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Spring 2006

The Replisome: DNA Replication in E. coli

and Eukaryotes

Scott W. Morrical

Page 2: MMG /BIOC 352

Contact Information

Scott W. MorricalGiven B407656-8260

[email protected]

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Lecture Outline:Overview of DNA Replication Bacterial systems (E. coli) Eukaryotic systems (yeast/human)

The E. coli Replisome Components & sub-assemblies Replisome structure/function Coordination of leading/lagging strand synthesis

The Eukaryotic Replisome Polymerase switching

Okazaki Maturation

Initiation Mechanisms E. coli oriC paradigm Eukaryotic model

Termination Mechanisms Tus-Ter

Fidelity Mechanisms Proofreading Mismatch repair

Processivity Mechanisms:

Structure/Function of Sliding Clamps E. coli -clamp Eukaryotic PCNA

Structure/Function of AAA+ Clamp Loaders E. coli -complex Eukaryotic RFC

Other AAA+ ATPase Machines

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Reference list for this topic:

Ref 1: Johnson, A., and O’Donnell, M. (2005) Cellular DNA replicases: components and

dynamics at the replication fork. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 74, 283-315.

Ref 2: Davey, M.J., Jeruzalmi, D., Kuriyan, J., and O’Donnell, M. (2002) Motors and Switches: AAA+ machines within the replisome. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 3,


Ref 3: Kong, X.P., Onrust, R., O’Donnell. M. and Kuriyan, J. (1992) Three-dimensional structure of the beta subunit of E. coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme: asliding clamp. Cell 69, 425-437.

Ref 4: Krishna. T.S., Kong, X.P., Gary, S., Burgers, P.M., and Kuriyan, J. (1994) Crystal structure of eukaryotic DNA polymerase processivity factor PCNA.

Ref 5: Jeruzalmi, D., O’Donnell, M., and Kuriyan, J. (2001) Crystal structure of theprocessivity clamp loader gamma complex of E. coli DNA polymerase III. Cell


Ref. 6: Bowman, G.D., O’Donnell, M., and Kuriyan, J. (2004) Structural analysis of a eukaryotic sliding DNA clamp-clamp loader complex.

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References (cont’d):

Ref 7: Mendez, A., and Stillman, B. (2003) Perpetuating the double helix: molecularmachines at eukaryotic DNA replication origins. Bioessays 25, 1158-1167.

Ref 8: Neylon, C., Kralicek, A.V., Hill, T.M., and Dixon, N.E. (2005) Replication termination

in Escherichia coli: structure and antihelicase activity of the Tus-Ter complex. Micr. Mol. Biol. Rev. 69, 501-526

Further Reading:

Mammalian DNA mismatch repair.Buermeyer et al. (1999) Annu. Rev. Genet. 33, 533-564.

Role of DNA mismatch repair defects in the pathogenesis of human cancer.Peltomaki (2003) J. Clinical Oncology 21, 1174-1179.

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DNA Chemistry

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A:T or G:CBasepair






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Chemical Inheritance-- DNA Replication

DNA Replication Fork • processive

• 5’ to 3’

• semi-conservative

• semi-discontinuous

• high-fidelity

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E. Coli Chromosome1 unique origin of bi-directional replication

10 polar termination sites

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Replication Progression of E. coli Chromosome


ter sequences




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Replication of Eukaryotic Chromosomes

Many different origins on each chromosome firing simultaneously or in a programmed sequence.

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DNA Replication Fork Major Protein Components:• DNA polymerase holoenzyme(s)

-- polymerase

-- proofreading exonuclease

-- sliding clamp

-- clamp loader complex

• DNA helicase(s)

• Primase

• ssDNA binding protein

• Other accessory factors needed for correct assembly, processive movement, and fidelity.

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Major Components of E. coli Replisome:

PolIII-- DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (Pol III)

DnaG primase

DnaB helicase

SSB-- ssDNA-binding protein

Plus accessory proteins, loading factors

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Replisome Mol.Component Wt.[stoichiometry] Gene (kDa) Function

Pol III holoenzyme 791.5 Dimeric, ATP-dependent, processive polymerase/clamp loader Pol III star 629.1 Dimeric polymerase/clamp loader Core 166.0 Monomeric polymerase/exonuclease [2] dnaE 129.9 5’ --> 3’ DNA polymerase [2] dnaQ 27.5 3’ --> 5’ exonuclease [2] holE 8.6 Stimulates exonuclease / complex 297.1 ATP-dependent clamp loader / [1/2] dnaX 47.5/71.1 ATPase, organizes Pol III star and binds DnaB [1] holA 38.7 Binds clamp ’ [1] holB 36.9 Stator, stimulates ATPase in ATP site 1 [1] holC 16.6 Binds SSB [1] holD 15.2 Connects to clamp loader [2 dimers] dnaN 40.6 Homodimeric processivity sliding clamp

Primase [1] dnaG 65.6 Generates primers for Pol III holoenzyme

DnaB helicase [6] dnaB 52.4 Unwinds duplex DNA 5’ --> 3’ ahead of the replication fork

SSB [4] ssb 18.8 Melts 2o structure in ssDNA, binds clamp loader through

E. coli Replisome Stoichiometries

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E. coli 2 Sliding Clamp

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E. coli Complex-- ATP-dependent clamp loading activity

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Clamp Loading Reaction

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Structural Organization ofPol III Holoenzyme

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DNA Flow in the E. coli Replisome

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Replisome Dynamics

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Replisome in Motion (zoom out)

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Replisome in Motion (zoom in)

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Functional Conservation of Replicase Sub-assemblies

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Eukaryotic Replisome Components

S. cerevisiae (kDa) H. sapiens (kDa) Function and remarks [S. pombe name]

RFCa RFC (277.7)a RFC (314.9)a Pentameric clamp loadera

RFC1 (94.9) p140 (128.2) Binds ATP; phosphorylated RFC2 (39.7) p37 (39.2) Binds ATP RFC3 (38.2) p36 (40.6) Binds ATP RFC4 (36.1) p40 (39.7) Binds ATP RFC5 (39.9) p38 (38.5) Binds ATP or ADP

PCNAa PCNA (28.9) a PCNA (28.7) 87 kDa a Homotrimeric sliding clamp a

Pol a Pol (220.2) a Pol (238.7) a Replicative DNA polymerase a

Pol3 (124.6) p125 (123.6) DNA polymerase, 3'-5' exo, binds PCNA; subunit A [S.p. Pol3]

Pol31 (55.3) p50 (51.3) Structural subunit; subunit B [S.p. Cdc1] Pol32 (40.3) p66 (51.4) Binds PCNA; subunit C [S.p. Cdc27];

binds Pol large subunit — p12 (12.4) Structural, stimulates processivity;

subunit D [S.p. Cdm1]

Pol a Pol (378.7) a Pol (350.3) a Replicative DNA polymerase a

Pol2 (255.7) p261 (261.5) DNA polymerase, 3'-5' exo [S.p. Pol2/cdc20] Dpb2 (78.3) p59 (59.5) Binds polymerase subunit [S.p. Dpb2] Dpb3 (22.7) p17 (17.0) Binds Dpb4 Dpb4 (22.0) p12 (12.3) Present in ISW2/yCHRAC chromatin

remodeling complex [S.p. Dpb4]

Pol a Pol (355.6) a Pol (340.6) a DNA polymerase/primase a

Pol1 (166.8) p180 (165.9) DNA polymerase Pol12 (78.8) p68 (66.0) Structural subunit Pri2 (62.3) p55 (58.8) Interacts tightly with p48 Pri1 (47.7) p48 (49.9) RNA primase catalytic subunit

aInformation concerns a protein complex.

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Eukaryotic Replisome Components (cont’d)

S. cerevisiae (kDa) H. sapiens (kDa) Function and remarks [S. pombe name]

MCM a MCM (605.6) a MCM (535) a Putative 3'-5' replicative helicase a

Mcm2 (98.8) Mcm2 (91.5) Phosphorylated by Dbf4-dependent kinase Mcm3 (107.5) Mcm3 (91.0) Ubiquitinated, acetylated Mcm4 (105.0) Mcm4 (96.6) Helicase with MCM6,7; phosphorylated by CDK;

aka Cdc54 Mcm5 (86.4) Mcm5 (82.3) Aka Cdc46; Bob1 is a mutant form Mcm6 (113.0) Mcm6 (92.3) Helicase with MCM4,7 Mcm7 (94.9) Mcm7 (81.3) Helicase with MCM4,6; ubiquitinated

RPA a RPA (114) a RPA (100.5) a Single-stranded DNA-binding protein a

RPA70 (70.3) RPA70 (70.3) Binds DNA, stimulates Pol RPA30 (29.9) RPA30 (29) Binds RPA70 and 14, phosphorylated RPA14 (13.8) RPA14 (13.5) Binds RPA30

a Information concerns a protein complex.

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Model for Eukaryotic Replisome(Based on E. coli and T4 Phage Models)

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Polymerase Switching During Eukaryotic Lagging Strand Synthesis& Okazaki Maturation via RNaseH1 and Fen1/RTH1

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Okazaki Maturation Involving Helicase Strand Displacement& Flap Endonuclease Activity of Fen1/RTH1

E. coli: RNA primers removed by 5’ --> 3’ exo activity of DNA polymerase I (Pol I). Simultaneous fill-in with DNA (nick translation rxn) leaves nick that is sealed by ligase.

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DNA Replication:

Initiation, Termination, &Fidelity Mechanisms

Scott Morrical

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Initiation of E. coli DNA Replication at oriC-- roles of DnaA Initiator Protein and DnaC Helicase Loader

DnaA-- initiator protein

oriC-- replicator sequence

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Factors Required for Activation of Eukaryotic Origins

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Shameless Speculation About Helicase LoadingMechanisms at Eukaryotic Origins

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Replication Termination:Direction-specific Termination of DNA Replication

by E. coli Tus Protein Bound to a Ter Sequence

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E. Coli Chromosome1 unique origin of bi-directional replication

10 polar termination sites

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Replication Fork Arrest by Correctly Oriented Tus-TerComplex

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Alternative Models for the Direction-Specificity of Fork Arrest by Tus-Ter

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Replication Fidelity Mechanisms:Spont. Error Frequency

Pol 10-4

Pol + exo 10-7

Pol + exo + MMC 10-9 to 10-10

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Single base mismatches-- misincorporation by DNA polymerase,missed by proofreading exonuclease.

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Insertion-deletion loops (IDLs)-- caused by polymerase slippage onrepetitive template, gives rise to Microsatallite Instability (MSI).

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E. coliMethyl-DirectedMismatch RepairSystem

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Eukaryotic Homologs of MutS and MutL

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Heterodimers of Eukaryotic MutS & MutL Homologs

Msh2 Msh3


Msh2 Msh3


Msh2 Msh3


Msh2 Msh6


Msh2 Msh3 Msh4 Msh5


Non-homologoustail removal inrecombinationintermediates

Insertion/deletionloop (IDL)


Repair ofbase-base mismatches

Promotion ofmeiotic crossovers





*Note: This is yeast nomenclature.Mlh1 paralogs have different namesin yeast and humans.

1 b2-4 b

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Sliding Processivity Clampsof DNA Polymerases:

X-ray Structure of-subunit of E. coli DNA Polymerase III

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1. Biochemical studies established that beta is essential for processive DNA synthesis by Pol III.

2. Beta exists as a stable dimer in solution.

3. Beta dimer has no intrinsic affinity for DNA, yet in the presence of gamma complex + ATP, beta dimer forms and extremely stable complex with circular, but not with linear, primed DNA molecules.

4. Proposal by O’Donnell & coworkers: 2 is topologically linked, not thermodynamically bound to DNA, and forms a sliding clamp that tethers Pol III.




2 Pol III core

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Kong, Onrust, O’Donnell, & Kuriyan (1992) “Three-dimensional structure of the betasubunit of E. coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme: a sliding DNA clamp”. Cell 69, 425-37.

2.5Å resolution

Non-crystallographic 2-foldrotational axis of symmetryperpendicular to face of ring and passing through center of hole.

• Highly symmetrical; almost hexagonal symmetry.

• Protomers interact head-to-tail in 2 interfaces on opposite sides of the ring.

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Space-filling Model of Beta Dimer with B-form DNAModeled In

O.D. ≈ 80 Å, I.D. ≈ 35 Å-- easily accommodates B- or A-form (RNA/DNA hybrid) duplex (~25 Å O.D.) without steric repulsions.

Thickness ≈ 34 Å, equal to ~1 full helical repeat of B-form dsDNA.

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Connectivity of Beta Subunit

Green (N-terminus)

light blue



yellow (C-terminus)

• Dimer interfaces are between domains colored green/blue and red/yellow.

• Domains are numbered 1,2,3 and 1’, 2’, 3’ in the two monomers.

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Unexpected Features of the 2 Structure:

1. Internal symmetry.

-- each monomer consists of 3 structural domains of identical chain topology and very similar 3-D structure.

-- this was surprising because there are no internal regions of a.a. sequence homology.

2. Each domain is roughly 2-fold symmetric in architecture, with an outer layer of 2 -sheets providing a scaffold that supports 2 -helices.

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Unexpected Features of the 2 Structure (cont’d):

3. Replication of this motif around a circle (2 subunits x 3 domains/subunit) results in a rigid molecule with 12 -helices lining the inner surface of the ring, and with 6 “seamless” interlocking -sheets forming the outer surface.

4. Symmetry of domains gives rise to highly symmetrical and roughly hexagonal star shape of the dimer.

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60o rotation about dimer axis superimposes domains.

-- different a.a. sequences, but 80% structurally analogous at C’s.

-- hence the approximately hexagonal symmetry.

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Simple Principle Underlying 2 Architecture:

• The 2 outer strands of -sheets in one domain form hydrogen-bonding interactions with corresponding strands in 2 adjacent domains, continued around the circle.

• No distinctions apparent between such -sheet extensions across internal domain boundaries as opposed to intermolecular contacts (i.e. the 2 dimer interfaces also form continuous antiparallel -sheets).

• These interactions lead to a completely closed circle with 6 “seamless” -sheets on the outer surface.

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Spatial Arrangement of -helices Within 2 DimerWith Respect To B-form DNA

(assuming duplex is perpendicular to plane of ring)

1. Each of the 12 -helices has similar tilt w.r.t. the axis of the ring, due to their symmetrical arrangement.

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Spatial Arrangement of -helices Within 2 DimerWith Respect To B-form DNA (Cont’d)(assuming duplex is perpendicular to plane of ring)

2. The axis of each -helix is almost exactly perpendicular to the local direction of the sugar-phosphate backbone.

--> the helices span the major & minor grooves.

--> effectively prevents entry of the protein into either groove, which should facilitate rapid motion along the duplex

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Spatial Arrangement of -helices Within 2 DimerWith Respect To B-form DNA (Cont’d)(assuming duplex is perpendicular to plane of ring)

3. If one a-helix spans the major groove, the one directly across the ring spans the minor groove.

--> damps out variation in interaction energy with sugar-phosphate backbone as the protein moves across the grooves of DNA.

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Electrostatic Potential of 2 Dimer

2 contains 38 Asp, 58 Glu, 24 Lys, 50 Arg, and 14 His residues

--> net charge of -15 to -22

• Highly asymmetric electrostatic field:

-- outer edge and both faces strongly negatively charged, but asymmetric from face-to-face.

-- asymmetry may correctly orient 2 w.r.t. primer terminus, complex, and Pol III core.

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Electrostatic Potential of 2 Dimer (Cont’d)

2 contains 38 Asp, 58 Glu, 24 Lys, 50 Arg, and 14 His residues

--> net charge of -15 to -22

• Inner surface of hole highly positively-charged:

-- favorable interaction with DNA backbone --> “float on electrostatic cloud”.

-- ??? stabilize dimer around DNA, since electrostatic interactions in dimer interface might not withstand repulsive interactions with DNA ???

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Contributions to Stability of Dimer Interface*** Highly Electrostatic ***

1. Continuation, across molecular boundary, of hydrogen-bonded -sheet structure.

--> ≥ 4 strong hydrogen bonds at each of 2 interfaces. (Indistinguishable from continuation of -sheet across interdomain boundaries.)

2. Small hydrophobic core (in white):




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Contributions to Stability of Dimer Interface (Cont’d)*** Highly Electrostatic ***

3. Electrostatics: potential intermolecular ion pairs:

Lys-74 … Arg-96 … Arg-103 … Arg-105

Glu-298 … Glu-300 … Glu-301 … Glu-303 … Glu-304

4. Charge complementarity at each interface: All positively-charged residues from one monomer, all negatively charged from the other.

5. Relatively little surface area is buried upon dimerization, ~8%.

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Conservation of Structure inSliding Processivity Clamps

of DNA Polymerases

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dimer trimer

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Chain Topology of PCNA Monomer

Domain 2

Domain 1

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T4 Gp45 Yeast PCNA

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Superposition of Domain 1 FromT4 Gp45 (red) and Yeast PCNA (yellow)

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Electrostatic Surface Potentials



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All Ring Holes Accommodate B-form dsDNAor RNA/DNA Hybrid Without Steric Hindrance

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P. furiosusPCNA

S. cerevisiaePCNA

E. coliBeta

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Main Chain Hydrogen Bonds Between Strandsat PCNA Subunit Interface

P. furiosus yeast human

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