

The Official Publication of Missouri Association


MO FCE Newsletter July 2016 Volume 16, Issue 57

President’s Notes

By Edna Crain

Well, it has been another busy first six months of 2016. We had a great Child Advocacy Day (CAD)! We were so pleased we had many members attend and help with the dolls. Over 300 were brought and we gave out over 200. So we have a great start on next year. I have received several letters, calls and pictures from the representatives and senators. Everyone pitched in and we had the dolls distributed in short order. Thank you so much for your help. After the CAD the Board met and we had a successful meeting, ideas for the Fall Conference were discussed and some implemented.

My sister, Shirlene traveled with me to the

District meetings this spring. We enjoyed

meeting everyone and we had good meetings

with great food. I love learning the different

ideas and programs that were presented. The


Lady was great, and since I scrapbook her

beautiful hats took my eye. Thank you District

Directors for a wonderful job!

Vice-president’s Update

By Edna Crain We were sorry our Vice-President had to resign this April. After we returned from the Board meeting Liz felt she could not fulfill the

We are so sorry to lose her, she was a great help and

we looked forward to working with her in the future

and seeing her become our next President. Please

keep Liz in your prayers.

Treasurer’s Notes

By June Romine

First I would like to say thank you for electing me as your new State Treasurer. The past six months has been a learning experience. We are looking forward to the 2016 Conference at the Grand Glaze Inn at Lake of the Ozarks. Please be sure to get your registration in as quickly as possible postmarked by September 1, 2016. Registrations postmarked after that date will have a $20 additional fee. Make all checks payable to: MAFCE, Inc.

2017 Membership information will be sent to County Presidents during the month of August. Only use 2017 Forms for the 2017 Membership year . Do not use 2016 forms as there are changes. Membership numbers may be obtained from your District Director or from you State Treasurer. Please be sure to Print and include your 9 digit zip code. Be sure to follow instructions that will be sent to your current County Presidents. Let’s try to get more new members this year.

Donations to Pennies for Friendship, Coins for Conference, ACWW projects, International Peace Gardens, International 4-H Youth Education and donations to MAFCE may be sent at any time during the year. Please use the form found in the 2016 Resource Book on page 3-8. Make checks payable to: MAFCE, Inc.

Thanks in advance!!


Missouri Foundation for Family and Community Education (MFFCE) MEMORIALS - October 15, 2015 to June 15, 2016

Vera Johnston Bob Carpenter, Carolyn Snow, Billie Welshofer, Mary Martens

Katherine Anglen Bob Carpenter, Carolyn Snow, Billie Welshofer, Mary Martens

Neoma Balkenbusch Merry Markers FCE, Mary Martens

Lavina Richmond Prairie Ridge/Flat Creek FCE, Mary Martens, Liz Fish, Betty Mayo, Nancy Richmond's Karen Walker, Mary Beatty, JoAnn Hahs, Vivian Cody, Gloria Macomber, Mother-In-Law Georgia Reid, Bobby Hawks

Bob Wilson Dorene Yearian, Erline Hoeppner, Carol Renner, Beverly Caywood, Helen Wilson's Husband Nancy Stipp, Sharon Breedlove, Ruth Hunke, Nola McMillen, Joyce Smith, Newton County Mary Martens

Wayne Hammerbacher Dorene Yearian, Erline Hoeppner, Carol Renner, Ruth Hunke, Mary Hammerbacher's Nola McMillen, Joyce Smith, Mary Martens Husband-Polk County

Mary Parker Liz Fish, Betty Mayo, Karen Walker, Mary Beatty, JoAnn Hahs, Vivian Betty Schalk's Sister Cody, Gloria Macomber, Georgia Reid, Mary Martens, Edna Crain

Randy Williamson Liz Fish, Betty Mayo, Karen Walker, Mary Beatty, JoAnn Hahs, Vivian Elsie Cope's Son-In-Law Cody, Gloria Macomber, Georgia Reid, Mary Martens

Ruby Hitt Liz Fish, Betty Mayo, Karen Walker, Mary Beatty, JoAnn Hahs, Vivian Oak Ridge FCE Cody, Gloria Macomber, Georgia Reid, Mary Martens, 2014 MO Heart of FCE Bobbie Hawks

Doris Zumbehl Liz Fish, Betty Mayo, Karen Walker, Mary Beatty, JoAnn Hahs, Vivian Audrey Ehlmann's Mother Cody, Gloria Macomber, Georgia Reid, Mary Martens

Pat Harting Liz Fish, Betty Mayo, Karen Walker, Mary Beatty, JoAnn Hahs, Vivian Donna Lewis's Mother Cody, Gloria Macomber, Georgia Reid, Mary Martens, Randolph County FCE

Gene Imbler Liz Fish, Betty Mayo, Karen Walker, Mary Beatty, JoAnn Hahs, Vivian Martha Imbler's Son Cody, Gloria Macomber, Georgia Reid, Mary Martens

Rodney Imbler Randolph County FCE, Mary Martens Martha Imbler's Stepson

Faye Tindle Randolph County FCE, Mary Martens Former Randolph Co. Member

Brenda Rice Randolph County FCE, Mary Martens Susan Gully's Sister Anna Chaloupha Liz Fish, Betty Mayo, Karen Walker, Mary Beatty, JoAnn Hahs, Vivian Lisa Chaloupha's Cody, Gloria Macomber, Georgia Reid, Mary Martens Mother-In-Law DONATION Fannie Lou Wilhite


Heart of FCE Katheryn Wilkerson

I wish to support the Missouri Foundation for Family and Community Education.

Enclosed is my contribution of ____$5.00 ____$10.00 ____$25.00 ____ $50.00 ___$100.00 ____Other

This contribution is in honor of, in memory of, to recognize, to congratulate, or ___________________________

Name, Address and Phone # of person contribution is for _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Name, Address and Phone # of person to be notified_________________________________________________________


Donor’s Name, Address, and Phone # _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Clip and Mail to: Linda Harder, MFFCE Treasurer, 64592 Cook Corner Ave., Novelty, MO 63460-4018

Make Checks Payable to the Missouri Foundation for FCE. All donations are tax deductible.

Hereford Extension Club, Calloway County, Central District, 1946. All the garments were made by members. Some were made/remade from men’s suits or topcoats

Umbra Duffy back row on the left recently celebrated 75 years as an FCE member.


Conference Registration

Full Conference (postmarked by August 30, 2016) $130.00 ____________

(Includes Thursday lunch, Thursday banquet, and Friday lunch)

Full conference (Registering after August 30, 2016) $150.00 ____________

One Day Conference (with lunch only) $ 75.00 ____________

Thursday _______ Friday _______

Banquet only Thursday evening $ 35.00 ____________

Make check payable to MAFCE, INC. Check # _______ Total enclosed: ____________

Scholarship recipients indicate provider of scholarship. Alumni _____ State _______ District ___________ County ________________ Other _____________

Scholarship & conference fee does Not include hotel registration. Hotel information on another page. MAIL TO: June Romine, 2501 W. Avondale, Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901-2653

If you have any questions, contact: Edna Crain—573-967-3587. Email: [email protected]

Check all that apply to you

First time attendee _____ Past State President _____ Past Board Member _____

County President ______ Local Club President _____ Attend Early Bird Workshop _____

“Four sCores of Educating” MAFCE 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION September 28, 29-30 2016 Inn at Grand Glaize. A Lake Front Resort—OSAGE BEACH, MO. Next to Grand Glaize Bridge



City __________________________State_______Zip Code________Phone #________________________

County ____________________District________________Number of Years FCE Member_____________

Person to contact in an emergency___________________________________________________________

Relationship ________________________Phone #____________________Phone #___________________

Special Needs ___________________________________Dietary Needs____________________________


Conference Theme:

“Four sCores of Educating” 2016 Missouri Association for Family & Community Education—Conference Hotel

Reservations should be made by August 30, 2016

Cancellation Policy: Must cancel 72 hours in advance of check in

Making reservations by phone or online:

By phone: Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at (800-348-4731 or 573-348-4731). Individuals must identify themselves as being with the “Missouri Association for Family and Community Education,” Group Code MAFCE at the time the reservation is made in order to receive the group rate.

Our group rate per contract $79.00 plus applicable taxes (7.475%) and (3%) lodging tax applies. Total room with tax is $87.28. One king bed or two queen beds up to four to a room. To get sales tax exemption, payment must be made with organization check or credit card.

Reservations made online: Please go to website

Choose reservations at top right of page.

Choose your dates on the left hand side. Check-in and check-out dates.

Put the dot in “Group Booking Code” and enter your group booking code of MAFCE 16

And select your room type then follow directions to input reservation.


Conference Workshops

Dr. Navarete-Tindall, Associate Professor state Extension Specialist, — Lincoln Univeristy will present:

Edible native plants.

Senator Pearce presents FCE doll to Warrensburg Community Action Agency. Accepting the doll

MAFCE State Fundraiser

This year we are having a donation drawing for different prizes. The more tickets you have the more opportunity to win more than one prize. Prizes include one night lodging/2breakfasts at the Inn at Grand Glaize and a .Missouri Afghan. More to be announced at conference. Drawing will be on September 30 at the Missouri FCE State Conference. Tickets are available from all State Offic-ers. Good Luck.

Dr. Rebecca J. Travnichek, Family Financial Education Specialist—Camden County Extension Center will present: SCAMS! It used to be easy to identify fraudulent activities or a scam. Scammers, Internet ac-cess, and advancing technology have made it more difficult to identify scams. Whether it be home repairs, computer phishing, or telephone/cell phone calls, it happens more frequently than con-sumers truly understand. This workshop will help you to report identity theft, identify computer




The 2015-16 4th Grade Essay & Artwork Contest (“Fairness”) 1st place went to Laney Moyer of Ray County in the North West District. All winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & Honorable Mention) received their certificates and money at the local Spring District meetings along with the 1st place winners of the Golden Book Mark Contest (Club-Oak Ridge, SE District; and Individual-Jackie Brandtner, Oak Ridge Club, SE District)

The 2016-17 4th Grade Essay & Artwork Contest is “Caring.” The instructions/guidelines for this contest will be mailed to the county presidents. They will be mailed by the end of August as I have to incorporate any changes the National will make at the National Conference in July and as the instructions will be in the state conference reference book which won’t be receive by September 1 when the contest starts. The following is the schedule for judging: County – January 2; District – February 1; State – March 1; & delivered to National April 15 2017-18 – “Citizenship” 2018-19 – “Trustworthiness” 2019-20 – “Respect” 2020-21 – “Responsibility”

Please send all articles for THE MESSENGER to:

Edna Crain

4030 Hwy DD

Fisk, Missouri 63940

Email: [email protected]

Human Trafficking is one of our projects this year. Our President is asking us to please bring bandanas to Conference this year. We will explain why and what we are to do with them at Conference. Any color is fine.



Vivian Cody

As a whole, the four county group is keeping busy with life and all the activities associated with daily living. The district recently tested Mexican recipes for the Today’s Farmers Magazine. All four counties received copies of the 30 + recipes to review after the testing. The district is looking forward to the magazine coming in our mailboxes later this spring. Most of us are getting into the groove of warmer weather and outdoor activities.

Lincoln County participated in the essay/art contest with 60 plus essays to enjoy reading. We purchased dolls for the 2016 CAD event in Jefferson City. Gently worn clothes have been donated to the area emergency room. Board books are bought and getting processed for delivery to the newborn nursery for the Books for Newborn program. Some of us continue to read. Most of us took to the polls in March and April.

DDistrict Report

District Reports


Greetings from central Missouri. Past Central District Director, Georgia Reid, introduced me in the December issue of the Messenger. I am following in Georgia’s footsteps and so appreciate her help and guidance. Your MAFCE had a productive executive board meeting in Jefferson City on April 6 and 7. These amazing women planned the 2016 State Conference and I hope you consider attending the conference. News of the dates and locations are in this issue.

Child Advocacy Day was very successful with a great crowd of FCE women distributing dolls to legislators in our beautiful Capitol building on April 6. Central District contributed to the success of the day.

Our Central District Spring Fling was held at Columbia Hy-Vee on S-63. We had an inspirational meeting with President Edna presenting a valuable workshop on “Teamwork”. Our afternoon speaker was Tish Johnson, from Columbia’s Extension Office. Tish had a slide show of her travels to South Africa on a cultural exchange program.

Central District clubs stay busy and active. The Hatton and Fulton Clubs listed donations to Head Start, Schools, Faith Maternity Home, Girl’s Town of Missouri, PET, the Youth Expo, Ronald McDon-ald House, Malawi project, and coupons for the mili-tary.

Thank you, Anna Click, for an impressive report and for helping at District meetings. Chariton County’s Taylor Golden Rule continues with their after school program contributions and giving nursery rhyme books to new babies in their area. Pettis County’s Prairie Ridge/Flat Creek club contributes to Sedalia’s Ag-Expo by distributing books to youngsters along with a literacy folder for parents. Meetings are held to work on dolls for child Advocacy Day. Cole County continues their volunteer activities and we want to thank Diana Finnie for her excellent coordination of Child Advocacy Day for MAFCE.

We encourage you to make plans now to gather with “old” friends and meet new FCE friends at the conference at Inn at Grand Glaize to help celebrate 80 years of FCE!


DDistrict Report

District Reports

Montgomery County members successfully organized the spring district meeting on April 29. The group has been working on the programs and activities for this coming year. Dolls have been purchased for CAD event.

St. Charles County has exciting programs planned for the membership to enjoy. The county promoted the essay/art contest. Purchased dolls were sent to the CAD event in Jefferson City in April. One club continues to promote the books for newborn program.

St. Louis County members are now associate members of FCE. The group enjoys receiving the updates of the district.

The water bottle challenge completed at the spring district meeting netted $25.23 for the Coins for Friendship Program.

Have a safe and fun summer. See you at the conference in September.


Gloria Macomer

On April 27, Knox hosted a senior tea for graduating girls, including female relatives with a prom style show, motivational speaker and gifts for the girls. The "Caroline Hartsock Memorial Scholarship" was given to Brie Kite in May from Green Acres FCE. Seven members were present May 15 at the county courthouse for signing of proclamation "Day of the Family." Randolph County presented the 4th grade essay and art awards at two schools in May. Scholarships were awarded to two high school seniors. The High Hopes and Minutewomen clubs had a "Moving On Up” sundae party for 5th grade stu-dents at Westran School. A gardening workshop was co-sponsored with the Randolph County University Extension. Planning is underway for a June international night on Afghanistan. Friendly Neighbors club in Clark County is continuing with several charitable projects. Show-Me Club had an April meeting in Ft. Madison, IA with two members living in Iowa who are no longer able to get out to regular meetings due to health problems. Members from all four counties attended the spring District meeting held in April and hosted by Porter club at Kirkville. Thirty pork recipes were divided between the eight clubs for taste testing and the results reported to Todays Farmer magazine on June 13.

Senator Pearce presents FCE doll to Warrensburg Community Action Agency. Accepting the doll is Sherry Arnett and Melinda of MVCCA



Grace Lehman

Spring District meeting was hosted April 26 amid a rainstorm of “Ark” proportions. In spite of the weather, everyone made it, including our State President, Edna Crain, and her sister. Our entertainment was a Spelling Bee on cooking/food terms and we were all surprised at those we know but can’t spell. Our district essay and artwork winners attended and read their essays. Laney Moyer of Ray County had first in the District and also first on the State level. Ryanna Hatfield, An-drew Count was District second place winner. The district tested egg plant recipes. Andrew, Clay, H arrison and Ray Counties are working on dolls for C A D. Our Fall District meeting will be hosted by Buchanan County. We are looking forward to

cooler weather of fall and our State Conference.

DDistrict Report

District Reports

ANDREW County: Beeler Club repor ts that 4 members were able to attend the Spring District meeting in the rain storm. March program was presented by a prospective member on her 2015 trip to Ireland. In May they went to a plant nursery, then out to lunch. They have made two 6 lb. weighted blankets (while watching the birds??). In June they had a demonstration and talk about her hobby of spinning and knitting with wool from her own lambs. Programs are planned for making corn husk dolls and flower arranging. On another happy note, their long time member, Ethel Bledsoe turned 96 and Marcelene Green, 90. Best wishes to both of these ladies! BUCHANAN County: Number Five Club enjoyed an outing on April 21 with a luncheon at Le Peep Restaurant, and a guided tour of the Walter Cronkite Memorial at Missouri Western State College in St. Joseph. July meeting is the annual Local Achievement and Potluck Dinner with the Number Five 4-H Club. The 4-H members bring their projects for club members to judge and give advice before the county achievement day. CLAY County: Chatter in’ Chics are using lessons from the Hearth Fires and our 2015 Fall District meeting. They include Organic Foods; Afghanistan; Allergies Vs Intolerance; and Ag-ing in Place. Five ladies participated in our outing in May to Weston, MO where they visit-ed the National Silk Art Museum and Weston Historical Museum, then had lunch at the Tin Kitchen. The National Silk Museum featured pictures woven of very fine silk threads so that when you stood back from it, you would think it was a photograph. A lesson about wills and trusts is planned in August.


Kage contr ibuted a B-B-Que Basket for the Hero’s Way silent auction, supplied 40 cake mixes and 25 cans of frosting to a local 4-H to make cakes for holiday dinners, and provided refreshments for the Junior Leaders Trivia Night. Lamplighters sponsored a collection of outdated meats for the Tiger Sanctuary in Ste. Genevieve, provided desserts/snacks for the Mississippi Valley Therapeutic Horsemanship Trail Ride, and planted flowers around the flag pole at the Oak Ridge R-6 Recreational area. Oak Ridge par ticipated in the Elks Chr istmas Giveaway by providing $2,500 worth of clothing items, and have honored members on their retirement, during illness and through the loss of members/family members.

Town and Country beautified the Extension Office grounds by planting flowers and bulbs, hosted numerous parties for Cottonwood Treatment Center and the Parkview State School, plus they celebrated National Cherry Pie Day by going to a restaurant to have Cherry Pie. The clubs gave 50 dolls for Child Advocacy Day, sent 1,000+ Christmas cards and letters to the mili-tary, and sponsored the 4th grade Essay/Art Con-test.

DDistrict Report

District Reports


Jo Ann Hahs

Spring brings beauty with its greenery and flowers. Just like Spring, Southeast District’s programs and projects produced a colorful array of beauty. Beginning on the District level, a New Club Grant, established following the 2015 Fall District Meeting, was granted to the DA Club in Butler County. This grant for $100 is to help provide programs and/or projects, plus gives a complete set of Hearth Fires and a set of flags. A first-time attendee registration scholarship for the National FCE Conference, July 14-17, in Memphis, has been awarded to June Romine. The Spring District Meeting in Ripley County, April 21, provided informational programs on Building Team Work and Stolen People, Stolen Dreams (abuse) and where the District 4th grade Essay/Art Contest Winners were honored and pre-sented their prize money. Butler County’s, Friendly United Neighbors, Show-Me Stars and Crazy Cousins contr ibution to the colorful array included participation in the 30th Ag Expo where 10,000+ visitors attended the two-day event. Members worked the concessions, hospitality room, information booth and served breakfast to the exhibitors. They sponsored the 4th grade Essay/Art Contest where they garnered 47 entries from 3 schools. Plus, they added a new project---making weighted blankets for the autistic. Cape Girardeau County added a hodge-podge of programs and activities. To finance their projects they had pound auctions, garage sales, auctioning of the hostess gift and $1 book sales. Examples of how these funds were used include: Cheerful Country Doers spent hours preparing and donating fabric for the county’s “Love by the Pound” Autism project. In 2016, the county has constructed and delivered 64 weighted blankets, 24 lap pads, and 13 shoulder snakes.

50 year membership


DDistrict Report

District Reports

Perry County’s Brazeau Club was an intricate part of the Brazeau Christmas Walk and the Spring Southeast Missouri Driving Tour. They, along with Farrar, hosted a Chili, Oyster and Clam Chowder fundraiser. The Farrar Club made, tacked and gave baby quilts to charity, plus they have given stripped fabric and a fully constructed blanket to Cape County for their Autism project. The county also participated in the 4th grade Essay/Art Contest.

Ripley County’s Flatwoods and Ponder Boosters had programs on container gardening and area Child Abuse, distributed school kits to the county schools, assembled personal care bags for the Crisis Center and for the Recycled Race, sponsored the 4th grade Essay/Art Contest and prepared funeral dinners in their communities.

Thus, different flowers, colors, and strokes by

different folks make Southeast District a warm, loving place where FCE is truly concerned about its neighbors and shows their communities what FCE is

all about.


Dorene Yearian

The SW District has not met since the May Spring District Meeting. At the last district advisory meeting in April, 2016, the district voted to add a state conference scholarship in addition to the one full scholarship for first timers. This new scholar-ship will be for a full registration for anyone who wants to go to conference. All they have to do is apply and if they are the recipient they will get a check for the full registration at conference. The district has a policy of doing a 50/50 at the fall district meeting with the proceeds going to a worthy cause. This fall 50/50 worthy cause will be decided at the August Advisory Meeting. At the April advisory meeting when informed the SE District gives $100, a set of Hearth Fires, and a flag set to any new club in the district – it was voted the SW would do the same. Laclede County volunteered to do the favors and center pieces for the State Conference. Webster, Greene, & Jasper (Gnosis) are

experiencing sickness and age so they do not have anything to report at this time.


DDistrict Report

District Reports


Are you interested in serving? Remember in MAFCE you are never alone. Others are there to help you in these roles. Other requirements for both positons are to attend board meetings (twice a year). One is held around the time frame of Child Advocacy Day and the other just before state conference. Carpooling is utilized when possible. Mileage, meals, and expenses are paid so there are no out of pocket expenses for you.

Your credentials for either position should be sent ASAP to: Nominating Committee Chair Dorene Yearian P. O. Box 82 Niangua, MO 65713-6579 Phone: 417-473-6579 Email: [email protected]




Elect at the 2016 conference:

President-Elect and Vice President will be elected in 2016 at the conference and will take office as President Elect for 2017 and as President in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

The MAFCE board voted on the following changes and we hope this will help you for your coming elections.

Under Standing Rules: (page 10 in the 2015 Resource and Reference Book)

12. Candidates for State Board Officers

f. A past president, vice president, secretary, treasurer or district director may be elected or appointed to

any office on the state board after one term has elapsed.

According to our By-Laws: The duties of the Vice President are: To serve in the absence of the president in the years there is no president-elect Self explanatory

To serve as chairman of annual conference Actually the planning of the annual conference is planned by the entire state board.

To serve as an aide to the president in all |assigned duties All state board members serve as aides to the president.

To serve as chairman of the educational program committees The educational program committees run everything they do thru the state board.

To serve as chairman of the district meetings The President and the entire board decide the theme and it is discussed in the board meetings.

To serve as chairman of membership All of the board is responsible to get new members, in fact all members of FCE should be responsible to get new MAFCE members. The board discusses ways to get new members.

To serve as chairman of Family Community Leadership At the NAFCE conference, every year there are new FCL programs that we bring back to MO and are presented at conference for our members.

To serve as chairman of Public Policy This is self explanatory.

To serve as chairman of the committee to prepare Education, Leadership and Action dis-plays and reports to national

Usually , the preparation of the reports are prepared by the educational chair and one other person living close by. Beginning in 2014, the states do not have to prepare a display board due to the cost of getting the boards to National conference. At the board meeting, the whole board decides what is sent to NAFCE.


District Directors & Educational Chairman

Central District Director/Home and Community Environment: Mary Beatty

2402 West 11th, Sedalia, MO 65301-2513 660-826-8357 [email protected]

East Central Co-District Director/Health Issues: Vivian Cody 321 Bauer Road, Silex, MO 63377 573-384-5935 [email protected]

East Central Co-District Director: Ramona Irvine 10504 Ponderosa Drive, Foristell, MO 63348-2356 636-463-1931 [email protected]

Northeast District Director/International: Glor ia Macomer RR 1 Box 108, Luray, MO 63453-9760 660-727-3657 [email protected]

Northwest District Director: TBA

Southeast District Director: Jo Ann Hahs 147 Oak Street, Daisy, MO 63743 573-266-3392 [email protected]

Southwest District Director/Youth Education: Dorene Year ian P. O. Box 82, Niangua, MO 65713 417-473-6579 [email protected]


MO FCE Check for conference information and forms.

Scholarship forms for conference are on MAFCE website. Due July 16. Anyone not attending conference in the past is eligible.


Remember our mission: Strengthening individuals, families and communities through continuing education, developing leadership and community action.

Change of address form—PLEASE PRINT

Name___________________________________________________________ Street __________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________State_____________ Zip code 9-digit _______________________________



District_______________________________ Membership # MO_________________________________________


The Messenger


4030 Hwy DD

Fisk, MO 63940

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President: Edna Crain—4030 Hwy DD, Fisk, MO 63940 573-967-3587 [email protected] Term expires 12/31/17

President Elect: Vacant

Vice President: Vacant

Parliamentarian: Karen Walker—321 Hillcrest Drive, Warrensburg, MO 64093-2222 660-429-2425 [email protected] Term expires 12/31/17

Secretary: Georgia Reid—2620 Highway CC, Houstonia, MO 65333

660-568-3577 [email protected] Term expires 12/31/18

Treasurer: June Romine—2501 W. Avondale, Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901-2653 573-785-8794 [email protected] Term expires 12/31/18

UMC Advisor: Dr. Jo Br itt-Rankin—305 Gwynn Hall, Columbia, MO 65211-7700

2016 Missouri FCE Officers

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