
PowerPoint Presentation


16 questions. Two for each team, in rotation.Pounce +20/-10. Open for 5 seconds. Team to which question is directly addressed can pounce as well. Must be written down.Direct +10 / Pass +5.Part points are applicable.Hints will be provided only at will.

Q 1. TEAM 1

After two failed attempts at containing a situation; IT was ultimately held steadfast by using a contraption made out of the following:The sound of a cat's footfallThe beard of a womanThe roots of a mountainThe tendons of a bearThe breath of a fishThe spit of a bird

Who was IT?Or what is the contraption, and what use was made of it?

These are the ingredients of Gleipnir, a silken ribbon used to bind Fenrir/Fenris, the wolf son of Loki.

Q 2. TEAM 2

X is one of the children of Pallas and Styx and a winged enforcer of Zeus. A personification of strength and authority, he along with Hephaestus, the smith god and Bia, a sibling of X, is responsible for binding Prometheus the titan as a punishment for gifting fire and other civilised arts to humans. He is the brother of Nike (victory), Zelus (zeal) and Bia (force).

X is also the protagonist from a very popular video game franchise.

X is?


Q 3. TEAM 3

In Skyrim jargon, Dovahkiin means _______. Notable dovahkiin include Tiber Septim or Talos, who conquered all of Tamriel, Miraak from Solstheim, and the player character himself/herself. Lore says they were taught a special language called Thuum by some profoundly intelligent beings, which put both of them in equal footing, and became the main dispute between them in the events that transpired later.

The term has a non-logical connect with the Game of Thrones universe. A particular character is called _______ although the origin and the background is different from that of Skyrim.

Fill in the blank, or explain what Thuum is.


Thuum is the language of dragons. A duel between two fire/frost/storm breathing dragons is actually an intense verbal battle.

Q 4. TEAM 4

X is the subject of the song Flight of _______ by Iron Maiden, the first single of their album Piece of Mind. The original story is that Daedalus, the maker of the labyrinth and his son X, who were held captives by King Minos of Crete, escape using wax wings that Daedalus created, however when X flies too close to the sun, his wax wings melt and he falls on the ocean.

The lyrics are a twisted take on the original story, wherein Daedalus stands on a hill and watches his son perish, implying a theme of teenage rebellion.

Identify X.


Q 5. TEAM 5

Eloi and ________ are the two post-human species that the protagonist encounters in the alternate timeline of H.G. Wells The Time Machine. _______ are underground dwellers that operated the last vestiges of prehistoric machinery and are hideous-looking, coming out only at night through well like conduits. They are known to feed on Eloi, in return they clothed and gave produce to the Eloi, creating a working class-upper class symbiotic relationship.

________ are also a series of mutants in the X-Men universe headed by Callisto, who inhabited the abandoned Cold War bomb shelters beneath NYC.



Q 6. TEAM 6

________ is a crossover comic book series by Alan Moore (creator of The Killing Joke, V for Vendetta and Watchmen) whose protagonists are a random assortment of characters from different fictional works Mina Murray from Dracula, Hawley Griffin from The Invisible Man, Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde, Captain Nemo from 20k Leagues Under The Sea as well as having Fu Manchu and Professor Moriarty as antagonists.

A film adaption was made in 2003 starring Sean Connery and Naseeruddin Shah.

Identify the comic book/movie title.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Q 7. TEAM 7

Legend has it that a 16th century rabbi of Prague created an automaton out of clay to defend a Jewish ghetto from anti-Semitic attacks and ethnic cleansing, which was animated by using Hebrew incantations, thereby going out of control on a Sabbath day but ultimately subdued whereupon it fell into pieces. The automaton is an important part of Jewish folklore with theories that even Adam was initially one of such kind. This also served as an inspiration for Rossums Universal Robots by Karel Capek.

A Pokmon _______ is an exact replica of the original automaton, with the signature chest band said to keep its power in check.

Either name the Pokmon or the automaton. (Pictures on the next slide)

GOLEMGOLURK(evolves from Golett)

Q 8. TEAM 8

X are a collection of famous fairy tales passed down on hearsay, and originally compiled by Y.

X included stories such as Little Snow White, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel, et al.

X has been adapted as a series of pulp comic series by Zenescope Entertainment, the plots transformed into a twisted take on the original stories.

Y also wrote the definitive German lexicon Deutsches Wrterbuch, the most voluminous and comprehensive.

Identify X and Y.

(Pictures on the next slide)

X = Grimms Fairy Tales

Y = Grimm Brothers,

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Q 9. TEAM 1

Identify the song title from the audio clip.Or name the subject of it.


Central character and the greatest warrior of Homers Iliad. Killed Hector, the great Trojan hero. He was made immortal after his birth by his mother Thetis the sea nymph, by dipping him on the River Styx, however he was vulnerable on that part by which she held him, similar to the Duryodhana-Gandhari story. It is said that Paris of Troy, killed him by striking him with an arrow on his vulnerable part, which spawned a popular English phrase.

Achilles Last Stand by Led Zeppelin off their album Presence.

The phrase is Achilles heel.

Q 10. TEAM 2

X was set in the fictional city of Columbia, the female personification of the United States, giving it a distinct American nationalist feel. The city floats in the air and was stylistically modelled after the World's Columbian Exposition fair of 1893. X has some distinct steampunk overtones, the protagonist is a Pinkerton agent and the narrative is inspired by Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011, as well as metaphysics, quantum levitation, disruption of time-space continuum and American hegemony.

What is X?

Q 11.

Described as A monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind.

A whole pantheon of monsters is named after it. What is its name?



Cthulhu Mythos

Created by Howard Philips Lovecraft

Q 12. TEAM 4

___________ will be the site of gathering of armies for a battle during the end times. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario.

It has been prophesied that Jesus will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist, the False Prophet and Satan in the Battle of ____________.

In the game Rise of Nations, each launched nuclear missile reduces the ___________ timer by 1, and when it reaches zero, the game instantly ends, causing every player to lose the game. (Simulating the effects of a nuclear winter)FITB with a particular term.


Q 13. TEAM 5

Identify this logo.

Logo of Hydra

The terrorist organisation of the Marvel Universe, inspired from the greek Lernaean Hydra, the many headed serpent.

Q 14. TEAM 6

This was a medieval organisation whose long name is Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, who was entrusted with protecting the pilgrims while they made their journey to Jerusalem after the First Crusade in 1099. They became quite powerful and maintained a large financial structure until their dissolution by King Philip in 1307.

Quite famous in pop culture, finding mention in Ridley Scotts Kingdom of Heaven (2005), Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco and a whole faction in a franchise, whose fictionalised alt history include such people as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Identify this group.

Knights Templars

Q 15. TEAM 7

Fill in the blanks.

"Fifteen men on the _______________,...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!Drink and the devil had done for the rest,...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

but one man of her crew alive,What put to sea with seventy-five."

Dead Mans Chest

Q 16. TEAM 8

X, or the Gamma Orionis is the third brightest star in the constellation Orion. The anglicised meaning is female warrior, hence also sometimes designated as the Amazon Star.

Name of a character from a popular series of fantasy world.

Who is X?


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