
Mrs. Houle’s ClassHelen Baller Elementary

Back-to-School NightAugust 30, 2012

Created by: Ashley Magee, Graphics © ThistleGirlDesigns

Meet the Teacher

Houle rhymes with pool, school, and cool!Two of these are true and one is false…

Can you guess which ones are true?

1.I love to hike and look for geocaches2.I love to knit, crochet, and do embroidery3.I love to read mystery books and watch science fiction shows/movies

Classroom Rules

• At Helen Baller, we pledge to be Responsible, Respectful and Safe. Students, you will help write our classroom rules that help us follow our pledge.

• Students also strive to follow the Six Pillars of Character Education:

Behavior Management

• Many classes at Baller use the color system. For 5th grade, it’s our back-up system. We really should know and follow school expectations without needing reminders, but just in case:

Green for Go! Keep up the great workBlue = verbal warning to correct behavior

Yellow = warning…next time there will be a consequence

Red = an “uh-oh” which is a tracked minor office referral. Multiple uh-oh’s can result in a major office referral


Here are some Fiction and Non-Fiction Strategies we are focusing on this year:

• Improve fluency• Learn new words and apply them• Analyze story elements and text features• Sequence events• Identify author’s purpose• Identify cause and effect• Compare and contrast• Draw conclusions• Infer and make predictions• Identify main ideas and supporting details• Summarize• Identify theme


This year in math, you will be taught by:

Mrs. Holt in room 205!


This year in writing we will learn to:•Write expository essays•Write different types of letters•Write persuasive essays•Write well-crafted responses across the curriculum•Use proper conventions including grammar


This year in science, you will be taught by

Mrs. Holt in room 205!

Social Studies

This year in social studies we will learn:•The History of the United States of America

– Topics include• Native Americans• Explorers• Settlers• Colonists• Slavery• The Revolutionary War• The Constitution and US Government

Daily Schedule

9:05 – School begins9:15 – Specialists9:45 – Language Arts/Social Studies (Houle)11:35 – Lunch12:20 – Math/Science (Holt)2:30 – Recess3:00 – Homeroom3:30 - Dismissal

Special Classes

Students will rotate through PE, Music, and Library throughout the week. Please check the planners for each day’s specialist:

A Days – Library (Mr. Cleary)

B Days – Music (Mrs. Hardy)

C Days –PE (Mr. Rold)(Remember to wear or bring tennis shoes)

Tuesdays – Computer Lab (students are welcome to bring flash drives to store work, plus they will have a folder on our district’s server)

Field Trips

Unfortunately, field trips have become prohibitively expensive because of fuel costs. We have planned several in-school, walking, and close-by field trips to enhance our learning. We do plan to visit the PUD and go to a CYT play this fall. More information regarding dates and fees will be sent home soon.


Letter grades are earned for most subjects in 5th grade. These grades will be based on a combination of assessments, projects, and effort.


Class Assessments – Quarterly grades are largely based on quizzes/tests that cover material taught. Daily studying will help students do well on these (i.e. spelling tests, math chapter tests, reading skill tests).District Assessments – Students will be assessed at least 3x a year using AIMSWEB to check reading and math skills.State Assessments – The MSP (Measurement of Student Progress) will be given in May covering Math, Reading (taken online), and Science.

Parent Involvement

We love our Helen Baller Volunteers!!!!Would you like to help in room 201?

1.Come in at least monthly to design and create our classroom bulletin board2.Come in at least monthly to manage our grade level’s Quality Work Board3.Come in weekly to do production work4.Come in weekly to listen to students read5.Be available for chaperoning6.Coordinate or help plan the 5th Grade Promotion Celebration7.Sign-up and volunteer with the PTA


I do not assign homework for homework’s sake. Typically it will consist of work not completed during the day, studying, and/or choosing to work on projects at home. Please check out my blog for specific ideas for helping your child be successful by creating a daily “homework” time.

Late WorkLate work will not be accepted without a parent note. We correct these assignments together and students without their assignments (or who have incomplete work) will be noted and expected to participate. Occasionally, oops coupons and free assignment coupons are given out. Absent work will be accepted as long as it is in a reasonable amount of time (the district allows for 1 extra day per absence…I typically will give up to an extra week). If extended absences cannot be avoided, be sure to contact the office and request work.

Stay Connected!

Weekly “Newsletters” are posted weekly on my blog

Class Blog:

Class Online Picture Gallery:

My Email: [email protected]

My Phone: (360) 335-3000 ext. 78038

Welcome to a great yearin 5th Grade!

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