
NNN A T I V I T YA T I V I T YA T I V I T Y NNN E W SE W SE W S The Episcopal Church of the Nativity

Greenwood Diocese of Mississippi The Rt. Rev. Duncan M. Gray III, IX Bishop of Mississippi

The Rev. Matthew Rowe, Rector


The Episcopal Church of the Nativity is a Christian Community Where All Are Welcome to Worship, Love, Belong, Grow, and Serve


July 3 -- III Pentecost

Morning Prayer, 8 am

Morning Prayer, 10:30 am

July 10 -- IV Pentecost

Spoken Eucharist, 8 am

Choral Eucharist, 10:30 am

July 17 -- V Pentecost

Spoken Eucharist, 8 am

Choral Eucharist, 10:30 am

July 24 -- VI Pentecost

Spoken Eucharist, 8 am

Choral Eucharist, 10:30 am

July 31 -- VII Pentecost

Spoken Eucharist, 8 am

Choral Eucharist, 10:30 am

God‟s grace & peace to all –

No matter where we are on the journey of life, there are always lessons to be learned. I recently watched ESPN highlights of a lesson learned by one of our local heroes, Louis Coleman, who is now on the pitching staff of the Kansas City Royals. The Royals had a series with the St. Louis Cardinals, and Louis was pitching to one of the most feared hitters in all of baseball, Albert Pujols. Louis pitched one in high and tight. Albert jumped out of the way, and for a moment looked like he wanted to go out to the mound to “talk” to Louis about baseball etiquette. Instead, Albert settled back into the batter‟s box and sent Louis‟ next pitch over the left field wall! Even though Louis has risen swiftly through the ranks of professional baseball, he still has much to learn. The lesson I specu-late that he took from his encounter with Albert Pujols was probably if you‟re going to pitch one in high and tight to a hall of fame caliber batter, it might be a good idea for the next pitch to be low and outside.

As this green Season after Pentecost rolls along, we will find that we still have much to learn in the school of the Spirit. Each Sunday we will find something from God‟s Word to challenge us, to stretch us beyond our com-fort zones, to remind us that we never really have God figured out, no matter how long we have been on the road of discipleship. I hope you will bring to the Sunday liturgy a mind ready to learn, a heart ready to be challenged, and a faith ready to be stretched. Like a great batter, God will sometimes knock our settled notions about him or about how things are in the world over the fence, but it‟s all for our good, so that we can keep learning what it really means to be a follower of Christ, and then put what we learn into practice in the working out of our salvation. Faithfully, The Rev. Matt Rowe

Ju ly, 2011July, 2011July, 2011

Events of Note in July

All-American Lunch July 3

Youth Mission Week July 10-16

Curt Gardiner’s

Youth Ministry

Certification Celebration July 31


July 3 -- 3 Pentecost

Lector: Carolyn McAdams Ushers: Noll Davis, Joe Ferreri Vestry Rep: Lark Brown

July 10 -- 4 Pentecost

Lector: Kathy Whicker Ushers: Mike Carter, Mary Rose Carter Vestry Rep: Harris Powers

July 17 -- 5 Pentecost

Lector: Jimmy Miller Ushers: Carolyn McAdams, Jimmy Miller Vestry Rep: Mary Carol Miller

July 24 -- 6 Pentecost

Lector: Mary Rose Carter Ushers: Mary Carol Miller, Clay Pettit Vestry Rep: Mary Rose Carter

July 31 -- 7 Pentecost

Lector: Bob Provine Ushers: Frank Abbott, Bill Brown Vestry Rep: Lark Brown

10:30 A.M. LITURGY

July 3 -- 3 Pentecost

Acolytes: Trey Smith, Helen Colquett, Lane Colquett, Mari-Brian Crick Chalice: Frances Lavelle Lectors: Jon Barnwell, Curt Gardiner Ushers: Perry Whites, Allen Wood Jr., Philip Barbour, Jon Barnwell Oblations: Michael & Lyn McCool

July 10 -- 4 Pentecost

Acolytes: Belle Colquett, Mary Nanette Col-quett, Will Clements, Abbey Goodman Chalice: Charlot Ray Lectors: Billy Bowman, Dorothy Gates Ushers: Greg Bennett, Sonny Bowie, Ernest Bledsoe, Craig Brown Oblations: Mo & Pam Powers

July 17 -- 5 Pentecost

Acolytes: Aden Avant, Neely Young, Olivia Rowe, Julia Sharp Chalice: Emily Riser Lectors: Tish Goodman, Dean Kidd Ushers: Fred Carl, Henry Flautt, Bob Gregory, Fred Neil Guenther Oblations: Frank & Anne Riley

July 24 -- 6 Pentecost

Acolytes: Richard Shaw, Shelby Rowe, Sela Ricketts, Graydon McCool Chalice: Philip Barbour Lectors: Hank Lamb, Philip Lawes Ushers: Danny Hargett, John Lucas III, Dud-ley McBee, Talbot McCain Oblations: Howard & Barbara Smith

July 31 -- 7 Pentecost

Acolytes: Trey Smith, Helen Colquett, Lane Colquett, Mari-Brian Crick Chalice: Henry Flautt Lectors: Carl Lipe, Lyn McCool Ushers: Michael McCool, John Doty Porter, Wallie Stuckey, Charlie Swayze Oblations: Wallie Stuckey


July 3

Flower Delivery: Jennifer Eastland Hospital Visitation: Vicki Yaeger

July 10

Flower Delivery: Charlene Wood Hospital Visitation: Whit Mounger

July 17

Flower Delivery: Anne Riley Hospital Visitation: Lyn McCool Lay Eucharistic Visitor: Henry Flautt

July 24

Flower Delivery: Terri Crick Hospital Visitation: Gay McCain Lay Eucharistic Visitor: Philip Barbour

July 31

Flower Delivery: Ree Bowie Hospital Visitation: Sally Jane Muirhead Lay Eucharistic Visitor: Hank Lamb

July, 2011 Nativity News 2


July Altar Guild

Jo Claire Swayze

Carolyn McAdams

Jeffie Chatham

Anne Barnwell

Susie Tackett

Pam Powers


Michael McCool

Lance Mohamed


Nativity on the Web

Nativity on Facebook


June, 2011 Nativity News 3

Hometown Nazareth Success ! -Lucy Jones , Chi ldren’s Mini stry Coordinator

Vacation Bible School was pronounced a success by 40 plus children as they visited Jesus' hometown, in-cluding the market place, his mother's home, and celebrations that focused on the Bible verse for the day. Israelite tribe leaders led children in God sight-ings, and activities while part of the morning was spent in games and snacks.

Special thanks go to the fol-lowing pa-rishioners who gave their time or assis-tance to a great experience for all: Anne Rob-erts, Frances Lavelle, Frances Knight, Beth Rowe, Curt Gardiner, Ellie Knight, Julia Knight, Sela Ricketts, Sumner Cole, Shelby Rowe, Lindsay Fleming, Lane Colquett, Helen Colquett, Belle Col-quett, Mary Nannette Colquett, Charlott and Guy Ray, Johnny Jones, Pam Powers, Emily Riser, and Fr. Matt.

More photos from VBS can be found on the Sunday School for Children page of the Nativity website.


June 3 -- III Pentecost Zechariah 9:9-12

Psalm 145 Matthew 11:16-19,25-30

July 10 -- IV Pentecost Genesis 25:19-34

Psalm 119:105-112 Romans 8:1-11

Matthew 13:1-9,18-23

July 17 -- V Pentecost Genesis 28:10-19a

Psalm 139 Romans 8:12-25

Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

July 24 -- VI Pentecost Genesis 29:15-28

Psalm 105 Romans 8:26-39

Matthew 13:31-33,44-52

July 31 -- VII Pentecost Genesis 32:22-31

Psalm 17 Romans 9:1-5

Matthew 14:13-21

Daily Office:

Pages 974,976,978 in the BCP

July, 2011 Nativity News 4



July 3 -- III Pentecost

God of our Fathers Father eternal, Ruler of creation

My country, ‘tis of thee America the Beautiful

The Star-Spangled Banner

July 10 -- IV Pentecost

O day of radiant gladness O Spirit of Life

Almighty God, your word is cast Spread, O spread, thou mighty word

July 17 -- V Pentecost

Only-begotten, Word of God eternal Open your ears, O faithful people

O day of God, draw nigh Lord of all hopefulness

July 24 -- VI Pentecost

O worship the King Thy kingdom come!

The Christ who died but rose again Be thou my vision

July 31 -- VII Pentecost O praise ye the Lord

My God, thy table now is spread O Food to pilgrims given

Glorious things of thee are spoken

ALTAR GUILD NEWS Monthly Brass polishing has been changed to Monday, July 11th 9:00AM for the month of July. Mark your calendar and make plans to join us. Thank you. Happy 4th of July!

Just in case you’re wondering how much fun it is to polish the brass,

take a look for yourself

Don’t miss the fun! Come join the crew

on July 11, 9 am.


Did you hear, or hear about, the cho-ral anthem on Trinity Sunday? The rendition of Haydn‟s “The Heavens are Telling the Glory of God” was such as to elicit applause from the gathered congregation. The glorious anthem was the result of dedicated practice on the part of the choir, the talent and creativity of our Organist/Choirmaster, David Williamson, and the help of some trained vocalists who came and offered their voices to the effort. If you appreciate quality church music, please consider this opportunity to help David to con-tinue to use his God-given talent and creativity to offer consistently good music to accompany our worship of God by becoming a Music Patron of the Church of the Nativity. You can do so in one of two ways: by making a gift to the Nativity Choir and Music Fund, or by contacting David to learn what special offerings he has planned in coming weeks and months, and then offering to sponsor a vocalist or instrumentalist whom David brings in to help. The music ministry of Nativ-ity operates on a small budget, but we are blessed with an Organist/Choirmaster of great ability, tremen-dous creativity, and a desire to keep alive the tradition of good church mu-sic as an offering to the glory of God. With the help of those who choose to become Music Patrons, more good things are to come. Please contact David to learn what he is planning, and maybe even to share with him your ideas for church music at Nativ-ity. David can be reached most easily by email, choirmaster, or you can leave a telephone message for him at 453.7786 x104.

July, 2011 Nativity News 5

July, 2011 Nativity News 6



In loving memory of

DON WOOD by Ilse Goldberg & Family

In loving memory of








by the Women of the

Church of the Nativity

Have you remembered

the Church of the Nativity

and the Diocese of Mississippi

in your estate planning?

Nativity Day School’s Needed Items:

5 Pack and Plays 3 Exercise Bouncers 3 High Chairs 3 Bumbos 10 crib sheets 5 extra blankets or quilts 2 rocking chairs 5 baby swings 2 changing tables 2–3 baby floor gyms Mobiles for cribs 2-3 double strollers 2 Tummy time mats

Small dorm type refrigerator 2 area rugs for nursery Crock pot Fine and gross motor skill toys Books, books, books, Little Tyke School Bus Activity Gym Doll beds and dolls 5 CD players TVs for DVDs and DVDs ( I have one cart donated) 2 First Aid Kits


In preparation for the August 1 grand opening of Nativity Day School, there will be a work party on July 12, begin-ning at 5:30 p.m. Those who can come and help get the school rooms in final readiness will be most appreciated. Con-tact Landi Mohamed (662.836,7171 or [email protected]) to volun-teer your help, and know that your assis-tance will be most appreciated.


During the 10:30 Eucharist on July 31, Curt Gardiner will receive certification as a professional youth minister, having successfully completed the program of academic study and fieldwork through the Center for Youth Ministry Training. The Rev. Dietrich „Deech‟ Kirk, Execu-tive Director of CYMT, will be with us to make the presentation. A reception to honor Curt‟s achievement and his ministry at Nativity will take place in the parish hall following the service.



Sunday School for children and youth will resume on August 21, when there will also be a Ministry Rally Day, where you can visit displays of various parish ministries to learn more about how to serve the Lord by sharing in the minis-try of the church.

All-American Luncheon

Sunday, July 3

Following 10:30 service


For the Infirm: Richard Gregg, Bob Gregory, Eddie Ivory, Melinda Gwin, Adah Moses, John Sharp Pillow, Ronnie Rodgers.

For the Departed: Michele Penson.

Homebound or in Assisted Living: Ann Cook, Jack Ditto, Or-man Gee, Jo Alice Johnson, Dorothy Lyons, Rose Mathews, Sis

Hughes Silver, Lewis Smith.

Extended Family: Bernice Babb, Mary Frances Biggers, Chad Corley, Candy Cranch, Jenni Cumbaa, Danny Dale, Matt Dale,

Franklin Ellis, Hal Flowers, Kathy Gilton, Ina Hinton, Betty

Huckaby, Billy Leflore, Susan McIntyre, Willie Meeks Sr., Gilbert

Morris, Clements Odom, Cole Pillow, Carolyn Ray, Wilson Ray,

Leigh Rossi, Joe Saia, Rose Saia, Tate Salter, Robert Sanders, Crof-

ton Sloan, Caroline Hamilton Smith, Jodie Tharp, Dorothy Ray

Walker, George Rea Walker Jr., Mary Bess Walker, Judd Willi-


Friends in the Community: Flo Abraham, James Atkinson, Braden Hayes Baker, Tubby Black, Frank Bozeman, Ann

Breazeale, Susan Burrell, Jacob Carver, Lila Chowes, Mike

Chowes, Erin Clark, Kevin Evans, Larry Fuller, Ruthie Gray, Lynn

Hill, Sawyer Kimbriel, Mitch Land, Portia Lary, Gilbert Mar-

chand, Mitch Mauldin, Jane Morgan, Ronnie Ola, Bailey Patter-

son, Sandra Perry, Tom Person, Carol Rubenstein, Lucille Smith,

Donald Southerland, Mollie Stock, John Stokes, Kim Thomas,

Beatrice Trainer.

Expectant Mothers: Toni Lucas, Carol Kidd Southerland.

Birthdays: Bill Brown, McCraw Porter (7/1), Elizabeth Howard Jones (7/2), Noland Howard, Sandi Hurt, Mary Cecil Patton

(7/3), Margaret Carl, Terri Crick (7/4), Betsy Abbott, Anita Bat-

man, David Howard, Debbie Smith (7/6), Charlie Powers (7/7),

Landi Mohamed (7/8), Kinsley Bell, Jacob Lawes (7/9), Watson

Lamb, Sam Montgomery (7/11), Howard Smith (7/14), William

Riser, Whitney Smith, Jay Williams (7/15), Anne Barnwell, Jean

Hodges, Katherine Williams (7/16), Fred Neil Guenther (7/26),

Martha Darnell, Orman Gee, Davis Pratt (7/27), Kendall Horne,

Christine McBee (7/29), Jane Critz Pillow, Barbara Smith (7/30).

Anniversaries: Dean & Catherine Kidd, Danny & Cindy Walker (7/8), Jeff & Terri Crick (7/13), Jim & Crissy Barrett (7/24).

Updates on the status of individuals on the prayer list would be most appreciated.


The Rev. Matthew Rowe, Rector 453.7786 x111 662.466.0709 [email protected]

Bill Andrews, Sr. Warden 453.8711

[email protected]

Craig Brown, Structures Cte. 453.4392

[email protected]

Mary Carol Miller, Program Cte. 455.3731

[email protected]

Jennifer Minyard, Admin. Asst. 453.7786 x101

[email protected]

Josh Fair, Jr. Warden 299.2488

[email protected]

Lark Brown, Structures Cte. 658.1236

[email protected]

Harris Powers, Program Cte. 453.9609

[email protected]

Jim Barrett, Bus. Mgr. 453.7786 x102

[email protected]

Jo Claire Swayze, Program Cte. Chair 453.0178

[email protected]

Michael McCool, Structures Cte. 455.9137

[email protected]

Max Shaw, Program Cte. 453.7613

[email protected]

Curt Gardiner, Youth Minister 453.7786 x 103

[email protected]

Dudley McBee, Finance Cte. Chair 455.2157

[email protected]

Mary Rose Carter, Program Cte. 453.3206

[email protected]

Wallie Stuckey, Program Cte. 453.1817

[email protected]

David Williamson, Choirmaster 453.7786 x104

[email protected]

Liz Mounger, Finance Cte. Chair 453.6728

[email protected]

Hiram Eastland III, Program Cte. 453.1437

[email protected]

Lance Mohamed, Finance Cte. 836.7171

[email protected]

Ethel Smith, Housekeeper Eddie Ivory, Sexton

453.7786 x106

Mo Powers, Treasurer 453-4510

[email protected]

Lucy Jones, Program Cte. 453.7485

[email protected]

Catherine Kidd Clerk of the Vestry

July, 2011 Nativity News 7

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