Page 1: Mood & tone practice
Page 2: Mood & tone practice

“Child, watch your tone when speaking

to me” “She sure is in a mood today”

How many of you have heard this……..

Page 3: Mood & tone practice

Tone is the AUTHOR’S attitude towards the audience, the subject, or the character. Also known as, the way feelings are expressed.

*Tone is shown through Dialogue – “talking” (Fiction or

Imperative statements) Descriptions – diction [word choice]


Page 4: Mood & tone practice

Description: Annoyed

My annoying brother likes to drive me crazy.There is no other who is that lazy.

He whines to Mom and Dad night and dayUntil he eventually gets his way.

Dialogue: Welcoming/Friendly“Not a problem ma’am,” replied the young man,

“I would be happy to help.”


Page 5: Mood & tone practice

*Mood is the feeling the reader gets from a story.

*Mood is shown through Setting- Time and Place Atmosphere- Character



Page 6: Mood & tone practice


Rachel’s house sat alone atop a hill, and she was used to solitude. She liked the peace and quiet of being far away from everything.

AtmosphereA furious teenager is walking toward a bedroom

after being grounded.


Page 7: Mood & tone practice


Tone Tone is how the author feels, while mood is how the

reader feels.The tone could be

serious but the mood could be ridiculous.


Page 8: Mood & tone practice


He approached the task with sheer determination. He had studied his plans carefully, spent hours preparing and was sure of his approach. The hours he spent practicing were grueling and exhausting but he was ready. This was the year he

would win the pie eating contest at school.


Page 9: Mood & tone practice


He approached the task with sheer determination. He had studied his plans carefully, spent hours preparing and was sure of his approach. The hours he spent practicing were grueling and

exhausting but he was ready. This was the year he would win the pie eating contest at school.

According to the author’s descriptions, what is the tone? Serious, Intense, Formal, Focused


Page 10: Mood & tone practice


He approached the task with sheer determination. He had studied his plans carefully, spent hours preparing and was sure of his approach. The hours he spent practicing were grueling and

exhausting but he was ready. This was the year he would win the pie eating contest at school.

According to the setting, what is the mood? Playful, informal, silly, exciting


Page 11: Mood & tone practice

Tone- Author’s Style

Covers entire work Fiction & Nonfiction

Mood- Author’s Purpose changes through story Fiction only

Use Genre (ex: Mystery: Tone= Suspenseful/ Mood=Frightening


More on Tone

Page 12: Mood & tone practice

Positive Neutral Negative

Tone EncouragingOptimistic



Mood CheerfulWelcoming


Tone Mood

Page 13: Mood & tone practice

On the following slides identify the author’s tone or the reader’s mood and explain how you knew.

Remember: Tone is determined by


Mood is determined by SETTING or ATMOSPHERE

You Try!

Page 14: Mood & tone practice

#1 Botulism, a type of rare, severe food poisoning, has been reported recently in New Jersey. It is believed that the victim, who is in critical condition at a local hospital, was stricken after eating from a jar of incorrectly preserved homegrown green beans. a. Light-heartedb. Scaryc. Tragicd. Optimistic- (positive outlook)

The TONE of the passage is ____________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE)

relay the tone.

Page 15: Mood & tone practice

#2 Sure, litterbugs account for a lot of the trash blowing around our city’sstreets, but there are other villains too. What about people who set out their trash days ahead of their scheduled trash pickup time? Worse yet are the stores that pile boxes in back alleys, and restaurants whose mounds of bagged trash draw rodents and roaches.

a. criticalb. humorousc. depressed

The TONE of the passage is ____________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE)

relay the tone.

Page 16: Mood & tone practice

#3 What’s the matter with those idiots in the city council? First they pass new parking regulations saying we can’t park our cars in front of our own houses without a special permit. Now they’ve gone and slapped another tax on gas purchase.a. objectiveb. angryc. surprised

The TONE of the passage is ____________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE)

relay the tone.

Page 17: Mood & tone practice

“Would you be so kind as to help me with

my groceries?” asked the elderly woman.

“Not a problem ma’am,” replied the young man, “I would be happy to help.”

The TONE of the passage is ___________.The (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE) relays the TONE.


Page 18: Mood & tone practice

“The river, reflecting the clear blue of the sky, glistened and sparkled as it flowed noiselessly



The MOOD of the passage is ______________

The (Setting or Atmosphere) relays the MOOD.


Page 19: Mood & tone practice

The gym of the high school was brightly decorated.

The red and white streamers covered the walls and heart shapes were scattered all over the floor. Red glitter was thrown on all the tables

and love songs were playing in the background. The Valentine’s dance was about to begin.

a. Embarrassedb. Frustratedc. Peacefuld. Joyous

The MOOD of the passage is ____________ The (Setting or Atmosphere) relays the MOOD.


Page 20: Mood & tone practice

The night it happened was one we will never

forget. The wind was screeching outside as rain pounded against the window. We had lost

electricity hours ago and had nothing but candles to light the house. The battery

powered radio we had was broadcasting a warning to lock your doors and stay inside;

there was a killer on the loose.

The MOOD of the passage is ______________

The(Setting or Atmosphere) relays the MOOD.# 7

Page 21: Mood & tone practice

And the trees all died. I don’t know why they died, they just died. Something wrong with the soil possibly or maybe the stuff we got from the nursery wasn’t the best. We complained about it. So we’ve got thirty kids there, each kid had his or her own little tree to plant and now we’ve got these thirty dead trees. All these kids looking at these little brown sticks, it was depressing.a.Aggravatedb.Nervousc.Peacefuld.Silly

The TONE of the passage is ____________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE) relay the

tone.# 8

Page 22: Mood & tone practice

Lola sat on the old, lumpy couch crying. She could let it all out here, alone in her mother’s small, quiet apartment in Galesburg, Illinois. The familiar walls were covered in rose pink wallpaper. Goldie, her mother’s eleventh fish, seemed to stare sympathetically at Lola through the fishbowl sitting on the counter. The smell of her mother’s vanilla candles comforted her aching heart.

a. Depressedb. Nervousc. Cheerfuld. Silly

The TONE of the passage is ______________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE) relay the tone.# 9

Page 23: Mood & tone practice

There is no one

That can be betterBecause you are brilliant.

There is nothingThat you cannot do

Because you are unbeatable.There is no place

That you cannot goBecause you are always welcomed.

There is no personThat can hold you back

Because you are unstoppable

The TONE of the passage is _____________The (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE) relays the TONE.

# 10

a. Pessimisticb. Depressingc. Motivationald. Negative

Page 24: Mood & tone practice

We received your request for a refund for

your recent purchase of a telescope for your son. Please accept our sincere apologies that the product did not

function as advertised. We will process the refund in as timely a manner as possible. In the meantime, if we can

help you in any other way, please ask.

The TONE of the passage is ____________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE) relay

the tone.# 11

Page 25: Mood & tone practice

The wind howled like a banshee, the thunder rolled, and the lightning drew zigzag lines across the sky. With the sights and sounds of the thunderstorm cloaking his room, Charlie awoke from his night’s sleep. As he peeked out from under the covers, a dark, shifting shadow appeared on the wall of his room. For the reader, the selection creates a mood of ____________.


The MOOD of the passage is ______________.The (Setting or Atmosphere) relays the mood.

# 12

Page 26: Mood & tone practice

The pioneer family members piled into the wagon and left behind the safety and security in the East. They had cut the lifeline that connected them to all the things that were near and dear. As they traveled to the new land out west, Grandfather held the family together. He hunted when they were hungry, found water when they were thirst, and protected them against the dangers that lurked all around them. Everyone in the family agreed. Grandfather was a rock. For the reader, the selection creates a mood of ________________.


The MOOD of the passage is ______________.The (Setting or Atmosphere) relays the mood.

# 13

Page 27: Mood & tone practice

    beneath the underpass

    pushing against his back    sprayed steadily against his cheek

    seeping into his sneakers.    the snow didn't seem like sugar anymore

    apartment buildings loomed up    discarded Christmas trees

    tinsel trapped in tree needles    no cave to crawl in now

The MOOD of the passage is ______________.The (Setting or Atmosphere) relays the mood.

# 14

Page 28: Mood & tone practice

He rolled in his bed, twisting the sheets, grappling with a problem years too big for

him, awake in the night like a single sentinel on picket. And sometime after midnight, he

slept, too, and then only the wind was awake, prying at the hotel and hooting in its gables under the bright gimlet gaze of the stars.

The MOOD of the passage is ______________.The (Setting or Atmosphere) relays the mood.

# 15Extra Practice

Page 29: Mood & tone practice

We’re contacting you today to let you know about the Special Olympics annual fund drive.

You have been kind enough to support us generously in the past, and we’d like to ask for your help again, as we send our athletes with

special needs to compete at the national level. Please fill out the form below and return it in the enclosed envelope with your donation. It

will make a child’s day if you do.

The TONE of the passage is ____________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE) relay

the tone.# 16

Page 30: Mood & tone practice

We are seriously failing our nation’s teenagers when it comes to education concerning AIDS. Somehow we must convince them, without delay, that this terrible illness can happen to them, not just too isolated groups in big cities. Let’s give them the information they need to protect themselves—before it’s too late.a. sincereb. mockingc. ironic

The TONE of the passage is ____________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE) relay the


# 17

Page 31: Mood & tone practice

There was a delay in the start of the project, attributable to circumstances beyond the control of all relevant parties. Progress came to a standstill, and no one was prepared to undertake the assessment of the problem and determination of the solution.

The TONE of the passage is ____________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE) relay the


# 18

Page 32: Mood & tone practice

It was very late and everyone had left the cafe except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the day time the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference.

The TONE of the passage is ____________The author’s (DESCRIPTION or DIALOGUE) relay the


# 19

Page 33: Mood & tone practice

Lola sat on the old, lumpy couch crying. She could let it all out here, alone in her mother’s small, quiet apartment in Galesburg, Illinois. The familiar walls were covered in rose pink wallpaper. Goldie, her mother’s eleventh fish,

seemed to stare sympathetically at Lola through the fishbowl sitting on the counter.

The smell of her mother’s vanilla candles comforted her aching heart.

The MOOD of the passage is ______________.The (Setting or Atmosphere) relays the mood.

# 20

Page 34: Mood & tone practice

For the moon never beams, without bringing me

dreamsOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyesOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the sideOf my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,

In her catacomb there by the sea—In her tomb by the sounding sea.

The MOOD of the passage is ______________.The (Setting or Atmosphere) relays the mood.

# 21 Edgar Allen Poe

Page 35: Mood & tone practice

Passage from Catch 22

They’re trying to kill me,” Yossarian told him calmly.“No one’s trying to kill you,” Clevinger cried.“Then why are they shooting at me?” Yossarian asked.“They’re shooting at everyone,” Clevinger answered. “They’re trying to kill everyone.”“And what difference does that make?”

The MOOD of the passage is ______________.The (Setting or Atmosphere) relays the mood.

# 22

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