Page 1: Mortlake College · 2019-11-04 · Term 3 - Week 3– 29th July 2015 Mortlake College Newsletter 10 Hood Ave Mortlake,

Term 3 - Week 3– 29th July 2015

Mortlake College Newsletter 10 Hood Ave

Mortlake, Vic, 3272 Ph: 03 5599 2204

Fax: 03 5599 2503 Email: [email protected]

Website: SMS Mobile: 0427 841 239 (Text Only)

Principals Report -

Parent-Teacher Interviews: Tuesday 4th August

Just a final reminder about Parent-Teacher interviews which will be held next Tuesday 4th August commencing at

2pm. It’s a great opportunity to have a discussion with classroom and subject teachers about how your children are

progressing at school. Years 5-12 staff will be located in the BER and P-4 staff in their classrooms. Classes conclude at

1pm and buses will leave shortly a+er that.

Years 10 & 11 camps

Well done to all the students who par-cipated in the Year 11 work experience camp and the Year 10 city orienta-on

camp last week in Melbourne. The staff supervising the camp were full of praise for all the students and how they

conducted themselves. Thank you to Mrs Allinson, Mr Croucher and Mr Jones for all their hard work organising the

camps and supervising the students in Melbourne.

Student Leaders’ Congress

Last Wednesday evening our Years 5-7 house captains joined the junior/middle years leadership teams from twenty-

one other district schools at the Lighthouse Theatre in Warrnambool to showcase their work on “Healthy Bodies,

Healthy Minds’ through a two minute video presenta-on. This is the second year of the project and the aim is to de-

velop leadership skills in the students by having them take responsibility for a par-cular project or projects within the

school or community. There were over five hundred people in a8endance at the evening including the mayors of

Moyne and Warrnambool, and other dignitaries including Dr Denis Napthine so it’s an important occasion to show-

case the leadership quali-es of our students.

Congratula-ons to our leadership group which comprised:

Amy Hughes Charlo8e Gartland Ollie Mahncke

Kaitlyn Fowler Taine DeManser Sophie Lehmann

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Welcome to Mr Dai Nakagawa

This week we welcomed Mr Dai Nakagawa to the school as part of the Aichi (Japan)-Victoria Teacher Exchange

program. Mr Nakagawa is from Tsushima school which is located in the Aichi prefecture of Japan. We look for-

ward to learning more about Mr Nakagawa in the coming weeks.

Parent Opinion Surveys:

Parent Opinion surveys have been posted to a randomly selected sample of parents. If you receive a survey

please take the -me to complete it as it does provide important data for the school. Completed surveys need to

be returned to the school not later than this Friday 31st August.

Warrnambool Eisteddfod

This week a number of students from Years 5-11 are par-cipa-ng in the Warrnambool Eisteddfod deba-ng com-

pe--on. This will be an invaluable experience for them. The process of preparing arguments, working together

as part of a team and then having to debate a topic in front of an unfamiliar audience are all very challenging but

rewarding aspects of the experience. Congratula-ons to the following students for their par-cipa-on in the de-


Years 5-6: Ned Quail, Jaime Killen, Taine De Manser

Years 7-8: Olivia Anders, Issac Fowler, Keely Moore, Sam Williams

Years 9-10: Phoebe Calvert, Kismet McCarroll, Jackie Cooper

Years 9-12 (impromptu): Gerald Monteith, Cooper Lower, Jacob Pugh, Bree Cummins, Jake Tanner, Asha Kelly

Graeme Good

Na.onally Consistent Collec.on of Data on School Students with Disability ‘Collec�on No�ce’

All schools in Australia, including Independent and Catholic schools, will par-cipate in the Na.onally Consistent

Collec.on of Data on School Students with Disability this year.

The Data Collec.on is an annual count of the number of students with disability receiving educa-onal adjust-

ments to support their par-cipa-on in educa-on on the same basis as students without disability.

All educa-on agencies are now required under the Australian Educa-on Regula-on 2013 to provide informa-on

on a student’s level of educa-on, disability and level of adjustment to the Australian Government Department

of Educa-on and Training.* Data will con-nue to be de-iden-fied prior to its transfer to the Australian Govern-

ment Department of Educa-on and Training. No student’s iden-ty will be provided to the Australian Govern-

ment Department of Educa-on and Training.

The collec-on of this informa-on from states and territories will inform future policy and program planning in

rela-on to students with disability.

If you have any ques-ons, please do not hesitate to contact Lyn MacDonald on 03 55 992 204 or the Victorian

Department of Educa-on and Training Data Collec-on Hotline on (03) 9651 3621. For ques-ons a+er 7 August

2015, please call the Australian Government Department of Educa-on and Training on 1300 566 046.

For more informa-on on Schedule 3—Amendments for the collec-on of data on students who are persons with

a disability Australian Educa-on Regula-on 2013

see: h8p://

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Parent-Teacher interviews to be held on Tuesday 4th August commencing at 2pm and con-cluding at 6:30pm.

Please be aware school finishes at 1.00pm on this day.

P-4 students have had letters sent home with their interview times. Can you please return the acceptance/decline slip ASAP

5-12 teachers will all be located in the BER building and you are more then welcome to come see them between 2.00pm—6.30pm

This is a great opportunity to discuss your child’s/children’s progress with their teachers.


Happy Birthday to the following students for this week . We hope you have a wonderful day.


31st31st31st31st————Sarah Russell, Aiisha Burgess & Jarrad MacDonald


1st1st1st1st———— Chloe Goldsworthy, Cohen Kleevan & Brooke Harfoot 2nd2nd2nd2nd—Mark Lehmann

3rd3rd3rd3rd—Spencer Sagnol, Braydan McDonald & Mitchell Parker 4th4th4th4th—Taylah Rohan

5th5th5th5th—Kaylee Bawden, Harry Hobbs & Jake Fowler


Could parents please ensure all items of school clothing are

LABELLED. There are a lot of jumpers and other items in the P-4 cor-

ridor lost property area – please have a look through these and take

anything that belongs to you.



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P-4 PLACE Big Talk Homework and Big Write Year One/Two

This term in Year 1 /2 classes we are introducing students and families to Big Write ‘Talk Homework’ as

part of the implementa.on of the Big Write program into our classrooms. The idea of Big Write is ‘that if

children can’t say it, they can’t write it.

It is important to encourage the development of language and listening skills in order to develop children’s ability. Talk homework is an approach that promotes the development of these conversa.ons.

Students par.cipate in tasks to develop their VCOP skills (vocabulary, connec.ves, openers and punctua-

.on) as well as their stamina.

Below are some student explana.ons of how Big Write is implemented in the classroom -

This term we have been learning to write a lot. We have a lot of different topics. We use a special pen to

write with. We set our room up with the lights off and li;le plas.c candles and our Big Write books out.

On Wednesday night we talk about our Big Talk Homework. On Friday we go through our with a

partner. I think it is amazing and some other people think it is brilliant. Everyone tries their best.


For Term Three Year 1 /2 have been doing a Big Write session. Our class uses a very special pen. Every

Wednesday children get a special topic. Once the teacher has given the whole class a topic they go home

and discuss it with their family.

On Thursday a>er recess 1 /2 P come into the class. We sit in our chair all the lights are turned off and we

have candles on our table, they are called LED candles. We are also not allowed to talk.

On Friday we go through our with a partner and go through and fix up any mistakes. We also write

in a green pencil something they need to work on and in red something good about their


This term Year 1 /2 have been going home and talking about our Big Write sessions. We have LED lights

and the other lights are off and so> music is on as we write.


This term Year 1 /2s are doing Big Write and when we do it we have the lights off, plas.c candles, s.cker

sheets of paper and we also have a black pen. It

is a bit light as well as dark.

Before we start we the VCOP

gang and we set up our table with our Big Write

book, goal, candles and pens.


This term Year 1 /2 have begun a Big Write ses-

sion. Every Wednesday night we have Big Talk

homework and we have to talk about our topic

but we do not write anything we only talk…


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P-4 PLACE P-4 House group Activities.

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning during House time, the P-4 students do activities. Sometimes

we walk around the lake, sometimes we do skipping. This week our House Captains, Holly and

Mitchell (INSPIRE), Julia and Damien (SUCCEED) and Nelson and Piper (ENDEAVOUR) lead our stu-

dents through a rotation of fun activities. We played “DONKEY”, “BOOTBALL” and “FRUIT SALAD”.

Our Captains did a fantastic job, showed great leadership, and we all had lots of fun!


We would like to wish Mrs Storr Happy Birthday.

See below the beautiful cakes she has received which have been made

by some of our Mortlake College talented mothers.

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Last Wednesday fifteen students from Year 10 departed Terang train station for Melbourne

for the annual orientation camp. On arrival we went to the YHA Hostel in North Melbourne

to unload our bags before students went off into the CBD to complete a group orientation

activity which involved using public transport. In the afternoon students went to the Mel-

bourne Sports and Aquatic Centre for a tour of the facility as well as having some free time

for a swim.

On Thursday morning students attended a work shop at Ambition. This involved students

learning more about how important their presentation skills are when applying for a job. This

included resumes and cover letters, interviews, speaking and listening, dress and appearance.

On Friday morning students explored the Queen Victoria Market before attending a Career

Expo at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre where students had a great opportunity to find out

more about career and industry pathways.

Finally I hope that the Year 9 students will take up this valuable opportunity next year as

this is great preparation for the Year 11 Work Experience camp where students will have to

navigate their own way around Melbourne to their work places.

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Cohen Ahern Royce Pty Ltd

Chloe Atkinson East Melbourne Childcare

Breeanna Cummins Panache Flowers

Asha Kelly Melbourne University

Breanna Kirkwood Fitzroy High School

Cooper Lower Soggy Dog Recording Studio

Rachael Mahncke Ascot Saddlery

Gerald Monteith Wrights Marketing

Lily Reriti RACV Club

Jake Tanner OMIC

YEAR 11 CAMP On Sunday 19th August Year 11 students travelled to Melbourne

for their work experience camp. Students spent the Sunday finding

their way to their work experience placements and se8ling into

their accommoda-on at the North Melbourne YHA hostel.

On the Monday morning students headed off to their workplaces,

some being a 10 minute walk away while others involved a train

trip of an hour.

The camp aims for students to complete work experience, nego--

ate public transport and all the responsibili-es and pressures that

go with being in the workforce. Our aim is to prepare the students

for life a+er school and to ensure that Melbourne does not hold

too many fears for them.

Students completed work experience at the following workplaces.

Student Work Placements – Year 11 Work Experience Camp July

19th – 24th 2015

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Succeed RIBBON DAY Fundraiser

Tuesday 25th


White Ribbon Day – Australia’s campaign to stop violence against women.

Blue Ribbon Day – To remember members of the Victoria Police killed in the line of duty. Funds go to

new and improved emergency facili-es in public hospitals named in memory of fallen Police officers.

Yellow Ribbon Day – A symbol of life and hope. Suicide Preven-on Program.

Show your support by dressing in White, Blue or Yellow. Gold coin dona.on.

There will be a fashion parade in the morning and we will be selling food in the canteen at recess.

Cupcakes 50cents

Frog in a pond $1



We will be running a 6 week Running Club as part of the Sporting

Schools Program at lunch time starting on Thursday 30th July.

It will be for Years 5-8 at this stage and all who wish to participate will meet on the school oval at


An afternoon healthy snack will also be provided.

Nathan Jones


The next Parent Associa-on Mee-ng will be held this Friday

31st July at 9.00am in the BER Building

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P-12 Sport Dates

Term 3


22/7/2015 -26/8/2015

Spor-ng School—


29/7/2015 –02/9/2015

Spor-ng School—Running



14th 3-4 AFL 9’s

17th MWV 7-9




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Clifford the Dog looking for the Scholastic Book Fair this morning

Please come along and have a look at the fantastic books on display.

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Dear Parents

We have begun the subject selec-on process for your child’s course of study in 2016, and want you to be in-

volved as much as possible. There are many choices to be made, and we do not want your child to make choices

that will limit their op-ons in terms of career choices or ter-ary study a+er school.

At Mortlake College we give students who are in Year 10 in 2016 the opportunity to study a VCE subject. This is

designed to give students a chance to understand the expecta-ons of VCE, and to get a ‘headstart’ on their VCE

course. However, this opportunity is dependent on the individual student, and their performance in 2015. In

certain circumstances the opportunity may be given to Year 9 students.

Students entering Years 11 and 12 have the choice of pursuing either a tradi-onal VCE course of study, or an

‘Applied Learning’ course of study.

Students wishing to pursue a tradi-onal VCE course will be expected to select six VCE subjects at Year 11, and

five VCE subjects at Year 12. English must be studied at Years 11 and 12, and Maths must be studied at least un-

-l the end of Year 11.

Students wishing to pursue the ‘Applied Learning’ course at Year 11 will complete the following: English (General

or Founda-on) Units 1 and 2; Maths (General or Founda-on) Units 1 and 2; Food Technology or Product Design

and Technology (Wood) Units 1 and 2; a School Based Appren-ceship or TAFE course (or both); VCAL; and anoth-

er VCE subject of their choice. In Year 12 these students have two op-ons: they can transfer into a full VCE

course or they can con-nue their ‘Applied Learning’ Course and complete an Intermediate VCAL cer-ficate in

Year 12. This would involve students studying subjects dealing with work related skills and personal develop-

ment skills, along with numeracy and literacy. They would also con-nue their SBA/VET subjects. The VCAL pro-

gram allows students to develop work related skills and pursue further pathways beyond school including TAFE,

traineeships and appren-ceships.

Further details about both courses are contained within the 2016 Mortlake College VCE Course Selec-on Guide

that your child has been given. As part of the course selec-on process and to ensure that parents are fully in-

formed, we would also like to have an interview with you and your child before their course for 2016 is finalised.

This applies to all students and their parents entering Year 11 and 12 in 2016. Parents of students in Year 10 in

2016 are also welcome to request a course selec-on interview.

Interviews will take place during Parent Teacher interviews on Tuesday 4th

August. Students and their parents

will see a member or members of the ‘interview panel’ about their choices. The panel will consist of myself,

Graeme Good (Principal), Anne DeManser (Assistant Principal) and Mark Croucher (Careers Co-ordinator). If you

are not able to a8end Parent Teacher interviews, then we will need to organise an alterna-ve interview -me.

In the mean-me, if you have any queries please feel free to contact me at school. Alterna-vely, contact your

child’s house mentor, or Mr Croucher, our Careers Co-ordinator. Your child has also been given an ini-al subject

selec-on sheet and ques-onnaire to complete so that we can begin planning for 2016. As is the case each year,

not all subjects in the selec-on booklet will be guaranteed to run, as this will be dependent on student choices

and teacher alloca-ons. It is important for students to consider which subjects they will enjoy, and which sub-

jects are prerequisite subjects for a par-cular ter-ary course or profession.

Yours sincerely

Anthea Good

VCE Co-ordinator


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Melbourne / Victoria Open Days 2015Melbourne / Victoria Open Days 2015Melbourne / Victoria Open Days 2015Melbourne / Victoria Open Days 2015

Deakin University (DEAKIN) August 2nd 2015 (Sunday) Warrnambool Cam-pus August 9th 2015 (Sunday) Geelong Waurn Ponds & Waterfront Campus August 23rd 2015 (Sunday) Melbourne Burwood Campus

La Trobe University (LATROBE) August 7th 2015 (Friday) (Shepparton campus) August 9th 2015 (Sunday) (Melbourne (Bundoora Campus)) August 19th 2015 (Wednesday) (Mildura cam-pus) August 16th 2015 (Sunday) (Bendigo campus) August 28th 2015 (Friday) (Albury-Wodonga campus)

Monash University (MONASH) August 1st 2015 (Saturday) Berwick and Penin-sula August 2nd 2015 (Sunday) Caulfield and Clay-ton

Swinburne University of Technology (SWINBURNE)

August 2nd 2015 (Sunday) Hawthorn 10am-4pm

University of Melbourne (MELBOURNE) August 16th 2015 (Sunday)

Victoria University (VU) August 23rd 2015 (Sunday)

Please go to the ins-tu-on website for more details.

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The Mortlake College Breakfast Program will be commenced on

Tuesday 28th July.

It will run from 8.15am to 8.50am in the Home Eco room. All students welcome.

The plan is to start with Tuesday each week , then increasing days if required.

If there are any parents who would like to be a part of this program please contact

myself on either a Monday or Tuesday at Mortlake College.

Thank You

Mick Malady—Welfare Centre

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So what can you expect at this years Fete?

Lots and lots of fun! Live music and great food, oodles of stalls and ac-vi-es, rides and

games. Be enthralled at Jamie and Kim's Mobile Zoo, be spooked in the Haunted

House! Show us your spor-ng skills, your green thumb and your aim (with a soggy

sponge). With all this and so much more, you really shouldn't miss it!

Inspire! Endeavour! Achieve!

Thankyou to the Student Leaders who contributed ideas for this years Fete. You'll be

seeing an increased presence of senior students this year, as they not only enjoy all

that the Fete has to offer, but contribute in a volunteer capacity, organising several of

the major facets of the fete. More on this in next weeks newsle8er.

Basket Raffle

Once again we're running our very popular basket raffle. We'll be asking everyone in

the coming weeks to start selling raffle -ckets, but right now is a good -me to keep an

eye out for an item you can contribute to your basket.

The themes for this year are: Prep Amos - TV Treats, 1/2 Povey - Gardening, 1/2 Car-

mody/Talbot - Pantry, 3/4 Storr - Parents Hamper, 3/4 V - Kids Cra+ and then for other

year levels - donate something in your house colour: INSPIRE blue, ENDEAVOUR green

and SUCCEED yellow.


Looking for other ways you can help make our Fete a success? We'd never knock back

a jar of homemade jam, relish, chutney or preserves. Homegrown fruit, vegies, herbs

and eggs. Home baked goods such as cakes, biscuits and slices. Homemade items like

kni8ed and crocheted goods, hairclips and fabric bags. Bagged sheep and horse ma-

nure. Po8ed plants and seedlings. Pick a bo8le prizes, empty jars and treats looking for

jars. Prize dona-ons and sponsorship pledges. Please drop me a line if you have any


Thankyou to those of you who have already contributed and offered assistance.

Kim Parker

[email protected]

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Classifieds Singing GroupSinging GroupSinging GroupSinging Group

We are very fortunate to be able to offer singing tuition after

school. Janet Zijm comes to our school with a lot of experience

teaching voice and is willing to have singing lessons after school

on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Mondays starting in

Week 3 she will commence a senior singing group and is

looking for willing people to join. It will run from

3:30 – 4:30 at a cost of $5 pp . The private 30 mins

lessons will run at a cost of $25 per student.

If you are interested in being part of the group or

having a private lesson please let Kath Tanner know as

soon as possible.




Mortlake College is helping to distribute Meals on Wheels on the 10th

, 11th



, 13th

& 14th


This is a small thing the College parents can do for the Mortlake Community

you only need to offer for 1 day for approximately 1 hour at midday.

If you were unsure what this involved with Meals on Wheels, have any queries

or are willing to volunteer, please contact Mirren Munn on the below number.

Contact Mirren Munn 0488 295 310

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Mortlake Junior Sharks

Games/Disco Night

Thursday 6th

August straight a+er training from 5.30 -ll 7.30pm.

$5 pizza and drinks at lollies at canteen prices.

Theme; Wear your pyjamas or onsey.

Lots of dancing games and table tennis comp for U14 footballers/netballers

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Wed 22nd July –

Wed 26th Aug

Sporting Schools - Swimming

Fri 31st P-4 Halls Gap Zoo Excursion

Fri 31st Biology Excursion Melbourne


Tues 4th Parent Teacher Interviews- 2.00-6.30pm

Wed 5th Immunisation Catch Up

Wed 12th 2016 Kinder Information Night 7.00pm

Thurs 13th Drama Vic - BER

Fri 14th Leila Rose Foundation – Out of Uniform Day

Tues 25th Succeed Ribbon Day Fundraiser

Wed 29th July –

Wed 26th Aug

Sporting Schools - Running Club



For the Halls Gap Zoo excursion this Friday 31st July. All

students are to wear full school uniform, they will need

to bring a coat, drink bo8le, recess & lunch. The bus will

be leaving at 8.50am sharp! And will return by 3.15pm

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