Page 1: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

MONDAY 25th MAY 2020

GAEILGE Briathar: (Verb) Scríobh(wrote) Learn to say: Scríobh mé (I wrote) Scríobh mé litir chuig mo chara (I wrote a letter to my friend)

Foclóir: scéalaí (narrator), giorria (hare), toirtís (tortoise), sa choill (in the woods), an-te (very hot), Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh go hard sa spéir. (The sun was shining high in the sky.) Is féidir liom rith go tapa. (I can run fast.) an mhall (very slow), Beidh rás againn. (We will have a race.) broc (badger), Luigh an giorria síos. (The hare laid down.) Thit sé ina chodladh sámh. (He fell sound asleep.) Lean an toirtís ar aghaidh. (The toirtoise continued.), Tar éis tamaill dhúisigh an giorria. (After a while the hare woke up.) D’éirigh sé. (He got up.) Bhí áthas air nuair a chonaic sé an deireadh. (He was happy when he saw the finish.), Bhí brón ar an ngiorria. (The hare was sad.) Bhí áthas an domhain ar an ngiorria. (The hare was delighted.)

Éisteacht: Listen to the story An Giorria agus an Toirtís (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear the story)

Léitheoireacht: Read the story Scéalaí: Lá amháin, bhí an giorria agus an toirtís sa choill. Bhí an lá an-te. Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh go hard sa spéir. Giorria: Is féidir liom rith go tapa. Toirtís: Is féidir liom rith go tapa freisin. Scéalaí: Thosaigh an giorria ag gáire. Giorria: Ní féidir leat rith go tapa. Tá tú an-mhall ag rith. Beidh rás againn. Scéalaí: Thosaigh an giorria agus an toirtís ag rith. Broc: A haon, a dó, a trí. Scéalaí: Rith an giorria go tapa. Rith sé agus rith sé. Bhí an tóirtís an-mhall. Bhí an lá an-te. Bhí tuirse ar an ngiorria. Giorria: Tá an toirtís an-mhall. Beidh sos agam.

Scéalaí: Luigh an giorria síos agus thit sé ina chodladh sámh. Lean an toirtís ar aghaidh ag rith. Rith sé agus rith sé. Bhí sé an-te ach níor stop sé. Tar éis tamaill dhúisigh an giorria. D’éirigh sé. Thosaigh sé ag rith go tapa. Rith sé agus rith sé. Bhí áthas air nuair a chonaic sé an deireadh. Ach, bhí an toirtís ag an deireadh roimhe. Toirtís: Tá mé sa chéad áit. Giorria: Tá mé sa dara háit. Scéalaí: Bhí brón ar an ngiorria. Bhí áthas an domhain ar an toirtís. An Deireadh!

Scríbhneoireacht: Answer the questions based on the story An Giorria agus an Toirtís (Gaeilge Copy) 1. Cé a bhí sa choill? (Who was in the forest?) 2. Cén sórt lae a bhí ann? (What kind of day was it?) 3. Cé a bhí ag gáire? (Who was laughing?) 4. An raibh tuirse ar an ngiorria? (Was the hare tired?) 5. An raibh an toirtís mall? (Was the hare slow?)

Page 2: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

6. Ar thit an giorria ina chodladh? (Did the hare fall asleep?) Thit / Níor thit ... 7. Ar stop an toirtís? (Did the hare stop?) 8. Cé a bhí sa chéad áit? (Who was in first place?)

Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem is attached at the end of these pages.

Litriúcháin: Éadaí: aige him aici her

ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas, spelling errors, apostrophes and speech marks) wendy and brian planted a flower garden they have daisies lilies daffodils and tulips in their garden they didnt put pansies in their garden our garden looks great wendy said yes it does brian agreed

Vocabulary Words: fuel, strand, peak, treasure, gather. Fill word, definition and sentence into Vocabulary Folder

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 17 p.66 (comb, lamb, dumb, numb) Question 1 p.66

Guided Reading: Click on Before reading I want you to look at the cover, predict what you think the story is about and then write your prediction into your Guided Reading Copy (e.g. I think this book will be about ...., I think the main character will ....) Focus on the Reading Strategy Visualisation. That is creating images in our minds, based on our prior knowledge as we read.

Blue Group: “Third Grade Mix-Up” p.9-20 (Sidney and Sydney Series) We will be reading this book over 2 weeks Orange Group: “Germs!” p.5-21 (Dirty Bertie Series) We will be reading this book over 2 weeks Green Group: “The Invisible Robot” p.5-21 (S.M.A.R.T.S Series) We will be reading this book over 2 weeks Red Group: “A Star is Born ” p.7-22 (Stardust Stables Series) We will be reading this book over 2 weeks

Page 3: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Oral Language Beginning with the letter E: What is it? Answer orally.

1. A very large grey animal that has a long flexible nose and two long tusks. 2. The joint where your arm bends. 3. A large bird that has very good eyesight and that kills other birds and animals for food. 4. An enclosing cover for a letter, card, etc. 5. A large kind of North American deer with big antlers. 6. The planet on which we live. 7. A hard-shelled oval thing from which a young bird is born. 8. To go or come into. 9. Country in north east Africa which is home to the pyramids. 10. Old or rather old: past middle age.

Handwriting: Capital letter A Watch the Capital A video clip on the blog and copy the letters below into your handwriting copy (4 lines)

Poem: Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens by Jack Prelutsky Lines 1-4 (Poem attached at the end of these pages)

Definition material used to produce heat or power

Sentence My car needs fuel in order to move.

Synonyms gas petrol oil

Antonyms ---------------------



Page 4: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Definition a thin length of material

Sentence A strand of hair got stuck in my helmet.

Synonyms string thread

Antonyms hunk

Definition maximum

Sentence We knew summer was at its peak because it was so hot outside.

Synonyms most greatest top

Antonyms minimum least

Definition Love and care for something

Sentence I will always treasure my favourite stuffed toy.

Synonyms cherish appreciate hold dear love

Antonyms dislike







Page 5: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Definition come together

Sentence I will gather all of my blocks and put them in a basket.

Synonyms collect meet assemble

Antonyms spread scatter


Tables: Skip count 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108 Click on the counting by 9’s song: Multiply x9 (0x9=0, 1x9=9, 2x9=18, 3x9=27)

Number of the day 123 1. Is it odd or even? 2. What is 4 numbers before it? 3. What is 7 numbers after it? 4. Jump back 20. 5. Jump forwards 30. 6. What is the value of the 3? 7. 6, --, 18, --, 30, --, 42, --, --, 60, --, --. 8. 9x6=? 9. How many seconds in a minute? 10. Seán baked a number of gingerbread men. He sold 25 at a cake sale and gave 3 to his principal. The last 2 gingerbread men ran off before anyone

could eat them! How many gingerbread men did Seán bake?

Money Word Problems: Question 1: Jane has six 10c coins. How much money does she have? Question 2: Ian bought a pack of 2 toothbrushes for €1. How much did each toothbrush cost? Question 3: A plain ice-cream cone costs 80c. A large ice-cream cone with a flake costs €1.10. How much extra does the large ice-cream cone cost? Question 4: Claire went to the school shop and bought a copy costing 50c and a pencil costing 20c. How much money did she spend in total? What two coins would you use: Find the change from 50c



Page 6: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

RELIGION Treasure Trail: True or False questions about Creation: Click on Say “Glory be to the Father” prayer Watch the video clip “God Created People” Clip on link on blog.

Page 7: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem


Oceans, Rivers and Lakes A lake is a large area of water surrounded by land. The start of a river is called its source. The mouth is the end of the river, where it flows into a larger lake or the sea. A smaller river or stream flowing into a larger river is known as a tributary. The longest river in Ireland is the Shannon. It measures 342km. The biggest lake in Ireland is Lough Neagh. This is in the province of Ulster. An ocean is a large body of water. The Atlantic Ocean lies to the west of Ireland. The rivers, The Suir, The Nore and The Barrow are known as the Three Sisters. They are in the province of Leinster.

Page 8: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

From the map above, list the main rivers and lakes in each province.

Answer the questions (SESE Copy) 1. Our capital city Dublin is on the River ______________. 2. Name the rivers known as the Three Sisters.

(a) ______________(b) _______________ (c) ___________. 3. The longest river in Ireland is the ________________ 4. The place where a river begins is known as the ___________. 5. The biggest lake in Ireland is ____________________. 6. Name three rivers on the map.________________________. 7. Name three lakes on the map._________________________. 8. What ocean does the River Shannon flow into? __________. 9. What sea does the River Liffey flow into? _______________.

TUESDAY 26th MAY 2020

GAEILGE Siopadóireacht: Ceacht 1

Briathar: (Verb) Scríobh(wrote) Learn to say: Scríobh tú (You wrote) Scríobh tú i do chóipleabhar (You wrote in your copy)

Foclóir: bia (food), Ar cheannaigh tú? (Did you buy?) Cheannaigh mé (I bought), Níor cheannaigh mé (I didn’t buy), cén saghas? (what kind?), feoil (meat), glasraí (vegetables), prátaí (potatoes), cabáiste (cabbage), leitís (lettuce), pónairí (beans), cairéid (carrots), tornapa (turnip) bagún (bacon), piseanna (peas), Cuirfidh mé (I will put), sorn (cooker), cuisneoir (fridge), Rinne mé dearmad (I forgot) Beidh an dinnéar réidh go luath. (Dinner will be ready soon.)

Comhrá: Siopadóireacht: Ceacht 1: ( Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog) Ar cheannaigh Daidí feoil? (Did Dad buy meat?) Cén saghas? (What kind?) Ar cheannaigh Daidí glasraí? (Did Dad buy vegetables?) Cén saghas? (What kind?) Ar cheannaigh Daidí prátaí? (Did Dad buy potatoes?) Cad a chuir Mamaí sa sáspan ar an sorn? (What did Mom put into the saucepan on the cooker?) Cad a chuir Niamh sa chuisneoir? (What did Niamh put into the fridge?)

Scríbhneoireacht: Bua na Cainte p.93 Write the answers: Cheannaigh / Níor cheannaigh

Léitheoireacht: Bua na Cainte p.93 Read the sentences you have written.

Dán: An Siopa (Lines 3 & 4) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem is attached at the end of these pages.

Litriúcháin: Éadaí: stocaí socks geansaí jumper

Page 9: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas, spelling errors, apostrophes and speech marks) im hungry mom said charlotte mom said im going to make dinner soon im making chicken potatoes corn and salad im making a cake for dessert i cant wait for dessert said charlotte

Vocabulary Words: fuel, strand, peak, treasure, gather. Fill synonyms and antonyms into Vocabulary Folder

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 17 p.66 (crumb, wrap, wreck) Question 2 p.67 Crossword (across)

Reading: Guided Reading: Click onto Reading Strategy Visualisation Blue Group: “Third Grade Mix-Up” p.23-43 (Sidney and Sydney Series) Orange Group: “Germs!” p.22-38 (Dirty Bertie Series) Green Group: “The Invisible Robot” p.22-38 (S.M.A.R.T.S Series) Red Group: “A Star is Born ” p.23-44 (Stardust Stables Series)

Handwriting: Capital letter B Watch the Capital B video clip on the blog and copy the letters below into your handwriting copy (5 lines)

Grammar: Regular plural nouns A plural noun is more than one person, place or thing Most nouns can be made plural by adding an s. Example: More than one book: books More than one pencil: pencils If a noun ends in s, ch, sh, x or z you need to add es. Example: More than one lunch: lunches More than one box: boxes

If a noun ends in a consonant and then a y you need to change the y to i and add es Example: More than one puppy: puppies More than one story: stories If a noun ends in f or fe you need to drop the f or fe and add ves Example: More than one knife: knives More than one elf: elves

Page 10: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Write the plural form of each noun e.g. chair: chairs, scarf: scarves 1. pan 2. daisy 3. fox 4. shelf 5. bucket 6. cherry 7. leaf 8. toy 9. class 10. nurse

Poem: Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens by Jack Prelutsky Lines 5-8 (Poem attached at the end of these pages)

MATHS Tables: Skip count 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108 Click on the counting by 9’s song: Multiply x9 (4x9=36, 5x9=45, 6x9=54)

Maths Challenge: Test 41 (Maths Copy) Problem Solving Folder: Number 43

Money Word Problems: Question 1: Nigel bought a packet of balloons costing €1.50. How much change did he get from €2 Question 2: McDonalds sells a hamburger for €1.55. Burger King sells a hamburger for €0.95. How much money would you save by buying the Burger King hamburger? Question 3: Emma’s school was collecting money for charity. Emma brought in 20c every week for 8 weeks. How much money did Emma give to charity? Question 4: Colm, Ciara and Trevor each decided to get their name printed on the back of their Clare jersey. They were charged 25c for each letter in their names. How much did (a) Colm, (b) Ciara and (c) Trevor pay? Write your answer in euro and cent where possible.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Joe Wicks Daily Work Out on Youtube

Page 11: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

SCIENCE Light Light is a form of energy. Where does light come from? Anything that gives out its own light is called a light source. There are natural light sources such as the Sun and fire. Humans have also invented artificial light sources. These include torches and lamps. Some animals, such as fireflies, are natural sources of light. Light and Materials Light travels from its source in straight lines called rays. It will continue to travel in a straight line until it hits an object. What happens then depends on the type of material the object is made from. Opaque Materials do not allow any light to pass through. Examples: wood, metal, thick fabrics and thick, coloured plastics. Translucent Materials allow some light to pass through Examples: thin paper, gauze and frosted glass. Transparent Materials allow most light to pass through. Examples: air, water, clear glass and some plastics, for example clingfilm.

How are Shadows Formed? When light hits an opaque object, it cannot pass through. So, the object will cast a shadow (a dark area) at the side furthest from the light source. Translucent materials also cast shadows. This is because they do not allow all the light to pass through. Shadows are used to create puppet shows. Opaque puppets are held between a light source and a translucent screen.

Page 12: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Questions 1. Name one natural light source. 2. Name one artificial light source. 3. What type of material allows some light to pass through? 4. What type of material allows no light to pass through? 5. What type of material allows most light to pass through? 6. What is a shadow?

Click on translucent transparent or opaque sorting PowerPoint on blog Experiment: Testing objects to see if they are transparent, translucent or opaque This works best in a dark room. If you don’t have the materials to do the experiment yourself watch this video of it. Materials (use some or all of these)

Bright torch / light

Piece of wood

Clear plastic bag

Piece of tissue

Piece of cardboard

Piece of tinfoil


Brown paper bag

Plastic bag


Bubble wrap

Blue plastic bag Method

1. Turn on the torch and shine it on a spot on a wall. 2. Put objects one at a time in front of the light and see what happens to the light on the wall. 3. Fill in a table like this with your results.

Transparent Translucent Opaque

Page 13: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem


GAEILGE Siopadóireacht: Ceacht 2

Briathar: Scríobh(wrote) Learn to say: Scríobh sé (He wrote) Scríobh sé ríomhphost (He wrote an email)

Foclóir: Dia duit (Hello), Conas atá tú? (How are you?), prátaí (potatoes), bagún (bacon), glasraí (vegetables), tornapa (turnip), piseanna (peas)

Comhrá: Siopadóireacht: Ceacht 2: ( Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog) Dia duit Dia’s Muire duit. Conas atá tú? Tá mé go maith go raibh maith agat. Cad atá uait? (What do you want?) Tá __ uaim. Cad atá uaidh? (What does he want?) Tá __ uaidh. Cad atá uaithi? (What does she want?) Tá __ uaithi.

Scríbhneoireacht: Bua na Cainte p.94 Write the answers.

Léitheoireacht: Bua na Cainte p.94 Read the 10 sentences you have written.

Dán: An Siopa (Lines 5 & 6) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem is attached at the end of these pages.

Litriúcháin: Éadaí: hata hat sciorta skirt

ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas, spelling errors, apostrophes and speech marks) mom said youre late for dinner im sorry i said i didnt hear you calling me i told her its okay she smiled im glad youre here now

Vocabulary Words: WOW Word: higher. Fill WOW Word into Vocabulary Folder

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 17 p.66 (write, wrong, honest) Question 2 p.67 Crossword (down)

Reading: Guided Reading: Click onto Reading Strategy Visualisation Blue Group: “Third Grade Mix-Up” p.45-58 (Sidney and Sydney Series) Orange Group: “Germs!” p.39-49 (Dirty Bertie Series) Green Group: “The Invisible Robot” p.39-52 (S.M.A.R.T.S Series) Red Group: “A Star is Born ” p.45-61 (Stardust Stables Series)

Page 14: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Handwriting: Capital letter C Watch the Capital C video clip on the blog and copy the letters below into your handwriting copy (4 lines)

Poem: Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens by Jack Prelutsky Lines 9-12 (Poem attached at the end of these pages)

Discussion / Persuasive Writing: Watch this video clip explaining what persuasive writing is:

Read the discussion / persuasive text below and answer the questions.

Page 15: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem
Page 16: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

WOW WORD: higher

Prefix: --------------

Root: High

Suffix: Er

Prefix Meaning: --------------

Root Meaning: Above

Suffix Meaning: More

Other Words with this Prefix: --------------

Other Words with this Suffix: bigger faster


Tables: Skip count 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108 Click on the counting by 9’s song: Multiply x9 (7x9=63, 8x9=72, 9x9=81)

Write the answers in your Maths Copy

Page 17: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem
Page 18: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Money Word Problems: Question 1: Molly’s dad parked his car in a car park for 2 hours. The car park cost 55c per hour. How much did he have to pay? Question 2: Georgia downloaded a Star Wars game and a Minecraft game. How much did she pay for the two games altogether?

Question 3: Cian bought a bottle of water for 52c and a sherbet dip for 39c. (a) How much did he spend? (b) How much change did he get from €2?


Click on

Click on suggested work for parents for this week: HILL AND GULLY RIDER

THURSDAY 28th MAY 2020

GAEILGE Siopadóireacht: Ceacht 3:1

Briathar: Scríobh(wrote) Learn to say: Scríobh sí (She wrote) Scríobh sí ar an mballa (She wrote on the wall)

Foclóir: Cé mhéad? (How much?)

Comhrá: Siopadóireacht: Ceacht 3:1: ( Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog) Practise saying: aon cent, dhá cent, trí cent, ceithre cent, cúig cent, sé cent, seacht cent, ocht cent, naoi cent, deich cent, aon cent déag, dhá cent déag, trí cent déag, ceithre cent déag, cúig cent déag, sé cent déag, seacht cent déag, ocht cent déag, naoi cent déag, fiche cent

Léitheoireacht: Bua na Cainte p.95 Read Cé mhéad? (top half of the page)

Dán: An Siopa (Lines 7 & 8) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem is attached at the end of these pages.

Litriúcháin: Éadaí: scairf scarf crios belt

Page 19: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas, spelling errors, apostrophes and speech marks) bats are cool animals they have wings but they arent birds because they dont have feathers they fly in the night and they sleep in the day they live in trees caves and other places have you ever seen a bat

Vocabulary Words: fuel, strand, peak, treasure, gather. Draw picture for words into Vocabulary Folder

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 17 p.66 (ghost, hour, know) Question 3 p.67

Poem: Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens by Jack Prelutsky Lines 13-16 (Poem attached at the end of these pages)

Reading: Guided Reading: Click onto Reading Strategy Visualisation Blue Group: “Third Grade Mix-Up” p.61-75 (Sidney and Sydney Series) Orange Group: “Germs!” p.50-62 (Dirty Bertie Series) Green Group: “The Invisible Robot” p.53-73 (S.M.A.R.T.S Series) Red Group: “A Star is Born ” p.62-84 (Stardust Stables Series)

Writing: Questions Based on Guided Reading Book. Guided Reading Copy Make up five questions about your guided reading book. Remember questions begin with Who? What? When? Why? Where? How? etc.

Write amount one image you pictured while reading (look back on Monday’s poster for some ideas)

Handwriting: Capital letter D Watch the Capital D video clip on the blog and copy the letters below into your handwriting copy (5 lines)


Tables: Skip count 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108 Click on the counting by 9’s song: Multiply x9 (10x9=90, 11x9=99, 12x9=108)

Maths Challenge: Test 42 Problem Solving Folder: Number 44

Page 20: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Money Word Problems: Question 1: Olivia wants to buy a pair of sunglasses costing €1.50. She has 86c. How much more money does she need? Question 2: Jamie bought 10 glow sticks for €1. (a) How much did he pay for each glow stick? (b) Jamie’s cousin Chris bought 3 glow sticks from Jamie. How much money did Chris pay Jamie? Question 3: Zoe wants to play an Angry Birds video game at the shopping centre. It costs 40c for 3 games. How many games can she play for €1.20? Question 4: Ellie and Harry are at a funfair. Ellie has €1.55 and Harry has €2. Both children want to spend all of their money.

(a) Which 3 amusements could Ellie choose? (b) Which 3 amusements could Harry choose?

RELIGION Listen to the song: ‘Thank you, Lord, for making me’ Link on blog and try to sing along. Listen to the poem ‘I’m Quite Unique’ Link on blog. God created people to be different to each other. There are no two people who are exactly the same. Even identical twins are different! God has also given each person different gifts so that they are good at different things. We call the things that people are good at ‘talents’. Each person’s gifts and talents are different. Answer the following questions on the worksheet orally. Choose from the following list of talents Visual gifts and talents musical gifts and talents, The gift of being happy to be alone Numerical gifts and talents Bodily gifts and talents Linguistic gifts and talents Gifts and talents in being with other people Naturalistic gifts and talents

Page 21: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Write and finish the sentence I have a talent for ______ into your Religion copy.

Page 22: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

HISTORY Read and answer questions below: Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison is famous for being an inventor. Thomas Edison enjoyed making things. He was born in Ohio, America in 1847. When he was young, he got scarlet fever. He was very ill for a long time and became almost deaf. He had to be home-schooled by his mother because he didn’t get on well in school. As a boy, he did experiments in the basement of his house.

His first invention was the phonograph. The phonograph was the first machine that could record the sound of someone’s voice and play it back. He recited the nursery rhyme ‘Mary had a little lamb’ and the phonograph played the words back to him. Edison invented this even though his hearing was so poor he thought of himself as deaf.

When Edison was growing up, homes, schools and workplaces were much darker places than they are today. Candles and oil lamps were used to give light, but the light from these was very dim. Thomas wanted to invent a light that did not need oils or gas to be lit.

Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb and this made him famous. He also designed a system of power plants to bring electricity into people’s homes. Thomas Edison continued thinking up new ideas all his life. He was a very hard worker and only slept for six hours each night; the rest of the time he worked on his ideas. He also invented a camera for showing films in a cinema. It was called a cine camera. Edison was called ‘The Wizard’ because by the time he died, he had made more than 3000 inventions. The next time you switch on a light, think about the man who invented it!

Thomas Edison Questions: 1. Where was Thomas Edison from? 2. What is Thomas Edison famous for? 3. What machine did Edison invent that could record and play sound? 4. What nursery rhyme did he first record? 5. Which of Edison’s inventions do we still use today?

Page 23: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

FRIDAY 29th MAY 2020

GAEILGE Siopadóireacht: Ceacht 3:2

Briathar: (Verb) Scríobh (wrote) Revise saying Scríobh mé (I wrote) Scríobh tú (You wrote) Scríobh sé (He wrote ) Scríobh sí (She wrote)

Foclóir: Dia duit (Hello), Cé mhéad atá ar an ---? ( How much are the ___), Ba mhaith liom ... más é do thoil é (I would like ___ please), Seo duit (here you are), briseadh (change), slán go fóill (bye for now)

Comhrá: Siopadóireacht: Ceacht 3:2 Practise this comhrá between the shopkeeper and a child. Páiste: Dia duit. Siopadóir: Dia’s Muire duit Páiste: Cé mhéad atá ar an ____? (leitís , cabáiste, cairéad, prátaí, pónairí, piseanna) Siopadóir: ____ cent. (cúig cent, sé cent, seacht cent, ocht cent etc.) Páiste: Ba mhaith liom ____, más é do thoil é Siopadóir: Seo duit an ____. Páiste: Seo duit ___ cent. Siopadóir: Seo duit an briseadh. Páiste: Go raibh maith agat. Páiste: Slán go fóill. Siopadóir: Slán.

Scríbhneoireacht: Bua na Cainte p. 95 Cé mhéad? (How much money?) Bottom half of page Q.1-12 How much money can you see?

Léitheoireacht: Bua na Cainte p. 95 Read the sentences you have written.

Dán: An Siopa (Revise all the poem) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem is attached at the end of these pages.

Litriúcháin: Revise all spellings

ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas, spelling errors, apostrophes and speech marks) i cant decide what i want be when i grow up i dont know if I want to be a firefighter teacher guard or nurse they all seem like good jobs for me because i want to help other people what do you think i should be when i grow up Vocabulary Words: fuel, strand, peak, treasure, gather. Revise all of this week’s words.

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 17 p.66 Revise all spellings.

Page 24: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

Reading: Grumpy Teaspoon Unit 15 p.60-62: The Amazing Maze

Writing: Grumpy Teaspoon p.63 Activity B: Choose the word closest in meaning to the underlined word. Activity C: Choose the best word for each sentence.

Poem: Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens by Jack Prelutsky. Revise entire poem. (Poem attached at the end of these pages)

Handwriting: Capital letter E Watch the Capital E video clip on the blog and copy the letters below into your handwriting copy (4 lines)

ART Lighthouse Watch this tutorial:

1. Draw the outline of a lighthouse taking up two thirds of the page from the top. Draw and colour in the light beams. 2. Paint / colour the lighthouse in any design/colour. Add in some rocks for the bed of the lighthouse.

Page 25: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

3. Paint / colour in some waves in different shades of blue/white in the foreground. 4. Paint / colour a background colour. 5. Add in some birds in the sky. 6. If you used paint the lines can be traced over with thick black marker when the painting is dry.


Tables: Skip count 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108 Click on the counting by 9’s song: Revise all Multiply x9 tables

Write the answers in your Maths Copy

Page 26: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem
Page 27: MONDAY 25th MAY 2020 · Dán: An Siopa (Lines 1 & 2) (Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog to hear it) Poem

An Siopa

Téigh go dtí an siopa, a Pháid.

Go to the shop Pat.

Ná bac le milseáin ná seacláid.

Don’t bother with sweets or chocolate.

Ach ceannaigh siúcra, im is tae.

But buy sugar, butter and tea.

Brostaigh ort, tá an dinnéar réidh.

Hurry up, dinner is ready.

Cheannaigh Páid na rudaí go léir.

Pat bought all the things.

‘S bhí sé ar ais in am dinnéir.

And he was back in time for dinner.

Bhí poll an-mhór i gcóta Pháid

There was a big hole in Pat’s coat

Is chaill sé an t-airgead ar an tsráid.

And he lost the money on the street.

Óró, a Pháid!

Oh dear Pat!

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