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Page 2: Music Magazines

Conventions of a tour poster:• Date • Website addresses • Hotline – contact details • Where tickets are sold • Main title – band/ artists name • Main image • Quote “it’s a public holiday” - pug (sticker) • Institutions – record label

Page 3: Music Magazines

Genre – things that relate to the genre: • Indie - Hipster clothing- Dull colours • Hip hop - Smoking- Afro Caribbean • Pop - Bright colours • R N B- Money- Chains (jewellery) - Hoodies

Page 4: Music Magazines

Convention of a music magazine: • Name of artist/ band • Name of album/ song • Typography • Reflects the genre • Mise-en-scene • Layout • Main image of artist/ band • Release date or tour/ album • Logo of record label • Places you can buy album/ single/ tour tickets • Reviews • Price • Features (behind the scenes, bloopers, interviews) • Website • Age certificate

Page 5: Music Magazines

Pop: The main image on Lady Gaga’s tour poster is her this tells the audience who this tour poster is for. The poster adheres to the conventions of a tour poster as it includes the artists name, the name of the tour, the dates, however it does not contain any tour dates or contact information such as websites or a phone number. In the centre of the poster the name of the artist is large and the typography also adheres to the pop genre. However the poster is black and white with some red text, this subverts the pop genre as pop usually shows bright colours which this poster does not include. Indie: The Florence and the Machine tour poster is in a simple layout with the main image being the artist. By having the main image being the artist it helps to show the audience who the poster belongs to. The artists name is located at the top of the poster and the main title is large and relates the indie genre. This poster does adhere to the conventions of a tour poster as it contains contact information, when the tickets are for sale, the name of the tour and extra information at the bottom of the page. Rock: The Green Day tour poster has a main image of the band in the centre of the poster this tells the audience who the poster is about. This poster also has the name of the band at the top of the page, this is large and stands out which grabs the attention of fans. The layout of the tour poster is simple and there is a contrast of colours used, pink, green, black and white are used on this tour poster which makes it stand out further. Hip hop: The Snoop Dogg poster has a colour overlay over the main image, this makes the main image stand out further. The typography used for the title relates to the hip hop genre. The extra information is found under the title and is a smaller font size. This poster adheres to the conventions of a tour poster as it contains all the things that a tour poster should include, however it does not include tour dates.

Page 6: Music Magazines

Digi-packScreenshot below from the music video Best thing I

never had from the album 4

Screenshot from Beyoncé website below


Magazine ad

How have they used synergy across all four types of media?

Synergy is when a company works with other businesses in order to ensure the success of a product, through promotion/ advertisement such as the creation of a digi-pack or a magazine advert. Beyoncé is promoted through a magazine ad, website, music video and a digi-pack. This means that Beyoncé is being promoted by multiple companies to promote her albums. This also shows that synergy is used across all these types of media as different companies have worked together to produce types of media that will promote Beyoncé album ‘4’, these companies will have to work together in order to make sure that the appearance of each type of promotional media is the same and helps to make the album stand out so that fans will buy it. The same type of typography and layout is used, this is so that the album is easily recognised by fans and people who buy the album. The digi-pack and magazine ad uses the same colours and typography for the artists name, whereas the website uses a different font as it might be regularly updated to make it stand out.

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