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What is Motion Picture?

series of still photographs on film, projected in rapid succession onto a screen by means of light. Because of the optical phenomenon known as persistence of vision, this gives the illusion of actual, smooth, and continuous movement

The motion picture is a remarkably effective medium in conveying drama and especially in the evocation of emotion.

A Walk through the History of Motion


• Setting Photography in Motion– Experimenting with ways to exhibit photographs,

several inventors came up with a simple toy that made it possible for a series of pictures to be viewed in rapid succession, creating the illusion of motion. It was called a ZOETROPE.

• A wager-Scientific American published a series a series of pictures depicting a horse in full gallop, along with instructions to view them through the Zoetrope.

• Rudimentary Projectorzoogyroscope- a sequential photo projector

• 12 Pictures per SecondEtienne-Jules Marey , studies of animals in motion

drove him to experiment with photography, and he fashioned a camera that could take 12 pictures per second of a moving object. The technique called chronophotography .

• The Kinetographkinetograph- a primitive picture camera

kinetoscope- a machine that could project the moving images onto a screen.

• Everyday Imagescinematographe- a projector that could show 16

frames per second.

Types of Motion Pictures

Documentarymode incorporate those films relying primarily on

cinemas power to relay events in the world. Experimental

includes the variety of approaches that have listed and played with the technological limits and capabilities of the medium,. Including animated (non photographic) and computer generated images.

Fictionalthis film is based on imagination of the writer of

the film. The characters and events help convince the audience that the film is real. The audience assume that the characters and the events is really happening in the reality.

Essential Characteristics of Motion Pictures

• Intensity, intimacy, ubiquity

The qualities of intensity, intimacy, and ubiquity have been singled out as the salient characteristics of the motion-picture image.Its intensity derives from its power to hold the complete attention of the spectator on whatever bit of reality is being shown.The intimacy of the film image is related to the camera's ability to see things in greater detail than the eye can.The impression of ubiquity—being everywhere at once—is achieved in part by the camera's apparent freedom to move from place to place or to approach or withdraw instantaneously.

• ParticularityThe language of words lends itself to generalization

and abstraction. Motion pictures, on the other hand, only show particular things and may also be ambiguous in that it shows but does not explain.

• NeutralityThe world people see around them is strongly

influenced by their emotions and their interests.

What are the Advantages of Motion Picture?

They draw attention of the students.They help to bring past to the

classroom. It is possible to reduce or enlarge the

size of the object by using the machine.They can be used to show a process

which a naked human eye cannot see without its aid.

They can be used to show a record of an event. They can serve a large class at a time. They provide a good aesthetic

experience. They help in understanding relationship between things, ideas and events.

What are the Disadvantages of Motion Picture?

• Fixed Pace-cannot be interrupted.• Still Phenomena- motion picture is

sometimes unsuitable to other topics such as those involving a map, a writing diagram, etc.

• Misinterpretation- in documentaries and dramatization, especially, intended messages are quite deep and complex. Because of that young viewers who lack of maturity tend to misinterpret the message.

• Cost- equipment and materials for motion media are expensive (e.g. DVD Player, Television, Computers and etc.)

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