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By: Ranim

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Why Do Humans Get Butterflies?

The Day After Tomorrow- Quest Pattern!

Today’s Hero- Terry Fox

Try the Mythology Word Search!


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A long time ago, before people lived the way they do today, there was a land of Gods. Each one of the Gods had a power that they would learn to control over time. In this land of Gods lived two brothers, one was Tai, the God of Confidence, and the other was Sin, the hated God of Evil. Throughout their lives Tai and Sin never got along; Tai was the one that everyone adored. Everyone wanted to be like him, talk like him, but most of all, everyone wanted to have as much confidence as he did. All of the other Gods would want to hear Tai’s opinion on things, rather than even have a word with Sin. As the God of Evil, Sin was avoided by everyone. No one wanted to go near him, as they believed that he will cast an evil spell on them that will ruin them forever. Because of this, Sin lived a lonely and isolated life. Even Tai, his own brother, only spoke to him when he had no other choice. Sin always thought of the day that he would have revenge on his brother because of the way he had treated him over the years. This was not easy for Sin to do because he was the only God left that had yet to learn to control his powers. As years passed, Sin spent time learning how to control his evil powers, until he had mastered them. He knew that with his new powers, and one simple spell, he could destroy what his brother is known for. His confidence. Sin finally came up with the perfect little idea to get back at his brother. On the biggest day of the year, the day that the Gods celebrated themselves and each other, Sin knew that Tai was expected to make the opening speech in front of every other God. The day of, Sin awoke early in morning and quietly, he left. Sin arrived at the world’s largest castle, where the celebration would occur later that day. He knew that he had a long wait until it was time for Tai’s speech, but he used his time wisely. Sin set up a hiding spot for himself, somewhere where he could still point his wand straight at his brother. Hours and hours passed and Sin never moved from his spot.



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Soon enough, the entire castle was full of Gods and Goddesses, all looking ready to celebrate. Just as Sin had predicted, Tai was making the opening speech. In this grand hall, there are two sets of stairs, one on the north side and one on the south. Sin watched every step his brother took as he went up the large northern stairwell. Tai arrived at the top of the stairwell and made his way to the small balcony on the left side of the stairs. At this point, sin was exactly opposite to his brother. No one could see Sin as the southern side of the upper floor was completely dark. Next, Sin carefully stood up making sure he didn’t make a sound, and pointed his wand straight at his brother. He then whispered several phrases and a small shock of light came shooting out from the tip of his wand, straight to Tai. Tai was about to start his speech but when he looked at the crowd he was lightly shaking, and as he tried to start his speech, he was suddenly stuttering. Tai was forgetting what he had planned to say and he kept staring at the ground. Tai put his hand awkwardly on his stomach in disbelief. The crowd started murmuring, and Sin could not believe his eyes. His very own confident brother, was nervous. Sin watched as his brother could not beat his nerves and walked off of the balcony. From then on, Tai was no longer known as confident. At this point, Sin knew that his plan was success. What Sin had planned was evil. He created a spell that would make his brother extremely nervous in front of crowds. To complete the spell, he created little butterflies in Tai’s stomach. Those tiny butterflies would flutter around each time he was in front of big crowds, giving him a very nervous and scared feeling. Part of Sin’s plan was to run away afterwards, and that is what he did. Sin was never seen again, and none of the other Gods know where he went or how he left their world. There were no signs of his existence. But from that day on, whenever and wherever a god was nervous, they would get a butterfly feeling in their stomach. This was believed over hundreds and thousands of years, and even in our world today.



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Home: Jack Hall is a Paleoclimatoligist. He was in Antarctica working when his group discovers an ice sheet that can cause a major disaster. His son, Sam, is in New York with his friends for an event. The climate begins to

act up until the point where it is freezing everything.

Journey Away (why go): Jack heads for a journey to New York by foot with his two co-workers. Jack had promised his son that he will save

him and his friends.

Obstacles: The climate gets worse and worse. They go through winter blizzards. One of Jack’s friends/ co-

worker dies.

Crucial Struggle: Very harsh climate and then they reach the eye of the

storm, everything starts freezing, and then they must find shelter before the

eye of the storm freezes them.

Obstacles: After the eye of the storm passes, they sleep in tents, and then they continue with their journey to find the library where

his son is supposed to be.

Return (rewards): his reward is finding his son and his son

alive. They get to return home


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TERRY FOXIntroduction

Different people have different opinions on what they consider a ‘hero’. To children, a hero could be the lifesaver in a superhero movie. To teenagers, a hero could be a person they look up to, or a person that inspires them. To adults, a hero could be a person that made a significant change in society. Terry Fox was cancer patient, athlete, and Canadian humanitarian. Terry suffered from bone cancer, and this caused him to have his leg amputated. He was known for his run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. Unfortunately, Terry only lived until the age of 22, when he lost all his strength due to the cancer spreading in his body. Why do people consider Terry Fox a hero? What did he do that makes him the hero we remember today?



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Early Life

Terry Fox was born on July 28th 1958 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He was known for his perseverance and courage, even as a child. He was raised in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada. As a child, Fox was serious. He also showed determination in his future. Fox was a very enthusiastic child; he worked very hard to succeed. He loved playing many different sports, basketball, soccer, rugby, and baseball. In 1976, Fox got in a car accident that resulted in him having a sore pain in his right knee. One year later, Fox was 18 years old; he was diagnosed with bone cancer, osteogenic sarcoma. Around another year later, Terry was forced to have his right leg amputated six inches above the knee. Staying at the hospital is what really inspired him to start his ‘run across Canada’. He was overcome by all of the cancer patients that suffer; many of them were very young and still had a long life ahead of them. Fox then decided to start his run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. After losing his right leg, he was left to run with one prosthetic leg.


When Fox announced his plan for his marathon, his family and friends were supportive; but the public is what Fox is really trying to attract. His plan was to attract the public’s attention to this disease he was fighting. His goal was to earn money for cancer research. He wanted people to realize that there are countless amounts of people that fight for their lives. At the beginning of Fox’s journey, not many people were aware of his ‘Marathon of Hope’. He started his marathon when he dipped his leg in the Atlantic Ocean at St. John’s, Newfoundland on April 12th, 1980. Fox received many awards due to his perseverance and strength. Some of the awards that Fox received before he passed away are: Companion of the Order of Canada, Order of the Dogwood, The Sword of Hope, The Lou Marsh Award, Canadian of the Year, and many more. In several different places all around Canada, there are statues dedicated to Fox and all of his outstanding contributions towards cancer research. To continue the fight against cancer that Fox had started, every year, sometime in the month of September, cities and towns all over Canada show their support by running a marathon called the Terry Fox Run.



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Terry Fox had made countless contributions to not only the people of Canada, but also people across the world. One of the contributions he has made in society is causing people to gain awareness for cancer and the many people fighting it. When Fox started his marathon of hope across Canada, he was able to get the public and the media’s attention. Another contribution Fox made is raising money for cancer research. Once people were aware of Fox’s run across Canada, they would donate to keep him going so that he would reach his goal. One of the most significant contributions he has made is changing society’s views on people with disabilities. Being one of them, Fox proved that disabled people were just as capable of making a change in a society, as anyone else could.


Even though different people have different opinions on what a hero is, everyone is inspired by an individual that has made an impact in their life. In this case, Terry Fox has made an impact in many people’s lives. He changed society and raised awareness for Cancer. His marathon of hope raised a large amount of money for cancer research, and to this day, the fight against cancer continues. Through his lifetime, he made countless accomplishments and contributions to society. Each one of those achievements is a reason to why people today look up to Terry Fox and consider him a hero.



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Bless One, . "Marathon of Hope - Terry Fox." Bless One. Bless One, 2009. Web. 31 May 2011.

The Terry Fox Foundation, . "Terry Fox and the Terry Fox Foundation." TerryFox. The Terry Fox Foundation, 2011. Web. 31 May 2011. <>.



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