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Page 1: Murder 1

Nama : Rouly RosdianiNPM : 111 000 317Tugas Bahas Inggris Hukum


Bandung - Polres Bandung sukses mengungkap kasus pembunuhan sadis pasangan suami

istri (pasutri), Heri Sondah (71) dan Joe Lie Bie Nio (70). Mengejutkan! Ternyata pelakunya anak

kandung Heri yaitu Maria Vincentia (43) dan menantu, Nikolas Ngationo (46). Pembunuhan ini

bermotif harta warisan.

Kapolres Bandung AKBP Jamaludin mengatakan kedua pelaku sudah merencanakan

membunuh korban. Sejumlah barang bukti digunakan pelaku mengeksekusi korban sudah disita.

"Barang buktinya antara lain satu batu dan dua pipa besi," ucap Jamaludin kepada wartawan di

Mapolres Baandung, Jalan Bhayangkara, Jumat (7/3/2014).

Seperti apa kronologi kasus ini? Berikut uraian singkatnya:

Jumat 28 Februari 2014:

Kedua pelaku, Maria dan Nikolas, merencanakan pembunuhan terhadap korban di

rumah kontrakan pelaku, kawasan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung. Motif Maria ingin

menghabisi ayah kandung dan ibu tirinya itu karena menginginkan harta waris yang belum


Maria dan Nikolas berangkat sekitar pukul 18.00 WIB dari Pangalengan menuju

rumah korban di Kampung Pangauban, RT 1 RW 11, Desa Pangauban, Kecamatan Katapang,

Kabupaten Bandung. Mereka pergi menggunakan jasa ojek. Pelaku membawa tas berisi

pistol angin, dua pipa besi, lakban, minyak goreng, gunting, dan tali plastik.

Keduanya tiba di rumah korban pada pukul 23.00 WIB. Maria dan Nikolas masuk ke

rumah korban dengan cara melompat pagar dan berdiam di belakang mobil yang terparkir di

teras. Keduanya sempat mematikan lampu agar gelap dengan maksud tidak ketahuan.

Sabtu 1 Maret 2014:

Hari sudah berganti. Sekitar pukul 02.00 WIB, Maria dan Nikolas masuk ke dalam

rumah korban melalui pintu ruang salon dan bersembunyi di dalam kamar mandi.

Setelah itu, petugas ronda memberitahukan kepada Heri soal adanya orang masuk

ke rumah. Tetapi Heri tak menghiraukan ucapan petugas ronda. Heri kembali masuk ke

dalam rumah dan langsung menuju kamar mandi.

Pelaku yang sudah berada di dalam kamar mandi, langsung menyerang Heri.

Perkelahian tak terhindarkan. Heri terkapar setelah kepalanya dihantam besi dan baru.

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Nama : Rouly RosdianiNPM : 111 000 317Tugas Bahas Inggris Hukum

Maria juga memukul perut ayahnya kandungnya tersebut pakai besi. Mendengar

kegaduhan, Joe Lie terbangun dan beranjak keluar kamar. Joe Lie langsung dipukul oleh

Maria menggunakan pipa besi. Tubuh Joe yang tak berdaya diseret pelalu ke kamandi.

Nikolas lalu mencekik mertuanya tersebut hingga tewas.

Kronologi Penangkapan:

Usai membantai korban, Maria dan Nikolas keluar rumah dengan memanjat atap

dan membuka genteng. Maria malah terjatuh dan tercebur ke selokan. Maria menyerah

setelah polisi dan warga menangkapnya.

Nikolas berhasil menyelinap ke gudang mebel pinggir rumah korban. Nikolas

bersembunyi sehari semalam atau hingga 2 Maret. Nikolas keluar dari persembunyian pada

pukul 19.00 WIB. Setelah itu, Nikolas menuju jalan raya dan kabur ke kampung halamannya

di Semarang, Jateng, menumpang truk.

Personel Satreskrim Polres Bandung memburu Nikolas. Pelarian Nikolas akhirnya

tercium polisi. Pria tersebut ditangkap di Terminal Bawean, Semarang, Jateng, pada 6 Maret,

pukul 15.00 WIB. Waktu di terminal, Nikolas mengaku mau mengantar keponakannya.

Sumber :


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Nama : Rouly RosdianiNPM : 111 000 317Tugas Bahas Inggris Hukum



Bandung - Bandung Police Department successfully uncover cases of sadistic murder of

a married couple, Heri Sondah (71) and Joe Lie Bie Nio (70). Shocking! Turns out the culprit are

their daughter Mary Vincentia Heri (43) and son in law, Nikolas Ngationo (46). This murder

motivated inheritance.

Chief of Bandung Police Department Jamaludin said the perpetrators had planned to kill

the victim. Some of the evidence used by the perpetrator to execute the victim was seized.

"Goods proof, among others, one stone and two iron pipes," said Jamaludin told reporters in

Bandung Police Department, Jalan Bhayangkara, Friday (07/03/2014).

What kind of chronology of this case? The following blurb:

Friday, February 28th, 2014:

Both actors, Maria and Nicholas, plotting the murder of the victim in a rented

house actors, PANGALENGAN district, Bandung regency. Motif Maria wanted to kill the

biological father and stepmother that for want of an estate that has not been distributed.

Maria and Nicholas depart around 18:00 pm from PANGALENGAN toward the

victim's home in Kampung Pangauban, RT 1 RW 11 Pangauban Village, District

Katapang, Bandung regency. They are going to use a motorcycle taxi service. The

perpetrator carrying a bag containing air pistol, two iron pipes, duct tape, cooking oil,

scissors, and plastic rope.

Both arrived at the victim's home at 23:00 pm. Maria and Nicholas entered the

victim's house by jumping the fence and settles behind a parked car on the terrace. Both

of them had time to turn off the lights to dark with the intention of not getting caught.

Saturday, March 1st, 2014:

Day has changed. At around 02.00 pm, Maria and Nicholas into the victim's home

through the salon door and hid in the bathroom. After that, officers patrolling Heri told

about the man into the house. But Heri patrol officers ignored the remark. Heri back into

the house and went straight to the bathroom.

Actors, who are already in the bathroom, attacked Heri directly. Fight the

inevitable. Heri collapsed after his head hit the iron and new. Maria also hit the belly of

the biological father made of iron. Hearing the commotion, Lie Joe woke up and went out

of the room. Joe Lie directly hit by Maria using iron pipe. Joe helpless body was dragged

to the bathroom. Nikolas and the law strangled to death.

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Nama : Rouly RosdianiNPM : 111 000 317Tugas Bahas Inggris Hukum

Chronology Arrest:

After slaughtering the victim, Maria and Nicholas out of the house by climbing the

roof and opened tile. Maria actually fell and plunged into a ditch. Maria gave up after the

police and citizen arrest.

Nicholas managed to sneak into the side of the victim's house furniture

warehouse. Nikolas hid until March 2. Nikolas went out of hiding at 19:00 pm. After that,

Nikolas toward the road and fled to his hometown in Semarang, Central Java, boarded

the truck.

Personnel of crime scene Bandung Police Department hunted Nikolas. Nikolas

breakout finally wafted police. The man was arrested in Terminal Bawean, Semarang,

Central Java, on March 6, at 15:00 pm. Time in the terminal, Nicholas confessed willing

to take his nephew.

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