Page 1: MY LIFE PROJECT - MY WORTH - SISTERSNOTES...MY LIFE PROJECT – MY WORTH 3 29 May 2014 Salah biidni al Insaan wa fasadi - The movement/actions (outside) of one person, that is, their


MY LIFE PROJECT - MY WORTH The “MY LIFE PROJECT” encompasses five things we need to reach Allah!!

1. My mirror

2. Paradise in my heart

3. Thorns on my path

4. 20/20 vision

5. My worth

In our Life Project journey we have talked about the self, paradise in the heart, the fitna, the

vision etc. but there is something important in this journey beyond all these and this is our

value. I know myself, I have the paradise, peace within my heart, I know the thorns in my

way and I have a clear vision but I need to know...

What is my value, my worth?

Ma keemati? keemati fi kalbihi!!!

The value of the human being lies with the heart. With our hearts we can Know Allah, we can be

closer to Allah; the heart is the one which will be acceptable or not, that is our deeds will be

accepted or not accepted based on what we have in the heart. It is the place of obedience!!!

True Value

The important questions are: How will I be standing in front of Allah? What is my value in front of

Allah? People struggle to have worth in front of people but this actually has no worth; we need to

strive and struggle to have worth in front of Allah. This is the true worth; Allah will look at our

hearts!!! It all depends on the heart.

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The amount of light in your heart will be reflected on the outside as the beauty or the ugliness. Thus

The Heart is the core.

The bigger picture

Now we look at the bigger picture, The whole world...

Salah hi alami wa fasadi - The reforming and corruption (mischief) of the whole world is based on


It is Bihasadi harakati al insaan fii hayati -According to the actions and movements of this human

being in this life. If the actions(outside) and movements of the majority of insaan-people are

towards good then the world will be good and peaceful; but if the majority of insaan are corrupt,

doing bad and are mischievous, then it will affect the whole world and it will be corrupt. The whole

world is based on the movement of insaan in this life. The movement will affect the peace of the


I'd hua kalb al alam - the movement of this human being is actually kalb al aalamin - the heart of the



This is because the movement of the people will affect the goodness, harmony and peace of this

world. This is why the movement is the heart al Amin. Recall that for one person, the king is the

heart. Your actions outside in this world are according to your heart. The heart is the core because it

is responsible for the reforming outside. Where is the heart of the whole world?

The action of the human being is the heart of the whole world. The heart of the world will be the

actions and movements of the humans in the world. There are so many human beings and what are

their actions? Moments whether they are praying, helping the poor or having a war, disturbing the

peace etc.

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Salah biidni al Insaan wa fasadi - The movement/actions (outside) of one person, that is, their

heart will reflect on the world. The reforming and goodness will be

Kalam aali swalah al kalb wa fasad -Based on the goodness or the badness of the heart.

The good and bad things in the heart...

Then we look at: Kaimun aali swalah al kalb wa fasad - the good things or the bad things in the

heart. There are so many people in the whole world. If the actions are good, the world will be

good and vice versa.

What will make the actions of the people good?

It is based on the heart. So if we want to make the world good, harmonious etc, we need to

focus on the hearts of people. This is the core. The heart is the main thing. If the hearts are

good, it will be good for the whole world.

What makes the heart so important?

Al Insaan ida arafa kalbahu - if the Insaan

knows his heart (the creation, challenges,

all the things going with the heart

etc).What are the effects then? Knowing the heart...

Fakad uruf nafsihi - he will know himself.

Remember our mirror? We cannot know

/understand ourselves without knowing

the heart. The heart is the core.

If we understand all the things about

ourselves, such as I am a jealous person, a

good person, bad person etc. then He will know his Rabb...

Wa Ida arafa nafsihi aarafi rabihi - then he

will know his Rabb!!!

If we don't know our characteristics we

cannot know Allah. When we know ourselves, we will see ourselves full of faults and

imperfections, then we will not be full of ourselves, we will not think we are something, we will

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not follow ourselves. There will be a space in our heart; we will want to follow someone perfect

. We will need someone who is perfect, someone who we need to be full off. We will be full of


When you know your heart you will know yourself, and when you know yourself you will know

Allah. Allah is everywhere. Even if we close our eyes, we can see the signs of the Allah, but what

still makes people blind to Allah? If you don't know your heart, then you will be blind of the

signs of Allah. The Quran is full of the signs of Allah; but people become blind because they are

full of themselves. If you know your heart, you will know yourself and janati fi sadri - you will

live in paradise and you will know and recognize Allah.

The more we know ourselves from our hearts the more we will know Allah.

And the opposite...

Al Insaan Ida jahala kalbi - if the human

being is ignorant and unaware of the heart,

Jahala nafsihi - he will not know himself

Wa Ida jahal nafsihi jahal rabbi - and if he

does not know himself, does not know his

reality; he will not know Allah subhana


The goodness of the whole world is the

hearts of all the people. Thus if we know our

hearts, we will know ourselves and will keep

ourselves within the boundary because we

know Allah subhana watallah.

Not knowing our heart...

Wa maan jaala kalbahu wa nafsahu -If a person does not know his heart and he does not know

himself, he will not know how to deal with people, how to deal with his parents, his siblings,

friends, children etc. He will not know how to live with people; he will be the most ignorant

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even if he is the most educated person because he does not know the most important thing - his

heart. When he does not know himself, how can he know and understand the other side, other


Fa hua ajhal bigairihige - he will be the most ignorant about something else.

Allah subhana watallah says in the Quran in Surah Anam 122

“Is he who was dead (without Faith by ignorance and disbelief) and We gave him life (by

knowledge and Faith) and set for him a light (of Belief) whereby he can walk amongst men, like

him who is in the darkness (of disbelief, polytheism and hypocrisy) from which he can never

come out? Thus it is made fair-seeming to the disbelievers that which they used to do.”

Someone who is ignorant about Allah will live in darkness. The moment you know your heart,

know yourself, you will know Allah and will be able to deal with people. That is why our value

and worth is in our heart.

Most of the people...

Wa aktharul naas jaahalun bikilubihim wa anfasahum wa rabihim- most of the people are

ignorant/unaware about their hearts, about themselves and about their Lord.

The reason for corruption, destruction, problems etc. that we see are because people don't

know Allah, they have not considered the importance of knowing their hearts and knowing

Allah, of attaching to Allah subhana watallah. We really need only Allah and to attach to Him

subhana watallah only.

Wa kad hiila bainahum wa bainal anfasahum -Between them and between themselves there is

a gap. They will not be able to control themselves, they can't stop themselves – It is as if they

are being controlled. That is why we see people stealing, killing, talking bad etc. There is a

detachment between the person’s self and his heart.

Allah subhana watallah says in Surah Anfal Ayat 24:

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A very important value of our heart is:

Our heart can control our actions and when we can control our actions this reforms the whole

world!!! In Surah Anfal ayat 24, Allah subhana watallah talks about the people who don’t have a

power over themselves, as if there is a driver driving them. Why is Shaitaan able to drive

people? It is because they have a gap between their hearts.

Why is there a gap?

A person has a barrier between himself and his heart. What creates this barrier? We can find the

reason for this gap in this strong ayat: Allah subhana watallah is addressing the believers

Ya Ayuhal ladina aminu – Oh you who believe! Allah wants them to have the faith.

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Katab lil mu’minin – Speech to the faithful; this is an encouragement from Allah. What is the

command from Allah subhana watallah here?

Istajibu – Answer, respond, and obey. Actually the command here is that, if you are a believer you

have to respond to the call of

Lil lAllahi - Allah

Wa lil Rasool – and the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam We have to believe the kala

Allah – the ayats are the call of Allah subhana watallah and that the kala Rasool - hadiths

are the call of Nabi sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, and we need to respond and obey by our

actions. It means we don’t ignore these.

How will we respond?

Al mubadara al musaara ilaa twatihim – We need to be hasty in obedience and hasty in abstaining

from anything they have forbidden. And then as an encouragement: This call from Allah & the

Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam to us is:

Giving us life

Ida daakum lima yuhyikum – giving us life. We are getting the life of the heart when we respond to

Allah and the Nabi sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam . The life of the heart is with the obedience to Allah

and the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam . A person is dead, i.e., the heart is dead by

disobedience to Allah and the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam .

Hayat ul kalb

Hayati kalb hiya taati Allah wa Rasool – The life of the heart is by showing obedience to Allah and

the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam . This is a warning for us that the life of the heart is with

obedience to Allah and the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam .

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Wa aelmu anallah yahulul bayinal mari wa kalbihi –Allah comes in between a person and his heart.

The person cannot control his heart because he is not thinking of the life of the heart; his heart is

dead. This is why we cannot ignore the call of Allah & the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam but

we need to hasten towards the call. We cannot delay because today our hearts are thinking, our

heart is responding to the call of Allah & the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam ; but we don’t

know what will be the state of our hearts tomorrow.

Allah comes between

It means the person will not have control, which is why Allah is telling us ‘JUST RESPOND’. How does

this happen. This comes between’ means the persons heart changes Initially we have thoughts and

plans to pray, do good etc. but we don’t react, we don’t respond and this becomes a barrier in our

hearts. We should be scared that if we don’t respond we will not have control of our hearts.

Wa aalamu anallahu yahul baina mari wa kalbi – Do not reject the commands of Allah when they

first come to you. This is a very strong ayat warning us not to reject the commands of Allah the first

time because we don’t know what will happen tomorrow. When we reject the commands, there will

be a barrier and the heart will change.

Allah taala yakalbi kulub – Allah is the changer of hearts. Allah changes the heart and drives it to

somewhere else. He comes between the person and his heart, and there is a barrier. May Allah

subhana watallah protect us from this ameen. It is not that Allah subhana watallah is being unjust or

doing this randomly. It is because the person himself is not responding in the beginning.

Thus when we know this ayat we will know the importance of the heart and responding to Allah.

When our hearts respond, the whole world will be reformed.

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The heart is so important. When I know my heart, it will reform me and the whole society. It

will reform the whole world. If I don’t know my heart, I will not be able to control my heart.

Allah will change the heart and drive it to somewhere else. This is because the person is not

responding to, and not answering the call of Allah and the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa

sallam . By responding, our hearts get life. This is why we need to always pray this dua to

Allah, The Changer of the hearts.

كَ ن َي َدَ َىَ ل َعَ َيَ ب َل َق ََتَ ب َث ََبَ وَ لَ القَ َبَ ل َقَ مَ َايَ

“Yaa Muqallib Al-Quloob Thabbit Qalbee Alaa Deenik

‘Um Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her, said, ‘The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam used to

repeatedly say this supplication, “O Controller of the hearts! Make my heart steadfast upon Your

religion” so I asked him, ‘O Prophet of Allah! Do hearts fluctuate?’ He said, “Yes, all mankind’s

hearts are between two of the fingers of Allah. If Allah wills He maintains a man’s steadfastness,

and if He wills He deviates him” (Ahmad & Tirmidhi).

The goodness of the world is based on the hearts of the people in the world. Any good

deeds are a blessing from Allah because they are a response to Him subhana watallah.

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