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Filippo Ostinelli MYP 5 Technology Grade 10


Moving Image Media-Film Making Date Completed: March 30th, 2012

Technology, Mr. Carr Grade 10


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Table of Contents Criterion A: Investigation ............................................................................................................... 4

Project stimulus .......................................................................................................................... 4

How this problem fits into the world? ........................................................................................ 4

Central Questions ........................................................................................................................ 4

Research ...................................................................................................................................... 4

Grammar of film ...................................................................................................................... 4

Film experiment: notes on Sony Vegas ................................................................................... 4

Film Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 5

Objectives: ................................................................................................................................... 6

How did the research helped with my movie? ............................................................................ 6

Works Cited .....................................................................................................................................7

Criterion B: Design ......................................................................................................................... 8

Rough Ideas ................................................................................................................................. 8

Idea 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Idea 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Idea 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Storyboard 1 ...............................................................................................................................10

Comparing storyboards with objectives ..................................................................................... 12

Storyboard 1 ............................................................................................................................ 12

Storyboard 2 ........................................................................................................................... 13

Final choice ............................................................................................................................. 13

Script .......................................................................................................................................... 14

Criterion C: Planning ..................................................................................................................... 16

Wall Screenplay .......................................................................................................................... 16

Decomposition ........................................................................................................................... 21

Resources for editing .................................................................................................................... 23

Gantt chart “Walls” ................................................................................................................... 23

Criterion E: Evaluate .................................................................................................................... 24

The Wall Objectives ................................................................................................................... 24

Testing Table ............................................................................................................................. 24

Impact on life? ........................................................................................................................... 26

Suggestions for improvement ................................................................................................... 26

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Personal evaluation ................................................................................................................... 26

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Criterion A: Investigation

Project stimulus Research, design and create a film short which contains no spoken language.

How this problem fits into the world? In this technology unit we are asked to make a short movie without spoken language and we can

choose what the movie can be about. We are going to watch different examples of short movies

in class to give us the idea of what a short movie is. Movies can be used for different use. There

are educative movies, entraining movies and public service movies. All of those movies affects us

that watch in different ways. For example, a educative movie will make us learn new stuff or

make us watch out for some stuff that we didn’t know it was dangerous. Entraining movies will

make us laugh and enjoy the two or more hours while we watch the film but there are no

educative proposes. For last, public service movies will make us learn new stuff about the society

we live in and what kind of problems there are in the society and what can we do for solving


Central Questions What program will I use?

What makes a good short movie?

What is the ideal number of actors?

Should the movie be funny or serious?

How many different camera shots are ideal for a short film?


Grammar of film

Long shot: shows all or most of the part of the subject and most of the surroundings.

Establishing shot: opening shot or sequence

Medium shot: doesn’t show the whole body and the subject is more close to the camera

Close- up shot: shows the subject face in great details

Film experiment: notes on Sony Vegas

We made a small video with the whole class and we copied a scene of Blade Runners.

Now we are learning how to use Sony Vegas, which is a program that edits the videos in high

definition. It is a pretty cool program but it is really hard to use. It was really surprising the

amount of time you need to spend to make a 1-2 minutes movie. I wasn’t expecting that it would

such a hard work to make a movie and especially the editing part. It is really hard to decided

what shot is the best for the scene and when to cut it and hen to split it. You have to take at least

3 shots of the same scene for having different views and making the movie interesting. It was

pretty cool learning the things you can do on the program when editing the movie.

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Important keys:

S: Split Track

Ctrl + Drag: Time Shift

Event FX: add effects to the video/sound

Film Analysis

Black Hole:

We watched this movie in class. It was a short movie. It was really basic and they

only used one camera. They didn’t use any particular special effect. It was a pretty

good movie and I think it will be really useful of the kind of movie we are going to

do in class. It also good because there wasn’t any spoken language and it was

really good because it means the movie will be easier to edit and it will take less

time to finish. This movie followed the narrative structure. The setup was this guy

that was working and he was printing something. The conflict begins when the

printer gets stuck and he kicks it and a paper with a black hole comes out of the

printer. The resolution is when the man gets trapped in the safe that he was

trying to steal from. We can say that it was the moral of the story because the

man wasn’t evil in the first place but when he had the chance to steal from the

safe he turned evil and he got punish for that. In the movie they used a lot of

different shots for increasing the tension or the wondering of what is going to

happen next. They also used music to make people more interested in what is

going to happen next. I think we should use this sort of movie for inspiration for

the movie we going to do in class because I think it would be a good example and

a good resource to use.


Another movie that we watched in class was the movie Teeth. The opening shot is

an establishing shot where it shows where the movie is located and where the

main characters are. The main characters are two old man and they are fishing.

Here as well there is no spoken language just the laugh of the people. This is

more of a funny movie unlike the other one. The narrative structure is a normal

one. The setup is the two old fishing. The boat is in a lake surrounded by

mountains. The conflict is when one of the two old man loses his teeth and the

other one starts to laugh. When the old man tries to get his teeth back the boat

moves and the teeth fell in the water. The resolution is when the other old man

catches a fish and put his teeth in his mouth. When the other old man put the

teeth in the mouth and figures that they are not his he throws them in the water.

This movie was probably made with more than a camera but it was a pretty good

and funny movie. There is music on the background and sometimes it makes you

get scared or wondering what is going to happen next. I think this movie would

be harder to use for the movie we going to make because I don’t think we need to

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make a movie which needs more than a camera otherwise it would get really hard

and complex.

Objectives: 1. My film should contain no more than three people because in both movies that I

watched there were two people maximum.

2. My movie should be of a 720p quality because I learned that if the quality is too

bad it is going to be hard to watch the movie.

3. My movie should contain at least three different types of shots because then the

movie will be more interesting for the audience and it will drag them into the


4. My movie shouldn’t have any spoken language because it will make the movie

more mysterious and will catch the audience more than if there is spoken

language and another reason is because in the two short movies I watched there

wasn’t any spoken language.

5. My movie should have background music and other kinds of sound because it will

make the movie more interesting and with the movies I watched there was always

music and sound in the background.

6. My movie shouldn’t be more than 10 minutes long because otherwise it will get

boring and it won’t be a short movie anymore.

7. My movie should contain a narrative structure (set-up, conflict and resolution)

because it will make the movie interesting.

How did the research helped with my movie?

It helped because I learned a lot of new stuff and especially I learned how to use a camera

and what kind of shots exists. I also learned how to look at movies in a different way than before.

When I watch a movie I always wonder what kind of shot is it and how long did it take to film it.

Watching those other short movies helped as well. I discover that I short movie doesn’t need

many people and it is way easier to do it without sound and spoken language. It gave me a good

idea of what a short movie is and how you produce it.

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Works Cited There are no sources in the current document."The Grammar of TV and Film."

Aberystwyth University - Home. Web. 07 Feb. 2012.


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Criterion B: Design

Rough Ideas

Idea 1

Title: Lonely Girl


A girl gets lock in the school and the school is closed so no one will help her to come out.

She tries to find a way to escape but the doors are lock and she doesn’t have a phone.


She sees a couple of man running around in the school and she is scared so she tries to

hide. One of the man see her and she runs away trying to escape from him but the man

catches up with her.


The girl arrives to escape from the man and goes into an office and finds a phone. She

calls the police but when she makes the number she finds another guy that was hidden

in the office. Together they go around the school looking for the bad man and when they

are facing them they find out that they were teachers of the school that came to work.

Idea 2

Title: The mysterious person


It is a normal school day and all the students are in class working.


Some weird stuff happens in the classes and everyone is wondering who it is that makes

those weird sounds and weird stuff happens. Students got bullied but they don’t know

who does it or someone writes in their books or someone throw stuff at people. At the

end of the day when all the students left, the mysterious person comes out. He is a ghost

and no one can see him except the teachers or when all the students left the school. They

were having fun looking at student reactions from what was happening to them.

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A student that was left in school sees the ghost and the next day he reveals to all the

students that is a ghost that plays trick on them and the ghost leaves the school looking

for another school to make fun of students.

Idea 3

Title: Shrek


A girl was eating in the lunch room and talking to her friends.


While she is eating she slowly starts to turn green and taller and everyone is wondering

what is happening. No one knows what is happening and the girl runs into a bathroom

and locks the door. She looks herself in the mirror and wondering what happened. Then

she remembers that she had to kiss someone to make her turn normal again.


No one wants to kiss her because they are scared of her and so she can’t turn normal

again and she comes to school every day while everyone is making fun of her. At the end

you see her leaving the school and hide in her house for the rest of her life.

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Storyboard 1

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Comparing storyboards with objectives

Storyboard 1


My film should contain no more than three people because in both movies that I watched

there were two people maximum.

My movie should be of a 720p quality because I learned that if the quality is too bad it is

going to be hard to watch the movie.

My movie should contain at least three different types of shots because then the movie

will be more interesting for the audience and it will drag them into the movie.

My movie shouldn’t have any spoken language because it will make the movie more

mysterious and will catch the audience more than if there is spoken language and

another reason is because in the two short movies I watched there wasn’t any spoken


My movie should have background music and other kinds of sound because it will make

the movie more interesting and with the movies I watched there was always music and

sound in the background.

My movie shouldn’t be more than 10 minutes long because otherwise it will get boring

and it won’t be a short movie anymore.

My movie should contain a narrative structure (set-up, conflict and resolution) because it

will make the movie interesting.

Comparing objectives

In this idea I have four people which are more than 3 but I think it will be fine because it

is not a large amount of people to control.

I think this idea will be fine with the 720p quality because it doesn’t need to be full HD.

My movie does contain more than three shots so it will make the movie more interesting.

My movie doesn’t have any spoken language so it will be more mysterious.

My movie does have music and other special effects to make the movie more


My movie isn’t longer than 10 minutes.

My movie does contain a narrative structure.

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Storyboard 2


My film should contain no more than three people because in both movies that I watched

there were two people maximum.

My movie should be of a 720p quality because I learned that if the quality is too bad it is

going to be hard to watch the movie.

My movie should contain at least three different types of shots because then the movie

will be more interesting for the audience and it will drag them into the movie.

My movie shouldn’t have any spoken language because it will make the movie more

mysterious and will catch the audience more than if there is spoken language and

another reason is because in the two short movies I watched there wasn’t any spoken


My movie should have background music and other kinds of sound because it will make

the movie more interesting and with the movies I watched there was always music and

sound in the background.

My movie shouldn’t be more than 10 minutes long because otherwise it will get boring

and it won’t be a short movie anymore.

My movie should contain a narrative structure (set-up, conflict and resolution) because it

will make the movie interesting.

Comparing objectives

My movie contains only two main characters but many other secondary characters.

My movie will be 720p quality.

My movie does contain more than three shots to make the movie more entertaining.

My movie doesn’t have any spoken language.

My movie does have background noise and audio effects to make the movie look more


I don’t think my movie will be more than 10 minutes long.

My movie does contain a narrative structure.

Final choice

My final choice will be the first storyboard because it fits more the situation and I think it will be

easier to do because there are less special effect to make. Another reason is because the other

storyboard isn’t completely right for the objectives .I think the best idea is the first idea because

I like how to story goes and how it ends up.

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GIRL is inside the school and tries to open the DOOR but it

doesn’t work


CU on the GIRL face and she is scared


LS camera pans around the room showing that there is no one



MS camera shows 2 MEN running up the stairs. Camera pans to the

girl face showing that she is scared


LS showing one of the MEN running after the GIRL


CU on the GIRL face showing that she is scared and out of breath

LS from in front of the GIRL focused on the MEN behind her

MS showing the MEN catching the GIRL

LS showing the GIRL escaping from the MAN


Camera tracks backwards and follows the GIRL running down the



MS of the GIRL locking the ROOM.

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LS camera pans around the room.

MS of the GIRL finding another SUDENT.

The STUDENT is scared as well.



The two STUDENTS go out of the ROOM to look for the two men.

LS showing the two STUDENTS going away from the room and leaving

the camera view.


LS the TWO STUDENTS walking in the corridor when the LIGHTS of

the corridor turn on.

MS of TWO STUDENT faces. They are scared and shocked.

The TWO STUDENTS run all around the school.

LS showing the students getting into the FACULTY ROOM.

MS showing GIRL pointing at publication room.

The OTHER STUDENT follow her.

They find the two mysterious men working on COMPUTER.

The TWO STUDENT discover that they are TWO TEACHERS.

The two student leave and go home while the teachers stay at

school working.

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Criterion C: Planning

Wall Screenplay



Music starts.


different angles

MLS Camera on the ground filming legs of STUDENTS

STUDENTS start walking out of school building. A few seconds

after everyone has come out of building, GIRL1 walks out slower

than others wearing SCARF. She stops with her legs slightly


EXT. GIRL’S FACE MS (serious face)

MS GIRL’S BACK (school bag)

GIRL1 takes post-it off her backpack.

CU behind GIRL’S head down to post-it


XU GIRL1 looks up to the sky. Tear rolls down her face.

EXT. POV looking around and quick walking away from school

building(heavy breathing sfx)

EXT. MS GIRL walking behind another BUILDING

MS from wall angle, GIRL coming towards camera

MS (camera on ground) GIRL puts bag down

XU (side shot) GIRL takes scarf off, puts it on the ground

CAMERA IN BAG XCU (bag being opened filming up) hand reaching

into bag taking out PINK PEN (still in black and white)

GIRL holding pen up to sun MS profile shot and behind head shot

LS behind girl facing wall (crab left to right)

XCU behind hand facing wall writing ‘I can’t’

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XCU her eyes moving slow left to right

XCU behind hand facing wall writing‘I can’t take it’

MS camera on wall side shot, focus on right side (wall) GIRL

blurry, focus on GIRL, wall blurry

‘I can’t take it any more’

GIRL looks at watch

MS GIRL picks up bag. She walks away quickly from the wall in the

opposite direction

MS Filming from scarf (which was left behind) filming GIRL

walking away in the distance

Fade out black

-next day-

MS GIRL Coming out of school

CU GIRL Feels for scarf, isn’t there, remembers wall (scarf on

the ground ‘memory’)

MS GIRL arriving at wall looks around a bit

CU GIRL picks up scarf, when she is leaving she looks at the wall

XCU eyes moving left to right quickly

‘are you alright? You left your scarf here too’

GIRL looking around, takes her pen from her bag

Quickly writing ‘i’m not sure...thanks by the way’

Small smile on her face, and a bit of colour appears in shot

Puts scarf around her neck and leaves

-next day-

INT. LS in class with other students

Bird’s eye view GIRL at desk working. She turns her head up

CU clock

MS behind teacher Teacher ‘‘asking question’’. Focused on


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3 students raise their hand. GIRL looking away


INT. LS Classroom

Students in class get up (end of class)

MS GIRL puts papers in bag quickly and leaves first

CU Teacher looking slightly puzzled while other students slowly

leaving class

EXT. MS GIRL running out of school building with(holding BAG)

EXT. LS GIRL running towards wall

XLS GIRL running across field

CU GIRL’S face. Slight smile appears while she is running

MS girl staring at wall for a moment

‘no problem, so what’s wrong? I’m sure it will all be fine’

CU girl reading reply.

More colour in shot

XCU taking cap off pen and replying on the wall

‘the way people treat me…it just doesn’t feel right. I’m nothing’

MS GIRL slowly puts everything away. About to leave putting her

bag on her back adds. She turns around and adds a heart on the

wall next to her message.

Camera back to her eyes


-next day-

EXT. MS GIRL comes out of school running again (holding bag)

running towards the wall

MS Pulls her pen out just before turning around the corner and

arriving at the wall

LS from behind GIRL (centered) filming blank wall

Blank wall different shots

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CU GIRL Looking around

XCU GIRL’S eyes shooting in different directions

GIRL looking to the right of wall

MS EXTRA walking off with BUCKET around the corner

GIRL Tries to go after EXTRA but EXTRA cannot be found

MS GIRL runs back to wall (black and white)frustrated

CU GIRL slides down off the wall and sits down with her knees

tucked up

Flash back of messages on wall (slight colour)

CU GIRL hangs her head low

POV looking at the ground

XLS girl sitting down next to wall on her own

MS girl angrily throwing her pen on the ground

CU behind pen facing girl (camera on the ground). Another pen is

dropped on the ground on top of first pen

GIRL slowly starts looking up

CU GIRL’S face getting a little colour in shot

CU film from BOY’S feet to neck

XCU GIRL smiling and slowly getting up

MS both looking at each other in front of the wall, then looking

down at pens

XCU holding hands

MS both walking off

XCU pens on the ground in full colour

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Level 0: Making a film called ‘Wall’

1. Film Scene 1

1.1 Set up the scene

1.1.1 Get the camera in the right position

1.1.2 Get lights in the right position

1.2 Get the camera in front of a wall

1.2.1 Get the actors in the right position

1.3 Record the scene

1.4 Download into the computer from the camera.

2. Film scene 2

2.1 Set up the scene

2.1.1 Get the camera in the right position

2.1.2 Get the lights in the right position

2.1.3 Get a pink pen and give it to the actress

2.2 Give the actress a scarf

2.3 Tell actress what she has to do

2.4 Record scene

2.5 Download into the computer

3. Film scene 3

3.1 Set up scene

3.1.1 Camera angle should be correct

3.1.2 The lights position should be correct

3.1.3 Wall Writing on the wall with red and blue pen Scarf should be there

3.2 Record scene

3.3 Download into computer

4. Film scene 4

4.1 Set up scene

4.1.1 Classroom

4.1.2 Camera showing girl looking impatient at the clock.

4.1.3 Camera shows girl running outside

4.1.4 Showing the wall with messages on it.

4.2 Record scene

4.3 Download into computer

5. Scene 5

5.1 Set up scene

5.1.1 Messages on the wall

5.1.2 Set up lights

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5.1.3 Camera shows girl reading

5.2 Record scene

5.3 Download into the computer

6. Scene 6

6.1 Set up scene

6.1.1 Get all the equipment ready

6.1.2 Get lights in position

6.1.3 Tell the actress what she has to do

6.1.4 Write the messages that are need on the wall

6.2 Record scene

6.3 Download into the computer

7. Scene 7

7.1 Set up scene

7.1.1 get lights into position

7.1.2 Get all the equipment ready

7.1.3 Get camera in the right position

7.1.4 Erase all the messages from the wall

7.2 Record scene

7.3 Download into the computer

8. Scene 8

8.1 Set up scene

8.1.1 Get lights in position

8.1.2 Get all the equipment ready

8.1.3 Get the camera in the right position

8.1.4 Get boy in the scene

8.2 Record scene

8.3 Download into the computer

9. Scene 9

9.1 Set up scene

9.1.1 Get lights in position

9.1.2 Get all the equipment ready

9.1.3 Get the camera in position

9.2 Record scene

9.3 Download into the computer

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Resources for editing

OS Windows 7 – because it runs all the programs that I need and it runs the computer

Sony Vegas – to edit the videos because it let us add audio effects and video effects or we can use

green screen and other tools to improve the quality of the movie.

Computer – because it is where you use your programs and make us run the programs.

Keyboard – help us write the report and the screenplay for the movie.

Gantt chart “Walls”

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Criterion E: Evaluate

The Wall Objectives

1. My film will have at least 5 different camera shot sizes to vary the shot and keep the

audience interested.

Yes, I have more than 5 different camera shots so I achieve the objective.

2. My film should have music playing throughout the whole film to keep it in the same


No, I don’t have any music so I didn’t achieve the objective.

3. My film should be between 3 and 5 minutes in length, because during my research, I lost

interest in one of the movies after 5 minutes.

No, my movie was around 6 minutes so I didn’t achieve the objective.

4. There must be a set up, conflict and resolution because in my research, this is was the

structure of all the movies I analyzed

Yes, there is a set up, conflict and resolution so I achieve the objective.

5. My film should be filmed in at least 3 different places to keep the audience interested.

Yes, the movie was filmed in at least three different places so I achieve the objective.

6. My film should have no more than 3 people acting in it, because since it is a shorter film,

it will be less confusing for the audience

Yes, there are three people acting so I achieve the objective.

7. There should be no spoken language in my film

Yes, there is no spoken language in the movie so I achieve the objective

Testing Table

Test Number Description Reason for Test

Expected Outcome

Actual Outcome & Notes

1 Show the movie to the class and ask them to check if there are at least 5 different camera shot

To keep the audience interested and check that there are at least 5 shots like the objective says.

The audience will agree and say that here are at least 5 shot size.

There are at least five shot size

2 Make the audience listen to the movie to see if there is sound throughout the

To keep the audience interested and because the specification says that there should

The audience will agree saying that there is sound throughout the whole movie.

There is no sound or music in the movie.

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whole movie. be sound throughout the whole movie.

3 Using a stopwatch to check how long the movie is.

The specification says that the movie shouldn’t be longer than 5 minutes

When the movie ends you check the time on the stopwatch.

The movie is not finish so I don’t know if it is longer or shorter than 5 minutes

4 I will ask a audience to watch the movie and analyze it.

To check if there is a set-up, conflict and resolution like almost all the movies have. Also, the specification says that there should be set-up, conflict and resolution.

The audience will find that in the movie there is a set-up, a conflict and a resolution.

In my edit of the movie since it is not finish there is not but in the movie that is finish there is a set-up, conflict and resolution.

5 I will watch the movie and check if it was filmed in different places.

To check if the movie is filmed in different places so the audience will stay focused and also because the specification ask me to do so.

I will identify at least three places where the movie was filmed.

The movie was filmed in at least three different places.

6 I will watch the movie to check if there are maximum three people acting in the movie.

To check if there are three people in the movie because my specification ask me to do so.

I will find that there are no more than three people acting in the movie.

There are three actors in the movie, which is good and makes the movie interesting.

7 Listen to the movie to check if there is any spoken language.

To check if there is any spoken language because the specification says that there should not be any spoken language and the task said that there shouldn’t be any spoken language.

I will find that there is no spoken language in the movie.

There is no spoken language in the movie.

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Impact on life?

I think this movie is good for people who are lonely and don’t have many friends. It shows how,

even without friends, you can be the special person of someone and I think everyone should take

example from it. There are some people who are nice out there even if when they are with their

friends they act like jerks. So I believe that this movie should be a example to all the people or

teenagers who don’t have many friends.

Suggestions for improvement

I think next time I should plan my time more successful because in this unit I didn’t had enough

time to finish the editing. I think that this is the main problem that I had during this project. I

also think I should have get more confidence with the program that was used because it was

really hard to do it in a hurry without a good knowledge of the program.

Personal evaluation

I think I did a fine job on this project. I really liked the unit and the things we did in the class. I

also realized that in my report there are a lot more details and explanations than in the previous

one. The main problem in this unit was the technology. For example, I never used Vegas Movie

Studio before so it was a really new experience and I think that if we were going to do this

project again or use the program again I will do a better job at editing and adding sounds affect

and music because I know how to use it now. I think that it really helped to have watched other

short movies to give me an idea of what a short movie should be about and the general details on

how to create a short movie. If I had to do this project again I think, as I said, improve my skills

with the editing program and create a story which is easier to create because otherwise it will be

too complicated and too hard to realize. During the filming classes I was helping with the sound.

It was one of the first times that I did this particular job and I thought it was kind of hard to do

because you always have to be recording and trying to not appear in the camera shot otherwise

the group has to redo the whole scene. I think that if I have to redo the project and this

particular job I will be more careful while recording and I will try to make sure that no one in the

crew is talking so the recording will be as clear as possible.

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