril, 1021, Chiliforala aavings' banks . 1 show an Increase in ' deposits o f 87 per f in cent and an th ifnum ber o f sOc depositors of 20. per' cen^ . The com- I morcIal blCnks fo r th e aome period show bfii op inrfease in doposltr o f -30 per cont and aa inercflse in the num b e r'o f de­positors o f 31 per e e n t ." ' . i

----------- -12^1____________________ _

T o d ^ y • a I ^ I ^ r k 9 ^ s ,-------- * ■ ■ * *■ OOQ

W H E A T S U F F E R S B A C K S E T “ • ten

Bullish Crop Brtim atea PaU to O ff te tB eporta-of b la itcet O oagertlon ^01

OHIOAGO, <ff>-Now dcflinos in th e g tl price of w heat took plaee today. tO' S urt oemana waa poor, ana receip ts largo. Bears pointed ou t th a t io throo weeks Chicago had received 13,000,0(» bushels whereas, shipm ents from horo bnd been only .1,000,000 buahels. Qp. P™ enlng quotntfons, which vo^ied from . ^ unchanged figures lo 2e lower, w ith ' t ” Scjitember ♦1.24 to 1.25, nud December >1.20 1-2 to 1.27, wero followed by n m nterial setbock oil oround. ^^0

L ater the markot hardened wilh wboat, nnd then ogain fiirued down h im . Tbe close wns nervous, 1--1 to 7-8c net lower wUii September CO fo • n ( 0 l-8c. . jo.D

Buins had a bearish e ffcc t un corn. ijQtl A fter opening 3-8c to lc lower, includ- nnji in g September n t 00 1-2 to (lie. tbo c m arket -underw eat^a sligh t -fu rther prnl drop. g|

Suhnoi|uent]y, bullish crop estim ates Rtro led lo rollivs, bu t then tho m urkct foil lower tbnn before. Tho closo abs un- Bcltl.ed n t lc fo .■>« net dec.liiie, w ith ton Beptoiuber rfl.23 3-4 fo 1.24 nnd' De* eember *1.2U 1-4 to 1.20 1*2.

Onta ivere easier with othor g roins, ^ ita rtin g unchnnged to 1-4 to 3-8c o ff. Buptembi'r 38 3-4 to 30c, nnd then con- linuiug to »;ig.

Downturns in tho vnluo o f hogs weak*:ned provisions. * ! '"

Oaeb Q uoU tloni ^ues

ClIICAdO, W V W h e a t Xo. 2 red '"«■ ^1.22 1-2 to 1.24 1-2; No. 2 hnrd *1.23 “ fil' :*2 fo l.S.I. eove

Corn .Vo. 2 mixed 03 3-4: No. 2 yel- ow 04 l-lc . tlve,

Onts Ko. 2 whilo 30 to 37 l-2 r; No. whito 33 3-4 to .14 l-2e. •Bye N9. 2 $ 1.28.Barley .'17 to 60; tim othy aeed $4 fo 5.Clover seed $11 to 10. <*’Po rk nominal.Lnrd $12,05 to 12.10.- DeiniHiba J10.2r> to 1 U 2 . '

oil atMlnneapolla Flour and G rain £x

M INNEAPOLIS, MHin.,' (/PW FJour nebnngcd. ^ 'm it3 r a n $15. rail*W heat— Ileceipfa 203 i-om roniparod

■ith 101 earn n year ago. Caah No. 1 - o rtb cm -$1.38 1-8 to $1.53 1-8; Ju ly , NF

N e w V i c t o r

H a vWe know tiMy mt

II ' ^ s a a g f e s a - ^

LOGAN M1 1 0 Main A v e . North

W 9 9

LY29,'i9a ■ ;•$1.31 1*8; '6 <iptcmber, |1 .28 1-8; Decem- close ber, $1.2 0 1-2. : bid;

Com—No, 3 yellow, 55o to 50e. ,$878 O a ts -N o . a.w lilte , 32 5*&c to 33 5 8c 1*4's Barley— <0c fo flOe. • to ryB yo-N ft. 2, $1.00 $1.10. ’ $08.(Flax—No. 1, $2.02 to ’$2.04.

-*•-pblca*o_ Produe«' OniCAGO, (/p^ — e .u ttc r unsettled; ercomery ex tras iS c i staodards 40e; eenii firs ts 8 0 1-S to ^ e ; seconds 33 to 85c. g„oa . Eggs, higher; r e c e ip ts '11,721 casca; eJiej firsts. 20 lo 30e; ordfnary f irs ts 23 to Rq 20c; mlscellancoui 27 to .28 l-2c. cov6:

Poultry allvo higher; fow ls 20 l-2c; inter b n llc rs 25 to SSe, . ’ '

' I 'B ia ia a 0 1 ^ Piw luco ' • KANSAS CITY, (/p>^EggB and poul-

try' uni^anged. - ,Creamery b u tte r firm , 4 3 e .,

- . oblcago.LlTestock Qf ^CHICAGO, (^7—C attio roeelpts 4,* vane

000; market slow, -gtinerally s teady; Bu bnlk beef steers $7.2S to 0; ’bu lk f a t mato shO'Stock $4.50 to O.SO; cannors'and eut- Oeto ters largely $2.75 to 3.7S; ba lk bulls $5 a ry 1 to 0; ehDlco light butcher bulls $0.50 to 7; bulk light veal calves $1^ to lO.CO; heavy calvcs $7 to 0 .' N l

Hog receipts 10,000; actlvo, b e tter tied; grades medium to strong wflglit.B teady to 12 to lOc lower; a ll others steady to 10c higher than yestordoy 's ovcroge; top $11.75; bulk lights and ligh t butchers ' $1125 to 11.70; bu lk packing liw s $9.50 , ^ ■ to ifi', pigs m ostly^tendy; bulk better grades $10.75 to 1K25. ' „ i ' ’’

Bheep receipts 0,000; notivo lambs strong to 25c higher; jinckcr top $10; bulk $0.25 to 0.C0; western, llunbs Bteady fo 15c higher; top $10.2^^ others ^10 and $0.50;' M ontana w ethers $0; about steadv, considering so rt; nativo F u n fa t owes, top $5; bulk $4 to 4.75. W het

Omaha Livestock ■ OMAHA, Neb., (/R — Hog receipts Butte 10,000; moatly 10 to 15c lower; bulk Band b e tto r grades $0.75 to 10.75; top $10,.00; Eggs packing grades $9 fo 0.35.

Cattle receipts 1300; all clnsaes gen- _ erally Htendy; top yeo^ings $9.50,

Sheep receipts 4,(V1.0; lombs steady to strongi bulk westerns $0.75 to 10; bold* Oat ing best weatcrns n t $10.25; sheep stendy; rniige yearlings <0.75; .ewes, Ho| fop $5.25; feeders d u ll.. « «

New Y ork Stock M arket NEW YOBK, y P h -8 clllng for both

(ircounis caused additionnl lorses in tbe • slock tnorkut today. Shippings and low priced-motors featured tbo further setback. Bales approxim ated 450,000 Flour, ihares. * Sogar'G a in s of 1 to 2 points' by actlvo is- Sugar

lues nt the upehing of today 's stock Potati norket Indicated th a t shorts wero an- Crean Icipating Ihelr customery week-end Briek lovenng of contracts. Genoral E lectric, Beans letblebem Steel .and Amcrlcon Locomo- Lettuc Ive, which woro among yesterday’s Bread icavlest features, led tbo rally. Oen- Buttei ral Electric, however, aoon cancelled Buttei iiorc thnn half its gain. B alls nnd oils Eggs rero mixed, showing fractional odvone- Ohickt s and declines. Shippings, tobaccos Bseon nd rhcmicola w ero 'inclined to oaae. Bacon, )einond exchange on London was quot- Ham«. d a t $3.58, bu t no business w as report- Ham, d a t th a t figure. Pork e

Extensive offerings of Ploree-Arrow, Muttoi ummon nnd preforred! and United Pork r 'ru it undermined the lis t la ter, Jun io r Pork s ails also reacting, Tho closing wos envy. * 80e; d

L ibe rty Bonds NEW YOBK, (JP) — . L iberty bonds p la te 1

> r R e c o r d s f o r I

iv e J u s t A r r i v e diriH please you. Don't let the daj ^ if yoti cannot come» t

:*cnbing them.nD S A L B E C O e iO

' % 5 5 l ,o

» S u r IVfo Bad T M Ofch

a g n c M W M , M C 0M 6

EbUBLM aW tM a

A rtW F I



osed: 3 I*2'a $88.04: t i n t 4 ’s $87.70 id; $eeoDd.4'fl'$87JW; f i n t 4 1-4'b 1780; accond 4 1-4'a W 7.78;‘ th ird 4 4 ’a $ 0 U 2 ; fourth ' 4 J-4 'a WTJJBi-Via- .ry ? 3-4'e $08.04; V Ietory . ;4 8- ^ ,

Sugar. .

N E w 'Y O B lf ; W ^ ^ e ' raw togar a rk e t waa firm ( |a ly to d a v a t 3 1-4 mt* for Cnbas, eoat ,a n d fre igh t, m al to 14.80 fo r een trifugal. Nii Jee were reported. ,B aw sogar future* w B ^-a tead ie r oa iv6r b g and buying by- W all a ticc i . tc rests, w itb priees a t m idday 2 to 3 > ilnta i^et h igher. ; <In refined there axo' o n ly ,th ree re* nera in tho m arket now, another b o v * g w lthd raw a .-.P ricea a ro unchanged . 0 cfljita fo r fino granulated.T rading in refined fu tures consisted ’ ft fow lota o f D ecem ber a t an ad- inco o t 10 polfits. . ^ ...Bugar fu tures closed steady : app rox i-. ato sales 2,3S0 tooa. Septem ber $3.10; Ctober $3.10; December #?.00;, Jaap*^, y W.07. •

90^ . 'NBW YOBK,. (JFf — Copper ussot*!d; oloctrolytlc spot ond nearby -18

12 1-Be; la ter 18 1-4 to 12 LSc-

• Patotoofl.CHICAGO, (ip)—P otatoes stronger; celpts 40 cars; K aw 'Valley $ V 5 toV cw t|> .Jcrsoy Cobblera $3 t f 3.26 ,-t.; California W hlto Boao $2.25 to >0 cw t.; N ebraska-E arly Ohios $2.25

2,50 cwt.

TW IN P A £L 8 U A S E B T 6 Q ra a

aralahed by Tw in F a lls F lou r Millsb eat No. 1, e w t -------------- L _ $1.11)

_ Produc*ittc r fa t ------------------------------34einch bu tte r -------------------------------3 0 e .-gs ----------------------------------------- SOc

' L lr a to c k Furnished by' In & ep e u m i M eat 1

M arketO attle-C ow s 4® 4 l*2e ; ateera Oe; al [email protected]—Prim e 7@7 l-2e iheep—M utton 4e; lambs «c.Poultry—Hens 36e; fryer* 22c.


■ (BetftU P rle e i) ; " .

mr, 08-lb. a a e k ------------ |s io @ 3 4 0fa r, beeta, 100 lb s .--------- W .00© 8.10 ’far, cans, 100 Iba. N o qnotatioa tatoes, new, Ib. 0@Selam Cheese -----------^ ^ ______ SOe,ek C heese ----------------------------- SO,m s -__________________________ - 6*;tuce, leaf, lb . lOe ,ad ___________________________ JOf’Iter ( c re a m e ry ) ..................... ....... 42e;tcr (ranch)’ _________________ 80eJ* (roach), d o t . ______________ SlJlfckens SOe 'i o n -----------^ ----------85eon , s lle e d ------------------------------- - 40ea%-------------- 1 _ _______________ S6fn, alleed _ j ----------------------------40ck ehopa------------------------ » « 2 a ® 8 0 . .;ton ebops —— ........... . 25@30f ■ 1k r o a s t ---------_____________ £5@80» Jk sa tisag e____________________ 20«teak—Blrleln'SSe; T-bone 8S0 : ronnd

cbuek 20e. - sef—P o t roast 20e; n e ik 17 l-Ss; e 12 l-2e ; b r i ^ t lOe.

A u g u s t

lay pass witb-V send for the

HmOmam ' > iltw il— bmJ Ift »CaroM -8*63) I]Cacwa* 6*949 I*D*«(taa aaaM 12

5 S S - S S S - {*“ ‘)Ssz g?s ISiM ariid 7*m- 12r c W r> 74HI U . 'Bw>tao« tm i 10 .....................

S S tS d iw n I#» » » »t i m I*

g n g . H n* I*

. . , ;

S S m ;l im to :

^ « O \ '

H in teS t S S W (2 M *t o um. ,10 -» a t * 1H7! 10 ■

u n t - ta ,

? A k Y . .

P h o n e 108

1 9

= - —--—-—-—= —-11

^ p c i a l

P hoM M ’

T io dinlDof room o f ' Ibo Begertoi Cofa W(u ttw-MOBO o f o“ « 0*

' to n ’s plDHJBatttfBOtiftl oveaU a t ThuTBdBy mornbfir w l io o . . " ” - S ' ^ B o b te w n /a a d U i t t

. ontortalncd » t 'V r e a i / a i t . « « " ; w w n BOclfll.<irt#en lo J l l n RoW mw wbb'wJIl retu rn to Berkdoy , C d lfo tn ia in a fow day* to M um o he r «tQ dl« ir (ho U niveralty o f , ,.

8 weot pcM gavb tho t to t i f fo r th« docon illbu . a la»B* b ia k o t t i ih o b lta r ^ . o « n p y l« « t h V c e n t c r o f t h e » p a e « f o ro td by tb e U b lw , ^W eb v e to nr. fan m d fa the fo n n of ft hoUow sqnaro. From t u eontftr l(u k o t, w hlth m to.1

. •■ npon ft. pedcrtal, »tfonmora of U at creen niillno rea c te d to th e four cor- M TB>f tho tfiblB, held in plMO ther.'

* e a id ! « « c l tf ir ith w hite enn- <Ilc». Tho p lnio ewd» M*1

r ' kelB w ero'dccorntod in Bwcet pcM.FoHowlnn tb « odm iiib ly « Jc :c i i

foufr«ur»e br((4kfiut, lho guMU wero t i J t i a '( c tha„ Bojilnispa homo ia E u t

.. Lnwn, where .tlioy played briJRc. Dur- in(( the.ftftom oon punch w u served.

The Rticst IiJt ineludcd lieadaraci il . J . Swc'elcy, E . a H app o f Filer, B. K. L oion, WiUon Pock, J . F. ilo t t ln , Wll- let irance, J r . , ifo rlln Batlcy, Edgnr

SmiUi; KaUicrhio Piu* vo»t, W. B. N lion , J . II. SoavM, I>eon.

' J n td B n llh , T., J. Woods, U Clos, J . <1. W TJiorpe, M orffin Heap, J. B. Bmaoll. n I’. J . Coatcllo, C. 8 . M cM nrtin, Donnlil

^ McLoan, J . B .-M cLain, W. F . PaMcr, C. H . Mull, EMl H orry Benoit, Z.

, \ 11/ Ncrlh, Pormaa Jc lia m , Zeona ‘ ' ' an ilth , B. J . Oatrnndor,. W endell Allc.1,

E . L . W arren, Ooorgo 8 prag»e, C- H Kobbina, and tho Ulaacs^M argarot Bon- noU, .n « lb iJcBnchnmp, I r a n SpSolbeig,

- • FJorenco Coatclfo lanii E d ith Dygcft.

A gav p a rty of motorlala compojed o f tb o membera of tho M ethodist MIJ-

• Blonacv Boeioty and tho ir fapH ic r na. Bortbioil'oa tlio law n a t tho country homo of M r. nnd Mr*. L . W. Champlain n t 7:30 la s t ovcninff to ' enjoy tlio co»' lent# o f tbo well lUScd pUn5c bos. • kots thnfnccoiflpnniod them . Tho abort i bnsinw : fiCMlon tU nt foUowodSlio tu jv ' i)or yiolded to a very onjeyablo aoclal how . MtU. A- a W ood, who waa in chnfco of a ll ormcgcmentB, roceived ( w arm i.rai*o fo r tho m anner Jn which »

I tho of/air'wta* handled. A bout C3 per- o sons were in attendaneo.

Tho Indies of Iho Ilighlond Vluw club », * enterta ined thoir hutbanda ond famUlca I

a t a well appointed dinner on tho lawn ii >of tho W . U . WallMO bomp lo s t oveu- in'g. I b c tnblca wero trim m ed w ith a m ost (attislla arnuiB«iReat o f awcet ^

• peofl,'and tho groiindfl wolMlghtod with ^e lectric llghttw A bout lOO^pcoplo eo joye'd llio delicioua dinner nnd lh o mu- ule nnd aocial hour following,

• Mtb. II. A. Sovorin o f ?10 SevcKtfi nvenuo cast en terta ined w ith n Inwn

f w y yesterday oftcrnoun JwnoriQJ Vbo c v rn t o f b e r dtiugblcr Kol«n a th ird birthday, 'fflio dftonioon trui

■ y ■ epoat l^o»t liippU y by th e .smiJI gueatala p laying gameaj and tho pa rty cloeed ol w ith tho serving o f refreshm ents. The w

• eenU r of in tereat wns a beau tifu l bUth- » day cake which conformed to tlio color p ' -Bchomo carried ou t _ la tho pink and w hito floral dccoratloiia. Tho pwHcl- pan ta wore. C bnrks Moon, D ale W oy . J - V ircinia D a ley ,, I ta lh o n a Ilollia or, tn A,tooU\, m \\\w ^ a n d U w U P u ttie r , J ily rlo Ilorwood,' Dorothy Harwood. I"

V B ornirdino ' I ’o tton , M lrlond Sovunn and U elcn Sovorin. • m ic hoaicss war asab tcd io BcrvJnff by Mra. F . Dniey.

Mr. and Mrs. J . D- D unihort wero 'h o a la la st ovoning aC A "cam pera’ re-

union” d lonor-porty , a ll llio, gucsU• liavlng been participan ts in a recent

camping tr ip i n , th o mountains. The . pUco cards were K w lnlacont o f tb c to- cen t cam ping osporicnco nnd clovcrly

* tb a iM tc rl to d personal IdlosyactosiM or (unualng incidenta th a t oacb recalled,Tho tab lo •was centered w ith a m l:^ - turo fiah pond whore kowpies tried the ir skill. Thoad who enjoyed the ox- ecJIont dinner wero Mr. and Mra. E j U Dunlap, Mr. and M rs. D. B . Church- „ 111, M r. and Mrs. 0 . D. Irw in , M r. and Mrs. J . D. B arnhart and Mlaa Bula G ardiner. hls

-------- - bftiTho vieo-pccBldont o f 'tho oTgnniza- ago

tion, Mrs. 0 . M. H all, proBldcd a t tho tD gnlnT-m hU ng o f Ibo P ic* b y t« laa J l ilijalonflry M cloty ycalerdny aflem ooa She

^ In tbo PiilotB o f tUo church. Tlio very riy« ▼ ■intcrcatinf: roport o f the recent confor- w it

J cnee hold a t Bollovue, ns presented by Pro' tho prcaldlng officer, c licited tho-eioB. Foa

cat a ttontlon and awakened m uih infer- ot e st and enthuniamu- Tho regular study lho period waa divided betw een a prcaenta- Okl tlon o f tho "W om en’s B oard of Homo P^t, Missions” , ably handled by M rs. J . A. Jobnw n, and “ ro ic ig n liis»5on»ta A n - y e rica” conclsely^preaentcd by M r t A. m L . Q oodtltb. A p o u p o t songs by M rs. « 0 D. R. Churchill wns well ricolved. Tlie — social hour w as-in cbargo of Mrs. Lena m Holdcrman and M rs. E. S . Milford, aa- flated by the Misges Violot Iloldcnnan, Morsel M llfofd; and Mra. W. A. How- •ard.

Tho fira t nnnual plcnJo of tho.C ath- ' olle 'Womon’B.Leagne, bo ld on tho law n

of the Ralph Logan homo on Eighth •, avonuo t a s t on Tliuteday n fttin o o n wob

anch an unuBually- Buccoaaful a ffa ir • th a t I t w ill bccomo a rcp tla r ; summer

ovont. Follow ing tho bountifu l cafotorin • luncheon a t noon a program o f remark- ‘

oblo m orlt was preaonled. Music on thoV harp nnd pianp by Mrs. D . R Began _ v ia nppreciatlvoly rccoivod. T his waa

■ inlorspersod by readings by Mrs. D. P . Biggs, Misa i la r io B rndy and M rt. M.0 . P iit^am . Vlclrofa miistc nitdcd ts tb e pioaniTo of tb o M tnsion. >^bout 70 nicmbctB and guo«t« wero preaont.


i ‘W A 6IlIN aT 0> ', D. 0., (/p )-S cn n te r , ’ ^ K^sitU o f KcbtRska, w ho collappcd yci-

te rday a flo r n long speech on tho n[jh- caliuraPertfdlig bill, apen t a /a ir ly r a t -

■ fu l n lgb t, b u t his-condition today wns . - rcportod no t Improved. H ea t proslra-

■ tlo n ‘'w a$ the diagnosis o f his phyai- clftna. . 1 - -

B O . t e s m ^ -

— . S U (.t« W A W. C»UU U *lO > W L f

I A HEfc W «Igetaott .tfo^reitTW D <>.-■ , ,.-1 .

lQ:3iy ^ I



...............or <be .» blo.- .

ignaro. ^ ^ ■ ‘v y aTcttoil

U af T cor- tbtr>'

; baa- i.rdercd

wera£oat m

/cd. ; J« M. ■_ O O TD O O ft ^ ? 0 % r C

' Wll- , ~

• i » i i . u w & - w t tirH -T i Icon- n w e u l t i f c G e c a k e '

S E E W r TO !'».«'£■ in . l J O N T H S 5 K l | t I - hKAascT, ' . • •it, z . — ;-------------------- -------------------leans c = ^ = ^ = ^ ^ » « ^ e ^ = s = s s : » s s 5lHc.1, _________________ '

l o c a l g r e v i t i e j jr t. ■ / 1

flsed O aoping a t K e tcb u a —Mr. and Mrj>.MiJ- B . J . Otlrandcsr 'a te tauijilng fo r tin,"' week in tho moutitaius nbovo Kotchuni.uffy T ■

cm " V acation—M r. and Mrs. B. E. , l,jg. Bobier o f S ix th nvenuo eaat are tak . hort '" ff a 'c “ ' ' “y* vocation in SU nley ,up . basin.>clal ------ ------- II in OonA to Bolao—<>'. A. Bobiniuii nnu ived C. H. Mull drovo to Bowo yoaterday (\lelt K }m o th e y w i)) rem sia .to r a te w <lays jper. on bujinesa. ' t

l a S a lt L ak*—M rs. M aiy Channel, \Jub who snvokea h e r bomo w ith her aoii, C. j,lica B. Choanol in E aa t Law« addition litiwn in S a lt I M o v iil tln u frlenda. b'CD- i-.i,< 0II a p „ a j Chicago—Mra. B. .0 . .McDuu- v ’cet a a j daugJiter, ot Litlesgo, are

CUCBIB n t tho homo o f Mr. .and M r: H li . C. Koniaton on I^iurth avenue north,

nu- _ _ ■— • ■" i>Oono to N obmskft—F . W. Koba u! «

,,L 3*1 T enth avenuo east, le ft Wednesday sievening for O rd, N cbm ika, on buai- tineas. Ho ospocts to bo absent nbout ci

ltd Spending W eek H o fr—Oeorgo losct -cd of MlflticapoIlB Is spcndi'cg tho week « •1,0 w ith hls roD, Dr. Bay 0 . loaot. Hu ol lil- # top i«a fo t ft w eek In tUo Yellowstono tl Ior park ' en route.

cf. B fltnm from Parte—Dr. and Mrs. Jjy F. Johnson retu rned yeaterdny from m, oc! tho Yollowatono park . AVbile* away O' Or they alao v lfiled Dr. .Tolniaon's,sister ,d! in BilUngs, M ont.- D

^ Bcotit* .to B e tnrn—Troop 5, Boy Scouta, who, w ith Scoutrafiater K. V. Berg, Itavo b e ea .in tho »''0« t caSJu in Shoshono baain fo r n 'w eek , wULie^uin • Uomo to<lay, am i troop S wiUi -ocouP*

^ pinator Dr. Georgo -Catdwcll will gi) - ^ to thy rJimp.

*® To v m t Te3» a _ M r. and Mrs. 0 . W.?' O errlih . and , fnm ily‘will leave Sunday y fo r points i i Texas, whero they will 5* vWe about a.m ontft. Thoy wlfJ be ifl “• DoQRiaa, F o r t W orth and McKinnOy., ,5 '‘J Tho la tte r placo la J tr . Q erriah 's form- ®‘ j ^ cr hom e.' .

3- O alM E u t - M n C. I '. W oittbnojh- " * t r le f t tb i* m otn lng fo t Aurora, lil ., io

“ respotido to ti telegram from her son,“ Carl, te lling o f tliO Borious lllpeas of

his wife. Mr. and M rs. Carl W ertt- _ ' baughbr were nn ill about fivo years «

I- ogo, Tbridcnte o f T w in Palla . • .

a V isiting BrothortT-M r. and Mra. a f ihem yn ''W nlspa of Ocdpvo, Ind., ar- f rived veaterd'tty fo r an extended v is it .

w ith Mra. W nt*on’s b rother, Assistant r Proaeeuting A ttorney 0. A. Nortli of i. F ou rth aveaiio -north and Z. IL North , . •. o f Lineoln ns'cnuc. ‘n io y have « W o , f tho lrij> overland cominf; by wny of .- 0 klah3tr.a, Colorado and Yellowrtone |<

“ wee

Claasiflod a dvertis ing U th o cheap- , eat th ing yoa caa buy—measured b> .

the profile I t-m ay bring yon. ^

~ ___

Saturday‘ 3 cans 8 -0 2 . Del Sloiite Pork-and I 3 c a i ia 1 5 - o z . D tj l M o ii to i ' ’o r k a n

4 8-oz. JIacaro iii.......................... 3 can B N o .'2 I.X .L . Assorted Ja ■ 1 can No. 10 Griffin All Fruit P

1 ib. best gr/ifle Sockeye Snlmon

Wo c a r ^ Shorwin.WlUiam; for aproying parpoaoe. W]

■ or groo’firi«3

CALL— 4 F r e e D e l iv e r i e s D a i iy o n Al

RGCHDALJ, ----- We Take Ordera for


?!*Me ANTUC w w f ■ m 8 iw i:p >IHWH , f l W 0 M > W . M

Sgj^rW J


SONIOV h ^ B p ' ^

''^^h FI '

r ABOUT***, •

: e ' G N T C T - i I 11^A c o R w G o a l l ! I

) EiPEfiSli • - f iJ I i iE

Oloshea with Houbo Immigra- ey tion Oommitteo Heatl Over

Hawaiian Labor Issno

WABIIINOTON, (ff) — President OomperB of the American FOderatlon of

J'-'* Labor ruiterntod to tho houjw Inimigta- tion committee today charges th a t cer­ta in o fficial reports on H aw aiian labor eouditions had been auppreaaod, prccip- ita tin g a clash w ith Chairmoa Johnaoa.

'« “ Tlio Tci)ort o f D. J . Keefe, eommla. Bloner o f imm igration, to the aocrotary of labor an«l commerco »omo ycara aRO,

u- was Buppreasfld,'' Mr. Qomperii said, re “ Yciu c«« verily tha t by calUng i K eefe ." • *ll. “ For e ight, years and aow tho de­

partm ent o f labor hns been so fillfld i! w ith spies th a t documents cannot bu y safely en trusted from ono departm eat i.- to ano ther,” Clialrman Johnaon aasert- it cd. " E v o n Coiumiaaioner Camlnetl^'a

roport could not be honeatly w ritten there.”

It ■ Bcferenco by tho chairman to 'tbc It services o f Samuel J . ObmpcrB, J r , son

o f lha labor loador, a s chief c lerk a t0 tho departcaont, brought Mr. Gompers

to hin /ect, protcstJog at w hat h e char- a 'clcrlicd ai» “ inslBUatioaB.”

1 " l l o d id no t ge t tho poaiUoii tlrrough ll my Influonccf.but on hlB 'm erits,” Mr. f Gompcr* ahontcd.

' D E A T H W i n s a i r p l a n e

R /S C E A C R O S S C O U N T R Y ^ — —

' TlmoUqr Bpeiiacy B l u a t .Lima, Oiilo,I 'Wlillo B U Bmtliflr Bacea ftom TnL .

Bft to a iB Bedaldo ■

LIM A, 0 ., (/P)—D eath won in a croas-contincnt airplane raco when

: Timotliy Spollacy, 6.1, Lo* Angeles oil • man, died n t a hospital hero eif his ' brother, M ichael Spellacy, raced east­w ard from Tulsa, Okbu, to hia bed-

• sldo. . . •F ifteen m inutes after* te ce lv b g a

message th n t tho death o f hia brother naa Imminent, BpcHaey feid cogageA an ' a irplane and tlio race began, p c a th < camo- la te yesterday boforo thp Tulaa , mnn roarhed U m a.

T im othy SpolWcyc'waa ^ native of Conneaut, Pn. ITo located in 'S I. Marya, 0 .,.wh.!n a young m an, and was a pio­neer in th e loeol 611 fie ld and ono of tho original owners of tho Texar arid Mexican oil fields. H e 'wna widely known in po litics In Chllfom in and nt ftno tlmo wtta a candidate for lieuten­an t jo v e m o r of th a t s ta te . Bo alao nerved as chairm an o f thb 'democratic Btalo oxecutlvo commitlec o f Califor' n ia. ______ ___

Fifty -cen t cleaning special a ll this week. I<|aho Cleanera and Dyera.—adv

I f your property ia desirable, and I* adTortlaed In tho claaaifled — yoa'Il find yon r boyw .

Specialsand B e a n s ....................... 25c: and B ean s........ .......44c

................... ..............25cI J a m s ............................$1.00it P e a c h ........... 1.....:......... 79cn o n ................................... 39c

lama Arsonato o t 'Loo(i Whon in need of coal

/ 3 3 0\ A ll M e a t a n d G r o c e r i e s — '

E STORE'or Hi Heat Coal—

i N o w i i b a u iu Ja

' W W

e t tf f ( ? o e r , V I s •U.J L lK C ^ ' II a , ■4I0E ^t>.TION V I

' J ' ___ _ i

niffllBOimDlln ,lliPII OFPftCffi

10 HoQse asd 'Sosato OonfereeB Oomposo Differonoes Over ~

ra. ponding Measnro

ICASfflNGTON, D. C., (ffi—Agrt-)- s nitni. ii.ia been reached bv eonfereca on ' the imrkcr ro|'ulatlow bill, w blcb was

juidsrd by tlie acnato several weekn 0* llgl), nud bIuco haB boen jn eoaferena-

for coflipromise o f dlffcTcnccs. Tlw •o*'' dciiate .conferees'w ere rtaid to h a v o u '- Ijor ceded from their 'am endm ent to compel :lp- unifdtci bookkeeiilng' by lho packort, on. )ju; othct <JetniI« ot.lhe agreement were il»- iiot'd iarlosed.‘■■y f


Clubs— W . L . P e lle- Cleveland ...................... (10 31 .038.fld New Y ork ...... ........ .. 57' . 3-1 .02<1bo WnshUigton ....... .'il iB .515;Qt Detroit .......................... -IS 48 .500rt- St^ Louis _______ -14 50 .403l'« Boston ....... .................42 . 51 .452ea Chlea^jo ___ ________ 40 W ^ 2 0

riiCndeljiUa ......- - i 85 58 J370

!n K m o H i j T i s A a r aa t ■ C lu b * - 7). L . P e t. ,■rs PitUiburgh __________ 00 34 ^ .033 iT- New Y fjk ....................«8 34 .030 t

Boston _____________ 53 38 .578 ijh Brooklyn _______ ........ 40 40 .510 jjr. SU Louis ----------------- 44 47 .484 j

CTiicago ........................ 40 51 .440 ,Cincinnati ........ ........... 38 53 .41S iP h llh d c lp lila '_______ . 2 0 ’ 04,. .289 t

y P A o m o OOAST IB A O O T IC lo b j - t r , P e t 1

San I'V ancisco,____ '... 75 41 .04? tSacrnmcntb . CiJ ,4 0 .574

■ Los Aiigbli'ff ;..j____02 40 .5Sf) cSeattle _____________ 02 4 0 . .550 H

„ .qakhHd ............_____ C2 SO. .554 fl„ Vernon ............ 58 67 ' .504 a

S a lt L ake ........... .. 30' 71' A\Z, Portland .............._........ 24 84 .222I ------------------- _ ■ Il


ir-—. A\SUp.i

T h e s e s l i p - o n d r e s

s o m e - o f N e w Y o r k ’s o k

' a r e s o a t t r a c t i v e , s o c c

W e h a v e j u s t f i f t y

s h a d e s , m a d e o f l i n e n '

, s o m e h a v e s e t - i n s l e e w

e r s a r e s l e e v e l e s s a n d t

J u s t t h e t h i n g t o v

d a n c e o r o n the s t r e e t ,

f p r t h e s e h o t d a y s a n d -



■ P o ilE

4 --------- I

' '

' '^^1-


Through ,

CIIICAGO, (ffJ-Tliu D eW itt^OlJalon 'cngB') w ith ils liJjtoric coachcs, thu f irs t (oromofivo oiwratcd lu Now York “

•CO. sta te ffo ^en ^ '-ntral M g b o No. 000. tirouil'

C " ? m .c>kn no t beon equalled InU f ia Chicflffo todav lo

J’,." " H V t Pogeant o f iCor. <n ' tom onow ,- "

Ifx shrieking whlatlea of^ * J w i t t n i prototypes, the Do-

AVltt CTinlon tra in nrrlved on f l a t earn“ s*"*">''p '">» N«« 6j

York. Hero i t waa unloaded and m en - ond women, a ttired In tho cestumcs

and the little engiae f teamed-throueh e“ ^ u li P® *"' booking ,aa I t did. when DO year* ngo 4t r a n ^2j tw fcn A lb a sy a n ^ Scbcnoctady. •.?» v 15 woa able to m ake kaa tluin ten mllea0,1 nn /laur. . . -


. '

» • ' » « . . w i ™

' .T'JOtt*. corn, oats, hay.-M tatocB and etRor crops. A la rger acrenge bUU

f than betoTo

* l a tho ten leading cotton statca tho

.» duccd 10,'104,opo acrca, or 28 por cont 4 1 ffofn o f 4,521,000i a o rc i or 13 per cent. . ’

M>Jo ClSlS an" Dje' TplioS 21o“i\

« > o 5 ( @ ! lo n tA o rOn Drt»

•esses are the latest creatior

cleverest dre® designers. T! copi and comfortable. .

:ty of them in the most popu

in'like fabrics, in solid eploK 3ves of white organdy, the oi

d all have patent leather be)

3 wear to a summer frolic, a et. So clever and approprfj idpricedatonly

in d $ ^ ,4 i


' (Continued from P a ^ b n e ) ' , '*■'

fica te i» recurcd from tho .commiaaion.''

■ T « r 014 d w astlsb la i t ia l steps were (aban Loro a o r»

. than a y e a r ago towourd lhe bnUding ' o f tho proposed southern line from th» .

Twin f^ lla country, w ith a Junction Ui- ' W ells « ith .tw o w o B te r& 'tn in k U sta .'A t ' th a t tim e soliciting committees made-

- euraory-canvasaes-oj the e lty and fOe* c e c d ^ in obta ining pledges o f a e a r iy ' llOPiOOO to th o bonding laaue. U asS i^ to ry eonditlons prevailed aad tho n a t* . to r was dropped in tho hopo' th a t ' » moro propitious period ' would 'daw n iipou th is com m w \ty . MoanwbUo ,l i # ' m atter o f g ran ting a 'ee rtlf lca to o f eon* vcolrorc and s e e m i ty .w a s placed hn foro l h ‘ lihc rtta to commerce com iia- aion in W ashington, by P resident Da­vis. •

A ttorney G ets Action. ''

Tlie petition nppcara' to have been ' • plgi'on holed until a fT w ln Falla lawyer, • no t ronnccted w ith , the promotion o r ­tho ' toad , hapivonlng in W ub in g to n ft Idw woeka niaee, eallei upon C b^nnan Myers, of the commls«ioo, and colled aUpntlun to tlie demand In th is dia trlet fo r a rail line te the routli. Thia Boems to bavo a ^ikonod an in terest i a the eominiaalaa and the scheme, and wbsn President Davla oprxtarcd on the accne, th is w eek, th e (ictUloa w a^ taken np fo r .consideration, resulting In favor' 'oblo action. . ,

F^eaidcnt Wilaon o! tlu> chamber o t comninrce, .today s ta ted th a t as roon ms* P rralden t D[4vi» is ablo to glvo aeao* la tiafuctory jnfonnalihn relAllvo to tbo. jilan for finailrln;; thu lino construeUon .

g Uns •clianilier o f comrootco w ill ta k o d tf- inlli’ aU'ps tow ard ga thering tbe dl*-- tr ic t 's (|U(Tta to the bonus.

A M ountain e f ’ etlt^N ofada con ta in s n ntoiiotalb o{ s a l t , !

I Dur«. solid and i m n s i m r c t f ' Id i h i ' '• early days, when tlio Mormon* bad to rely solely on tb e ir owp rc sp u m s,,tlity used llakcs f ro n tbo nountalD fa t

' vjlnAow p a n ts Jnattod of • ,

Q l a . i > a i f i e d

< r 0 0 L 4 C S FO B C L & ttin a A T * 0 ! ( )

^ L b ^ T -B U < V ftnd^w hil^a^SbrU an'i ■pony. N oU fy E . B . Dooit7 . . .

F O ^ B A L E - f l o ^ g / r W .Pborw 517B3. •

~ ^ V A N T 1 0 ) ^ ^ or le n b e a d - of * borses on good pasture. -Pbono S l ^ / -

Are you sore yon we inanrod? Bettercheok- np today — yon may 1 ; 'v have a loss tomorrow. I - Insnro in stiro insar* i K i ,

*esseson of -— , ^

elts i f ii!

a t a I # / :■ l a j t e .

. .....

...................... . y

TWIli FAlts MiLY 'news ■; ttfucd «Ter7 tfiemoon . exoept SiuvdAj'

• ;Tw)a FftUi N««r* pubUiblnc Co.."inc. (BtubUibed' m n

ItO T 'A -< JOHN a IlA ilV B T .;....... . . . . .T r s * « « r

Gni*r*<) ' u MMnd c1«m .rn&)l mati«r April », J i l l . th6 pMWfflM a t Twin n a if . Idiibo. undor th» Act of U a n h J, tlJ I . !■ . ■____ '

flUDScmPTION RA T89-0 »e year ......... II.Wf .m o n lli i ..................IJOI montba ......... .....• • - • '• '• ’•.•••ww* LU1 moalh ..................... .H

.W EUBSa O F ABaOCIATED.PRBSa 7 h e AuocU tad Pr<w U azolutlrelr «n>

UUed to th» OM, fof rtpublleBtlon of all dlipatebea crMJlttO lo 1(, o r not

•merwUo credited, {n tb lsp e tx r , and »1M . . th e locKl oewa putkUDied bereln. All

r lA ta of republlcation, tp«cUl dla- • pttlcbea herein era olKi reeerred.

No ‘rMponKlbintr J* e itum ed for tbe ' c«re ot uBMltclied TPftnuacrlpt, pboto*

- m p l i t or Qihnr cimirlDuted m atter. Ar> ildea ■ubntitrd 'for publlmtlo;! will be ue>d or not a t the dIecrcUon of the edlto lUtd no m uuacrlp t will b« ‘reiumod uD‘Ie*.i accompanied by neo«aury poatafe.

EAHTanN RErnBSENTATIVEH Oeorse B. TMvld Co.. TTte.. ITI Madlaoa

Ave., N«w York! A. a K A lor. JU l-H art, lord QuUdlns. Cbl»«o. ;

u m b e r Audit Uurw o or Ctreulatlona ,

n O B T Z K O A ND r r s KSW AED{t may no i be f a r <rom tho tru th to

a ai^ee t Uiat ogltatlon fo r rovision of i r e lg b t r a U i th a t b u ro&chcd conald- arable proportlona^among potato ^ow* ci^ o f tbe Caldwell d iit ric t haa. had a good doal to do w ith thu decision of Uie UnioD T ad f lc to mako iTfcctlvo Q loffor rato on ihlpmunta of Idaho po ta ­toes.

V 7 h o th c ro rn o tth c rc H c fp ro a iso d .i l ttdeqoato is a roIotlvHy K n alim atto r in oomparisoD with tbo siKniflcanco of tho f&ct (hat a protest haa been mado, od<I i t fau proven Bufficiootly cffootlvo ,lo

OQitiQ actioD from Iho /rdU dad uioii- o^inaoDl. Similarly i t may bc ozpcctcd Ib a t Intellltfcot. :tnd c onst^c tivo criti- d sn - of ibo ra te s prolilcm th a t moy bc presentod by pntrona of tho rnilrnnd^ w iU .not bc d!sro(^rdcd.

' i t is not tn. i)c oilHictcd, liowcvoi>, th a t rovision of rate s will comi- through x-oluntory actiotf of tho ct^rHora. Tboy have been too hard*pressed by u ii^ n * elM o f Wor and' rueooslruollon to aur-

.ren d e r the ebanee of im m ediate gain uiJesa they can bo brought to ic o tb n t b o s s Uio poBsiblo momontory Itraa is bound to eluslri be richly eonponsated in th? long run. demos There Is a g rea t deal to be said oa th is eraft, o b j e c t . , And a g rea t deal of'iirolim - 4ng fc inary v o tk m ust bo' dono beforo tho vnllor subject, can l)o ndequotcly presented, warrlf I t la Roing tu. require united- e ffo rt on lu hu A e ^ r t o f iM ppert lui^ conaumers to tvhere

^ ■ ^ t . t h o ease fo r rate revision in auch Tliu 1 abape th a t it m ay be proaen ted-w ith xuttiun n sw n a b le asturonco o f fnvornlili> action Scoutj on tho pa'rt o f the corrlora. A nd fo r gumc.

jtJiB aMppers nnd toniiaiticrs o f Tw in ,ia)Uy 'F a l la ^and neighboring ^ummuiiillea no rating lu t t o r Bchemo for c arry iog on th is ito! work has been auggoited or-is likely to M put forw ard tban tho propoaod or* A I

'-'gaalKation in wfalch the {Kopto uf Cassia ;^lro and Mlaldokal and Twlti I’a lls ' counties gpnrrh jUQ already enrolling thorasflvca. i'OmII;

T here is no th ing In the dedalon o f tornobl tb e m i l m d i to lower ra te s on potatoes ^.[i| to Indicate th a t tiie f ig h t fo r ra te s re- niotor rialon is .ended; bu t tbero ia in i t the ii basis fo r a g rea t deal of optimism over ^ eventual outcome nf tho continu* ,,ffielu IBR compaign to th ls .cfl.l - • -

T T " .----- - “ HiiUilii■ T R A linN O YOUTH O tiii't

A professor io Uostoa U niversity be- i>erime liovos l^ a t tho youth of this guncration d a te s who are reared iu tho c ity loso much roni <1

„ . t h « t makes, them resourceful and self- rind o r d U n i . ' He thinks th a t thv elemental, ed tu I primitivQ thiuKS of life arc ncodod os a take t bockgrouml. in carrying ou t h is ideas auggci w ith bla /o u r sona ho has a n an g e d <>th tblDgn so th a t they h a v e had experi- Uoiaiin once w ith cverythiog thu t lives and 'T liei grow s on a farm nnd in the woods Ih an 'I

their homo. They have gone tho ra fo rth barcfoolud whilu fishing in sum- m er and they have trapped la w in ter, cotton wadlifg through tho snows. They h a ro poalUo l)otn given the fu llest possible ne- and jw ^ o ln to n c e w ith animal and vegetable of wb: Ufe. _ Ho says he would do the same ■■xeeed tb ln g w ith g irlf , i f ho had them. Ae- >

. cprdiag to hia theory sueh tra in ing is rn rs hi needed lo malte them ,n3ert and hardy, ylui" ai

Tlio reasons th n t prompted blm pri* »f an m arily to givo lils sons InstrDetions in I’li'inun tbe primitiTe th ings of life arc no t less lion

■intotestiDg. I n 8ludyiD g‘'Hnowbound” |>rt«lupi l;t his classes ho found th a t his pupils, ublnln» tUy-'jTcd, did n o t Itno-n th e m eaning of e te rm s'u sed . They wero unablo to N O D ple ture in fho mind's eye il New Eng- lAlnd farm on a w in te r’s night. Huch ■'i'' oi'l t h io p w ert not a part of th e ir wbrld. ,I’mHc<1 Yet, I t is tm e th a t one cnnnot compro- i'r "ati b<?nd much of our best U tcraluro un- iiarlial leas acquainted w ith the conditions th a t Americ lurrouBdcd life in aa earlie r day. - «t» ”=»’

WHot the Boston p ro fe jjjjrp ijq tie d d p rivat'dy w ilh h is ojrii son*-the; Hoj; vvety. S eoul movement is .d o i ig on much th y tho Mr

' c iuie Hoe, though perhaps n o t so extcn* This aivoly, fo r th o u sa n d of youth o f tho who i i oneom }ae.gencrallon,,Bo;ti^ Id jM vading VeW V ; ; th e p r o fe w r a re c o t i l» ' e r* der wi


More Truth Tht

^ B l i s s f u l l y D i

, B y 6 . B . K I 8 ]

lio i j largo a round tho M s t , Age is te lling bn him clear!

He no longer has a tn a te .,> < r For tho th ings youth value

8 lic contrives to le t.h im thli Tlmt ho m akes her pathwa

T hat her apirita alw ays sink 'Badly, when he is n 't prescn

Ilo Bits dreaming uu tho bearl Whilo sho aplnshcs in tlto v

Hho'a 0 luirlbun looking pcac .Voung enough to bo his dai

, Uflen when h e ’a nodding sho 'Kllrts a l i l t l e -c a n you blai

•' Why ahould other.-women'bo Anxious alw ays to defame h

She hns made him vory glad • By iiretondlng to 'ndoro him

W hat 'a tho harm i f aho has.b Othera on her a tring beforo

' Ho la fooled, and badly; too, Dy be r co u n ter/e it i^/eetioii

Many things aho da res to do T hat would ha rd ly bear Iij

When she can she goes away To escape h is fond embrace

Finding jo y in live ly places, l ie believes it m akes her alek ' When, in Summer, sho m t i t would he a Bcurvy trlek—

Poor old k id—to vndoeeivo


When a ’quSirt butllu of hO' a itiou who w orks fo r his livli hu sees o f i t . W lien » milllona: (if booze Is selxcd some cour annoying m istake wns inndo.

eluslvely. ' Tho Indian youth had lo '■‘'R'midcmoostrato his, copahW ly in wood- »"cra ft, in his resourcefulness in ob ta in- l‘>okining food and his ability to endure pri- |>eai-i'vnllon before hu wss a d m itte d 'u s :* nfw-' warrior. Tho Boy H routs.ari' taughtlo Itu Rclf-austnining niiild eoudltions " i '' ' 'where onu no t so traiifed would suffer, factorThu Boston professor may have plnns "'hlluaymewhat d ifferen t from the Boy 'Scouti, bjit th^j end to Uvreocbcd is th e "uiipll'siunc. Kaeh seeks to develop Individ- «'<"• uoiity aad Bulf-relinnee through iucul-ra tlsg .a de*lru fqr Increased knowledge ^hy [loljitlnB iho direction to take. 0

ALIrOOTTON AUTOMOBILESA lready there are many experts re- .... .

senrrhing nfu-r a good substltuliy fo r • ,'asolini! IIH a moUvo power for the au- Inmoliile. The eleclrlenlly.driven car n t ^vii ,vlll help sume, h u t unlesB the elertrlea l th a t i notor ia developed beyond, the point low in alght there wlil b e ’f o r 'a long iJ 'y " \ ;Ihi« to rwiw Un> need tu vtutclv fu t jvtv kcI«uh] ■ffielent repiacer o f gas.illnr:- •. Alcohol us a substitu te Is in the },ii. rc ■hlldhuod of Its oxperimenlal stage, nnd .v J f c t (ucl! In I l d J l o m nto I,d u g o j- ' >erlmenU;d w ith. Ono authority dc- >vere i ilatcs th a t nlrcady another substajnce, ' 1“***-' •onl dust, has actually pn*se<1-th e po- rind of uxjierimenlatlon and is-d.'sign- ,|'i|fon 'd to beeomo'tt genernl fuel fo r ears to Think ake the placo of gasoline. W’itli tliLi luggesled revolution In fuel .thero will le iithiT changci, ntudcnts nnd sta tis- Hnghi liclans uml prophoU declare:. An^^J•There l> demaud for a ligh ter, ear

!han ls nuiv mnilc, i t i" claimed, nnd uncert .bo ra the r unusual dinnoiinoem'ent Is forthcoming thni a m ateria l made of lotton fonnnldehydo and glue, a com-' you n poaltloa which will xaect th e oxoetlng ,nd ,*cu liar dem and, fo r a m aterial out )f which lo m anufuclurc a lig h t /a n d ^laven •xreedingly stroag vehlele is nclually ‘' f <|ui leing mnde, Money with whieh to buy nrs hua been m a d J out of cotton and (iroppi' -lue and formaldeV^-do b u t th e mnVrag bad, n .f an nutomobile d irectly o u t.o f those ■tements is a new and sta rtlin g suggos- gio^Vij- ion oven in thenc' days whon jia ln t Ib »«me ; irodupcd from cotton seed nnd quinine blalnrd from conl ta r. ■ |,u.,iiii-i

■" ' - good sNODIfiA EM AM EN T "B X A M P L B "

^ iT o larj- Weoka is exactly r ig h t In lis ojijioiiitioH lo any disarm ing of tho throug Stilled .States aa an "exam ple” to oth- r nations. There must lie world-wido lurllal (ir tnlnl dis.tnnamcnt. or none. does, a c r i c a would be foollsli i f I t junked ts navy^niid disbanded Ittf armed or- ;an iu tiona w ithout knowledge .th a t m r ,' very, olber natitm waa doing eu K t^ r N dll ho Mme thing n t tho samo time.- • Becrotr

This world haa a lot of B ryaaa in i t , vho th ink Ihat^the woy to atop^au in - <<cpen ;ading onny la to present th e eom nun- in the ler w ith 'i i bouquet of roses, b u t ' tb e

. . -..- - . i i . .......

’’han Poetry -icar

.......... , ' “ V natl~ : z ------ u 1:t r w tain


‘ '' •- orlg

r — Bisti— \ Tae.

; no tDeceivedK I8 EB ' “>•*'

Js t, . '.Majloarly; mee

wnyralnw deirly , gooi

th in k ' . _ worithway pleasaat, . Vdnk oral'cscnt. ■' rcm

Ang;iearh in t■Ijo w ater; oncipcnch, ' - * munt daughtnr. aneisho tionblamo h e rf priii

■bo • twome herf . eiia

f in rad Cll i

him ; frinloa-bad Chiliforo him ! dooi00, . • andc tlon; " ' RnH do

ir U ll


> m ust leave bim;

‘. i ; . w „ i

k, - ™;i

in n . LAW

f hooch ia taken ifrom »ivoliving, th a t ia tho last nbtfllonaire'a *50,000 worth eourt deddea th o t aa th a tado. • .

sleu]I i« t i

nmmniider o f such an 'arm y would bo b d i (I IJryan. There aro nations th a t aro Ti loking for ndvantoj^-s. Thoy ta lk eai-i' because i)cai-c- talk is politics qua ow.' ' - able

Hut vvhal would thoy ta lk if tho niU'd Htato# hud no navy, no arms,' tho ■ictorlcs, no shells, .powder or an ay , 'n*jn hllu Ihcsci other nations had g rea t na- lea, trained armies and mounlnlns o f (’oln il.plles? 11ns the lesson of the world a r been lost on the Bryans? ^

\ pant

O P I N I O N S Ia < P r tn « • Kui i

---------------------------------------- ------------- : ngrc'CONTJDEMCE ; ' .

C o iifiJenco 'is .somothing almost as •*"' f flcu lt to doflno as I t Is to sumujon l"v , ^vill. Wo know lu a general wav ''f t lat i t |irtfceeJa from choractcr, ySt Jj’** lere Is ntoru lo i t than this. Tho man >n a it next to who is driving the ear, uy hnve d ia ra cter ye t you iiiicon- p — ■l*iunly hliffv'ti your kuue-i wheu hu jc s-ii^u iu l .-orners. •Wheii_ySu hnve inflilein'u .vou aro -n'laied nnd ii doir — le result 'in achieved: he doos well Kl id viiu U-l him do w dl. Ami i« nnt How ds t lu ^lifferencu between thi» iui le rti Iniitratloii and 'the Insl I'lii-f • \\V n t ii ere curlnus ubout Mr. Hughes, but in Ihe jile n .liffuront m nnner tlmn al.oiii onl lr- Hr.vaii. Our curiosity nlioiii .Mr. P i tt rvun '"dll wore off. TIiiMk <if ihi- Heni/fere i.... hi-lween Jiryaii aiul lliij-he^! "i>u.hink of Ihe d lffo renee: lietwe.'ii Hur- Frar non iiiid linker and DariielH :u«1 'oth- Mira •a it Ik not neecBMr.v' lu rerall. .m the M 10 siilf, :ind }dcIlon und Ilin>vi.r ;itid ily r nKhe^ and Hays oti thu o lhu -li.le. nd !>.-iu,'»! Consider Datv.-,. mui his uys. ,i in III.- .one. side were irf. vilution, .Io"c iifertniiilv, iheorv, w-nbbliny, d-iuhl. .|;iuliful tulkers w ith lar^,-. uahbly to = nives and conversation nlmui the rotherhuod of man nnd Ihu .-arrin .vs OA; lu nunt maku for liumniiit.v aruii’t ked will'll all operation Is obcml lo be • W ’rformed. Vou would rather have u exan ,isines.iliki! Individual who puU ou the ta rif (iven nnd ^els a t you w ith a dcmr.mor dace ’ quiet c'omiiclence. AlthA cre»- Ilf pessimists Is iiliro;i<l who forw •rsisl in w ying thn i Uie boitnm hus flew ■opped out of uverylliliig. 'Hiing-i aro ble ' w\, nu duubl, bu t i t is ptt'cui-lv when lings jeem to bo n l their uoral lha t otliei ley nieail. Confldenre U iriiirning reefj nvly, but rrlnruing. 'V|. Iiavu had . mu pretty hard jolts. Tin* men in Ing i arKU of our government tu.lav.aro gu; Slotr g about the ir task ia a thoroughly sion. Isinessllke mnnnor. Tlu-.i- havr the od seusu tu ockuoitk-<lg'' Uioif uwa n lta tloas und the hoiieMv not 'fo- I ' '’" »im to bo intraL-le.wurkerV ohilgMr. lla rd ing has fastened njiou him, rough long yenr* of [.nctical ox- rlence habits of enduranci' and hard x ij irk. He gt<)w-a in repute.. His sin- „* t rU.v th r ..* ! , f Chlmes. We knon- he is not irsupcttnan.‘1 » . uo> YorkIbnno.

MB. ITOGHEB'N OTE TO O qiN AN dtho r the matter nor the manner o f c rotary H ughes' note to the Chincao A , J vernmcat could well W improved 00. Jo h a H ay’s p rin tlp lt of the ^ jjwn d w r ” l i Bivo» a M «ffim >llon '

the clearest jw iiible te rm i E t r t !-hnve a alalrm eat uf th'e AnerlcAn ^ * 9

,LS; I ^ A H g , ' F E I D A ^

M)int of t Iow tow ard th* F o r E oat r jrfileh ia forceful M d ye t no t imperial*. | \Stic; I t la n Btatomcnt from w h lch .'lt * ^a hardly''conceivablo th a t nny Amor- jcan will disaont and upon which th i* ^latlon can a ffo rd to stand ov'on though n t Involvoa atra lned relatloW w ith c e r a in govemmonta.

Tho inc iden t involved In tbo llng lic iloto ia o f little ' oonteqnonco b u t i t givea <IS n viv i^ glimpao of tho dram a th a t ia q .lolng played in the O rien t-n la o o f tho rO Ilirigin of tho'vogue, myatorioua b u t per/ -latent rumora th a t tbe .m aatory of tho ''o d f ic will aome dAy (perhaps in tbo -c lot d is tan t fu tu re ) bo pu t to tbo. to it .Jeew lary -nugbea l» u n n d a tb c ioneil* „ ; :an poaltion eo p lain th a t i t cannot benlsundoratood, and i t ia sow tbe ^ t y ‘if certa in foreign oho&eellerlea to JuattMay a ll tho ir cards on th e tablo,* ' to nrodle e t tho U nited St#toa n t lea«t half- .i t-ay and ahow u ( aomo ovldoneo of the ;ood fa itb upoa -wbleh tho poaeo of thororld m ust dopend. boot

Viewed in the light bf a lt tb e eollat- meniral circnmataneea, tho H ughca no te i t ksoicmarkablo. The eontlnuanee o f tho ginnInglo-Japnnoso trea t) ' la being welgfaod w ithn the bolanee by tho imperial-confer* .T lnee In London. ThO Amorlenn goTom- a ijylu n t aoon will Aslt tho British and Jap* than•nesu govemmonta to discuss tho quoa* fj<aiion of disarmament or a t least o f n mis* uoniiriiBlon of n n ra l building. W ith theso leinowo pivotal Issues soon to reoch a fo- ords.Its Mr. Hughea hfls again In hia owo fromirm wny, told tho world th a t fho U n it' flguid Stotca ia in no mood to Buffer an In- B iringcm ent o f tho trea ty rig h ts in distr!hina or n violation of th o . “ opes yearloor” principle, no m atter how paeifio agoind concUIatorj' ita policy m ay be.— modiinftimoro 6 un. whib

IflBiifFlEST IJ o n g r c g f a t io n H a s t W a i t o n t h e ing t

F a c t o r y t o M a k e U p S p e c i a l O r d o r t o M e e t N e e d s . ' tions

CINCINNATI, 0 ., ( /PH O oiog bell vicin hii|»ping has jt^ difficulties nnd it^ none JinoyanecB, chief of which is th«‘ noise muni lado when thu wares aro sampled. B u t tho 1 ell uliopping as tho inenns of nveriing Ion ostly (ou rt litigation is nil r igh t. nro '

Ilcccnlly A lbert K rippendorf, shoe ipg laniifat.turer, and a dor«n o ther re.ii- farm e n ts o f G randln Itoad, the uUra-exe)u- throi ivo r.’ilileneo thoroughfare o f Ihis d ty Htnli b ta iaed la tcm in rary injunction re-. Pres< truin ing the -Uoly Angeles ehurch lu Ca hnt neighborhood, from ring ing , its len 1 ells so enrlv in the morning when the Icy I esidents w ire a t thu top of Ihcir uhoa looping form. I t ' wns sol out. in lh>‘ proa< « t i tb ( \ th a t tho vibration ftum tlw lyanil oil shook tho surrounding homes. brint Tho church authorltle i ra the r than tho ]

ontest the ru it suggested tho repine- Ad ag of tho b d l w ith ono of less vocifoi'- per, i us tone and tho suggestion wns agree- the ir ble to the com(Mainnnts. Therefore ju jtn ell shopping tour. . -Tliey wont to a wool ol], m aking foundry .ind looked ovc.' cordt h o 's tock o f bolls that ranged from trie t inmmoth church bells to row brlls. .114^4

“ Tliis will show you whnt m y eli- ]05,Q n ts .h a v e had to contend w th ,” rnlil Uol,| 'olonel aimnu Itoss. Ho struck n 700- 10 p ound bell w ilh n sledge hnminer. \VmI

“ T h ii neeniK n lltfle too gen tle ,” r - ,,cr c inrki'd the Hev. Father Engcne DavN. Ihj,),, .iMtor ill the chureb os be Impped .1 n,i||» mnller bi'IJ w ith a m nlld. “ The ring- iig o f bellH iii n -'ehureh eeremonliil and ,.npn, .'hy have one tha t cnnnot be lienrd lirnughout the porishT’’------------------------ j„rrc

N'one of tho bells war found to be ',,r„, ' uitabl'.- nnd Ihe- foundry company „( th greed lo nibke two or iJiree boll’s minp relgUiUi; about oue-thlrd «k tiiudi a*, ypj, he present bell and lin(< 'hem w ilh at- ;(,r|H •y o f I'oinxT tn deaden Ihe sharpnesn' ,j,n_ f the sound. Tliey wilt bo rcndv- in i-u dnvs.' Rut until they arc Instnlled lie in.jiinriiou remains effective.------------ |.|j *

•• '--------------------------- f ru if -------------------------------------------------------- j high

R O C K C B E E K— — — — — — — — ing <

KOCK cnK E K , Idnho -M rs. Curtii kiwer :.nd Mrs. Hojv'srd Larseii en- i_ 'r tolncil the members o f the bnll Icnm , ,, t It ‘itird parly Ttiursd.iy ovenlng ul , * 'le homo of Mrs. U rsen . Those prer- nl w er- M e.srs. and MesdnmcB Trm il, “ J"" 'I ttulo, Larnen, liower and Gcorce ,00 lenrv ; Klillr. Chninhers. O riff Eri.'k- Vl: , lU. Kddie nomro.e, , Dolpb Murray,'rnnk /ndurso ii, Viggn llii^niussen nn,[ira yiota B ow er.' .Mr. rjid Mr*. L P. L ir-en nnd fiiii.' ‘

y nnd M r.tim l Mrs. A. I’, M urray and' ' ' ’’”7 nughter spent fiundiiy nnd .Mondny in Iblon visltinK friends irul relative*. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Perry .lones, John 7"*,

ones ai;d Miss Zor.i Shiirtloff o f Twlu ulls, le ft Mondny for n camping t r i | ,> Slan ley Bnsln. ^


W Il^M l'E O -C nnnd im i offldalH nro 1!L l camming th r .ietnils of tho Fordney ir i f f hill which ha* ju st beon intro- 7,1, uced in to the rn lic d S lates congrcsf. Ithou^'h no definite opimuna nre ])ut ' • ‘J.V >rward it is genrrnlly realized Ih,- 1, jw ta r i f f w ill'havo n very considern. I ' ' , , e e fi'cet upon C.'inadiAn trade , uip.-- i " a lly «bat pertRlcim«.l« ftvodatuffa nnd ‘ ‘ ^ Jie r i-alural irroducU. C'nnndn ex •cts bi.miH-r e rn i« .th is year in wheat ,11 o tlicr tc tr . l . , a«J i „ , lie ,,, i„,,|,. “ ‘ 'I ; g to m nrketing Ihem in tbo I’niied ntcr,'iM nsnineh ns finsncinl depre.v

prevents Kuropean rniinlries fniio ‘ Bar dn’g Lirge hiiycrn. The new I 'n ilcd Hvcsti a te s ta r i f f duties, hnwev.-r, will mako tho di in ini|>ossIble and. Canada will bo illged 10 finnnr.- her own crops. eicnt

^— r — gr ass

J h a 'O o g aa Human Food. ' ","5 '] T h e (Jog forma an Imjiortant o'rtJd* thoso

food among many nations. Ifl ing m ilDtu Ih e S odety lalands. ccc., jro a s g o f-a ll ipplM nre consliJercd a g rea t doU* lower ,C7. ond a re aald by Rurdpeaoa beginiive overcomo ihoir prejudlcoa. to b*TJ aiveet end palatable. T he tn k ti >3' r dog’a Oesh ta of »ery early origlo. j e - n n d e j i n . r e j i i y c d 'a yonng ^nd I dog na excellent food; aed Hyppo; i t e t placed It on 1 footing w ith mut^ R " ' n, so d p o rk T he Roraao# wqro fond . ^

jticklnli-pQpplea. and taertOccd ehipo) em M th e gods. ^

[^ H W & B A N K-BETTE

NORTHW ESl. ■ ■ . • ' * '

’ p i n t s O u t I h d l o a t l o i i s t h a t F u l l F o r

m e n t H a s B e e n .S p e n t o n P r o d u c t

a n d S e e s T e n d e n c y T o w a r d R e ta i l

S i N FBAHOISPO, :(ff)^ lia ie iiU o M llilin 1 iro a t hond 'tha t .the fuU foreo o f read- iuatment b o o n 'f e l t la tho boric' 4 7 ^ )roducts o r th o aoll, ineladlng m etals, tl n tho tw elfth fed e n a m e n ro d ia triet, a t th rohn P tn in , chalrmaii o i the, d is tric t )oatd, aaid i a a tegu lar oiotitUy ita te - a en t aubmltted todpy to,-tho, foderol c re u o ■esorvo b a n k Rotall prieea woro bo- o f th rinning to ahow deellnoa ^ommenaurato durlnii f i th wbolerale costa, tho report a a l i o f lun -The yield of dcelduoua fru lta goner- ditloaj

lUy th is floosoa la ahown to bo lcsa fo r 'at ban 'a year ago, bu t tho domaad fo r ber. Iteab fru lta ia oaatoni maxketa U abovo l o r i ^ Tho movement o f o rangla and ■ Avo emons i t exceeding a il provioua reo leum irda. IVuit cannors will pock only 337,02 ’rom '10 tff 7C pe r eoat of laa t y e a r 's harroh figure because of falling o ff o f orders. 1£>20,

Building operationa throughout tho pared llatrict continue to exceed .thoso of a menta ?eaK ngo by. a wido margin. Aver* during Igo rcduetlona of $1 a day bavo boon £80,<0 noilo in iho wages o f building n^orkers b a rre l vhile n 30 por cent Iner'eoao in bnlld- n day a g permits haa beoa anted f o r ' the th a a c irs t f ix months o f 1021 over a aimilnr stocks lerlod Inst year. 708,61;

"B a n k OloaHnjs H oId.O xonnd.Tho stcwly dotllnc la book d earlag s

if 20 'i .rlnclpal d tle a which’ bertin in Idobor, 1P20, waa orreBted during the laal month, tho flgurea fo r Juno show- ng a (1 per ccnt IncrcoM over' th e U a y , lenringr. Haanelal,- ?on.jitlons were “ "i'l.? aid to be “ goo d " In the w estern ee?* ions of W ashington, Oregon, aod CaJ- ,i,„ , fornin throughout N evada and in IHc q . „ ifi, ic in it/ o f Prcscott, Ariz. “ F a i r " f l lan daf condllions exist In the Sacra* kJ :ionlo M d Hnn Joaquin vaUoya nnd ho frui< raising diBtricta of Waabing* “ on nnd Utah. Financial conditid rs „ • ro “ poor” in tho broad area stretch- ng Yrf.m eastern Oregon and tho d ry '" I " ” ' arming country west of Spokanf h rough . ecnttal nnd iouthcrn Idnho. 1 Itnh nnd Arlr.oiift, exdusivo o f the ■>o.colt

Cattle, rice and Hma beans havo fa! J ' r ’'*' in bolow their pro-war levels, ^ r - 0®“?y, beans, copper, cotton, lambs, hoRK. rhoat and wool nro aald to bn a t- ■roaching tho 1913 (and lOM lovola./im bor aad petroleum continue lo ' 'r ing prlcea conaidorably m pxceaa o f ° nr roturoa. . • ^ 9 . ^

Advaneea In tho prices of bcanr, eop' c r. cotton and rleo havo occurred a ln 'd P * heir low points o f tho preaent read- uatment ,>criod. A ahnrp upturn in “ ““ ®' rod imd w heat pricoa haa beoa ro- , *}; ordcd. T otal whc&t crop for th« dl#- rict Is estim ated, as of .luly i , to bn14.401.000 bushclfl eompored w ith , 'j05.071.000 bushels produced in 1020. loldover on Ju ly I ir estim ated to bo0 p e r cen t o f laat y e a r ’a crop in 1 t a i Vnshlngton, 0 por ccnt In Idaho, mid 4■or ceat in Oregon, a lotnl o f 0,044,00'' ushels In tho Pacific northwcat. Flour Equip lills Jn th is distric t, Inereascd tbc ir Fad n tput inuring June to 42 por ccn t o f apnrity, compared w ith 34 per een t In lay r.nd 03 w r cent iu June , duo lo Unc (irronaud nctlv ity o f C»iljforIns mill* ™ini. r«, W ashington continuing to produce w««hi t the snmo rnlo and Oregon nnd Idaho lillers eurlalllng production. ‘THic California erop of berries t.f nil

ortn •:» uslimated to ’bo sllghtiv Bmaller « han Inst ym f. ".Strong winds of high empernture In tho Sacramento valley Agrlci nuscd a loss In tho pear erop csllm at- supplj d n t 00(10 tons. A small amount of tho p ruit' wns sunburned through prevailing ^rnl s igh tenipeartures In northern Califor- , , So. d\»rlHR the scconA wtcV of \h\n . lonth,- hut elsewhere, favorable grow- (tg rondlllons nro reported. otlea 1

F m lt Prospecta Bottw . 'In WashinKton. n 25,125.ton 'pi-aeh

roji Is predicted compared wiUi H8 IJ i)na Ins: year when the crop was un snnlly poor, and n eroji of 30,333 tons Hi® " f pear* in forernst.'com pared w ith 40,- of tb t 02 tous o f 1D20. In Oregon, the (nIncC ench crop is tfigain rcpo'.'ied to bc n wan u nilnro tn(l the pejirs to be equal to ro r li lie lO.ycnr avernge. In W ashington ,,11 jj nd Oregon, the yields nf nil berriec nre ,I'lKirted to Im about fiO per cent great . . . i . . . ' r Uian last year, <ind suppllcB now go . '

to m arket.'arc-tcm poia tU y In « • ,I’M of the eombinod demands of the I* res), fru it m arket anil the cannera. The Despl'e decrcaaed yields o f deciduoii** InK t

ruits thl* ycnr, ahipmontf out of Cal- knowi 'ornln hnve boon considerably larger which Ills fnr tlian thoBo of la s t year, rc- ico 01 Cfting both tho weakness of the lo' poQn». U demand from canner and the cur- v m e l viimeii:, on ncrount o f apnng fro it* , of - , reen fru il y ld d s m tho midillo west. nilronds of tho stnto have amply pre- for Iho Incrcojcd traffic . '"J* V'Cnniiers o f fn ilt In the d istric t will AH th

ick lonsideitably less than laat year tlm lo1 Cttlirornln, tho forecast generally ix rcprpj om .-iO to 75 per cont 0/ tho 1020 la aur tek nud Oregon - nnd W nsW n^on, voluni hero tl«> industry is less firm ly cs- f c „ n l bllshed, tho nnlurtlon will .probably• grea ter.

LlToatock T rade flladcoaa.Honcc .and paatu ro ' cotiditions for The ,'cstork'continui;'d nonmil throughout plo Ih 0 d is tric t w ith the exception of Ari- (EBroJ na nnd southern Utali where defl- (bo InJ cn t rainfa ll has paused a shortage of iass and water? ■ Rccelj.fs of ra ttle 1, id calves n t the principal miirkctB of c d is tric t during Jun^ were below “ oso of a year ago, the docrcato be- “ J ” g most noticeable In Portland. I’ricej "n il kinds o f livestock were slightly ” P«* wcr n t the end of J(m& than nt the 1« « J ■ginning o f the month. . te rm 1Juno production o f lumber, as report- la rof : by the four lumber associations of espocli 0 d iitric t, 377,005,000 feet, the 'ibfrta t ghc»t figure .reached, during the..cur-. n t y ta r , and n.-OSQ.Oon fee t. i l r - r 4 8 ' ^:r cent-fiTcaler than (he Mliy cut, in 0 tottespondlng week* of “ 020 the .t was reported to be 52,'.,030,000 f re t. lipm entr and orders did no t keep pace toar««i 1th th r Increased cu t and 'we>e lest lo f o r

CREPORT ' E R M O T IN T;S ST A T U S'o n > e o f E c o n o m lo ;R e a d j u s t -

s f e o f S o i l , I n c lu d in g H d a l s ,

i l l P r i c e s F a l l

n In Jnno.'MSO, or M w , IM L a l p - Sta deereaaod from 833,805,000 foot May to 318,097,000 feet in Juno or p e r cont and.wD re I M p er eont

1 than tho Juno out, atoeka o a band tho milla boing laercaaed accord-■

ly. Ordora received during the nth tota led 208,100,000 foot compar* w ith 343,724,000 foot Ip M ay,-a do*, u o of 14.7 por cent. A large pW<«> tho ordera rccoivod by the mllhi Ing tho m onth called /o r mixed lota lumber, w herev undor normal con- ioaa, n a n y o f thoao-ordcra would be 'a tra jgh t cars q f oao k iad of lum-

Oik .P n d n E tlo s Increuee . kvomgo dally, prodnetioa of potro- s in Callfornl^. during Juno waa ,02s b a rrd s ,. an Increaao of 64,350 rola a day compatod w iih June,0, ond of r>21 b a rrd a a day com* . cd w ith >yiy, 1B21. Daily ahlp- ita In Juno woro alao g rea ter than ' ^ in g tho previous m anth, avoragln^i % ,404 b n n o lt compared w ith 250,020 ' f rda., an increase of 89,484 b a rrd s < lay. Production continue® g reater a consumption, 'however, and. stored :ka u t tho ond of ^uno tota led 20,- ,613 b a n d a , . roprbaooting an. in ' laa of. 1,713,933 barrel* '(Tariag-.thc- itb j';/v . . . .rn e m p lo y m e a .tb e -d ia trlH 'a a 'n . ' llo decreajcd fluting Juno duo lorge- to ealla from agrlouUural aeetlons .hnrvcat hoada In tho g rain flelda oreharda. L abor conditloa In. the

icipal c ities o f tho d istrie t aro ]irac- Hy undiOAgod, tho largo iaoreaao la

.num bar df unemployed in San I Frnnciaco (duo to tho atrlko la the Iding tradca) being moro than oit- bv ilocreaBCB in I<oi Angeles, Port*

1 nud Seattle ..S a v lo p Pepoflta Becord.

avings deposits in this d is tric t (o>. jrte.'l by the 80 banka in tbo aoven lelpU clticA' deelined 27 hondTodtlia 1 p e r 'c e a t during tbb four TieoVs' ing June 15, tho to ta l on th a t da tf ig *750,380,000 aa compared w ith - ■- 2,143,000 OD M ay IB, and-$003,024,* • on Juno 15, 1820. ,Tho lncr6aae in

Ingi) deposlta during tho la st year been S.3 jier coot.T During the four

k a 'c n d ln g Ju n o 'IG ,'laa f, lncri*i«s « show n k Ban FrancUoo, Oakland , ^ I t L ake City, a n d ’ decrease .n . Angelee, Seattle , Portland and kona.building iHirmita issued In the tw enty id p a l cities of tho d U tr ic t 'd u r in g0, repreaentod conatruetlon valued $15,430,004 whleh wtia 4 per cent

than tho value of permits isrued ing Juno, H)21) and 13,2 per c e n t ' ■. than the value of those rciMirlfd U ay , 1021.

aVEs'iom^TO CHANCE 'ulpm ent Uaed In* P reparation of -adera l Qrain SU ndarda la 'B * .

yond Posalblllty ef Error.

Jncle SaiQ han a pcrfcctly cqulppci! ilo tu re flour mill and bakery Id , lahlngtoo which. dcspIlo Ila small1, d raw s Ita grist from oil over tli( rid . T h e mill and bakery Is partthe equipment o f the bureau of

rkctB, United S ta te s D cportm oot ol rlculturc. ' l u p rindpal object Is to )ply Inform ation which Is o f u u In

p repnm tlou ond rovision of fed-I g rain fltnnddrds. .. .lund rcds of aaraplda rcprcaentlna ' •loua g rade* .'conditions nbd varl- u o f whuut a re sen t io tff 'tbo UUlaII and c a d i o f these snm ples lS. nnod, scoured, tempered, ground. . ‘ ted nod bak i'd 'ln an d e c tr lc o rea .c r baking, thu spcdallsta cod study ' w eight, voluruu., color, and texturo th e b r tn d nnd rccord of resu lts ob- ned from the anmplo of w hent t h a t 'H used. ' T here Is no chonco for

In making, theso comparisons, aa the snnipli^ aro trvaicd i-xu^tly

ke; the nillling operatlotia a re core* ly dupilcolctl oiirl the saine rcdpo lined Iu lulxitig tho bread ond bak* y I I I . • (rhe volume Icai 1 made by plac- ; tliu baked loaf Id a vessel of w n ciiblcul i-ouicaL Flaxseed,Ich UuJs Ita way Inlo every crev- ond dol-s no t d in g to the loaf. Is

ired In nround the Icof uiiill tho la fu ll. T lir q\innUy of flat-

;d uaed la then menaured. .ond tbe rcrchce lo volume of tho v c m ‘l and I volume e f the flaxseed needed lo

th e crovlcos between the aides o f I loaf nnd the wnll o f the reccptacl.o irrM.nta the volumo of the lo o t I t aurprislDg lo note tlio difference Id ume of tw o loavea mndo from dlf* cn t varieties o f whent. '

The Iberisna. . 'Im Ibcrlana w ere an ancleni a t tho m ontb of tbe

Iro)-rlvor. In caatero Spain. l.iin • Inbabltanta of tho entire ih-iiIhxii.u

» called Iberians. The le m ....... . ^ipplled to the prlm ltlte .. ............... bronte-ace o o d _who«o remn n-

rellca' a re found In an d en i pm vi’' grottoea throughoni wcstivn Kk

1 T he race was charaetcrlxed iiy f beads and sb o n *tat,urf. Tl'*> .D Iberia still la froqucnily ' 0M>r1 roferenw to Spain and I'ortnuni jclally In literature , itie exiinw lim

.'. PoslUva ^ r e e a .10 poslU re force c f w riting e r «<!cb const 'Qome t r a n ' po titir* •m -r« rd o r . energy, depth « f fee^ o r of ( b o o |h t—Qiggtnson.

- D a i l yAdvertisfem^tsSPORTSi

— (Cont\aa«a f r jm P ig o 8.) ' * 7

Brief B itfo f Sport ^\VlUi half tbe lr fercM attoadinfl; n

M urt acMlon tbo W hito S o t yertwdfty lost agnln to WBsblngtoQ.

But ike’ OioaU trimmod tho Pirfttoi T H E ■hbA the IWlivM took ft W ou t o f lho

• ECJS}' w hile tba S a lt Lako Bcm , oh pgj p<>r usual, woro plftyloR undordog tol i e Scflla.-

W ith a ll thia g o b g on In the bigecr Icamics F a l l t took Duhl Into tJw

'ainiln,'i!dmlnl»tcTlr)g a painful beatingto tho W eat Endcjf. . • lens 1

— BBU aTiio ^iiestion of wfio ia middlowutKhl. o f oi

cbam iibn «ocms lo w orry only a fowdaatorn apotts. Tlio ic a t of tlib cour- scoulitry Is siito i t la ,no t Johnny W ilson.- full c

' ' — mSun2 Bryna Do»mey of Cluvcland fConi» aimln;■ tO 'h a v a 'a l l tlio right in tbo world to tlic D

* l2io crown, nnd Ju> iina ' laid v lulcat ntep . bands cn tbo inalgnla of tlio middiu- prnbU

-weight divialoD.---------- . . tb f b

'rho Elka aad tlio K ltrflrlts aro aclicd- ^-unl uied to pull off one of thobo noct^imnl | a ffa irs a l Lln'niln p u k ' tonight.

d ry DFan# a ttend ing the th!n[{ V ut n igh t ..

,»eoiuod nuito sure Uio balli nnd striko i prbltcr wa* out thero to win tho gamo for .B uhl. ' “ 1 "

________ • I hopt

And; .of a tru th , somo of bU nu- nounccmcnH soKo voco though tJioy n o n t woro, Ind a decidedly off-iolor nouml tlmat<

--------- wcll-bB u t tbenl

, • -------- TH E' ■ Muggty H cGraw, m a n io c and part

..<2.wner uf tlio.Olants,.«eeina to bo gut- tif ti j.ia bnd right regular lately. j

McQrnw hna. boen indefinitely sua- • tpendod from appearing on any ball ' Ufield in tlio N alional Icaguo boeauBo of , Ua ruckui he .had recently w ith Umpiro VB in K km . ' • ‘ I

Tho Q Iaata’ manager u cited to up- J W . pear in a P iltsburgli court some of

theap days to answer nn oraaillt Mchargc. ^

McOniw alwnys been the stormy W S petre l of bnacball, and a rcns to grow nvnro tutUuU&l w ith age.

One Bcattlu critic, commcntlug on B K p i l e Scallle Cioelnnati deni, w ya tho - ^ 9 ^ r n d e would Imvo glvon Seattle tho P M l

best o f i t ha il- lt.b con Qeury even for■ Ofcnton. I A

Tho Seattio club haa Inkou on for ^ 3 ' tr ia l 'a n outfielder named H arry Brown

who hna been playing w ith tho Ogdon,Utah, team in an Indepondont lenguo.

Oatnr Stanago, veteran catcher, now wttU t i l t Los A ngoitt ta a n , lioa been - K J la id up fo r two weeks w ith a buratcd •■ IU

' blood vcstol in a leg and though im- ■ B t provltt;^ Is no t In ahapo to do mueh uctivd ito rk fo r aw hila

Ted Jourdan, S alt I/iko f irs l bOie- man, who' haa lieeii on thu shelf fo r a How I month w ith a bad, coan of e lju ley Ing home, la in ahapu.lo play aRaln, though wlM his logr aro n o t ' as suppio oti they m lgbt be, ond it ia po«slblo thoy aro pcrnuinently atjffcnod. SCOU

fThi) Sacrw ronto club iji g iving utria l to Q vroU {,'nnfjeld, a JijjU. scJiool roHmcsouthpavr 'from Chico, who mado somo- lho bi'th ing (>f a icnaatlon in the spring by be a t

•w inning 10 o f '20 gamcj p itched’ for Hoti tcIlia school and averaging 17 strlkcoutr cto tho can o in tho 20 gamca. scouUi

T hat tho 8oat*Io elub bxpootfl lo WOR Uivo an outfielder {tom the New ■ York Oianta In th o 'B ill Cunningham l8 not drjtil Is Indicated by tho fac t th a t Rubo u® I'M Oldring has lean sold fo Now Hnvon a ren 'tof tho Knatern league. O ldring did not v o u ta

.,1Iko tho west, possibly beeauso ho did Rchooli|!aot show well, luid ho hod boon uioJ ing tW .In few gnmes by Seattio thia aoiuon, ,

Hunny Ilrlaf and Jim Tliorpo both w ent oil, home run rampagea on Ju ly 18. " cflfh h ittin g Ihroo homo r;ins. B rief'a , ' ‘ threo viTp made In the K ansas City-Columhuii ghmo, while Thnrpo ma<lo hia 100,000 In tlip Toijdft-MilwnuVco game. Tliov pny all

■woro pot tho only homo nm blttera of volunt( till) ganiea thoy plnyed In. Charley g rea t IIligb <i( Cohimbiia got two and Dick xtiouldiHurrua got ono, nnd Hoy Grimcf, team- „Uior: innlfl of Thorpe, go t ono,

Ga^Buggiesr-'T,kings Jo woi'IP

p r i i f l E s A t y V .AO - I OOGHT .

• TO (SET A u yr O f r e p l i e s - j

— '— - r — -"' t*oo.m6■ ,

N e w ss ixhder this hei# 5 0 ®s(:ours=tCB«tttl»a Vf CouneW e t « .* ,» » ,

Boouci ot AniCTie*.) • • , ■ . *


Dcqd Mann of C oncH so y s ; a. ]"When the bo js o f today ahall h a re .-st ft

bccomo gruwD men, tbo tlm o wlU have 4 . 1 arrivcO when tb ls nation wH^ bo-tceV nnd tIng aeutoly tbo loe fitab lo shortage of c. IUmber for o o r ImpcmUTC needfl. un- non,less In tbc rocantlmo a new a ttltudo oa bnBBtl & new pTOgttUD for tlic protec tion unoctof ou r diaappcaring tim ber aupply 0.' IAholl hnvo bw n iDslltuCod. TIio boy ilestnBcoutn of today moy woll exert, t l i d r 7. Ifull c tro tfttnd .lc itluenC fJli be lp lng :to tungumSuro nn adequate voo d . Kupply 8. 1agnlnst the tlmo when t ic y will m an tho iltbc Dntloii. A Ilrat and fundam enta l e st ilKJep is c(Jucat)oi)— undewuujdljjg tin.' £>, iproblem and the w ay oa t and helping and {other purHoiiM to undenitand It. L et Uoy , tbe boy ncnulfl use every m eans, to - —Illl( wurd thiH i-niL I t In doubly neccssu(7 now tlmt wo ure agiiln o t the begin-ning .o f tliG rom ping aenaon nnd the *' , 'd ry periods. . ' . - - 7

••Tlio noy «cnu'lfl-hove • high Iden'h "NOTl for notional Hen-Icc.' T bey know' lioiv to quicken publle thought and ifctnui.I hopo they wtll d tr th c lr best no^v nnd i, Iolwoys In th l^ mattei- o f fo rest protee- Counitlion and dovolopmont. which la so In- 1 tlm ately bolind ' up w itb onr futuro well-being 08 0 hatiop."

T H E BO ^ SCOUT “ON DUTY."------ . • no I

------------------------------------------------------ Pnll, I will aol

V' moi, I]

t' V ■ . Compllnuctior lawful tho 18

■ hour (

\ a ,M ' i £ .•> • '■ ^ '•1: • o f tho

- -ffnIOu K ' r n o t icHfV t ' W ^

W ^ta V V-i & R V P ’ F KU V I - I '- d A 1 n .. m *alo aj

.. ' out nfM B s j ' ' ' • ' ' 4 ' n F 7 e n t h ' J

couniy^ • day of

a corp(How Ihe Bright Lsda S a rv e ln Direct, t i f f , ol

Ing Convention Vltitora Other- Hill, E <Miu QIvs Aid. • C n ttb

___ ______________ dofondi

R o u t s ' b ig g e s t e n r o l l m e n t . jS f / ; ,J

! June . 1021. allowed lh o b iggest eo- jou rT n rullnicnt of acouts in th e h isto ry of sell all' :he BioTcnieut, n fac t whlcli ought to of Innd)c 0 m a tte r <rf pride and congratula- 7(111?, f .loti to fill conccmcd. Tlio more boyfc deacrlbi :hat como under tlie Inllucnccs of ^ ' ’5 '' icoutliig, the healthier.* boppler, finer f**■vill the boyhood of A merica be. the creator the promise o f 'I ta fu ture. Ka no t meaningless chanco tb a t m akes n 7y £ ,IB bear on every 'side th a t boy scouts >Toalcrlircn 't In t h t pollco cou rts ,, lh a t boy (577)scouta aro la tho honor ro lls of on r eight hichools,. Umt boy scouts oro perform* thenceng th is or th a t elvlc aervico. Scouting enty-scIngs tn ie to its nimi.- I t no t only of tho • Ittlm s to fit boys for manhood b u t It Iocs It. 80 why flhouldn’t wo be proudh a t th(> Doy Scouts o f America num- ,"i_lera nn active monibership of over jj00,000. Wliy shouldn't wo sa lu te mid U b tth iiny a ll lionor lr> Ihi? scDUDiiuslcr. th e to r rigolunteer lender of boyhood under 0 nppuftcTcot boimcr to o g rea t goal? Why heretofhouldn 't wc nny to them »nd cnch TognlhiIh o r: “Corai! on, IcVb mnUc U GOO,- purpoup00 by Clirlstm oflr' fee t .w

worry about

N O T A a X J L HAi S a L W - TH E O U ? ■ „M AHKET .M U S T BE : ~O BAD - t o B Z T T t e i m ^

IS THE FIR ST P R Jf tJS m O W! I S E T — An HEUEi. J /

O N E A T L A S T - J —

T w r n y A ^ D A ii iY ,

s C l a slead, One CentBy actual count, four o j t these people what you hai es for sale or rent, the po


J. P o not s ta r t a forest flre.- • labi2. Tell all your compaalons aboiU saril

ho damage which fo rest lli«s do. ' hereS. Itepori n il fo rest Ores to the near- tbor

s t ' forest ofllccr. . , pcrt4. Leorii how to Dght fo rest flres, P'

;nd take a hand lo pu tling tS cm 'oat. j*" 0. I’lan t fo^cBt,^1 C8 In vocnnt co^

lers, woBte plncca, obondoned fields,« barren loouninln slopes and other Qf •moccupled lnnd .', ' h i 1

0.' nestroy Insects, which Injure nnd Jcei lestroy fnn-xt trees. • ^ dcse

7. I^fslriiy <i)ts, lillglitii, und otlier i f f ’iuncBUK fw s <jf >lw forest. -- gott

a Help elenn Up Uio foreal by using ho ileiiil wood found lying on tho fo^s t lloor. . . ^ £>, Cut oat only iiodetf/rubJe tree*

nd guard tho o o ro valuable ones.—loy Scouts’ F i rs t Book of B'orcilry ' -Illlck. ■ * =

■ ■■ - FC

-BEAD TH E CLASSUTED A D 4 ^= ; » ------- L'. plaalliOTIOS' OP a g B l T F ’S SA LE O P* ‘' ‘•T


1, E. R. Bhorniao, ahorlff o f tho 3u n lf o f T^rin Pnlla, S tato of Idaho, p ( r to token into my possession a t tho roon: enry Schick farm, tho following de- nuto ribod cftrny animal, to-w it: phor

1 la y more, obout 18 yoara old, — whito Btar In for«hoad. a ll four feot ihod, long block hair on legs,no brand. pQj^P n l li: notico is hereby gtvea th a t I hous11 aoll .the obovo desenbod estray onl- bascial, lo purauanco w ith Scctlon 2000. largiimplied S tatu tca o f Idahoj a t pub llj ondction to tbo highest b idde r fo r cosh, ___wful money of tho U nited S to te i, on FC0 18th day of August, 102}, a t the hous' lur of 2 o ’clock p. m. (M ountain M alt no) n l tho H enry Schick f a m , alt- 075Jted ono milo rou th and two miles east ------tho southcost corner o f .th e O ity of i 'c

ihl, County of T w m .Palla , S toto of oho. • Sopt-Dated this 7th day of Jn ly , J92L 8clir

B. JL s n B B ^ , ^

1 DE:J j . DHOWN, Deputy. '



oho t^tnte Dunk, a curpDratlon, ^P lalu tiff, room

vs.M. Hill, K, U Slioemuki- and Ruboi. — lora Cattlo .Company, ay Idabo cor- poration, D efendant/.

Under and by virtue o f on order o f __1 .ic anil decreo of forerloauro, Issued FC I o f the D latrict,C ourt o f-tho Elov-. apart th '.Iud jcia l D istrict, in and fo r the Appi uniy of Twin FaUa, dnied tho 27th »ad ’y o f Ju ly , 1D21, in tho obovo entitlDd -------tion, wherein tho Idaho Stnto Dank, ^ corporation, the nbovo naniod plain. Otb 1 f , obtained n dccrco agnlnst J . M. ll, G. B. ^hoemnko nnd RiiboHom ttle Company, jui Idalio eorporalion, fendnnla, on the lOlli dny o f July, WJ }], which s.iid decree wna, «n ^he house :h dny of Ju ly , 1021. recorded in OlOJ Igmont book aevcp of anid D istric t — Jrt. a t page len, l om comnvmded to • “I a ll' th n t certain lol, piece o r parcel lnnd situated-in tho County of Twin Hr, g ln lo of Idaho, nnd bounded oni! “T77» icrlbad a s follows, to -w it; W PQeginning n t tho northeast rorner

thu northw est nuorter o f tbo }St rthweat qua rte r (NW 1-4 NW dosei ) of Section Soventocn (17), Town- pany.p Ten (10) Soiilh, Range Bovcoteen ____O 'E ast o f tho Boise M eridian thcnce VJi alcrlv fivo hundred acventy-seven d ry a f7) feet, theneo southerly twenty- —— ■ h t hundred and twelve (2812) feet, mcc enaterly fivo hundred and acv- coo“ ly -scun (577) feo t- to tho line tho w ctt ha lf o f tfio northw est quar- , theneo northerly along said eiwi e tviTOly-elglit hunijTed and ivetlvo » , H 2) fee t-to the po in t of beginning. itaining tw enty-fonr n rres, more or a, it being particu larly underatoodit th ii gVnat does n o t convoy any wa- ___!.

right. Ibo vmfor r ig h t berotoforo W / [)urlonnnt to said land having been Call 1 •etoforc nlionated and tmnaferrcil. —— gnlher w'lth nn easem ent for road rpoups of a titrlp o f twcnty-ttv^s (M) prleo t _wblo nloug nnd ;adjacont to lho a t Js

IT 3 -/T F fN E C A R - 1 =H/^flPLY U 5 E P - IT ^ .EXTRA EQUIPMENT- h » A ^P A N P y ^ -------P4 IN T LIKE K J E V /- _____ ^■ W H A T -f . I 'M / / .


AW Lm n

. Y . N S V S , T W I N FALLS

5 s if ie (: per word per ii t o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i i i T i

a v e t o s e l l , t r a d e , b a r t e r o r

l o s i t i o n y o u w a n t o r t h e i i e

v6st..rd g o of tbo canyon wall a t a ;Q Rlolnl beginning o t^ tfio .north aectioTi ___ Jjinc to tb e 'lie sd o f tho grado now ct- ablishcil ou th e land hereinbcforo do- ^ o ribeJ, toge ther w ith tho-teoem oafa, „ .ercditamonts a n d ' oppurtononccyi horoio belonging or In nny wiso sp- *“y ^rtainlD g. ‘ ‘

PubUc nollco ia-b(freb)' given, tlu it « th e 'JUh day of A u ^ l , 1031, n t Uto lOur of 2 o ’clock p, m. (M ountain Imu) cif said dny, o t. tho east fro n t “ ^ loor o f Ihc CourthOuae of tho County if Twin Polls, Stat<5 of Idaho, . I will n obvdiuuco to wild order o f solo ond leeroo nf foreclosure, soil tho Abovo Icscrlbei? jprti|>crty to sntlafy pla in t- “ ®*’t f f ’s decreo w ith intercBt tliorcon,' to- , lothcr twitU a l l—^osl* Uiat U m c 4 ™ ' .ccrul'd, to thu highest bidder for cash, awful money o f tbo United States.

D ated th is 28th-Hoy of Ju ly , 1021. V ^ .B. B. SHERMAN, '■ '!!!

Sheriff. PC iy BKN .1, HBOW.V, Deputy, ijoug- Lloyi

FOR S A L E -R E A L ESTATE' t o iT s a l b o e T j i l D B - J r » r ^ S " 'lastcfcd and kolsenlned bonje, two ig c losets,T -front and baek sleeping pQ oreh; law n, b a m and two ex tra lota a i ,1. dap. Phone 123 or coll a t 111 E aat _ _Iain. • ' . r o

FOR SALE—O r tm tw , new n v f ')om modem house, wItB garage, fo r ___uto, lot or good paper. 140 Jefferaon.

»»»«■. _________________ __

FOR RENT i s :............ .. ................- -I- ■ noymOR liENT—Now four room brick to TI3USC, sleeping porch, full ccmout ver, <uem eut, furnocov a ta tio u u y tulk>, - -irge lo t; cloio in. Inquire 241 Sec- FOId No. , 0 ^

FOR IlBNT—r iv e room modern FOI 3U80 V:lth gfltago, tw o blocks from rios- Iain nnd three from Bboshone. Phrfno open,

___________________ _____ T o iiX)R RENT—Cottiago bn 'Worm north,piings crook from . AurusV ' 10 u n t i l -------jptcm ber L Addresa Mra. a J . ‘ FO ' Ihroeder, F iler, Idaho. . W u ;_______ L - _ !--------------------------------- dairy.FO R RENT—Six-room house, pa rtiv gt. 8 cirnlsliedj. one-half Week from h i g h -------bool, on S ix th No. Piiono 71£J. FOj

_ . . . _________ ________ — gentl(FOR REN T, SALE OR ‘T B A D E - Piano ouse w ith ligh ts and .water on 'Von - — uron I t . A pply 740 80. 'W whlngton. ^ TO;

r o n ' l t E N T —Offices aod living 773 s loms nbovo Model Shoo storo. In - — lire T w in PalU A ansem ont Oo. B.-----------------------------------------............... m er'sPO R REN T—Housokeopiog aaltca, n o to r ound floor,.-fttm l8bed complete. By im , ■ 8ok or m ontb. 428 N . Main.

• iXJ]POR B EN T—nte e-ro o T i fnrolshed « g # , lartnront,- n6W y-docorat«d: d e t a . W5. £ p pply A portjaont No. 1, Beeond M i.

_____________________FOB BENT—Sleaptng room - I t i 224 & h A T t. E. P to ia 7<8-^___________ —^

PO S m O H WASTEDWANTED — Q irp wanta geoorol - i . - , usowork. L ena W elihouien, Phoue r U iOJ ■ ------ ---------------------- --------------------------------- POII f yonr p roperty la ' den irtile , w 4 la o i r i { ivoiilael in. th e 'e lo ts lf led / o a l ) gine- id yoo r bnyar. Phone

I/ANTED MISCELLANEOqs ^_____ _____________ M b S

M AN going to San Franelaeo in jof.Uo )scd cor f irs t, o f week wonta eom- PhnnB Jiy. Phono 120. _____- POIW ANTED—To buy' four-hole laun- y stove. Phone 1285M. ^ ,u

WAMTE1>-Ono lOT-hSt tH elrio oklng p la te ; sta td prico and eondl- p o i in. Addresa P . 0 , B or 782. jond il

WAh S S T t o B E N T -ro o r Bm htfnao w ith garage. No children.IX 107, (S ty . I u o ^

W ANTED—To do your groin eutlg. Phono 900R. .153 Sixth W est. ------------------------------------------------------WAW ANTED—Second-hand piano box. crol hIt a t 854 Seventh eve,' E. £88.

W A N T E D -F ords. ‘ Illghcst caah ~"w A ICQ pa id fo r old cara. Sec ^ lU o t. fam llj Jay-B ee C lark store. M, ca


a ? ~ ~ | | o a o R

t^ H = > w E s ^ ' m r ^ l d

r 5 E T T L E i» A T>i<' . ^ T H IN G S - j , C A ^ ,

f e^ ' ' m 4 J r


d A d Jinsertion, and t

Twin Falls receive Thj Nev or exchange; about your roc Help you need—One Cent Ee


_ JTOEBBBT BTOOS. «“• PW o have eut our prltea lower than z = r

my firm InHho Pacific NorthWeat. And , vo n o giving our customers the bone- „'i t o f a ll dw le rs and 'com ulsilon p icn 's iro flu Ou? stock Is* 05 p« i te n t hone • [Town, fresh dug In apring (n o t atorod l e / n cellnra during w inter, losing v ital- Sm ith ' ty ) . Do not lb gonoral p lan ting in . . . 'all, u wo KNOW i t to bo a faUure- io Whi h is a ltitude. Wo invilo yon to vlalt uable mr nurseries. ' Profcsalonal landacajio cJaasIf lesigner a t your commond, a freo aerv- " c a Catalogue ready Soplember .l i t . vlmborly Nurseries, Kimberly, Idaho.

^ R B A L ^ D c o rln g binder;.-proc.Ically nuw; reasonably priced, Ad- • _ _ _ ircsr D. B., coto Nowa. s<JCB

POH S A L B -T w o Dcering-Self rtn'ke* J ' S ' ‘ lOUghl 1020; $80 each; good tcrme. " .loyd-Craven Co., 123 Main a Phono 2S.

FO R BALE—Ono team, w agon . aud LOS arncss; cheop. Seo D. P . Moon, 430 no n o tt 'h lrd Bo. o r phono E . A. Moon. tin u

TO R 8A L E ~N «w Zeolond Bed tab- w ® .! Ua. 2C0 Blue Lakes blvd. No. •

' f o r S A U J ^ ^ i m l thouaand uaod ppio loxcs In good eooditios. E arl Qfoo](.

____________________ 1 1 _ . _ Icr, Ml

W IL L SA O E m O II PIA N O. = = F o r quick turnover will sacrifice rice; piano in our possesion in Tw in f l alia bnd m ust be moved a t oneo; eaay ' n | lym ents; writo quick for partieulara , Tho Denver Mualo Oompony, Den- :r, Colorado. .

F o T e ^ B - C h l c k o n fries. Phone WAON IOR. ?C3 Sixth W est..' .p a in

bresiFO R SALE—E arly lU ttinond eher- ave. cs. 8 K . N u h U toBch. H ig h tia y ,______Jen, .

FO R B A LEr-Poreh shade. 410 S b th

liner:FO R S A L B -B u s i proof meUl g r o i n ----------o i; All sizes; e re rj th in g fo r the ilry. Anderson A IDtr, 220 Shoabone — ... . 80. ” . VtDOU----------------------------------------------------- inetFO B SA LE—Fresh cow, good m ilker, . I'ntlo; te rm s if desired. Inquire ;Z«ck lano stofe.

r o i 8 A 1 E - H « B nU L tjb o ro ,ms; thoroughbreds; wlii aell chnHp. . , -3 S U t t n l E.,

B. D. KELLOGG, ageTt for L ot^ 'e r ’s D ry A rsenate of w a d for a p r s y ------- -ateria l. CaU Phone 660B- P . 0 . B ot i t .F irrt

r O E S A L E - 0 . A _ 0 . B u n '.d '^ .K k J‘,S o r i

rO B B A I B - B le je l , , , ir te re le i, t lx .i d tooeao rie s . W enier’i Bepair Shop,4 Second St. E.

FO B SA L B -^Plrat and aeeond cuT lg hay , loose or baled a t store. Cnrry. 132 t lh o . Phone 545R1. work

•OR SA LE-A UTOM O BILES ~PO E S A L B -B a la i . .n n - p u u i . ( ; n 0“ ™ r j geod tire s; new top; perfeot en iTwni ne; o m be seen a t 253 Ulxth ove. N = = lone 487. ' -----------

FOB S A L B -T h ree ftranfl now five- i , Pa e n g e r O herrolet touricg c a n ; jo s t I 1ilooded; to close ont <600 each. Fro- — ^Boblneon•Pento Co^ Jerom e, Idaho,lose No; 80, - _______

FOB BALE OB T B A D i^ tu d e b a kroadster In ex tra good condition: ----------

11 accept Ford In- trade. Phone 7 0 H H ' DW. T rust

r o R SA L E -1010 Buick, f irs t-c la u AHHBIndilioa, Hood tires, good top. $28.'S —sh or w ill consider cow io p a r t jiay- “ O i r asnt. Can be aeon in f ro n t o f " J o y - fm rm ii >o»* Clork store.

HELP WANTED ~------------ ------— ->N, . B. U . VWANTED—Woman o t -gUl for gen- 6, ovill housework In small family, Phooe FoUt,8. --------------------------------------------------------------- J. H . VWANTED — Housework In smnll coJlectally In e lty , no washing. Aiidrcw Bo»m, earo Nows. * Tri

o p :^ g h t, 1020, by New Era Features)

^ a ^ 'o K i —

E CA(J I S ) n ------------------ -----------------------!<l D - (SOT s j TH/TT - 1TH O 05AH 0 - CH£AP'I'O '' '5H, FOR IP m s aiVEN f l -■- ♦ J i W T w aV E ■ " " 7 HUNP/7EP

/ F(?fl I T -

■ 0 W\l -M


P a g eWORTH ITtBWS, Daily. Tell all ooms for rent, housi' Jer Word—Phone 32

M I S C E L U li lE O U S

'BEaSMAKlNO., J l n E H .C « i..r - Phone W8W. :

IR ST CLASS dressm aking asd ea’ tailo ring ; .speelal prices snn- sewing. Miss E A . Kellogg, Booa

)if(Hd. — 1

.EAVE orders a t J . L loyd’s fo» ith ’a J J o t Springa M ineral w a te rs ..

?hat la useless to you o a y be vol- i!e lo Libera — advertire I t In tbe islfied.

M O N E Y T O L O A N , .'

1600 to 12200 /ip n v n te m onoy" to 1. jSrthur L. Swim & Co.

ABU ' LOANS aod aontbJr p a r It dwelling loans. A rlnur L Bw ias''-' !o., Troal Bldg.

L p S T

OST — Fiak red top tire , 31 by 4. ” nted on r ln , betw een Bboslioee fl»« o a l Twin FWia on Banday l f te ^>. Leave a t o ffice o f Twin R ilu

Reward. . >

D ST -O ae Goodyear Diamond tr fo a -- between T errill’s roncb and Boek

ik. F inder please no tify B. H . M«- M urtaugh, Idaho. Reward.^

iiE S IM IIi iB A K E E Y ■"

a N E B 'f l'-B B iA D -W h o JS w hB il ih m , rye, nn t. m ilk aad V Ie n 3 - ead. Cakes and pastry. 218 M ats ■e. N. Phone M.

B E A D X y -P A E L O E ~ .

LVTY P A R L O B -R ca r B iley’s MU icry. Phone aiO J.


n ^ O L A ^ W i a d s h i e l d , •’ et work. Moon’s Shop. Phone *,' ’

h a S S o ^ .

lO E -H ilU L OOUFAITT — EotUp'- Id to handle any kind o f h«Qlla>. ' i4 Sacond Avo. N . Phone 37L • ,

P A f f l i a r a ^ o V 0 T *

m c lu s w o rk .b y skilled wprk' in -palnU ng, papering, o r t is t i r

ifflinifig and geoenil de^o io tisg ; . - anteed. a t reasonable priees by A Grinstead. Phones fiilM aad


SB O B JB B PA SW C L i Shoshone W. ' Phone 80S. Ail - rk goaraJiteW . A . O hlpovls, Prop.

" t e a n b f e e

S B ' ' l r a A i f 5 S 7 " o o i B 5 r i .ons 8t& ' . - •.'— ;............. j j ' "

^ r o f e j j i o n a l


" i ^ H o a r a - u ^ e i . * " t o i i i ee BuUding. . v , .

H W . ( m H A M -L a w y s r , B oalT i oat Bldg. Phone 98ff-&.

B B a W lL B O N -litw y sr. '

a i 0 . U O L S - B o y d B uO U if. '

(B I S ? k S W m iiK T — A ttoney s law. PraaU ta is all loorta. T u la

ills, Idaho.

L W OLFE — Lawyer, Booms I a>4 over Idaho D ep a ita e a t Store, T w u l it , Idaho.

. W ISE— Lawyer. Fully orgasU ts ilectioa departm ent. O ffites - »mi tJ and 7,0Ter Tw in Falla Baak T rust Co.. Tw in Folli, Idaho.

g ^ |: .

S l O B t , . T , W


a S i l t 'S S A 'J ^ S O R t'. a

' ■ . ’ H im t h e / h a o

■ , ■ (^It, huh’- j SOCII ----------- Li

i IS IIPIGIL JS•: : i i p i eWeekly Boport of Bureau Tells

of Good Growing Conditions ^ ^ E v er^hore I

— ■ aTypical IiinJio Hiiniincr nontlicr w itli -n

long, c'omHoi.*, Imt day* nml rofrwh- " .in(f oool nttrhU provoJIi'rl llnouebout Uie aUlfti There wns no thId, oxcopt (caUcr>-il tliuhdcnhairerii in tlio moun- Uinii nnd samo local downpouM,ln"On-

. i la county where ttio thundonhoiren j wero acconipinlod. by daina^tij{ ball ""oil 1

ovor small a roai, w p Ollnton B. Nor- " qurat, a is to motooro'ogUt, in a weekly ' crop ornl w eather report Imiucd liy ‘Jie dopnrtm cnt of ajfrieulturp. Bowct

PftTorabl# O oadltieiu.WTirrr. molFlUfo conJlH.init were fa- npv«,

vorabli’, tho lil«h tcmiwraturcs and ■rn.o iKbosaunt n u b ln o mado for id n l „,i t . Krawitijr conditiomi, aod iiue>> nondl- . , U*na pievnllcd jjpnerqll.v in alt ll>e ir " “ rigatod sectiooi b u l In tlio dry form t j . . , ilU trie li. where thero ha* b e e n ;-little or no m in ainco Ju n e , fonilltlona.were i.ot ao fftvorablo for ;^Bpid crop ad- ' . 1 -, vnnee. Howutrcr, tbo dry farm jproln j; cropa (irti mado and only f o i ^ e eropi ond j)a^turcs a rc aufforhifj from tho «Tffcct.r o f drouRht. BocU. pofatoe«, ,„n,p eom nnd nil gardon and tn cV crops / _ j • ro p-owlnff nm aiinuly. Tho commcrflal frn lt crop* mnde e w l le n t proftrMii.

; . Bjo c o Drying. • ' _The low ranee, cipcflntly on the • ll« "

m iitb And weat alopex. in drying fnnt pctillr b a t tho hlfsh raoKO la a till In sond 1' '^ t< roBdUinn ond feed ii plentiful. 6 heop toi.I oi »xt belnff moved from the rnn;(o In n few Owj’he.t countr In ccniiHtrahle ncira- t(t bnra iw inc to th r ahortaKi- of feed on of tiui tho low range. pcronin• l i t yai» ono thrr idrnJ weelc fo r fn m nf her w ork ni.(l tho hun-eitini; of ;>raln an-l him li< hay w ent on opoeo. Whoni horrent U thii pr now ,genoral and thraibini; w rit under dii>tanl w«y. H io ho t w eather bojitened ripen- oul hi

JiHf in tho .la ter diifrinta Tfie yield from t t eocl, vBUMoa))y bo In *ime reetlonr, throug, and Iho crop i* belnj; v c u re d in tho rb ip ni b eat of condition. FTbe a lfn lfa lia rreU dentine Coe-a on a t ft ^ p id rate nnd the hoy is ihc via fu ria z In f|n« ahniM' nnd coinc into Ho»ow( tho atael: in f i n t claaa condition. niari’io;

' F I M Btffoite. life ni(■Twin M l . . T irin M l . C o n n ty -

Clear nnd bn t moat n f w eek; han-e«t !*"'* f ' «nder good headway? threahiep of n l ' r ■iVe .ilover will hejrin noxt w eek ;'fru it 'n dT onein t' fnat; pot(.atoeir: nnd beeta “ Jooklnij fine; plenty n f w .ilcr for irri- cation. - - . "‘rHta

Oakley, CiimIo adiinly—Plenty ,of aiinahlpo; two thunderatorma blow tho I’*'"!’'’''' Iieftvy groin down; n cloudburat in (Joofo'Creek rnnyon did aome daaoffe to w i'd hny: hnll atorma n t Ohurchill d id 2fl per rent donl.-iRe to aomo cropa; brfikrn atock nnd rnnjje good; 20 cnra of Inraba flbiniie.l th ia week.

nnfferm an, Ooodint: CouDty~8<4tla- ' fnctnr>- w eaihcr ronditiona with tcm- " perntm ra ranc inp hlRher tbon nornial;Kome w heat heinR Imrvrated; rorn nnd O f " onta dolnc well.

K ichficld. J.mroln County — Pirat rntlln^; n lfol/n in iln ek ; aerond cut- ^ * tin jj njakinc fine (jrowth; Rrnln in « • tollent condition; anme bnrlcv ready to c u t next week.

" ^ • N oa- Mrndows. Ailnnia County—E x Konewo cclleui wi-nther for hny mnkinj; and •Rood i.mcrcK' hn^ hi-rn n ^ d e ; {rrnin t r a p . »« rl, in npnl „< rnin; t»n|,|.-l,B- l " 'l " '" ' ^ n n ln p to dry on Moufh nnt? west «loi>ea. ‘‘‘I

Bhoahone, hinrtiln County—W eather 'fine for all irriirntcd cropn; proapcet;. fo r b iu cropa nil ovrr the eoiintv. • Twin r

, ■ odorinR V" n e a t f ' ------------------— --------------- 1 On .1\ ' A K U S E H E N T 8 I to Oool I • I ira* CO,

O n i’H E rM —Vnudcville:, nlvi feature T h""" ,' pictiirca, *'Thc D riftin ' K id " , a two- ,‘ ""dV'l p a rt comedy; and Intcrnotioncil Newa.

IDA H O —Billio Dtfrke in " T h e Edaen- ' lion of in iw b e th ’ ': nlao o Mark Ren- n e tt comedy enfHlcil “ On A flum- m er D n y " ; nnd .Pnthc Newa,. ' „ i t i , ]||

' _ * Rovcml

Warns DwMoines to Be Prepared to Walk TSn

• ____ . pnsal-tiDKH M OINES. In., (ip>-Fodernl moat !.i

JudBo M nrtin W odr todny hnnded. t r r reri down n mcmoMndum w nrLlnt'-nll per Intrd it aon* iutereated lo b r prepared for a nnd coi

<lJa4onfcinu«ncf 'if a3l a(?re t rrnted t jo t In Dea Molnca /in \uRual 1. n a . “ Groni rtq u cn e d by P . C. Cliambera, recftivei the hoj fo r the company. lurdintt

. I ------- tiona, ICjill 2 i e w and h i f o yonr i s i t e l«B - on-n di

tA fo r 60 cento. Id ih o Cleanow and to free 1 Pyer*.--<d». «nco M

I :• protocl- I f yen r p r o p e r ^ li d w ln b le , M d 1» and pf •dverttM -1 ia this e U w ifM — y o u 'l l tho t bi H ad yoms buyer, tha t th

r W I N 'F A L L S W E E K L Y N

n f a b e & z j z e b

t ! /tS H U R aIEv/ e r N S o r r - / i o \ .

D A . G i M C E IWIW H M R - '>t>^ : o c i t T / q u e £ a i ^ | _ Q g f r

E L e i t i e . i f — ' ^ ^

[E IT E iF iiilfE SLOfSyOUiORi l i l l

Grant R,- Bowen, Ranch For ful Bank'Secretary after a Month, Lets Her Return Where. Love Flits Aw&y- is Entered

Whrn- Judgn W. A, Unbcock tbia Icavq mornln(> ordered a dcrrce in divorce it- bImao aued in fuvor of O ion t It. Bowen there- hod oi wn« w ritten a now pngo in ono of tho ■'Wiii m<Ml bditamtt nim sneca con«iQ^ /a(a tho juriadietlon of tho local dia triet court. noaetT Bowen woa ordered divorced from Mory Alice Bowen, to whom ho was n r p : mnrrird u yitar oro, nnd w ilh whom hn H r | | | nrvcr lived, oa.hiiabnDd, a rlnglo hour.- ULUl

Tlio p la in tiff in tliia coao, repreaent- ed in court by J . F .'^ In r lin , nttorney,- la a reaident o f Twin >'a11a, aome ■<> yeara of ojfe, /« tr educfllJon, o f a tyti-J th o t mnkeii fo r Rood citiienKhip^ .■n„_u Bteoily, drivini; yind devoted to the o n i^ | "* Ijurpoao of auprecdinu In tho line of 0 work to whleh atten tion i r then direct ed. Ho U a mnn of a t lonat. nve.rnRn ln((e,lli;rcnce, • fn ir commnnd- of jjooil pj^j. lon^oRe, paaaoblr looka, ta ll ond , . . lytbe. A ROOd fellow, hia friends any, .*• and lino who, w ith onJinorj* Jiick, k Ijound to aucceed firtm clnlly., ii!ntir.ti

fUlntlff B elitM sto ry . .to fur'

Konen oppearcd In court whon hla

Iietilion for divorce cnme up for bear- , | r if todoy. iJo ROve toitim ony tbnt n^ . |n | toi.] o f n moal aiugulnr romanco of but X few dnyr, culmiuntinj: in morriajtr

l(t Hit* womiin of hi* rJioics, th® Jew* ron»in)j )f tlint womtin a fow houra a fte r the "crcmony Jominif them In wedlock, nnd in,mod if her refuaol Inter to ever conaider fort lim licr'apoiia*’, or even to perm it hin^ ] hll privile)>ea of her apnrtm cnta in a goasion iiatant c ity . He told hla atory witb- toe, w ml heaitnnry, nnd in nil th r dctnil ‘rom th r ^im nient ho niot the Rirl, town Jirouffh the gamut «f Mrmt, frkm h ({(,„, ( bip nnil the ripened love, mnny clan- pmpliiv Iratino wnlka alORR luooniit lanri, of ruporta he vlalta in aniiieatered liowera of the fi,n,l j; toaoworth farm , and of, finnlly, the iiari’Iage ceremony, pViin bu t full of {!(,„ „r ife meaiiinK-.tiio nvownla of nffrcl.ion ilUd of lif<> conalaney and tho bopra ^^^d rl nd plann ffir the fu ture. ■ Hp rrlnled. y'd p( Iicnrfw ullnjr fem ia 'th f' Woir afruck ni(th (’» ■y n rem orte lraa 'nud pltilea*- womnn [j_ ' .'bti, under the Influence of nbw nre, the p'J monx frinnda of d ifferent aoelnl ,Iriita III ttm t n f tbe mnn aho hnd tok- ja i ig ]. n fnr tie ltc r, fo r WofKO, fi<r richer, for f^oni h iiorrr, in aickii'eaa ond in hrnllh , wroto imn-iiu hnt hlir could not (tinaldrr ."O rn n t O .K . ] en r” h e r buabnnd, or th r rerem ony frii:> Ik- «'(»icllnte<l nnyMni; than n Falfa rroken i'nEnf;cmpnt. jjniilriit

PrejTBSslvo Eoraance. inp*iv(Irnnl U. Bowen w ar form rrly fore;

lan n rd rr Manopor Donnld Mcljcn'i '11 th r Itoacworth rnnrli. M.nry Alice ^enlll^ Bowen wna nnd ia ut preaent rrretnrv to tins luaiatnut caahier in n n^nncei irfc’j' lim k flt ■ Ucrkeiry, California, ,le8aic < hr is nn intim nte friend nf Ihe >fc- ' ' fiin>i. und n l tbe tim e nf m erlin^ w tl : '*• I-' ' ;owrii, wna nliiiut D2 yrara of ngr. Aa " '‘J' liar Orrnilte ahe wna n RUcH nn th<i ^oaeworili rnnrh in Ju lv , l!>::ft. U waa tiuml.,-r liout .luly 1-j or 1.1 tlm t ahr rencbed 'nc ranch, fresh from -tbe cUy nnd Ita printni; ifluenre*. She met Rnwen; wna at- fflctPfJ, }»tfrr*leiJ, fn ir in love, accept- T R A N I hia propoKnt Ihnt they m arry nni! mt abr rrlu rn to California nml acttl.* .er huainrar nffnlra and tlu 'n re tun i to run iliB win Vails to live in n amnll himic the dorlnR hualinud hnd provided na her ,

On .luly the • romauflc imir went ) Ooodin'i: nnd m arried. The ceremony -aa i-oinpli'led n l -J;30 oVlork in Uir 'flcrnnon before rcRulnr wUnc«8e^ f ,hreo houra a n d 'n bn lf Inter the bride bnlf b>'nnrded n trnin .for the west nnd bna eterv. ryer ainre been in Ibcre environ*.

Offlcor Interrooa. l' ^llowcn wnnted hia wlfo to live here j

-ith him ns his w ife, lie wrote her — " — ‘veml iiw rn t I r t trr a , nakinfr th a t aho nm -;'tu rn to .b in i, Ue even ntlem plcd to tho[icn a ensh nrrounl III n Berkeley bonk tnornini1 ber crediU Rhc apurnrd thia pro ilrnth 'nsal-tiihl indicted ’the le tte r th a t nl The Iteloat !>iokc hia heart. Immedlotely nf- rhurch,■t rerriviuR the le tte r Bowen, o( re- nt th«'ited in ro u rt lodny, went to Berkeley. l'y tbh«nd conferred w ilh hia wife. She re it .■nnetoi rntcd Iho nlalemcnla; cnutnined In thn G rom , den r” le tte r, nnd, exprraard At :i

ie hope thnt be would Icnvo her im- scrvicenirdintely and arvcr tnnrllal cotinrc- tion 8 cIona, leavinR her free to follow her yter-oldn-n duvlrrjt nnd inclinatlona. Foiling tal ron5 free herarlf of ber hu.aband’a pres- D cW ittneo >he nppealed to o delcrtlvc fo r in tw l* rotocllon, and w hrn tb rcn ti o f arrcft ' nd pri.son were made Bowen decided No<»^lo t b ive 'a youUR dream wna o 'e r tuid la g t »1bot the beat thioR he could do w oi to - ^ r .

NEWS, t w i n e :a l l s ,'i


I I / I I aJT U^JK. 1(^7)V ji/lA i/^E R S"; I A M ’

a.wKHi r o w fcnkt; i»t.. Cw.i Mun lion m»m« ' | r _

H F O R i l . l E I I F E W S .

------------ ■ . k I.

’oreman. Weds-Beauti- S ter Romantic Third of rn to Old Environment ly—Decree of Divorce I pHn

— ------- •• - • ' li t reiavq Cnlifornia. uml if poaaible,.divest deci Imaolf o f all memory of tlic pirl who rich od onlrauccd him.--------------------------------- broi •TTiia morning'a nctlon in court i* the jiriii ifil chapter in the roroonce of the oaeworth .ranch. .-------------------------------------T

--------------- deci

noBieTo - I F i i i iT i i in s i

. subj

usiness Uen of Eimberly Dem- ' onstrdte Interest in tbe ed i

New Loaeue -_ _ ** oppi

F ifty roaidenta of'K im berly Rathcrcd t t everilnR in Ix*Rion hnll fo r a dla' imIi»i» o f r^allerii relfltit/j . to or^rnn- {Join atinu of a rnte diacuMio^ leaRuo. 'Tlic prio cotin^r resulted in dunnliouH of MOO

fu rth e r 'th e cauae. ,^1I,/aiit n lR ht'i Hcasion a t Kimberly P*“*' na ill.! f i n t outalde m cotinu held ine in tereat o f nn orRonlzation to form rnto leajjue offectinR ta riffn 'o n ship- cnta of commoditiea RoinR out o f ond minrf info the Twin Falla 'd ia tr ie t. I'. tbo l urixm- to form n IcaRue io thia ^ imedlnt*' sccHou au ffir icn tly stron;! - “

foreo the laiue of lower frelRht tar- ** V' fs. Enthuainam marked the K im berly ' laion, nnd before ita cloa.* n commii- e, w ilh J . W. H ardin na cbairmon, 1'“ '’* la rhoai'ii to make n rnnvnaa of the wn liuainpfanicn to rniso eubicrip- *nvo inn (o ♦IflOO. The committee is (hti* iployed todny and, necordln;? to la te > norta, i» mectinR w ith aucceaa. The iTl nd ia lo 1)0 uaed In f iirthcrin j; tbo to n| uae o f tho deereaaod rote o'rRonUi- tbe in nn.l its fiRlit.W. F . Brcekon, county commiaaloner T< d rbnirmnn of tlie K imborly boar.l 8pcc

v'dljyfo- tniateea: preaided'.-nt • Ijjat, Ote»: {h(’» aeaafon. .7. U . flrnhnmII. WilKiiii o f Twin >]:iila. explained DC

I! pyrpoaea o f . the propeaed rnilrond phon riff iTiruiiirnlion. Brtidca tbeao'Tw in _ _11b l-iiilneaa men thore were present ____mi here H . E .,ro w e ra . o f th e Fnrm rciiu: T. J . Wooda. Dminld Mcl^-nn,E . M unaon'and I/'onnril Piuilb. ‘

rii:> rveninR n numbrr o f Twin Ifa m<-n, Intcrvntal i» Hif rnl<> iilrntion will cimdurt n aiiiiHnr con- ntion in F iler .' -On M ouiliv n m rrt- r is-til ho held In Cna*leford,

HODaB-LOOKLINPrlruil" hero hnvr re ir iv n l no- um-eineuts n f the wmldiui;. nf Mi«s$aic C, IIodRe nnd llnm rr I., I....klin,icb took place on Bnluidny. .fiily y.1, i:i I'lian, Texnr. Mr. mi l Mra. I.ock will mnke th e ir bnuir iil Cciltimbua.,

w Meslro. Mr. I/irkliii h.i« for n mli.T of vrnra u reiiilrni n f Twin Ils. li- inc identified hrre with tbo n tim ; induatry.

[ A N S F E R S O F R E A L e s t a t e

mtihBd by tbe Tw in Falli T itle ona A b t tn c t O onpany'

>e.’d! .1. Nv-Clnnr to Arthur Ilouk i.-tflfl, wrsi half-'-aoulhrim qnorter 10.i:i,

Deed; T w in-^’nlla Crmrlerv Aaao- linn to N ettfe A. Howe js ? , rtiat •' f lo ' I; block ;ifl. Tu-iii l-*:(llt cen.-r.v. ;


-\in';rni arrvire^ «vn- m iidurted o t > /rTi/aamiui iii)inii,\*- r)ai>cl .thia m ini; for II iuimt A lrt.m dcr, wboae ith ii-rurrcd mi WVilin-sdnv . nijtbt. r Itev. E, I... W hilr i.f Ihe M ethodiat irch, woa hi ehariir of (he office* the 'chni>el. willi tbe KniRhto of

thift»< rrndin;; hiirini rilnnl ftt the rictorj;^

Vt :i I'V lork thi- a firrnoon funem ^ vicca were mndiirted by the* Chrla- a Scicntuta for Bertha MorRnn. 10' ir-old chU divho died from occldco-

raiiara. 8crvlr<-« wrre held In the W itlinortuftj-y, chnpol. B urial wna TwIa-'FallB cemclcry. .•

iho'^'hnoee In jret TilBe* for 50 ceota. Phone 31flW.

Ar. , , ■ ■


RPALSHER ,8 E I .J ' A F b i = t J L A R . ' 'P l P 'S

E / 0 6 / ( 6 e D T O / t Q . E w ' O f S s !

' a - T T h £ S A M ^ - T i m E , ^ £ 1 ^ )-

iPOBTflPlilS >1

; IDE Bf IN HIT IDecision Affects the Locators i

Aionj Dry Oroek, Givinp ‘ Equal W ater Eights %

K. .V. attorney, hna recoivodlett-T from tlio aU to supremo court

idvisln;; o f favorablo dofinlon in the •nte o ' llobert 0 . Moya ORoinat tho iiKlrict court. S ixth jud ic ia l d ia triet fhe raso offocta a^bao(JUoat locators :n Dry Creek and givca. theao equal •Ifc’hta lo w ater from (ho croek w ith th.j >rlor locutora.

The fiicta m tho cobo oro th a t n^uiy ,-uars npo, oil o f Uio w nter o f a certain itrcnm wae adjudicated, and o fte r tbo iecrco wna rodderod,'aottiinR tho w ater •iRhU, othora loeotod upon tho atrrtim. jroughi au it (iRalrist tho prior nppro- irintori to roadjudico;to tho ^ k ic r - •ightJ. “ ■■ I

TJie parUca claimiuR under tho prior iccrec objeotcd to tho d is tric t court rj-inR tbo caw , upon tho RTOund tha t ill of Ihe w ater rlRhta on thnt-atrenm ind been oneo decreed, ond th a t th li Icexco >t|ia blndinR on nti aubaequont Tnter i.fera, otid tho t tbcj- took thoir •iRhta witli notice o f thia decree, nnd ubject to if,

They alao c lo im .tha t aoetlon 70.10 of ho reviaed codo, s ta te o f Idaho provid- d a remedy, and on ozeluiivo remedy.

Thia irr tlo n provider th n t aubaequent .pprojirintora, on a decreed stream may :o inlo tho d is tric t oourt and brinR Ull fiRalnat tJio w ater moster, ond inve tl-eir rlRbta cstnbliahejl,. bu t in 'oJhr k>, they must 'a d m it’ (h a t (he irior adjudication of tho riRbta o f the Tior u«cri, was corr?ct.

Tlie supromo court, by ila decision, laeta tho pHor apnropiiotoi> and tho ubse(|itrut npproprinton on..on equal ontiuR nnd bolh muat p rodur.e„.thrlr' vidcnrn, to tlio court, ahowing their ivcrainu. nppropriation nnd bonofici- nf, H»c of the'tinler, in order to aeeure

decree.I t liDlda tbn t the dccrrr rendered in Vrior Mill, lic'tween priof appfopriot-

ra hna no effec t na an odjudication of ,'nf,nr rlRhta except na between the ortic" fo the suit.T lir law nnnounccd in tbia opinion ia

n-olvid in a coae pendinR In the dia- rict i-oiirl hero, where the wofer rlghta n Dry (^reok nfo Involved. fThc (]ueation la injao of importance

) nppro{irlntorc o f w ater d irectly from le st'rnm a of thhi atotc.

Take od raa tage of our B ig OleoniDc peelal. Bnits cleaned, SO eeata. Idaho letaors and P y OT—*d».

b o VOU nood a ta x lf Call Bob.None 74.—odv. .. j H

S pecia l F rid i- . TIRES

■, 30x3 $20J5

6 f i i

TUBES:k).v;5 i{ c ( 1 ........... : . l .............

].'2 lUid ...................................:{2.t ,S 1 :2 G r e v ....................................:12!c4 1 -2 G r e y : ................................


Doiiiouiitjibie _\VlnH'l>»--sc.tii ......., ( V ivurs w i t l i ' Im t-k c u r t a i n ,

C a r r i e r s ' ....... .....A \ 'i i l ( r 8 i i i e ld G la w f, lo w e r W in d R liln ld G Ii ish , n p iK a

.Ptmips ..... ',.................. .S p a i 'k P liinH , a l l c a r .-^ .......Tulip 1‘iUclies....................<3r(W(‘ (iiinn ..........................

ilotisfliohl LtiliHcant ......




. B Y O U I T STEBBBTT O ow ilgBt, n m , b y K ffw pipe r

S h e ^s Y S h e P e T i

Rwi& i t

J P h ? K ia1S, w h o m MEvf [

, M y -29

NOTIOB. cifcipl

Firm* and indlvldnols who ,havo ;rcctfrd odvortising aiRna on the Idabo I’ocific S tato hlRbwar aro horoby noti- tionar [ied th n t on eomplotlon o t tbo pavinR, [Thich ia now being, conatrueted, a ll mg],^ mch slKua muat ba tomoved. Tbo work ia Twin FolIr B ighw ay d ia triet will JO completed'ttboQ t AuRuat IS, ltl21.' md tho w ork in F ile r S t r i c t . wUi bo of {{{



O u r entire stock

r e h s sandals am in sm oked and

leather; values up closing ou t f o r .

A ll size!


Women’s White Strap Pot

lay -S p ecia lSTIRES

■ 30x31-2' '- $ 1 2 . 0 0

'fiOO Mile Guarantee

.TUBES............ $ 2 .4 5 ' 33.K4 1 -2 G r o . v ........................ S 2 .9 6 ,?5.v4 1 - 2 G r e y ...........

............ $ 2 .0 5 . 3 6 x 4 1 - 2 G r e y ............______ $ 3 .7 6 .37x5 G r e y ......................


in ....................... ........................................................ ;

......................................... • • " T " ........... .....................

— — — ^ Q DNONE, BETTER ■'J


CE CLARK,J . a o m b H t r ^ D iitd b u to r


a rc f tiiM e i in m ,.a c . . . J '

i l y t f A iS T h i s

•i s ,4S h i w U K t j

i W E R & W £ j ^ , '

^ 4 . • .

* -I 'sploted obout Soptembor 102i| ler tbe nbovo datea no oigna’w ill bo, a id e d w ithin ^ tiio o t thvht-of-way except tbo a tandard eau> la ry . ond d irectory slgna furoltbod 1 croeted by the Stato Bureau of jhwoya.

D. M. 7A IB E 8, lleaidoat Engineer.

)y authority of D. P . Olaon, D iroelor. .. HiRbwayi.—odv. W /-


iut lor h;k of-ehild- nd oxfords d tan elk •

jp to $ 2 .'0 0 ^. . . . . 8 9 c

e s

fODELEg e c g . i


amps -.

S a tu rd a yTIRES 32x41-2$27.50 Y i

TUBES.... ......................$4,oa........................ . $4.60...........................$4.76 ' 11 ,........................................ $ 6 .0 0

l i c f i i l i i r S u l f $55.00 , $25.00 $12.00 $9.70 •$C.OO $3.90 $6.00 • $4.45 .

' '$6.50 $4.96 $2.25 $1,45$H)0 $■ .60$1.00 $ .60

....$ .75 $ .40 /$ .30 $ .15 !

[L HEAVY 7 5 c

Inc. ^ ^

■' i . .

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