Page 1: M/S. POKARNA LIMITED Limited, Wanaparthy... · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Mining Lease area of 25.697 Ha. of Quartz & Feldspar Mine of M/s. Pokarna Limited, located in





Sy. No. 357 of Gopaladinne Village, Pangal Mandal, Mahabubnagar District of Telangana State.

Proposed By

M/S. POKARNA LIMITED 105,Surya Towers, S.P.Road, Secunderabad -500 003


Prepared By


M/s. GLOBAL ENVIRO LABS (Accredited by Quality Council of India – NABET, New Delhi)

2-2-1075/14/A/1, Tilaknagar “X” Roads , Bagh Amberpet, Hyderabad – 500 072. Ph.: 040-65582886; Telefax:040-27407969; E.Mail: [email protected]

Page 2: M/S. POKARNA LIMITED Limited, Wanaparthy... · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Mining Lease area of 25.697 Ha. of Quartz & Feldspar Mine of M/s. Pokarna Limited, located in



The Mining Lease area of 25.697 Ha. of Quartz & Feldspar Mine of M/s. Pokarna

Limited, located in Sy.No. 357 of Gopaladinne Village, Pangal Mandal, Mahabubnagar

District of Telangana State.

Based on the recommendation of the Director of Mines and Geology, the Government of

Telangana State have proposed to grant Mining lease for Quartz & Feldspar with a

request to submit the approved mining plan vide Govt. Memo No:809/M-I/(2)/2007

Dated: 21-11-2008. For this purpose a mining plan has been prepared and obtained

approval from Joint Director of Mines & Geology,Prakasam Zone vide their approval

letter No: 3279/MP-KMNR/2009 Dated:26-6-2010. The cost of the project is 2.5 Crores.

Lessee proposes to produce about 5589 TPA of Quartz & 1113 TPA of Feldspar.

As per the Honorable Ministries Notification S.O. 1533, the mining lease area exceeding

5 Hectares, shall obtain Environmental clearance before starting operations. Accordingly

Form-I along with Draft TOR for EIA study and Pre-feasibility report has been submitted

to the SEAC,Telangana State. A presentation was made before the State Expert Appraisal

Committee (SEAC) on 30th

July, 2015 for the approval of TOR for EIA study. And

SEAC is directed the proponent to prepare EIA report as per the Standard Terms of

Reference (TORs) issued by the MOEF&CC, GoI available in their website viz., under ‘I(a) Mining of Minerals (Non-coal and coal mining sectors)”,

undergo the process of public hearing in consultation with TSPCB and submit final EIA

report along with minutes of public hearing & response of the proponent to the issues

emerged in the public hearing to the SEAC for appraisal. And the SEAC minutes are

enclosed in the EIA report..

Accordingly the lessee has evaluate the possible environmental aspects and their

associated impacts that will be arise due to the production of 5589 TPA of Quartz & 1113

TPA of Feldspar and to delineate the management plan to prevent, control, mitigate or

minimize the adverse environmental impacts envisaged. The data collected for this

mining project during winter season i.e. for the months of December 2016 to February

2017. M/s. Global Enviro Labs have prepared an EIA covering an area of 10 kms radius

from the project site.

Page 3: M/S. POKARNA LIMITED Limited, Wanaparthy... · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Mining Lease area of 25.697 Ha. of Quartz & Feldspar Mine of M/s. Pokarna Limited, located in


The proposed mine deals with the production of 5589 TPA of Quartz & 1113 TPA of

Feldspar, in Survey No. 357 of Gopaladinne Village, Pangal Mandal, Mahabubnagar

District of Telangana State. The lease area will be worked by manual open cast method

by using drilling & blasting.

The applied area is located about 1.4km from Gopaladinne Village and it is about 15 kms

from Pangal mandal and Samshabad air port is about 150 km. The applied area is

accessible by means of Jeeps and Lorries.


It is proposed to carry out the Mining operations on veins, where the mineral Quartz is

proved to a depth of 2.0m. In the same manner the Mining operations for Feldspar are

proposed where the mineral is proved by existing Borehole.1 The Mining Operations for

Quartz will start from 130.0MRL and Feldspar from 125MRL. The Mining operations are

proposed to carry out by simple opencast method by forming benches of 1.5m each on

both the mineral deposits manually. The benches will be oriented in WNW – ESE with

advancement towards SSW.

Drilling and blasting is proposed to win the mineral quartz and feldspar during the plan

period. The workings are proposed on higher elevations no ground water is expected in

the working pits. The mine will work in one shift of eight hours duration and six days in a

week, for 250 days in a year.


The data collected for this mining project to know the existing quality of air, water, soil

characteristics, flora & fauna, noise levels and socio economic details of the study area

during the winter season i.e. for the months of December 2016 to February 2017.


In order to assess the existing ambient air quality in the study area of 10 km radius of the

mine area, a network of 10 ambient air quality stations were selected and samples were

collected to analyze for various parameters like PM2.5, PM10, SO2, and NOx

concentrations. The sampling stations were selected based on the Topography/ Terrain of

the study area, Populated areas, Residential areas etc.

Page 4: M/S. POKARNA LIMITED Limited, Wanaparthy... · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Mining Lease area of 25.697 Ha. of Quartz & Feldspar Mine of M/s. Pokarna Limited, located in

The values of ambient air quality of all the monitoring stations for various parameters

during the study period (December 2016 to February 2017) will be as following.

The maximum value of PM2.5 in the proposed project area is 23 μg/m3, PM10 is 34

μg/m3, SO2 is 5.4 μg/m3 and NOx is 6.3 μg/m3.

The average value of PM2.5 in the buffer zone in the range of 17 – 24 μg/m3, PM10 in

the range of 29.5 – 47.5 μg/m3, SO2 in the range of 4.8 – 7.2 μg/m3 and NOx in the

range of 5.8 – 9.0 μg/m3.

The concentrations of various parameters in the air quality of the study area were found

to be well within the norms prescribed by NAAQ.


In order o know the baseline noise levels, in and around the Mine site, Noise levels were

measured at the Mine complex and also at 8 villages in the study area. The day-night

noise levels were monitored at all locations and the maximum noise levels ranging from

50.2 dBA to 66.3 dBA The noise levels recorded at all the stations were found to be less

than the standards prescribed.


In order to assess the Groundwater quality impacts 7 nos of samples were collected.

These samples were analyzed for various physical ad chemical and bacteriological

parameters to know the potability levels.

All the water samples collected shows that the parameters within the drinking water

standards specified in IS 10500.


9 nos. of soil samples were collected and analyzed for Physical & Chemical parameters.


The details of flora and fauna present in the study area were described elaborately in the

EIA report


The detailed description of the Socio-Economic Environment is presented in the EIA


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The impacts on air environment from a mining activity depend on various factors like

production capacity, machinery involved, operations and maintenance of various

equipments and vehicle. Apart from these, there will be other activities associated viz

transportation of mineral and waste, stocking facilities and dump management within the

mine lease area that may contribute to pollution.

An attempt has been made to predict the incremental rise of various ground level

concentrations above the baseline status in respect of air pollution due to proposed 5589

TPA of Quartz and 1113 TPA of Feldspar production for a total quantity of 6702 TPA.

The Industrial Source Complex – Short Term model (ISCST3) is a computerized air

quality model, which was approved by United States Environmental Protection Agency

for mining applications is used for predicting the Ground Level Concentrations (GLC)

due to the mining activity.

The maximum ground level concentration of PM10 is estimated to be about 0.551 μg/m3

within the mine area and the same was found to reduce to a value of less than 0.245

μg/m3 at a distance of about 0.5 km from the mining operations.

The net concentration of PM10 in the mine area and buffer zone is well within the

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Hence there will not be any adverse

impact on air environment due to the proposed mining activity.

Air Environments in Core & Buffer Zones – Post Project Scenario



Village Name Baseline Concent-

ration (PM10)





Baseline Concentration

PM10 (Max)

34 Down wind

direction 36




Concentration (Max)

0.551 Gopaladinne




Overall Scenario 34.55 Velgonda 44 <0.061 44.061

Specified NAAQ limit 100

Govardhanagiri 45 <0.061 45.061

Gummadam 59 <0.061 59.061

Ayyavaripalli 43 <0.061 43.061

Nagasanipalli 39 <0.061 39.061

Rangawaram 37 <0.061 37.061

Vipangandla 47 <0.061 47.061

Specified NAAQ limit for Residential area 100

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The mining operation will be maximum of 10m depth from the average RL of 175m i.e

165m. The ground water table is at 25m below General ground level of 110.00m and

mine workings are proposed on higher and will not affect water regime. Hence there will

not be any intersect of mining operation with ground water table. Hence there will not be

impact on ground water quality due to mining operations.

There are no streams in mine lease area, which can get effected by the mining. Hence,

there will be no effect on the surface water. The rainwater drains the slopes of the area

and joins to seasonal nallahs, which is running in out side the area.

Water samples collected from bore wells located in the buffer zone have indicted that the

ground water is free form heavy metal concentration and after implementation proposed

mining activity will not interference on the water quality.

Water Consumption & Wastewater Generation

The water requirement for this mining activity will be 13 KLD. Breakup details are:

Dust suppression purpose: 10.0 KLD, Domestic purpose: 1.0 KLD, Greenbelt purpose: 2.0 KLD

There is no generation & discharge of wastewater from this mine. About 0.5 KLD of

Domestic Effluent will be generated from this mine and this will sent to septic tank

fallowed by soak pit


The ambient noise levels in the mine area will be in with in stipulated standards. Hence,

there will not be any adverse impact on noise environment due to the proposed mining




Reclamation of mined out portions are not proposed during plan period as the mining

operations will not reach to the full extent of mineral deposit. Progressive trenching and

embankment by safety bunding will be taken up. As a measure of protection 2m corridor

all along the lease corridor a protection bund will be raised, a safety pit will be excavated

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with 1.5m width and one meter depth will be excavated to avoid the trespassing of the

human and cattle / wild life into the lease hold area. The pit slope will be maintained a

23o in order to protect humans and cattle / wild life protection.


No top soil will generate from this mine.

About 1075 Cum/year of waste will be generated. Here the waste will be in the form of

removal of OB, SB while forming the benches to meet the targeted production of quartz

and feldspar. The waste that generates in the form of OB and SB during plan period will

be around 5717Cum inclusive of 10% waste during the recovery of Mineral. This waste

will be stacked in an area of 2900m2 to a height of 2.0m. This waste will be stabilized by

putting plantations. There will not be any mineral rejects generated except the 10% of

waste during the recovery of the mineral from targeted production.


Out of the total mine lease area of 25.697Ha, just about 1.5655 Ha is proposed to be used

for mining activity during the first five years as per the mining plan. Blasting, noise and

vibrations and other disturbances including dust generation are likely to have an adverse

impact on wildlife. But these impacts are unlikely to extend beyond 500 m from the actual

mine pit. Peacock (Pavo cristatus) is the only bird of Schedule I found in the study area.

Though it is placed in schedule I, it is considered under the LC category by the IUCN. The

main threat to the bird is the use of pesticides in agriculture. The bird was not found in the

mine lease area. Among the aquatic reptiles, Leith's softshell turtle (Aspideretes leithii)

andIndian narrow-headed softshell turtle (Chitra indica) are known to be present in the

Srisailam reservoir whose back waters extend in to the buffer zone when the reservoir is

full. They belong to Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act. The former is

listed under the Vulnerable (VU) category and the later under the near threaten (NT)

category by the IUCN. As the rainfall in the area is scanty and as no toxic wastes are

produced or discharged on account of mining, the proposed mining activity is not going

to have any additional and adverse impacts on these RET species. There are no

ecologically sensitive areas or protected areas within the 10 Km radius. Hence no specific

conservation for conservation of any RET species or Wildlife is envisaged.

Except for a small area of 1.5 Ha, the rest of the mine lease area shall be available for

grazing but grazing shall be controlled and no grazing shall be permitted when there is

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blasting. Hence, the proposed activity is not going to have any major negative impact on

fodder resources.


The local areas will be benefited by way of generation of employment opportunities,

increased demand for local products and services. There will be an overall improvement

in the income level of the local people. The project creates employment to about 24

persons once the mine in operation. Priority will be given to locals for Semi-Skilled and

Unskilled jobs. With the development of this project there will be lot of scope for more

industrial investments which in turn will benefit the nation.There will be a certain

enhancement of educational and medical standards of people in the study area. There will

be generally positive and beneficial impacts by way of economic improvements,

transportation, aesthetic environment and business generation. There will be an overall

upliftment of socio-economic status of people in the area.


The major objective and benefit of utilizing EIA in mining initial stage itself is to prevent

avoidable losses of environmental resources and values as a result of well-planned EMP.

Environmental Management Plan includes protection/mitigation/enhancement measures

as well as suggestions for the post project-monitoring programme to implemented y the

project proponent.


Dust is the major pollutant generated from the mining operations. Dust control measures

are as fallows.

Watering blast hole followed by charging of blast holes.

accumulation of loose material.

both sides of Haul Roads.

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mine face / benches to crush hopper to prevent the generation of dust.

to minimize discharge height and spread of air borne dust.

pers and other HEMMs are provided with

dust free enclosure and persons working at high dust prone areas will be provided

with dust mask.

on the roads.

Quartz & Feldspar carrying trucks will be effectively covered by tarpaulin to

avoid escape of Quartz & Feldspar to the atmosphere.



There will not be any wastewater generation from the proposed mining activity.

The salient features on the mitigation measures are:

Garland drain will be provided to check soil wash off during monsoons.

Construction of check dams & Gully plugs across seasonal/perennial nallahs

flowing through the ML area

Run-off from the mining area will be passed through a series of arrestor dams

with filter beds to allow settling of solid particles.

Contour bunding and trenches are proposed during monsoon to minimize soil


Arrestor wall, protective bunds and trenches will be provided

Water quality monitoring will be carried out in all the seasons


To control noise pollution during the proposed mining operations following steps will be


Page 10: M/S. POKARNA LIMITED Limited, Wanaparthy... · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Mining Lease area of 25.697 Ha. of Quartz & Feldspar Mine of M/s. Pokarna Limited, located in

Actual noise emissions of the equipment will be ensured that they will be as

low as possible.

which will naturally reduce the noise pollution.

-advanced and effective

technique of blasting with non-electrical initiation system will be adopted.

Vehicle noise is exacerbated by high speed and by deceleration and

acceleration and these will be avoided.

earplugs as a protection from the high noise level generated at the mine site

wherever required.

Noise levels will be controlled by using optimum explosive charge, proper

delay detonators and proper stemming to prevent blow out of holes as well as

usage of the sequential blasting machine in combination with non-electric

initiation systems.

Speed of trucks will be limited to moderate speed of 25 KMPH to prevent

undue noise form empty trucks.

Planting of trees has been taken up along the mining lease boundary for

controlling noise apart from earmarking the limit of the mine pit boundary.

Proper maintenance will be done for noise generating machinery including

transport vehicles



No top soil will generate from this mine.

About 1075 Cum/year of waste will be generated. Here the waste will be in the form of

removal of OB, SB while forming the benches to meet the targeted production of quartz

and feldspar. The waste that generates in the form of OB and SB during plan period will

be around 5717Cum inclusive of 10% waste during the recovery of Mineral. This waste

will be stacked in an area of 2900m2 to a height of 2.0m. This waste will be stabilized by

Page 11: M/S. POKARNA LIMITED Limited, Wanaparthy... · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Mining Lease area of 25.697 Ha. of Quartz & Feldspar Mine of M/s. Pokarna Limited, located in

putting plantations. There will not be any mineral rejects generated except the 10% of

waste during the recovery of the mineral from targeted production.


This is the most important task in developing a structurally strong and functionally sound

greenbelt. But very little attention is paid to this aspect. It is the job of a specialist such as

a botanist or horticulturist or sylviculturist or an experienced farmer and a committed

gardener. The primary consideration in the design and development of the greenbelt is the

choice of plant species. It depends on suitability of soil, climate, and availability of water,

extent of land available, nature of pollutants; its atmospheric emissions and other local

circumstances such as the availability of planting stock.

In the present case, during the first five years only about 1.5Ha of the total mine lease area

is going to be used for mining activity. The rest of the area will be brought under aided

natural regeneration. The process of aided natural regeneration involves integrated

management of land, water, plant, and fodder resources. Singling, contour,and micro

trenches for rain water harvesting, bunding across the gradient; mulching and gap filling

operations are going to be launched to help the trees and shrubs grow faster. Where there

are no mineral deposits and where there are large gaps, locally adapted saplings will be

planted besides liberally broadcasting pelletized seeds of Neem, Tamarind, Pongamia,

Subabul, Siris etc. With adequate protection from uncontrolled (Open) grazing) and aided

natural regeneration, the whole area s expected transform in to a moderately dense forest

in about five years. This is the best way to achieve sustainable results in an area where

the soils and topography are unsuitable with semi-arid conditions. No greenbelt is

proposed since any major disturbance will lead to soil erosion and loss of the existing

green cover. Only after the closure of mine and back filling of mine pits, afforestation of

the denuded areas shall be undertaken.


Providing a working environment that is conducive to safety & health

The management of occupational safety & health is the prime responsibility of

mine management from the executive level to the first line supervisory level

Employee involvement and commitment in the implementation of health and

safety guidelines

Provision of all necessary resources

Page 12: M/S. POKARNA LIMITED Limited, Wanaparthy... · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Mining Lease area of 25.697 Ha. of Quartz & Feldspar Mine of M/s. Pokarna Limited, located in

Implementing safety and health management system and assessing the

effectiveness through periodic audits

Setting of safety and health objectives based on comprehensive strategic plans

and measure performance against these plans

Monitoring the effects of mining activities on safety and health and conducting

regular performance reviews

Provision of necessary personal protective equipments

Establishing and maintaining a system of medical surveillance for employees

Ensuring employees at all levels receive appropriate training and are competent to

carry out their duties and responsibilities


CSR activities will be taken up in the villages mainly consisting of contribution to

education, health, training of women self-help groups and contribution to infrastructure.

CSR budget is allocated based 2% of annual Quartz & Feldspar production.




1. Education


Uniforms, conveyance to school



Repairs & maintenance of school



2. Health camps 2.0

3. Trainings of village women self-help groups 2.0

4. Miscellaneous

like Infrastructure, water supply and sanitation


Total 12.0

Mining will be done with the vision of leaving the positive impact on socio- economics

of people living in the nearby villages. The villages in the buffer zone depend upon

agriculture. Mining operations in the subject area have positive impact by providing job

opportunities. Besides, there is indirect employment in transportation of Quartz &

Feldspar to destinations

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The lessee will ensure the implementation of the measures within the mine area and

carryout efficient monitoring. In order to implement the measures suggested for

mitigating the adverse impacts on the environment, it is suggested to monitor the

environmental parameters regularly.


The mine is proposed production of 5589 TPA of Quartz and 1113 TPA of Feldspar only.

The mine shall be worked, fulfilling all statutory obligations as prescribed by DMG,

DGMS, SEIAA and TSPCB. The proposals are submitted for Environmental clearance to

SEIAA, Telangana.

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