
April 3rd 2012 12:20 AM"What Am I reading?"Of all the questions I pose and seek to anwser in this doccument, that question is by far the simplest. This is a collection of pure, *unedited* thoughts, and musings written by Luke E. MacIntosh. I debated even putting a name on this for a long time. But In reality what bloody differnce does it make. You would no more know Luke MacIntosh from Jerald P. Tallwacker, or any one else for that matter. So Im, ( and we are all) , still anynomous in a sense. [ Even celebrities will eventually become anynomous to the distant generations, but ideas have a tenacity for selfpreservance far beyond any mortal] I don't like long prefaces, and even this is too long for my taste, so sorry. But I will warn you. No topic is really taboo to me, and most of this is written while "intoxicated". This draws on the only experience anyone can draw on, their own life. Thus while I have tried to keep it about general ideas/concepts you will see it struggle as it tries to seprate thoughts from the man behind them. All the entries in this doccument are made in one go (except where explictitly stated otherwise and they are rare.) So Grammar Nazi's may want to give this a miss, OR jump ahead to the post on what I think communication is really all about.Also I like brakcets ... (a lot). I will (while living) always provide a copy of this doccument free in some from or other online or otherwise. However if I could be so bold as to ask for something in exchange for giving you these hard earned (and belive me there is much of my own pain and strife in these entries) Then I would ask that if you enjoy, or find this doccument useful in part or in whole, just pass along a copy to a friend. (Or even better write your own "Philosophy of everything!")But most of all. I would ask you to: "QUESTION EVERYTHING!" That is my life's motto, and I firmly believe if it was wider adopted it would make the world a better place. There is NO way following this motto can ever hurt you* (* beyond the old ignorance is bliss argument)With all this said. Enjoy, and I hope you can find a bit of your self in here, and if you see a bit of somone else you know within this, share this with them too. -Luke "Why do people commit crimes?"jan 20th 3:03 am 2009Why do you ask questions? Because you want something. They wanted something too. Wither it was to kill a person, or steal something, or rape someone.All these things happened because they wanted something that some one else had. Be it their life their possessions, whatever.You could arguable boil crime down to unheeded wants that get confused as needs and people then work to achieve those newly dubbed needs the fastest way possible. Usually resulting in the breaking of one or more of society's laws in the process. In a way we all have a criminal mentality.The difference is we choose to work towards our goals within the systems in place by a society driven by consumer wants and needs. (Which ironically are the driving force behind most theft) people being told by media, and what not that they NEED this or that in order to be happy."Why are dreams dieing?"July 26th 10:10 Pm 2009As we mature as a race I find that our creativity dwindles. It is indeed a sad time. It seems the greater our ablity to create the less we employ it.All around are tools never dreamed of by people of days gone by. What could they do with these tools. and then you must ask would the great masters of days gone by have been crippled by the power we now posses.The more accurate our tools become the less liable we are to make happy mistakes. The less our mistakes define us. As we stand today upon the brink of distruction of our own doing, caused by pollution and soon war, we cease to understand that it was our mistakes that brought us here and it will be in our mistakes that we find salvation.I wake from dreams with a bitter taste in my mouth, because Im now painfully aware that those dreams are no more reality then we make them and my current inablity to bring them to reality is torturous.Why can we all see the problems, yet feel an illusion of powerlessnesss to stop them or fix them. The ultimate problem is that we see the problems made by the whole world as one unit. And we alone are each powerless to fix the one unit. However if we break things down to a scale on which we are each reasponsible we can succeed.Don't stop believeing. At least until we find a way to reward our beliefs. "Why is sadness always more common then happiness?"july 27 1:18 am 2009Sadness is more common then happiness because happiness is fragile. Happiness must be worked for,and found, while sadness simply exists if you have but to look. The same goes for creation and distruction. It is much harder to create things then it is to destroy them. Sadness grows like a weed all around us. it is omnipresent in that there are always more weeds then flowers.Even in the greatest garden there will always be some weeds. The key was always that weeds with their plain looks blended in while the flowers stood out and caught our attention. Though it seems of late we have grown colorblind, and now the weeds are noticeable only due to their number.Weeds breed weeds, and so long as we focus on them and do nothing to remove them our gardens shall become further and further infested with weeds until they obscure all else.If you pick weeds and then throw the remains back into the garden to compost it will enrich the soil and the flowers shall grow and bloom many times greater then before, and so it stands that the people with the most properly taken care of weeds have the best gardens. For it seems only though great sadness can true happiness be found. "We all live in cages, but a lucky few get to touch the bars."wednesday august 5th 2009 9:39 am"People were born to hate, Just as hate was born of people."May 5th 2006"What is the the human response to the unknown?"May 5th 2006That which we do not understand we fear, that which we fear we attempt to control, that which we cannot control we attempt to distroy, that which we attempt to distroy and fail, destroys us..."The Law of Human Nature" (could be considered an edit of the above information)That which we do not understand, we seek to control. That which we cannot control, we fear. That which we fear, we (attempt to) destroy. That which we (attempt to) destroy, is our selves...January 30th 2008 Luke Ericson MacIntosh.Exact date unkown 2008-2009 (drunken rambling made of solid gold)"data is our end." As I write this my computer is going out of date. Soon I shall scrap this and get the newest fastest model and kick all your asses at halo 7. but in the mean time a funny thing is ahppening. I am creating, and much like many of the artist who were unappreciated during their life times I will squrell this away somewhere where I can keep it until I die.Then unbenounst to me some tanlent searcher will find it and I will be the next shakesphere only there is one problem . I scrapped the computer with this on it. I deemed the file unimportant enough that it needent survive the move. And my hardrive was discrotyed. Now funny thign ab9ot all these great writes. We found them and dubbedc them great beacasewe went looking. We're always looking behind us to save our selves from the errors fo the past. But what about the present? What about the error were making as I write and you read. Negligence. I don't know whats going to be important 50 years form now. And why should I no one should be charged with such a responsibility I would think that person would go mad.But the point is this. According to the world right now greatness is is the past and the future. But now were just waiting. Until someone finds the gem of the past ro the perl of the future. So what do we do in between . WE create to kill time to waste time to find time. And were looking everywhere but where it counts. I should like to be remembered for something. Not because I want to be immortal (but then again in a way who doesn't) but rather because it strikes my fancy at this particular moment in time.I was provoked to wirting this by watching a great work of fiction of the past. And realized that so many such works are being made right now and they are leaving behind no trace fo their existence. People delete things everyday. And the trouble with that is once deleted no small child can wander by pick up your bit of rubbish and be inspired. No they need to wade though the enormous space that is the internet. Which is occupied solely by the content which we being all knowing and wise deem is what is needed to be preserved. We keep the gold and throw away the tin and copper. The trouble is the new world might need bronze. And when that day come I hope not to be the one that says I told ya so.But just in case I told ya so! Again surely this is not orignal thought. But I bet someone else thought of this and worte it down only later to say. Well that made sense at the time but who give a dam about that stuff anyway. It was just a crazy idea. And he hits delete and plugs in the latest hardware so he can get the new word editor that writes cookie cutter thesis for you and posts them on his blog 50 times a day for the next year and.... (well really it can go any direction at this point) and who am I to say how it goes. Who are you to say how it will end? Everything is precious. Even you.Keep on keeping.The Taunting Artist By: Luke MacIntosh (2008)Inside my head there is an artist, and he is slowly driving me insane.At first I would only see him from time to time, year to year. But now He refuses to leave, he is there all the time everyday. However I cannot reach him through the thick impasse that is my mind.All the same I can see him clear as day, and He taunts me with what I could be,What I could do, what I could create. I then try and fail to make thought real,and the more I try the worse I feel. I fail, then flop, then fail some more. Its becomingmore then I can endure. I can see what I want to make, hear what I want to play, and feel what I want the piece to convey. Nothing. Nothing happens, or rather what is produced is like a cheap imitation and in some cases even less then that. Its like trying to talk with 10 words or draw using erasers on a blank page.And all the while He is there taunting me. Encouraging me with false promises, and empty praise. What I would do to just once bring His creations to this plane. Instead I am here. Me. That's all there is is this disconnected person, parading about likeartist. While all the while he is suffering because He knows that he is capable of more. Why must the gap between my mind and my hand be so great. I feel as though I am on stage and doing nothing. But all the people clap when I want them to cry. They scream when I want them to laugh, And I cry regardless. I cry for reality, for visionfor talent. Perhaps He is only a figment of my imagination. Maybe figment and reality really are incompatible. Maybe I should just stop?Maybe He should just live in my head, and be quiet about it. Maybe I should tell myself a little white lie, to make it easier.Or maybe, just maybe, this will all pay off someday. All the struggle, failure, and pain will build up and fill the gap that separates me from Him.Or maybe I am already on the other side, and this is all there is. I am.He is. We are,Separate...An after thought.(2008)Why does a certain response provoke a reponse of a smilar nature both in the participant and the viewer. Even if the viewer is only feeling the desire to respond is that not enough. Why must blue invoke a more different blue, when there is no need for a more different blue, or any blue at all. Singularity is not a reality, this thought echoes, I can hear it. But from what is the echo created. I know. But the cause of the echo is beyond my sight, but still dispite its ether real appearance Its effects are felt with solidity.Why is a state the mode of scilence. Why is scilence not considered a state. For scilence is what , if not a state of matter. The amazing thing is , the original content is forgotten. Unimportant irrelivant. We only hear the echo. Were never closer to the scource then a 2nd prespective. For even when we communicate to our selfs we speak. Be it in our head or aloud. Force of habit? Why communicate to our selves what we already know. Force of habit. We don't live fro our selves we live for others . But if everyone is living for everyone else. Then what happens when one of us dies. Because if that person is living for someone else then who is the one that really died? Was it me? Or was it no one. Did there simply, end? And if so of what? We live to begin but never cease to finish. Year upon year month upon month day upon day seccond upon seccond, we end. Some are reccorded orthers simply cease to exist. There is a momentary wake left by their presence but it shortly dissipates and all that they have accomplished al they have gained is ended.finished.The problem is the enwser. STOP. Stop living for by living you live for someone other then your self. Insetead simply exist. Therin you find the scource of all happyness. For when you exist no one can take that away form you. If your read this if your thinking thins if your a light year away. You exist. Nothing is more impoartant more influnctional then that fact. So carry on dancing without moveing, sing, with scilent lips and smile for the only person who matters. Who ever yo choose that to be. For a smile is too great a thing to give away in exchange for formality. To smile simply because there is another being that you have deemed greater then your self who has done nothing to deserve that great gift which you have given them in exchange for nothing. Instead smile for you self. And let them watch. Should they realize that your are smileing for your self, and should they be so delited by their discovery that they smile uncontroablally then so be it. And let that smile spread across the world and back again when you need it most. Therin lies the secret we smile in more ways then one. What is to me a hand shakecould be to you a kiss. What you may deem irrelivant may prove to stave off my end a few more delightful minuites. A treasure trove awates you. You begin by rediscovering what you already have . Then you move on to what was always there but you deem it too simple and unimportant to be realivant. Stop. And simply exist. Tin cans are great at it. And nothing can compare with the tin can for the tin can has its own religion, it has it own morals, it has its own existence, and all of which are better then any of yours. If you let it be. When faced with an adversary it sits. When moved by the winds of change still it sits. When it is crushed still it sits. In the end it finds an end. When we are faced by an advarsay we fight, when the winds of change move aginst us we risist, and when we're crushed we die. Despite how much discomfort we caused our self our end is found. But unlike the can we Discover our end as if it was totally unexpected , under a bunch fo leavers that the winds suddenly takes way from the plaque dictating John Doe too early -- too soon. And all the way there throught that journy to think that we could have sat. we could have sat through the wind and the enmeys and the end we couldhave ast and enjoyed it like a film but for once we would have been the actors. Ah to be an actor, to live a life that was never yours to start with to walk a path differnet then your own and then when the show is over they dedcide to be them selves. Aa little late if you ask me. It has been said the the best actors take on parts that mimick their own lives or they change their lives to match their parts. If only we could learn from these great actors and someday be able to play our own part. The part we were given from day 1. The hardest part of all. Then maybe just maybe we could sit the whole dam thing through until the end. And die laughing all the way. September 29th 2009 11:36PM"Commitment...and your lap...and education..."Commitment and your lap are indeed very similar (at least in the mental sense) both seem to be there when your sitting down, and dissipear when you stand to do your task. I personally can force my self to do just about anything physically because it excites me to surpass my limits. (This is applicable only when I am in fact already doing the thing) By that I mean that the inititave to "JUST DO IT!" as nike so expertly put it.If we humans just did all the things they get the sparddic impluse to do the world would be a much better place OVER ALL! The last part is especially important beacause just as you can have good you have "evil" and bad so obviously there are some negative impulese that should not be acted upon however I am assuming that these principals be applied to someone with a good moral standing. (what is good moral standing?).Does it mean that you obay the laws and live a quiet life with please and thankyous ? Who is to be the judge and why do we need one? morals however are not the focus of this rant. The problem is there are millions of good ideas out there and the people hide them and save them, all the while they collect dust upon a shelf they waste the only time they have to impliment them. As I write this I should be studing... as I made a comment to my self to do only a few days ago.however I conned my self with the drug called "later" no word is to be held in more contempt then that which allows good intellegent people to cheat them selves of whatever potential they had. It is this word that allows them to escape reality with an imaginary sinario in which they have already mentally done the thing. There fore "later" comes and goes with the thing undone/notdone.Of course some people do act on their laters... and tomorrows... but for everyone who does there are at least 2 more who don't. How have we come to live this way? I fear already I have opened more questions in this "thing" then I have anwsered. but questions are sometimes just as valuable as their anwsers for after all the chicken and the egg do have some validity. More so it is again a question of the questions which get put off till the end of lectures that in the end never are asked.Later cripples us... How can a logical person know what is in their best intrest and yet still avoid doing that thing. Only when that thing is physicall do we respond without haste. Hopefully future generations will evolve in such a way that they can see the importance of these trivial things we do to mantain our self in sociity which in todays world is equivilent to survival. This raises another point, is it that we being intelligent see these trivial excersises such as manners and tests for thier physicall/practical value in life over all and dismiss them?When you write a paper or do a test that proves to others what you already know, you see its futility. (Giving that for some individuals tests are the only way to stirr them appropiately to actually learn the material, and that for our jobs today these are used as yet another form of mesaurement of worth) The system is not perfect there are ways that given more efficent/personal methods we could re-implement the testing system. so I will begrude this flawed system no more. and If I do cease to examine this system of which I and you are now a cog I let my lap dissipear and sit down to let this beast live, and demand nothing more of it. I let it win. People see the futitallity of rebeling because there are so few instutions that show us it is an option and in dead a method of change. No where is this more evidant then in the sciences. everything is under constant scrutinay and revision, everything save for the most basic elements of learning the sience which they now employ.I blame this largely due to a personal bias of people, and their natures. Having served out time we as adults deem the education system to be fine, "its not our problem were no longer a part of it, and after all it produced me!" we say. look at when the last time the general academic method was completely revisesd. We who are of science demand such prefection in OUR proofs and experiments, and ignore the next generations suffering through an arcane system of learning that is controlled by some of the least educated of our race. Presidents, scientists lawyers and doctors are not the most important people in our sociotiy, it is the TEACHER! They hold more sway over the nature of our world then we dare allow any small set of individuals. They are also some of the least "educated" I mean no disrespect to any teacher now. It is not their fault they simply were taught this is how things are and acted as appropiate to succed in the manner they so chose.But you need only and arts degree (Im sorry but they are less demanding in general and neither and arts or science degree encompasses all that a tacher needs to teach but that will be dealt with in a moment) and a year or two at a teachers collage to teach our elemetary student. Phsychologists the world over agree early childhood development is the most important time of our lives yet we put the least capable people in charge of these potential geniuses. The system is so flawed that I feel no modisty in offering a few corrections.(By all means tell me my suggestions are wrong and devise better ones however in so doing you will only aid my/yours/our cause) No teachers should have to teach for extended lengths of time such as our current 30-40 years before they recive pension(im no saying give them pension early) Im saying that it is natural that people become less inthused over time I suggest that teachers become like athletes in the olympics, the most important people in the world should be tained and PROPERLY tested as such.And their knowledge should be that of both an arts student AND a science student because when teaching our young the skills needed to survive in the world one cannnot simply choose one or the other, we need to instead reguard the problem with a wholistic view that allows them to teach a wholeistc world view. I could say more but this is lengthy enough as is and im currently a touch ill and the time and ..... I'll finish it later... :( October 2nd 2009 12:37am "as of this moment I have yet to see one way that time phycially beinfits us as human beings. and very few if any mentally overall"October 2nd 2009 1:14 am "I can't wait until mathematicians invent a new lie that allows them to devide by zero and have two integers that can devide into PI. Math is a self prepetuateing lie. There is no singular number set that can accurately represent reality. If that is not basis enough to disprove it (at least in everyday relivance) then what is!" THIS IS NOT MINE HOWEVER I DO ENJOY IT!@!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the mouldering wall, But at every gust more dead leaves fall,. And the day is dark and dreary. My life is cold and dark and dreary. It rains and the wind is never weary. My thoughts still cling to the mouldering past. And youth's fond hopes fall thick in the blast. And my life is dark and dreary. Be still, sad heart and cease repining Behind the clouds is the sun still shining Thy fate is the common fate of all Into each life some rain must fall Some days must be dark and dreary.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ November 15th 6:02 Pm 2009"Communative Value theory."Communative value theory is a name I have coined for a phycological phenomon that I have recognized. Im not sure if I am the first however this brief will serve as a reminder to further reasearch this and see if it is original and flesh it out more. Basically is the estimated or given value of anyone person/thing in relation to another poessed by the first objcet. (the way leah calls me sexy alot) there are lots of sexy guys by her standards on campus but because she has a negative view of her self it causes her to place added value on a common comodity because she believes that sexy guys wouldn't want her (not exactly but i digress) so say I would be normallya 7 on her rateing scale because Im with her it moves me up to say 8 or 9 (the actual value is unimportant more important is the fact that my initial value is increased in realtion to hers and the difference between hers and mine.---edit september 8th 2010----"I believe x is precived self value in this case and y being base value of object being evaluated" ie let x

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