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Page 1: Mun Jeopardy

PSU MUN JEOPARDYUN Present UN Past Stand UP! &

Millenium Development


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Page 2: Mun Jeopardy

Is the United Nations a worldgovernment?

Category 1 – 10 points

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The United Nations was founded Because of the Cold War.

Category 1 – 20 points

Page 4: Mun Jeopardy

What is the name of the current Secretary-General of the U.N.?

Category 1 – 30 points

Page 5: Mun Jeopardy

Who are the permanent five Members of the UN Security Council?

Category 1 – 40 points

Page 6: Mun Jeopardy

Name the two U.N. bodies that firsttwo initials abbreviate with I & C.

Category 1 – 50 points

Page 7: Mun Jeopardy

What organization was the predecessor to the United Nations?

Category 2 – 10 points

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What year was the United Nationsfounded?

Category 2 – 20 points

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Name one former Secretary-General.

Category 2 – 30 points

Page 10: Mun Jeopardy

Which U.S. President foundedthe League of Nations?

Category 2 – 40 points

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Who was the only Secretary-Generalin the history of the U.N. to onlyrun for one term?

Category 2 – 50 points

Page 12: Mun Jeopardy

Who was the UN Secretary-Generalwhen the Millennium Development Goals were introduced?

Category 3 – 10 points

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The Millenium Development Goalsare part of what UN program/Campaign?

Category 3 – 20 points

Page 14: Mun Jeopardy

How many people participated inStandUP! last year internationally?

Category 3 – 30 points

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Name two community partners thatare working with PSU MUN on STANDUP! this year.

Category 3 – 40 points

Page 16: Mun Jeopardy

Name all 8 UN MillenniumDevelopment Goals.

Category 3 – 50 points

Page 17: Mun Jeopardy

TRUE OR FALSE?Hilary Clinton is the currentUS representative to the UN.

Category 4 – 10 points

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What two countries are the most populated?

Category 4 – 20 points

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Name two modern day genocides, besides that of the Jews in WorldWar 2.

Category 4 – 30 points

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Category 4 – 40 points


Page 21: Mun Jeopardy

Name the country.

Category 4 – 50 points

Page 22: Mun Jeopardy

TRUE OR FALSE?Susan Rice is the current U.S.Representative to the UN.

Category 5 – 10 points

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TRUE OR FALSE?Chinese is one of the five languagesof the United Nations.

Category 5 – 20 points

Page 24: Mun Jeopardy

TRUE OR FALSE?Nigeria is on the top ten list as one of the most populated countries inthe world.

Category 5 – 30 points

Page 25: Mun Jeopardy

What is the only country thathas ever been convicted forTerrorism?

Category 5 – 40 points

Page 26: Mun Jeopardy

Name all five official languages of the United Nations.

Category 5 – 50 points

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