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    Contents of Students Book

    Introduction to Magical World

    General Suggestions for Teachers

    Introduction 2

    Unit 1 At School 16

    Unit 2 At Home 28

    Unit 3 Animal World 40

    Review 1 44

    Unit 4 In the Playground 54

    Unit 5 Going Shopping 64

    Unit 6 The World of Work 74

    Review 2 84

    Unit 7 I Like Your Hat 88

    Unit 8 Free Time 98

    Unit 9 Holiday Time 108

    Review 3 119Notes on Fun and Games 122

    Notes on Wordsearches and Crosswords 139

    Find the Stickers 148

    Test 1

    Test 2

    Test 3

    Track List


    Magical WorldStudents Book 1

    Lvay Andrea

    Klett Kiad Kft., Budapest 2011


    E-mail: [email protected]

    Minden jog fenntartva!

    Felels Kiad: Toma Raigyvezet

    Illusztrcik: Laszlovszky Zsfia

    Lektor: Czene Zsuzsanna

    Vezet szerkeszt: Kratina Andrea

    Trdels: Hunyr Design, Rcz Ildik

    ISBN: 978-615-5127-64-9

    1. kiads A4321/2014 2013 2012 2011

    A Klett kiad ezton mond ksznetet az albb

    felsoroltaknak, akik rszvtelkkel, tancsaikkal

    s vlemnykkel segtsget nyjtottak

    a tanknyv s a munkafzet sszelltsban:

    Agcs Tibor, Asquin Papp Klra, Badicsn Kurucz

    Olvia, Bakosn Lapis Erika, Balogh Tams,

    Baloghn Szigeti Julianna, Barczin Szles

    Zsuzsanna, Bezdn Andrea, Boda Rka, Bor

    Boglrka, Boros Ildik, Bozki Krisztina, Busa

    Zoltnn, Csandy Szilvia, Csordsn Lantos Lvia

    Katalin, Dczi Boglrka, Domoszlai Jzsefn,

    Dr. Veresn Dlnoki Anita, Dubczi Katalin,

    Dubczkin Urbn Erzsbet, Elsasser Hajnal Mria,Esztrenga-Horvth Mt, Ficzn Kovcs Zsuzsanna,

    Frang Ilona, Fromvald Nikolett, Futr Ernn,

    Gulys Gyrgyi, Hasznosi Mria Krisztina, H ederics

    Szilvia, Hrn Tomasovszki Sylvia, Hlavcsn

    Molnr Mria, Hnig Anik, Huszanagics Melinda,

    Jakabacska Tibor, Jakab-Darai Melinda,

    Kalmrn Mris Ildik, Kincsesn Varga va,

    Kisn Kordly Gyrgyi, Kiss Adrienn, Kitta Jzsefn,

    Kobzos va, Kolarovszki Edit, Kolozsyn Grech

    Judit, Kondri Szilvia, Kovcs Anita,

    Kovcsn Ferenczi Erika, Kovcsn Takss Ildik,

    Kulcsrn Olvas Nikoletta, Laczk Andrsn, Laczkn Vajda

    Edit, Lakatos Margit, Lakatosn Antoni Veronika, Lapos gnes,

    Losonci Lszln, Mtyus Andrea, Mesterhzy gnes, Miklshalmi

    Ptern, Muzsai Ildik, Nagy Rbert, Nagy Sndorn, Nagyn Pter

    Katalin, Naszrain Srossi Eszter, Nmeth Mariann, Ottmrn Gynyi

    Gabriella, Papp Nikolett, Pataki Sndorn, Pva Zoltnn, Pecze-

    Halsz Adrienn, Peresztegi Nra, Petrik Zoltnn, Pinczs kos,

    Pisch Rbertn, Pivk Attila, Plskei Janka, Rcz Krisztina, Rczn

    Vetsi Enik, Sgodi Henrietta, Seresn Mekis Erika, Sigmondn

    Forintos Judit, Stahorszki Krisztina, Szabn Sos Mria, Szakos

    Erika, Szalai Edina, Szatzker Ibolya, Szns Anett, Szentivnyi-Szeles

    Beta, Szolnok dm, Szlln Czdr Mria, Timrn Mikola

    Erzsbet, Tth gnes, Tth Etelka, Tthn Klema Dorottya, Varga-

    Turi Katalin, Viola Erika, Volfn Micheller Ildik, Zoltni-Brok Erika

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    Introduction to Magical World General suggestions for teachers

    Welcome to Magical World,an exciting new 6 level-course which shows our real life to students and theirteachers sitting in their gloomy classroom. The artisticphotos depicting fascinating creatures and areas willdefinitely grab students and teachers interest. Studentscannot be bored during the lessons; they must bestimulated by all these wonders.

    Magical Worldhas been designed to take students from

    beginner to pre-intermediate level.

    Course Components

    Magical World 1 Students Book

    The students book is divided into an Introduction, ninetopic-based units, each containing a double-page photoand three mostly two-page lessons, and three reviews.

    At the end of each unit there is a Lets Rememberpart to revise all the grammar and vocabulary the unitcontains.

    Each unit begins with a dialogue that approachesthe topic from a funny angle. Then clear and concisegrammar presentations followed by task or tasks makestudents practise form and usage. At the end of thefirst lesson the Photo World part gives a huge photoof the topic of the unit. In lesson 2 the tasks after the

    colourful picture are connected to the image. Lesson 3is mainly about creativity; the students can write, drawand/or colour. At the end of each unit students can listento a song or a rhyming poem and finally some kindof Project Work is given to students to do it at homeon their own or with some other students (individualwork, pairwork or group work). Throughout each unitthere are topic-related vocabulary tasks that practiseand build on vocabulary, and grammar and vocabularyrelated listening tasks allow students to practise theseelements.

    The introductory 5 units revise basic vocabulary andgrammar from primary level (English words you know,Find and stick, Alphabet, Colours, Numbers). TheStudents Bookalso contains three reviews, one afterevery three units that consolidate vocabulary andgrammar taught within those units.

    At the back of the Students Book, there are fourplays that can be performed by students, five differentholidays to learn about and wordsearches andcrosswords related to each unit.Students will be motivated by the full colour pages,lively illustrations and captivating National Geographicphotographs.

    Magical World 1 WorkbookThe Workbookaccompanies Magical World 1 StudentsBook. Like the Students Book, it is also divided intorevising units (Alphabet, Colours, Numbers), nineunits with the Lets Remember part and a VocabularyBuilder containing words with an example sentence anda sentence where the missing part is the word itself.The units consolidate vocabulary and grammar from therelevant lesson of the Students Book.

    The Workbooks clear and simple format means that itcan be used at home as well as in class.

    Students book CD and Workbook CD

    Magical World 1 CD-ROMis designed to recyclevocabulary and grammar from each unit in the StudentsBook. The Workbook CDis an extremely powerfulvocabulary CD that can make building the childrenvocabulary quicker, easier than ever before. It iscompatible with both PCs and Macs.Native speakers are used in all recordings to ensureclarity and accurate intonation and pronunciation.

    Every English teacher dreams of having the ideal class students who are eager to learn, do everything withpleasure, follow the instructions, dont make too muchnoise, and respect them.

    Unfortunately, this is only a dream. The real world doesnot contain classrooms like this and students are notalways enthusiastic about your ideas. Youre lucky ifyou can get them to work as often as it is possible.

    There are a number of suggestions that can be offered,however, each teacher must find his or her own styleand be flexible. What works one time might not work thenext. Remember, you should find your own personaltechnique to find success in the classroom.Bear in mindyou have the power to motivate students.

    As a teacher, always put this question to yourself:Would I be enjoying this task or lesson if I were astudent in this class?

    General tips for teachers

    Make writing and illustrations on the board neat andlegible. Use an easily-read writing style. A cleanboard is essential.

    Make sure just correct answers are on the board.

    Donotcorrect any mistakes students make, but make

    a note of them to pick up on after they have finishedthe task.

    Write the mistakes on the board, without sayingwho made them, and ask students to correct them.

    Always rub off the mistake so that the studentscannot memorize them.

    Always correct students pronunciation but neverinterrupt them.

    Explain any words that the students dont know.

    Ask individual students at random round the class.

    When there is pairwork or groupwork, always goround the class monitoring students and making surethey are carrying out the task properly.

    Encourage students to always find o ther partner/s towork with so that they can get used to differentpeoples way of thinking, communication skills and

    working habits. Make sure each student do the activities with other

    partner/s when they do not work individually.

    Do not let students get distracted while doingpairwork or groupwork.

    Make sure all students have a chance to speak.

    Always try to give students extra speaking practiceby getting them to use new words and phrases tospeak about themselves.

    If you are short of time, you could assign the task ashomework.

    Always give homework to students so that they canpractise at home too.

    Ask parents to support and give help to theirchild at home. Parental involvement strongly affectsthe language success of children. Parents must behighly encouraged to participate with their children inhome language learning activities to promote studentachievement.

    How to do reading and writing tasks? Use the English language to give all instructions.

    Students should get used to hearing and followinginstructions naturally. Dont use the same structure ofinstructions so that students always have to listen to you.

    Tell students to read instructions and look atexamples in the Students bookbefore they do


    Ask questions after they have read the instructions toensure they know what they have to do.

    Encourage students to check their spelling andpractise commonly misspelt words.

    Make students do regular activities where they haveto spell words in a correct way.

    Make students practise writing and make sure theywrite clearly.

    Make students practise silent reading.

    Give students time limits to complete exercises.

    Tell students to always check their work beforehanding in.

    How to do speaking tasks?

    Never forget to take a small ball with you. Studentsenjoy combined tasks catching the ball and sayingsomething.

    Use the English language to give all instructions.Students should get used to hearing and followinginstructions naturally. Dont use the same structureof instructions so that students always have to listento you.

    Encourage students to use English if they want tosay or ask something.

    Use pictures and photos from the Students book for practice.

    Make connection to students. Keep track o f studentsinterests, what they do in their free time, what sportsthey do, etc.

    When you ask questions in class, always say thecomplete question before calling out a studentby name to answer it. All the students should beencouraged to listen to the question.

    Ask questions and make students answer as often asyou can.Encourage each student to participate in this

    task asking Who can repeat what Peter said? or Who can help Kate?

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    Make students ask as often as they can.

    Give students regular practice in talking aboutthemselves either at the beginning or at the end ofthe lesson.

    Encourage students to talk with friends or fellowstudents as often as they can.

    Ask students to move around the room asking theirquestions and answering the other studentsquestions until they have all spoken to each other.Once they sit back down, point to one student ata time and ask the others one of the questions.

    Make students practise storytelling in lessons, e.g.begin a story and ask each student to continue the

    story by adding one sentence. Students can alsodo this activity in smaller groups. Later pictures canbe included in their story.

    How to do listening tasks?

    Use the English language to give all instructions.Students should get used to hearing and followinginstructions naturally. Dont use the same structureof instructions so that students always have to listento you. Use Hungarian when it is absolutelynecessary, e.g. giving safety instructions.

    Play the CD for an activity twice or three times andgive students thinking and checking time in betweenthe two or three listenings.

    Make sure that the CD is in good condition and setyour CD-recorder to avoid wasting time. Never fidd learound with machines.

    How to make children concentrate during lessons?

    Prepare some funny games or activities to maintaintheir concentration

    Create a good atmosphere and warm up thestudents, the first five minutes of the lesson is veryimportant.; the warm-up activity can be talkin g,listening to a song or playing games. Ask them abouttheir week-end, or their plans for the rest of the day.

    Come up with some activity at any time of thelesson when you see that students start to lose theirconcentration.

    Why cannot students concentrate for a longer time?

    Your instructions are not clear, students do notunderstand them.

    You should always demonstrate rather than askingthem if they understand; ask questions : Do you have

    to put down the sentences?

    You should not start giving instructions until eachstudent listens to you.

    They do not know why they are doing the activity. Help them become active learners, tell them briefly

    why they are doing it: Lets play a game to remember the months we learnt yesterday.

    Get feedback from students about the activity byasking some relevant questions e.g.: Did you enjoy

    it? Is April in spring?

    The activity is boring. Think first whether it is something you yourself would

    enjoy doing.

    Consider doing it in a more challenging way.

    The activity is too easy or difficult. Form groups of three or four; some students may

    finish early and start fidgeting.

    Check immediately whether they have understoodwhat they are supposed to do.

    Early finishers should be challenged. Have a box ofextra activities to make them work.

    You can make one group working on one task andget the other group to do different tasks.

    Youve forgotten materials you need to set up an activity. You should always have some extra activities in

    a box, e.g. You wanted to review simple present,but you do not have your materials, just pick out somepictures from your box and start miming.

    Having a box full of pictures can be useful. You cansave the lesson.

    The equipment doesnt work. Check your DVD before lessons. Set your CD-recorder to avoid wasting time.

    Never fiddle around with machines.

    A list of language games to make lessons moreplayful and lively

    Alphabet game

    Write the alphabet on the board. Throw a ball to astudent and say a word beginning with the letter A. Thisstudent must catch the ball, say a word beginning withthe letter B and then throw it to another student. Thisthird student says a word beginning with the letter C andso on.

    Word prompts

    Students from Team B have to guess the words on yourlist. Before each guess, say a word which will help TeamB to guess correctly. But do not say the word on yourlist.

    Students from Team A have to guess the words on yourlist. Before each guess, say a word which will help Team

    A to guess correctly. But do not say the word on yourlist.

    Kims game

    In my pocket/shopping bag/house/garden/country/dream, there is/are/was/were ...

    I packed my bag and in it I put:a pen (longer and longer list)a pen and some pencils.a pen, some pencils, a rubber, an orange and someapples ...


    Each student is given a verb suitable for the level of theclass.In pairs or as a class, ask questions.The nonsense word blip should be substituted for thetarget verb.

    Write sample questions on the board:

    When / Where / Why / How do you blip?Who is blipping?Can you blip someone / something / somewhere?Do you often blip?Did you blip yesterday?

    Are you blipping now?Are you going to blip this weekend?Do you like blipping?Do you blip with your hands?

    The aim of the game is not to guess the meaning of theword Blip. When you think you know the meaning ofthe word Blip, you could ask further questions whichmake the meaning of the word Blip clear to the rest ofthe class or which amuse the student who is answeringthe questions.

    Guess the word

    One student goes out of the room. The test of the classthink of a noun or the teacher selects one and writes iton the board for everybody to see. It is rubbed off theboard before the student outside returns. The returnedstudent asks a variety of questions to different students.

    Classroom observation

    Seat two students at the front of the class facing theboard with the other students looking on. The twostudents are both given a chance to answer eachquestion and they are awarded points for correctanswers.

    Sample Questions

    1. How many windows / tables / chairs / studentsare there?

    2. What are their names?3. Who is sitting next to Peter / between Peter and

    Jack / opposite Frank / on the left / on the right?4. What is he/she wearing? / What colour is Peters


    I spy with my little eye something beginning with +letter ABCThe objects sighted must be in view of all the students inthe classroom.

    Simon says

    Students should only obey the commands if you starteach one with Simon says. If you omit Simon saysanystudent who obeys the command can no longerparticipate in the game. The last student to remain in thegame is the winner.

    Simon says: hands up, hands down, thumbs up,thumbs down, fingers up, fingers down.Simon says: touch your eyes / ears / nose / mouth withthe forefinger / middle finger / ring finger / little finger / ofyour (right)(left) hand.Simon says: put your right hand / left hand / both handson your right / left knee.Simon says: shut / open your eyes, stand up / sitdown, stand on your right / left leg.Simon says: bend your knees / body, straighten yourknees / body.Simon says: fold your arms, put your arms by your side.Simon says: wave your right hand, STOP, jump upand down, STOP.Simon says: point at the ceiling / floor with theforefinger/ middle finger / ring finger / little finger / ofyour right / left hand.

    Yes/no game.

    Students ask each other questions and the aim is notto say yes or no, but to think of other ways to responde.g. Of course, I do, Not very often .

    (Games are taken from

    Todays Word

    Each student selects a word taking turns each week.For example, the first week it might be the teacher whowrites a word on a card and puts it on the blackboard.Every student must use that word as much as possible

    during the lesson. The next day its a students turn,and then another students turn, and so on until it is theteachers turn again. As the words are used, they areposted on a cabinet door to stimulate continued usage.

    Sound Game

    The students can say words start with a consonantfollowed by a vowel-for example, say, look, go, etc. orwords begin with two consonants such as play, plate,brush, etc.

    Mandy has got a ...

    Example: Mandy has got a bag, and in it he has gotsomething that begins with the letter B. (book)

    Name Game

    Lets name everything we can see in the classroom,in the room that begins with the letter B. Next time, itmight be naming everything that begins with the letter G.Or everything that is the colour purple.

    (Games are taken from

    Whats in the box?

    Take a cardboard box with a hole cut out to put handsinto. All sorts of things can be placed in the box and thestudents have to put their hands in the box and try toguess what the object is.

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    Unit Topic (s) Grammar Vocabulary Function

    Unit 1 pp 16-27 At schoolProject: classroom picture labelled

    Lets remember.

    Articles: a / an / thePersonal pronouns (all)

    Verb to be present simple (all forms)Questions: Who + verb to bePrepositions: in / on

    Classroom objects (furniture & personal)Apple / orange

    Greetings & IntroductionsNaming school things

    Saying where things are

    Unit 2 pp 28-39 At homeProject: drawing and/or photo of homeLets remember.

    Have got present simple (all forms)Possessive adjectives (all)Saxon genitive (s)

    Adjectives (new / old)Household objects (furniture & fittings)Kinship terms (basic)

    Talking about personal possessionsTalking about familyNaming household things

    Unit 3 pp 40-49 Animal worldProject: draw and label an animal you likeLets remember.

    Can (all forms)This/these/that/thoseRegular pluralHow many?

    Basic activities (play, ride, ski..)Animals (African / local)Adjectives (small / big)

    Talking about abilitySpecifying objectsTalking about physical characteristics

    Review 1 pp 50-53

    Unit 4 pp 54-63 In the playgroundProject: draw a picture of you doing something andwriteLets remember.

    Present continuous (all forms)Adjectives

    Verbs: walk / read / eat / take photographs / ride / write / go / swim / skateboard / drive / wear / jump / laugh / play / standAdjectives: big / small, fast / slow,Old / new

    Talking about what people are doingSaying what things are like

    Unit 5 pp 64-73Going shoppingProject: draw a picture of your family eating and writeabout itLets remember.

    There is / There areCountable / Uncountable nounsSome / any / notanyHow much / How many?

    Food countable (apple, orange, biscuit, sweet, sandwich, etc) and uncountable (cheese, meat, fish, milk, tea, orange juice, etc)

    Talking about the absence and presence of foodTalking about number and quantity of food

    Unit 6 pp 74-83 The world of workProject: draw/take a photo of somebody at work andwrite about itLets remember.

    Present simple (all forms)Object pronouns

    Jobs (artist, police officer, doctor, teacher, bus driver, musician,tennis player)

    Days of the week; times of day; clock time

    Talking about jobsTalking about what people do (routines)

    Review 2 pp 84-87

    Unit 7 pp 88-97 I like your hatProject: draw/take a photo of your self wearing clothesand write about itLets remember.

    Like (present simple, all forms)Adverbs of frequency

    ClothesAdjectives (flowery, striped, checked, spotted)

    Talking about clothesTalking about likes and dislikes

    Unit 8 pp 98-107 Free timeProject: timetable of weekly free time activitiesLets remember.

    Present simple for routines vs present continuousfor nowVerb + activity

    Free time activitiesTimeSeasons

    Talking about free time activitiesTalking about routinesTalking about times

    Unit 9 pp 108-117 Holiday timeProject: draw and write about what you want to do inyour holidayLets remember.

    Present continuous as future + future time expressions

    Want to for future wishes

    Types of holiday

    Holiday equipment

    Talking about what youre doing in the future

    Talking about what you want to do

    Review 3 pp 118-121

    Introduction pp 6-15 English words you know Find and stick Alphabet Colours Numbers

    Fun and games pp 122 Little Red Riding Hood pp 124 The Hare and the Tortoise pp 126, 128 Cinderella, Aladdin pp 130, 131 Christmas, Carnival pp 132, 134 Halloween, Happy New Year pp 136, 138 May Day, Easter

    Wordsearches pp 139-147 Unit 1-9

    and crosswords



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    revising key expressions to talk about themselves revising basic words and everyday expressions practising classroom language revising the names of animals revising the alphabet and practising writing revising colours revising numbers 1-10

    Materials needed

    coloured pens, pencils and/or crayons stickers

    Way in

    Introduce yourself and go round the class askingeach student to say his or her name.

    Explain to students that the course book you will beusing is Magical World 1.

    Explain to students that the introduction will revisebasic English that they should already know from

    junior classes.

    English words you know

    AListen, say and match. track 2

    Ask students to look at the pictures and words onpage 6.

    Check whether they can see all the pictures.

    Ask students to listen to the recording.

    Ask them to match the pictures with the words whilelistening to the recording.

    Play the recording once and then ask students tocompare their answers with a partner.

    Play the recording a second time and then check theanswers as a class.

    Make sure students have the right pairs.

    Pronounce the words as they listen to the recording.

    Correct students pronunciation where necessary.

    BRead and listen to everyday expressions

    track 3

    Start doing the activity with one student.

    Get students to practise the dialogues in pairs whilemoving around the room until they have all spokento each other.

    Ask students to change partners.

    CRead and listen classroom English

    track 4

    Ask students to look at the pictures and sentences

    and ask them where the people are. Explain that they are going to learn some useful

    words and phrases that they can use in the classroomduring the year.

    Make them close the book and ask them to say thesentences they remember to a partner.

    Ask students to open the book and get them to dothis activity with a partner.

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    Find and stick

    AFind the stickers.

    Ask students to nd stickers at the end of the book.Tell them to decide what phrase each sticker showsand to stick it in the correct box.

    Check that students have put the correct stickersabove each phrase.

    BFind the stickers.

    Ask students to nd stickers at the end of the book.Tell them to decide what phrase each sticker showsand to stick it in the correct box.

    Check that students have put the correct stickersabove each phrase.

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    ASing track 5

    Ask students if they remember the English alphabet.Tell them to look at the song about the alphabet andencourage them to say it out loud as a class.

    Draw two columns side by side on the board; label

    the rst column consonants and the second vowels.Ask students in pairs to list the letters. Check theanswers as a class.

    Ask students to count the letters. (21 consonants and5 vowels)

    Tell students they are going to listen to the song. Askthem to read and listen to the song.

    Play the song and ask students to sing along. Youcould do this verse by verse and then play it once allthe way through.

    Ask students who they think is singing the song. Play the song a number of times if the students enjoy



    Ask students to look at the alphabet.

    Ask them to complete the alphabet individually bylling in the missing letters.

    Check the answers as a class.


    consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v,w, x, y, z,vowels: a, e, i, o, u

    Extra activity

    Tell students they are going to hear words being speltout. Explain that they should write the word they hear.

    Ask them to write the word and then check spelling.

    Write letters on the board and ask students to ndwords that have been scrambled up

    Encourage them to write words of their own to otherstudents and then check spelling.


    A E K N S A I L N S


    Students need counters and dice. Ask students to look at the game.

    Explain the rules to students. The students need diceand markers.

    o Groups of four can play the game.

    o The aim of the game is to be the rst player toreach the end by moving across the board fromsquare 1 to the nal square.

    o The rst player to roll 6 can enter the board.

    o Each subsequent player must also throw a 6 toenter the board.

    o The dice must be rolled again to show the numberof squares that the player entering the board maymove initially.

    o Place the marker on the appropriate square andwhen there is a letter on it the students has to saya word beginning with that letter. (You can make iteasier by saying any word that contains that letter.)

    o Each player may only roll once.

    o Each player takes a go.

    o The person with the second highest goes secondand so on.

    o When the player lands on a square that is alreadyoccupied by another player's marker, the playeralready on the square is moved back to thebeginning and must throw a 6 to re-enter the game.

    o The rst player to reach the cup is the winner but

    you must have the correct number on the dice toland there.

    Play the game and practise the letters and the words.

    Remind students that they should speak English whileplaying.


    Materials needed: cardboard, pens, pencils, crayons

    Get students in pairs or in groups to make analphabet poster. If there is a student in the group whois good at drawing, ask him/her to draw somethingnext to each letter.

    Ask students to put the posters on the classroom wall.

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    AListen, read and say. track 6

    Ask students to look at the washing-line and tell theothers what they can see. Teach them washing-lineand tweezers.

    Ask students to listen to the recording.

    When you play the recording, stop the CD after eachword so the students have a chance to say the words.

    Play the recording a second time and ask students toread and say the words.

    BColour and write.

    Ask students to give the names of animals (crab, flamingo, bear, blackbird, shark).

    Ask them to colour the animals.

    Get students to write the names under the pictures.

    Ask them to give a list of other animals in thesecolours.

    CWrite and match.

    Ask students to unscramble the colours and writethem down on the lines.

    Ask them to match the colours with the footprints onthe right.

    DListen and say. track 7

    Tell students that they are going to listen to the

    rhythmic saying of colours. Play the chant twice and ask students to sing along.

    Play the chant a number of times if the studentsenjoy chanting.

    Extra activity

    Point to objects in the classroom and ask studentswhat colour they are.


    1 red 2 pink 3 brown 4 blue 5 black

    EListen, read and say. track 8

    Ask students to look at the balloons.

    Ask them to listen to the recording.

    When you play the recording, stop the CD after eachword so the students have a chance to say the words.

    Play the recording a second time and ask students toread and say the words.

    FColour and write.

    Ask students to give the names of things(sun, sheep lamb, fish, lizard, kite) .

    Ask them to colour the things.

    Get students to write the colours under the pictures.

    Ask students to give a list of other things in thesecolours.

    GListen, say and play the game.

    track 9

    Materials needed: a grid made from toothpicks ormatches and pictures.

    Tell students that they are going to listen to twochildren who are playing this game.

    Ask them to listen to and read the dialogue.

    When you play the recording, stop the CD after eachsentence so the students have a chance to say thesentences.

    Play the recording a second time and ask studentsto memorize the sentences.

    Get students to play the game as in the dialogue.

    Extra activity

    Put letters on the board, ask students tounscramble the words and write them on theboard.

    Check their spelling.

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    AListen and write. track 10

    Write numbers between 1-10 on the board but not inthe correct order. Point to the numbers and askstudents to say these numbers in English.

    Ask students to listen to the recording.

    Play the recording and ask students to write thewords under the correct numbers.

    Play the recording a second time and ask studentsto say along.

    Write random numbers between 1-10 on the boardand ask students to say them out loud.

    BFind and colour.

    Ask students to colour the picture using thecolour-code.

    Ask them whether they know some of the animalsor objects in the picture in English.

    CChant. track 11

    Tell students that they are going to listen to therhythmic saying of numbers. Play the chant twice andask students to sing along.

    Play the chant a number of times if the studentsenjoy chanting.


    1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 15 ve6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten

    Extra activity

    Ask students to count three chairs, ve desks, twobooks, nine students, seven pictures, eight bags inthe classroom.

    DCount and write.

    Ask students to count the socks and give theircolours.

    Ask them to write the numbers next to the socks.

    EListen and write. track 12

    Ask students to listen to the recording and put thenumbers into the boxes.

    Ask students to say the numbers and then listento the recording.

    Check the answers as a class.

    FListen and say. track 13

    Ask students to listen to the recording and do thisactivity in pairs.

    Ask them to move around the room asking theirquestions and answering the other studentsquestions until they have all spoken to each other.

    Go round the class monitoring students to make surethey are carrying out the task properly.


    1) 5 ve 2) 6 six 3) 10 ten4) 4 four 5) 2 two 6) 7 seven


    2 10 7 3 5 1 8 6 4 9

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    UNIT 1 1716 UNIT 1

    BLook and learn. track 15

    Give students some words (robot, penguin, ant, egg, octopus) and make them say these sentences.

    CListen and write aor an. track 16

    Write a zebra and an elephanton the board.Ask students to tell you why there is abefore zebra

    and anbefore elephant. If they dont know, explain it to them.

    Ask them to tell you words that have abefore them and make list under a zebra. Do the same for an.

    Ask students to ll in the gaps individually.

    Check the answers as a class.

    Show the answers on the interactive board.

    DLook and learn.

    Ask students to look at the grammar box and readthe example sentences out loud with you. Go through

    the short forms rst, and continue with the long forms. Make sure they understand why short forms are used.

    Put the personal pronouns and the forms ofto beon the board in two columns but not in the right order.

    Ask students in pairs to match them and make

    sentences with them.

    Check the answers as a class.

    EListen and write am, are, or is.

    track 17

    Ask students to ll in the gaps individually.

    Ask them to write the sentences on the board using the short forms.

    Check the answers as a class.

    FPoint and say.

    Point to some things in the classroom or any objects the students might know and ask them to say the sentence. You can ask one student to point and another to say the sentence; then tell them

    to take turns.

    GPhoto World

    Ask students to look at the photo on pages 18-19. Ask students some questions about the photo using the vocabulary and grammar they have learned.

    Suggested questions Who is in the picture? How many people are there in the picture? How many desks and chairs can you see there? Are they in a classroom? What colour is the wall?

    Tell students imperative sentences if you are not sure they can answer your questions.

    Suggested sentences Count the people. Count the desks and the chairs. Name the colours. Point to the board. Find the teacher.

    Tell them some words about Greenland.

    1At school


    Lesson 1

    Warm up

    Begin each lesson by revising key language from the previous lesson.

    Way in

    Ask students to count how many people, desks, chairs, animals there are in the picture.

    Ask students to tell the colours they can see in the picture.

    Give students letters to name things in the picture.

    Put some words on the board and ask students to spell them e.g. chair, classroom, desk, girl, teacher.


    Reading Introducing people

    Vocabulary text-related words, introducing people

    Grammar indenite articles (a and an), personal pronouns, forms of to be afrmative

    Listening reading the text while listening to the recording, writing aor an, am, are, is

    Speaking asking and answering questions using all forms of to be

    Writing writing sentences using all forms of to be


    Students own answers

    Way in

    Write the words on the board: classroom,



    Ask students whether they know them.

    Ask students these questions: Who are you? Are you Kate? Who am I? Is it your classroom? How are you?

    AListen and read. track 14

    Ask students to open their books and listen to the recording.

    Ask them how many people are talking and where they are.

    Ask students to listen to the recording a second timewhile reading the text.

    Assign the roles of Frank, Jack and Olivia and get students to role play the dialogues in groups of three.

    Go round the class monitoring students to make sure they are carrying out the task properly.


    1 a 2 a 3 a 4 an 5 a 6 an


    1 is 2 am 3 is 4 are 5 is 6 are 7 are

    Background information


    Greenland, the worlds largest island is about81% ice-capped. Vikings reached the island inthe 10th century from Iceland.

    Location: Northern North America, island betweenthe Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean,northeast of Canada

    Climate: cool summers, cold winters

    Population 56,344 (July 2007 est.)

    Extra activity

    Ask students to use notin the sentences.He is not a teacher. etc.

    Ask students to form yes/no questions.Is he a teacher? etc.


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    20 UNIT 1 UNIT 1 21

    1At school


    Lesson 2

    Way in

    Draw a chair, a desk, a door, a window and a picture on the board.

    Ask students to give their names and show one in the classroom.

    Put this word snake on the board and ask students to nd as many words they can. (Altogether there are twelve words.)



    Reading In the classroom

    Vocabulary task-related words, classroom words

    Grammar denite (the)and indenite articles (a/an)

    Listening reading the text while listening to the recording

    Speaking asking and answering questions using who


    photo, owl, lamp, pupil, laptop, pencil, light, teacher,rubber, ruler, red, dolphin

    Extra activity

    Tell students in pairs to make the snake longer. Givethem time limit and check who has got the longestsnake. (Just common nouns are accepted.)

    APhoto World

    Ask students to tell you about their classroom.

    BListen, say and learn. track 18

    Ask them to listen to the recording.

    Ask students to listen to the recording a second time.While listening they should point to the objects theycan hear in their books.

    Ask them to listen to the recording once again andsay along. Check pronunciation where necessary.


    Students own answers

    CLook at the picture on pages 18-19.

    Ask students to do the task individually. Check the answers as a class.

    DPoint and say. track 19

    Ask students to point to different objects or peoplein the picture on pages 18-19.

    Form two groups and ask students to instruct eachother which object or people to point to. Point to

    a chair. Its a chair.

    ELook at the picture on pages 18-19.

    Listen and point. track 20

    Tell students that they are going to listen toa recording.

    Ask students to look at the picture while listening tothe recording and point to the objects or peoplethey can hear.

    Tell them things or people that are not in the picture.Point to a dog. Tell them to point to the desk,

    the blackboard, the cupboard, the teacher.

    FLook and learn.

    Explain to students the difference between a/an and the.

    Tell students to nd things in the classroom andask them to give sentences in pairs. e.g.: Peter:

    Its a book. Mary: The book is red.


    1 2 3 4 5 6

    Listening script1We are in a classroom in Greenland.2

    A teacher is on a desk.3Five pupils are on desks, too.4In the classroom is a blackboard, a picture,and a cupboard.5In the classroom are nine chairs, six desks, four shelves,two lights and two windows.

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    22 UNIT 1 UNIT 1 23

    GListen, read and colour. track 21

    Before reading tell student when there is, there are are used. (They will learn it in unit 5.)

    Ask students to point to the words listed therein the classroom.

    Tell them that they are going to listen to the recording.

    After the rst listening, get students to put down allthe words they could hear.

    Check the answers as a class.

    Play the recording a second time and ask studentsto colour the drawing.

    Check the answers as a class.


    Ask students to circle the correct word.

    Check the answers as a class.

    Read the sentences out loud and ask studentsto say them after you.

    Make students read out the sentences.

    Correct their pronunciation where necessary.


    1 desk 2 eight 3 white 4 red 5 green

    Extra activity

    Give them more sentences about their classroom.

    Suggested sentences The bag and the camera are on the floor/desk. There are two CDs on the chair/board. The shelf is white/green. Its a blue/black window. The computer is red/brown


    Students own answers

    Lesson 3

    Way in Go round the class asking questions about objects

    and people in the classroom using all the vocabularyand grammar they have learned.

    Suggested questions Is it a chair? Is the desk brown? Are the books on the desk? Is the ruler in the bag? Who are you? Who is he/she?


    Vocabulary task-related words, classroom words

    Grammar denite (the)and indenite articles (a/an), prepositions inand on

    Listening saying the text while listening to the recording

    Speaking asking and answering questions usingwho

    Writing writing full sentences using theand who

    1At school

    UnitAWrite a, anor the.

    Remind students of the difference between a/an and the.

    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check the answers as a class.

    Make one student write the nouns with the article onthe board, e.g.: a pupil, the bag, an owl, a ruler, the

    chair, an orange. Ask students to say them after you.

    BPoint and say.

    Ask students in pairs to give sentences aboutobjects in the classroom.

    Check the dialogues as a class.

    CDraw and write.

    Ask students to nd a partner. Ask one student to draw an object into his/her book

    and ask his/her partner to write sentences.

    Make students take turns.

    Check the answers as a class.

    DLook and learn.

    Put a pen in various places in the classroom and tellstudents where it is. The pen is on my desk.

    Put the pen into your bag and say: The pen is in my bag.

    Ask students to look at the frog and the rocks andask them to say where the frog is.

    Explain the difference between the prepositionsto students.


    Students own answers


    1 a 2 The 3 an 4 a 5 The 6 an

    Extra activity

    Ask students to use notin the sentences.Sandra isnt a pupiletc.

    Ask them to form yes/no questions.Is Sandra a pupil?etc.

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    24 UNIT 1 UNIT 1 25

    ESay what is inand onin the classroom.

    Give sentences with prepositions to students using

    the classroom objects.

    Ask students to do the same in pairs.

    Check them as a class.

    Correct mistakes and pronunciation.

    FLook and learn.

    Give questions to students using what and make

    them answer. e.g.: What is this?, What is on the

    chair? What colour is the chair?

    Ask students to ask and answer questions in pairs.

    Check them as a class.

    GWrite sentences with the.

    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check them as a class.

    HWrite the answers.

    Go to a student in the classroom and ask:

    Who are you?He is supposed to answer:Im Peter.

    Tell students to do the same. Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check the answers as a class.


    1. The ruler is on the desk.

    2. The bag is on the chair.

    3. The pencil is in the bag.

    4. The orange is on the shelf.

    Extra activity Ask students to use notin the sentences. e.g.:

    The ruler is not on the desk.

    Ask students to form yes/no questions. e.g.:

    Is the ruler on the desk?

    Ask students to form questions with what.

    What is on the desk?

    Ask students to use colours in the sentences.

    The white ruler is on the brown desk.


    1. I am Olivia. 2. She is Ruby. 3. He is Jack.

    I Listen and say. track 22

    Ask students to listen to the recording.

    Ask students to say along.

    JProject Work

    Get students to do the task in groups.

    Walk around the classroom and make sure theyare carrying out the task properly. Make a note of anymistakes in structure and pronunciation that you notice.Correct mistakes without saying who made them.

    Make students speak about their drawing.Correct mistakes and pronunciation.

    Put the pictures on the classroom wall.

    Extra activity

    Ask students about the pictures usingthe grammar and vocabulary they have learned.

    Suggested questions Is it a big city? Who is the person there? What is in the house? Are there any people in the city? Are the houses small?


    Students own answers

    U it

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    DWrite a, anor the.

    Remind students of the difference between a/an and the.

    Ask students to ll in the gaps individually.

    Check them as a class.

    EWrite inor on.

    Remind students of the difference between the twoprepositions.

    Ask students to ll in the gaps individually.

    Check them as a class.

    Unit 1 Lets remember 2726 Lets remember Unit 1

    1Lets remember


    AComplete the dialogue with the correct form of to be.

    Revise the forms with students. Tell them that theycan use the short form too.

    Ask students to ll in the gaps individually.

    Check them as a class.

    Get students to read out the dialogue after assigningthe roles of Paul, Mike and Susan.

    BComplete the questions with the correct form of to be.

    Ask students to ll in the gaps individually.

    Check them as a class.

    CWrite the classroom words correctly.

    Ask students to unscramble the words individually.

    Check them as a class.

    FRead and answer.

    Read the text out loud to students.

    Ask students to read the text and answer thequestions. They can give short answers.

    Check them as a class.


    1 I am 2 I am 3 he is 4 she is 5 we are


    1 is 2 are 3 are 4 am 5 are


    1 desk 2 pencil 3 book 4 picture 5 ruler


    1 The 2 a 3 an 4 The 5 The ... the


    1 in 2 on 3 in 4 on 5 in


    1. Steve Roberts/He is a teacher.2. Sally/She is a pupil.3. Jason/He is a pupil.4. Sally and Jason are in the classroom.5. A computer is on the desk.6. The books are blue.

    Extra activity

    Ask students to use not in the sentences. e.g.: Steve Roberts is not a teacher.

    Ask students to use yes/no questions. e.g.:Is Steve Roberts a teacher?

    Tell students to ask questions using what.

    Give students some words, e.g. doctor, Mary and Joe, children, at home, in the room, lamp, five,

    balls, chairand ask them to write a story. Begin like this: Jack Brown is a doctor.


    Jack Brown is a doctor. Mary and Joe are children.They are at home. They are in the room. A lamp ison the desk. Five balls are on the chair.

    U it

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    Lesson 1

    Way in

    Bring in a picture (or copies of the same picture that

    you can give to students) of a cosy home.Ask students to tell you any words they know.

    Ask them about their own homes.

    Suggested questionsIs your room big or small?

    Are the walls white?What colour are the walls?What colour is the floor?

    AListen and read. track 23

    Ask students to open their books and listen to therecording.

    Ask students how many people are talking and wherethey are.

    Ask students to listen to the recording a secondtime while reading the text.

    Assign the roles of Olivia, Jack and Frank and getstudents to role play the dialogues in groups of three.

    UNIT 2 2928 UNIT 2

    2At home


    Warm up

    Begin each lesson by revising key language from the previous lesson.

    Way in

    Write the sentences below on the board and askstudents to nd the correct word order.

    1. bag / desk / on / the / brown / is / the2. are / green / pencils / the3. school / at / are / they4. colour / the / what / chairs / are / ?5. you / are / who / ?6. eight / chairs / classroom / are / in / there / the


    Reading classroom text

    Vocabulary text-related words, basic nouns

    Grammar possessive adjectives

    Listening reading the text while listening to the recording, possessive pronouns


    1. The brown bag is on the desk./The bag is on the brown desk.

    2. The pencils are green.3. They are at school.4. What colour are the chairs?5. Who are you?6. There are eight chairs in the classroom.


    Students own answers

    BListen, look and learn. track 24

    Ask students to look at the grammar box and listento the sentences using possessive adjectives.

    Ask them to repeat the sentences.

    Ask students to say sentences using possessiveadjectives. e. g.: Its my bag. Theyre their desk.

    Make sure students can understand how to usepossessive adjectives.

    CListen and write what the people are saying. track 25

    Ask students to ll in the gaps while listeningto the recording.

    Make them check their answers while listeningto the recording for a second time.

    Check the answers as a class.

    DPhoto World

    Ask students to look at the photo on pages 30-31.

    Ask them some questions about the photo using thevocabulary and grammar they have learned.

    Suggested questionsHow many people are there in the picture?

    Are there any balls there?Who has got a big yellow ball?Is this house in the city?

    Give them some information about the US.

    Background information

    The United States of America is the worlds thirdlargest country in size and nearly the third largestin terms of population. Located in North America,the country is bordered on the west by the PacicOcean and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. It ismore than twice the size of the European Union.

    Population: 300,000,000

    Capital: Washington, D.C.

    Language: English, Spanish

    Money: U.S. dollar


    Extra activity

    Ask students to use notin the sentences. e.g.:Its not my book. etc.

    Ask students to form yes/no questions. e.g.:Is it my book?etc.

    Ask students to use colours in the sentences. e.g.:Its my green book.


    1 my 2 our 3 your 4 his 5 their


    Students own answers

    U. S. A.

    U it

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    UNIT 2 3332 UNIT 2

    2At home

    UnitAPhoto World

    Ask students to say what people have got in thepicture on pages 30-31. e.g.: The boy has got a chair.

    The girl has got a big yellow ball. etc.

    BListen, say and learn. track 26

    Ask students to close their books.

    Ask them to listen to the recording and count howmany things are listed. (15)

    Ask students to listen to the recording for a secondtime and while listening point to the objects in theirbooks they can hear.

    Ask students to listen to the recording once againand make them repeat the words.

    Ask students which objects are in the big pictureon page 30-31?

    Lesson 2

    Way In

    Tell and show students what you have got and whatyou havent got.. e.g.: I have got a pen but I havent

    got a pencil.Ask one student: Have you got a pencil? I have got two books but I havent got a magazine. Ask another student: Have you got a magazine? I have got a black bag but I havent got a white box.. Ask a student: Have you got a white box?etc.

    Ask students to say what they have got and what theyhavent got.


    Reading Jim, the Inuit Boy

    Vocabulary task-related words, in a room furniture and ttings

    Grammar have/has got afrmative, negative, question, Saxon genitive ()

    Listening reading the text while listening to the recording, have/has got

    Speaking possessions

    Writing objects in a room, have got


    Students own answers

    CListen, look and learn. track 27

    Ask students to look at the grammar box. Ask themwhat they can notice.

    Ask them to listen to the sentences usinghave/has got.

    Ask students to repeat the sentences.

    Make students say sentences using have/has got.

    Make sure students can understand the structure.

    DListen and write. track 28

    Ask students to listen to the sentences and ll in the

    gaps individually. Play the recording a second time and ask students

    to check their answers.

    Check the answers as a class.

    Show them the answers on the interactive board.

    EAsk and answer.

    Ask students in pairs to ask and answer questionsusing have/has got.

    Get students to play a game. Students stand ina circle and ask and answer questions fromthe student next to you: Have you got a red book?

    No, I havent.The one who cannot continue or makes a mistake is out. The winner is the student

    who doesnt make any mistakes.


    1 Have 2 Has 3 havent 4 have 5 hasnt

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    UNIT 2 3534 UNIT 2

    FLook at pages (30-31) and write the things you can see.

    Ask students to do the task individually.

    You can ask students to use colour/colours withthe nouns. e.g.: a brown sofa

    Check them as a class.

    GLook at the picture. Point and say.

    Ask students in pairs to point to a thing in the pictureand use have/has got.

    Ask students to close their books and try to rememberand say sentences using have/has got.

    HLook and learn.

    Ask students to look at the grammar box. Tellthem that we use possessive adjectives to show thatsomething belongs to someone.

    Ask students to read the rst sentence. Explainthat we only use possessive adjectives when we havealready the person that the object belongs to.

    Explain to students that possessive adjectives are

    always followed by a noun. Ask students to read the sentences out loud and

    correct their pronunciation if necessary.

    Explain the rule to students:

    I Point to your friends things and say.

    Say sentences with the things you can nd inthe classroom. e.g.:Its Peters bag. Its his bag.

    Get students to do the same in pairs.

    Go round the class monitoring students to make surethey are carrying out the task properly.


    Students own answers

    Extra activity Tell students a thing in the picture and ask them

    to give its colour.

    Tell students a colour and they should namea thing or things.

    Extra activity

    Ask students to use notin the sentences. e.g.: They havent got a dog.

    Ask students to form yes/no questions. e.g.:Have they got a dog? Yes, they, have./No, they


    Ask students to use colours and numbers in thesentences.

    Extra activity

    Ask students to use notin the sentences. e.g.: Its not Peters bag.

    Ask students to form yes/no questions. e.g.:Is it Peters bag?

    JListen and read. track 29

    Ask students to close their books and listen to therecording and answer how many people the recordingis about.

    Ask students to open their books and listen to therecording a second time while reading the text.

    Get students to answer your questions.

    Suggested questionsWho is an Inuit boy?How old is he?Where does he live?What has he got?What is the dogs name?

    Tell them some words about Inuit people.

    KWrite Yes or No.

    Ask students to give their answers individually.

    Check answers as a class.


    Jim is an Inuit boy.Hes eight (years old).He has got a (new) pet/dog.The dogs/Its name is Lucy.

    Background information

    Inuit is a general term for a group of culturallysimilar indigenous peoples of the Arctic. The largestproportion of Inuit people live in Greenland. Otherlarge communities live in Alaska and Canada, anda very small number live on the north-eastern tip ofSiberia. The Inuit were (and many still are) hunters,who hunt whale, walrus, and seal by kayak or bywaiting at their air holes in the ice. They used igloosas hunting or emergency shelters. They made andmake ingenious use of animal skins in their clothing(e.g. anorak). Dog sleds were and are used for travel(and the American Eskimo dog they used was namedfor them), though snowmobiles have largely replaced

    this mode of travel.

    Today, the Inuit are rediscovering their rich heritageand they are learning to govern themselves in amodern world.


    1 No 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 No 5 Yes



    the boys

    the girls

    book/books book/books

    the boys

    the girls

    the childrens


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    UNIT 2 3736 UNIT 2

    2At home


    BListen and write. track 30 Ask students to listen to the recording.

    Ask them to write down the family members.

    Get them to make a family tree of their own.

    Show it to the others and say: Its my mother.Her name is Zsuzsa. etc.

    Lesson 3

    Way In

    Draw your family on the board and ask students who is who.

    Ask students to draw their family into their notebookand tell their partner about it. e.g.: Its my mother.

    They are my brothers.

    Ask students to go round the class and ask aboutothers family members. e.g.: Is it your mother? Have

    you got two grandfathers?

    ALook and learn. Ask students to close their books and listen to you.

    Read the text out loud to students. Ask them to tellyou how many people the text is about.

    Ask students what the text is about. (They can giveshort answers.)

    Ask students to open their books.

    Read the text out loud once again.

    Ask questions about the text.

    Suggested questionsHow many people can you see in the picture?How many children are there in the picture?How many armchairs can you see there?Is the carpet red?

    Are there any chairs in the room?


    Reading Family

    Vocabulary task-related words, close family members

    Grammar have/has got

    Listening reading the text with the recording,

    family members

    Speaking have/has got

    Writing family members and sentence writing

    Answers7 / I can see seven people in the picture.4 / There are four children in the picture.2 / I can see two armchairs there.No, it isnt. It is yellow.No, there arent.

    Extra activity

    Ask students to use not in the sentences. e.g.: We are not in the living room.

    Ask students to form yes/no questions. e.g.:Are we/you in the living room?

    Ask students to form groups of three and get themto draw a picture like this.

    Get them to write a short text.

    Check the answers as a class. Correct theirmistakes and pronunciation.


    grandfather mother sister

    CWrite. Draw two of your family.What have they got?

    Ask students to write sentences about what theirfamily members have got.

    Check answers as a class.

    DPlay, ask and say.

    Read the sentences out loud to students. Ask them to work in pairs.

    Ask students to change partners.

    EListen and say. track 31

    Ask students to close their books and listen to therecording.

    Play the recording for a second time and tell studentsto say along.

    Play the recording a number of times if the studentsenjoy it.

    FProject Work

    Get students to do the task individually as homework.

    Make them speak about their drawing. e.g.: Its my room. I have got two chairs there. etc.

    Get students to ask questions about other drawings.e.g.: Have you got a television? Is your bed red? etc.


    Students own answers


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    Unit 2 Lets remember 3938 Lets remember Unit 2

    2Lets remember


    AComplete the sentences with these


    Ask students to ll in the gaps individually.

    Check them as a class.

    BWrite the apostrophe () in the correct place.

    Tell students to look at the grammar box (p 34) fora reminder if they need to.

    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check them as a class.

    CCircle the correct words.

    Tell students to look at the grammar box (p 29) fora reminder if they need to.

    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check them as a class.


    1 son 2 brother 3 aunt4 grandmother 5 wife


    1 Garys 2 childrens 3 babys4 Ritas 5 twins

    DComplete the sentences with the correct form of have/has got.

    Tell students to look at the grammar box (p 33) fora reminder if they need to.

    Ask students to ll in the gaps individually.

    Check them as a class.

    ECircle the correct words.

    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check them as a class.

    FRead and answer.

    Ask students to read the dialogue and answer thequestions.

    Check them as a class.


    1 his 2 my 3 our 4 your 5 Their


    1 has got 2 havent 3 hasnt 4 have got5 Has ... got...


    1 Is 2 Has 3 havent 4 are 5 Is


    1. Sandra has got a new school bag.2. No, she hasnt.3. No, it isnt.4. Yes, it is.5. No, he hasnt.

    Extra activity

    Ask students to read the dialogue out loud.Assign the roles of Grandfather and Sandrato different students.

    Give students in pairs some words new/old table, pictures, pens and ask them to write their own dialogue.

    Check their task as a class.


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    UNIT 3 4140 UNIT 3

    3Animal world


    Warm up

    Begin each lesson by revising key language from theprevious lesson.

    Way in

    Write the sentences below on the board and askstudents to nd the correct word order.

    1. not / pencil / she / a / blue / has / got

    2. rulers / they / two / green / have / got /?3. it / her / book / English / is4. grandmother / is / the / room / his / in5. dog / on / is / sofa / their / the


    1. She hasnt got a blue pencil.2. Have they got two green rulers?3. It is her English book.4. His grandmother is in the room.5. Their dog is on the sofa.

    Way In

    Ask students some questions about parks.

    Suggested questionsIs there a park near here?Do you often go to parks?What can you do there?Can you buy anything there?

    Are you in the park now?

    AListen and read. track 32

    Ask students to open their books and listen to therecording.

    Ask them how many people are talking and wherethey are.

    Ask students to open their books and listen to therecording a second time while reading the text.

    Assign the roles of Frank, Jack and Olivia and getstudents to role play the dialogues in groups of three.

    Go round the class monitoring students to make surethey are carrying out the task properly.


    Reading In the park

    Vocabulary text-related words, local animals, basic verbs

    Grammar can afrmative, negative, question, this, these, that, those

    Listening reading and listening to dialogues

    Speaking activities with can


    Students own answers


    BListen, look and learn. track 33

    Ask the following questions at random round theclass. Ask students to answer yesor no.

    Can you ride a bike? Can you swim? Can your teacher speak English? Can your mother play computer games? Can your friend play the piano?

    Ask students to look at the grammar box and listen tothe recording while reading the sentences in thebook.

    Draw students attention to the bare innitive form ofthe main verbs in the examples.

    Play the recording for a second time and ask studentsto repeat the sentences.

    Write the words of some sentences on the board butnot in the correct order and ask them to nd thecorrect order.

    Suggested sentences1. cannot / photo / a / we / take2. she / can / rabbits / see / the / ?3. hide / there / can / squirrel / the4. guitar / who / play / the / can / ?5. cant / teacher / say / the / sentences

    CListen and say. track 34

    Ask students to listen to the recording.

    Ask students how many of the sentence pairs theyremember.

    Play the recording for a second time and ask studentsto repeat the sentences.

    DListen and say. track 35

    Ask students to close their books.

    Ask them to listen to the recording and tick theactivities they can do.

    Play the recording a second time and ask students torepeat the sentences.

    EListen, look and learn. track 36

    Hold up an object and ask students Whats this?When they tell you the correct answer, say Yes, this

    is a...etc. Then point to something far away from you and ask Whats that?. When they tell you the correct answer, say Yes, that is a ...etc. Repeat the procedure to practise theseand those.

    Ask students to look at the grammar box and listento the recording.

    Ask them to look at the pictures and make sure theyunderstand how to use these words.

    Play the recording for a second time and ask studentsto repeat the sentences.

    Then ask students to work in pairs and create theirown sentences.

    FPoint and say.

    Point to some objects in the classroom and saysentences using this/that/these/those.

    Ask students to do the same.

    GPhoto World

    Ask students to look at the photo on pages 42-43.

    Write sentences on the board and make studentsdecide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

    Suggested sentencesThere are three giraffes in the picture.One zebra is drinking.The water is grey.We can see lions in the picture.The birds havent got any food.

    Tell students some information about Africa.


    Students own answers


    1. We cannot take a photo.2. Can she see the rabbits?3. The squirrel can hide there.4. Who can play the guitar?5. The teacher cant say sentences.


    Students own answers


    Students own answers


    T T F F F

    Background information

    Africa is the second largest continent in the world.(Asia is the largest.) Africa is three times the sizeof the continental United States. At i ts widest point,

    Africa is nearly as wide as it is long. There are 53countries in Africa and approximately 1 billion people.

    The Sahara is the worlds largest desert, at 3.5million square miles, nearly the size of the UnitedStates. The largest city in Africa is Cairo, the capitalof Egypt.


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    44 UNIT 3 UNIT 3 45

    3Animal world


    Lesson 2

    Way In

    Ask students about Africa to check how much theyremember from the previous lesson.

    APhoto World

    Play hangman with students using animals they knowin English snake, dolphin, zebra, rabbit, squirrel

    Ask students to look at pages 42-43 and name theanimals and their colour.

    Get students to count the animals.

    BListen, say and learn. track 37 Ask students to close their books.

    Ask them in pairs to listen to the recording and makea list of animals that have four legs.

    Ask students to listen to the recording for a secondtime and check their list.

    Check the answers as a class. Correct theirpronunciation if necessary.

    CListen and say. Look at the picture on pages 42-43. Tick () the animals and birds you can see. track 38

    Ask students to listen to the recording and tick theanimals they can see in the picture.

    Ask students to repeat the sentences while ticking.

    Play the recording a second time and tell studentsto check their answers.

    Check the answers as a class.

    Ask students to say other sentences using can.

    DLook at pages 43-43 and say.

    Ask students in pairs to say sentences.

    Check the answers as a class.


    zebra, giraffe, lion, elephant, kudu, squirrel, rabbit,springbok


    Reading Meerkats

    Grammar regular plural

    Vocabulary task-related words, African animals, adjectives (long, small, big,etc.)

    Listening reading the text while listening to

    the recording

    Speaking What can you see?


    1 2 3 4 5 6


    Students own answers

    EListen and read. track 39

    Ask sentences about these animals.

    Suggested questionHow many legs has a spider got?Can an insect fly?How long is a snake?Who likes lizards?Is the lion your favourite animal?

    Ask students to close their books.

    Ask them to listen to the recording and put downthe colours they can hear.

    Ask students to open their books.

    Play the recording for a second time and askstudents to read the text while listening.

    Check their answers as a class.

    Ask questions about the text.

    Suggested questionsWhat animals can you see in the picture?Where do they live?What colour are they?What can they do?What can they do with their claws?


    Students own answers


    brown, black


    We can see meerkats in the picture.They live in South Africa.They are brown.They can stand up.They can dig and nd food with their claws.

    FWrite Yes or No.

    Ask students to give their answers individually. Check answers as a class.

    Extra activity

    Get students to write sentences about anotheranimal.


    1 Yes 2 Yes 3 No 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 No


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    UNIT 3 4746 UNIT 3

    3Animal world


    Lesson 3

    Way in

    Draw a man on the board and write the body partsin a box next to it.

    Ask students to label the parts.

    ALook and learn.

    Read the body parts out loud to students and askthem to show that part in the book.

    Ask students to close the book and try to memorizethe words.

    Ask them to open their books and get them to say: This is my hair. That is her nose. These are their teeth. etc.

    BListen, point and say. track 40

    Ask students to listen to the recording and make a listof the body parts they can hear.

    Check the answers as a class.

    Ask students to listen to the recording for a secondtime, point to their body part and say the sentence.

    Ask them to open their books and get them to say:This is Peters hair. That is her nose. These are

    Jacks teeth. etc.


    Reading The Body

    Grammar this, these, that, those, how many ...?

    Vocabulary task-related words, parts of the body

    Listening pointing to your nose, mouth, etc. whilelistening to the recording

    Speaking pointing to your body and use this, these

    Writing writing sentences with body parts


    Ask students to write the sentences and answer them.

    DLook at pages 42-43 and say.

    Ask students in pairs to say sentences to each other.

    If you want to make this task easier, you can giveeither the name of the animal or the body part:giraffe - ..., ear - ...

    EListen and say. track 41 Ask students to close their books and listen to the

    recording and say whether they can hear stomach. Write stomachon the board so that students can see it too.

    Play the recording for a second time and tell studentsto say along while pointing to the body part. If youwant to make it funny, ask them to show theirpartners body part.

    Play the recording a number of times if the studentsenjoy it.

    FProject Work

    Ask students to draw and colour their favouriteanimal.

    Tell students to nd another student to label the parts.


    1. How many legs have you got? I have got two legs.2. How many legs has a giraffe got? A giraffe has got four legs.3. How many legs have insects got? Insects have got six legs.4. How many legs have spiders got? Spiders have got eight legs.5. How many legs has a snake got? A snake hasnt got legs.

    6. How many legs have a table got? Table has got four legs.


    Students own answers


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    Unit 3 Lets remember 4948 Lets remember Unit 3

    3Lets remember


    AAnswer these questions with

    true answers.

    Tell students to look at the grammar box (p 41) fora reminder if they need to.

    Ask students to give short answers individually.

    Check the answers as a class.

    BWrite these cansentences in the correct


    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check the answers as a class.

    CWrite the names of the animals correctly.

    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check the answers as a class.


    Tell students to look at the grammar box (p 41) fora reminder if they need to.

    Ask students to write the sentences individually.

    Check the answers as a class.

    EComplete these parts of the body.

    Tell students to look at the grammar box (p 46) fora reminder if they need to.

    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check the answers as a class.

    FPut the verbs in the box into the correct sentences.

    Tell students to look at the grammar box (p 45) fora reminder if they need to.

    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check the answers as a class.


    1. Yes, I can. / No, I cant.2. Yes, they can. / No, they cant.3. Yes, he can.4. Yes, he can.5. Yes, it can. (in a circus) / No, it cant.


    1. Paul cant ski down a hill.2. Dolphins can swim fast.

    3. I cant see the squirrels.4. Can you speak English?5. My dad cant drive a car.


    1 zebra 2 lion 3 rabbit 4 dolphin 5. giraffe


    1. This is a camera. 2. These are books.3. Those are blackbirds. 4. That is a rabbit.


    1 stomach 2 mouth 3 nger 4 teeth 5 hair


    1 live 2 are 3 can 4 eat 5 dig

    GRead and answer.

    Ask students to read the text rst then do thetask individually

    Check the answers as a class.


    1. Yes, they are.2. Yes, they can.3. No, they havent.4. They are yellow-brown colour.5. No, you cant.


    Zebras are big animals. You can see these animalsin Africa. They eat grass. They cannot kill biganimals. They have got four legs. They havent gotclaws. They are black and white colour. You cannotsee them in Greenland.

    Extra activity Give this task to students to do. Zebras are big .......... . You can see these animals in .......... . They .......... grass. They cannot kill .......... animals. They .......... got four legs. .......... havent got claws. They are black and white .......... . You cannot .......... them in Greenland.

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    Review 1 4544 Review 1

    Review 1 Units 13


    Explain to students that there will be a review afterevery three units in Magical World 1.

    Tell them that Review 1 revises the material they sawin Units 1-3.

    Explain to students that they can ask you for help with the exercises or look back at the units if they are not

    sure about an answer as the review is not a test.

    Decide how you will carry out the review. You couldask students to do one exercise at a time and thencorrect it immediately, or ask students to do all theexercises and then correct them together at the end.If you do all the exercises together, let students knowevery now and again how much time they have gotleft to nish the task.

    Ask students not to leave any answers blank and totry to nd any answers they are not sure aboutin the units.

    Revise the vocabulary and grammar as a class beforestudents do the review. Now you have experience

    about their difculties after completing the Lets remember part.

    Make sure students understand the tasks.

    Vocabulary revision

    Draw a man on the board. Ask students to tell youas many parts of the body as possible. Make studentswrite these words on the board. Check spelling andpronunciation. Ask students to spell the words.

    Spell some words (head, eye, nose, ear, teeth, chin, arm, hand, finger, back, stomach, leg, foot, toe)

    them and make students write them on the board.Check their spelling and ask students to saythe words out loud.

    Check that students remember local and Africananimals. Make two columns on the board with the

    titles local animals/African animals and ask studentsto put the words into the related column.

    Play a game, animal word snake with students.One student starts with a number and an animal:onezebra, the other student says, two zebras anda horse,the third one adds three zebras and

    a horse and a cow, then four zebras and a horse,a cow and an elephant, etc.The winner is the student

    who can remember all the animals in the animal word snake.

    Ask students to think of some activities, e.g.:ride a bike, speak English, drive a car, play the guitar,

    ski down a hill, play footballanimals can or cannot do.A dog can ride a bike. A giraffe cannot play the guitar.

    Thats going to be great fun!

    Grammar revision

    Ask students to make two columns with the titlestwo legs/four legsand put the animals into the related

    column. (Orwells Animal Farm, isnt it?)

    Write this, that, these, thoseone below the other on the board and ask one student to come and write

    nouns beside them, e.g.: this leg, those eyes. Ask the other students to help the student who is writing.

    Write I have got a pen, She has got a ruleron the board. Ask students to tell you when to use have

    or has.

    Ask each student to tell you one thing that he or shehas got and one thing he or she hasnt got. Then askone student to ask another student if he/she has got

    something. Tell the other student to reply usinga short answer. Repeat until all students have eitherasked or answered a question.

    Ask students which verb we use to talk about ability(can). Then ask students to tell the class one thing

    they cando and one thing they cannot do. Give them an example:I can ride a bike but I cant swim.

    Check if they can remember the question form of canby asking you questions about your ability. e.g.:

    Can you speak English?Reply using short answers. e.g.: Yes, I can.


    To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 1-3

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    Review 1 5150 Review 1

    Review 1 Units 13


    Ask students to do the crossword in pairs.

    Check the answers as a class.


    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check the answers as a class.


    Ask students to ll in the gaps individually.

    Check the answers as a class.


    Ask students to do the task individually.

    Check the answers as a class.


    Ask students to unscramble the words individually.

    Check answers as a class.


    1 is 2 Are 3 am 4 are 5 isnt 6 are7 isnt 8 arent


    1 in 2 on 3 in 4 in 5 on 6 in7 on 8 in


    1 mother 2 baby 3 father 4 grandmother5 sister 6 grandfather

    N O S E C R M AB A G C H A I R N O N P G M E



    1 a 2 a 3 an 4 a 5 a 6 an 7 an 8 a

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    UNIT 4 5554 UNIT 4

    4In the playground

    Warm up

    Begin each lesson by revising key language fromthe previous lesson.

    Way in

    Ask students what they can see in the picture.

    Ask students what people have got and what theycan do.

    Give students letters to name things in the picture. Put some words on the board and ask students to

    make sentences camera, photo, bike, tree, students.

    Lesson 1

    Way In

    Write true or false sentences on the board aboutthe picture.

    Suggested sentencesThe students are in the playground with their father.Jack is taking a photo of the boy.There is a swimming pool in the picture.Frank has got a camera.The boy is 5 years old.

    AListen and read. track 42

    Ask students to open their books and listen to therecording and say why Frank and the two studentsare in the park. (taking action photos)

    Ask students to open their books and listen to therecording a second time while reading the text.

    Get students to answer your questions.

    Suggested questionsHow many people are in the park?What are they doing there?What animals can you see in the park?Who is swimming in the pool?Where is the boy in the last picture?


    Reading In the playground

    Vocabulary text-related words, verbs go, skateboard, walk, etc.

    Grammar present continuous

    Listening reading the text while listening to the recording, present continuous

    Writing writing sentences using present




    1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F


    There are six people in the park.Frank, Olivia and Jack are talking/watching otherpeople, a boy is riding a bike, a boy is swimming andthere is a boy who is skateboarding.I cant see animals in the park.

    A boy is swimming in the pool.He is in the tree in the last picture.

    BListen, look and learn. track 43

    Ask students the questions below about people inthe classroom.

    Who is wearing a blue T-shirt? Who is sitting near the door?

    Write the answers on the board, but in full sentences.

    Mary is wearing a blue T-shirt.Peter is sitting near the door.

    Ask students what the main verbs are (wear and sit) and tell them that they are in the present continuous

    tense here. Underlineisandwearingand explain that in the present continuous we have the verb bein the present simple and the main verb in the -ingform.

    Ask students to look at the grammar box and listento the sentences.

    Ask students to look back the pictures on page54 and to underline all the verbs of the presentcontinuous. (are going, are taking, am photographing,

    is sitting)

    Ask students to look at the string of words and getthem to make sentences using the presentcontinuous. e.g. Mary is walking. The teacher is

    reading.etc. Explain that verbs with one syllable that end in a vowel and a consonant, like sit,

    double the consonant in the - ing form.Tell them that verbs that end in -edrop the -e

    in the -ingform (take).

    CListen and write. track 44

    Ask students to listen to the recording and writedown the sentences they can hear.

    Play the recording a second time and ask studentsto check their answers.

    Check them again as a class.

    DListen, look and learn. track 45

    Ask students to listen to the recording.

    Ask them how many sentences they can remember.

    Play the recording a second time and make themrepeat the sentences.

    Give students some verbs and get them to saysentences with them, e.g. : read, swim, shop,


    1. They are walking. 2. She is riding a bike.3. He is skateboarding. 4. They are swimming.

    Extra activity

    Ask students to make sentences longer.e.g. They are walking in the park. She is riding her

    bike in the park.

    ELook, point and say.

    Ask students to look at the sentences.

    Make a student do some activities and ask the othersto say what he/she is doing. (riding a bike, taking

    a photo, eating a sandwich, sitting on a chair, etc)

    Get students to do the same activities in pairsor in groups.

    FPhoto World

    Ask students to look at the photo on pages 56-57.

    Ask students what objects they would like to see in

    the photo. (ball, fish, other animals, family, etc) Tell them some words about Mexico.

    Background information

    Mexico is a country on the continent of North Americalocated south of the United States. Capital: MexicoCity. Population: 106,202,903. Mexico has theeleventh largest population of any country in theworld. The people living here are descended fromthe Indians (such as the Aztecs) and the Spanish(Mexico was a Spanish colony for 300 years). Mostof the people living here today are mestizos, whichmeans people have both Indian and white ancestors.

    Ofcial Language: Spanish

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    4I th l d


  • 7/26/2019 MW1-tanari-kezikonyv


    UNIT 4 6160 UNIT 4

    4In the playground

    Lesson 3

    Way in

    Put some questions to students using adjectives.

    Suggested questionsIs the rollercoaster fast?Is this classroom big?

    Are these books new?Is your fathers car old?Is her dog small?

    ALook and learn.

    Read out the sentences to students.

    Ask them yes/noquestions and wh-questions. e.g.:Is Franks camera big? What is it (his camera) like?

    Get them to say similar sentences.


    Vocabulary task-related words, adjectives big,

    small, old, new, etc

    Grammar present continuous, adjectives

    Listening present continuous song

    Speaking present continuous sentences

    Writing sentences practising adjectives and

    present continuous


    Students own answers

    BLook, write and say.

    Ask students to nish the sentences and write aboutthe other person too.

    Check them as

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