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  • 1. File system commands DIR Lists the files in the current directory CD, CHDIR Changes the currentworking directoryor displays the current directory. COPY Copies one file to another (if the destination file already exists, MS-DOS asks whether to replace it)

2. REN, RENAME Renames a file or directory DEL, ERASE Deletes a file. When used on a directory, deletes all files in that directory, but does not recurse or delete the directory itself. MD, MKDIR Creates a new directory 3. RD, RMDIR Removes an empty directory VOL Shows information about a volume VERIFY Enable or disable verification of writing for files TYPE Display the content of a file on the console 4. BREAK Controls the handling of program interruption with Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break. CLS Clears the screen. CHCP Displays or changes the current system. CTTY Defines the device to use for input and output. 5. DATE Display and/or set the date of the system. ECHO Toggles whether text is displayed (ECHO ON) or not (ECHO OFF). Also displays text on the screen (ECHO text). LH, LOADHIGH Loads a program intoupper memory(HILOAD inDR DOS ). 6. LOCK Enables external programs to perform low-level disk access to a volume.PATH Displays or changes the value of the PATHwhich controls the places where COMMAND.COM will search for executable files. PAUSE Halts execution of the program and displays a message asking the user to press to continue. 7. PROMPT Displays or change the value of the PROMPT environment variable which controls the appearance of the prompt. SET Sets the value of an environment variable; Without arguments, shows all defined environment variables. TIME Display and/or set the time of the system. 8. UNLOCK Disables low-level disk access. VER Displays the version of the . LFNFOR Enables or disables the return ofby the FOR command. 9. Undocumented commands TRUENAME Display the "true name" of a file, by bypassingand ASSIGN filesystem mappings. 10. Control structures :label Defines a target for GOTO. FOR Iteration: repeats a command for each out of a specified set of files. GOTO Moves execution to a specified label. Labels are specified at the beginning of a line, with a colon. 11. REM any text following this command is ignored IF Conditional statement, allows to branch the program execution CALL Pauses execution of one batch file, runs another, and returns to the old one and continues. 12. EXIT Exits from and returns to the program which launched it. SHIFT Replaces each of the command-line variables with the consequent one 13.

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