  1. 1. Contents Where do the music robots come from? (aka history lesson) Robotical instruments Robot Bands My Robots MR-808 Glitch Robot How to create, build & play robots
  2. 2. Hello, I am Moritz Simon Geist from Sonic Robots
  3. 3. Music robots History and famous representatives
  4. 4. 19th Century: Piano Robots Pic: player piano ~ 1900 Wikipedia
  5. 5. 19th Century: Piano Robots Piano robot Pianista 1863, Source: Wikipedia
  6. 6. Modern Life: 20th and 21th Century robots Spread of DIY- and maker culture since the 80s. Since 2000s: Rise of DIY techniques (Arduino, 3D Printing) Explotational character of musicians (and technicians)
  7. 7. Tonal String Robots Mechabass, J. McVay2003 Pic: J. McVay Link
  8. 8. Tonal String Robots Guitarbot, Eric Singer, 2003 Pic: LEMUR
  9. 9. Percussiv Drum Robots Yellow drum machine automous, driving Robot Pic:
  10. 10. Percussiv Drum Robots Felix Thorn: Felix machines Pic: Felix Thorn
  11. 11. Music robots Technically Conceptional Tonal Robots Piano robots String robots Percussive, tonal robots Rhythm-Robots Deterministic Controlled by humans Anthropomorph-autonomous Iterativ patterns AI Reacting autonomously to surrounding
  12. 12. Robot Bands
  13. 13. Z-Machines (JP) Z-machines live in Tokyo 2013 Source:
  14. 14. Compressorhead Screenshot from Frank Barnes / Compressorhead
  15. 15. MR-808 Installation
  16. 16. Mechanic Rhythm 808 MR-808 (Geist): Pic: Jrgen Lsel
  17. 17. Installation MR-808 TR-808 Manual, 1981, Pic: Roland
  18. 18. MR-808: Goals No more sound creation inside the computer Extending creativity Visual appealing MR-808 (Geist): Toms, Pic: Jrgen Lsel
  19. 19. MR-808 (Geist): Claps, Pic: GEIST
  20. 20. MR-808 (Geist): Claps, Pic: GEIST
  21. 21. MR-808 (Geist): Claps, Pic: GEIST
  22. 22. Lesson learned: thermoforming
  23. 23. MR-808: Case Wooden case Many technics like 3D/Printing, vacuum molding MR-808 (Geist): Buttons
  24. 24. Sonic Robots: Glitch Robot (2014) Glitch Robot
  25. 25. Glitch Robot
  26. 26. Glitch Robot
  27. 27. Glitch Robot
  28. 28. How to build music robots
  29. 29. Why building instruments that - sound worse, - are harder to transport - are more difficult to build and maintain .. than its digital counterpart? Music Robots WHY?
  30. 30. The pyramid of sound creation The POSC explains the connection between sound and technology. Source: GEIST
  31. 31. The pyramid of sound creation Music robots cover many subjects thats what makes it so interesting.
  32. 32. Motivation Appealing Interaction (visuals & sound) Making sound visible Extension of musical possibilites, hacking music Robots as extensions from body Last but not least: world domination
  33. 33. Build music Robots: Think Goal is to find a cool sound. Through Experimentation Through planning
  34. 34. Build music Robots: Think Experimentation
  35. 35. Build music Robots: Think Planning Wanted: a cool bassdrum sound Sinus like Clean Decaying Source: What physical object sounds like that in real life?
  36. 36. Build music Robots: Think Planning Pro Tip: ask a circuit Source:
  37. 37. Build music Robots: Think Planning What physical object sounds like that in real world?
  38. 38. Build music Robots: Time for the Workshop!
  39. 39. Build music Robots: Make Best sine wave is created by a metal tongue Marimba like Pitch can be precisly adjustes with tension
  40. 40. CAD-Construction Build music Robots: Make 3D-Printing
  41. 41. Electrical Circuitery Build music Robots: Make
  42. 42. What do we need from the electrical side? C like Atmega328 MIDI-IN: One note triggers one Actor Power Amplifier (Mosfets) Actor: Motor, Solenoid Power supply (e.g. 12V / 10A) Case Build music Robots: Make
  43. 43. Build music Robots: Make Start coding: Midi In stream Each note triggers one Pin on the Atmega MIDI-Channel select Pitch or CC to controll Motor speed or servo Software e.g. Arduino
  44. 44. Build music Robots: Make What we did so far: Build mechanics Build electronics Programm C (Arduino)
  45. 45. Mechanical system imposes delay from trigger to sound Latency within the C Latency can be up to several 100ms Latency Control
  46. 46. The most important method to make music robot coordinated playable Time manipulation of MIDI data All sounds can be heard in time without delay Latency Control
  47. 47. Latency Control (1)
  48. 48. Latency Control (2)
  49. 49. Latency Control (3)
  50. 50. Latency control MAX/MSP
  51. 51. Latency control Max Msp
  52. 52. Latency control - Summary TOP: Needed to make robot playable (music) Measurement: by simple I / O Tool, signal- Response time is measured FLOP: No more live control latency is static
  53. 53. Glitch Robot / Bass
  54. 54. Last Step: Make awesome music!
  56. 56. Upcoming shows 03.08-10.08, Berlin [DE], Krake Festival 29.08.2015, Duisburg [DE], Ruhrtriennale w/ Mouse on Mars and Tyondai Braxton 25.09.2015, Hamburg [DE], Reeperbahnfestival

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